As someone who also experienced this 24/7 for almost a year, I am so glad that you are speaking about this. I would cry every day thinking I was going to go crazy. I felt so alienated from everything and everyone. Thank God for better days. ♥️
@@tonyk8633 2 years? 😞 I just learned that this is what I’ve recently been going through and it’s hell. How have you dealt with this for 2 years? I just want this feeling to go away completely. I just want to be happy
@@dannyphantom3214 right at this exact moment as I’m typing no, I just feel anxious but when my anxiety gets really bad I’ve noticed that that’s when the depersonalization and derealization kicks in
@@jazmin0511 girl me tooo :/ I feel like that rn I feel like l lost my self I know we are strangers but I wanna make a groupchat with people who are dealing with this rn maybe we can cope with it and help each other
i’ve never known how to explain what goes on in my head but this explains it perfectly. i’m just crying right now bc knowing i’m not alone in this feelings relieves so much stress. i’ve never brought this feeling up to my therapist but now that i know more i will and try to get a hold of it. thank u val
Dude thank you so much for this !! I used to think I was crazy😭 a few years back I got high as well and then I woke up feeling normal, but then later that day I felt the weird feeling again of being high/dreaming and it would happen throughout my days for monthsssssss and i always told my cousins and my mom that I felt like I was dreaming but nobody understood so I just tried calming myself down alone but I remember it feeling soooo scary because it literally felt like such a dream and as if everything was fake. I’m so glad that overtime it went away for me, never again smoking weed lol I’m beyond traumatized:( I appreciate you Vale!! This really helped me realize it’s normal and it helps knowing other people including yourself have gone thru this as well
@@lynnsiecovey lmaoo same girl I’m so traumatized Fr and honestly if it’s that bad I would say see one if you think that would make you feel better and if not just try all the tips vale mentioned first!!
I gained so much respect for u from this. I started suffering with this in April and it was so mentally draining. I almost gave up. But with hours of therapy and love and people like u it’s gotten better and I can control it. Thank u so much for talking about this and bringing awareness Vale💗💗💗
I’ve been feeling like this for 6 months and it’s really hard for me to go to school because it gets worst. Especially when I go outside, but thanks to you Valentina I’m learning how to cope with it
i’ve felt this way for a while but it hasn’t been 24/7 it’s usually when im having a mental breakdown or literally when im just watching tv. i always thought it was just me like thinking yk but then i had days where it would creep me out but it doesn’t happen as much now but thank you for these tips i will definitely use them when it happens again !!
just stumbled upon your dream car video in my recommended and was shocked to see this video on your page. i’ve dealt with derealization for a few years now, it comes and goes. the best advice i’ve heard is just to keep living your life and it’s true. it really does go away eventually. it comes in waves and i’ve learned to deal with it a lot better than i used to. best of luck to everyone dealing with this bullshit, you’ll get through it i promise!
This legit started happening to me recently, it’s been about a month now. Being able to read all these comments about peoples experiences and that it gets better literally makes me feel way better. Thank you!
in 2017-2018 i got high for the first time off a wax pen. it was the worst thing ever. i truly regret it. i had the worst high. i wanted to go to the hospital to get it out of my system. till this day. even talking about the experience scares me. or any drugs in general. i literally feel like i’m stuck in my body. like a mini me is in me and i feel trapped. i feel like im gonna get high and i start to get chilly. scared. like im going to pass out. thankfully my bf is really helpful and helps me alot. i hate the feeling of spinning. and the high is what gave me that. like vertigo. hate it. when it happens, it lasts about 5 min max. then i come back to reality
@Destiny Espinoza how did you get thru it if you don’t n mind me asking 🥲 it’s Been 4 days since I smoked, had a horrible panic attack right after and then every day since i been having crippling anxiety, panic attacks, intrusive thoughts
I went through a similar situation 2 years ago but I didn’t know what it was. I think your video just helped me figure that out. I got such a bad high I ended up in the hospital with an anxiety/panic attack. Remind you I never had one before and now I have been anxious ever since. I feel very detached from people, words and things. God has helped me heal and get through many things in my life ❤️
Girlll we went theough the exact same thing😭 my started after a bad trip and i completely stopped smoking/drinking after! i tried twice as well then realized i was traumatized from that experience! so i cut it out! i got close to God and realized its something i can take, i got better, i havent had a panic attack in a long time. i still feel weird at times but DISTRACTION is key!! THANK YOU FOR THIS 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
i’m so glad that you finally made this video 🥺🤍 i enjoy watching all of your lives on ig & all of your posts✨ you’re such a beautiful soul, exactly what this world needs… never change 💘 my sister in law commit suicide in 2018 & i found her & after that i was diagnosed with ptsd & i felt this too, life felt unreal, it always felt like a nightmare & i would touch the flame of candles bc i always felt like i wouldn’t feel it since life felt unreal 😭
I’ve had 2 episodes of derealization before in my life. The first time it happened, it was after leaving the movie theater. It was a relatively short episode but it was so scary and sudden. I literally almost got ran over a car because I just crossed the street without thinking because since it felt like a dream, the concept of death wasn’t real nor a worry. The second time it happened, I woke up from a nap and that time was worse and lasted longer. I felt relief when I googled “I feel like I’m in a dream” and found out that this was a real thing. Thankfully it’s been years since I’ve experienced that, but I feel like I almost have trauma from those two moments. I’m always scared to go to the movies on the off chance it triggers an episode. My heart goes out to people who experience this on a day to day basis because I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. It’s also a very specific feeling you go through that no one would genuinely understand unless you yourself have gone through it
Thanks for sharing love. I had a trip once and i had a hella outer body experience and now i don’t like smoking w people unless i trust them 100% and now when i get anxiety i feel like that. Like i can run in front of a car and be ok or cut myself and not feel pain etc.. so i just make sure to breathe and tell myself I’m alive even though i don’t feel the oxygen going in my lungs.. but it has gotten better w time. Thanks again for sharing 💖✨✨
I thought I was the only one, it feels so bad and I try to ignore it all the time sometimes while its happening I call someone or do something to ignore it cause the feeling of noticing everything around me and thinking it isn't real feels horrible I hate it but thank you for all your advice I love it and will do some of the things you did.
