Can we also talk about how society looks down and resent people who either don't have to or don't choose to work themselves into the ground? Like people who decide to actually use vacation days for a vacation and get remarks like "Well I never took a day off in seven years straight even when I was sick. I came back to work straight from the hospital. No excuses" like ok sis don't get mad at me for putting my mental health before the dollar. Life can be short and people deserve to enjoy it.
GirlYouAlreadyKnow OOF that reminds me of my job. I work in retail and a couple months ago, the supervisors were being picky about how one of my coworkers had a limited availability so she could be with her kids more. One is really young and was sick for some time so she needed time to take him to his doctor visits and stuff. The supervisors were like okay so what (other coworker) has a new born and she’s here everyday! Obviously, the rest of us were like.. good for her? She’s choosing to work instead of nursing her child? Maybe she did it out of obligation, maybe not. But it was so disturbing seeing the leaders compare them like that. Even if the children weren’t involved, people shouldn’t be compared and made to feel guilty for choosing to work or not.
Yesssss! People at my job get offended/annoyed when I take time off and it’s like “listen, YOU can work until you cry in the bathroom and can’t stomach your lunch, but I’M going to the beach. This job WILL NOT kill me.”
Omfg this spoke to me! Vent ahead: so I teach at a Montessori school. Because the summer is essentially a camp and no Montessori school I got the summer off. Cue MAJOR JEALOUSY from some co-workers. Resentful comments etc. Like crap! I have 3 kids, 1 who is suicidal and they know this. And I asked for the time. They could have they didn’t. Not my problem. One even asked my boss on my behalf and is still bitter. Therefore I still feel so guilty right now being off. I shouldn’t but I really do. It’s awful!! Anyway, I needed to get that off my chest.
I hate the idea that everyone has the same 24 hours. Like, do you have access to personal transportation? What about child care? How about a Wi-Fi connection at your home? How about the ability to hire people to help you clean or do yard work? My 24 hours and the hours of someone who has access to private jets, personal trainers, and cleaning staff are vastly fucking different.
exactly! do you really mean to tell me my 24 hours are the same as elon musk's??? he surely doesn't have to do anything around his house(s), worry about any fucking thing because he pays other people to do so, give me a fucking break
I always make this point! 90% of the massive historical figures we idolize for their work/inventions/etc had women behind the scenes doing unpaid life admin stuff for them and men under them (paid) doing the rest! Behind every successful person is the woman who birthed, raised, fed, housed, cleaned up and up after, educated/sought out educators for, etc. (Obvs there's also the man who worked to keep the family afloat, etc, but realistically, 85% of childrearing is motherbased so) and after she's done, the wife steps in ! No person is an island!
@Alpha Centauri 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. 40% of American adults couldn't afford a $400 emergency. Even if 80% of millionaires are "self-made", how many of them started out middle to upper class? I mean, people claimed Kylie Jenner was a "self-made" billionaire. She wasn't.
@Alpha Centauri I gave you plenty of data, from sources that are non-partisan. You can maybe start by looking up the study done by researchers at Princeton and Northwestern that found the US functions as an oligarchy and get back to me.
Dated someone who was heavily into hustle culture and was pursuing becoming an entrepreneur. He’d be so self righteous about it, despite the fact his family was super wealthy and it gave him a very obvious head up. He’d put down working class people and call them ‘the 99 percenters’ looking back he was a toxic person and the whole hustle culture is cringe
Oh my God I used to have a friend like this. He was actually a really nice guy when I first met him but the more rich he got and the higher up the corporate ladder he went the more of a self righteous asshole he became and was totally blind to how much easier it was for him to get there certousy of a wealthy upbringing. Eventually we got into this huge fight about his philosophy because he had become too self righteous to just agree to disagree anymore and we're no longer friends.
@@MyNontraditionalLife You are on the right track. The reason I made friends with that guy I mentioned earlier to begin with is that we had an entrepeneurial spirit in common. Unfortunately he got sucked into "the dark side" of entrepeneur culture, however I have met others who run their own businesses without getting pulled into that crap and they are my main inspiration. They are few and far between but they are out there. I know one guy in his 40s who'd been doing business all his life and got an offer to run a business where he'd be making 5 million dollars a YEAR but he turned it down because he would have to work all the time and wouldn't be able to spend time with his kids during the years they needed him most. He decided he had enough money already running his other business and still had enough free time for his family, hobbies, and activism projects and he didn't want to give that up because if you aren't making money so that you can do what you want then what's the point? Predictably he gets looked down on by other entrepenuers who don't think he is a "real businessman" if he doesn't want to be a millionaire but he just ignores the haters and does what he cares about. I remember meeting him and being like THAT GUY. I want to be THAT GUY. Ha ha. As someone who is still in the early stages of my own business ventures but doesn't like or want to be a part of hustle culture meeting him was indespensibly helpful for me in realizing I too could hustle without becoming another drone who gets all of their ideas from Napoleon Hill, Rhonda Byrne, and Elon Musk. :P I don't want to descredit the entirety of hustle culture because some of it contains bits of good advice and ideas but they are taken to such an unhealthy extreme or are just flat out wrong but designed to make people feel good so that they will buy their book or whatever. There are lots of scam artists on the internet who make their money purely off of coaching people on "how to make money." It never hurts to be skeptical of someone who is literally selling you on the concept of selling itself. If their sales system were really that great they wouldn't need to keep upselling you on the next "in-depth" seminar or online course about how to "reeeally sell". Stay strong, keep doing your thing and remember to always think for yourself in finding out what helps your business work for you, because if we're being real what makes time, money, and happiness is going to be pretty unique to each person and their situation so we are a lot better off just figuring out some things for ourselves than forking out all our money and time to hustle culture cult leaders who want to tell us how we should run every aspect of our lives all the way down to our thoughts.
@@MyNontraditionalLife P.S. If it's any indication that these people are brainwashed it's the fact that they use the word "thought leader" as if that were a positive term and can't see how creepy it actually sounds.
Fun fact: the term Meritocracy was coined by an author who meant it as satire that meant to point out how the wealthy have always had more resources and create the illusion of more hard work.
Have you ever traveled outside America? Specifically to 3rd world countries? If not, then your kinda like a rich kid who denounced his rich parents, while still living in the guest house
My grandpa overworked his entire life and saved everything so he can enjoy his retirement but he got cancer and never got to see his retirement. Sometimes working for the future isn't the answer.
I’m so over people the word successful as a synonym for wealthy.. 😒 like success for me is having a stable job I enjoy and that can help support my family. But since i don’t have a ferrari, i guess i failed
Exactly and this successful = wealthy mindset is what got that buffoon Trump elected as president. All his dumbass supporters were like well he can't be bad if he's rich dur dur.
I've been a personal trainer for 20 years and I have worked with a lot of very wealthy people. I can tell you that so many of them are the unhappiest people I've ever met. I had a client with a tennis court and Olympic size pool on their property say that they envied me because I saw my husband everyday and he actually likes to spend time with me. This was after my car got repossessed and I had to take the bus everywhere and it sucked and here she was saying she envied me. Money truly does not buy happiness. Money is awesome and I have no problem with people having lots of it, but it's simply an external luxury that makes life easier.
Charlene Ortiz Training So true. I heard someone say that everyone has money problems. They are just different problems. I tried to explain to my students that once you have money and say own a mansion, you need staff to run it and suddenly there are strange people all over your house. It costs a lot of money to maintain. You worry people now want something from you. Then you have to find people you trust to manage your money. Etc. Lots of money headaches, just different reasons.
right, like it's okay to want money it's not a bad thing to want to be rich because who doesn't? But money is just a catalyst to success, it won't buy you happiness
I had so wished he had made the ticket. If Biden was smart, he would choose Andrew for his running mate. He's already getting my vote because duh, but with Andrew, at least I'd be happy about it.
*_If you don't enjoy the process_* then often times the goal won't make you happy. I "hustle" at what I am passionate about and that makes a BIG difference
THIS! Becoming an artist has always been my dream and I love working on my art. It makes me happy to work. At the same time I feel absolutely miserable working on any other job. I don't care if I get a stable income if I feel miserable. It kills my mental health immediately.
Amen!! The “if your passion is your job, you never work a day in your life,” thing isn’t true, but it helps a whole lot. 😂 Like, if you hate the process and are frustrated and upset for years and years, is it really that worth it in the end? We only have so many years, and yeah, while vacations and stuff rock, how many years do you want to be miserable in the hopes of affording them? Maybe you’ll be more successful at something you love because you actually enjoy being there, the process, not the product, the journey, not the destination. Each to their own, and for some it might be worth it, but, y’all, I’ve got a health condition; there’s no way I’m going to cause myself extra stress by being in a field that makes me stacks but also miserable!
Very real. And we have to ask ourselves: who benefits? Not the overworked employees. It’s companies who benefit directly from squeezing every drop of energy out of their workers, and indirectly by exhausting people so much that they have no time or energy to organize against the system that’s grinding them down.
Except they don’t, research shows that people are more productive when they have a work/life balance. Really, if we actually cared about productivity we’d discourage this obsession with working and being busy. I think people just want to be perceived in a certain way, and we’ve created this idealistic image which revolves around working but it’s a myth.
Beanie that’s the point the person is making. people are so exhausted by being overworked that they don’t care about productivity. they are too tired to care.
a philosopher named Simone Weil took a low paying factory job for a year or two so she, someone who was born in a more wealthy family, would be able to learn more about the struggle of the working class firsthand, and she basically was like “Yeah Marx says that the revolution is inevitable, but he’s wrong, bc the people who are being stomped on the most are also so exhausted by their jobs that they don’t have the energy to expand” you know - paraphrasing bc she was French, but yeah very similar idea. Under capitalism, productivity is great but not at the cost of losing your labor and power structure.
@@jedeye15 That has more to do with taxes, and even then. Here in Sweden we stil have companies. If a company moves away and is unethical, gov could up taxation on goods from outside the country, and ofc people could take their own responsibility and not buy from trash companies.
The older I am getting, the more I realise I just want to go to work, come home and not think about my job. when you tell people that they looked shocked at you!
I think you like a honest days work for a honest days pay perhaps? Correct me if I am wrong. Some go to work and have to do shit they don't want to do, most of the time not by their own choice. (Coal mining comes to mind or making smart phones for western folks.) Where you were born really plays into what your work will be like for the rest of your life. Glad I am not in the middle east or Hong Kong where I feel like I can at least bail out on rat race culture. I was severly depressed after a car accident for several years. I was grinding so fucking hard for soccer and all it took was a random dude that T-boned me during 2009. Very close to losing my upper body but he contacted my car infort of my seat hitting the engine out. Jaws of life and all that jazz. Not one staff or teammate knew where I was until I walked in the weightroom 3 days later just so I could "get back at it." My combine was several months away. I also got sued by the guy that T-bone me because my insurance company didn't believe me or the police report. Had to take on a three year law suit that I didn't have time or money for. Best JD education I'll ever get. One speed bump in the rat race and the other rats ate me alive. Lost trust in every person out side of my cirlce but I also learned how to not get selected for jury duty. I got out of deep depression when I lowered my expectations. Like this comment here. Before I would be nervous about sharing because I want to put my best thought forward in a public space as to not look like a clown or some sad boy who never really had it rough. Now I don't give a poop. Caring for my family is my amazing fulfilling life now. Finding others who care like me is where I pass my time. Watching others race is my entertainment. Thanks RUclips! I needed to vent.
Disability is an important factor, because if someone can't work due to disability or can only work short hours they are often treated with suspicion or even anger in workaholic cultures.
Yep. I have chronic pain and fatigue. I’m not even productive enough to make it as a sophomore in US high school. When I was younger I was a ‘gifted kid’ and therefore expectations are sky high
Yeah, and the way the us "supports" disabled people (if they even are eligible, I dont think they count chronic pain which is stupid but I digress) is a joke. You can literally never have more than 2k in your bank account EVER or they drop you. Aka you never get a chance to advance in society at all and always must depend on someone else or live in poverty
Nunya Business you’re so right I’m a 21 year old who goes to a community college but I have a learning disability that prevents me from ever becoming independent So I always question whether I’m gonna be able to get a house, find a woman, get married and have kids etc etc like I’m always having doubts.
