Overwatch: How To Improve Your Aim! - Advanced Guide

  • Опубликовано: 28 дек 2024

Комментарии • 692

  • @YourOverwatch
    @YourOverwatch  7 лет назад +381

    For those saying they are console players, EVERYTHING i talk about in this video apart from my sensitivity applies to console too! Crosshair placement is a universal tool!!

    • @XimpactXXimpactX
      @XimpactXXimpactX 7 лет назад +4

      Please I beg you to play console and do the same

    • @mohammadnusairat4648
      @mohammadnusairat4648 7 лет назад +2

      Your Overwatch What if you play genji? Where would the "sweet spot" for my crosshairs be?

    • @matthewevans3543
      @matthewevans3543 7 лет назад +1

      Your Overwatch you're a man after my own heart

    • @jajj56
      @jajj56 7 лет назад

      Your Overwatch Honestly I use 'drag shot'. I lead the target and when the run into it I drag my crosshairs along their direction of running and pop them

    • @mindgoblin6195
      @mindgoblin6195 7 лет назад +5

      You try playing on console and tell me its the same

  • @memencream4315
    @memencream4315 7 лет назад +1239

    How to get better aim
    Step 1: Play Winston
    Step 2: Play Symmetra

    • @jrockj1108
      @jrockj1108 7 лет назад +49

      Mountain Chicken Games On PS4 Step 3: Play Junkrat
      Step 4: Play Reinhardt

    • @ahbraveconscript997
      @ahbraveconscript997 7 лет назад +57

      also. 1. pick torbjorn 2. build sentry 2. sit emote. 3. spam hard work pays off. 4 if someone asks say you are following muselk's "church of torb"

    • @Henbot
      @Henbot 7 лет назад +11

      Winston needs far more strategy then aim.

    • @kaedeakamatsu3154
      @kaedeakamatsu3154 7 лет назад +19

      Step 3: Play Reinhardt
      Step 4: Play Mercy
      Step 5: Plei

    • @speedyvincent3986
      @speedyvincent3986 7 лет назад +17

      How to get better aim: Get good kid

  • @Sharkenjoyer862
    @Sharkenjoyer862 7 лет назад +517

    Step 1: play Reinhardt
    Step 2: Firestrike at Phara's
    After a good day of that, there now isn't anything you can't do

  • @TheBrywarrior90
    @TheBrywarrior90 7 лет назад +11

    You're right in saying that this is fairly basic, but it's basics that a lot of people don't think of. This is actually very helpful for me. I've been trying to get better with McCree and Tracer specifically, and this has helped me a lot.

  • @wizzzer1337
    @wizzzer1337 7 лет назад +53

    I'm 29... I'm starting to have a genuine deterioration in my hand eye coordination. I used to be top of my game 15 years ago, I was killing it in Unreal Tournament, wall jumping, flickshot headshotting people with the Lightning gun.
    now it feels like a chore, like I'm neurologically incapable of doing what I did. I'm not saying I'm freaking 50 or somthing and I that I can't even properly see what's in front of my screen, I feel like now I have to put effort into something I did effortlessly when I was a teenager, and that just feels bad.
    Reinhardt and Lucio all the way for me now, at least I have the patience to play those characters.

    • @LibriumMusic
      @LibriumMusic 7 лет назад +10

      dayum im only 15... I feel young in this community lol

    • @ghoulbuster1
      @ghoulbuster1 7 лет назад +10

      tfw old grandpa at 30

    • @wlsfla8619
      @wlsfla8619 7 лет назад +3

      I feel you mate. Used to be a really good sniper in several fps games (often called as a hacker lol), now I can't flick shot as good as what I used to and I can feel my hands just not reacting in a way it used to. I feel shit (I'm turning 27) but what can I do about aging.. Gotta accept and play different characters :'(

    • @KalishKovacs
      @KalishKovacs 7 лет назад +5

      I feel you, I've also found out that there is two kinds of ways to be when you're in a game. Once you learn to recognise them, you can get a but better.
      Think about how you aim and play, if you don't feel any intensity until you're about to lose an engagement, then you're playing in the first mode which is basically casual mode with little investment. Your concentration is minimal and your aiming is lacking.
      The second mode is intense, its where you have the "I'm going to die" feeling all the time, your concentration is high and your aiming placement is high. You're constantly thinking of variables and alternatives. But the most important part is your aiming readjustment timing is very low, and it takes you less than 30ms to adjust your aim or predict movement.
      Getting into the second mindset was much easier when younger, according to recent studies your mental processing power peaks at 18. Explains it afaik.

