John Park's sketchbooks: part 2

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 93

  • @PhdEDEN
    @PhdEDEN 8 лет назад +44

    4:06 okay

    • @milovanovicdrago
      @milovanovicdrago 6 лет назад +1

      well they are bad by his standards prolly because the form isn't quite clear.

  • @Zhinarkos
    @Zhinarkos 10 лет назад +1

    "He is driving his broccoli around." Never thought I'd hear that.
    Amazing stuff. So so inspirational. These sketchbook videos are so addictive!

  • @CaptainWumbo
    @CaptainWumbo 6 лет назад

    The sketchbook interviews you've done on your channel are really special. I've enjoyed them immensely, I wish there were more.

  • @lodaligae
    @lodaligae 10 лет назад +2

    Amazing as always, thanks so much for sharing! So inspirational.

  • @MarkyMarks90
    @MarkyMarks90 10 лет назад

    These are so fun and inspiring to watch. Thanks for sharing!

  • @nickdutton4205
    @nickdutton4205 7 лет назад

    Going to watch through every video on your channel. This has been amazing, thank you!

  • @matttdb
    @matttdb 10 лет назад

    Love these videos, Scott. Really great series. Loving all you do on the channel. Appreciate it!

  • @RobCartwright
    @RobCartwright 9 лет назад +5

    I wish John had a published sketchbook. Much like yourself and Darren Quach, I'm incredibly inspired by his designs.

  • @PaulV3D
    @PaulV3D 10 лет назад +1

    Another great vid from Scott Robertson and John Park!

  • @gnuPirate
    @gnuPirate Год назад

    WOW! What an amazing book, what an amazing channel. The age we live in 0_0 so glad I found this channel!

  • @jhagen22
    @jhagen22 10 лет назад

    Love these sketchbook series!

  • @seothis640
    @seothis640 10 лет назад +44

    I hardly ever get really jealous of another artist but this is just too much. On part one I just thought "Okay so this guy can draw robots. I can learn that". Then it goes on to showing some characters. Then animals. Then I thought "Well at least he's not painting things". Then we get some amazing sketches of real people and some awesome water color work. Damn... Different techniques and pens. It's just unbearable how good this guy is. Totally overwhelming... Thanks for the video btw.

    • @MeDoge351
      @MeDoge351 4 года назад

      Meanwhile i can only design nanobots (dots) XD

  • @Que14kt
    @Que14kt 7 лет назад

    Just seeing this, you guys have opened my eyes to an entirely different aspect of sketching...many, many thanks to you. Hope you have a few new videos out there. I am glad I am not the only one that sketch with a ball point pen...(LOL)...God bless.//Chuck

  • @MrDogfaced
    @MrDogfaced 10 лет назад

    Really great vibes of this video, you guys have a fun understanding and respect. Love to see Khang Le on here, one of my favorite designers. Thanks and keep them coming :).

  • @Muk1R1
    @Muk1R1 10 лет назад +3

    John's sketches are so cool. very inspiring.

  • @AlexDiamantopulo
    @AlexDiamantopulo 3 года назад

    This is awesome!

  • @dugzpearson
    @dugzpearson 8 лет назад +1

    I'd like to thank you for sharing this, not only because its great to see such a inspiring book of work but mainly because for ages i have struggled with using liner pens in my drawing simply i find then too pansie and fragile.. I'm a fast sketcher and attack the drawing quite aggressively, and at times the power of the imagination is bursting to be freed from my mind... then i heard that you were using Biro's ball point pens and i felt such relief i finally got a tool in my fingers that can handle the force flowing down my arm throughtmy hand controlling the Biro with vigor and confident strokes. So your thankfully DogolPeezon

  • @billsonic1036
    @billsonic1036 9 лет назад

    You have talent so much.

  • @stormforge5942
    @stormforge5942 10 лет назад +1

    So inspiring! Thanks for making me pull an all-nighter drawing! :)

  • @Ironwill_Games
    @Ironwill_Games 10 лет назад +7

    Amazing awesome work! So many styles and Techniques that he masters it's almost mind-blowing. But then again... he did had a great teacher! ;)

    • @scottrobertsondesign
      @scottrobertsondesign  10 лет назад +9

      Ha, thanks! It also just takes years of hard work to achieve what John has.

  • @tonyleonard2955
    @tonyleonard2955 10 лет назад +4

    This second installment is as good as the first, and actually great that it was in two halves as there is almost a stand-alone quality to the two parts! Same language perhaps, but two different phases of inspiration perhaps! Good Show!

  • @rodolfolarrea8493
    @rodolfolarrea8493 3 года назад


  • @berzerk4
    @berzerk4 10 лет назад +1

    I would be so happy if you do more of these sketchbook series with artists like Thom Tenery, Mike Yamada, and Ben Mauro.

  • @diabeticamber6596
    @diabeticamber6596 7 лет назад

    Incredibly inspiring.