Idk if anyone else's derealization did this but sometimes bc a lot things didn't feel real or i didn't even feel real i would have trouble sleeping bc of how much anxiety it was giving me like i was always doing pretty decent during the day but at night is where most of my episodes happened bc it was just me n those intrusive thoughts.. majority of the time i had around 5-6 hrs of sleep and sometimes even 20-30 mins for around 2 1/2 months bc i just couldn't calm myself down or get out of that state of mind like mine was so bad around night time. i found ways to cope with it tho like listening to music that calms my soul or watching videos that brought me back to realization that i was real and my life is real and that everything was going to be okay, i thank the lord I've been able to get thru those hard times and I've had adequate sleep (8+ hrs) for a month now after finding ways to deal with it i do have those episodes tho here n there but ik I'm progressing thru it and thankfully it doesn't disturb my sleep as much anymore and I'm so proud of myself for that. Thank you for the informative video Valentina it really made me feel even better than i am now about having to deal with this!!
I’ve been dealing with the same thing for the past two months. It’s gotten a bit better but I still don’t have a proper sleep schedule yet and it’s usually hard for me to go to sleep even when I am tired because of the thoughts. Insomnia is no joke. Once a mental illness affects your sleep it makes it a lot harder to recover because sleep is so important. I’ve had really awful nights with constant racing thoughts about how confusing life was and death and so much more. It’s awful but I’m taking it day by day and being less hard on myself.
How did you get better? I have really bad anixety that doesnt allow me to sleep at night and i have intrustive thoughts. Mine was induced by doing a ctscan i regret and fear the worst. Even tho it came out good i went into a panic attack after that i never been same.@janelle9652
I’ve been going through this for a while now, not as bad yours though because I believe mine was caused after an extremely stressful semester of college where I would hardly come out of my room because I was so busy with college work. But yeah it’s a pretty uncomfortable feeling and I’m glad I’ve already improved so much in just a couple of months. I also struggle with anxiety so I get the feelings when I’m usually stressed out about something or anxious.
you’re so sweet and beautiful. i’ve been going through this going on a year now and i am determined to heal. i’m 20 but have had anxiety disorder since i was 15 when i took an edible as well
I been going through anxiety for about 1 year now since this January is we’re it all started but honestly it does get better but sometimes I have good days and sometimes I have bad days but that’s ok that’s part of healing process !!! thank you for sharing this beautiful it means a lot and there’s a lot I can relate too ! Sometimes I get emotional Bc what I went through really traumatized me it’s just my negative thoughts that kinda give me anxiety but it’s not all the time it’s some days now before it would be everyday but I start to realize that every day that goes by you are healing little by little even though one day you can feel really bad that’s still healing everyday is always a new day !!!
@@dannyphantom3214 if you are going through this just know YOU ARE NOT ALONE and just know that TIME HEALS EVERYTHING!!! Even if it doesn’t feel like it. It will pass just be strong and push through and always think positively 🙏🏻🙏🏻💯💪💪💪!!!!.
@@jennifersanchez5374 girl thank god it went away and mine went away tooo after Friday I started to feel like my normal self again only thing rn I can’t sleep good but it went away too :)) never smoking again 😟
Omg I’ve gone through that & yes I thought I was going crazy. I would cry to my husband because I felt weird. I would look in the mirror and felt out of my own body and it would be so hard to explain what I was going through. But I do believe stress had a lot to do a lot & it triggered to me having anxiety/ panic attacks as well. What helped was keeping myself busy , talking to people about it, and reading my bible.
I’m sorry to hear that. It took a few months tbh. But the more you think about it the more it gets to you. I know it sounds dumb but just try not to think about it as much. Find a hobby to get you distracted. Such as going for walks, reading, attending church, talking to friends. Things like that helped me. Especially praying and having a relationship with God.
