  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • КиноКино

Комментарии • 633

  • @Worth8755
    @Worth8755 2 года назад +19

    Nick Castles cameo and using Linda's line "See anything you like" was great. Hope JC directs one before he retires.

    • @oskar_oskarewicz
      @oskar_oskarewicz 2 года назад +1

      Nice one, I haven't realised it was Linda's line (DUH!), this are the little call back I appreciate the most, creative ones :)

  • @morenoyque2049
    @morenoyque2049 2 года назад +33

    I loved that they played Midnight Monsters Hop at the beginning of the movie… Classic!

  • @Ka_Five
    @Ka_Five 2 года назад +72

    I am absolutely here for some positivity on this movie man because boy do I love it so much. Your second point really articulates why I love it so much. This dark eerie vibe really resonates with me, and the Halloween Ends version of the Halloween theme really hits it home. It genuinely creeps me out, and I haven't felt that since Halloween II 1981. And yet, I can't stop watching it!
    Further more, I have seen them make an adult Michael Myers take off his mask and cry, be the father of his own grand nephew, be controlled by a cult, be karate kicked out a window and then have his balls electrocuted by Busta Rhymes, give copious amounts of screen time to a child Michael Myers who screams and cries constantly, and have an adult Michael Myers speak. Halloween Ends is far, far, FAR less offensive than any of that, and I think it's becoming my second favorite Halloween

    • @HarryPairatestes363
      @HarryPairatestes363 2 года назад +7

      This^ Well said!

    • @jamesknightley4201
      @jamesknightley4201 2 года назад +7

      So, Michael not being the killer of a Halloween movie... him being an accomplice to a kid murderer throughout an entire Halloween movie.... is less offensive to you than those throwaway scenes in the other sequels? Not me. Not by a long shot. Those other scenes came and went.... Corey being the antagonist was the entire movie. Michael Myers wasn't even the antagonist to Laurie Strode in a movie that was supposed to be their final battle. Their final battle seemed to drop from the sky without a second of buildup to it. A couple of throwaway scenes in those other movies are less offensive to you than THAT??? Wow. I could NEVER EVER disagree more. This entire script is an abomination and an absolute affront to Michael Myers and to the entire Halloween franchise. But to each his own, I guess.

    • @CharlieD.706
      @CharlieD.706 2 года назад +3

      @@jamesknightley4201 this is a channel that hyped this movie to no end bro. Nothing but brainless bots here. That movie was so bad. It like actually offended me. Lol. I felt the rage building.

    • @Ka_Five
      @Ka_Five 2 года назад +2

      @@jamesknightley4201 Yes

    • @jamesknightley4201
      @jamesknightley4201 2 года назад +2

      @@CharlieD.706 Gotchya......

    @DERRICKROSAS 2 года назад +56

    Let's be honest. They lied. They promoted the movie in a way which looked like a Halloween movie and then they gave us a completely different movie. Bait and switch.

    • @garyfosterii6421
      @garyfosterii6421 2 года назад +1

      Hey, I definately can agree, to an extent.. If the movie was actually bad... This movie would be deemed "Trash".. As the movie being or couldve been a stand alone "Good" movie... Therefore it gets bad reviews.. understand the reasons.

    • @TevDeshFilms
      @TevDeshFilms 2 года назад +5

      @@garyfosterii6421 exactly.. it’s not
      A bad movie… it should’ve been a Cory Cunningham movie and had nothing to do with Michael Myers.. the movie would be much better received

    • @dombak0531
      @dombak0531 2 года назад

      It’s not really “bait and switch”. You’re the type of person who complains if they spoil the whole movie in a trailer, but if they surprise us… you still complain. Pathetic.

      @DERRICKROSAS 2 года назад +7

      @@garyfosterii6421 Never said it was a bad movie. In fact, most people would agree it's not a bad movie in and of itself. It's just a terrible Halloween movie. My main issue is the whole bait and switch they pulled on us. It was advertised and promoted as an actual Halloween movie, but ended up being a completely different movie. Michael didn't make his first appearance until around 50 minutes into the movie and he only got 8-9 minutes of total screen time.

    • @garyfosterii6421
      @garyfosterii6421 2 года назад +1


  • @kalebhawkeyekj1933
    @kalebhawkeyekj1933 2 года назад +66

    Some of my personal favorites (Spoilers) - Rohan and Andis performances, the junkyard kills, the tongue part, Nick Castles cameo, and the Michael getting his strength back part

    • @WeWatchedAMovie
      @WeWatchedAMovie  2 года назад +17

      Forgot about the Castle cameo! That was good!

    • @HarryPairatestes363
      @HarryPairatestes363 2 года назад +6

      @Paraone Ngatai Castle was the dude at the Halloween party at the bar who opens his coat and "flashes" Corey. He says "See something you like?" Lol

    • @D.B03
      @D.B03 2 года назад +2

      ​@@HarryPairatestes363 I thought he was also the hobo that said I'm michael myers before corey stabbed him

    • @HarryPairatestes363
      @HarryPairatestes363 2 года назад

      @@D.B03 I'm not 100% sure...I would have to watch it again. As far as I can tell from the credits, though, the guy at the bar is the only thing credited to Nick Castle.

