Future and her children have entered Aysen's room uninvited and without knocking so many times, no wonder why Uftade is annoyed now that the door is locked they couldn't just barge in. Uftade is forgetting that the house owner is in fact AYSEN.
Nothing is wrong with Surreya, its just that when people spoil their children by teaching them to be cold and calculating, indiddernt to the feeling and wishes of others, having them believe that others are here sloely to please them, having them believing that what ever and whoever they want at any given tine they are entitled to; there comes a time when inevitably this child will begin to show deviant behaviour, they are referred to psychiatrists who misdiagnose and prescribe meds. Nothing is wrong with Surreya and her brother, (yes they have the same problem) that a heavy dose of tough love would not have cured from early on. They are FEIGNS.
Атифа Все бьют , как паршивую собаку!!!.😂
Фильм, классный, смотрю с удовольствием, огромное спасибо всем❤❤❤
Yuzsuz Atif iyranc gormek istemiyorum dizifen gitsin sinir oluyorum
Future and her children have entered Aysen's room uninvited and without knocking so many times, no wonder why Uftade is annoyed now that the door is locked they couldn't just barge in. Uftade is forgetting that the house owner is in fact AYSEN.
Мамочка,пустилась,в,запои😅😅😅😅😅вот, тебе и,восток, дело тонкое
10:03 😅
Köszönöm szépen.
Следят, друг за другом продают,шантажируют,мстят,,ненавидят😮😮😮😮
Uf Hanim , ajutată șarap a luat- o razna.
Лучше растить дочь без отца чем с таким
Nothing is wrong with Surreya, its just that when people spoil their children by teaching them to be cold and calculating, indiddernt to the feeling and wishes of others, having them believe that others are here sloely to please them, having them believing that what ever and whoever they want at any given tine they are entitled to; there comes a time when inevitably this child will begin to show deviant behaviour, they are referred to psychiatrists who misdiagnose and prescribe meds. Nothing is wrong with Surreya and her brother, (yes they have the same problem) that a heavy dose of tough love would not have cured from early on. They are FEIGNS.
Смотрю,на,тур,, акоментар и,на,русском,,близиться,к,концу,сериал, а смысла, нет,что, одно,мщение,агде,признания😢😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤
Скажите пожалуйста как называется на русском языке сериал
Uftade never loved her husband, but so out to punish any woman who does or the child of any woman who did.
Faith is so handsome
" Малые Дети спать не дают, а большие Жить" .....!!.,.,😢
Айше,это,про,тебя,сладку,ягоду,рвали, вместе,горьку,ягоду,ты,одна,говорят,что,ты,савашем,брошена,аты,оставила,сама❤❤❤❤
Фериде такая глупая доверчивая
لاقت امعن😂😂😂
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