I used to have this as a kid... I had 3 really vivid ones... one I was about 7 years old, in the first grade.... at school everything just started seeming like a dream and I never could get the teacher to understand. Then I had one at around 10... I woke up from a nap and everything seemed like a dream.... my voice sounded strange, I was walking through the house saying commercial jingles.. I remember yelling, "CAN YOU STAND THE INSANITY!!?" And I also had one as an adult as a result of a bad marijuana trip, and I had the common thought, "Will I even recognize normal if it returns" I also have Deja-Vu when I'm in that state a lot.... And I felt like I'm in a different reality... I would often have thoughts of my distant past like being in Kindergarden and thinking it seemed almost like it wasn't real or in a different reality if that make sense.
I had the WORST panic attack u could ever imagine. I experienced these conditions for a long time after and still have them but now I have ptsd from the panic attack itself. It was so bad when it happened that I literally thought I was disintegrating into the air/ having a heart attack/ being poisoned… all at once… all I knew is that i was dying. 😀
im so sorry, from what I know, depression and sudden change in your life can make you feeling like what you thought about the world was wrong and that it isn’t real.
I remember feeling this way in around fourth grade I believe but it was mostly at home i felt as if everything i was doing was slowed down yk I would be having anxiety bc of that,this one time i had it at school while playing tag and i was like 🧍🏾♂️bc I felt weird as if i was in a tv show or as if my head was inside a tv the sides of my eyes were dark too as if yk when a charge in a movie is shown through his prospective but yeah it has been eight years since then I’m good now..but i now have ibs 😀
YES THE TV THING OMG, first time I got high and everytime after that it feels just like that. Like I'm in a tv and feels so fake like awful and I feel not real
Thanks for the video and for sharing your story it has help me realize I’ll be okay❤️. I also had a bad trip here on weed and I was greening out but I snapped but ever since I haven’t been the same. With god I’ll be okay 🙏🏽
Damn..there have been countless times I have found myself zoned out into a numb-like state for a while simply because I was having trouble grasping what was real and what wasn’t. It’s also been a thing that has happened to me since I was young which I believe was a result of being raised in an abusive and toxic household.
I've been experiencing this lately here and there tho I try to get myself from not feeling that way😭 I remember smoking weed did make started like it opened a portal to all that!
I experience this sometimes and I really thought I was just going insane or dying. I’ve always had depression and social anxiety but this was all new to me. And I would have to touch things around me to even know if life was real. And it was really hard for me because no one around me understood or could really help me.. they’d see me go through it but not know what to do so the lonely feeling made it 10 times worse. I didn’t use medication or anything I just kinda reassured myself and got out of it slowly
this video was incredibly helpful thank you sm gorgeous!! my experience kinda came out of nowhere tho with no bad trip or past trauma which is what scares me a bit more
I’m so glad I’m not the only one ! It happened to me in hs when I was 17 I had smoked also (I had smoked for years an it’s never happened before) but that day I just didn’t feel right I was tripping out and to make it worse I was at a football game 😭 I felt like everyone was looking at me and just knew I was high.. i still felt high the next day too! I did not want to go to school AT ALL! and this lasted probably about a year so it made my last year of hs horrible asf which really makes me sad. But, I thought I was going crazy 😞 to where I was suicidal and depressed bc I didn’t understand wtf was wrong with me. I couldn’t go out in public it freaking sucked. But I’m 24 now and I’m so much better! I still get anxiety here and there which still sucks haha but I know how to handle it a bit better :)
I'm not trying to diagnose myself but there is times where I'm driving and I have this sudden thing where I start thinking, "everything I'm living right now is fake, if I crash right now I'll get in trouble but it won't matter because everything is fake" and it only happens sometimes. I get anxious but I don't have panic attacks or nothing of that sort. So idk, I'm still trying to figure out what that is
I’m easily distracted, so the music in the back being a little loud kind of threw me off the whole video I couldn’t really pay attention, If you could just lower it a little next time porfa :) that would be great. You’re doing amazing!
The first time this happened to me was in the last day of fifth grade. I will always remember that day because of how scary it was. It was the worst feelibg ever i even remember crying and throwing up in the bathroom while shaking. I never told anyone about it since I thought i was the only one who would experience it and I didn’t want people to think that i was crazy. Till this day i still have it but it has gotten better now that im aware of what it is
I’ve been going through this for the past two years and it’s slightly better now but it always gets worse at night or when I try to go to a restaurant at night with friends But it’s soo weird that I’ve never heard about this until I’ve gone through it and it just feels so weird
I truly hate talking about my experience but I do think it’s time. On december 17th 2021 I went over to my friends house after we all got sent home. I asked to hit her cart and about 20 minutes later I was eating cereal and i started tripping real bad. I was running around saying “am I real” “is this real” and my friend finally took me back to my house and I went to sleep for an hour, but I woke back up feeling weird, and like everything was foggy. I was never truly diagnosed but all of my symptoms lead up to this. I was truly scared and I was terrified. But I have people here for me who support and love me. I still deal with it to this day. And I’m still trying to manage it.