    • @Buyboomstick
      @Buyboomstick 7 лет назад +2

      Have you tried to go back to unreal tournament to test your aim there?
      In a bunch of games when you move around, it takes a little while to accelerate, meaning changing directions take longer. therefore dodging techniques like ADAD spamming is less effective.
      In overwatch there's basicly no acceleration time. Almost as soon as you switch from A to D you will move the other direction at full speed, which makes this kind of dodging super strong and very hard to hit.
      Maybe the fact that you find it more difficult to hit anything actually has very little to do with your ability, but more to do with increased difficulty in game mechanics?

  • @LibriumMusic
    @LibriumMusic 7 лет назад +249

    IDDQD said that with mccree holding down leftclick is a bad idea. Tapping is way better because when holding down mccree has a hidden spread barely anyone knows about.

    • @mexicanmanjohn
      @mexicanmanjohn 7 лет назад +36

      It's because he fires faster than his recoil resets. It's not really a spread. You are still shooting where your crosshair is at

    • @YourOverwatch
      @YourOverwatch  7 лет назад +22

      Regardless of hidden spread or not, the most raw damage you can get out of him is to hold it down so if you can compensate for it, its still the best way to do it. I personally have never heard of this and ive tested it before too so it must only apply at long ranges -w

    • @pihpoh8290
      @pihpoh8290 7 лет назад +9

      I mean, it's just harder to time and hit your flicks when holding it down (as to me) and it's easier to aim and flick with an actuall 'click' rather than 'hold' on the button (also as to me).
      BUT you've gotta have it - holding it down gives the fastest shots possible, so if you hit a shield or roadhog OR just hit your shots with it - honors to you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    • @YourOverwatch
      @YourOverwatch  7 лет назад +10

      So i did some research and IDDQD taps at long range because its slightly inconsistent, but that doesnt take away from the fact that if you can hold down the trigger and hit them all you do more raw DPS. It depends on your range more than anything, at a close range the compensation wont make a difference and its much better to hold down the trigger if you can hit the shots -w

    • @pihpoh8290
      @pihpoh8290 7 лет назад

      I can even link you the video where he shows and explains, if you're interested :)

  • @rafvissersraf
    @rafvissersraf 7 лет назад +129

    the hard truth is that it is pure muscle memory and practice...

    • @Sombreeny
      @Sombreeny 7 лет назад +5

      Raf v. true that, it's not something that just comes

    • @sebacool8
      @sebacool8 7 лет назад +3

      It's not just that

    • @Kieranty
      @Kieranty 7 лет назад +15

      Not sure if you're implying that the technique doesn't matter but, you can practice the wrong way and just screw up your aim. Or at least practice a not as efficient way

    • @ClipsOfVTubers
      @ClipsOfVTubers 6 лет назад +3

      I play FPS games for over 10 years and I still suck at it. Aiming is not only practice....

  • @crocdog7828
    @crocdog7828 7 лет назад +220

    Cross hair placement? Torbjorn won't be having any of that.

    • @manman-fq4zw
      @manman-fq4zw 7 лет назад

      MagnifiTasticMazing Not for spamming into chokes?

    • @samborden4023
      @samborden4023 7 лет назад

      +eDinnBpi Wueetus spamming chokes usually isn't a good this

    • @l3arrikki
      @l3arrikki 7 лет назад +1

      its kind of same thing but much harder. you also have to learn bulletdrop

    • @jimbothefingerwaggler4509
      @jimbothefingerwaggler4509 6 лет назад +1

      crocdog Torbjorn is the Oddjob of Overwatch

    • @xxcoolboy69xx64
      @xxcoolboy69xx64 5 лет назад


  • @jwoz1403
    @jwoz1403 7 лет назад +12

    Lol, I can remember a time when there was a noob pharah on the other team and I was flanking as widow, the pharah was sitting still and I missed about 3 shots on her because I was overthinking

  • @MrPlayDay
    @MrPlayDay 7 лет назад +6

    the best crosshair imo
    overwatch crosshair
    type: crosshair
    show accuracy: off
    light blue
    thickness: 1
    width: 12
    center gap: 6
    opacity: 100
    dot size: 2
    dot opacity: 0

  • @zachcunningham9444
    @zachcunningham9444 7 лет назад

    Overwatch had been the first FPS game I've really gotten into, I'm used to tactical strategy games like XCOM but knowing how to aim has been a challenge, so thanks for the guide it really helped.