The scary thing is that this really all starts when you are a kid/teen. We do so many hours of homework in high school with so many extracurriculars so that we can even GET IN to college, never mind the jobs a lot of us have to work in order to pay for it. As a High School student, getting 5-6 hours of sleep is the norm, and if you get 7 or up, you are considered lucky. It’s so screwed up
@@futuristiccat5636 yeah, that's why we lost so many lives, during covid19, lack of money, lack of freedom, lack of time , due to depression & svicide by anything else in life
@DolphinsWIthIgloos Nah they're fleeing the hellhole their country became after the CIA assassinated their democratically elected leader who had been elected after the people managed to unseat a US backed exploitative banana republic. Whoops
Greetings from Finland; work 30h/week. "Coffeebreak" every two hour, 5week paid vacations. And my life is good; have time (and money) for my hobbies, own house, no stress
I love how relevant and specific your topics always are. They're things I can look right out the window and see but don't feel as if the topic has been overdone
@@mrs.potatohead8471 That's happens to me too; when I see my profile pic on a video I never watched b4 and it takes me a while to realize that the account name is different! 😅😅
@@travellingcircus7658 a wise man once said " you are rich by how much knowledge you have" which is true... also what musician said that money doesn't describe his wealth, but some stuff that are important to you and qualities
This so true. I think we've been conditioned to the point where the slightest bit of enjoying our hobbies just makes us feel guilty. We literally have to spend every second of our time to be as "productive" as possible
I see this in my Dad. He’s a doctor (one of the good ones, I promise, lol), and he’s spent so much time maximizing patient time and care and even spending hours on the phone with insurance agencies to advocate for the patient getting coverage for medications. Growing up, I felt guilty taking up his time, like it was a problem. If I was going to distract hin, it needed to be for a reason. And not because of anything he said, he’s a super loving father, but just because I saw how important he was and that he could do things most people couldn’t, so he needed to do those things, and the other things came after the important things He became ill when I was about ten, had to have surgery, step down from the head of the ER, reduce his workdays. Even now his illness could kill him in his sleep any night, his lungs could just fail to work or his diaphragm become paralyzed. His bouts of remission get shorter each round. Now my mom has cancer, and he can’t back off his schedule, because he’s working minimum hours, supporting my whole family by himself now, and a staff of eight, on one reduced paycheck. Even now, at 61, he doesn’t really have any hobbies. I’ve finally talked him into following one tv show as it airs and one on Netflix, just to watch if he really needs a break or to zone out, and he is stressed about it, because it feels selfish to him. He doesn’t read anymore, he can’t play basketball anymore, he doesn’t sing or play piano or guitar or saxophone anymore, he just works and sleeps and tries to hang on, and he does it for us. Any time I bring up something that could help his stress load, I get a pained look and, “Where will I find the time? I don’t have it.” I know he’s scared to retire, because he is afraid he’ll be so listless, after devoting himself so long to his work, and he’s been truly brilliant at it. And if my mom does die, he’ll have lost another pillar in his life, and it would be the worst time for him to have time on his hands. But... he deserves some time that is his, at some point, somehow. He’s felt selfish for anything outside of work that takes time and makes him happy, and it’s so sad to see, especially in someone who tries so hard in his work, from being a great boss to a supportive colleague, in accepting when a staff member needs extra time off, to accepting pickled tomatoes and paintings as payment when someone can’t pay their portion. Now my brother is in an adjacent field. I’m going to do my darnedest to remind him of how things have gone with Dad, to help prevent him from slipping into this mindset and habit. It’s so much easier to not form a habit than to break one, especially after years of it being ingrained on your psyche.
Savannah Bowdoin Thank you for your reply, and kindness about it. It really hurts me because I’m so close to my Dad, but hopefully things will improve soon. He finally admitted his illness is out of remission, and that’s part of why it’s so bad right now. It’s pretty early in the year for it; the last time it was this early, he couldn’t drive and had to cut patients down to two days because he was so weak and exhausted. His schedule’s set for another two months or so, but I’m going to talk to him about backing off work slowly. Hopefully he can ease off and it won’t get that bad this time. It sucks, because the less work he does, the less he feels he’s helping, so I’m going to need to dispel that idea. 😅 Wish me luck, and, thanks for the empathy. Please always be aware of your limits and don’t get in this situation; taking care of yourself isn’t a failure or a weakness, just self-preservation so you can keep helping people for longer than if you crash and burn. Be well. 🌷
Amara Jordan someone should Pin this comment. I usually HATE reading long comments on RUclips , but this was beautifully written (and space out properly)
"If you can lean, you can clean" - I hated hearing that from supervisors/managers while working in retail, like I'm standing for 8hrs straight let me catch my breath for a sec 😤
dude I used to work at a 5guys and even if the whole store was cleaning my bosses were like "hey it looks bad to the customers if you're standing around, so at least walk around and sweep/wipe off the counter even if it's clean". I hated that shit.
Brenda try workin as a nurse in a hospital. The few minutes you may get to sit between patients your supervisor makes a round through and goes “hey X needs to be done now you need to go get it done.”
I literally ended up in the hospital because of that mindset. I gave up my restaurant and started working for someone else. I actually had someone say how “embarrassed” I must be working for someone else. No, I was sane again. I had a life again. I could come home and leave work at work. Never again
Good that you were able to get out the entrepreneurial route, I don't know why ppl think that being your own boss is the answer to their financial problems when in fact the amount of work and responsibilities quadruples for the individual and the pressure it's monumental.
Capitalism turns everything into a commodity even our humble hobbies. If you can’t make your hobby into a hustle then you’re made to feel like you’re not good enough.
I mean... this argument isn't the strongest. "Girl" has often been used often BY WOMEN as an empowering or endearing term among one another. Rarely is it used by a man to deride a woman. On the other hand "boy" is typically used as a diminutive or negative word to imply that another male is actually immature or inferior. This is used by other men and women against men. In sum, if the ingroup has given it a positive connotation, it clearly isn't seen as entirely bad by everyone. To analogize, the n word is derogatory, but if used by black people within an appropriate context, it is a term of endearment.
Hobbies really are underrated. If you ask hustle culture proponents, they'll say you're not working hard enough if you aren't getting paid to do what you love, but have they ever considered that when a passion becomes a job, its appeal is sometimes is diminished? Nothing wrong with work being separate from passion, and shaming those who don't have the LUXURY to get paid for their passions is exceptionally ignorant and rude.
@@GeraltofRizziaa Guilty as charged here. Tried twice, and now that's two hobbies I barely touch anymore :( I shall content myself with doing a job that I don't hate and isn't destroying my health, that's pretty much my baseline and it's been serving me well enough these past few years.
Tiffany: a lot of Americans actually eat lunch at their desks, and continue working... Me, eating lunch at my desk while I listen to this and work: and I oop
I am SO happy I live in Denmark. I'm uneducated, I work a factory job, i get 5 weeks of paid vacation (if i choose not to use those vacation days, i can still get the money for them), i work 37 hours a week and have an income that makes sure I can live comfortably and save up at the same time. I have have a week off on christmas and two weeks off every summer bc the factory closes down (on top of the paid vacation). I also have weekends and all national holidays off. Of course overtime can occur, but they have to pay me extra per hour I work overtime and if it is more that 3 hours, the hourly pay doubles. Life's pretty good. (I am 21, single without kids and I am moving out from my roommates and into my own apartment soon.)
Similar scenario here. I work 8am - 4pm, Monday - Friday, currently have one class, get vacation hours, sick, administrative, annual, and holiday leave from work (all paid), and go to the gym twice a week. Even with all of that, I still have enough time to keep an active social life. So, we have similar lifestyles, save living situations (I'm living with my mother until I finish college).
@mellifex depends on your level of education and how fast you learn the language and get a job. And even though we just got rid of a pretty nationalist (i e racists, but they're not allowed to be that) government, we still haven't gotten rid of their laws so your skin color and religion may also play a role
similar situation here, I'm from Brazil, working 6 hours a day, 6 days per week and paying for my college education, planning on moving out of my parents house in 2020
I’m still in school, but the whole “hustle” culture aspect is very prevalent. If I’ve had a hard time learning a specific skill, and my grades are falling behind, I’m told that I just need to “try harder.” Meanwhile, students are scrambling to get everything done and working themselves to the point where both their mental and physical health deteriorates. It gets to a point where we sacrifice hours upon hours of sleep just to continue to work so that we aren’t considered failures.
The public education system was created to not only act as a daycare for kids, but also to prep kids for working in a factory. The whole thing is made to make you a factory worker, which is outdated. The public education system hasn’t changed since it was created over a century ago.
I hate the “try harder” mentality. My mother always says school is about strategy: “work smarter, not harder.” Working “harder” just leads to burnout, stress, and actually makes you less productive despite spending more time than “working smarter.” If you have a hard time grasping something, trying to learn in a different way is often more effective, and I find I spend way less time on my college coursework than my peers. The whole “hustle til you make it” is bs
The less sleep I get, the less productive I am, and so the less money I can make. Can’t be successful when you are exhausted to the point where you can’t even read anything, lol.
i was so obsessed with constantly being productive that i ended up getting a burnout at 22 and having to drop out of university so i love this video, such an important topic! x
I feel that. I peaked in 9th grade now I can’t work for shit. I know that’s a pretty weak time to finally hit a wall but now I just can’t work for longer than thirty minutes at a time without my focus dropping drastically.
@Pira well i'm still 22 so i'm very much in the middle of it and struggling with my memory, concentration, motivation and pretty much everything but it's starting to feel like i'm going to be okay eventually 💛 just need some time to rest and recover
Eadlyn June I also peaked in 9th grade, lol. It's taken a lot of therapy for me to feel okay enough to back to college, and even then, I still have times when I have to buckle down and make sure I actually get work done. I still worry about not being able to hold down a job once I graduate, but hopefully I'll be able to find something that works for me.
I grew up and still live in the US, its dystopian as HELL. Actually in high school my LA teacher read off the defining traits of a dystopian society and the US ticked off every box.
@Emily Pace Paraguay. Canada. Need I keep going? America is pretty dogshit for the average citizen as far as developed nations go. The other nations are rightfully laughing at us for not having the guts to stand up to corporations and demand fair wages and universal healthcare. It's pathetic.
I agree about this toxic workaholic culture and it’s prominent in some cultures, for example, East Asia. In Japan, there’s something called “karoshi”, as mentioned in the video, which literally means overwork death when translated. I’m glad you covered this topic because it took me some time to realize that overworking doesn’t mean instant success or achievement.
I was about to say a similar thing! Especially in the animation/game development scene. I think in a recent interview, Hayao Miyazaki (Studio Ghibli) mentioned that if you aren't working hard enough then you can't really call yourself an artist. Really harsh! I've noticed this mindset a lot in Japan
The "Work hard when you're young to enjoy your retirement" is so crazy to me... what guarantee is there that I'll be alive past 65? The fact that I have a chronic illness that could declare itself at some point and give me potential mobility challenges also puts things in perspective... The hustle and productivity culture things just stinks of class and health privilege.
ikr. And then the same people with that mindset will whine how they lost their youth and never had to experience the things young people usually experience. Like ok Cindy, you could have worked hard for your success and still spare some time for trips and hangouts with your buddies....
Soooo true. I had heard this too many times before realizing that, there is no guarauntee that I’ll even be alive by retirement age or even by the time I reach “financial freedom.” (And this goes for the healthy too cause they can die at any point in a crash/getting shot/simply not waking up the next morning, etc) If I spend decades of my spare time “hustlin’ hard”, get little to no sleep each night, eating protein bars for breakfast/lunch/dinner cause I don’t have time to “waste” by cooking (lmbo -> inside joke about the MLM business AMWAY... yes, I was in it for a few months about 7 years ago 🙄) then the next thing you know I die? Talk about all that *extra* sacrifice went in vain. I’m all for the principle of working hard and earning things in life - and I encourage all to live by that basic principle - but this “hustle culture” is on a whole different level. It’s simply unhealthy, toxic, and destructive (in more ways that one!) 🤨 Heck, with that said I don’t even think many of these people who neglect the mental/physical/spiritual aspects of themselves in order to “sacrifice” to the Hustle Gods will even be healthy enough to enjoy the fruits of their labor for long. They are diggin’ their own graves.
@@tamara7301 My illness was caught by accident and it's treated with meds that seem to stop any evolution in the past 3 years, which is nice! I am happy I live in a country with mandatory health insurance or else I would be a working poor despite being an engineer 😅 It is on my mind often though, I really don't take my good health for granted anymore and people who are like "yolo I would totally work myself sick to become rich" make me cringe...
I live and work full time in Gothenburg and people spend at least 9 hours at work incl lunch break so no one here is rushing to implement this study into the reality:)
Everyone does have a choice though lmfao. Even if you're at a lowpoint in your life (I was. I used to be homeless for over a year), you can still get to where you want if you plan out your financial future.
At my last workplace, because i work smart, my work is efficient and fast so I usually just breeze through my tasks. But our boss didn't like how I'm finishing the work earlier than my workmates. He wanted me to make mistakes and be as slow as everyone else. Long story short, i left. It was a absurd to me that a boss would rather want and pay his workers to do that. A few months after that, that firm filed for bankruptcy.
