Many Are Called...….. FEW ARE CHOSEN

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 886

  • @ilovegoddoyou7003
    @ilovegoddoyou7003 3 года назад +725

    Whoever reading this, I pray that God visits your home with Healings, blessings and miracles. Amen.💕

  • @onyeomachinyeremaka6809
    @onyeomachinyeremaka6809 3 года назад +398

    Never get tired of saying THANK YOU GOD because He never get tired of blessings you every day.Amen 💛

  • @VMDvei
    @VMDvei 3 года назад +502

    I'm chosen by Jesus. I believe in Christ since I have been 16. Now I'm 60 years old...

    • @tama3442
      @tama3442 3 года назад +33

      May you keep on believing and may you be blessed by THE ALMIGHTY GOD. ❤️

    • @brianmcmaurice3961
      @brianmcmaurice3961 3 года назад +17

      Victoria keep the good fight of faith you're in the world buh not of the world ,touch not what is unclean and see what God will do according to His choice

    • @sarahproctor4383
      @sarahproctor4383 3 года назад +8

      Amen ❤️

    • @yuyusan9914
      @yuyusan9914 3 года назад +8

      Blessed 60 hope for me2 DearLord
      Please be with us on earth as anywhere in the Universe

    • @evangelistisaack.mantey1087
      @evangelistisaack.mantey1087 3 года назад +14

      Iam 33 yrs and i pray that the good Lord will see me through, because he is my authour and finisher of our faith.🙏

  • @shannettewatson7869
    @shannettewatson7869 3 года назад +228

    Serving the Lord will be the best decision that you will ever make.

  • @ilovegoddoyou7003
    @ilovegoddoyou7003 3 года назад +233

    Your angel is saying to you, Stay strong and believe in miracles. Your blessings are Coming. Claim it with faith. Amen.💕

    • @cavemanhippie8299
      @cavemanhippie8299 3 года назад +4


    • @nischawallace
      @nischawallace 3 года назад +2

      In jesus name amen🙏🏼🙌

    • @christyhernandez4365
      @christyhernandez4365 3 года назад +2

      Amen to God almighty jesus christ cuz hes my father forever more again and again and again cuz he lives for christ jesus lives he lives with in our hearts forever more.amen and amen.

    • @judytorres8415
      @judytorres8415 3 года назад

      In Jesus name "AMEN"

    • @Thephoenix2222
      @Thephoenix2222 3 года назад

      Thank you very much. I claim this for my life. I pray this happens in your life as well. In Jesus name Amen 🙏🏽

  • @kikarenmeyur9766
    @kikarenmeyur9766 3 года назад +220

    I don't know why people dislike God's word ...god is good god is patient God love every one

    • @sticky59
      @sticky59 3 года назад +1

      No ..... this god tried to extinguish mankind with the great flood, he doesn't love everyone. But then at that time there were a few god's knocking around on earth, but I'm assuming that you are referring to YHWH and that god is ENLIL. ENLIL bad god ....ENKI good god : )

    • @miraclesforus2
      @miraclesforus2 3 года назад +8

      Kikaren.. because this is a fallen world and the unsaved..worlders.. primarily love the dark as the Word says.

    • @joywebster2678
      @joywebster2678 3 года назад +5

      Man does not naturally turn to God, this is the point made in this video, we are chosen. Doctrine of election....chosen to be saved. God wants all to love him but due to original sin it is not man's nature.

    • @alicemueller5836
      @alicemueller5836 3 года назад +3

      Yes he does, but they do not love him. They love there sin more. We are living in the last days. Read your Bible it's all in there.

    • @miraclesforus2
      @miraclesforus2 3 года назад +1 is a different spirit and.ultimately, the twain shall never meet. As Jeremiah said..I knew you before you were born.grace us from God. What someone chosed to do with it is another issue. Be blessed in Jesus'mighty name

  • @sphendlovu8171
    @sphendlovu8171 3 года назад +85

    God does not chose those who are qualified but He qualified those He Chose

  • @ceannasai5731
    @ceannasai5731 3 года назад +55

    Jesus is the truth and the only way to the kingdom of heaven ✝️

  • @mosthatedrina
    @mosthatedrina 4 месяца назад +1


  • @Ferrari360Spyder
    @Ferrari360Spyder 3 года назад +93

    I'll never forget this, in 2015 I received the Holy spirit in my room. I was in a bad position in my life dating the wrong woman, fornicating, doing a lot of things that were against God I was very unclean and living for the world. In the book of Matthew it teaches us how to pray... to go into your room and pray Our Father I did that. I started to realize my lifestyle was not of God and I started seeking him. I started by reading the bible and going to church then I started praying. I was in my room one night in 2015 I'll never forget it I was praying I dont remember exactly what I was saying but I was calling out to God for help. My heart started to beat so fast I really taught I was having a heart attack little did I know that was my rebirth in Christ I have been born again God has chosen me when I didnt deserve it, all of this in my own room. Took me out of darkness into his marvelous light if he did it for me he will do it for all. He was so clear with me and said... You are forgiven my son, go take on the world but dont you ever go back to your sins. Going on 5-6yrs of celibacy no porn, no masturbation, and no sex I went my first to be the day I get married. Patiently waiting for my wife, anxiously serving the Lord. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