    • @D.B03
      @D.B03 2 года назад +2

      @@HarryPairatestes363 i thought it was cause the hobo kinda looked like nick castle and the hobo says im michael myers which i thought was a nod to the fact that nick played michael in the first movie in like a meta reference

  • @stacyjohnson3683
    @stacyjohnson3683 2 года назад +4

    Michael Myers would never have a side kick

  • @J4YeSun357
    @J4YeSun357 2 года назад +3

    Anyone notice the cop Corey lured in the tunnel was Mulaney, the bully family from the flashback scene in Kills was the Mulaney's

  • @thomasbaker2067
    @thomasbaker2067 2 года назад +12

    I loved that they gave us the Halloween 3 blue color title card for the opening credits.

    • @christerry1611
      @christerry1611 2 года назад +2

      That should have told these ppl who keep hating on it that this movie is gonna be a lot different 🤷🏼‍♂🤷🏼‍♂

  • @TheSoloReactor
    @TheSoloReactor 2 года назад +10

    I love how much you guys love the Halloween ends! Lol, I think it’s interesting seeing so many different opinions about this movie! I thought it was good and nice to series do something differently. The kills were intense from what we saw.
    The positives
    1. Jamie Lee Curtis really did a great job in this movie!
    2. Corey was an interesting character seeing someone become a villain unlike someone being born a villain.
    3. The few kills we got were intense.
    4. I liked how they eliminated the shape. And double tapped him.
    5. The liked the way this movie was filmed.
    6. I liked how it had an happy ending.
    7. I also liked how the victims were bullies In comparison to kills and Halloween 2018, I felt bad for the victims of the killers.
    8. The opening, to this movie was intense.
    1. Michael myers should have been in the movie a bit longer.
    2. Michael myers should have been out killing people.
    3. I wish the fight between Laurie and Michael was longer.

  • @johnpaulgarcia6906
    @johnpaulgarcia6906 Год назад +1

    This movie was like when you live it up at the beginning of the month but towards the end of the month you trying to save every penny you can

  • @ladellwinston5089
    @ladellwinston5089 2 года назад +5

    I honestly really wanted them to play “the shape stalks again” soundtrack in the movie

    @DREAMVILLAIN_01 2 года назад +3

    When corey holding the knife looking over the bannister when the mum looks up is a parallel to the image of michael myers looking over the bannister from 1978

  • @thesallyballs3920
    @thesallyballs3920 2 года назад +1

    1.the way they built suspense
    2.Corey’s character all together
    3.Micheal being ready to die but wants to go after Laurie one last time
    4.the kills
    5.the end fight
    6.Laurie keeps the mask
    7. She watches Micheal be grinded up
    8. Music
    9.intro with pumpkins
    10.Micheal gets his strength back
    No order

  • @DD-eight
    @DD-eight 2 года назад +11

    The soundtrack was badass!! Funny groove but I absolutely loved it!

  • @travis_mitchell
    @travis_mitchell 2 года назад +26

    Some things I noticed.
    1. *Corey’s Transformation*
    When Corey is locked in the closet in the intro, he instantly goes into panic mode, almost in tears.
    The running theme between this, and the high school bullies,
    Is Corey is is in fear of being made small by those younger than him.
    We see later that it’s his mother who’s made him this way, by keeping him a child all his life.
    This is ultimately what sets him off I think.
    Michael usually only goes out of his way to target women, as it was his sister who wasn’t watching him when she should’ve been, that fear from her neglect transforming into his rage.
    Marion, Allyson, Lindsay, Sondra, the podcasters, of who he only targets the girl.
    Only killing men like Dave, Marcus, and Aaron when they initiate conflict with him,
    Or if they have a weapon, like Ray, Cameron, or the kid in the car.
    Even when Hawkins shoots at him in Julian’s house, Michael never bothers with him, because if he couldn’t hit him in 1978, he won’t be able to now.
    Corey targets People who exert dominance over him and others.
    His mother, Dr. Mathis, Laurie, The radio host, the homeless man, the bullies, etc.
    But it’s when he’s locked in the closet and made to feel small by Jeremy, where his fear becomes his rage, setting him off.
    Both Corey and Michael subsequently go into catatonic states after their first killing.
    Michael becoming despondent, growing up isolated, not interacting with people, maintaining somewhat of a childlike behavior.
    While Corey grew up forced to exist among society, becoming an aimless zombie, until he’s bullied again and has his taste of blood.
    Now getting revenge against those who made it so he could never grow out of the child they saw him as.
    2. *Michael’s weakness*
    People criticize Michael being able to take on a mob in the last film, only to be taken down by an elderly woman, despite still showing strength throughout the movie.
    Michael’s strength, comes from his mask. The mask brings fear from others, and killing them makes him “transcend.”
    But when it’s off, he’s back to that catatonic state.
    Being near it with the podcasters hold it up, and the sudden wave of hatred and fear that engulfs everyone, being that boost he needed to get it back.
    But there’s a reason why he reacts so strongly when it’s removed, even in the 78 film.
    It takes away his strength, and he has to kill again to get it back.
    After The cops take it off in 78, he’s back to being dormant.
    When Karen takes it off of him, he gets his a** kicked.
    And when Corey takes it off him, he’s just a weak old man, who needs to kill Laurie to get his power back,
    But there is no fear, so he has no strength.
    So he loses.
    These are just my takes, and I’m not stating them as the intentions by the creative team
    But it’s what makes sense to me.