Right? It seems very selfish to me. Idk for me this world is too materialistic, too focused in the 3D plane. The earth is currently transitioning into 3D to 5D which I mean thank god. It definitely won’t last but I don’t want to get astrology into this but it’s true that the planets affect us. the outer planets have been in Capricorn for years now (Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter) Capricorn is the sign of career, hard work, routine ect. It’s ruled by Saturn which again is about career, hard work, routine, restrictions ect. No wonder so many people have this hustle work hard type of mindset. It won’t last because Saturn will go into Aquarius in late 2020, Jupiter will also go into Aquarius in late 2020 and Pluto will go into Aquarius in 2024. This whole hustle thing was just a trend. Jupiter is about expansion and blessings and it’s in Capricorn right now so basically if you were to do Capricorn things (such as work hard hustle ect) you would get blessings and expansions in career and money. And especially with Saturn in Aquarius now (retrograde so it will be officially in Aquarius in late 2020) people are shaken up by it because Saturn moved into Aquarius in March 2020 and was like HEY BITCH I’m giving the world this coronavirus so you have to stay indoors so you start questioning yourself and get confused like ‘is my job really making me happy? Am I just following everyone else? Am I really being my true self and living life?’. The coronavirus was needed to make people question their jobs and selves if they are doing the right thing. The coronavirus was needed because we aren’t doing age of Aquarius right. (which makes sense bc Saturn = restrictions and Aquarius= socialising. So basically Saturn in Aquarius = restrictions in socialising = coronavirus) Don’t forget we are also transitioning or in the age of Aquarius. We are not doing age of Aquarius right. I can see how the future looks like. The world is so shit right now because how can we know what the worst version of it is before we can make the best version of it? As you can see, many planets and the age is going into Aquarius. The sign of humanitarian acts, socialising, friendships, future, intelligence, quirky, different, unique, internet, community ect. The world will be very peaceful and everyone will be very hippie like. People will only work a few hours a day, have unique jobs, unique inventions, no starvation, no wars, no racism, no sexism ect. This is probably from now to 2000 years ahead. As you can see, the world is changing and with the current protests with the bml, THATS WHAT THE AGE OF AQUARIUS / SATURN IN AQUA is doing. They’re protesting (Aquarius is the sign of protests) they want justice and peace (Aquarius is the sign of peace) I can go on and on but basically, the world always changes. History always repeats itself, I mean transits. The world in the future will be very futuristic and lots of focus on space (Aquarius is about space) Very modern and technology and the internet will become extremely advanced. Elon musk is an example of this. don’t forget Uranus too is in Taurus. major planets in Taurus and Capricorn now. So, lots of earth energy happening now (earth energy is about hustling grind routine hard working ect) (Soon, it will be very airy (gemini is air, Aquarius is air) uranus will move into gemini soon and the outer planets will move into Aquarius (both air). Air is about intelligent, mind, communication, friends, ect. Also, forgot to mention, Capricorn energy is quite depressing. Capricorn heavy charts, those people may come off as cold or depressed. makes sense since many people are depressed and empty in today’s era. This will change soon. Expect unique and kind people to rise.
@@futuristiccat5636 omg your comment makes me so hopeful about the future! Can you tell me where can I learn about astrology? I recently became interested in it after subscribing to star girl channel. I used to think that astrology is stupid but now I really think it has some truth in it. I would love to see this hustle culture disappear forever. Sadly I fall into it and it cost me a lot.
Even in university, they expect you to be constantly studying and working on school stuff to the point where it feels like you're not allowed a life outside of school. I'm lucky that my job is very flexible with my school schedule, but even then I feel like I have no time for things that actually matter like family, friends, and my own health. It's fucking stupid that so many societies think that having no life other than work or school is normal and even praised
This comment resonated with me a lot as someone who juggles university responsibilities and work. I also have a flexible schedule, but the pressure of paying tuition keeps me at work. 8 classes + work is something I know isn't healthy, but for some reason I do it anyways. That workaholic culture is real.
@@yasminegelbman8706 So you must not have paid attention to the fact that the Nordic countries are struggling more and more every year, with the wealth gap increasing. The amount of poor people are also in the rise, so maybe don't just paint whole nations and their people as being spoilt or never having to struggle just because their struggles are different than yours.
@@Sofia-ej9vz Its not totally unfair to label them as a better, more well off set of countries. However you are correct in how much wage-gap is increasing in a majority of countries at a rapid pace, income inequality is rising in nearly every 1st and 2nd world countries. As are basic human rights, so obviously the US isnt an isolated instance when it comes to these ridiculous work life expectations but they are still ranked high in work related stress.
My mother is a workaholic and she is obsessed with it. She is working almost all the time and even during her free time she rather work and she is very proud of it. She makes everyone else around her who isn’t working as hard as her feel guilty about it. I grew up in a household that my mother expected me to be doing something to the point that if I stayed in the bathroom more than 10 min she would make a big fuss about it. Also she says she works hard for me, but we weren’t together for about 10 years because SHE WAS WORKING HARD FOR ME. And now we have a really bad relationship....
Patents be like : I'm working 24×7 for my kids. But they don't understand that spending time with them will make them more happy, mature and intelligent. You can share your experiences with them instead of wanting them to also be a Workaholic.
I have a similar experience. My dad used to be a cop, and whoooooo boy, did the police department fuck him over. He was at work all the time- like, sometimes he’d leave the house at 1:00 am and come back at 11:00 pm, and kept a similar schedule for much of my childhood. Dinners with both of my parents was rare. When he wasn’t working or sleeping, he’d be screaming at me for hours on end (until 12:00 am or 1:00 am) about my homework (I resent him for this, and still feel anxious and scared when I think about it). We all thought I had ADHD. I actually have autism, and it took me hours to do my homework in middle school, hence the screaming. He retired when I was in middle school, and the screaming stopped when I was in the tenth grade. He’s still really shitty- he peaked in high school and it shows. But I would have loved it if I got to see my father being happy as a kid. Please remember to take breaks.
my mother is the same, her first love is working, and she has grandiose ideas about her work. im glad i checked myself because i used to work like that but not anymore because i burnt out
I do a lot of assignments (which I chose) on Saturdays coz "I have nothing to do" back then, + the "you need to get ahead of your classmates" type of thing, until I realized in my high school years that I was supposed to be dealing and sitting with my emotions and assessing what happened in my daily life and resting on Saturdays. Now I am procrastinating in order to find time for my healing but the problem is I feel like I'm TOO late for that. I feel sorry for myself.
same, she just basically became a workaholic. my is always is always Mother: “I want a sex life, boyfriend and husband but aw mannn…complains but keeps working 5hr/70$ per week…wait sorry Basically sorry 12hr/58$ for 4 days is making you unhappy, ungrateful and unfulfilled. That’s why you need to stop letting things get to you or get in the way of your happiness Daughter: Seriously you want sex life, dating life and married life. *still whines, moans about any African men not chasing her asses*
It’s all about that next generation. “I’ll work hard so I can raise a family”..then those kids do the same for their kids, and they for theirs, meanwhile no one actually gets to really enjoy the fruits of their ancestors’ labor. Workaholism is fueled, ultimately, by our inherent instincts to reproduce and our search for purpose..
That only happens if you work hard and don't invest your money. My goal is to leave a property(ies) they can continue to rent and enjoy the passive income when I'm not around.
I always feel this way. My wife and I are young and haven't had kids yet, so I wonder if it makes sense to bring someone out of non-existence just to put them in the same merry-go-around. With all the talk about environmental destruction, nations making enemies for future generations to vilify, rapid resource consumption, work being pretty much the main idea of survival, and having to deal with all the woes of life in general make me wonder if it is better just not to bring someone into this world at all. I mean, I'm grateful that I exist, but my mind does get full of questions as I live on.
@Woke Indeed People told me that I would change my mind. I'm 45 and I still haven't changed my mind about not wanting kids. My husband doesn't want them too.
Like, I’m well aware that other countries, especially the US, have a completely different work culture, but it’s still interesting to be reminded. As a swede, I have flexible work hours, 5 weeks paid vacation a year, unlimited sick leave (like, obviously, you can’t decide how long you’re sick), my health benefits mean that 2 hours of my work week, every week, can be used for working out (meaning I can leave an hour early two days a week to go to the gym). My health benefit also include an extra 3000 SEK (around $310) a year, to pay for any kind of sport or training I do. I also get lunch benefits every month, meaning an extra amount of money, on top of my salary, that gets put on a card that can be used in stores and restaurants to pay for food. Oh, I also get free glasses if I need them, which I can check at a free opticians appointment. Now, do I work for some big swanky google-like company that’s super rich? No, I work at a government authority. I’ll never get super rich with that job, but at least I can enjoy my life. Which just seems better, imo.
@@ginatorres9771 lmao, capitalism is the reason that much of the world was raised out of extreme poverty, and Sweden is a free market capitalist society lmao
@@dogguy8603 It's also the reason they are being explored, you have to lift people from poverty when you want them to fucking buy your products and services.
"Be your own boss" is a lie anyway because your shareholders and your customers/clients are most definitely your boss when you're an entrepreneur. Also the law is your boss. Lots of things are your boss. Economics. Time. Gravity. Costs.
All of these issues are culminating into the reason why many young people are opting not to have children. This country essentially punishes you for having a child through these lack of worker protections and toxic workplaces. And Boomers wonder why depression and anxiety are at historic highs. The level of stress a young person is under nowadays, because of these toxic environments and expectations, are at levels to the stress and anxiety that was once enough to get someone committed in a hospital. It's also why "burnout" is such a huge talking point now. When your society is at a point where they feel like taking even one hour of time to yourself leads to profound amounts of guilt ... it's time to completely restructure.
As a Turkish living in France, when I first came here I was shocked to see that people went to lunch for as long as 2 hours which was very annoying for me because I was trying to get some things done. Also, in the particular region I live in, it's ILLEGAL to work on sundays for most workers. People here really protect their rights to not work inhumanely and to not be exploited by their bosses, although with the current president it's becoming more and more like the US and that's why French people have been protesting for months. They are really conscious about their rights and well being, it would be seen as being spoiled in my country.
Naisha Sylvestre I definitely think the French system is better because in France, the state helps so much. For example, as a student, even if I'm not French, I have a "rent aid" as everyone does and it pays like 1/3 of my rent for me. So people don't have to work crazy amounts to make ends meet, the state does it for them. Turkey is not as bad as US but not as good as France so I'd definitely prefer to work in France. For me the biggest difficulty was that I was so used to having access to whatever I want in Turkey at whatever day or hour, I often got confused when say markets were closed on Sundays or my bank didn't answer my call at 4:01 pm but you get used to it pretty quickly. ALSO a weird thing for me was to see noone including transportation workers worked on May 1st. Like busses and trams don't work on that day which actually shows the importance they have for workers in France.
@@carlacarlacarla- it's not noone, all hospitals, police stations, trains and airports, have to be operational, and many florists and restaurants work as well. But yeah, the 1st of May is important.
Another thing, also, is that if you overwork yourself for over half of your life, just to "enjoy it" when you're older, you are going to end up damaging your mental health, therefore your physical well being too by the time you reach 60/70, and you won't be able to enjoy it... It's so messed up, like you said it.
That’s what’s happened to my parents. My Mom was finally going to be able to go with my Dad on their trips. She’s waited 40 years, and now he’s ill and she has stage III cancer. It’s such a cruel thing to watch happen. My brother and I have promised to make sure we remind each other not to delay, feel guilty for taking time off some, for having hobbies. My dad’s always said, “But where will I find the time? I don’t have the time,” and now it’s true.
I have a friend who got increasingly unhappy working too many hours on a project team he hated. He felt like the wrong people were getting heard and that he wasn't valued, and he just retired with no notice, midday when he got called out for something stupid. He's still not over it yet. And what makes it so weird is how flexible our company is. He probably could have talked to his department head and got a change of scenery and even reduced hours long before it got to that.
A coworker told me that her former manager never took a day off work and constantly worked overtime, and always said she could enjoy herself when she retired. Her manager passed away a couple weeks after retiring at 65.
I disagree. I think it depends on other life choices inregads to your work life. For example, if someone works their butt off and avoids financial burdens, they can become very wealthy at a young age (around 30-35), inwhich they are still very young to enjoy their wealth. Most people are not doing this though. Most people don't engage in the workaholic, wealthy-building culture. Most people live paycheck to paycheck and engage in consumerism.
I feel like this "hustle" and "rise and grind" attitude was mostly for athletes but got misused for the average employee to overwork himself or herself.
As a single mom in Canada, I was fortunate enough to find a job for an insurance company - 35 hour work weeks, 4 days of work from home, bi-weekly 15 minute only productivity meetings where we discuss barriers to being more productive and brainstorm. 3/4 of your transit pass paid, subsidized healthy lunches, generous bonus that are based on annual profits instead of individual production. So many of us came from the huddle culture and feel so fortunate in this work environment, especially when we can spend 3 hours extra with our families
I hate how these hustle culture people rarely even speak of those who work production jobs or retail, it's always office jobs. Trust me, those who work production feel even less productive because all they do is stand there and do the exact same thing for 8+ hours a day, 5-6 days a week. I worked at a candle factory and I did inspection, which meant I stood there and watched for bad candles and pulled them off the line. For 8 hours a day. In that time, you have a lot of little thoughts that pop into your head and you'll eventually run out of fun things to entertain yourself with. Instead, doing that job made me feel like I was better off dead because the only thing I could think about was how I was wasting my life away staring at candles all day. It was ridiculous, and I had to quit, but unfortunately that mindset goes with me to every job I have. I don't care about money, I wish it didn't exist, so every job I have feels like I'm wasting my life when I could be at home, at the park, in the woods. For me, I hate hustling, but I love the freedom certain self-employment jobs gives so that I can stop feeling like a waste
The legal maximum number of working hours in the EU is 48h per week. In France we have an additional limit: 11h of conpulsory rest between 2 working days, 35h on weekend. The legal working time is 35h per week, meaning over that limit, it's supposed to be overtime. Depending on the firms/working conventions, it's either extra paid or you have extra vacations (often 10 paid days, sometimes more). Of course it often depends on how the working conditions have been negotiated (especially with the most recent laws) at country/branch/firm level.
Even as an European, basically living on the internet that seems to be very populated with Americans, I seem to have adopted this mindset and often wonder if it's even worth it to go on. (I'm ok though, no worries). Everything I hear about the US is frankly scary.