    • @ngdavid3925
      @ngdavid3925 3 года назад

      Vs.10 'Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your CALLING and ELECTION (being CHOSEN) sure. For if you do these things, you shall never fall.'
      The CALLING is for the soul, and the ELECTION is for the body.
      GOD called our souls out of the darkness into the LIGHT of CHRIST. 2Thes.2:14 1Cor.1:9 Eph.4:4 ; Phil.3:14 ; Rom.8:29-30
      Every Christian has the same CALLING, which is to conform to the IMAGE of CHRIST.
      The ELECTION is about the 1st resurrection of the body. Partakers of this ELECTION must keep the Sanctification of their body at all times. 1Thes.4:4 1Jn.3:1-3 Heb.12:14 Moreover, they are required to present their bodies to the Altar of Fire, as living sacrifices. Rom.12:1 ; 6:16-18
      For this reason the CHOSEN of the LORD should bring forth fruits unto the LORD. Jn.15:16 through the Baptism of FIRE.

    • @mayubblessed2212
      @mayubblessed2212 3 года назад +1

      God bless you
      May you find her

    • @13thdisciple
      @13thdisciple 3 года назад

      She shall come. Your prayer shall be answered. Are you truly ready to be kingdom man, a Godly husband, a good father?

    • @eyeztheenterteina805
      @eyeztheenterteina805 2 года назад +2

      Good things come to those who wait

  • @ErwinNiezing
    @ErwinNiezing 3 года назад +134

    I make mistakes just like everyone else. The Lord knows who I am. That comforts me.

    • @alicemueller5836
      @alicemueller5836 3 года назад +2


    • @nicholaschuma6304
      @nicholaschuma6304 3 года назад +1

      Jesus has called each one of us personally so watch n pray your actions are not justified by what others are doing🙏🙂🙂for the secret place is not a crowded place n the race is yours with Jesus Christ🙏

  • @Shawdowmonarch40
    @Shawdowmonarch40 3 года назад +104

    I pray we all be ready for our lords return

  • @masonharrison7298
    @masonharrison7298 Год назад +2


  • @arondajackson1880
    @arondajackson1880 3 года назад +87

    Father I pray for my light to shine, so that all my see YOU in me!

  • @wakeupnyc718
    @wakeupnyc718 3 года назад +25

    We are a chosen generation. ! Be holy as our Father in Heaven is holy. !

  • @LoveLove-ul8pi
    @LoveLove-ul8pi 3 года назад +71

    People have always told me there was something different about me but I knew it was God but I kept quite . I down played myself to fit in . I always knew I was different. I always heard God say I am going to make your name great . Being different can be very painful because people are jealous of people who are chosen. I love God I don't see how anyone could not Love God . I never understood why people hate other people or set them up do do bad things. Many people through the years have told me I have a excellent spirt and I walk upright even in the worst case situations. When I didn't have food to eat I shared food when I needed a place to stay I prayed for people to gets homes when when I didn't have money I still gave to the poor when people ask me When I was suffering people never knew because I always smiled and encouraged them when people fought me I walked away I always encouraged people and loved people and I always will. 2021 is my year now to walk in my calling.

  • @shannettewatson7869
    @shannettewatson7869 3 года назад +67

    Praise God!! Glory to God. I don't we don't know the the time or hour but what a glorious day that will be. Until then I will continue to magnify, praise, worship and glorify my Father who is in heaven.

    • @alicemueller5836
      @alicemueller5836 3 года назад +2

      We may not know the day or hour, but in the Bible it tells us it's near, and to be ready.

    • @shannettewatson7869
      @shannettewatson7869 3 года назад +1

      @@alicemueller5836 Matthew 24 is our comfort in these trying times.😊😊🙏❤

  • @adamroach7618
    @adamroach7618 3 года назад +45

    This is a wonderful video. The way to show we are chosen is by forgiving in our heart those who hate and mock us. Love defeats evil. The light ALWAYS overcomes the darkness. By doing these things we become unique. I pray for all of you and please pray for me

    • @leesabravo
      @leesabravo 3 года назад +3

      Amen! .. I'll pray for you .

    • @chrisgeorgallis7746
      @chrisgeorgallis7746 3 года назад +2

      I pray for you

    • @kelseymcintosh9033
      @kelseymcintosh9033 3 года назад +2

      Light shall overcome evil for me I shall begin to forgive the hate in me and change :)

    • @LoveLove-ul8pi
      @LoveLove-ul8pi 3 года назад

      In every great story you always herr people speaking about about how they had to forgive someone or somebody about something you always here it.

    • @vhanna7351
      @vhanna7351 3 года назад


  • @drmchillchristianbeats1455
    @drmchillchristianbeats1455 3 года назад +135

    I like the fact that many are called and few are chosen. This is because it gives us the reassurance that we are unique and on this Earth for a SPECIFIC purpose, hence we don't have to fear competition. What we have to do is different from each other, so let's just encourage each other to fulfill our God given purpose instead of bringing each other down 🙏

    • @lovealways2609
      @lovealways2609 3 года назад +7

      ""we are in the the world
      "we are not of this world
      being chosen is an honor
      we are saved by grace
      the grace of God thru Christ

    • @lovealways2609
      @lovealways2609 3 года назад +5

      "it was good that i had been afflicted."
      "in my affliction, i learned of the favor of God."