  • @rooster-bh6td
    @rooster-bh6td 2 года назад +1

    pro tip have michael myers in more then 25 minutes of the alleged “last” halloween movie

  • @Pippa_McConnell
    @Pippa_McConnell 2 года назад +1

    Michael: Besides, who would you be without me, Strode?
    Laurie: Time to find out.
    *WTFPWNS Michael in five seconds*

  • @deaconabstrakt
    @deaconabstrakt 2 года назад +3

    I was waiting for them to explain the radio tower.

  • @kennethmccullah4905
    @kennethmccullah4905 2 года назад +5

    That's what I told my wife I gave Halloween Ends, a 7.5. I really liked it.

  • @jaws-ofoz3627
    @jaws-ofoz3627 2 года назад +1

    Remember they said the radio antenna was to be a huge part.

  • @andrewparasino8769
    @andrewparasino8769 2 года назад +2

    They finally made a movie that adheres to John Carpenters original ideas for the character. It was awesome.

  • @johnnyblaze8439
    @johnnyblaze8439 2 года назад +2

    When Cory went and wrestled mikey and took his mask that was almost me turning it off.

    @BRIXandSTRINGS 2 года назад +2

    Two things I cannot understand about this movie and please feel free to enlighten me because I’ve only seen it once so repeat watches might answer them:
    - Why did Michael vanish for 4 years after Kills to rot in a sewer? If killing gave him his power then he must have stored up a decades worth after Kills.
    - Laurie prepared for 40 years for Michael’s return after he killed her friends and tried to kill her and then after she fails and he kills her own *daughter* and vanishes, she decides that now is the time to try and move on? With Michael on the loose and her daughter, her son in law, Tommy and half the town dead?

  • @SilkandScrooge
    @SilkandScrooge 2 года назад +13

    You know what I kind of expected though? That Corey and Allison would have had been a thing longer and her not to be okay with him killing once she found out. I thought she would leave him when she found out and then he would come for her instead of Laurie. That could've fallen more in line with the character honestly. She obviously shouldn't be okay with that.

    • @jamiebraswell5520
      @jamiebraswell5520 2 года назад +2

      I'm sorry, but I don't think she knew about his killings when she was with him. Once she knew, there was never a scene of her defending him. She was just shocked and confused over her mom looming over his dying bloody body with a bloody knife.

    • @markmac2206
      @markmac2206 2 года назад

      instead, she found out he killed and spread like peanut butter. like Spitz said in pt 5 "got her phone number?"

    • @SilkandScrooge
      @SilkandScrooge 2 года назад

      @@jamiebraswell5520 he told her he killed. But only when he had killed the hobo.

    • @daviddavidson1412
      @daviddavidson1412 2 года назад

      @@SilkandScrooge And then he showed her the house where the kid died. Clearly he was talking about that and she didn't know he killed anyone purposely.

    • @SilkandScrooge
      @SilkandScrooge 2 года назад

      @@daviddavidson1412 oh true. Didn't even realize that. My mind just jumped to when he actually killed.

  • @rajhangakhal5718
    @rajhangakhal5718 2 года назад +58

    number one: when halloween ends

    • @mr.voorhees0978
      @mr.voorhees0978 2 года назад +1

      Fun fact it's not the end this is the end of the blumhouse trilogy but they could always make Halloween 9 after Resurrection

    • @oh.....5075
      @oh.....5075 2 года назад +9

      @@mr.voorhees0978 well no shit Sherlock

    • @harleyjackson3708
      @harleyjackson3708 2 года назад

      @@oh.....5075 lol you suck

    @DREAMVILLAIN_01 2 года назад +1

    The scene when michael grabs corey would have been more impact full if we didn't see michael before he drags corey in the tunnel

  • @michaeldavila9715
    @michaeldavila9715 2 года назад +2

    I will say my favorite part in Halloween Ends is when Michael Myers kills Corey that was epic.

  • @oskar_oskarewicz
    @oskar_oskarewicz 2 года назад

    Great video, couldn't agree more :)
    Going to see Ends on a big screen for the third time tonight!

  • @kalibwelker
    @kalibwelker 2 года назад +6

    I enjoyed Halloween Ends. definitely a great movie, a little strange for a halloween movie but I enjoyed it for sure.