Work culture in America vs Europe is a scary drastic. I’m now working in Europe and I love it. I’ve never had vacation and now I’ve got 5 weeks to figure out how to use 😂
People here in Brazil tend to think of America as the best country. They have no idea what they're envying. Even here we have a better work life balance
Not really. It's people's spending habits that keeps that carrot dangling in front of them. Small investments at a young age can get anyone a comfortable life.
The American dream can mean different things for anyone. It could mean having a family, a decent wage, a decent home and car. Which is possible for anyone in this country.
Lol except that America has lifted more people out of poverty than any other country in history. That's why so many people, as much as they criticize, want to move to America.
My dad is a millennial in a boomer's body. They were telling to get the app for his job and he was like "so I can be tethered to my work when I'm not even on the clock. Hell no"
I feel the hustle culture is even worse if you're in the arts and you do a "real" 9-5 job and then come home to do your passion. Sometimes you don't have enough energy to do your art or if your art is collaborative, like theater or filmmaking, you feel incredibly drained during those social interactions or guilty for not responding to everyone's texts and emails. And God forbid you take time for yourself to like watch a movie or
completely agree! i remember in graduate school (writing program) my teachers were like you must come home and squeeze time to write, if it's important, make time for it---but damn, what if im legit tired?????
One of my bosses at my job is always bragging about how she’s never unavailable for work. In a meeting recently, she literally said her job and her customers are more important to her than her wife. I thought that was so incredibly sad. I can’t imagine how her wife would feel to hear something like that. She is very much one of those “the hustle never stops” people, and tries to impose it on us, her underpaid and fed up employees.
"I'm always working 24/7 and so I am expecting the same from all of you" says the manager who makes 3x more than her employees and whose salary is literally adjusted to include the extra commitment expected from her.
S. Tarantino not just mental health but physical health too. My mother is a nurse and had heart failure from working too much. My aunt is a doctor and faced something similar too that as well.
If you find the balance between "hustle" and leisure time its actually not that bad, I have an online business while having a good state of ind at the same time
I live in Australia, full time work is 38 hours and if it exceeds that I get paid double time. My pay is $27 an hour on weekdays, $35 on saturdays and $40 on sundays, I get 4 weeks paid leave a year. I work in retail lmao This video makes me feel real good about my job lol
damn your government is so generous for minimum wage job, consider yourself lucky and enjoy your life. i admit i envy that and just wanna lived a chill quiet life instead of hustling to be rich
As a Swede I encourage everyone to have coffee breaks! It's usually limited to 15-30 minutes and you get to know your coworkers better which reduces conflicts. While the subjects mostly cover things like news and silly things like "which is the best ice cream flavour" we also often discuss work related problems and get solutions to things that we are struggling with or find common issues to forward to other people to sort for us. Also we have one of the highest consumption rates of coffee in the world and we need our fix.
Strawberri Red the US doesn’t care about workers like that 😂 this isn’t the office. example A: if you work for amazon and you are a union worker (unions is a workers organization that demand worker rights) they don’t hire you because they know you will go against their business
Strawberri Red I mean your ~encouragement~ doesn’t do much when we have bosses threatening to fire us if we don’t work ourselves to the ground. Coffee breaks and casual chit chat are luxuries that aren’t afforded to most working class Americans.
Teddy Winfield yes. most jobs don’t even let you talk to your co workers unless it’s a job where you HAVE to. my job always gives us shit when it’s a slow day and my co workers mingle because we are bored 😐
@@PaolaTheTimeLord First of all, I'm sorry if your workplaces are harsh, I know this is true for a lot of people (also in socialist utopia Sweden, believe it or not). I understand that reading my comment being in that situation could feel a bit like a bad joke. However, there are more people in the world than working class America and my comment wasn't directed at any social group in particular. I found that some people in my workplace pass on breaks because they think it's not productive, these are the same people who work unpaid overtime even though no one expects it from them because they want to look good. So there are people out there who do have access to these kind of priviledges but opt out of using them and I think that's a shame and simply wanted to add to the sentiment that not all breaks are evil. Also, maybe if all the stars and planets align someone who has the power to change things in their workplace reads this and can take some inspiration from it and make their workplace a little bit better, you never know.
@@strawberrired I am from France and live in Spain. I couldn't agree more about not taking your breaks. This is a right that we have and if some people do not take them that could jeopardize this right. I mean if this guy doesn't need his break why would you? At work there's this one girl in her late 30's. She works extra hours without writing them down (so she won't get paid). All of us do write them down to be paid but she doesn't (probably hoping for a promotion). It makes me mad because in Spain, from what I've heard, it is common for companies to make you work extra hours without getting paid! We are lucky enough to have our right respected and there's people like her who don't realize what they are doing is dangerous for everyone... 🙄 this is plain stupid.
Why am I crying to this video? Like I've just gained new perspective, or got set free in a way.. this even got me thinking about the way I perceive my parents... I'm deeply consumed by maximizing my potential and value as a person that it has ironically led me to the abyss of lost motivation and confidence. I guess I'm just tired and projecting my feelings on this video.
what do you mean because unless you own property and are paying property taxes, it's illegal to just live in the woods. Another way America screws you, or believe me I would do it
I just don't get loving the idea of "I am hustling, my relationships are deteriorating, and my mental health is lacking, BUT I SPENT EXTRA TIME AT THE OFFICE SO IM THRIVING" . like. sis. no. sip yo latte, do yo work, but also take naps. lol. ALSO . love the channel, just subscribed. this series is SO interesting !
I'm just a freshman in high school I'm at school for 10 hours a day 2 hours of homework when I get home That's 60 hours a week Ik this videos about work but I just thought I should mention how they are raising us saying this is the normalized way of things I've always been told that if I want to get anywhere in life coming from a poor family that I have to work as hard as I can.
Me too. I’d wake up at 6am and be at school by 7am. I wouldn’t get home until 10pm and I’d have two hours of homework. I took on a lot more than other people but that’s because I refused to quit my passion for school. I couldn’t miss school, so I doubled my workload to fit in all the music that I wanted. If I could have taken less academics and more music classes I would have had any semblance of a social life or mental health. “Be yourself... but also only do the things we tell you to or else you’re garbage”
@@MsTwte ... what uni do you go to? im a junior in hs and i just last week my ap lang teacher gave us 48 hours to write a draft for an essay, and another 24 hrs to turn in the final draft... this week alone ive had at least 1 test or quiz every day. there really isnt a way to "work smarter" when your just writing and studying for a test.
The Simpsons: Bart after breaking his leg "Aww man, im gona miss the whole summer" Homer "Dont worry boy, when u get a job like me you'll miss EVERY summer" This line...
I get it, but at least he had a job. I don't care if I see my kids on holidays, I just care that they have everything they need and that when I'm with them I'm able to do things with them. The day on the calendar is irrelevant, I make my own holidays.
If he didn't care about material goods, he would invest his time and money to the things he cares about instead. Maybe traveling - ikd visiting libraries maybe, family, hobbies, organisations and charities, politics or something. But he's not a minimalist.
That commercial is the exact demonstration of the kind of performative intellectualism these types are obsessed with. I often here them say "read more read more read more" because somehow it will give you wealth and all the successful people do it, but they fail to realize that the successful people they idolize possess the kinds of personalities and intellects that would drive them to read even without the profit motive.
The structure of our working society is not conducive to the human spirit. And people get surprised how much stress, anxiety, and depression exists out there.
actually Australians work some of the most overtime of all OECD countries... the relaxed life that Australia is known for doesn't exist in the same way, particularly given the huge increases in cost of housing and education over the past few decades.
I had three jobs last year, I got so sick from it that I can barely work one job now! I really didn't make that much money, I didn't see my friends or family(this was during the holidays), my anxiety was at an all time high, I wasn't a very good worker because I was so tired, and any free time I had consisted of mental breakdowns from the lack of sleep and high anxiety. 0 out of 10 wouldn't recommend! NO JOB IS WORTH YOUR HEALTH!!!!!
girl you got plenty of time to start researching how to obtain a work visa for country that respect the working class (at least more than the US) lmaoooooo
I told my bosses during my interview that I wanted to work 20-25 hours a week. They said that was fine and hired me. In my first week, both of them hinted that I should do work at home. The first said "if you're bored at home, feel free to do some work" and the second said that "if I saw 32 hours on your timesheet, I wouldn't even question it." Nope, I'm in a position where I don't need the extra cash, so I'm not going to touch work when I'm home.
It's the result of the rich conditioning the poor to work hard for them. "Being a good American means workin' hard" really means "you must expend all your life force generating profit for the executives, lowly peons". If you convince people that any down time is shameful, then you can hopefully get them to work past the point of exhaustion for your personal gain, all for the sake of "pride". To the top, the only way to earn money is to get all of it now, ethics or long term outcomes be damned. One of the best ways to do that is to squeeze as much labor from each employee as possible and swiftly discard them for a young, naive replacment once they've lost their value. Repeat ad nauseam until the entire company finally buckles from poor management. Ideally, you'll have a fat stack of cash you've embezzled from the company to keep your yacht and personal jet fueled while you slip out the back and find a position on the board of some other company that will pay you $10 million for just sitting there a few times a month.
Sometimes I actually feel like I have to hide from other teachers that I DON'T have anything going on after school. It is very important to me to have free time, and I hate "scheduling culture". Many of my coworkers seem to love to brag about how busy they are, how many activities they have forced their kids into, or how early/late they come into school when they aren't getting paid for those hours...but that's all self-inflicted, so if they want sympathy, it's not coming from me. I think I must do the opposite of people in the "hustle" culture. I try to very actively create free time. I need it for my sanity.
@Arra That is how I feel! I grew up in a house where we had dead time to just screw around and develop hobbies. I am a big hobbyist photographer, and I wouldn't have time for it if I decided to work myself into an early grave. I think I perform better at my job when I know that I have time after school to myself or with my husband. Obviously, if I have kids, that will change a little, but I am not going to jump on the bandwagon and start putting my kids in a million activities at age 4. Kids deserve free time, too.
You are Right about Denmark and Europe's work ethic. My brother moved to Denmark from Houston for work (oil), and while there his biggest complaint was "These people don't take their job seriously and don't rush for anything". Despite it being an amazing place to live & him making an additional 75%$$ he came home after not even two years. I would say " They work to live not live to work", and he would argue with me about how that was bad......
Personally I think even 40 hours a week as the standard is too much... 6 hour work days would be heaven 🤤 Whenever my job asks me to stay overtime or come in on my days off I say NO and my manager will legitimately look at me with such disappointment lol. 🤷🏼♀️
Asshdhfh same but different. I don’t mind working 10 hours a day but my boss wants me to attend networking events constantly and I’m tired after work, I’m introverted, talking to new people is also work for me. So I say no and she’s like :((((((((((((
honestly this video shocked me, america!! is!! wild!! you don’t get paid leave? or paid maternity leave? i always assumed that was all the same across countries (particularly the first world ones)
I legit know at least one childless female who is against paid maternity/family leave because we shouldn't all have to pay for it when not everyone will take it. I'm past the age where I would need it (well maybe paid family leave to take care of someone in an emergency case) but I still think we need this, and not just for women. My sister's husband is in the navy, he gets it and he took it when the kids are born (she had a c-section so it really helped for him to be home a couple of weeks), it's just not the norm.
Let's talk about how "side hustle" is emphasized and promoted so that employers (like your sponsor, Amazon) can side-step the spotlight of paying livable wages and giving employees decent benefits. Sure, Uber is demanding on your finances, assets (car), schedule, and mental health-- but it's a "side hustle" so that "extra money" is really nice.
I really dislike the continued normalization of "side hustles". Like why are we encouraging people having to work side jobs because their often-fulltime jobs don't pay a livable wage? Even calling them side hustles makes them sound better than what they are.
omg that's so true!!!! And also I feel like it ties into this idea that people don't deserve to gain fulfillment from their jobs? It's maybe not directly related to Uber/Lyft but as someone involved in creative industries, side hustles often are the only way that creatives are able to do any sort of creative professional work, because there's this really weird idea in society that things that are fulfilling are not 'real work' and therefore not deserving of proper compensation. It's so messed up how our society categorizes value and how people are paid!
Um, no. Employers have something called a "budget" lmfao. it's not as if they can pay you whatever they want. That's why wages are NEGOTIATED, unless you're working for some crappy entry level job.
My mom works from home and is working from 9-8 With one break a day, usually for lunch. She works 80 hours a week, and wonders why she’s always tired and has migraines. Love you mom ❤️
Fun fact: in my country ( a small island in the Caribbean) the people are notorious for having a very laid back behavior when it comes to work. People take random days off without warning, take the day off before and after a holiday, take time off to party surrounding Carnival time, skip work if it’s raining etc. Because no government cared enough to fix the issue, it’s become a part of our culture. People rarely get fired or disciplined for this type of behavior because every one does it- from the boss the the worker.