  • @JoshuaHults
    @JoshuaHults 10 лет назад +4

    The guy driving the broccoli near the end made me chuckle. I like watching other peoples sketches and final products, i can't write music without being inspired by something. There is a switch that if it is in the off position, it takes 10 times longer to come up with an idea and is like fighting against the waves, but if that switch is clicked, i find it much easier to go with the flow rather than fight to get what is in my head down on a track, my mistakes are always my best songs.

  • @sandwich_technology
    @sandwich_technology 10 лет назад

    Hope to see more great sketchbooks like John's!

  • @michalkus5928
    @michalkus5928 10 лет назад

    Really nice!! enjoyed looking at these so much. Park'ssketchbook is some good inspiration-fuel

  • @NarendranNairnarendranrnair
    @NarendranNairnarendranrnair 9 лет назад

    This is so awesome and inspiring, thanks for sharing :D

  • @The416punchaman
    @The416punchaman 9 лет назад

    really awesome video! your comments definitely help understand the thought processes behind the sketches and designs. thanks!!!

  • @katana2665
    @katana2665 Год назад

    Broccoli, who would have guessed? Outstanding thought process.

  • @user-vc5rp7nf8f
    @user-vc5rp7nf8f 9 лет назад +6

    should do more of these sketchbook videos

  • @nelsonmorales8253
    @nelsonmorales8253 10 лет назад

    Great channel!

  • @TheArtofAustenMengler
    @TheArtofAustenMengler 10 лет назад

    Amazing stuff!!

  • @kilerden
    @kilerden 10 лет назад

    Argh, so good! I love the broccoli design process. I should draw way more!!!

  • @Moebius007
    @Moebius007 10 лет назад


  • @Holdsworthands
    @Holdsworthands 10 лет назад

    the way that he use the shadow and light is amazing

  • @MisterHen
    @MisterHen 10 лет назад +1

    Love this!!! My first ever assignment in design school we randomly selected the name of a fruit or vegetable out of a hat and used it as inspiration for a plethora of sketches and renderings. What did I choose? Broccoli!!!

  • @CaCriGuz
    @CaCriGuz 8 лет назад

    Thank you so much !!
    I am full of inspiration :D

  • @hagaiitz
    @hagaiitz 10 лет назад +1

    Haha I actually thought John drawing those kitbash mech straight from imagination with all the lighting. That's relieving :-)

  • @DarkerCry
    @DarkerCry 10 лет назад

    Huh, kitbashing and drawing them is something I never thought about before. Will need to look into kitbashing now.

  • @Jhonartist77
    @Jhonartist77 10 лет назад

    Awesome! :D

  • @saprissa9
    @saprissa9 10 лет назад +1

    Guys should I draw with a pen or do you think it's better if I stick with a pencil. I took Peter Han's CGMA Dynamic Sketching class and I was only a beginner with two years of drawing (yeah I know I am dumb for taking that class with not so much experience). With a pen I feel like I am more focus on what I am drawing than when I am using a pencil.

    • @perferstrategy
      @perferstrategy 10 лет назад +3

      lol dude your not dumb, sometimes its good to take a class and realize to yourself how the classes work, I would've done it, but I am totally not rich to do their classes yet. Draw with both medium, pencil and pen, they both that needs to be worked on. I find that pen teaches you not to make mistakes where as pencil you can erase, but then again I use pencil for shading and tone.

    • @saprissa9
      @saprissa9 10 лет назад

      Peter Parker
      Thank you!

    • @nerdiecake
      @nerdiecake 10 лет назад +1

      You should experiment with both mediums, until you find which one you prefer. Peter's advice was really good, so stick with that, too. I always drew with pencil for a very long time, because my hand was too shaky to draw in pen well. Now I usually draw with pen, because I just find it more fun, and I like how drawing with pen feels.

    • @saprissa9
      @saprissa9 10 лет назад

      Thank you!

    • @nerdiecake
      @nerdiecake 10 лет назад +1

      saprissa9 Absolutely no problem!

  • @sunku260
    @sunku260 3 года назад

    any plans on releasing John's sketchbook as Darren Quach?

  • @mont95611
    @mont95611 10 лет назад

    Hi Scott can u try to do this sketchbooks review with cecil kim ?

  • @archofficial1922
    @archofficial1922 10 лет назад

    Being into flightsims and racing sims, and being into planes and cars, interiors have never been hard for me from a design standpoint.
    When you have to look at gauges all day or operate the machine, you start to get an idea what makes sense and what doesn't.
    Protip: Never put anything visual to the left, right or behind. Ever.
    Backup radios and other misc. things belong there, nothing else usually. Stuff like the wingtip lights on a plane etc. instead of oil temperature, for example. Oil temperature goes in the front definitely. for example.

  • @skgb75
    @skgb75 10 лет назад

    Wow, more of these vids plz. I think I get more out of these sketchbook vids than your other ones. Probably because its two people talking ;)

  • @seriousmax
    @seriousmax 10 лет назад +1

    What is this used for? These kinds of design? Are these robots?

  • @everydaybodybuilding2282
    @everydaybodybuilding2282 8 лет назад +1

    How the hell couldnt you keep your sketchbooks?

  • @cokew25
    @cokew25 10 лет назад +1

    Is this useful for Engineering Design?