  • @phos4us
    @phos4us 7 лет назад +15

    3:54 gets a large health kit when at 196/200 health

  • @NickMK
    @NickMK 7 лет назад +36

    When you hold it down it DOESN´T reset to the original position before the next shot. Taping is better on Mccree. At least according to IDDQD´s video.

    • @josephbledsoe1333
      @josephbledsoe1333 7 лет назад

      Nick yeah it does, go to training grounds and try it

    • @NickMK
      @NickMK 7 лет назад

      I know I tested it too, but just saying I tested it isnt as good as the man himself :-D

    • @YourOverwatch
      @YourOverwatch  7 лет назад +15

      IDDQD taps at long range because its slightly inconsistent, but that doesnt take away from the fact that if you can hold down the trigger and hit them all you do more raw DPS. It depends on your range more than anything, at a close range the compensation wont make a difference and its much better to hold down the trigger if you can hit the shots -w

    • @Sugah2
      @Sugah2 7 лет назад


    • @Sugah2
      @Sugah2 7 лет назад

      *you, *police?

  • @zilvoxidgod
    @zilvoxidgod 7 лет назад +14

    Maybe I don't want to aim, maybe I want to play winston from now on

  • @howdoilogin
    @howdoilogin 7 лет назад +3

    Best Winston guide ever.

  • @drankyourmilkshake4511
    @drankyourmilkshake4511 7 лет назад

    I'll never forget watching some of my friends play CS for the first time. Their cross hair placement would drive me insane. It's like they were getting ready to shoot pebbles on the ground when turning a corner.

  • @Brinkie83
    @Brinkie83 7 лет назад +1

    I'll be commenting from a PC perspective only. While nothing new for me, i like the tip for new players to pre-aim at a certain height instead of looking at te ground/sky/elsewhere thats not useful.
    Something that could have been added/or for the future which i also didn't see covered in your other video;
    - you can let your mouse aim do the major movement towards the target, then use your character movement to make the final micro adjustments until crosshair and enemy align. This was a very common way of aiming pre-CS games (e.g quake). Many are also not consciously aware they mess up their aim like this as well (moving character unintendently)
    - point at enemy and click is not the only style. You can also keep your crosshair steady and with prediction of your enemy's movement wait until they walk into your crosshair. This of course mostly happens in miliseconds not seconds to make it practical.
    - you could add some tips on how to actually practice aiming instead of just settings talk. With this i mean; setup a server with xyz settings of bots and play 20 minutes of that, or do x minutes of headshot only against friends each day. Etc. you get the point.
    Finally, i found it suprising to see that when talking about sensitivity you mention dpi and ingame sense. Which is basically useless without knowing the screen resolution, OS + settings and others (e.g win 7, vs win 10 can already differ in results). Please just mention how many cm per 360 degree turn you use. That's the only universal measure (leaving acceleration out of the discussion for simplicity) and thats basically what people really are trying to learn (is he swiping hard 3 times for a 180degree turn or does he barely move his wirst?)
    Eitherway fun to see one of these fundamentals videos and see whats todays view :-)

  • @Jellylamps
    @Jellylamps 7 лет назад

    A lot of this is common sense, but eludes me when I'm playing and have to think fast. Keeping it in mind will probably really help

