I regret to have to inform you two that Marxism is only one form of Socialism. In the case of the Scottish Presbyterians in the anecdote you took such umbrage with they may be Labour Party people not Marxists. It is Marxist theory that socialism is a stepping stone to actual Marxism but that has proven difficult to find many examples of in real life. A helpful entry from the New Oxford American Dictionary: so•cialism | 'söSHe, liz(e)m | noun a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole: we want a real democratic and pluralist left party- one which unites all those who believe in socialism. * policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism: the debate over whether to move away from free markets and toward socialism. * (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism: socialism is the first stage of the worldwide transition to communism. -- The term "socialism" has been used to describe positions as far apart as anarchism, Soviet state communism, and social democracy; however, it necessarily implies an opposition to the untrammeled workings of the economic market. The socialist parties that have arisen in most European countries from the late 19th century have generally tended toward social democracy. -- ORIGIN early 19th century: from French socialisme, from social (see social).
There are some issues with this video. First, they claim that Christianity is about the individual to support their political view. A strong biblical and historical argument can be made against this view. Second, they claim the issue is moral and only mention the moral positions of the Democrat party and fail to mention the moral positions of the republican party that oppose the character of God. They do an excellent job of showing the potential dangers of Christian nationalism.
When one of the guys talks about the books in the library and mention the gay oriented book, saids it was in the children section. I had heard that that specific book is in the section for midle school where sexuality is explored in classrooms all over the country. I agree with one of the comments that he does not talks about how the republicans are not holding the nature of God on how to treat others. This panel neglects to mention that the reason Christianity is the largest religion on earth was because it was forced on people in the pain of death. Where is is applying it now to others religions that are doing that. Convert or die. One think that would be honest in order to hold accountability, although hate and homophobic pastors fearmonger their congregations should honestly point out that our children are in more danger of sexual assault and molestation from a church than from a drag queen show.
This was so helpful, thank you!
I regret to have to inform you two that Marxism is only one form of Socialism. In the case of the Scottish Presbyterians in the anecdote you took such umbrage with they may be Labour Party people not Marxists. It is Marxist theory that socialism is a stepping stone to actual Marxism but that has proven difficult to find many examples of in real life. A helpful entry from the New Oxford American Dictionary:
so•cialism | 'söSHe, liz(e)m |
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole: we want a real democratic and pluralist left party- one which unites all those who believe in socialism.
* policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism: the debate over whether to move away from free markets and toward socialism.
* (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism: socialism is the first stage of the worldwide transition to communism.
The term "socialism" has been used to describe positions as far apart as anarchism, Soviet state communism, and social democracy; however, it necessarily implies an opposition to the untrammeled workings of the economic market. The socialist parties that have arisen in most European countries from the late 19th century have generally tended toward social democracy.
early 19th century: from French socialisme, from social (see social).
ummm did you even watch this? They didn't imply that it was at all.
There are some issues with this video. First, they claim that Christianity is about the individual to support their political view. A strong biblical and historical argument can be made against this view. Second, they claim the issue is moral and only mention the moral positions of the Democrat party and fail to mention the moral positions of the republican party that oppose the character of God. They do an excellent job of showing the potential dangers of Christian nationalism.
When one of the guys talks about the books in the library and mention the gay oriented book, saids it was in the children section. I had heard that that specific book is in the section for midle school where sexuality is explored in classrooms all over the country. I agree with one of the comments that he does not talks about how the republicans are not holding the nature of God on how to treat others. This panel neglects to mention that the reason Christianity is the largest religion on earth was because it was forced on people in the pain of death. Where is is applying it now to others religions that are doing that. Convert or die. One think that would be honest in order to hold accountability, although hate and homophobic pastors fearmonger their congregations should honestly point out that our children are in more danger of sexual assault and molestation from a church than from a drag queen show.
The 1st Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion".