Three Illustrations That Demonstrate the Universe is Fine Tuned

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024

Комментарии • 41

  • @Just_a_Reflection
    @Just_a_Reflection День назад +22

    ...and most people don't understand why I say that I don't have enough blind faith to be an atheist 🤷🏿‍♂️.

    • @victorvolobuev507
      @victorvolobuev507 День назад

      Indeed, the science is too precise, too specific, too ordered, and the universe is too law abiding to have me believe that out of chaos, order and consistence could just mindlessly happen and become a constant reality. What’s even more amazing is that out of inorganic material, some how life emerged, also at random. Etc etc.

  • @spitter7657
    @spitter7657 День назад +14

    I used an argument like this once the reply back I got was " so because things are the way they are, it's a miracle?" After that it was then I realized only God can make someone believe.

    • @danielanthony8373
      @danielanthony8373 День назад

      After God sent the 10 plagues to Egypt and led the Hebrews out of bondage then parted the Red Sea gave them food to eat they still made a Golden Calf and worshipped it
      No matter how much evidence you give people they will still not believe

    • @victorvolobuev507
      @victorvolobuev507 День назад +2

      We take things for granted so easily.
      Eyesight, is such an amazing ability, but since most of us have it, we think it’s the norm, and dont even consider any other possibility of existence, even though there are blind people, who cannot discern shapes and colors and can only use the touch of their hands to experience the world.
      Unfortunately everything get taken for granted, until it’s gone, then we realize what we had…
      I suppose it’s a kind of arrogance the builds up based on experience of life in a first world country especially

    • @SoApost
      @SoApost День назад +4

      That’s why God doesn’t call on us to force belief in others. He only commissions us to tell them the truth.

    • @renierramirez9534
      @renierramirez9534 13 часов назад +2

      Is not that only God can make people believe but certainly He is trying to convince people to put their trust in Jesus. But people still have the freedom to reject Him

  • @tonyputman3398
    @tonyputman3398 21 час назад +6

    Romans 1:22 " Professing to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures."

  • @danielanthony8373
    @danielanthony8373 День назад +6

    The story in the Old Testament when the Hebrews saw the Ten plagues then the Exodus then the parting of the Red Sea then they made the Golden Calf and started worshipping it always bothered me until recently
    Now I understand what God is saying
    You see all these miracles around you and you still don't believe

  • @larryyoderlarryyoder353
    @larryyoderlarryyoder353 13 часов назад +6

    The only reason the universe is still here and not burned up is because Jesus is holding it all together

  • @NickMak-m2c
    @NickMak-m2c День назад +10

    I've played poker my whole life and I've never seen a royal flush.
    I'd say I've played 20k + hands.

    • @Shaqoneil81-ci7dr
      @Shaqoneil81-ci7dr День назад +1

      I have a friend who’s hit five of them. One of them was in five stud!!! No wild cards!!

    • @danielanthony8373
      @danielanthony8373 День назад +2

      630,000 hands to go 😂

    • @rickintexas1584
      @rickintexas1584 19 часов назад

      I’m a magician and do lots of work with cards. I imperceptibly manipulate the cards into 4 Aces and Royal Flushes quite often. But randomly? No, never.

  • @victorvolobuev507
    @victorvolobuev507 День назад +5

    Talk about coincidence….Atheists think science has evidence and proof is on their side😂

  • @renierramirez9534
    @renierramirez9534 13 часов назад +4

    People just don't want to loose their position as the top authority in their lives.
    That's the main reason for not to trust in Jesus ie submit their will to His.

  • @PraiseJesus-Baja
    @PraiseJesus-Baja День назад +4

    This is one of the most amazing uploads I've seen in my life!

  • @MrMonikura
    @MrMonikura 20 часов назад +3

    Big bang theory is only man's word vs God's Word 7-day creation, both explaining the vastness of space multi-universe. If you believe man's word, then you are tricked for interpreting distances of stars and universe as measurement of time. For such distances using light years as measurements mind blowing impossible never-ending numbers. In contrast the Bible states: God created Heavens (meaning stary host, everything surrounding Earth) in accordance with God's 7-day cycle of Creation.
    Here my point: let say we have a 100-meter football field, and every 10 meter we light up a candle stick indicating distance and time determine its age. We're using remote toy car symbolising speed of light, calculating our distance and time from every candle stick point on the football field. Obviously the further away you go to that candle, the greater distance and time is calculated. If you see from God's eyes: He created that football field one day. Just like the heavens above from one star to another, one universe to another, one galaxy to another all created in within the 7 days… these distances reveal our limitation and proves the Bible description God’s Wonderous Power and Glory in Creation.

    • @aCalifornian94588
      @aCalifornian94588 12 часов назад

      The big bang theory was created by a Catholic priest who was also a scientist.
      I don’t think that he had bad intentions or that it changed his faith.
      He simply developed the theory to explain the results of prior studies and experiments.
      Real science is intended to help us better understand our surroundings so that we can use the knowledge to better our lives.
      Science answers the question as to how things work, not where they came from or why they are there.
      The creation in 7 days should not be taken literally.
      The bible is full of metaphors and figures of speech.
      What is a day in God’s time? Does God really need to rest?
      Creation vs evolution! Do we really know? Do we have proof either way?
      We know so little. Our limited minds cannot handle much.
      Jesus said that all we needed was given to us. We were not intended to explain where things came from. We simply need to live as he asked us to live.
      Let God do his own thing and let us live as Jesus showed us how to live.

  • @dabrack9350
    @dabrack9350 День назад +8

    I fully believe that God created this universe and the laws of physics that control it. But I must say the arguments presented all end with "universe as we know it would not exist". That is true. But if these laws were any different we might well have a universe we cannot imagine and where man cannot live. God created this universe to be the place man can live because God wants to love us and he wants us to want to love him.

    • @bobblacka918
      @bobblacka918 23 часа назад +3

      Actually, if the laws of physics were different, there would be no matter, no energy, and no time. If you can think of a universe without those three elements, then good luck with that.

  • @JuanRodriguez-jn7zx
    @JuanRodriguez-jn7zx День назад +2

    Una apuesta peligrosa!

  • @YouSeeeeeee
    @YouSeeeeeee День назад +2

    Thank you brother!

  • @thundermane362
    @thundermane362 День назад +6

    "Would you be willing to bet your life on that?" Sadly, many of them do.

  • @sonnypruitt6639
    @sonnypruitt6639 День назад +2

    Love it! 🤓

  • @mutantthegreat7963
    @mutantthegreat7963 День назад +1

    That's how far people are prepared to go to deny God, thus it proves that it has nothing to do with intellectuality but rather not wanting to be told how to lives one's life.

  • @DigbyOdel-et3xx
    @DigbyOdel-et3xx 15 часов назад +4

    Smart people do this because they live in denial. They don't want there to be a God. By accepting that there is a God requires them to not be the god of their own mind. That is s conclusion they don't want to accept.

  • @evandylan
    @evandylan День назад +1

    That’s what I think, but there’s always that question. Why?

    • @danielanthony8373
      @danielanthony8373 День назад

      I was always bothered by the story in the Old Testament until recently of why the Hebrews when they saw the ten plagues of Egypt then were led out by Moses then saw the parting of the Red Sea and they then built a golden Calf and strarted worshipping it
      No matter what evidence or miracles you give people they still won't believe

    • @victorvolobuev507
      @victorvolobuev507 День назад +1

      Why is a very good question. If it was just random, the question “why?” would not occur.
      But if someone is behind it, then it means there is a purpose. And if there is a purpose, then we might want to take an interest in finding out what that might be

  • @johnflores1723
    @johnflores1723 14 часов назад

    I look at something as simple as ELS, with a simple 1 in 50 chance, and I think to myself “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord our God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.”
    Because if you can flip a penny and get 50 heads in a row, it means something broke.

  • @heinpereboom5521
    @heinpereboom5521 17 часов назад

    It is clear that science has enormous knowledge of many things.
    They are and can be used for humanity.
    Unfortunately, it is not known for any subject why it is possible.
    Then comes God.

  • @rhpicayune
    @rhpicayune 17 часов назад

    It’s not so much that these “enlightened“ people believe in chance or luck.
    It’s a matter with the heart, or the will of the person; they are NOT going to admit they have to be accountable, and are subject to a higher power, a Creator that is rightfully the Lord of their life, to whom they owe obedience.
    “I’m gonna do what I want, how I want, and when I want.
    No one’s gonna tell me what to do“.

  • @Tanengtiong
    @Tanengtiong День назад

    the fine-tune theory also tells us that human history as a whole could be in its best timing in the universes/multiverse too, otherwise life wouldn't have existed in this universe.

  • @lawrencehalpin6611
    @lawrencehalpin6611 День назад

    Thank you. God bless you for all that you do.

  • @Disciple793
    @Disciple793 День назад +3

    Forget listening to a physicist talk about the universe, this explanation is pure laymen's terms yet very profound to comprehend. (Psalm 19:1-4)

    • @sawdusty8214
      @sawdusty8214 19 часов назад +1

      Indeed, (Romans 1.18-20)

  • @stefanblumhoff2744
    @stefanblumhoff2744 23 часа назад

    Excellent presentation.

  • @pompousprick6143
    @pompousprick6143 День назад +2

    The dumbest thing ever in the history of dumbness is thinking the universe is possible without God.