  • @thefearedavocado
    @thefearedavocado 7 лет назад +1

    I never really played FPS games before Overwatch. As in, I couldn't even beat Half-Life or Bioshock because I just couldn't aim well enough to win. I very much appreciated many of the tips from YO, and I can confirm that it really just comes down to practice.
    What I did was I had a day or two off from work and with the child packed off to grandma's house, and I just sat down and spent ten straight hours playing Soldier 76 in Quickplay, focusing on keeping the crosshairs at the right place as I moved and tracking enemies at the correct speed. At the start, I was a waste of space on my teams, killing fewer people than the tanks or even the supports. By the end of the day, I was at least playing at basic competence (i.e. successfully getting gold eliminations as the DPS character.) I would never say I'm great at it, but I can definitely endorse a serious, self-reflective deep dive on a character as helping significantly, and just practice, practice, practice. Since then, when I'm playing Lucio and Zenyatta (my boys!), I have improved aim for them as well; the skills do transfer a bit, even to such wonky projectiles.

  • @YourOverwatch
    @YourOverwatch  7 лет назад +5

    In this video we break down how to improve you accuracy in your games of overwatch. Being at the right height to aim and hit headshots easier is very key and crosshair placement is a very big part of that. I hope this helped you guys out! Be sure to drop a Like & Subscribe if you enjoyed!

    @DMICFTL 7 лет назад

    Thank you for this, Short simple, to the point basic aiming theory. First thing I stress to anyone asking me for help.

  • @theoriginalgoose
    @theoriginalgoose 7 лет назад

    I'm new to Overwatch and the channel, just wanted to say great work, I find your vids super useful and entertaining to watch. Keep at it guys :)

  • @patofeliz1887
    @patofeliz1887 7 лет назад

    super good video , good quality, good voice, good guide overall , you deserved my sub.
    cheers mate

  • @Alex-kx3tj
    @Alex-kx3tj 7 лет назад

    thanks youroverwatch you have really helped me to become a better player I was bronze and then watched your vids and got into high silver

  • @phos4us
    @phos4us 7 лет назад +1

    when you said to just stop still for a tiny bit because no one will expect that, I actually have thought of doing that before. I win many 1v1 widow fights by moving around a lot, then I just stand still, concentrate and headshot them while the enemy will miss me even though I'm still.

  • @irishluck7890
    @irishluck7890 7 лет назад +1

    it worked for me and my friends, we turned out dpi down to 1500 or less and dropped sens down to 5 for below, find something in that range that feels comfortable and work with it.

  • @swsot
    @swsot 7 лет назад

    Nice video! The only thing I feel I can contribute is that for an ex csgo player like yourself (me too) your crosshair placement isn't that great. The fundamentals of aiming at head height is fine but when you show gameplay of yourself in a game your crosshair is more often than not actually looking through the wall at where you think they're going to be so when they do peak and they're a little ahead/behind of where you think you have to make a micro adjustment that might make the difference of dying or living! It's a bad habit people get into especially on counterstrike. The better thing to do is to lock your crosshair on the edge of the corner you're going to peek so you're always aiming somewhere you can actually shoot and do damage! I can't explain this very well as its a lot easier to just show you, I suggest watching a csgo crosshair placement guide to fully explain what I mean. Apart from that, awesome video, I just subscribed as I'm making the jump from cs to overwatch now. Have a nice day!

  • @indoorfishh
    @indoorfishh 7 лет назад

    I really appreciate my experience in CSGO. It really helped me improve my general aim in fps. Mecree's a lot like using a USP or deagle, but a lot easier

  • @arebutwords5102
    @arebutwords5102 7 лет назад

    I love what you do on this channel and it's great to see so much success from just one game, keep it up 👍🏻

  • @jacobladd1935
    @jacobladd1935 7 лет назад

    a tip from iddqd on tracer is to aim at the NECK. With tracer's spread, some shots will hit body and some shots will hit the head instead of having several pass completely over your targets head.
    another tip from iddqd on mccree is to click every time, not hold m1. If you hold m1, the recoil on the gun does actually influence your shot slightly. However, if you click it shouldn't.
    Cheers mate, and if you want to verify my words just look it up. He mentioned it on stream and it's on YT somewhere

  • @liennen5868
    @liennen5868 7 лет назад

    I remember some teaching that "Look through the crosshair" philosophy is counter-productive. This video's footage is about pov player being the hunter. But when you're outnumbered and targeted and need evasive movement, that crosshair placement makes you easier to corner.