  • @Aidan-dm2qr
    @Aidan-dm2qr 2 года назад +1

    One bad thing is that there wasn't a chant from everyone at the end "EVIL DIES TONIGHT, EVIL DIES TONIGHT" would've been hilarious as Michael gets crushed like a melon

  • @ethanpatterson7511
    @ethanpatterson7511 2 года назад +11

    The Boy Harsher song "Burn It Down" was a perfect song for Halloween Ends. It definitely set the 80s slasher love story vibe. I loved the movie overall

    • @WeWatchedAMovie
      @WeWatchedAMovie  2 года назад +2

      I def found Boy Harsher through this lol

    • @ethanpatterson7511
      @ethanpatterson7511 2 года назад

      @@WeWatchedAMovie Me too ha it's also the first time I've ever heard of an original song being made for a slasher movie haha

    • @Lord_DarkArtist
      @Lord_DarkArtist 2 года назад +3

      I felt Lost Boyz vibes with that song/scene with the bike riding.

    • @ethanpatterson7511
      @ethanpatterson7511 2 года назад +3

      @@Lord_DarkArtist definitely, there were so many similarities. Obviously, Christine.. but it had Lost Boys, My Bloody Valentine and little bit of the prowler sprinkled throughout

    • @vvitchywoman_
      @vvitchywoman_ 2 года назад +2

      YES! Definitely had a Drive vibe

  • @BREN153
    @BREN153 2 года назад +5

    You guys will always defend Halloween alwaysssssss lol blumhouse has WWAM on the Christmas card list 😂.

    • @WeWatchedAMovie
      @WeWatchedAMovie  2 года назад +5

      Did you miss the part of the song at the end of the video that literally tells them to s our d's? Maybe we just have a different opinion than you. Idk. Crazy thought I know.

    • @BREN153
      @BREN153 2 года назад +2

      @@WeWatchedAMovie I only watched 2 mins of the vid so 😂😂

    • @WeWatchedAMovie
      @WeWatchedAMovie  2 года назад +1

      Checks out

    • @BREN153
      @BREN153 2 года назад +1

      @@WeWatchedAMovie no need to get all sandy I’m just joshin.

  • @robertknapp7938
    @robertknapp7938 2 года назад +1

    R.I.P. to the great Ted White who played Jason in Friday the 13th The Final Chapter.

  • @cakeboy227
    @cakeboy227 2 года назад +2

    Thanks for the Sunday treat Mike!!!!

  • @lizzymayethebordercollie
    @lizzymayethebordercollie 2 года назад +1

    The score was amazing as always! I loved seeing Laurie act happy at times. I liked the IT kinda plot for Michael. Just wished we got more of him getting victims brought to him. The mask and overall look for Michael kicked ass!

  • @ronstewart6362
    @ronstewart6362 2 года назад +8

    Let's talk about the One Thing Everybody Hated about Ends. How they treated Micheal/ the Shape!!! Other than that, I kinda liked it😂👍

  • @DesiSJ
    @DesiSJ 2 года назад +10

    We needed the positive video today because this fandom has just...gotten really mean in the few days. I'm gonna watch it a few more times, but right now, despite it not being how I would've concluded this trilogy (I wanted the original idea of it all being on the same night), I really enjoyed the change of pace and the guy who played Corey was engaging enough that I was invested. I would've liked to have seen more with Hawkins and with Lindsey, but overall, I really enjoyed it. I think I actually prefer it to Kills to be honest because it felt like it was a more cohesive story being told. We didn't have the weird subplots we had in both 2018 and Kills and I appreciate that. And while I know it was controversial to have one character still be alive, I felt the worst for that character in the last film and was kinda glad to see them still breathing.
    The score was on point for sure.
    The humor was well placed here and not over the top.
    The story was a good story.
    The gore, when we got it, was really decent. The neck pop on the kid was SO brutal.
    I enjoyed the direction we took Laurie. It was nice to see her be Laurie for a moment.
    The acting was REALLY good.

    • @WeWatchedAMovie
      @WeWatchedAMovie  2 года назад +2

      Well said Desi!

    • @christerry1611
      @christerry1611 2 года назад +3

      The fact they get this upset over a movie is ridiculous. That's fine if ppl hate it but they have to be complete dicks about it. If they don't like it there's 1500 other timelines they can watch. It's not the end of the world. Besides I didn't think the movie was that bad. Did I love it? No. But I didn't hate it either. I respect it for doing something different for a change. I still think it's much better than 6, Resurrection and RZ's two pieces of crap.

    • @christerry1611
      @christerry1611 2 года назад

      @@lilrican1971 Calm your tits, princess. It's not that big of a deal. And yeah I'm a fan of the franchise. Just not a fan of some of its fandom. Yourself included. So kindly f*k off.

  • @michaelfarrer3044
    @michaelfarrer3044 2 года назад +73

    The score was perfect! It reminded me of the Fog mixed with a little Christine. I loved the movie. I’m not sorry😂 I’m so glad I stayed away from leaks and spoilers, I think the people that hate it so much hated the movie online 5month before they even saw it they never gave it a chance.

    • @grumpyoldnord
      @grumpyoldnord 2 года назад +8

      ^^^ Fucking this! ^^^

    • @BraxtonWages
      @BraxtonWages 2 года назад +7

      Dude I really liked it too! And yes the score was fucking awesome!

    • @spleeen0075
      @spleeen0075 2 года назад +4

      I agree!! I’m so glad I got the exclusive vinyl record for this soundtrack. Probably Carpenter’s best work outside of course the original. And Halloween III which is the best score in my opinion

    • @terogates1
      @terogates1 2 года назад +4

      I used to hate it but it’s grown in me it reminded me of how fans felt about masterchief and his helmet, o knew beforehand so I wasn’t outraged at that

    • @thezodiackiller420
      @thezodiackiller420 2 года назад +2

      At least we didnt get the same movie over and over again.

  • @markostoppel1136
    @markostoppel1136 2 года назад +3

    I thought the Michael/Laurie fight was the best of the whole Halloween saga

    • @lowbodyfat6707
      @lowbodyfat6707 2 года назад +2

      Her fight with him was 10000 times better in 2018

  • @daveb.3714
    @daveb.3714 2 года назад +7

    Mike, after seeing it again in theatres today, and then watching this excellent analysis, my score went from a 7 to an 8. Thanks for doing this!

  • @JustinShrader
    @JustinShrader 2 года назад +1

    My fav kill is when he torches the inside of that guys mouth. Like lighting up a pumpkin 🎃

  • @timothya.olmeda7299
    @timothya.olmeda7299 2 года назад +1

    Ok, ok…. I get it……we are just grasping at straws now.
    The best part about this trilogy of Halloween was the build up from everyone’s theories and opinions across the board throughout RUclips land. Especially this particular channel WWAM.
    Now the wait for the 50th anniversary around the six year mark.

  • @joegallicchio26
    @joegallicchio26 2 года назад +1

    Bravo, Mike! Great video and you're very well-spoken!
    Halloween Ills!

  • @chaosiscoming9184
    @chaosiscoming9184 2 года назад +2

    10 things I LOVED About Halloween Ends
    1. Intro
    2. Michael kills nurse woman
    10. End credits. Goodbye..

  • @glopan12345
    @glopan12345 2 года назад +6

    I really loved the christine feel in this movie. Cant wait for HALLOWEEN RETURNS 2028

  • @James_Smith862
    @James_Smith862 2 года назад +1

    "Like some would say David Gordon Green lost the plot"
    And just like that, I love you again.

  • @ClamSword
    @ClamSword 2 года назад +1

    1 thing I really loved was when the credits hit and this clown show of a movie was over.

  • @goldstandard842
    @goldstandard842 2 года назад +1

    mike do you need more chapstick lol

  • @gregv2k
    @gregv2k 2 года назад +8

    There’s so much to love about this movie. I’ve seen it twice now and my admiration for it went up the second time. It’s upper tier Halloween for sure

    • @christianc.christian5025
      @christianc.christian5025 2 года назад +2

      I’ve seen it three times, and my take on it definitely improved.
      There are some glaring problems I had and it weirdly made me like ‘Kills’ a bit more, but I was mostly fine with it for not doing any of the dumb, mystical bullshit, making Corey tHE nEw sHaPE or anything stupid like that, etc.

    • @gregorykelm6693
      @gregorykelm6693 2 года назад

      You can’t be serious

  • @BeckyBookClubMain
    @BeckyBookClubMain 2 года назад +3

    Upon rewatch. I would really like to point out how much better this would have worked if Corey was a staple in the story from 2018

    • @jamesg8175
      @jamesg8175 Год назад

      It really is that simple.

  • @alfredmeneses5496
    @alfredmeneses5496 2 года назад +2

    I’m not a big Halloween franchise person. And I think that’s why I liked this movie a lot. Because it wasn’t a beat for beat by the numbers Halloween film. Corey’s story line had me from the ending of the opening scene. To me, this was a character study, which is something I enjoy in films. I liked how Laurie and Allyson played into his story line, but even if there was no Laurie, Allyson, or Michael Myers involved, I would still enjoyed the movie as a stand alone removed from the franchise. I’ve said this anytime I talk about this film, but it definitely reminded me of the ‘86 film “Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer”; and Corey even looks like a younger Michael Rooker.

  • @AngelDiaz1976
    @AngelDiaz1976 2 года назад +3

    Awesome video, man! I'm on the conflicted side. There were a lot of things I did enjoy, specially on the technical side. My gripe comes with the story. If it were a one-off movie, it would've been pretty neat, with interesting bold ideas, but as the closing chapter of this trilogy, I would've focused entirely on the Laurie/Michael story's closure instead of adding a new main character here that had never been mentioned in previous installments. I do believe this will end up becoming a cult classic down the road. Keep up the awesome job, guys!

