Freewing F-16 90mm High Performance: Maiden Flight! *Grass Ops* with Adam R

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 27

  • @jcb6713
    @jcb6713 3 года назад +2

    good looking F16...

  • @baaa4698
    @baaa4698 3 года назад +4

    Take this for what it cost ya…
    I’m flying a 6000mah hrb set flush at the front of the ply battery plate. It may be the bobble camera work but to me it looked like your CG was too aft not forward as u commented. Your landing also appeared to prove out my “too aft” idea.

    • @adamrogutich3786
      @adamrogutich3786 3 года назад +3

      Thanks Baaa! After the second flight it had the same characteristics, a little better landing. I’ll be moving it forward on the next one 👍🏻

    • @BDTennessee
      @BDTennessee  3 года назад +3

      Thanks for the reply!

  • @Dukesy
    @Dukesy 2 года назад +2

    looked a bit tail heavy.. awesome machine

  • @JEK134
    @JEK134 3 года назад +2

    Where in TN do you fly?

    • @BDTennessee
      @BDTennessee  3 года назад

      East Tennessee

    • @BDTennessee
      @BDTennessee  3 года назад

      @@JEK134 i heard of there before,cool place!

  • @danielpommella866
    @danielpommella866 2 года назад +1

    I’m about to do the exact same EDF upgrade. Did you also need to upgrade the stock ESC? Cheers!

    • @BDTennessee
      @BDTennessee  2 года назад +1

      If you have the Stock Freewing Blue Heatsink 130amp ESC you dont need to upgrade.Swap the EDF units and send it! :)

    • @danielpommella866
      @danielpommella866 2 года назад +1

      @@BDTennessee Thx!

    • @BDTennessee
      @BDTennessee  2 года назад

      @@danielpommella866 your welcome! Let me know what you think...

  • @DronemanJoeRc
    @DronemanJoeRc 3 года назад +1

    This is one of the hardest birds to land..well or me. what did he break off?

    • @BDTennessee
      @BDTennessee  3 года назад

      Nose cone fell off and broke the Pitot Tube...

    • @DronemanJoeRc
      @DronemanJoeRc 3 года назад +1

      @@BDTennessee yeah that happens I have a few replacements. this bird is tuff to land its gear is so close together it takes skill

    • @phaedradg
      @phaedradg Год назад +1

      I think the problem here was that he approached and landed most of the time at idle. For jets like this, you need to control rate of descent with throttle, and speed with elevator.

  • @rickmoser7695
    @rickmoser7695 Год назад +1

    cg needs to be forward

    • @BDTennessee
      @BDTennessee  Год назад

      Agree! Dialed in by moving forward...

  • @craigschray4486
    @craigschray4486 3 года назад +2

    Never mind the jet... I wanna see those little UMX

  • @omahaairdroneservice7127
    @omahaairdroneservice7127 9 месяцев назад +1


  • @enzok6414
    @enzok6414 3 года назад +1

    I don't have the Freewing F16. So I cant speak about the CG. But if you are not sure about it being tail heavy. Put her in the air and go inverted with the nose 45 degree up. If it's not dropping off at all, then yes you are tail heavy. Learned this from Trim APP.
    BTW if you are not happy with this Freewing F16. Sell it and pick up the E-flite 80mm F16. They are about the same size. I've heard a few people who owns both, saying the E-flite F16 does everything better than the Freewing F16. I personally enjoy my E-flite F16. Use an SMC 8100mah lipo in it. With full ordnance I fly 5m30s. And it will land with 30%.

    • @BDTennessee
      @BDTennessee  3 года назад

      Good info!

    • @hifinsword
      @hifinsword 2 года назад +2

      The inverted CG test is only good for a symmetrical wing airfoil. A flat bottomed wing or a semi-symmetrical wing will still need DOWN elevator trim at a neutral or slightly forward CG when inverted.

    • @BDTennessee
      @BDTennessee  2 года назад +2

      @@hifinsword thanks for added info!