  • @egp014
    @egp014 7 лет назад +22

    Why do so many people shoot at Zarya's barrier knowing they're charging her weapon? Does the barrier wear out faster when it absorbs a lot of damage?

    • @magnuslennon3315
      @magnuslennon3315 7 лет назад +21

      ODRAUDE they disappear when u shoot them, good players will shoot the barriers early if the person it's saving is low in order to secure the kill despite charging her, hope this makes sense :)

    • @egp014
      @egp014 7 лет назад +1

      Magnus Lennon ok, thanks :]

    • @SkyscraperM
      @SkyscraperM 7 лет назад +8

      +Terminatorskull30 zarya has 200 health for her bubbles

    • @mrs_kyoote1387
      @mrs_kyoote1387 7 лет назад +2

      they only last two seconds... if u shoot them or not they disappear. ur only charging her weapon...

    • @egp014
      @egp014 7 лет назад +2

      Terminatorskull30 words of wisdom

  • @fynn3016
    @fynn3016 7 лет назад +2

    its so important to just play a lot. When i am playing a lot my aim is much better than when im just doing 3 games a day.

  • @Tibor0803
    @Tibor0803 7 лет назад

    I use a specific high sensitivity and low sensitivity trigger set on my mouse in the middle of the game. One button will set my dpi to 800, leaves my Overwatch sensitivity untouched, changes the sensitivity to the third lowest value in control panel. Another one will set my dpi to 1200, leaves my Overwatch sensitivit untouched again, and changes the sensitivity to the second highest degree of my mouse in control panel. Since I have these settings on my mouse, McCree feels more versatile both in long range and close range combat. His accuracy feels way better that makes my in-game accuracy value around 55-60% and also my self-defense is improved having increased reaction behind my back. The only disadvantage it has is I cannot use Flashbang and double headshot on any auto-switched settings.

  • @reece2533
    @reece2533 7 лет назад

    The only really useful thing I took from this video that I didn't already know was the stopping still during a fight for a moment, I had never really thought about it. It would also help with landing a shot on someone like Mcree or Hanzo because you don't have to compensate for your own movement.

  • @icywinterof88
    @icywinterof88 7 лет назад

    This is exactly what I needed, thank you. And I cant wait for the Hanzo video, I feel like my skill with him has fallen off a bit.

  • @notreallyheroic3364
    @notreallyheroic3364 7 лет назад +24

    This is unrelated, but how many hours does Freedo have on Pharah?

    • @EleanoraVandalieu
      @EleanoraVandalieu 7 лет назад +2

      he sucks as pharah.

    • @notreallyheroic3364
      @notreallyheroic3364 7 лет назад +13

      Really, have you seen him play Pharah, I have, it's some pretty sweet stuff.

    • @EleanoraVandalieu
      @EleanoraVandalieu 7 лет назад

      Yea i have, but those are games that are singled out to look good.go check his stats out on overbuff. They aren't that bad, but not the best.

  • @taugrim
    @taugrim 6 лет назад +1

    I notice you don't jump much as you move/strafe. Do you not do it because it affects the crosshair aiming/adds another variable to manage/

  • @alfire2504
    @alfire2504 6 лет назад

    After watching this my McCree accuracy jumped from 24% accuracy to the mid 40's. I'm still bad at it but thank you so much

  • @SolarDeath666
    @SolarDeath666 7 лет назад

    Crosshair placement; never thought about it, I normally am looking around more vertically, instead of horizontally. My camera is actually pretty wily if you ask me, it's everywhere even though an enemy would obviously not be 10 feet in the air, on ground lol (unless you're Phara, different story.)
    Good tips, I'll try to make it instinct.

  • @mikoal
    @mikoal 7 лет назад

    This really depends, this applies when you are standing on ground level with your enemy, however when you are in high ground or shooting a pharah, this all changes.

  • @peterreda2782
    @peterreda2782 7 лет назад

    I love this crosshair idea, I honestly never heard of it even from my diamond ranked friend and I'm still at bronze
    I must try this technique
    ❤️❤️❤️luv u so much and ur great advice my overwatch

  • @GreyShot254
    @GreyShot254 7 лет назад

    A big tip for console, use your moment to assets your horizontal aim, especially if you need to do some vertical adjustment.