  • @ambershaw2507
    @ambershaw2507 2 года назад

    I’m with ya man. I seriously dug this one. Best of the three. No doubt

  • @lilnicky912
    @lilnicky912 2 года назад

    More on the emphasis of positivity within the community, I rewatched it and all my issues with the film were still there but toned down because when halloween ends is good, it's GOOD. This is the last film we're getting with the original final girl, The badass makeup and fx team, John's insane mastery of score, and James jude's perfect Michael. Halloween will be a completely different monster when it re-emerges. This trilogy was a beautiful thrill ride. I love these films.

  • @PaulOrtiz
    @PaulOrtiz 2 года назад

    Anyone got track ID’s for the track about burning, and the one that plays on the motorcycle? I think one of them was Boy Harsh (?), but there was a second one.

  • @Carlzz92
    @Carlzz92 2 года назад +12

    This new theme song has been stuck in my head for 4 days!!!!
    Not complaining tho lol

  • @Davie27
    @Davie27 2 года назад

    I’m one of those people that really liked it. It was completely unexpected. I appreciate the risk instead of the usual painting by numbers formula.

  • @clarencegboddicker8144
    @clarencegboddicker8144 2 года назад

    It absolutely had a drippingly dreadful soundtrack. There’s not a single hopeful note until Officer Hawkins and Lori were in the scene. Carpenter is Legendary with music and atmosphere.

  • @DRaquascapes
    @DRaquascapes 2 года назад +6

    I woke up today after seeing ENDS last night
    ... I feel numb. ..i feel like my son revealed to me that hes quitting medical school and joining a hippy colony somewhere in the mountains.

  • @THJamie
    @THJamie 2 года назад +12

    My favourite part was Corey, and I love that they tried something new

  • @keithchristen8497
    @keithchristen8497 2 года назад +10

    Spot on. I think it feels like a Carpenter film in many ways. Ends, I'm saying. And even with how different it is (which I like those choices, btw) it still feels like Michael is always around and the atmosphere feels like a Halloween film to me.

  • @tangerinemisfit
    @tangerinemisfit 2 года назад +1

    I didn’t like Halloween Ends BUT I too will name 10 things I liked. Spoilers obviously:
    1. Opening scene rocked
    2. Use of quickly cut flash backs
    3. Open titles font matching Season of the Witch (it’s the small details)
    4. Michael Myers cameo at the end
    5. Corey’s killing spree at the junk yard
    6. Michael hitting his trade mark finishing move to the red head nurse, knife pin to wall and head tilt
    7. Corey jump scaring Laurie
    8. Myers being pinned to the kitchen table ala Carrie’s mom
    9. DJ tongue cut off and spinning on the record
    10. Grinder disposal a great visual

  • @816jayshon
    @816jayshon 2 года назад

    yea that scene when he started shaking after killing mulaney was dope, theatre was shaking an everything lol

  • @silentd.a.7906
    @silentd.a.7906 2 года назад

    You notice The Lost Boys vibes with the motorcycle and the jumping off the building?

  • @dustinkimbell7081
    @dustinkimbell7081 2 года назад +1

    The scene where Corey and Michael are at dr Mathis house is my favorite scene throughout the entire movie and Corey's scarecrow mask is creepy lol

  • @dman3316
    @dman3316 2 года назад

    Didn't feel like Halloween but felt like a mix between IT and The Lost Boys. I was vibing with it, not gonna lie

  • @1nfamous_DJP_Gaming
    @1nfamous_DJP_Gaming 2 года назад

    My highlight is Corey Punk’d Michael for his mask🤣😂

  • @longscrewdriverorangehandle
    @longscrewdriverorangehandle 2 года назад +1

    Don't fear the Reaper was ok, but needed more cow bell.

  • @greenie915
    @greenie915 2 года назад +10

    Listen, I really liked it. Thought it had a great atmosphere and soundtrack. How many risks and ballsy decisions they made is alone one of the reasons I love it. I was scared about the "copycat killer" aspect but I thought they did it well.
    I hope people will give it a second try and maybe it'll be like how people were with H3.

  • @justjustin1774
    @justjustin1774 2 года назад +10

    my fav scenes by far was when michael and corey coordinated on the nurse and dr mathis kill and bam cut into allyson and corey on the bike with burn it down playing was FANTASTIC

  • @Nemesis04208
    @Nemesis04208 2 года назад +2

    I like the mystique of the idea that evil is infectious and contagious, it’s a good way to open up a future for the franchise

    • @lowbodyfat6707
      @lowbodyfat6707 2 года назад

      There is no new franchise without Michael being the main attraction.

