Man respect for Hugo on this one, doing all chores everyday without no help I'll get angry for real. He have such patience good guy to never yell at her.
Interesting...shows how important sacrifice, selflessness, team work can make things work with ease even though its difficult...They both did their best.
hugo was real mature compared to rayne, he did all the chores, cooked for her every single day and yet she was still demanding things from him. be like hugo, be patient
Coba di indonesia membuat acara begini, pasti banyak sekali peminatnya , bahkan aku yakin orang indonesia banyak yang akan berhasil dengan tantangan mr beast yg di buatnya...😊
The audacity Rayne had to demand all those things from Hugo and then get angry when he used the bathroom? I get that the stakes are high, but damn. Hope Hugo gets to join another challenge cause he deserves way more than what he got, putting up with her.
Mrbeast ,Could you make a video planting 20 thousand trees in the Brazilian Amazon, but only with native trees and with a lot of variety, for example: each type of tree can only be planted and 1900 seedlings, do you understand?
"To whoever is reading this, may abundance and success flow into your life in ways you never imagined! 🌟 Keep shining and believing-great things are on your way! ✨"
Oh my God I watched this video three months before school started. I was playing and having fun I wish time could go back and take advantage of that time.💔💔
how long could you have stayed in the bunker?
A year
200 days
the trick to winning is not having a family to miss
Stop being in my knockout games@@lag690
@@BlokVerse Do you have any proof of that?
Im so tired of that narrative in every survival video 😅
You have proof for that comment not the sound toxic but the proof is in the pudding
We need to see Chandler, the best member of the crew
Hugo deserves an extra $100K for putting up with Rayne that whole time
Ngl hugo deserves 500k of the 700k given coz he basically carried the challwgne
Bot spotted
Bot, get out
What’s up my fellow Robot? 🤖
Man respect for Hugo on this one, doing all chores everyday without no help I'll get angry for real. He have such patience good guy to never yell at her.
We need chandler back
Hugo is like the guy on the group project who does all the work haha.
Interesting...shows how important sacrifice, selflessness, team work can make things work with ease even though its difficult...They both did their best.
hugo was real mature compared to rayne, he did all the chores, cooked for her every single day and yet she was still demanding things from him. be like hugo, be patient
I miss Chandler and Nolan. They are the best
23:30 he rejects 200k but 10 seconds later says he would leave for 10k 😭😭
4 days*
@@phantom7958or he was maybe just told to say that for more content
@@nato7412 correct
One of the most beautiful words that will remain throughout life is La Ilaha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasulullah
4:14 ,chandler is here guys
Todays Mission... ☠️ 26:48
Hey Mr beast uhhhh it’s illegal to burn money ..
Mr.beast letting money burn is crazy
@@Mcsteve-h7t ?
Yo its Kevin
@@ChumKevin agreed
First time someone didnt leave for family
We want Chandler back
Bring Chandler Back
MrBeast, your challenges are insane! I’m ready for any challenge you throw my way. Let’s do this!
Man I’m learning human quality how to manage family from Hugo. Wow what a man. He is going to have so much good opportunities after this show
why is everyone saying they need chandler , he’s literally in the video 💀
Chandler the only goat here 😭🙏🏿
Coba di indonesia membuat acara begini, pasti banyak sekali peminatnya , bahkan aku yakin orang indonesia banyak yang akan berhasil dengan tantangan mr beast yg di buatnya...😊
Where's Chandler
The audacity Rayne had to demand all those things from Hugo and then get angry when he used the bathroom? I get that the stakes are high, but damn. Hope Hugo gets to join another challenge cause he deserves way more than what he got, putting up with her.
Hugo is a good person.
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
Rayne not being able to cook her own food is making me so mad 😭
As an introvert, this is a win
This is brutal to watch, She 100% relied on him staying to be able to make it. But she didnt ever make him feel appreciated
Hugo is mature and gentle man....
Cz he survived his own attitude & tolerated the girl👏👏🫶
Are you viewing this today?