  • @Teyros
    @Teyros 7 лет назад +1

    Great tips, thanks. All comes down to practice and experience too

  • @thelaw8188
    @thelaw8188 7 лет назад

    Note: With Junkrat, you actually usually want to be aiming at enemies' feet. Not the floor, but their feet. Bouncing it up and hitting them in the legs is a lot easier than going for critical hits you can' even get on Junk's nades.

  • @discordbbx3412
    @discordbbx3412 7 лет назад

    i can't wait for the hanzo aiming guide :D i can finally improve my aim with him

  • @Henbot
    @Henbot 7 лет назад

    Honestly found having my fire on consoles L3 much more comfortable and also if you on console strafe with the enemy, move with the movement of the enemy and dont adjust to keep up too much with aim stick. Focus more on placing the crosshair on the enemy and then not touching the aim stick and using the movement stick to keep up with them and due to not adjusting your crosshair with aimstick the crosshair will stay on the enemy more.

  • @logicallydoomed336
    @logicallydoomed336 7 лет назад

    it helped. It confirms what I already know and have learned

  • @IAmKnownAsBigT
    @IAmKnownAsBigT 7 лет назад

    Thanks for the video. Keep them coming. Really great channel.

  • @TheRustedPixel
    @TheRustedPixel 7 лет назад

    Thanks for the video mate. Always the best gameplay tips! Keep them coming.

  • @StabStabStabStabby
    @StabStabStabStabby 7 лет назад +5

    Go play a bot match as mcree against 6 anas. Headshots only. You'll improve massively playing this every now and then. (Ana can't headshot plus she has a tiny hitbox).

  • @darkusplayz7615
    @darkusplayz7615 7 лет назад +1

    You talk about the sweet spot but you didn't mention that for most spray characters (Tracer, sombra, Soldier) you have to aim at the neck.

  • @NitroAimBot
    @NitroAimBot 7 лет назад +54

    do u wrist or arm aim?

    • @bloodjunkie1919
      @bloodjunkie1919 7 лет назад +6

      vergillehell arm aim, it's better cuz you can have lower sens i.e be more accurate and precise

    • @SpensaVenture
      @SpensaVenture 7 лет назад +2

      Arm is better right?

    • @YourOverwatch
      @YourOverwatch  7 лет назад +29

      A mix of both on my sens :) -w

    • @F1570_
      @F1570_ 7 лет назад +2

      vergillehell arm for large movements
      Wrist for smaller adjustments

    • @KOSPman
      @KOSPman 7 лет назад +3

      Arm can retain more muscle memory than wrist, making it easier to flick

  • @bryce3784
    @bryce3784 7 лет назад

    7:35 thats why us Pharah mains love Tracer soooo much

  • @StepBackHistory
    @StepBackHistory 7 лет назад

    I tried these sensitivity settings and man does it take some getting used to. My arm is tired :P

  • @uzeeinc
    @uzeeinc 7 лет назад

    As someone who came back to PC gaming after over 12 years to play Overwatch, I've realized that age is also a major factor in your aiming. I was a pretty good Counter Strike player back in the day (2001-2005ish) when I was in my mid to late teens, but now I can't track for shit. I'm just not physically able to keep my crosshair on my targets.
    Hitting middle age plus being out of practice for more than a decade has pretty much guaranteed that even getting to Platinum would be a major struggle for me.

    • @Raletia
      @Raletia 7 лет назад

      Honestly, with this game, General Knowledge, Tactics, Game Sense, and Communication can get you much much further than Aim alone. I've seen VOD reviews of bronze players who hit hanzo shots constantly, and Masters players who miss more than half their shots.

  • @opelgtman73
    @opelgtman73 7 лет назад +2

    This was very informative! thanks for a great video! On a side note I found out I play on 3400 DPI, much higher than your's lol probably why I suck at aiming.

  • @zer0veledits
    @zer0veledits 7 лет назад

    Can't wait for the Hanzo guide guys!

  • @samirmoorhouse
    @samirmoorhouse 7 лет назад +5

    Stylosa once told me aim doesn't matter

  • @funveeable
    @funveeable 7 лет назад

    It's actually your computer that determines your aim. On my laptop Overwatch only lets me play rein Winston or symmetra but when I found a stronger computer I became the soldier everyone wanted on their team. It truly is the hardware that determines your skill....and a bit of your actual skill.