I’ve been dealing with derealization on and off for about 3 years now due to an edible . In the beginning it completely sucked but i started to control it in my favor, I also had a phase where I felt unstoppable . Which helped me push myself in a way if that make sense . I was like ok if I don’t feel real then do 30 more minutes in the stair master. Ok if I don’t feel real study for an extra 15min then. Stuff like that and little by little it started helping. I didn’t know what else to do then hit the reverse uno on it 🤣🤣 and hey it helped sooo
I’ve had this for a year and I would panic and play online games and message people for advice or a distraction . And now I have false memory/cheating OCD cuz I feared I did something bad while feeling not real . Mental illness ruined my life and is ruining the only relationship where the person actually cared abt me .
I’m 15, and I tried an edible and I was just listening to music and then I started feeling numb, and like everything is a dream. It started getting worse and worse but I didn’t want to tell my parents because I don’t want them knowing I had weed. After about a month it went away but this week, It came back 🥲. Is this really going to take years to go away?
Mines started from weed also I’ve been experiencing derealization for almost 2 years and it’s so weird and scary and at first I never used to know what was wrong with me
I get nauseous sometimes cause of it , do you have the symptom of like ur hungry but can’t eat like if u were depressed and then after u eat an hour after ur hungry again like ur stomach feels empty
@@alondragonzalez7679 so I feel like sleepy , I experience the feelings of feeling like dizzy like I’m in a dream , anxiety , I can’t focus on things when I’m feeling like that , it’s like I’m dizzy , I feel scared and depressed, and when I’m hungry I eat but it goes away and after I eat I get hungry again
it’s so weird to me because since hs i’ve told my mom the world looks fake or i feel like i’m in gta and she would look at me like i’m crazy…. i finally see like im not alone and recognize what it was because of u🤍
As someone who also experienced this 24/7 for almost a year, I am so glad that you are speaking about this. I would cry every day thinking I was going to go crazy. I felt so alienated from everything and everyone. Thank God for better days. ♥️
It’s been 2 years for me and I’m just like you I cry all the time and pray for it to just go. How did it even get better? I can’t wait for it to go
@@tonyk8633 2 years? 😞 I just learned that this is what I’ve recently been going through and it’s hell. How have you dealt with this for 2 years? I just want this feeling to go away completely. I just want to be happy
@@jazmin0511 ur going through it rn ?
@@dannyphantom3214 right at this exact moment as I’m typing no, I just feel anxious but when my anxiety gets really bad I’ve noticed that that’s when the depersonalization and derealization kicks in
@@jazmin0511 girl me tooo :/ I feel like that rn I feel like l lost my self I know we are strangers but I wanna make a groupchat with people who are dealing with this rn maybe we can cope with it and help each other
i’ve never known how to explain what goes on in my head but this explains it perfectly. i’m just crying right now bc knowing i’m not alone in this feelings relieves so much stress. i’ve never brought this feeling up to my therapist but now that i know more i will and try to get a hold of it. thank u val
Dude thank you so much for this !! I used to think I was crazy😭 a few years back I got high as well and then I woke up feeling normal, but then later that day I felt the weird feeling again of being high/dreaming and it would happen throughout my days for monthsssssss and i always told my cousins and my mom that I felt like I was dreaming but nobody understood so I just tried calming myself down alone but I remember it feeling soooo scary because it literally felt like such a dream and as if everything was fake. I’m so glad that overtime it went away for me, never again smoking weed lol I’m beyond traumatized:( I appreciate you Vale!! This really helped me realize it’s normal and it helps knowing other people including yourself have gone thru this as well
dude yesss !! glad to hear im not alone
how long did it take to go away for u?
@@lynnsiecovey a few months girl😭 I honestly don’t remember the exact number
@@naomimarquez5686 i'm like terrified idk if i should see a doctor ??? Never smoking weed again LMAO😭
@@lynnsiecovey lmaoo same girl I’m so traumatized Fr and honestly if it’s that bad I would say see one if you think that would make you feel better and if not just try all the tips vale mentioned first!!
I gained so much respect for u from this. I started suffering with this in April and it was so mentally draining. I almost gave up. But with hours of therapy and love and people like u it’s gotten better and I can control it. Thank u so much for talking about this and bringing awareness Vale💗💗💗
I’ve been feeling like this for 6 months and it’s really hard for me to go to school because it gets worst. Especially when I go outside, but thanks to you Valentina I’m learning how to cope with it
i’ve felt this way for a while but it hasn’t been 24/7 it’s usually when im having a mental breakdown or literally when im just watching tv. i always thought it was just me like thinking yk but then i had days where it would creep me out but it doesn’t happen as much now but thank you for these tips i will definitely use them when it happens again !!
just stumbled upon your dream car video in my recommended and was shocked to see this video on your page. i’ve dealt with derealization for a few years now, it comes and goes. the best advice i’ve heard is just to keep living your life and it’s true. it really does go away eventually. it comes in waves and i’ve learned to deal with it a lot better than i used to. best of luck to everyone dealing with this bullshit, you’ll get through it i promise!