  • @TheLeonDarko
    @TheLeonDarko 2 года назад +17

    I LOVED ENDS, it’s brilliantly shot, the paying homage to all of carpenters other work was brilliant and smart . It felt like the same Laurie from 1978 but with .. therapy which is what Jamie even said about her role with Laurie. I felt Michael around every corner, it truly felt like the boogieman could be anyone, and the fact that he was TRULY purely and simply evil, which is contagious felt brilliant in this film and so alive. I didn’t like the whole town showing up, that felt disjointed but damn it was great. The SCORE was a masterpiece! I also really enjoyed Cory’s character and arch. So yeah I agree ❤

    • @gregorykelm6693
      @gregorykelm6693 2 года назад

      Paying homage is cheap and lazy writing to trick people like you

    • @garyfosterii6421
      @garyfosterii6421 2 года назад +1

      Absolutely agree... This was a "good, entertaining." MOVIE! It was a great way to approach the Franchise.

    • @xxbpxpeanutxxx162
      @xxbpxpeanutxxx162 2 года назад


  • @7deadlysloths
    @7deadlysloths 2 года назад +1

    I only wish we could have gotten a glimpse of Ben Tramer in this timeline

  • @jurassicpark1fan920
    @jurassicpark1fan920 2 года назад

    I love how fans call Deputy Frank Hawkins as Sheriff whether mistakenly or not because the actual Sheriff in these films is so useless.

  • @TheRealBGregz
    @TheRealBGregz 2 года назад

    It’s hard to take Mike seriously with those glasses. It’s not that they look bad, but we’ve watched WWAM videos for over 10 years… and he changes his look NOW?!

  • @yungblade7
    @yungblade7 2 года назад

    They should have made the focus of the movie around Micheals supernatural abilites and how he regains his strength over time. Corey could still have been in it just give him less focus

  • @AngelaHalo1307
    @AngelaHalo1307 2 года назад

    So joking, I get it, my Halloween friend 😊

  • @monkey678ful
    @monkey678ful 2 года назад +36

    I feel like this movie can be a start of the anthology series since we did learn that people were affected by Michael's infection even though they never came across him

    • @TheMan-ct8gh
      @TheMan-ct8gh 2 года назад +5

      nah they should bring the michael vs pinhead script back, and have him escape hell and have the cenobites follow him. Would be great since both franchises are doing really well right now

    • @alistairrae9807
      @alistairrae9807 2 года назад +5

      I don’t watch a Halloween movie for some copycat BS this isn’t Scream even though they tried to turn this movie into Scream movie because it was full of teen drama bs I watch a Halloween movie for Michael Myers not cheap knockoffs and Michael sure as hell wasn’t in this movie he basically got the same treatment Luke Skywalker did in The Last Jedi

    • @monkey678ful
      @monkey678ful 2 года назад +14

      @@alistairrae9807 Then this isn’t the movie for you. I would love to see evil take on a new shape. At least everyone behind this trilogy had a goal unlike the new Star Wars trilogy.

    • @ThePlaceToBe_RK
      @ThePlaceToBe_RK 2 года назад +5

      @@monkey678ful How? Each of these three movies play by their own set of rules. Michael is the shape who stalks and kills, no wait, Michael is the Terminator who wades through firefighters and angry mobs, no wait, Michael is a vampire, who can influence others, but needs to kill to rejuvenate himself. It's fine if you like the film, but you're delusional if you think this isn't like the Star Wars sequel trilogy. It's exactly like it. No planning, a bunch of cooks in the kitchen just doing whatever they want, including 4 writers on "Ends", and sidelining characters that should've been better handled.

    • @monkey678ful
      @monkey678ful 2 года назад +3

      @@ThePlaceToBe_RK Like I said, there was an end goal for these movies which was the final showdown between Michael and Laurie. Besides, IMO I think that Michael was human this whole time, but it was the evil and the killing that kept him going or keeping him alive. Michael was basically living on adrenaline in Kills, getting out all his frustration. Like the director said in an interview, Michael went into the cave to die and that's what was happening before he came across Corey. That's why when the officer knocked him it took Michael so long to get up which was shocking moment for me personally. Also, what was the end goal for Stars Wars trilogy? Oh wait, they didn't have one.

  • @FractalKrystian
    @FractalKrystian 2 года назад +1

    Corey was attracted to the tower same as MM. I liked that scene. I love how this reminds me of Lost Highway. I wish I could watch Ends with David Lynch.

  • @nestogee8231
    @nestogee8231 2 года назад

    I just remembered did they even do anything with Lindsay’s character? I feel like we barely got a glimpse of her

  • @devinepps3822
    @devinepps3822 2 года назад +1

    I totally agree with you! From the beginning to the end I loved this movie! I kinda predicted where they was going but I still enjoyed it

  • @itsmewhatshisface9386
    @itsmewhatshisface9386 2 года назад +1

    The writers of Halloween Ends are lucky I don't press charges for robbing me, that how bad this movie was, and I saw it for free.

  • @jakebiomask
    @jakebiomask 2 года назад +9

    I loved: The opening. Laurie, I thought she was the best she's been in all three movies, JLC's performance and the acting in general, dialogue was way better, score was great as always, whenever Michael appeared it was epic, Michael and Corey in the two double team kills was amazing.