  • @TripodTyler
    @TripodTyler 5 лет назад

    Excellent video, gonna try these tips out.

  • @akiramasashi9317
    @akiramasashi9317 7 лет назад

    So what this video comes down to, the key to getting better at aiming is to just get better at aiming?
    Gee, thanks. How very helpful.

  • @Misaio
    @Misaio 7 лет назад

    I have never been able to aim to save my life, but...I am eager to try this.

  • @denaro572
    @denaro572 7 лет назад +313

    How to get good aim: Don't suck at aiming.

    • @ethannazareth5390
      @ethannazareth5390 7 лет назад +15

      Denaro how's bronze going for you?

    • @Rollsatroyal
      @Rollsatroyal 7 лет назад +23

      Ethan Nazareth lol did his comment trigger you that much? do you have shit aim is that why? :/

    • @Mars-ge7oj
      @Mars-ge7oj 7 лет назад +3

      Ethan Nazareth but he wouldn't be in bronze cause clearly he knows how to be good at aiming

    • @joshh6376
      @joshh6376 7 лет назад

      "dont aim at the ground dont aim at the sky. aim for the chest mm head area"

    • @dannyknoxville7545
      @dannyknoxville7545 7 лет назад +13

      Denaro Thanks man saved me 12 minutes

  • @illoney5663
    @illoney5663 7 лет назад

    I would say that the Hanzo limit is more like 20 meters than 20 ft, just wanted to add that.

  • @kamik5799
    @kamik5799 5 лет назад

    I think the solution its in the field of view. I'm practising at Widow and now I've got more kills than before.

  • @KurosakiNaturo
    @KurosakiNaturo 7 лет назад +1

    Weagal, you know what that Pharah shot was?... 10% Luck, 20% Skill, 15% concentrated power of will, 5 % pleasure, 50% pain, and 100% reason to remember the name.

  • @TheXTCNinja117
    @TheXTCNinja117 7 лет назад

    This helped a lot, thanks man.

  • @NonsensicalSpudz
    @NonsensicalSpudz 6 лет назад

    ty for the video, also found out my mouse has sensitivity and dpi. lol i was using the sensitivity as DPI until I googled it. then i changed my actual dpi and man did my aim improve

  • @pretentiousdude
    @pretentiousdude 7 лет назад

    This guide works well for Genji too. Especially when you sneak up on Widows. LeftClick + Shift = Dead Widow.

  • @LibriumMusic
    @LibriumMusic 7 лет назад +1

    0:18 that wasnt just crispy
    it was crunchy

  • @muistje3
    @muistje3 7 лет назад

    Can you guys make a video about tracing targets? I'm still quite struggling with that

  • @hammurabitheawesome674
    @hammurabitheawesome674 7 лет назад

    The only reason to stare at the ground when peeking:

  • @miscal1278
    @miscal1278 7 лет назад

    This is a great video. I've watched it three times now, but the first two times I was a console player. I finished watching this the third time as a new PC player (so I've never played fps games on PC) and I would really like a video exclusively for console players converting to PC. I've found that out of my three mains (ana, zen, and tracer) I'm only pretty good on Ana. My accuracy on the other two are under 25% and I feel like this is because my mouse movement isn't smooth so I don't track properly. I would love to watch a video that may help console players do better when converting to a new PC player.

  • @Mhopson968
    @Mhopson968 7 лет назад

    is a genji player, not main but i enjoy him, compensating for enemy movement can be a struggle. mostly on lucio but it can suck. i have like 40% accuracy

  • @IqDpete5
    @IqDpete5 7 лет назад

    What about when you're playing someone like Genji or Pharah? What's the best way to work on aiming for heroes constantly moving up and down?

  • @LoneWolfShepherd
    @LoneWolfShepherd 7 лет назад

    Great tips man, thanks!

