Some good scenes: 36:22: Battery Acid Pie 38:11: POTASSIUM 1:10:13 Queen only plays Mobile Games 2:09:50 potassium 2 2:27:06 Camera picture (Hug) 2:39:28 It's Sussie. 2:56:45 Old trick in the book 3:26:50 Sussie's tail
39:51spamton Now's your chance to be a big shot! Be a big, be a big, bi-ig shot! Now's your chance to be a big shot! Be a big, be a big, bi-i-i-i-i-ig shot! Now's your chance to be a big shot! Be a big, be a big, bi-ig shot! Now's your chance to be a big shot! Be a big, be a big, bi-i-i-i-i-ig shot! 日本語訳 今が大物になるチャンスだ! 大物に! 大物に! おo-o物に! 今が大物になるチャンスだ! bigに! びっぐに! [[B-i-i-i-i-G]]に! ※繰り返し 42:10NOW'S YOUR CHANCE TO BE A wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow Now's your chance to be a big shot! Be a big, be a big, bi-ig shot! Now's your chance to be a big shot! Be a big, be a big, bi-i-i-i-i-ig shot! Now's your chance to be a big shot! Be a big, be a big, bi-ig shot! Now's your chance to be a big shot! Be a big, be a big, bi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i Now's your chance Now's your chance Now's your chance Now's your chance Now's your chance Now's your chance Be a big, be a big, bi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i Now's your chance Now's your chance Now's your chance Now's your chance Now's your chance Now's your chance Be a big, be a big, bi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i 日本語訳 今が大物になるチャンスだ! 大物に! 大物に! おo-o物に! 今がチャソス! 大物ナル! bigに! びっぐに! [[B-i-i-i-i-G]]に! ※繰り返し 今がチャンス! 今がチャンス! 今がチャンス! 今がチャソス! 今gチャnス! いmガちゃソス! 大物に!大物に![[BIG]]二! ※繰り返し
You can't really translate those without losing the whole essence of it. It's mostly the same lines as the English ones, but they're completely botched in terms of reading. For example: changing わたくし(watakushi) to "ワタ94" (ワ=wa, タ=ta, 9=ku, 4=shi) and です(desu) to "death". If you know the English script, you pretty much know what he's saying. The JP translation mostly comes down to nuances that can't be directly translated, and comes across as broken Japanese run through a *really* bad translation program.
Based on what I could gather, it's STILL creepy when you think about it. He seems to have "death" mentioned a lot more in Japanese. 1) The number "94". It's read as "ku-shi (9-4)" here (instead of its usual fashion) for coherence and creepiness. Which I _think_ (don't quote me here) translates to "suffer and die". 2) The character "shi" in its multiple forms. By itself, it translates to "die" or "death" if I remember right. 3) The romanji words "die" and "death".
From what I've heard, Spamton's speech in Japanese is just as disjointed as it is in the game's original English, but in a different way. He constantly switches every other word or syllable between kanji, hiragana, katakana, romaji, and English words that sound like parts of Japanese ones (for example, spelling "daisuki" as "dieすき"). The Japanese characters he uses also alternate between full-width and half-width. So, TL;DR, he's constantly switching between character sets which makes him just as nigh-incomprehensible as he is in English.
I haven't watched yet, but I can tell from the preview slider that she missed the secret boss. --And I know cheeky Ralsei tells you to save one last time to prevent you from backtracking, so she'd have to replay it all over again for it if she didn't keep a copy of her save in a different slot.-- Edit: Nevermind, turns out she did keep a second save!
According to what I read, chapters 3-5 will be released at the same time, at which point they will also start charging for the game, and it "will cost more than Undertale".
It’s the same but in Katakana. In English: Poppup said “Otanjoubi Omedeto” which mean “Happy Birthday” in Japanese. In Japanese: it said “Happii Baasudeii” in Katakana which literally “Happy Birthday” in English.
Nice streams A shame she missed Spamton, but she can’t miss him in the next one Assuming she doesn’t go back before starting A-route Some cute noises were made this stream, very nice
ここでUndertaleのGAME OVER画面とBGM出して来るのほんと好き
It’s a very nice little gift to all the Undertale fans
The fact that she shouts "TOBY!!!" whenever a dog was said to cause an inconvenience proves that Flare's a true Undertale fangirl.