I’m so proud of how far you came vale !! god will keep blessing you for helping out people that are going thru this ❤️
Damn yall beat me to the first comment 😒
ur smelly
@@DavidLopez-lf8in I respect your opinion I think he is not though
This legit started happening to me recently, it’s been about a month now. Being able to read all these comments about peoples experiences and that it gets better literally makes me feel way better. Thank you!
in 2017-2018 i got high for the first time off a wax pen. it was the worst thing ever. i truly regret it. i had the worst high. i wanted to go to the hospital to get it out of my system. till this day. even talking about the experience scares me. or any drugs in general. i literally feel like i’m stuck in my body. like a mini me is in me and i feel trapped. i feel like im gonna get high and i start to get chilly. scared. like im going to pass out. thankfully my bf is really helpful and helps me alot. i hate the feeling of spinning. and the high is what gave me that. like vertigo. hate it. when it happens, it lasts about 5 min max. then i come back to reality
Omg! I got the same thing, and i get the same thing anytime i smoke. Which is why i dont smoke at all 💀
@@AlanSolizzz i’m actually scared to try again, but i really want to
I’ve been going through a period of bad anxiety and panic attacks right now so I really needed this ❤️ tysm angel
It gets better, I promise ! I’m going through this as well
it getss better i went through it & it goes away ml
@Destiny Espinoza how did you get thru it if you don’t n mind me asking 🥲 it’s Been 4 days since I smoked, had a horrible panic attack right after and then every day since i been having crippling anxiety, panic attacks, intrusive thoughts
The amount of people sharing their stories is crazy. We need more awareness!!
omg thank u sm for this video
Thank you so much for talking about mental health. You are so strong ❤️
I went through a similar situation 2 years ago but I didn’t know what it was. I think your video just helped me figure that out. I got such a bad high I ended up in the hospital with an anxiety/panic attack. Remind you I never had one before and now I have been anxious ever since. I feel very detached from people, words and things. God has helped me heal and get through many things in my life ❤️
thank you vale for sharing this with us
Thank you so much for this video. Please post more about your mental health experiences with anxiety and depression or whatever. It really helps.
I experienced this for months and then it just went away one day! Mine wasn’t caused by anything but I’m so happy to say it’s never happened again!
I relate to everything in this video so much. it feels good to finally be understood thank you Valentina
I love your energy, you seem so sweet and genuine❤️❤️ thank you for posting this girl I’m glad your better now !!
I went thru this as well when I was in HS back in 2017 !! God Bless you Valentina and thank you for sharing your story ☺️☺️
Girlll we went theough the exact same thing😭 my started after a bad trip and i completely stopped smoking/drinking after! i tried twice as well then realized i was traumatized from that experience! so i cut it out! i got close to God and realized its something i can take, i got better, i havent had a panic attack in a long time. i still feel weird at times but DISTRACTION is key!! THANK YOU FOR THIS 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Thanks so much for sharing your story!❤️❤️❤️ God bless you🤍
i’m so glad that you finally made this video 🥺🤍 i enjoy watching all of your lives on ig & all of your posts✨ you’re such a beautiful soul, exactly what this world needs… never change 💘
my sister in law commit suicide in 2018 & i found her & after that i was diagnosed with ptsd & i felt this too, life felt unreal, it always felt like a nightmare & i would touch the flame of candles bc i always felt like i wouldn’t feel it since life felt unreal 😭
Hi Vale I’m glad to see you back on here and thank you for sharing this information
I’ve had 2 episodes of derealization before in my life. The first time it happened, it was after leaving the movie theater. It was a relatively short episode but it was so scary and sudden. I literally almost got ran over a car because I just crossed the street without thinking because since it felt like a dream, the concept of death wasn’t real nor a worry. The second time it happened, I woke up from a nap and that time was worse and lasted longer. I felt relief when I googled “I feel like I’m in a dream” and found out that this was a real thing. Thankfully it’s been years since I’ve experienced that, but I feel like I almost have trauma from those two moments. I’m always scared to go to the movies on the off chance it triggers an episode. My heart goes out to people who experience this on a day to day basis because I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. It’s also a very specific feeling you go through that no one would genuinely understand unless you yourself have gone through it
Thanks for sharing love. I had a trip once and i had a hella outer body experience and now i don’t like smoking w people unless i trust them 100% and now when i get anxiety i feel like that. Like i can run in front of a car and be ok or cut myself and not feel pain etc.. so i just make sure to breathe and tell myself I’m alive even though i don’t feel the oxygen going in my lungs.. but it has gotten better w time.