    • @danielslagle6440
      @danielslagle6440 3 года назад

      Your statement lacks any support from scripture, do you think a belief that is not based on any Scripture is wise?

    • @lovealways2609
      @lovealways2609 3 года назад +6

      It is not about us, it is about him.
      It is all about Jesus.

    • @drmchillchristianbeats1455
      @drmchillchristianbeats1455 3 года назад +5

      @@danielslagle6440 It kind of does. The Bible says we should not envy what our brother has and also strive to work hard. It also says we are the light of the world and the salt of the Earth

  • @stephensfarms7165
    @stephensfarms7165 3 года назад +53

    Following Jesus will cost you maybe more than u want to pay 💰. It is a narrow path to following Christ. 🙏‼️

    • @naz-nazneen886
      @naz-nazneen886 3 года назад +16

      For me, no price is too high to follow Jesus. He died a horrible, painful death for my sinful self. I want & choose heaven.

    • @stephensfarms7165
      @stephensfarms7165 3 года назад +5

      @@naz-nazneen886 Yes I feel the same way. All for Jesus Christ ‼️‼️👍👍

    • @khall4573
      @khall4573 3 года назад +2

      @@naz-nazneen886 Amen!

    • @alicemueller5836
      @alicemueller5836 3 года назад +3

      I know but I am willing, are you? For it may be our life.

    • @stephensfarms7165
      @stephensfarms7165 3 года назад +2

      @@alicemueller5836 oh yes. During a play at church got a rash all over me missed a week a work. Years later in play at church broke my leg 🦵. And years later they said u love your church so much go work there. They laid me off after almost 17 years all because I loved Jesus. After my parents died the Lord blessed me so I retired at 62 after mom and dad died. It’s will cost u to follow Jesus, but after awhile it is much easier to follow him. I give money each month because he has been so good to me.
      You can’t out give God. Blessings to u. Thanks 🙏. I would die for Jesus ‼️‼️‼️

  • @stayhappylittlemermaid
    @stayhappylittlemermaid 3 года назад +42

    you are strong. you are capable of going through anything. all you really have to do is believe, that is the key.

    • @NinaR1738
      @NinaR1738 3 года назад +2

      I couldn’t do it alone. When I gave it to God and had Him lead me, man it all go so much easier. It’s tough still, but I am confident in my future and my purpose (even if everything seems like it’s crumbling).

    • @guitarfuckinrocks
      @guitarfuckinrocks 3 года назад

      And not commit horrific sins.. I believe that even if one repents, true acts of villainy eliminate ones chance of entering gods kingdom

    • @alicemueller5836
      @alicemueller5836 3 года назад +2

      Believe and do his works, for just believing is not enough. Read your Bible, for everyone that says Lord Lord will not go to heaven. But the one that does his will.

    • @Purpleflower7777
      @Purpleflower7777 3 года назад

      @@alicemueller5836 Thanks You! Belief without work is dead we have to have both. I believed in him my whole life but I wasn’t living according to His plan for me but of this world temporary pleasure.
      Now I believe and walking in truth and Righteousness. If people just believe I call that lukewarm and we know what Abba Father says about lukewarm.

  • @paintedwarrior516
    @paintedwarrior516 3 года назад +38

    I've known from a very young age that God is real. I spent too much time running from Him. Things that happened to me effected my self esteem and I didn't feel like I was good enough for God to love me, I couldn't trust Him. Now I know that wasn't true and that He loves me even though I don't deserve His love, I have learned to accept His love and I'm learning how to love Him back

    • @nicholaschuma6304
      @nicholaschuma6304 3 года назад

      He loves Himself back through His power in us🙂🙂

    • @TheProdigalSon777
      @TheProdigalSon777 5 месяцев назад +1

      AMEN and I can’t tell you how much that relates to me, my life and my walk getting to know the Lord Jesus Christ now in my life, because I tried to run from the Lord for years when I was younger, but now I am praying the HE never takes HIS HOLY SPIRIT, FORGIVENESS, GRACE, LOVE, MERCY, SALVATION, etc. away from me!!!!!!!

  • @debbiejackson4624
    @debbiejackson4624 3 года назад +19

    I am fixing to be 67. He has kept me and always been faithful even when I wasn't. I thank him so much for never leaving me nor forsaking me. We are facing a time like no other has been before and the bible is solid truth. Many today have either forgotten it is or don't know. We must speak that which is truth so they will hear and point to the one who died paying for all sin and rose again as the only answer. None other answer is.

  • @Cottoncandy13-f5v
    @Cottoncandy13-f5v 9 месяцев назад +1

    Amen appa ! Thank you Jesus that 'm chosen to do his will.I realized this many times because jesus showed many visions about this.I am 13 years old now.