It's funny how The Rock was used as a background for one of those memes since his dad was a famous wrestler, and his mom is Samoan royalty. Not exactly "starting from the bottom"...far from it lol
@@ei3554 i don't knew if he did, but if his father was at some point famous it's likely that he was encouraged more by his parents than he would have been in a family that has been lower class and poor for generations. It's the same with kids and education. Kids from economically and educationally better situated families attend better schools because the parents instill in them a stronger sense of "worthiness" and belief in themselves... this system perpetuates itself
What annoys me is that these expectations never take into consideration disabled persons. You don't need to work to deserve to be. especially since sometimes you can't. You are inherently deserving. =) But contrinuting respecting your capacities as an individual is important (in my opinion) =)
My mom is so terrible at this! She’s always working from home when “off the clock.” I hate it for her. Luckily I got my dads “union” mentality lmao work on the clock and only when you’re getting paid 😂
I heard that the Scandinavian countries that provided these amazing benefits like paid family and sick leave, universal childcare, universal healthcare, and paid vacation time BY law, are not only among the happiest countries in the world (particularly Denmark), but also examples of what others calls a "social democracy," which is a mix of the upsides of both capitalism and socialism. Also, the United States is one of the most richest countries in the world, yet we don't have enough money to provide these things the majority of the world already has, particularly in the Scandinavian countries.
Ruben Espinoza I agree with a lot mentioned in this video but one important perspective missing is the fact that the USA is a huge melting pot of many different ethnicities/cultures. The Scandinavian countries don’t have mass immigration issues and are not considered places for religious, political, and economic refugees. I know it would be asking too much from someone who sounds like she thinks socialism or communism should be enacted in the USA, but I would appreciate a follow-up video to examine why the USA has developed in this manner, since the USA has unique issues like considering reparations for slavery, percentages of children born to unwed mothers, and homelessness. Perhaps this “hustle” mentality really originates from immigrants or children of immigrants who truly believe the American dream is real, and the American corporations allow them to keep “dreaming” so they can keep profiting.
Yet another american who thinks scandanavia is heaven.... read political and economic literature/stats from those countries and stop regurgitating the daily talking points from your young democrats club
I’m Swedish and the way US work policies and healthcare works literally blows my mind and makes me appreciate the way things work here.. Love how informative and in-depth your videos are!!
Fellow nordic friend here (Finnish), it's really crazy how big the differences between us and the US are. Really makes you appreciate your home country!
I have two modes
1. Unhealthy procrastination.
2. Toxic workaholism.
Both of them walk hand in hand. So yeah, I am screwing myself everyday.
Saujanya Roy same
I still can't get what's toxic in your workaholism?
@@thevegue177 Showing up sick to work, sacrificing sleep for money, etc. this can seriously fuck up your (mental) health in the long run.
The VÉGUE Work before wife, kids, hobbies, sleep, food etc. is TOXIC
You're right, although procrastination is often associated with laziness, it actually goes hand in hand with workaholism
Can we also talk about how society looks down and resent people who either don't have to or don't choose to work themselves into the ground? Like people who decide to actually use vacation days for a vacation and get remarks like "Well I never took a day off in seven years straight even when I was sick. I came back to work straight from the hospital. No excuses" like ok sis don't get mad at me for putting my mental health before the dollar. Life can be short and people deserve to enjoy it.
GirlYouAlreadyKnow OOF that reminds me of my job. I work in retail and a couple months ago, the supervisors were being picky about how one of my coworkers had a limited availability so she could be with her kids more. One is really young and was sick for some time so she needed time to take him to his doctor visits and stuff. The supervisors were like okay so what (other coworker) has a new born and she’s here everyday! Obviously, the rest of us were like.. good for her? She’s choosing to work instead of nursing her child? Maybe she did it out of obligation, maybe not. But it was so disturbing seeing the leaders compare them like that. Even if the children weren’t involved, people shouldn’t be compared and made to feel guilty for choosing to work or not.
Yesssss! People at my job get offended/annoyed when I take time off and it’s like “listen, YOU can work until you cry in the bathroom and can’t stomach your lunch, but I’M going to the beach. This job WILL NOT kill me.”
April Simone girl PREACH
literally we all die in the end. let me enjoy my time alive before my mental health spirals in the next 3 business days
Omfg this spoke to me! Vent ahead: so I teach at a Montessori school. Because the summer is essentially a camp and no Montessori school I got the summer off. Cue MAJOR JEALOUSY from some co-workers. Resentful comments etc. Like crap! I have 3 kids, 1 who is suicidal and they know this. And I asked for the time. They could have they didn’t. Not my problem. One even asked my boss on my behalf and is still bitter.
Therefore I still feel so guilty right now being off. I shouldn’t but I really do. It’s awful!!
Anyway, I needed to get that off my chest.
I hate the idea that everyone has the same 24 hours.
Like, do you have access to personal transportation? What about child care? How about a Wi-Fi connection at your home? How about the ability to hire people to help you clean or do yard work?
My 24 hours and the hours of someone who has access to private jets, personal trainers, and cleaning staff are vastly fucking different.
exactly! do you really mean to tell me my 24 hours are the same as elon musk's??? he surely doesn't have to do anything around his house(s), worry about any fucking thing because he pays other people to do so, give me a fucking break
I always make this point!
90% of the massive historical figures we idolize for their work/inventions/etc had women behind the scenes doing unpaid life admin stuff for them and men under them (paid) doing the rest!
Behind every successful person is the woman who birthed, raised, fed, housed, cleaned up and up after, educated/sought out educators for, etc. (Obvs there's also the man who worked to keep the family afloat, etc, but realistically, 85% of childrearing is motherbased so) and after she's done, the wife steps in !
No person is an island!
@Alpha Centauri 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. 40% of American adults couldn't afford a $400 emergency.
Even if 80% of millionaires are "self-made", how many of them started out middle to upper class? I mean, people claimed Kylie Jenner was a "self-made" billionaire. She wasn't.
@Alpha Centauri I really don't have the time or the crayons to explain why you're wrong. Eat the rich.
@Alpha Centauri I gave you plenty of data, from sources that are non-partisan. You can maybe start by looking up the study done by researchers at Princeton and Northwestern that found the US functions as an oligarchy and get back to me.
“We feel guilty when we’re not being productive” lordddd this is true. I just feel like I’m not allowed to enjoy myself anymore and it’s exhausting
Yeah i shouldn’t feel bad if I want to spend my day off playing video games since I dont have the tume to during the day
@@tamara7301 eh nasa drzava ce pre u grob da nas satera nego da nam dozvoli da ostvarimo snove
Dated someone who was heavily into hustle culture and was pursuing becoming an entrepreneur. He’d be so self righteous about it, despite the fact his family was super wealthy and it gave him a very obvious head up.
He’d put down working class people and call them ‘the 99 percenters’ looking back he was a toxic person and the whole hustle culture is cringe
Oh my God I used to have a friend like this. He was actually a really nice guy when I first met him but the more rich he got and the higher up the corporate ladder he went the more of a self righteous asshole he became and was totally blind to how much easier it was for him to get there certousy of a wealthy upbringing. Eventually we got into this huge fight about his philosophy because he had become too self righteous to just agree to disagree anymore and we're no longer friends.
Lol he sounds like the type of guy who would turn around and tell a poor person to 'pick themselves up by the bootstrap'
@@MyNontraditionalLife You are on the right track. The reason I made friends with that guy I mentioned earlier to begin with is that we had an entrepeneurial spirit in common. Unfortunately he got sucked into "the dark side" of entrepeneur culture, however I have met others who run their own businesses without getting pulled into that crap and they are my main inspiration. They are few and far between but they are out there. I know one guy in his 40s who'd been doing business all his life and got an offer to run a business where he'd be making 5 million dollars a YEAR but he turned it down because he would have to work all the time and wouldn't be able to spend time with his kids during the years they needed him most. He decided he had enough money already running his other business and still had enough free time for his family, hobbies, and activism projects and he didn't want to give that up because if you aren't making money so that you can do what you want then what's the point? Predictably he gets looked down on by other entrepenuers who don't think he is a "real businessman" if he doesn't want to be a millionaire but he just ignores the haters and does what he cares about. I remember meeting him and being like THAT GUY. I want to be THAT GUY. Ha ha. As someone who is still in the early stages of my own business ventures but doesn't like or want to be a part of hustle culture meeting him was indespensibly helpful for me in realizing I too could hustle without becoming another drone who gets all of their ideas from Napoleon Hill, Rhonda Byrne, and Elon Musk. :P I don't want to descredit the entirety of hustle culture because some of it contains bits of good advice and ideas but they are taken to such an unhealthy extreme or are just flat out wrong but designed to make people feel good so that they will buy their book or whatever. There are lots of scam artists on the internet who make their money purely off of coaching people on "how to make money." It never hurts to be skeptical of someone who is literally selling you on the concept of selling itself. If their sales system were really that great they wouldn't need to keep upselling you on the next "in-depth" seminar or online course about how to "reeeally sell". Stay strong, keep doing your thing and remember to always think for yourself in finding out what helps your business work for you, because if we're being real what makes time, money, and happiness is going to be pretty unique to each person and their situation so we are a lot better off just figuring out some things for ourselves than forking out all our money and time to hustle culture cult leaders who want to tell us how we should run every aspect of our lives all the way down to our thoughts.
@@MyNontraditionalLife P.S. If it's any indication that these people are brainwashed it's the fact that they use the word "thought leader" as if that were a positive term and can't see how creepy it actually sounds.
lol so you're judging all workaholics over one pretentious idiot.
Fun fact: the term Meritocracy was coined by an author who meant it as satire that meant to point out how the wealthy have always had more resources and create the illusion of more hard work.
Mikaela omg that is fascinating
Oh wow 😮
Same with 'Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps!'
It's an absurd impossibility; Total satire and now people say it earnestly.
Wow ! That's brilliant
"It's called The American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it"
George Carlin
Carlin is a fucking legend!!!
Have you ever traveled outside America? Specifically to 3rd world countries? If not, then your kinda like a rich kid who denounced his rich parents, while still living in the guest house
@@simonsays6481 know there's some middle ground in many countries, right?
Tax cuts create jobs not the rich
@@simonsays6481 there's plenty of European countries that are better the whole "try living in a 3rd world country" is weak
My grandpa overworked his entire life and saved everything so he can enjoy his retirement but he got cancer and never got to see his retirement. Sometimes working for the future isn't the answer.
😭 so stinking sad man so tiring i hope he gets to relax in heaven
Damn, sorry for your loss.
Bro thats actually terrifying
@@handsomesquidward5160 thank you I appreciate that.
@@kn-fm7tq it really is. Makes you reconsider how you live your life
Ah yes be like a lion, an animal that spends 20 hours a day sleeping.
and a male lion, at that, which doesn't hunt :P
@@patrapoutrouli male lions do hunt.
@@Penelope416 Most of the time, they let the females do the work, though.
Sounds good to me.
Umm goals
I’m so over people the word successful as a synonym for wealthy.. 😒 like success for me is having a stable job I enjoy and that can help support my family. But since i don’t have a ferrari, i guess i failed
This, is exactly what I wanted to see.
Same 🤷🏽♀️
Exactly and this successful = wealthy mindset is what got that buffoon Trump elected as president. All his dumbass supporters were like well he can't be bad if he's rich dur dur.
@@MesRevesEnRose remember when he became a million dollars more succesful just by asking his father
I think maybe one of the reasons this might be half true is that in some part of being successful some may see financial freedom being part of that
I've been a personal trainer for 20 years and I have worked with a lot of very wealthy people. I can tell you that so many of them are the unhappiest people I've ever met. I had a client with a tennis court and Olympic size pool on their property say that they envied me because I saw my husband everyday and he actually likes to spend time with me. This was after my car got repossessed and I had to take the bus everywhere and it sucked and here she was saying she envied me. Money truly does not buy happiness. Money is awesome and I have no problem with people having lots of it, but it's simply an external luxury that makes life easier.
Charlene Ortiz Training So true. I heard someone say that everyone has money problems. They are just different problems. I tried to explain to my students that once you have money and say own a mansion, you need staff to run it and suddenly there are strange people all over your house. It costs a lot of money to maintain. You worry people now want something from you. Then you have to find people you trust to manage your money. Etc. Lots of money headaches, just different reasons.
right, like it's okay to want money it's not a bad thing to want to be rich because who doesn't? But money is just a catalyst to success, it won't buy you happiness
Money buys happiness when it is paying basic bills and buying basic needs. Money does not buy happiness when there is far too much.
money is an amplifier. good become better, bad becomes worse.
Money makes you more of who you are.
"We have to stop confusing economic value with human value."
-Andrew Yang
Human value=what you can do for society.
@Alpha Centauri well yes and no because disabled people may not be able to do that.
I had so wished he had made the ticket. If Biden was smart, he would choose Andrew for his running mate. He's already getting my vote because duh, but with Andrew, at least I'd be happy about it.
We don't deserve Andrew Yang. He's from the future. #yanggang
@@dannytas8885 So the elderly and the disabled have no value? I
6 months later: Let's talk about burnout...
not to mention the tears and the bitching that they are exploited victims. "Being famous and rich is sooo daaamn haaard 😢"
Holy shit, so true. 😂
laughing so hard
*_If you don't enjoy the process_* then often times the goal won't make you happy. I "hustle" at what I am passionate about and that makes a BIG difference
THIS! Becoming an artist has always been my dream and I love working on my art. It makes me happy to work. At the same time I feel absolutely miserable working on any other job. I don't care if I get a stable income if I feel miserable. It kills my mental health immediately.
@@Alien8Wanderer I feel you bro
Amen!! The “if your passion is your job, you never work a day in your life,” thing isn’t true, but it helps a whole lot. 😂 Like, if you hate the process and are frustrated and upset for years and years, is it really that worth it in the end? We only have so many years, and yeah, while vacations and stuff rock, how many years do you want to be miserable in the hopes of affording them? Maybe you’ll be more successful at something you love because you actually enjoy being there, the process, not the product, the journey, not the destination.