Thanks again for sharing 💖✨✨
I thought I was the only one, it feels so bad and I try to ignore it all the time sometimes while its happening I call someone or do something to ignore it cause the feeling of noticing everything around me and thinking it isn't real feels horrible I hate it but thank you for all your advice I love it and will do some of the things you did.
Hey are u still experiencing this ?
Idk if anyone else's derealization did this but sometimes bc a lot things didn't feel real or i didn't even feel real i would have trouble sleeping bc of how much anxiety it was giving me like i was always doing pretty decent during the day but at night is where most of my episodes happened bc it was just me n those intrusive thoughts.. majority of the time i had around 5-6 hrs of sleep and sometimes even 20-30 mins for around 2 1/2 months bc i just couldn't calm myself down or get out of that state of mind like mine was so bad around night time. i found ways to cope with it tho like listening to music that calms my soul or watching videos that brought me back to realization that i was real and my life is real and that everything was going to be okay, i thank the lord I've been able to get thru those hard times and I've had adequate sleep (8+ hrs) for a month now after finding ways to deal with it i do have those episodes tho here n there but ik I'm progressing thru it and thankfully it doesn't disturb my sleep as much anymore and I'm so proud of myself for that. Thank you for the informative video Valentina it really made me feel even better than i am now about having to deal with this!!
I’ve been dealing with the same thing for the past two months. It’s gotten a bit better but I still don’t have a proper sleep schedule yet and it’s usually hard for me to go to sleep even when I am tired because of the thoughts. Insomnia is no joke. Once a mental illness affects your sleep it makes it a lot harder to recover because sleep is so important. I’ve had really awful nights with constant racing thoughts about how confusing life was and death and so much more. It’s awful but I’m taking it day by day and being less hard on myself.
How did you get better? I have really bad anixety that doesnt allow me to sleep at night and i have intrustive thoughts. Mine was induced by doing a ctscan i regret and fear the worst. Even tho it came out good i went into a panic attack after that i never been same.@janelle9652
We need more of these videos since the others already got us covered in fun so we need some more serious videos. Thanks for helping the community 👌
i could feel how it’s coming from such a genuine place, thank you for sharing your story for all of us who are scared to 💕
Proud of you love 💛👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
I’ve been going through this for a while now, not as bad yours though because I believe mine was caused after an extremely stressful semester of college where I would hardly come out of my room because I was so busy with college work. But yeah it’s a pretty uncomfortable feeling and I’m glad I’ve already improved so much in just a couple of months. I also struggle with anxiety so I get the feelings when I’m usually stressed out about something or anxious.
this video explains everything! thank you for bringing awareness, you are helping a lot of people💗
So proud of you sis! 🤍
you’re so sweet and beautiful. i’ve been going through this going on a year now and i am determined to heal. i’m 20 but have had anxiety disorder since i was 15 when i took an edible as well
Have you healed ?
Omg thank you so much I will start doing this now because I am 10 to and this started not so long ago but it been going a lot
I been going through anxiety for about 1 year now since this January is we’re it all started but honestly it does get better but sometimes I have good days and sometimes I have bad days but that’s ok that’s part of healing process !!! thank you for sharing this beautiful it means a lot and there’s a lot I can relate too ! Sometimes I get emotional Bc what I went through really traumatized me it’s just my negative thoughts that kinda give me anxiety but it’s not all the time it’s some days now before it would be everyday but I start to realize that every day that goes by you are healing little by little even though one day you can feel really bad that’s still healing everyday is always a new day !!!
Hey are u still struggling with this ?
@@dannyphantom3214 hey! honestly no not really I’m actually healed already I don’t get no-more of the stuffs I was feeling thank god! ❤️❤️🙌
@@dannyphantom3214 if you are going through this just know YOU ARE NOT ALONE and just know that TIME HEALS EVERYTHING!!! Even if it doesn’t feel like it. It will pass just be strong and push through and always think positively 🙏🏻🙏🏻💯💪💪💪!!!!.
@@jennifersanchez5374 girl thank god it went away and mine went away tooo after Friday I started to feel like my normal self again only thing rn I can’t sleep good but it went away too :)) never smoking again 😟
@@dannyphantom3214 you can’t sleep good maybe because your a bit traumatized?? But that will go away to don’t worry 🥰🥰
this made me realize that i never felt derealization until i tried weed at 16. 12 years later i get the feeling whenever i get anxiety attacks
yess me too! i would try to explain it to doctors how i felt and they looked at me as if i was crazy
@@jillelizabeth7282 i give up with doctors. you find more helpful things on social media like this video right here 🙏🏼
I love you for helping me with this by making this video , you helped me understand that I’m not the only one going trough this ❤️
Omg I’ve gone through that & yes I thought I was going crazy. I would cry to my husband because I felt weird. I would look in the mirror and felt out of my own body and it would be so hard to explain what I was going through. But I do believe stress had a lot to do a lot & it triggered to me having anxiety/ panic attacks as well. What helped was keeping myself busy , talking to people about it, and reading my bible.
Have you healed ?