Bring chandler back
I'm just starting out on RUclips and I hope one day I'll be like Mr. Beast😊❤
For anyone wondering that he’s committing arson on money, it’s prop money, he said this in a previous video
Cheers to Hugo. He has a large heart.
Hugo is a very calm and harworking person
Hugo has every right to become a villain
My videos are better
Hugo Boss
They gotta find people who have no money, so it’s more exciting
Mrbeast ,Could you make a video planting 20 thousand trees in the Brazilian Amazon, but only with native trees and with a lot of variety, for example: each type of tree can only be planted and 1900 seedlings, do you understand?
rayne complaioning it took to long at 98 days when they got 20 seconds left is crazy
Chandler we need u more
"To whoever is reading this, may abundance and success flow into your life in ways you never imagined! 🌟 Keep shining and believing-great things are on your way! ✨"
I really want to join an event like that, it's a golden opportunity to meet Mr. Beast and win, it would really help my family
Hugo lost hella weight 😂😂
Chandler has always been the goat
chandler was the only reason I watch these videos
26:48 hold on…is that FREAKBAIT???
I feel bad for Hugo because he has the worst roommate to deal with for 100 days
This is a pure example of me and my brother😂 1:09
A split or steal on the 100th day would have been devastating 💀
Ryan with them is the most wholesome thing to me
Mr beast owes us 309m cookies
MR Beast"s every video makes me emotional at the end when the winners win ! really it became my favourite channel❤❤😭
3:20 look its chandler!
Chandler needs more screen time 😂
Hugo deserves more, he did all the chores
She doesnt know anythin, she is a lazy lady, she only won because Hugo
Mujhe bhi challenge chahie mister Bisht sar😊😊😊😊😊😊👏
2:14 “your my new favorite person in the world 😍 “
“Your my coolest person down here 😁”
I hate Rayne. She is so demanding and selfish
Thank you for 2 subscribers😊
The voice Mr Beast Secundary Spanish Is Fede Vigevani Amazing!!❤
Ryan Trahans energy so positive
Edit:Mom! Im not gonna do this.
I once dreamed that I was in a Mr. Beast competition, but it was just a dream.
31:37 honestly thought bro was going to turn into the main villian
Oh my God I watched this video three months before school started. I was playing and having fun I wish time could go back and take advantage of that time.💔💔
Hugo deserves more money
I love pewdiepie
give me my cookie.
Chandler the realest one
¿Rayne es la misma persona con el numero 10 en el video "¡Escapa del Laberinto de Rayos Láser y Gana $250,000!" ?
Hugo was the real MVP
The video was great,Jimmy,I hope it appears in more videos,FEDE.
Still waiting for my subscriber cookie
mr beast hired lab rats to be in his videos 😂😂😂
If I could take part in a challenge like this, it could change my life.
Only a MrBeast can do 100 Days in one week (or less).
Rayne was straight up abusive. My poor man Hugo
3:00 woah it's jimmy🥱
Mr beast yaar tum ittna paisa logo ko dete ho hme bhi kuch de do mzze ho jayenge😅😅😅😅😅
Los que aparecen en tus videos deberían de ser elegidos por medio de sorteos, hay muchos que sueñan con esa gran oportunidad ❤
ryan made this video a million times better
Será que se eu comentar aqui , meu comentário é excluído?
MrBeast 😂😂😂I love you video
Ngl Rayne is by far the worst contestant I have ever seen in a Mr. Beast video. Extremely spoiled, demanding, and unhelpful. Tough watch
31:04 чел шарит
1:50 chandler, the best member of the crew
Chandler the only goat here 😢❤
I wonder what next month will bring
1:49 there’s the goat chandler
Next vid: we played hide and seek all across America
Your ability to make learning approachable and engaging is truly impressive. Thank you for creating high-quality content!
what did jimmy do? what did i missed?
why is everyone looking for Chandler? I literally saw him in the vid for at least a few times....