The fact that when Spamton popped up her mind immediately went to Gaster.. yeah this girl's in deep
Some good scenes:
36:22: Battery Acid Pie
1:10:13 Queen only plays Mobile Games
2:09:50 potassium 2
2:27:06 Camera picture (Hug)
2:39:28 It's Sussie.
2:56:45 Old trick in the book
3:26:50 Sussie's tail
Bless you 🙏
(Timestamp)DELTARUNE Chapter 2 をクリア! 続きのストーリーが気になりますね~。
3:32 スタート
4:34 ゲーム開始 🔥「後ろにいる子がノエルだよ」
6:18 🔥「ノエルティーってことは、ミルクティー、ってコト?」
10:05 🔥「使い道ないじゃーん! ごみ買わされたー!」 購入してみた装備が弱かった
13:16 レアなイベントシーンに遭遇し、唐突にゲームオーバーとなる
23:28 バードリーとの会話シーン
25:54 ゲーム内のノエルがネズミ嫌いを克服 🔥「よかったね、ノエル~」
26:17 ノエルティーが気になるフレア
28:37 DELTARUNEで漢字が使われていることについて
29:36 バードリーと戦闘!
30:28 🔥「私の一番大事なものなんだよ! 調子にのるなー」 バードリーが、一番大事なものがノエルだというセリフを読んで
43:29 初めてDELTARUNEを見る人のため、TPの溜め方を説明するフレア
52:54 🔥「12月つながりだからノエルなのかな」 ゲーム内でのDECEMBERの単語を見て
53:52 🔥「なにしてるんだ~!」 スージィ、ラルセイと再会
1:00:08 TPを100%消費する、スージィの回復魔法「ウルイティマヒール」を使ってみたい
1:00:57 予想どおり回復量が少なかった 🔥「わかってたけどー!!」
1:09:19 ノエルが再びクイーンに捕まってしまった
1:11:52 🔥「UNDERTALEのものを揃えてくれたら、2か月くらいは居るよ」
1:13:06 🔥「ランサぁぁぁぁぁ!!」 ランサーが登場!
1:17:08 ドット絵のトリエルがピアノにチューしている
1:20:35 普通の卵をコタツに入れて、孵化するか試したことがあるフレア
1:22:06 DELTARUNEとUNDERTALEの世界の繋がりを考察する
1:28:43 バードリーの短いイベント
1:35:04 ランサーが石になってしまう理由について
1:47:39 🔥「あっ…ハハハハハ」
1:50:12 🔥「えっ…あーそんなぁ!」
1:59:55 マウスホイールと戦闘!
2:03:32 🔥「ワンワン! ワンワン!」 かわいい
2:08:10 🔥「さっきから、スージィばっかりちやほやされてーー!」
2:19:32 ルールノーと再会&戦闘!
2:21:32 🔥「ああああああああ! アヒルちゃんだぁぁぁぁぁ!!」
ルールノーの乗っている船は、Chapter 1でフレアがデザインしたアヒルだった
2:27:04 写真を撮るときにラルセイをハグする
2:28:22 ノエルとスージィのイベントシーン開始
2:28:31 初めて見た人のため、スージィが女の子だということを説明するフレア
2:36:14 🔥「ああああ、バードリー! 空気を読めぇぇ!」
2:37:04 ノエルとバードリーのイベントシーン
2:39:33 🔥「はぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁ!?」 フレアの高音の悲鳴が可愛い
2:44:09 クイーンと再会&戦闘!
2:50:53 🔥「私は弾幕ゲームが苦手だから、アクションゲームと弾幕ゲームは一緒にはできない」 サンズ戦より楽というコメントに対して
2:57:08 クイーン戦、終了&イベントシーン
2:59:25 クイーンのセリフ
3:04:53 クイーンとの戦闘! Raound 1 Fight !
3:07:43 🔥「あー、めっちゃ怒ってる!」 Round 2 Fight !
3:12:01 Round 3 Fight !
3:14:39 ノエルティーを使ってみる 🔥「めっちゃ回復する! ノエルティー強い!」
3:15:25 🔥「ノエルの味がした」
3:23:10 プログラムを実行します
3:23:36 プログラムをキャンセルする
3:25:34 光の世界へ帰還!