    • @scottrobertsondesign
      @scottrobertsondesign  10 лет назад +7

      Sure. Any type of thinking on paper is usually a helpful activity.

  • @tylern2820
    @tylern2820 10 лет назад +2

    The guy sounds like seth green the actor.

  • @ethcules07
    @ethcules07 10 лет назад


  • @ArchHamza
    @ArchHamza 10 лет назад

    hey scott
    how do i join your workshop or classes ?

  • @stormforge5942
    @stormforge5942 10 лет назад

    You should bring on Keith Thompson!

  • @demoncore7275
    @demoncore7275 8 лет назад

    Thumbnails are indeed very useful :)).

  • @Dubb1000
    @Dubb1000 9 лет назад

    Dudes style reminds me of the great Yoji Shinkawa

  • @sijamurkecil
    @sijamurkecil 8 лет назад

    master :")

  • @Yann_Moax
    @Yann_Moax 8 лет назад

    Sorry for the dumb question, but my english is not very good and I don't really get the "tooth" thing about the paper.
    Are you talking about the grain of the paper ? Like a rough texture ?

  • @sephiroth7933
    @sephiroth7933 8 лет назад

    Can you draw steampunk style plz^^?

  • @nwatson65
    @nwatson65 10 лет назад

    Hi. Am new to your Channel so i am about to ask a silly question. Why do you always draw mechs?

  • @Enthcreations
    @Enthcreations 6 лет назад

    U talented

  • @willemdaffo
    @willemdaffo 2 года назад

    Who doesn’t keep their old sketchbooks?

  • @Charles_Bro-son
    @Charles_Bro-son 7 лет назад

    You bet I wanna imagine to sit in those seats :D

  • @Giedris95
    @Giedris95 10 лет назад

    Just out of curiosity how much in debt would going to art center put me in

    • @DarkerCry
      @DarkerCry 10 лет назад

      cgma is fairly inexpensive and is online. Worth taking a look.

    • @Giedris95
      @Giedris95 10 лет назад

      Thanks I'll give it a look

  • @lazaroastudillo6787
    @lazaroastudillo6787 10 лет назад

    looks like some sf3d model concept

  • @sjl1975
    @sjl1975 2 месяца назад

    dude calling god-tier sketches sloppy is just insane

  • @johnnytastetest
    @johnnytastetest 9 лет назад

    It's weird, but I find technical drawings both really impressive and really boring at the same time. I think it's for the same reason I've never liked math: when you're dealing with numbers, angles and geometry, you're also dealing with right and wrong. That's why I like caricatures, because even when you're "wrong," you're still "right."

    • @dfdanfads
      @dfdanfads 9 лет назад +1

      +johnnytastetest I think your theory still applies to "technical drawing"

    • @jimmyyin8572
      @jimmyyin8572 9 лет назад

      +johnnytastetest even the greatest caricature artists understand technical ability, the understand it so well that they can manipulate properly using their technical ability. So it's still right and right.

    • @RoboBoddicker
      @RoboBoddicker 9 лет назад

      +johnnytastetest I kinda get what you're saying, but I don't think it's about "right" and "wrong" so much as the level of detail is pretty much static across the whole drawing, so your eye is constantly being drawn to every tiny nook and cranny and it sorta makes your brain tired. Compare that to, say, a more "impressionistic" drawing (or whatever you want to call the opposite of "technical"), where you have a clear focal point that's rendered with a lot of detail, and the rest of the drawing gets less detailed the further you get from that focal point.
      I still like technical artwork a lot though - it's just easy to overload on it : )

    • @mvunit3
      @mvunit3 9 лет назад

      +johnnytastetest - hehe, that is COMPLETELY the opposite for me. I actually have Math Dyslexia (I can't even do simple math, count back change under pressure, or even read other than inches, a ruler :/ ). But i love drawing details, as well as just contours and the simple. Its the same with the music I love, "Math Metal, Technical Metal genres and Progressive Rock, Jazz/Fusion, but I love melodic music as well.
      But I love drawing organic shapes too, and anatomy, and the female figure. And then a combo of both organic and detailed.

  • @ashpujari4124
    @ashpujari4124 6 лет назад

    I guess you hallucinate too ?

  • @lucindavirgo2385
    @lucindavirgo2385 10 лет назад

    I was the 666th person to like this

  • @dapencilshinobi
    @dapencilshinobi 8 лет назад

    ...."it's honest and pure" ...geez take it easy guys.

  • @kingerlander1404
    @kingerlander1404 7 лет назад

    she's use logic to made this drawings ouro use the imagination?

  • @mvunit3
    @mvunit3 9 лет назад

    John . . .
    You have friends that ask "why do you keep your old sketchbooks"??? They need to be slapped! :p
    Very strange, I MUCH prefer 24lb paper for ball point pens (and tones) than "sketch" paper. Though I am a mechanical pencil kind of guy, and if I could have sheets of larger 24lb paper that would be awesome. I love doing the details and contours.

  • @PaulV3D
    @PaulV3D 10 лет назад +1

    Another great vid from Scott Robertson and John Park!