  • @strongbelieveroftheholybible
    @strongbelieveroftheholybible 3 года назад +50

    I'm not worthy, but I love serving the LORD🙏🏼❤️🕊

    • @alicemueller5836
      @alicemueller5836 3 года назад +2


    • @Purpleflower7777
      @Purpleflower7777 3 года назад +6

      Stop saying that if you’re chosen that mean our Heavenly Father know your worth and He create you especially for His kingdom as long as you’re walking in Love truth justice and Righteousness kindness forgiveness meekness humbleness etc etc. The scriptures says he loves us we have to walk the narrow path of Righteousness in our daily lives.

    • @dennismclaurin1487
      @dennismclaurin1487 Год назад +1

      One thing's for sure, we're worthy to be judged, despised, and hated by the world

    • @strongbelieveroftheholybible
      @strongbelieveroftheholybible Год назад

      @@dennismclaurin1487 Amen

  • @gwendolynsmith6210
    @gwendolynsmith6210 3 года назад +28

    Many are called, few are chosen. HE chooses whom HE pleases. We are human. We make mistakes like anyone else. There is not one righteous among us. You have a choice, to answer the call or not.

    • @donaldcoleman514
      @donaldcoleman514 2 года назад +1

      and according to the bible he chose Israel and none else

    • @dennismclaurin1487
      @dennismclaurin1487 Год назад

      @@donaldcoleman514 The outcasts of Israel >Ps.147:2 are the chosen people, described in 1COR.1:26-28
      (+ Rom.9:27; 11:5; Rom.9:6-8)
      Although Israel be as the sand of the sea( days of the lives of the wicked) ,it is the remnant ( chosen ones) who will be saved ( delivered from the wrath to come)

  • @shannettewatson7869
    @shannettewatson7869 3 года назад +47

    We are wonderfully made in God's images. It is not what others say about you. Its about what God says about you. You are loved and cared by the Most High God. You are never alone. Your special, marvelous, unique despite your flaws, mistakes. You may be have fallen, failed, disobeyed. But know that God is your Prince Of Peace. God is forgiving, understanding, caring. Turn to God and surrender everything to our Lord And Saviour.🙏🙏🙏❤❤💞💞

    • @wildbutterflycj
      @wildbutterflycj 3 года назад


    • @krystaljoi07
      @krystaljoi07 3 года назад

      Beautifully spoken 🙏🏽

    • @Lolafied77
      @Lolafied77 3 года назад

      That was great until the surrender part. You dont surrender everything to God! I know u dont! Stop telling people to do what you wont do. And by the way that's not really biblical. In Love I tell you the truth. Read my posts on here. The only way to a HOLY GOD is to believe on the Son of God Jesus ! HE WAS THE PERFECT AND ONLY SACRIFICE FOR YOUR SINS, THERE IS NO OTHER WAY

    • @pinkbubbles6784
      @pinkbubbles6784 3 года назад +1

      @@Lolafied77 u don't have to yell in the comment section there is no harm of saying that we must surrender everything to God it even mentions that in the bible u would know that as well also u don't have to be rude it is her opinion and she is right just accept that why u coming here full of hatred and negativity keep the comment section full of positivity

    • @shannettewatson7869
      @shannettewatson7869 3 года назад

      @@Lolafied77 I will give a little testimony about myself. I see a lot of people saying we are saved by grace. I hear alot of people saying the same thing. We must play our part so that God can play his part. I was like others saying oh we are saved by grace. I was fornicating, lying, committing adultry, gossiping, having resentment in my heart. I didn't care about what I was doing because at a tender age I was molested at the age of 3 and my mom let it happened to me at the age of 12. So I was looking for love in the wrong places. I didn't care for anyone or myself. I was Praising and worshiping not repenting for what i was doing and I felt God's wrath came upon me. He showed me if I did not stop what I was doing I would end up in hell, there was another occasion. I wasn't feeling the fire for God no more and when I was being prayed over I literally kid you not I had 7 spirit inside of me my step mom was so scared she told me. And when they started to pray over me. A voice talk to my father and told him all is well with your daughter sin no more. So when i hear others talk about grace without repentance it baffles me because of what i been through i was stripped and God put me back into place. I got signs but because of my disobedience I was always running. God lets us do what we want for a time being but know the wrath of God is nothing to play with. Do not abuse grace just because you know it is there. God saved me many times even through my disobedience that is why I will not play with God's grace have a wonderful and blessed day. I have so many events that took place with me. I tried to make it short. Repent, love, obey, keep God's commadments and word, pray without ceasing and pray fervently and steadfastly.❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @doreensmith6793
    @doreensmith6793 3 года назад +13

    .......asking Holy Spirit that you guide my steps. Gods word, his armour, and prayer are the weapons we have been given, to face worldly things.
    I put my trust in the Lord and in his power. Walking by faith, in Jesus mighty name, Amen

  • @normamay8020
    @normamay8020 Год назад +1

    Father God help me and my family to bare good fruits .Strengthen my heart and soul to do your mighty will.🙏🏾

  • @ToyaWilson-o9w
    @ToyaWilson-o9w 8 месяцев назад +1

    Amen I’m not of the world 🌎 I’m chosen one of the living God

  • @jogger949
    @jogger949 3 года назад +11

    When I was four or five, I used to make little cribs for the baby Jesus and decorated them with the holy cross. For me, Jesus has always been there even when I ignored him in teenage years. He's a constant friend.