Each to their own, and for some it might be worth it, but, y’all, I’ve got a health condition; there’s no way I’m going to cause myself extra stress by being in a field that makes me stacks but also miserable!
Exactly, this my inspiration quote I follow by
Finally, I can relate to someone in the comment section lol.
Very real. And we have to ask ourselves: who benefits? Not the overworked employees. It’s companies who benefit directly from squeezing every drop of energy out of their workers, and indirectly by exhausting people so much that they have no time or energy to organize against the system that’s grinding them down.
Except they don’t, research shows that people are more productive when they have a work/life balance. Really, if we actually cared about productivity we’d discourage this obsession with working and being busy. I think people just want to be perceived in a certain way, and we’ve created this idealistic image which revolves around working but it’s a myth.
Beanie that’s the point the person is making. people are so exhausted by being overworked that they don’t care about productivity. they are too tired to care.
a philosopher named Simone Weil took a low paying factory job for a year or two so she, someone who was born in a more wealthy family, would be able to learn more about the struggle of the working class firsthand, and she basically was like “Yeah Marx says that the revolution is inevitable, but he’s wrong, bc the people who are being stomped on the most are also so exhausted by their jobs that they don’t have the energy to expand”
you know - paraphrasing bc she was French, but yeah very similar idea. Under capitalism, productivity is great but not at the cost of losing your labor and power structure.
@@woodnymph01 thanks.
American work culture has become: squeeze every drop of profit from the worker and once they burn out, replace them with another workhorse.
Even workhorses are legally entitled to rest, breaks, and time away from work. Employees are treated more like Energizer bunnies
Well, if you embrace hundereds of thousands of low skilled immigrants into your country every year, that's what you'll get. Fodder for big companies.
@@gg_ingy But if you don't, the company goes overseas as does the tax money...
@@jedeye15 That has more to do with taxes, and even then. Here in Sweden we stil have companies. If a company moves away and is unethical, gov could up taxation on goods from outside the country, and ofc people could take their own responsibility and not buy from trash companies.
@@gg_ingy nah, they just loving putting kids in cages and not doing a single thing about it, just for a trend
The older I am getting, the more I realise I just want to go to work, come home and not think about my job. when you tell people that they looked shocked at you!
When I complain about my job my mom is like"how are you gonna live, dont you want to live and have money?". No duh.
Omggg yassss exactly
Comment of the Century
I think you like a honest days work for a honest days pay perhaps? Correct me if I am wrong.
Some go to work and have to do shit they don't want to do, most of the time not by their own choice. (Coal mining comes to mind or making smart phones for western folks.) Where you were born really plays into what your work will be like for the rest of your life. Glad I am not in the middle east or Hong Kong where I feel like I can at least bail out on rat race culture.
I was severly depressed after a car accident for several years. I was grinding so fucking hard for soccer and all it took was a random dude that T-boned me during 2009. Very close to losing my upper body but he contacted my car infort of my seat hitting the engine out. Jaws of life and all that jazz. Not one staff or teammate knew where I was until I walked in the weightroom 3 days later just so I could "get back at it." My combine was several months away. I also got sued by the guy that T-bone me because my insurance company didn't believe me or the police report. Had to take on a three year law suit that I didn't have time or money for. Best JD education I'll ever get. One speed bump in the rat race and the other rats ate me alive. Lost trust in every person out side of my cirlce but I also learned how to not get selected for jury duty.
I got out of deep depression when I lowered my expectations. Like this comment here. Before I would be nervous about sharing because I want to put my best thought forward in a public space as to not look like a clown or some sad boy who never really had it rough. Now I don't give a poop. Caring for my family is my amazing fulfilling life now. Finding others who care like me is where I pass my time. Watching others race is my entertainment. Thanks RUclips! I needed to vent.
a friend told me workaholism and hustle culture are basically capitalistic guilt lol its funny cuz its true
I feel like if my dick was a capitalist, "Hustle Culture" is how it would deal with inequity.
"caPITALIstiC GuilT" like please shut up.
lol because you won't be slaving away with muh socialism right
isnt it also way to motivate workers to... work harder and make more money to owners?
@@BrandonRamirezJ It is.
Disability is an important factor, because if someone can't work due to disability or can only work short hours they are often treated with suspicion or even anger in workaholic cultures.
Yep. I have chronic pain and fatigue. I’m not even productive enough to make it as a sophomore in US high school. When I was younger I was a ‘gifted kid’ and therefore expectations are sky high
Not to mention almost every place will reject you immediately if you tell them you have some form of chronic pain or a disability.
@@emiliesmith9917 dude, literally the same thing with pain and fatigue. I'm glad someone relates (I'm not glad that you're suffering tho)
Yeah, and the way the us "supports" disabled people (if they even are eligible, I dont think they count chronic pain which is stupid but I digress) is a joke. You can literally never have more than 2k in your bank account EVER or they drop you. Aka you never get a chance to advance in society at all and always must depend on someone else or live in poverty
Nunya Business you’re so right I’m a 21 year old who goes to a community college but I have a learning disability that prevents me from ever becoming independent So I always question whether I’m gonna be able to get a house, find a woman, get married and have kids etc etc like I’m always having doubts.
The scary thing is that this really all starts when you are a kid/teen. We do so many hours of homework in high school with so many extracurriculars so that we can even GET IN to college, never mind the jobs a lot of us have to work in order to pay for it. As a High School student, getting 5-6 hours of sleep is the norm, and if you get 7 or up, you are considered lucky. It’s so screwed up
They don’t care about us
I'm in 7th grade and I gave up I just can't do it anymore
@@theguywhoasked2016 YESSSS
@@dyamondwomack549 so you are 13?
@@futuristiccat5636 yeah, that's why we lost so many lives, during covid19, lack of money, lack of freedom, lack of time , due to depression & svicide by anything else in life
George Carlin said it best: "That's why it's called the American dream. You have to be asleep to believe it."
Screw sleep , sleep when your dead lol.
@DolphinsWIthIgloos Nah they're fleeing the hellhole their country became after the CIA assassinated their democratically elected leader who had been elected after the people managed to unseat a US backed exploitative banana republic. Whoops
JJA8020 and now the us doesn’t want to take the responsibility for their actions
“It’s a big club an you aren’t In it”
Dream your own dreams 😊
Greetings from Finland; work 30h/week. "Coffeebreak" every two hour, 5week paid vacations.
And my life is good; have time (and money) for my hobbies, own house, no stress
r r whatttt?😭😭😭
Do you only work 4 days a week?
I'm so goddamned jealous of you Scandinavian bastards. Hopefully I move to Europe in a couple years.
Don't you know the USA is #1, what are you doing living in Finland...(sarcasm)
I love how relevant and specific your topics always are. They're things I can look right out the window and see but don't feel as if the topic has been overdone
Omg we have the same profile 😂😂😂❤~! I was confused for a second 😅😊.
such a perfect way to put it
That's happens to me too; when I see my profile pic on a video I never watched b4 and it takes me a while to realize that the account name is different! 😅😅
@@mrs.potatohead8471 There isn't room for the both of us >_> We must fight to the death
i literally got a "get rich with the millionaire mindset!!" ad in the middle of this video HAHAHAHAH
me too...
@@travellingcircus7658 a wise man once said " you are rich by how much knowledge you have" which is true... also what musician said that money doesn't describe his wealth, but some stuff that are important to you and qualities
I got something of that sort at the beginning
Lol scam
This so true. I think we've been conditioned to the point where the slightest bit of enjoying our hobbies just makes us feel guilty. We literally have to spend every second of our time to be as "productive" as possible
ramya rao If we haven’t turned our hobbies into side hustles we clearly aren’t doing hobbies right 😂
I see this in my Dad. He’s a doctor (one of the good ones, I promise, lol), and he’s spent so much time maximizing patient time and care and even spending hours on the phone with insurance agencies to advocate for the patient getting coverage for medications. Growing up, I felt guilty taking up his time, like it was a problem. If I was going to distract hin, it needed to be for a reason. And not because of anything he said, he’s a super loving father, but just because I saw how important he was and that he could do things most people couldn’t, so he needed to do those things, and the other things came after the important things
He became ill when I was about ten, had to have surgery, step down from the head of the ER, reduce his workdays. Even now his illness could kill him in his sleep any night, his lungs could just fail to work or his diaphragm become paralyzed. His bouts of remission get shorter each round. Now my mom has cancer, and he can’t back off his schedule, because he’s working minimum hours, supporting my whole family by himself now, and a staff of eight, on one reduced paycheck.
Even now, at 61, he doesn’t really have any hobbies. I’ve finally talked him into following one tv show as it airs and one on Netflix, just to watch if he really needs a break or to zone out, and he is stressed about it, because it feels selfish to him. He doesn’t read anymore, he can’t play basketball anymore, he doesn’t sing or play piano or guitar or saxophone anymore, he just works and sleeps and tries to hang on, and he does it for us. Any time I bring up something that could help his stress load, I get a pained look and, “Where will I find the time? I don’t have it.”
I know he’s scared to retire, because he is afraid he’ll be so listless, after devoting himself so long to his work, and he’s been truly brilliant at it. And if my mom does die, he’ll have lost another pillar in his life, and it would be the worst time for him to have time on his hands.
But... he deserves some time that is his, at some point, somehow. He’s felt selfish for anything outside of work that takes time and makes him happy, and it’s so sad to see, especially in someone who tries so hard in his work, from being a great boss to a supportive colleague, in accepting when a staff member needs extra time off, to accepting pickled tomatoes and paintings as payment when someone can’t pay their portion.
Now my brother is in an adjacent field. I’m going to do my darnedest to remind him of how things have gone with Dad, to help prevent him from slipping into this mindset and habit.
It’s so much easier to not form a habit than to break one, especially after years of it being ingrained on your psyche.
@@SunflowerSpotlight that broke me a little to read, I am so sorry about this present situation
Savannah Bowdoin Thank you for your reply, and kindness about it. It really hurts me because I’m so close to my Dad, but hopefully things will improve soon. He finally admitted his illness is out of remission, and that’s part of why it’s so bad right now. It’s pretty early in the year for it; the last time it was this early, he couldn’t drive and had to cut patients down to two days because he was so weak and exhausted. His schedule’s set for another two months or so, but I’m going to talk to him about backing off work slowly. Hopefully he can ease off and it won’t get that bad this time.
It sucks, because the less work he does, the less he feels he’s helping, so I’m going to need to dispel that idea. 😅 Wish me luck, and, thanks for the empathy. Please always be aware of your limits and don’t get in this situation; taking care of yourself isn’t a failure or a weakness, just self-preservation so you can keep helping people for longer than if you crash and burn. Be well. 🌷
Amara Jordan someone should Pin this comment. I usually HATE reading long comments on RUclips , but this was beautifully written (and space out properly)
"If you can lean, you can clean" - I hated hearing that from supervisors/managers while working in retail, like I'm standing for 8hrs straight let me catch my breath for a sec 😤
dude I used to work at a 5guys and even if the whole store was cleaning my bosses were like "hey it looks bad to the customers if you're standing around, so at least walk around and sweep/wipe off the counter even if it's clean". I hated that shit.
Brenda try workin as a nurse in a hospital. The few minutes you may get to sit between patients your supervisor makes a round through and goes “hey X needs to be done now you need to go get it done.”
Nurses make good money. Retail is minimum wage.
@@MalachiFrazee222 idk about the us but in many countries nurses are underpaid
@@MyNontraditionalLife well managers are there only to make their bosses happy so no surprise there
I can't roll my eyes enough when I see those grind culture images
Same, they're so cringey
@@nihilisticbarbie Unfortunately many people fall into this illusion
Same, it's the cringiest shit I've ever seen.
Same here
@@thisrickycreative me, sadly which is why i am watching this video
I literally ended up in the hospital because of that mindset. I gave up my restaurant and started working for someone else. I actually had someone say how “embarrassed” I must be working for someone else. No, I was sane again. I had a life again. I could come home and leave work at work. Never again
Good that you were able to get out the entrepreneurial route, I don't know why ppl think that being your own boss is the answer to their financial problems when in fact the amount of work and responsibilities quadruples for the individual and the pressure it's monumental.
Owning a restaurant is literally one of the most stressful and hardest jobs you can have. You go, boo! You did great :)
@@sin3358 you totally just made my day!
@@lolitah8560 I roll my eyes so hard when I see the social media of people I know doing the “boss babe” thing knowing they are losing their minds
I find this leaks into hobbies too! ~what's the point of a hobby if it doesn't turn into something??~ (a novel, an album, art, etc)
Capitalism turns everything into a commodity even our humble hobbies. If you can’t make your hobby into a hustle then you’re made to feel like you’re not good enough.
I was about to say this!! Not everything has to generate income. Seriously. Not everything
Exactly omg what's with people hobby shaming others.
@@joelseph German should be easier to pick up if English is your dominant language. Just advice from someone who's familar with both.
I heard a girl who drives +1 hour to work and +1 hour back everyday say she feels guilty when she just listens to music - "it's not productive"
There is this saying that we in the Nordic countries "work to live," but in the US you" live to work" which I think is quite fitting.
Oh it's not only in the's all over the world..