  • @GrunkelGwen
    @GrunkelGwen 7 лет назад

    Thanks, Liam - that was informative

  • @Tehonlyspennaaah
    @Tehonlyspennaaah 7 лет назад

    For those console guys who are interested:
    I was the number one, three and fifth Console Widowmaker across my accounts according to Overbuff and Masteroverwatch. I run 85 horizontal, 80 vertical, 83 scoped and 15 aim assist. These sens ops will help your Widow play immensely!

  • @bl1nk595
    @bl1nk595 7 лет назад

    you are great this vid has helped me 100%

  • @masterofthebongo1400
    @masterofthebongo1400 7 лет назад

    I got a bit confused couse of the sensivity. I use a Mouse with 1500 DPI, in game settings are 18.30 which is much higher than yours. However 18.30 is still in the lower 1/4 of max. I saw in the comments that 2.5 means that it multiplies the actual sensetivity of that amount, which my 18.30 clearly not does. Did I miss something?

  • @NedMethod
    @NedMethod 7 лет назад

    you should also explain the jump triangle

  • @faye400
    @faye400 7 лет назад

    I was upset with my aim, and came across this guide. When I saw he had a 2.5 sensitivity, I got curious because I'd never actually taken a look at my sensitivity. I hop in game real quick and look at the default sensitivity. Well, looks like I found my problem.

  • @ianhopkins3098
    @ianhopkins3098 7 лет назад

    Thank you. This helped so much

  • @Haesslicherblaubarsch
    @Haesslicherblaubarsch 7 лет назад

    As a extremely shitty aimer I am really thankful for this video. I've had a lot of practise, about 300+ hours now, so I should be getting better but I'm not really. This is actually something I've not specifically looked at but I'll do it now, thank you!

  • @alexfishh6094
    @alexfishh6094 7 лет назад

    actually, jumping on characters makes them easier to track and hit, because once they are in the air, they can only go one direction, so it is very easy to predict movement

  • @elthomas_
    @elthomas_ 7 лет назад +33

    "Advanced guide" - says don't aim at ground

  • @andrejkascak7247
    @andrejkascak7247 7 лет назад

    CS taught me so much

  • @TheJSRF001
    @TheJSRF001 7 лет назад

    Did you pick up a full health-pack for 4 dmg? lol

  • @Jimmy-hs7pt
    @Jimmy-hs7pt 7 лет назад

    Ill be waiting for that hanzo guide

  • @jazzmeme7761
    @jazzmeme7761 7 лет назад

    Yes please I need a Hanzo guide

  • @natekim1908
    @natekim1908 7 лет назад

    I've played McCree lately. I was just wondering. Should I be holding down left click when I'm trying to hit someone whose juking. Or should I take less shots and try to calculate

  • @heyy_sus2222
    @heyy_sus2222 7 лет назад +1

    Your overwatch. did over watch buff mccree a little bit when overwatch uprising update realesed?

  • @akemi_arts
    @akemi_arts 6 лет назад

    Im just learning to play McCree so I think this will help some! thanks :D

  • @darielalbarez4501
    @darielalbarez4501 7 лет назад +1

    I use to worry about aiming then I started playing Winston

  • @Foxtrot-qd1yf
    @Foxtrot-qd1yf 7 лет назад

    My one and only tip is, dont panic. . . play calm and have fun, so much easier to aim and concentrate then

  • @shinkenji5885
    @shinkenji5885 7 лет назад

    Iddqd talked about aiming tricks with Ana, mcree, and tracer. With tracer you want to aim at the person's throat.

  • @tomodayama7101
    @tomodayama7101 7 лет назад

    Well adjusting your aim at around chest height is great, but what about those times where you have to shoot a Pharah out of the sky, or the enemy have the high ground? or when you have the high ground? How do you adjust your aim for those situations?

    • @magnuslennon3315
      @magnuslennon3315 7 лет назад +2

      Tom Odayama practice flick shots, or just like when u see them aim up lol, he means just aim where u think the enemies will be so it's easier to hit shots faster

  • @EorAmbient
    @EorAmbient 7 лет назад

    Holy shit you just helped me so much. My in game sensitivity has been at 10 this whole time

  • @PavusthePug
    @PavusthePug 7 лет назад

    What's considered a good aim % for McCree?
    I used to use Xbox controller and get around 40% to 45%, but I've switched to using my mouse and I'm up to averaging 50% to 60%.