  • @brentappleman3628
    @brentappleman3628 2 года назад

    Thanks WWAM 4 sticking up 4 both sides...this is why this channel will ALWAYS BE THE #1 MOVIE CHANNEL🖤🖤👍🤘🤘

  • @alyssaf.swiney941
    @alyssaf.swiney941 2 года назад

    I think this movie requires more than one watch to understand the story and reason behind as to why it was made. I loved the DJ scene with the "I Was a Teenage Werewolf" playing in the background. I thought that was so badass.

  • @ct6852
    @ct6852 2 года назад

    When I get welcomed into a video with "...you pumpkin fu***n piece of s**t" I watch. It's kind of beautiful. Also enjoyed the movie.

  • @brandonjamison5838
    @brandonjamison5838 2 года назад +3

    I can respect people who love/like Halloween Ends but me nah

  • @dombak0531
    @dombak0531 5 месяцев назад

    I loved HALLOWEEN ENDS! It’s one of my favorites. It was a different take that I enjoyed!

  • @DD-eight
    @DD-eight 2 года назад +2

    Awesome keep it coming Mike!! I’m still thinking about this movie

  • @AJsFigures
    @AJsFigures 2 года назад +17

    LOVED this movie, can't wait to get all three on blu ray and marathon them

  • @wendyendres1471
    @wendyendres1471 2 года назад

    I'm not sure if anyone is getting the symbolism with the cherry blossoms. In Japan which Hawkins is learning btw, is a symbol of optimism and renewal. They didn't just pick the cherry blossom for nothing.

  • @littledrummerofDEATH
    @littledrummerofDEATH 2 года назад

    I am new to the franchise and have only seen 18/kills/Ends. So take my opinion for what it is. That being said, I truly love this trilogy. I loved what they did with it. Loved the take they took with Cory and him being pushed from innocence to his breaking point. I did not mind how michaels story ended. I know some may be angry but to me it made a lot of sense and it is nice for the horror victims to get a happy ending for once. All in all, 8/10 for the entire series and absolutely loved it. (definitely not saying it doesn't have flaws, which is does, but the heart and other great elements far outweigh the bad)

  • @aionanyx4462
    @aionanyx4462 2 года назад

    In 'Halloween' '78, Loomis says: "He came home." The soundtrack fades into the stereo in Annie's car -- playing 'Don't Fear The Reaper.' I literally said, several months ago, that those who survived encounters with The Shape "... all stopped living a long time ago. And The Shape has come to be their ferryman."

  • @longscrewdriverorangehandle
    @longscrewdriverorangehandle 2 года назад

    Looking forward to "White-faced Fucker" to return as the opening song.

  • @termi3370
    @termi3370 2 года назад +12

    I honestly think it has the best track in the trilogy, I loved the way they explored Corey and more of Michael's mythology and the evil of haddonfield always finding a way to manifest

    • @gaba-goo3733
      @gaba-goo3733 2 года назад +3

      But it was so fast and rushed...can't you see through that bullcrap? They just want to take our money and they succeeded 🤣 trailers made it look like Michael Myers was in it. Why did they sugar coat it? Cause people like me wouldn't had paid for it. If it was actually good, and Corey made perfect sense...I'd forgive them🤣 the movie was way too short to cram all the mess in it.

    • @justjustin1774
      @justjustin1774 2 года назад +1

      @@gaba-goo3733 i agree, tho i enjoyed it a lot i loved it
      as u said it was rushed, maybe the extended cut will be like another 30 mins and rlly not feel as rushed

    • @gaba-goo3733
      @gaba-goo3733 2 года назад +1

      @@justjustin1774 yea it really needed an extra 30 mins of michael and laurie fighting, I'd take that over this. It's a decent slasher, idk why they added michael and laurie to the story but i can understand the direction.

    • @every1getready
      @every1getready 2 года назад

      Which track?

    • @termi3370
      @termi3370 2 года назад

      @@every1getready the procession, it's a perfect theme for Michael's end

  • @pyr0hunter22
    @pyr0hunter22 2 года назад

    I need to see it again to grasp what I watched but it was very interesting

  • @andyocineoficial
    @andyocineoficial 2 года назад +11

    Oh man, I went in with low expectations because its just another Horror movie..but I ended up loving it! fresh, different, and everything in it resonated with me. Im glad I saw it in theatres.

  • @n1kkmoviezz463
    @n1kkmoviezz463 2 года назад +2

    This would be a better movie for a series on hbo max than a final showdown

  • @LAMags
    @LAMags 2 года назад

    Hi Mike…. How are you ? My top 10 favs …..uuummmmm let me get back to you ( lol) luv you WWAM fam.. thanks for the video ! I need to watch it again MOST DEFINITELY ! Luv Linda ♥️♥️🎃🔪🔥

  • @BTT16
    @BTT16 2 года назад

    The score is amazing, especially the tracks "Corey and Micheal" and "The Junkyard". Halloween Ends felt like David Gordon Green's ultimate Love Letter to John Carpenter. It felt like the kind of movie that Carpenter would make today...a combination of his younger, hungrier, angrier days with modern flourishes added.