Sounds like a problem of choosing the wrong career (one that you don't enjoy).
about the infantilization: imagine a grown ass man carrying around the "boy boss
I mean... this argument isn't the strongest. "Girl" has often been used often BY WOMEN as an empowering or endearing term among one another. Rarely is it used by a man to deride a woman. On the other hand "boy" is typically used as a diminutive or negative word to imply that another male is actually immature or inferior. This is used by other men and women against men. In sum, if the ingroup has given it a positive connotation, it clearly isn't seen as entirely bad by everyone. To analogize, the n word is derogatory, but if used by black people within an appropriate context, it is a term of endearment.
@@Ragd0ll1337 well said
@brushfyr yeah red pill alpha dawg mgtow yeet yeet
Maria Östgren I would complement his boy boss
Maria Östgren lol that does sound hilarious good point
Hobbies really are underrated. If you ask hustle culture proponents, they'll say you're not working hard enough if you aren't getting paid to do what you love, but have they ever considered that when a passion becomes a job, its appeal is sometimes is diminished? Nothing wrong with work being separate from passion, and shaming those who don't have the LUXURY to get paid for their passions is exceptionally ignorant and rude.
Everyone I’ve ever known who made their interests their jobs ended up hating that thing.
Baudelaire said don't make a whore of your muse.
@@GeraltofRizziaaI’m a photographer and I really like my job, sometimes in big events it’s kinda stressfully, ten years and counting
@@GeraltofRizziaa Guilty as charged here. Tried twice, and now that's two hobbies I barely touch anymore :(
I shall content myself with doing a job that I don't hate and isn't destroying my health, that's pretty much my baseline and it's been serving me well enough these past few years.
Tiffany: a lot of Americans actually eat lunch at their desks, and continue working...
Me, eating lunch at my desk while I listen to this and work: and I oop
Oh too
wow, same
That's some multitasking. Not cool.
I ate at my desk today...
I am SO happy I live in Denmark. I'm uneducated, I work a factory job, i get 5 weeks of paid vacation (if i choose not to use those vacation days, i can still get the money for them), i work 37 hours a week and have an income that makes sure I can live comfortably and save up at the same time. I have have a week off on christmas and two weeks off every summer bc the factory closes down (on top of the paid vacation). I also have weekends and all national holidays off. Of course overtime can occur, but they have to pay me extra per hour I work overtime and if it is more that 3 hours, the hourly pay doubles. Life's pretty good.
(I am 21, single without kids and I am moving out from my roommates and into my own apartment soon.)
sis i want your life--let's switch yeah?
Similar scenario here. I work 8am - 4pm, Monday - Friday, currently have one class, get vacation hours, sick, administrative, annual, and holiday leave from work (all paid), and go to the gym twice a week. Even with all of that, I still have enough time to keep an active social life. So, we have similar lifestyles, save living situations (I'm living with my mother until I finish college).
@mellifex depends on your level of education and how fast you learn the language and get a job. And even though we just got rid of a pretty nationalist (i e racists, but they're not allowed to be that) government, we still haven't gotten rid of their laws so your skin color and religion may also play a role
Trine Agerskov what the heck in the US I’m in high school working 3 hours every night plus my several hours of homework and I get paid barely anything
similar situation here, I'm from Brazil, working 6 hours a day, 6 days per week and paying for my college education, planning on moving out of my parents house in 2020
I’m still in school, but the whole “hustle” culture aspect is very prevalent. If I’ve had a hard time learning a specific skill, and my grades are falling behind, I’m told that I just need to “try harder.” Meanwhile, students are scrambling to get everything done and working themselves to the point where both their mental and physical health deteriorates. It gets to a point where we sacrifice hours upon hours of sleep just to continue to work so that we aren’t considered failures.
The public education system was created to not only act as a daycare for kids, but also to prep kids for working in a factory. The whole thing is made to make you a factory worker, which is outdated. The public education system hasn’t changed since it was created over a century ago.
Maddy Belk the public school system is wack
I hate the “try harder” mentality. My mother always says school is about strategy: “work smarter, not harder.” Working “harder” just leads to burnout, stress, and actually makes you less productive despite spending more time than “working smarter.” If you have a hard time grasping something, trying to learn in a different way is often more effective, and I find I spend way less time on my college coursework than my peers. The whole “hustle til you make it” is bs
"some people love sleep more then they love success" ... SOO toxic!! I love my sleep
right when I saw the quote that said my body wants sleep but my pockets want money or something like that my jaw literally dropped
When you look like a Zombie it doesn’t matter how much money you have in your pocket. 😂
Dude, you have no idea. I respect my sleep. Not sure, If I can function properly.
The less sleep I get, the less productive I am, and so the less money I can make. Can’t be successful when you are exhausted to the point where you can’t even read anything, lol.
i was so obsessed with constantly being productive that i ended up getting a burnout at 22 and having to drop out of university so i love this video, such an important topic! x
I feel that. I peaked in 9th grade now I can’t work for shit. I know that’s a pretty weak time to finally hit a wall but now I just can’t work for longer than thirty minutes at a time without my focus dropping drastically.
Sorry if this is an intrusive question, but are you from Finland? (Just asking because of your name) 🙂
@@Emiliapocalypse yes i'm from finland! but i've lived in england for the past two years, i'm moving back to finland next month:)
@Pira well i'm still 22 so i'm very much in the middle of it and struggling with my memory, concentration, motivation and pretty much everything but it's starting to feel like i'm going to be okay eventually 💛 just need some time to rest and recover
Eadlyn June I also peaked in 9th grade, lol. It's taken a lot of therapy for me to feel okay enough to back to college, and even then, I still have times when I have to buckle down and make sure I actually get work done. I still worry about not being able to hold down a job once I graduate, but hopefully I'll be able to find something that works for me.
I can’t even believe I wanted to live in America growing up. This sounds beyond crazy and dystopian.
Same I'm so happy I got to grow up in europe
It is
As an American, ive always been envious of Europeans.
I grew up and still live in the US, its dystopian as HELL. Actually in high school my LA teacher read off the defining traits of a dystopian society and the US ticked off every box.
@Emily Pace Paraguay. Canada. Need I keep going? America is pretty dogshit for the average citizen as far as developed nations go. The other nations are rightfully laughing at us for not having the guts to stand up to corporations and demand fair wages and universal healthcare. It's pathetic.
I agree about this toxic workaholic culture and it’s prominent in some cultures, for example, East Asia. In Japan, there’s something called “karoshi”, as mentioned in the video, which literally means overwork death when translated. I’m glad you covered this topic because it took me some time to realize that overworking doesn’t mean instant success or achievement.
I was about to say a similar thing! Especially in the animation/game development scene. I think in a recent interview, Hayao Miyazaki (Studio Ghibli) mentioned that if you aren't working hard enough then you can't really call yourself an artist. Really harsh! I've noticed this mindset a lot in Japan
Japanese culture has the workaholic mindset too, at least from what little I’ve read and watched
The "Work hard when you're young to enjoy your retirement" is so crazy to me... what guarantee is there that I'll be alive past 65? The fact that I have a chronic illness that could declare itself at some point and give me potential mobility challenges also puts things in perspective... The hustle and productivity culture things just stinks of class and health privilege.
ikr. And then the same people with that mindset will whine how they lost their youth and never had to experience the things young people usually experience. Like ok Cindy, you could have worked hard for your success and still spare some time for trips and hangouts with your buddies....
Soooo true. I had heard this too many times before realizing that, there is no guarauntee that I’ll even be alive by retirement age or even by the time I reach “financial freedom.” (And this goes for the healthy too cause they can die at any point in a crash/getting shot/simply not waking up the next morning, etc) If I spend decades of my spare time “hustlin’ hard”, get little to no sleep each night, eating protein bars for breakfast/lunch/dinner cause I don’t have time to “waste” by cooking (lmbo -> inside joke about the MLM business AMWAY... yes, I was in it for a few months about 7 years ago 🙄) then the next thing you know I die? Talk about all that *extra* sacrifice went in vain. I’m all for the principle of working hard and earning things in life - and I encourage all to live by that basic principle - but this “hustle culture” is on a whole different level. It’s simply unhealthy, toxic, and destructive (in more ways that one!) 🤨
Heck, with that said I don’t even think many of these people who neglect the mental/physical/spiritual aspects of themselves in order to “sacrifice” to the Hustle Gods will even be healthy enough to enjoy the fruits of their labor for long. They are diggin’ their own graves.
This is so relatable. I hope you’re doing good. I totally agree
@@tamara7301 My illness was caught by accident and it's treated with meds that seem to stop any evolution in the past 3 years, which is nice! I am happy I live in a country with mandatory health insurance or else I would be a working poor despite being an engineer 😅
It is on my mind often though, I really don't take my good health for granted anymore and people who are like "yolo I would totally work myself sick to become rich" make me cringe...
Enki Aswad that’s so good to hear! I totally agree, it is, indeed, a very toxic mindset :( We really should never take our health got granted
Please talk about the porn industry/the hypersexualization of our media, and the effects it's had on us!
Oooh yes, good one
^^^ This , it's taking over, making it seem like it's standard to work in a strip/ have a porn account or ur not cool or somethingg
melody peebles I really don’t think people think that lmao 😂
yes!! this would be a great video
In Gothenburg (Sweden) they also did a study that showed that working 6 hours a day instead of 8 drastically increases productivity🤷🏽♀️
Personally I am basically done by 4 in the afternoon. I end having to redo all that stuff the next morning became my brain is spent in the afternoon.
I live and work full time in Gothenburg and people spend at least 9 hours at work incl lunch break so no one here is rushing to implement this study into the reality:)
I work 14hr days, but only work 3 days a week so I dig it.
I'm an American worker and can confirm lol. I get my work done by 3.
@@kristaw206 me too. And then have to pretend I'm still productive
“So many people say work smart, not hard but not everyone has the choice”.
This is the last 5 years of my life in a nutshell.
Everyone does have a choice though lmfao. Even if you're at a lowpoint in your life (I was. I used to be homeless for over a year), you can still get to where you want if you plan out your financial future.
At my last workplace, because i work smart, my work is efficient and fast so I usually just breeze through my tasks. But our boss didn't like how I'm finishing the work earlier than my workmates. He wanted me to make mistakes and be as slow as everyone else. Long story short, i left. It was a absurd to me that a boss would rather want and pay his workers to do that. A few months after that, that firm filed for bankruptcy.
@@snflwrchan8019 Your former boss sounds like a total nut.
This "hustle culture" is annoying because some people can be condescending and arrogant about it.
"You're broke? Just stop being broke, LMAO!"
@@luccafortestoledo1300 right?!
Right? It seems very selfish to me. Idk for me this world is too materialistic, too focused in the 3D plane. The earth is currently transitioning into 3D to 5D which I mean thank god. It definitely won’t last but I don’t want to get astrology into this but it’s true that the planets affect us. the outer planets have been in Capricorn for years now (Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter) Capricorn is the sign of career, hard work, routine ect. It’s ruled by Saturn which again is about career, hard work, routine, restrictions ect. No wonder so many people have this hustle work hard type of mindset. It won’t last because Saturn will go into Aquarius in late 2020, Jupiter will also go into Aquarius in late 2020 and Pluto will go into Aquarius in 2024. This whole hustle thing was just a trend. Jupiter is about expansion and blessings and it’s in Capricorn right now so basically if you were to do Capricorn things (such as work hard hustle ect) you would get blessings and expansions in career and money. And especially with Saturn in Aquarius now (retrograde so it will be officially in Aquarius in late 2020) people are shaken up by it because Saturn moved into Aquarius in March 2020 and was like HEY BITCH I’m giving the world this coronavirus so you have to stay indoors so you start questioning yourself and get confused like ‘is my job really making me happy? Am I just following everyone else? Am I really being my true self and living life?’. The coronavirus was needed to make people question their jobs and selves if they are doing the right thing. The coronavirus was needed because we aren’t doing age of Aquarius right. (which makes sense bc Saturn = restrictions and Aquarius= socialising. So basically Saturn in Aquarius = restrictions in socialising = coronavirus) Don’t forget we are also transitioning or in the age of Aquarius. We are not doing age of Aquarius right. I can see how the future looks like. The world is so shit right now because how can we know what the worst version of it is before we can make the best version of it? As you can see, many planets and the age is going into Aquarius. The sign of humanitarian acts, socialising, friendships, future, intelligence, quirky, different, unique, internet, community ect. The world will be very peaceful and everyone will be very hippie like. People will only work a few hours a day, have unique jobs, unique inventions, no starvation, no wars, no racism, no sexism ect. This is probably from now to 2000 years ahead. As you can see, the world is changing and with the current protests with the bml, THATS WHAT THE AGE OF AQUARIUS / SATURN IN AQUA is doing. They’re protesting (Aquarius is the sign of protests) they want justice and peace (Aquarius is the sign of peace) I can go on and on but basically, the world always changes. History always repeats itself, I mean transits. The world in the future will be very futuristic and lots of focus on space (Aquarius is about space) Very modern and technology and the internet will become extremely advanced. Elon musk is an example of this. don’t forget Uranus too is in Taurus. major planets in Taurus and Capricorn now. So, lots of earth energy happening now (earth energy is about hustling grind routine hard working ect) (Soon, it will be very airy (gemini is air, Aquarius is air) uranus will move into gemini soon and the outer planets will move into Aquarius (both air). Air is about intelligent, mind, communication, friends, ect.