  • @TenishaSWinn
    @TenishaSWinn 3 года назад +11

    I thank on you Father GOD for I AM chosen!!!!! I will continue to give you all glory and all honor and praise Father.....continue to ignite in me a fire to draw closer to you.....In JESUS name AMEN!!!!!

  • @breakbreadron
    @breakbreadron 3 года назад +53

    Felt the presence of the Lord. I am not the same person 2 years ago... thank you Jesus Christ for choosing me!! 🙏🏽

    • @lashondarochell7584
      @lashondarochell7584 3 года назад +1

      Hallelujah 🙏 Glory Be To God Walking with GOD is the best decision of my LIFE

  • @shanequaharkless822
    @shanequaharkless822 3 года назад +21


  • @achandler6583
    @achandler6583 3 года назад +8

    I couldn't qualify,
    But christ qualifyed me

  • @adaywithaleks6556
    @adaywithaleks6556 3 года назад +20

    God bless my brothers and sisters in Christ, who endure and stay strong in his name. "The one who conquers will be clothed thus in white garments, and I will never blot his name out of the book of life. I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels." Revelation3:5 Thank you Jesus🕊🙏🙌👏

  • @maltimarkan6178
    @maltimarkan6178 4 месяца назад

    Thank you dear Lord for choosing me. I'm honoured. I will faithfully serve you ❤

  • @maranatha8768
    @maranatha8768 3 года назад +9


  • @Yahshuaismyeverything
    @Yahshuaismyeverything 3 года назад +6

    I’m chosen and I Love God

  • @auroralintautkus799
    @auroralintautkus799 Год назад

    I was lost , now I’ve been found. I was called by God, now I am chosen. Praise Lord ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @michoofficial3946
    @michoofficial3946 9 месяцев назад +1

    Glory to our Lord and Saviour

  • @anthonyspangler1495
    @anthonyspangler1495 2 года назад +3


  • @LawrenceSsuna
    @LawrenceSsuna Месяц назад

    Amen 🙏 may me home be blessed and healed by the grace of God in Jesus christ mighty name

  • @Drgarrett23
    @Drgarrett23 3 года назад +24

    Always on time 🙌🏾💜

  • @adlihkristopher7324
    @adlihkristopher7324 3 года назад +15

    Amen greater is he that's in me than he that's in the world 🌏🙏

  • @healingchannel1885
    @healingchannel1885 3 года назад +9

    To be faithful up to the end means to be chosen. And if somebody falled away let him return and become faithful for ever.

  • @derekwhite5068
    @derekwhite5068 3 года назад +7

    God is faithful indeed. He is my everything and only thing 🙏🏿

  • @Jaxystan
    @Jaxystan Год назад

    Thank you God. I love you so much God. Amen❤❤

  • @frankcanary2341
    @frankcanary2341 3 года назад +16

    Many think they are saved but their actions say they are not living in priesthood.

  • @TheDarkness1
    @TheDarkness1 3 года назад +16

    The Awakening
    Light switch goes on, opens your eyes
    Seeing through deception and lies
    Searching through past, only to find
    Vision is fixed, no longer blind
    Sift through past, sift through pain
    Living every moment over again
    Understanding why everything went wrong
    Healing the hurt, moving along
    Everything happens for a reason
    Keep moving on and get through the season
    Like a caterpillar going into cocoon
    Emerges a butterfly, shoots for the moon
    Understand that not everything lasts
    Don't waste time living in past
    Live in the present, internal wealth
    As your future will take care of itself
    Shine your light brighter for the world to see
    Raising vibrations, feeling free
    If this happens to you, don't shut it out
    Have faith even through ridden in doubt
    For a short time your world will be frozen
    Many are called, but few are chosen

    • @taylorpresley9887
      @taylorpresley9887 3 года назад +3


    • @TheDarkness1
      @TheDarkness1 3 года назад +1

      @@busybee2033 Eventually it could be I suppose.

    • @TheDarkness1
      @TheDarkness1 3 года назад +2

      @@busybee2033 I kinda write most everything in a similar format. I'd love for some of these to be made into songs.
      Second Coming
      Sky splits open, flames erupt
      Judgement day for the corrupt
      Those men will hide themselves from God
      In fear of righteousness and iron rod
      All shall get their house in order
      Or be led like lambs to slaughter
      For when he returns, he will not be a lamb
      But a wolf judging and condemning the damned
      Arriving in a clash of lightning and thunder
      Casting down the sons of plunder
      Cannot run, cannot hide
      He sees your soul inside
      A pure righteous soul has been sent
      Time to bow down, time to repent
      The sun creates fire in his eyes
      Judging your plight, judging your lies
      Feel the earth shake, stars fall from the sky
      Lost souls will fear the cry
      He returns as a mighty king
      Feel his wrath, feel his sting
      As for this time, no crown of thorns
      Coming to teach and adorn
      The meek shall inherit the earth
      Bringing a planet of new birth
      Tearing down a broken system
      Into a lake of fire if you give resistance
      When you face him, what will you say?
      Where will you be on judgement day?