@@DayanaSantos-ff1qt yes I’ve healed :)
How long did it take you to? I’m currently dealing with it almost a month already and it’s so hard every day I try to stay positive
I’m sorry to hear that. It took a few months tbh. But the more you think about it the more it gets to you. I know it sounds dumb but just try not to think about it as much. Find a hobby to get you distracted. Such as going for walks, reading, attending church, talking to friends. Things like that helped me. Especially praying and having a relationship with God.
Yes I’ve been trying every day it’s so hard going through this. I pray every day to be healed from this. Thank you
I used to have this as a kid... I had 3 really vivid ones... one I was about 7 years old, in the first grade.... at school everything just started seeming like a dream and I never could get the teacher to understand. Then I had one at around 10... I woke up from a nap and everything seemed like a dream.... my voice sounded strange, I was walking through the house saying commercial jingles.. I remember yelling, "CAN YOU STAND THE INSANITY!!?" And I also had one as an adult as a result of a bad marijuana trip, and I had the common thought, "Will I even recognize normal if it returns" I also have Deja-Vu when I'm in that state a lot.... And I felt like I'm in a different reality... I would often have thoughts of my distant past like being in Kindergarden and thinking it seemed almost like it wasn't real or in a different reality if that make sense.
YES THE DEJA VU THING it's awful especially when your dealing w derealization/depersonalization it's like a whole simulation and it feels so fake
did it ever go away and did you recognize what it felt like to be normal?
Wow! Thank you for sharing your story!! ❤️
I had the WORST panic attack u could ever imagine. I experienced these conditions for a long time after and still have them but now I have ptsd from the panic attack itself. It was so bad when it happened that I literally thought I was disintegrating into the air/ having a heart attack/ being poisoned… all at once… all I knew is that i was dying. 😀
i feel like the first time i had that feeling was when i lost a friend.
im so sorry, from what I know, depression and sudden change in your life can make you feeling like what you thought about the world was wrong and that it isn’t real.
this video gave me the opportunity to finally breath 😭 thank you 💖💖
You’re truly amazing Valentina❤️ I love you. I pray that one day God gives me the opportunity to meet you🙏🏽
I remember feeling like this I actually forgot how I stoped it but now I have anxiety but glad your doing so much better Val 💓
thank you so much, this is exactly what im going through now and all i want is to get better
more of these videos please! and vlogs !!
I remember feeling this way in around fourth grade I believe but it was mostly at home i felt as if everything i was doing was slowed down yk I would be having anxiety bc of that,this one time i had it at school while playing tag and i was like 🧍🏾♂️bc I felt weird as if i was in a tv show or as if my head was inside a tv the sides of my eyes were dark too as if yk when a charge in a movie is shown through his prospective but yeah it has been eight years since then I’m good now..but i now have ibs 😀
YES THE TV THING OMG, first time I got high and everytime after that it feels just like that. Like I'm in a tv and feels so fake like awful and I feel not real
The exact thing happened to me!
Thanks for the video and for sharing your story it has help me realize I’ll be okay❤️.
I also had a bad trip here on weed and I was greening out but I snapped but ever since I haven’t been the same.
With god I’ll be okay 🙏🏽
Thank you Valentina 🥺you really helped me
Damn..there have been countless times I have found myself zoned out into a numb-like state for a while simply because I was having trouble grasping what was real and what wasn’t. It’s also been a thing that has happened to me since I was young which I believe was a result of being raised in an abusive and toxic household.
I’ve been having a similar experience for about a month now but I didn’t know what it was now I do thanks!
Did you get better?
I've been experiencing this lately here and there tho I try to get myself from not feeling that way😭 I remember smoking weed did make started like it opened a portal to all that!
I experience this sometimes and I really thought I was just going insane or dying. I’ve always had depression and social anxiety but this was all new to me. And I would have to touch things around me to even know if life was real. And it was really hard for me because no one around me understood or could really help me.. they’d see me go through it but not know what to do so the lonely feeling made it 10 times worse. I didn’t use medication or anything I just kinda reassured myself and got out of it slowly
this video was incredibly helpful thank you sm gorgeous!! my experience kinda came out of nowhere tho with no bad trip or past trauma which is what scares me a bit more
I’m so glad I’m not the only one ! It happened to me in hs when I was 17 I had smoked also (I had smoked for years an it’s never happened before) but that day I just didn’t feel right I was tripping out and to make it worse I was at a football game 😭 I felt like everyone was looking at me and just knew I was high.. i still felt high the next day too! I did not want to go to school AT ALL! and this lasted probably about a year so it made my last year of hs horrible asf which really makes me sad. But, I thought I was going crazy 😞 to where I was suicidal and depressed bc I didn’t understand wtf was wrong with me. I couldn’t go out in public it freaking sucked. But I’m 24 now and I’m so much better! I still get anxiety here and there which still sucks haha but I know how to handle it a bit better :)
I'm not trying to diagnose myself but there is times where I'm driving and I have this sudden thing where I start thinking, "everything I'm living right now is fake, if I crash right now I'll get in trouble but it won't matter because everything is fake" and it only happens sometimes. I get anxious but I don't have panic attacks or nothing of that sort. So idk, I'm still trying to figure out what that is
Loved it 💕
I’m easily distracted, so the music in the back being a little loud kind of threw me off the whole video I couldn’t really pay attention, If you could just lower it a little next time porfa :) that would be great. You’re doing amazing!