3:26:52 スージィのしっぽを探すノエルが可愛い
3:27:49 裏ボスを見つけられなかったので、次回にプレイする予定
3:28:35 別のルートがあるようなので、もう一回、別の配信枠でプレイする
3:29:51 キャッスルタウンに戻る&クイーンと再会
3:32:50 🔥「現実世界のサンズとパピルスにも会いたい」
3:33:54 🔥「あぁっ! 中に入れる!!」 サンズのお店の中に入れるようになってテンションが上がるフレア
3:37:46 🔥「あ、トリエル」 &サンズとトリエルの卵のダジャレ会話が続く
3:45:33 🔥「あれ? 君たち! カップルじゃないか!」
3:50:47 UNDERTALEとDELTARUNEの時間軸を考察する 🔥「DELTARUNEはUNDERTALEの前の物語かと思っていたけどifの世界かもしれない」
4:00:01 ナプスタブルークのBGMのアレンジ♪
4:19:34 🔥「ど、どうした?」 クリスが急に倒れる
4:23:02 🔥「え、なんで!?」
4:30:40 深夜に徘徊するクリス
4:32:16 Chapter 2 クリア! エンドクレジット
4:33:27 裏ボスをやっていないので、今週もしくは来週のどこかで、もう一度 Chapter 2 をプレイしたい
4:36:09 裏でプレイして裏ボスの直前まで進めておく予定
4:36:46 フレアのいつものメッセージ
Thank you
13:20 衝撃の轢き逃げダイナミック!!
Now's your chance to be a big shot!
Be a big, be a big, bi-ig shot!
Now's your chance to be a big shot!
Be a big, be a big, bi-i-i-i-i-ig shot!
Now's your chance to be a big shot!
Be a big, be a big, bi-ig shot!
Now's your chance to be a big shot!
Be a big, be a big, bi-i-i-i-i-ig shot!
大物に! 大物に! おo-o物に!
bigに! びっぐに! [[B-i-i-i-i-G]]に!
wow wow wow wow wow wow wow
wow wow wow wow wow wow wow
Now's your chance to be a big shot!
Be a big, be a big, bi-ig shot!
Now's your chance to be a big shot!
Be a big, be a big, bi-i-i-i-i-ig shot!
Now's your chance to be a big shot!
Be a big, be a big, bi-ig shot!
Now's your chance to be a big shot!
Be a big, be a big, bi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i
Now's your chance Now's your chance
Now's your chance Now's your chance
Now's your chance Now's your chance
Be a big, be a big, bi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i
Now's your chance Now's your chance
Now's your chance Now's your chance
Now's your chance Now's your chance
Be a big, be a big, bi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i
大物に! 大物に! おo-o物に!
今がチャソス! 大物ナル!
bigに! びっぐに! [[B-i-i-i-i-G]]に!
今がチャンス! 今がチャンス! 今がチャンス! 今がチャソス!
今gチャnス! いmガちゃソス!
13:20 トビーフォックス氏の轢き逃げダイナミックでコーヒー吹きました。
1:00:48 ウルティマヒール使ったときに敵が「TPのムダ使いじゃ…?」って言ってるの草
That was my favorite part of the stream. Her reaction to the ultimate healing spell was amazing.
39:22-48:20 Could somebody please clip this moment? And maybe translate Spamton's localized lines if you're really feeling friendly?
You can't really translate those without losing the whole essence of it. It's mostly the same lines as the English ones, but they're completely botched in terms of reading.
For example: changing わたくし(watakushi) to "ワタ94" (ワ=wa, タ=ta, 9=ku, 4=shi) and です(desu) to "death".
If you know the English script, you pretty much know what he's saying. The JP translation mostly comes down to nuances that can't be directly translated, and comes across as broken Japanese run through a *really* bad translation program.
21:21 迫真の演技
Stream full of Flare's blessed laughs
10:01 gomi? gomi!
13:15 Tobdog roadkill !!!
17:16 17:41 18:40 Noel vs mice
21:22 cheese
53:50 Suzie and Ralsei are back
54:18 Suzie healing skill
1:00:57 Suzie healing skill part 2
1:05:38 Mario Party
1:10:20 Mobile gamer Queen
1:10:53 Ralsei?
1:13:03 Lancer
1:17:19 Piano Toriel pun
1:18:44 Suzie healing skill part 3
1:20:28 Tamago
1:28:56 baka baka
1:34:29 "Ralsei" scream
1:47:39 oops
1:50:12 oops 2
1:53:30 Road of Screams (Flare's screams)
1:53:40 1:54:03 1:54:29 Flare screams
1:59:53 ararara
2:03:18 tobdog ride
2:26:17 Ah...