    • @TheDarkness1
      @TheDarkness1 3 года назад +2

      @@busybee2033 That would be pretty awesome. I can drum it, if someone puts a tune to it.
      The Darkness
      The Darkness peers inside your soul
      Drags you down a rabbit hole
      You kick, and claw, and scratch, and fight
      Resist the journey with all your might
      Dig up the shame you've been covering
      Try to wash away your suffering
      Bring it to surface, set it free
      Begging to get up off of your knees
      Sick of the struggle, tired of the pain
      The feeling you are going insane
      Unable to reason, unable to cope
      Drags you down to the end of your rope
      Seeing the monster in the mirror
      You try to scare away your fear
      On the verge of another anxiety attack
      It goes away, but always comes back
      You get down on your knees and pray
      Plead with the darkness to go away
      Nothing left to keep up the fight
      The Darkness will always show you the light

  • @toyawilson5398
    @toyawilson5398 3 года назад +14

    I’m a chosen one 😇🙌🏾 I answer the call 📞 now he in my life now I thank u him every day for been in my life

  • @henrikholst477
    @henrikholst477 3 года назад +9

    I am ready to serve according to the plan.

  • @princesskane66
    @princesskane66 3 года назад +13

    Thank you Jesus I am chosen I am not of this world! God has given his life so that I may live and serve him all the days of life! Thank you Jesus for the blood of Christ! Thank you for walking along side of me I chose to give my life you! Thank God I made the choice to serve you! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

    • @busybee2033
      @busybee2033 3 года назад

      Best choice you will ever make in life

  • @deemisquadis9437
    @deemisquadis9437 Год назад

    I am chosen, I know things beyond your understanding. Love all living things unconditionally and forgive all things forever and leave the world and worldly things, this is the only way. Peace ❤

  • @edwinhipolito7767
    @edwinhipolito7767 11 месяцев назад

    Amen thank you LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST

  • @jacmichaelvincentbartolome8413
    @jacmichaelvincentbartolome8413 3 года назад +2

    I love you god and sorry for everything

  • @toroentlekeoagile1265
    @toroentlekeoagile1265 2 года назад

    Thank u Jesus for choosing me.

  • @carolannjones7708
    @carolannjones7708 3 года назад +4

    I’m Believing and I’m Chosen By Father God !! In The Name Of Jesus Christ !! Amen Amen

  • @YESHUA_is_king_21
    @YESHUA_is_king_21 10 месяцев назад

    May the Lord protect you and your family ❤️🙏

  • @noluvuyozungula5765
    @noluvuyozungula5765 3 года назад +9

    I'm going through dark times right now.I pray that God restores my faith and strengthen my faith in order for me to carry on.Lord I pray that I may not stop believing in you even though the enemy has been pouring doubt inside my heart.Please be with me God I need you father God.

    • @beckywarren517
      @beckywarren517 3 года назад

      Be strong. Be patient. The spiritual warfare is real. Satan can even use scripture to try and make you think you are doomed. I hope this isn't the case. But please dont do as I have in the past and believe his lies

    • @noluvuyozungula5765
      @noluvuyozungula5765 3 года назад +1

      @@beckywarren517 thank you.
      And yes I have read scriptures and when I did that became angry at God because it seemed like he was doing nothing.And I felt like God is constantly favoring the wicked people, the ones who are consistently doing wrong.
      That's why I doubted God, because I felt like people who are worldly are the ones getting blessed.

    • @beckywarren517
      @beckywarren517 3 года назад +2

      @@noluvuyozungula5765 I felt the same way for ever. It's taken my whole life to finally see God is just and true to his word. But the wicked shall meet there end. I finally realize that the reason the wicked seems to prosper and never seem to be chastised is because satan knows he already has them. It is the ones who God has chosen satan wars with. My prayers are with you. Just remember it's all in Gods timing. Oh this may not apply to you but as for me, it took true forgiveness from my heart for my enemies before i could see his justice and grace. Hang in there. Stay true to his word and to yourself to the end. He will not let us down in the end.

    • @DS-mm6fh
      @DS-mm6fh 2 года назад

      @@beckywarren517 ❤

  • @winstonmorgan9034
    @winstonmorgan9034 Год назад

    Thank you lord in Jesus mighty name I trust.

  • @darlinjacq1552
    @darlinjacq1552 3 года назад +3

    I AM THE ONE and I have been chosen by God who's son, Lord Jesus Christ, is the way, the truth and the light...

