"England Arise" from Posse Comitatus - Episode 66 of the West Wing

  • Опубликовано: 2 дек 2008
  • This is a snippet of the song "England Arise" from "Posse Comitatus" - episode 66 of The West Wing. The name of the episode refers to the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878.
    The Music and lyrics are by Stephen Oliver and are from The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickelby.
    England arise! Join in the chorus!
    It is a new made song you should be singing.
    See in the skies, flutt'ring before us
    what the bright bird of peace is bringing!
    See upon our smiling land
    where the wealths of nations stand
    where prosperity and industry walk
    ever hand in hand.
    Where so many blessings crowd,
    'tis our duty to be proud.
    Up and answer, English Yeoman,
    sing it joyfully aloud.
    Evermore upon our country
    God will pour his rich increase,
    And victorious in war shall be made glorious in peace,
    And victorious in war shall be made glorious in peace.
    See each one do what he can to further God's almighty plan.
    The benificence of heaven help the skilfulness of man.
    Ev'ry garner fill'd with grain, Ev'ry meadow blest with rain:
    Rich and fertile is the golden corn that bear and bears again.
    Where so many blessings crowd,
    'Tis our duty to be proud.
    Up and answer, fellow Britons,
    sing it joyfully aloud.
    Evermore upon our country
    God will pour his rich increase
    And victorious in war shall be made glorious in peace,
    And victorious in war shall be made glorious in peace.

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