3:18:54 Berdly kusa
3:23:10 ByeByeGenkiDeNe.EXE
3:26:50 Suzie's face
3:54:00 Noel with her papa
3:57:35 Police
4:00:02 Napstablook Remix
4:19:24 yabe
4:22:38 kowai kowai
4:30:42 Flare shocked!
4:32:16 BGM bugged?
P.S. Unfortunately, Flare skipped Spamton's quest... Well, maybe next time!
開始〜 3:32
1:22:38 not a nanosecond of doubt
Flare's voice acting is top tier
I hope the quirkyness and creepiness of Spamton was translated well to Japanese
Spamton will always sound like a [BIG SHOT] in [Language].
Jokes aside, the translation looks even more quirky than the original, at least visually, thanks to the mixing of scripts in the middle of words.
Based on what I could gather, it's STILL creepy when you think about it. He seems to have "death" mentioned a lot more in Japanese.
1) The number "94". It's read as "ku-shi (9-4)" here (instead of its usual fashion) for coherence and creepiness. Which I _think_ (don't quote me here) translates to "suffer and die".
2) The character "shi" in its multiple forms. By itself, it translates to "die" or "death" if I remember right.
3) The romanji words "die" and "death".
From what I've heard, Spamton's speech in Japanese is just as disjointed as it is in the game's original English, but in a different way. He constantly switches every other word or syllable between kanji, hiragana, katakana, romaji, and English words that sound like parts of Japanese ones (for example, spelling "daisuki" as "dieすき"). The Japanese characters he uses also alternate between full-width and half-width. So, TL;DR, he's constantly switching between character sets which makes him just as nigh-incomprehensible as he is in English.
@@PAPride95 I feel like that's even more incomprehensible than the English version
I haven't watched yet, but I can tell from the preview slider that she missed the secret boss.
--And I know cheeky Ralsei tells you to save one last time to prevent you from backtracking, so she'd have to replay it all over again for it if she didn't keep a copy of her save in a different slot.--
Edit: Nevermind, turns out she did keep a second save!
Thank you Flare for the amazing playthrough of DELTARUNE chapter 2.
So excited for chapter 3, when Toby finishes making it.
According to what I read, chapters 3-5 will be released at the same time, at which point they will also start charging for the game, and it "will cost more than Undertale".
@@Tahanok2 nice
39:10 for spamton
Thanks for playing! I hope you decide to see the other route and become a [Big Shot]
I don't speak japanese, but i still watched Flare playing it first lol. It was really fun, im looking forward to your next playthrough!
Let's hope it isn't too long until chapter 3!
~ Thanks for the stream
2:24:08 inu
4:23:30 i left
DELTARUNE Chapter 2 クリアお疲れさまでした
Waiting patiently for the hero who does timestamps with translations in the comments.
3 years until the next chapter... I'm gonna need more POTASIUM
39:26 - a [BIG SHOT] appears
Spamtom suddenly switching into romaji is cool
Thank you for the stream and congratulations on clearing chapter 2
3:33:54 meeting 'him'
I'm very curious how the seemingly altered Toriel pun works in Japanese
"chu" is like a little kiss, so instead of two-toriels playing piano, it's one toriel giving a piano a little smooch
ngl I don't think flare is ready for the genocide route for deltarune chapter 2. its so.. dark
スパムトン戦の曲のBe a big ,Be a bigのところゆびゆびに聞こえてしまう
2:39:30 WHAT
I'm curious what the Pop-up's lines were translated to. I have to assume it's a completely different joke.
It’s the same but in Katakana.
In English: Poppup said “Otanjoubi Omedeto” which mean “Happy Birthday” in Japanese.
In Japanese: it said “Happii Baasudeii” in Katakana which literally “Happy Birthday” in English.
I didn't understand a word.
but this is precious.
Thanks for stream!
Flare's streams are top quality content
Thank you for the stream, Flare! The ending is really interesting, isn't it👀
Jeez, Spamton's speech patterns are even more off-putting in Japanese
Thank you for the stream Nuinui ❤️🔥
Nice streams
A shame she missed Spamton, but she can’t miss him in the next one
Assuming she doesn’t go back before starting A-route
Some cute noises were made this stream, very nice
Make sure to try out the other route where Noelle tells Birdley to chill out.
Great stream, Flare!
Thank You I Love You Flare
Will she fight the secret boss, or do the route?
アnタ、[手作りのショップ]nコ わす れテマス?
This game has a long way to go...
Snowgrave when