  • @jesusbeni7407
    @jesusbeni7407 2 года назад


  • @joevaniepulvera5554
    @joevaniepulvera5554 4 месяца назад

    Amen.i believe lord god.thank you soo much lord god.keep my family safe lord god.i love you soo much lord god.🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

  • @lavernebrockington8128
    @lavernebrockington8128 2 года назад


  • @WillieWilliams-hy9wl
    @WillieWilliams-hy9wl Год назад +1


  • @analeon8023
    @analeon8023 3 года назад +7

    I am deeply loved, absolutely forgiven, God's masterpiece, chosen and set apart, secure in Christ my King and Savior 🙌👑✝️💕❤️🙌

  • @sharonabryan
    @sharonabryan 3 года назад +11

    I believe in God and I know he sent his one and only son to die for me. I believe in the Holy Spirit, Jesus and God. Hallelujah

    • @alicemueller5836
      @alicemueller5836 3 года назад +2

      Yes he is, but are you willing to die for him? For it is coming sooner then you think. For if you read your Bible, you know there is a possibility that could happen to us. But remember, they may kill the body, but not the soul. Only God can kill both.

    • @sharonabryan
      @sharonabryan 3 года назад +1

      @@alicemueller5836 amen for Christ I live and for Christ i die

  • @desireewade9896
    @desireewade9896 3 года назад +3

    This truly is the truth and spoken words. We truly know when God has chosen you. God will reveal it to our spirit not the flesh he does not ever deal with the flesh. God truly will move in on the inside of the one that is chosen and began to guide us on our path that he has plan. We truly will know his voice and we truly will see his hands in our lives. He truly will began to fill you with all the promise of his word and our lives will line up with his word. We will no longer have the desire for things in this world and he truly will reveal why we are chosen and we truly do walk by faith and not by sight. We truly will understand the difference between the kingdom of God and the world. we accept him and trust him with all of our heart he becomes our everything and we know that the world system is broken and the only waybfor it to be healed is for the people to come out of the world and let God bless them with the life he has plan for them before they were born. God says take no thought for your life why because it is already in place he said seek him and fine him and all things will be added. He does everything in his timing and it comes to us freely and with peace and joy. We who are chosen God place us at a church home that will feed us the right food so se can build a personal relationship with Jesus and as we continue to build it we truly will learn the nature of God will trust him believe and knowing that he is a good God all the time and we receive the good never the bad. The world feels like they deserve the bad and they do not realize they do not have to continue to keep going in circles every year they just need to surrender all to him and he truly will do the rest. Truly will know the difference when chosen yes we are truly different we truly are made in God's imagine as he said in his word. The bible becomes our life and we can truly trust him.yes I Truly knew at the age of ten and we are used to bring the people from the world into the light and the kingdom of God so they can truly receive the real Good life God has plan for them. We truly are the light and we will be tested by the people who do not believe we don't have to have no fear. God will never put us in anything that will hurt us anything happen to us he made that promise. all he wants us to do is let him use us and as we are being used he truly takes care of us. Never feel ashamed about being used or chosen by God it truly is a blessing. Keep that smile on your face and share love and keep the peace of mind and joy in your heart and pray in the spirit this is a powerful weapon against the devil He flees. Always enjoy the day it will always be alright at the end of the day. God bless be safe.

  • @lavernebrockington8128
    @lavernebrockington8128 2 года назад


  • @claytonnadjamerrek-yr2jg
    @claytonnadjamerrek-yr2jg Год назад

    I believe Jesus Christ

  • @baby_face_
    @baby_face_ 2 года назад

    Amen amen 🙏 Am chosen one

  • @anthonyspangler1495
    @anthonyspangler1495 2 года назад


  • @roymcguire546
    @roymcguire546 Год назад

    Amen halleluiah ..mould me father into a new person filled with your love...praise and glory to you my father

  • @melvondoty4572
    @melvondoty4572 2 года назад

    one thing to ask of God...
    one good day..
    that's all

  • @hamodijonesalazzawi3127
    @hamodijonesalazzawi3127 3 года назад +3

    I was Chosen by YASHUA when I turned 33. He saved my life from the darkness ☦️🤲🏽❤️

  • @maureenlynden2305
    @maureenlynden2305 Год назад

    Thank you Jesus My father the Lord of Lord's and the King of kings in this age and the next age to come

  • @shawnrieser6299
    @shawnrieser6299 2 года назад

    Thankyou lord I love you

  • @joannewilliams2658
    @joannewilliams2658 2 года назад

    I am just passing through this world !

  • @preciousmpofu116
    @preciousmpofu116 3 года назад +1

    Thank God for choosing me. I love you so much. Please Lord teach me your way. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @slayedbymsdeani3372
    @slayedbymsdeani3372 2 года назад

    we all make mistakes we're not perfect. only God is.

  • @kellyhelms5557
    @kellyhelms5557 3 года назад +43

    We must be separate from the world.

    • @noluvuyozungula5765
      @noluvuyozungula5765 3 года назад +3

      Your absolutely right

    • @nguemogodwithme5787
      @nguemogodwithme5787 3 года назад +4

      Absolutely sis, we are in the world but we are not of the world

    • @LoveLove-ul8pi
      @LoveLove-ul8pi 3 года назад +3

      When your chosen it's painful sometimes.