The first time this happened to me was in the last day of fifth grade. I will always remember that day because of how scary it was. It was the worst feelibg ever i even remember crying and throwing up in the bathroom while shaking. I never told anyone about it since I thought i was the only one who would experience it and I didn’t want people to think that i was crazy. Till this day i still have it but it has gotten better now that im aware of what it is
I’ve been going through this for the past two years and it’s slightly better now but it always gets worse at night or when I try to go to a restaurant at night with friends But it’s soo weird that I’ve never heard about this until I’ve gone through it and it just feels so weird
I truly hate talking about my experience but I do think it’s time. On december 17th 2021 I went over to my friends house after we all got sent home. I asked to hit her cart and about 20 minutes later I was eating cereal and i started tripping real bad. I was running around saying “am I real” “is this real” and my friend finally took me back to my house and I went to sleep for an hour, but I woke back up feeling weird, and like everything was foggy. I was never truly diagnosed but all of my symptoms lead up to this. I was truly scared and I was terrified. But I have people here for me who support and love me. I still deal with it to this day. And I’m still trying to manage it.
thank u valentina. :.
Ily💗thank u for this video :,)
I loveeee youuu
Where are your rings from?!🤩
I’ve been dealing with derealization on and off for about 3 years now due to an edible . In the beginning it completely sucked but i started to control it in my favor, I also had a phase where I felt unstoppable . Which helped me push myself in a way if that make sense . I was like ok if I don’t feel real then do 30 more minutes in the stair master. Ok if I don’t feel real study for an extra 15min then. Stuff like that and little by little it started helping. I didn’t know what else to do then hit the reverse uno on it 🤣🤣 and hey it helped sooo
I EXPERIENCED THIS for like 3 weeks straight, IT WAS THE WORST THING EVER, I thought I was going crazy!
Are you feeling better now
are you any better i’ve felt it for almost 2 weeks now
@@emmavolarevic5411 how are u now
ugh i’m going thru it rn for a week and a half already it’s really bad and i feel so hopeless this sucks i just want my life back
@@dianaaguiniga3754 it would go away trust god
I’ve had this for a year and I would panic and play online games and message people for advice or a distraction . And now I have false memory/cheating OCD cuz I feared I did something bad while feeling not real . Mental illness ruined my life and is ruining the only relationship where the person actually cared abt me .
Girl I’m experiencing right now like really bad I feel like I can’t breathe 😫
I’m 15, and I tried an edible and I was just listening to music and then I started feeling numb, and like everything is a dream. It started getting worse and worse but I didn’t want to tell my parents because I don’t want them knowing I had weed. After about a month it went away but this week, It came back 🥲. Is this really going to take years to go away?
Did you get better do u have tips
Mines started from weed also I’ve been experiencing derealization for almost 2 years and it’s so weird and scary and at first I never used to know what was wrong with me
Was it your first time or you’ve tried it before other time
I am feeling this now I really need help someone please reach out
Hi how are you doing?. Are you feeling better? I know how it feels and if you’re open to talking about it I’m here. You’re strong.
I literally thought I was going insane
girl that happened to me too
I would also try to avoid watching any conspiracy theories that have to do with the simulation theory
Also what if this last your whole life or it can’t
I also experienced this 🥺and it’s the worst . I’m healing slowly but does anybody have the symptom of throwing up ?
I get nauseous sometimes cause of it , do you have the symptom of like ur hungry but can’t eat like if u were depressed and then after u eat an hour after ur hungry again like ur stomach feels empty
@@dannyphantom3214 yess i feel exactly like that !
@@alondragonzalez7679 if you don’t mind how did yours started ? Was it cause of weed too?
@@dannyphantom3214 what do you feel ?
@@alondragonzalez7679 so I feel like sleepy , I experience the feelings of feeling like dizzy like I’m in a dream , anxiety , I can’t focus on things when I’m feeling like that , it’s like I’m dizzy , I feel scared and depressed, and when I’m hungry I eat but it goes away and after I eat I get hungry again
Are u a pisces rising ??
It's demons
I legit feel like this at random times of my day & didn’t know it was a mental illness 🥲 thank you for the tips tho 🤍🤍🤍!!!
love this video it helps to know thati wasnt the only one dealing with this 🤍
the prettiest🤎🤎🤎 i look up to you
it’s so weird to me because since hs i’ve told my mom the world looks fake or i feel like i’m in gta and she would look at me like i’m crazy…. i finally see like im not alone and recognize what it was because of u🤍
that’s the best i can explain it to people cause they look at me like i’m insane ….