    • @nguemogodwithme5787
      @nguemogodwithme5787 3 года назад +6

      Yeah, it's painful sometimes when you standing on the right path, but there's nothing like having your pace of mind when you have christ. People of the world often display happiness and material stuff but the truth be told... Having money, clothes, shoes, etc dose not bring genuine happiness as having christ. Jesus is the best thing that has ever fill that void in my life. Trust me, I have tried doing it on my own in the past and I ended up miserable.... My life is much more than before now. All thanks to JESUS. May we all make heaven in Jesus name 🙏

    • @kellyhelms5557
      @kellyhelms5557 3 года назад +1

      @@nguemogodwithme5787 Amen! God bless you! This race we run is not for the faint of heart. The only thing that really and truly matters is a relationship with Jesus Christ! May we all have the Mercy of The Almighty God in our favor and upon us. Amen.

  • @ML-zi1vg
    @ML-zi1vg Год назад

    For many, It has now become a Shocking Revelation to come to the knowledge and understanding, that America, has Enslaved Gods Chosen people.

  • @surakshabhawna1493
    @surakshabhawna1493 3 года назад +1

    Whatever the situation is with us today, there is some reason or the other for doing God's work. Without God we are nothing, He is everything. He showed us the way.

  • @jjrussell2540
    @jjrussell2540 Год назад

    Thank you Father I love you 😇🙏 Amen. To everyone in the World, I love you 😇

  • @michelrodriguez5867
    @michelrodriguez5867 3 года назад

    amen god is god jesus is good amen

  • @billyrayvalentine7972
    @billyrayvalentine7972 3 года назад +6

    I know that he is walking by my side . I say I am blessed but not necessarily chosen. I have no doubt at all that he is protecting me

    • @Purpleflower7777
      @Purpleflower7777 3 года назад +1

      How I look at it Abba Father already knows who are His chosen. It’s up to you now to walk that narrow path of truth and Righteousness.
      In my humble opinion for us to stay faithful to Him is to seek Him at the Rising of the sun to the setting everyday, and He will make our path straight

  • @isusjebogisaija96-75
    @isusjebogisaija96-75 3 года назад +15

    Isaiah 53 + HOLY SPIRIT = ETERNAL LIFE ! You must to Live for CHRIST ❤️ , not for this world ! You must be Born Again with Holy Spirit 🤗 .

  • @sleepinglion1192
    @sleepinglion1192 3 года назад +1

    Many are called to be with God. Few are chosen to be His workers/ role models.

    • @theresabass6066
      @theresabass6066 3 года назад

      This is about called and chosen for salvation. All Christians are supposed to work in doing God’s will, and to develop Christlike character, or role models. Those whom you refer to as being called to be with God, are they different from those you refer to as being chosen as His workers?

  • @anthonyspangler1495
    @anthonyspangler1495 2 года назад


  • @Feed-My-Mind-Not-My-Ego
    @Feed-My-Mind-Not-My-Ego 3 года назад +3

    I am chosen. Amen. Hallelujah.

  • @thechelseachannel794
    @thechelseachannel794 2 года назад

    I’m so glad and thankful God chose me. I love Him forever and will always put Him first above all. Glory to God for our precious Savior amen

  • @wildbutterflycj
    @wildbutterflycj 3 года назад +8

    Thank You for this beautiful message. I needed to hear this. Amen. Praise his holy name.

  • @JeanMarcelino-qr9ju
    @JeanMarcelino-qr9ju 3 месяца назад

    Those who are being called can never be ser aside John10:16 Revelation 17:14❤❤❤❤❤

  • @sabrinaalston1243
    @sabrinaalston1243 3 года назад


  • @Zayellenrella.0
    @Zayellenrella.0 Год назад +1

    I've always known that I'm not of the world. I just wanna go home with my heavenly father in heaven.

    • @gregnunan4885
      @gregnunan4885 3 месяца назад

      Be in the world but not of the world .✝️

  • @joeseczulaica3053
    @joeseczulaica3053 3 года назад +2

    Yes I am chosen by God the Holy Spirit

  • @queenZarae1220
    @queenZarae1220 3 года назад +1

    I believe in Jesus Christ he is my lord and savior .

  • @aslc8260
    @aslc8260 2 года назад

    I am going to cry...god is my everything. 🤍🤍

  • @fblanco1984fb
    @fblanco1984fb 3 года назад +16

    Being chosen: set apart for a different task, in my name you will cast out devils, in my name you will extend hands over the sick and they will heal
    Being chosen!

    • @noluvuyozungula5765
      @noluvuyozungula5765 3 года назад +1

      Amen ❤

    • @LoveLove-ul8pi
      @LoveLove-ul8pi 3 года назад

      It nice to have a community of people like me. From one chosen person to another we have been set apart your right.

    • @alicemueller5836
      @alicemueller5836 3 года назад +1

      But you must do his will , for that to happen.

    • @LoveLove-ul8pi
      @LoveLove-ul8pi 3 года назад

      @@alicemueller5836 I am working on my fathers will now. Pray for me that I will rise up and fight and I will win no matter what and run this race. God bless you and thank you.

    • @fblanco1984fb
      @fblanco1984fb 3 года назад

      The LORD will accomplish that which concerns me; Your [unwavering] lovingkindness, O LORD, endures forever- Do not abandon the works of Your own hands.