Also, forgot to mention, Capricorn energy is quite depressing. Capricorn heavy charts, those people may come off as cold or depressed. makes sense since many people are depressed and empty in today’s era. This will change soon. Expect unique and kind people to rise.
@@futuristiccat5636 omg your comment makes me so hopeful about the future! Can you tell me where can I learn about astrology? I recently became interested in it after subscribing to star girl channel. I used to think that astrology is stupid but now I really think it has some truth in it. I would love to see this hustle culture disappear forever. Sadly I fall into it and it cost me a lot.
Yea me.
Even in university, they expect you to be constantly studying and working on school stuff to the point where it feels like you're not allowed a life outside of school. I'm lucky that my job is very flexible with my school schedule, but even then I feel like I have no time for things that actually matter like family, friends, and my own health. It's fucking stupid that so many societies think that having no life other than work or school is normal and even praised
This comment resonated with me a lot as someone who juggles university responsibilities and work. I also have a flexible schedule, but the pressure of paying tuition keeps me at work. 8 classes + work is something I know isn't healthy, but for some reason I do it anyways. That workaholic culture is real.
@Mari in the Shire your comment describes South Korea perfectly. The USA is not like that. Yet.
Why does a paid Nordic office job sound more relaxing than being an American highschooler?
@@npineapple3077 Damn ive only I was Nordic
Nina S this is sooooo true, they never have to struggle and end up being really spoilt because of it, as nice as their life is.
@@yasminegelbman8706 So you must not have paid attention to the fact that the Nordic countries are struggling more and more every year, with the wealth gap increasing. The amount of poor people are also in the rise, so maybe don't just paint whole nations and their people as being spoilt or never having to struggle just because their struggles are different than yours.
Or college student (but I agree 100%)
@@Sofia-ej9vz Its not totally unfair to label them as a better, more well off set of countries. However you are correct in how much wage-gap is increasing in a majority of countries at a rapid pace, income inequality is rising in nearly every 1st and 2nd world countries. As are basic human rights, so obviously the US isnt an isolated instance when it comes to these ridiculous work life expectations but they are still ranked high in work related stress.
I work a 9 to 5 job and ive never been happier. I consider that successful 💁🏻♀️
E C honestly I’m trying to get a 9 to 5 job, I’m going insane at my part time job
I want a 9 to 5 job with no OT. My job is technically supposed to be a 40hr work week but most weekends we are required to work at least Saturday.
Ive worked 9 to 5 for 20+ years. Im literally just going through the motions. Im dead inside.
My mother is a workaholic and she is obsessed with it. She is working almost all the time and even during her free time she rather work and she is very proud of it. She makes everyone else around her who isn’t working as hard as her feel guilty about it. I grew up in a household that my mother expected me to be doing something to the point that if I stayed in the bathroom more than 10 min she would make a big fuss about it. Also she says she works hard for me, but we weren’t together for about 10 years because SHE WAS WORKING HARD FOR ME. And now we have a really bad relationship....
Patents be like : I'm working 24×7 for my kids.
But they don't understand that spending time with them will make them more happy, mature and intelligent. You can share your experiences with them instead of wanting them to also be a Workaholic.
I have a similar experience. My dad used to be a cop, and whoooooo boy, did the police department fuck him over. He was at work all the time- like, sometimes he’d leave the house at 1:00 am and come back at 11:00 pm, and kept a similar schedule for much of my childhood. Dinners with both of my parents was rare. When he wasn’t working or sleeping, he’d be screaming at me for hours on end (until 12:00 am or 1:00 am) about my homework (I resent him for this, and still feel anxious and scared when I think about it). We all thought I had ADHD. I actually have autism, and it took me hours to do my homework in middle school, hence the screaming. He retired when I was in middle school, and the screaming stopped when I was in the tenth grade. He’s still really shitty- he peaked in high school and it shows. But I would have loved it if I got to see my father being happy as a kid. Please remember to take breaks.
my mother is the same, her first love is working, and she has grandiose ideas about her work. im glad i checked myself because i used to work like that but not anymore because i burnt out
I do a lot of assignments (which I chose) on Saturdays coz "I have nothing to do" back then, + the "you need to get ahead of your classmates" type of thing, until I realized in my high school years that I was supposed to be dealing and sitting with my emotions and assessing what happened in my daily life and resting on Saturdays. Now I am procrastinating in order to find time for my healing but the problem is I feel like I'm TOO late for that. I feel sorry for myself.
same, she just basically became a workaholic. my is always is always
Mother: “I want a sex life, boyfriend and husband but aw mannn…complains but keeps working 5hr/70$ per week…wait sorry
Basically sorry 12hr/58$ for 4 days is making you unhappy, ungrateful and unfulfilled. That’s why you need to stop letting things get to you or get in the way of your happiness
Daughter: Seriously you want sex life, dating life and married life. *still whines, moans about any African men not chasing her asses*
I just want a life which doesn't suck.
Me too!
Hell yeah
when i said this to my friend they said "yeah you have to work hard to achieve it" and i just -_-
Organize and build coalitions to better the workplace, get Medicare for all and the green new deal
Let’s bring high wealth taxes back as well
It’s all about that next generation. “I’ll work hard so I can raise a family”..then those kids do the same for their kids, and they for theirs, meanwhile no one actually gets to really enjoy the fruits of their ancestors’ labor. Workaholism is fueled, ultimately, by our inherent instincts to reproduce and our search for purpose..
Kinda true. People always invest so much in their kids. As if they gave up on themselves....
That only happens if you work hard and don't invest your money. My goal is to leave a property(ies) they can continue to rent and enjoy the passive income when I'm not around.
@Bruh Moment says the weird
I always feel this way. My wife and I are young and haven't had kids yet, so I wonder if it makes sense to bring someone out of non-existence just to put them in the same merry-go-around. With all the talk about environmental destruction, nations making enemies for future generations to vilify, rapid resource consumption, work being pretty much the main idea of survival, and having to deal with all the woes of life in general make me wonder if it is better just not to bring someone into this world at all. I mean, I'm grateful that I exist, but my mind does get full of questions as I live on.
@Woke Indeed People told me that I would change my mind. I'm 45 and I still haven't changed my mind about not wanting kids. My husband doesn't want them too.
Like, I’m well aware that other countries, especially the US, have a completely different work culture, but it’s still interesting to be reminded.
As a swede, I have flexible work hours, 5 weeks paid vacation a year, unlimited sick leave (like, obviously, you can’t decide how long you’re sick), my health benefits mean that 2 hours of my work week, every week, can be used for working out (meaning I can leave an hour early two days a week to go to the gym). My health benefit also include an extra 3000 SEK (around $310) a year, to pay for any kind of sport or training I do. I also get lunch benefits every month, meaning an extra amount of money, on top of my salary, that gets put on a card that can be used in stores and restaurants to pay for food. Oh, I also get free glasses if I need them, which I can check at a free opticians appointment.
Now, do I work for some big swanky google-like company that’s super rich? No, I work at a government authority. I’ll never get super rich with that job, but at least I can enjoy my life. Which just seems better, imo.
Its seems that at the long run choosing money over health is ironic , so nice you dont let capitalism tell you what to do.
Daamn, can I move to your country pls?
@@ginatorres9771 lmao, capitalism is the reason that much of the world was raised out of extreme poverty, and Sweden is a free market capitalist society lmao
@@dogguy8603 It's also the reason they are being explored, you have to lift people from poverty when you want them to fucking buy your products and services.
Wow that sounds amazing! I wish America understood this :(
"Be your own boss" is a lie anyway because your shareholders and your customers/clients are most definitely your boss when you're an entrepreneur. Also the law is your boss. Lots of things are your boss. Economics. Time. Gravity. Costs.
“I’m an employee of time itself!” (In reality, she was unemployed.)
@@toastwell6488 We're all employees of time.
@@naomistarlight6178 if you work hard enough, you might become the ceo of existence
@@toastwell6488 then you can inject stars or snort them, along with black holes, sounds like fun
All of these issues are culminating into the reason why many young people are opting not to have children. This country essentially punishes you for having a child through these lack of worker protections and toxic workplaces. And Boomers wonder why depression and anxiety are at historic highs. The level of stress a young person is under nowadays, because of these toxic environments and expectations, are at levels to the stress and anxiety that was once enough to get someone committed in a hospital. It's also why "burnout" is such a huge talking point now. When your society is at a point where they feel like taking even one hour of time to yourself leads to profound amounts of guilt ... it's time to completely restructure.
But muh profit margin tho
As a Turkish living in France, when I first came here I was shocked to see that people went to lunch for as long as 2 hours which was very annoying for me because I was trying to get some things done. Also, in the particular region I live in, it's ILLEGAL to work on sundays for most workers. People here really protect their rights to not work inhumanely and to not be exploited by their bosses, although with the current president it's becoming more and more like the US and that's why French people have been protesting for months. They are really conscious about their rights and well being, it would be seen as being spoiled in my country.
How did you adjust it and which system do you think is better?
Naisha Sylvestre I love your question and hope you get a response
carlacarlacarla very interesting
Naisha Sylvestre I definitely think the French system is better because in France, the state helps so much. For example, as a student, even if I'm not French, I have a "rent aid" as everyone does and it pays like 1/3 of my rent for me. So people don't have to work crazy amounts to make ends meet, the state does it for them. Turkey is not as bad as US but not as good as France so I'd definitely prefer to work in France. For me the biggest difficulty was that I was so used to having access to whatever I want in Turkey at whatever day or hour, I often got confused when say markets were closed on Sundays or my bank didn't answer my call at 4:01 pm but you get used to it pretty quickly. ALSO a weird thing for me was to see noone including transportation workers worked on May 1st. Like busses and trams don't work on that day which actually shows the importance they have for workers in France.
@@carlacarlacarla- it's not noone, all hospitals, police stations, trains and airports, have to be operational, and many florists and restaurants work as well. But yeah, the 1st of May is important.
Another thing, also, is that if you overwork yourself for over half of your life, just to "enjoy it" when you're older, you are going to end up damaging your mental health, therefore your physical well being too by the time you reach 60/70, and you won't be able to enjoy it... It's so messed up, like you said it.
That’s what’s happened to my parents. My Mom was finally going to be able to go with my Dad on their trips. She’s waited 40 years, and now he’s ill and she has stage III cancer. It’s such a cruel thing to watch happen. My brother and I have promised to make sure we remind each other not to delay, feel guilty for taking time off some, for having hobbies. My dad’s always said, “But where will I find the time? I don’t have the time,” and now it’s true.
I have a friend who got increasingly unhappy working too many hours on a project team he hated. He felt like the wrong people were getting heard and that he wasn't valued, and he just retired with no notice, midday when he got called out for something stupid. He's still not over it yet. And what makes it so weird is how flexible our company is. He probably could have talked to his department head and got a change of scenery and even reduced hours long before it got to that.
A coworker told me that her former manager never took a day off work and constantly worked overtime, and always said she could enjoy herself when she retired. Her manager passed away a couple weeks after retiring at 65.
I disagree. I think it depends on other life choices inregads to your work life. For example, if someone works their butt off and avoids financial burdens, they can become very wealthy at a young age (around 30-35), inwhich they are still very young to enjoy their wealth. Most people are not doing this though. Most people don't engage in the workaholic, wealthy-building culture. Most people live paycheck to paycheck and engage in consumerism.
The real problem is wages haven't caught up with rising living costs.
Happens in capitalism and happens in Venezuela (whatever craziness it is that we have here going on)
What happens when robots and AI take over your jobs ?
Man!! people in China have to do 2-3 jobs just to be able to have a meal at night. Soon we will be caught up too.
Rachit Gautam
The US have been having that since many years... They send teens to work two jobs...
I feel like this "hustle" and "rise and grind" attitude was mostly for athletes but got misused for the average employee to overwork himself or herself.
Great athletes know they need to rest well too. Yes, practice is good but quality is more important than quantity
As a single mom in Canada, I was fortunate enough to find a job for an insurance company - 35 hour work weeks, 4 days of work from home, bi-weekly 15 minute only productivity meetings where we discuss barriers to being more productive and brainstorm. 3/4 of your transit pass paid, subsidized healthy lunches, generous bonus that are based on annual profits instead of individual production. So many of us came from the huddle culture and feel so fortunate in this work environment, especially when we can spend 3 hours extra with our families
I got an ad with a guy trying to teach me how to become rich in a really loud voice XDDD
Loool is it the masterclass one with the Asian guy
Lol, me too, only a British guy.
Mine was an American white guy.
Same lol
So did I lol, while he stood in front of a car parked in front of a pool
I hate how these hustle culture people rarely even speak of those who work production jobs or retail, it's always office jobs. Trust me, those who work production feel even less productive because all they do is stand there and do the exact same thing for 8+ hours a day, 5-6 days a week. I worked at a candle factory and I did inspection, which meant I stood there and watched for bad candles and pulled them off the line. For 8 hours a day. In that time, you have a lot of little thoughts that pop into your head and you'll eventually run out of fun things to entertain yourself with. Instead, doing that job made me feel like I was better off dead because the only thing I could think about was how I was wasting my life away staring at candles all day. It was ridiculous, and I had to quit, but unfortunately that mindset goes with me to every job I have. I don't care about money, I wish it didn't exist, so every job I have feels like I'm wasting my life when I could be at home, at the park, in the woods. For me, I hate hustling, but I love the freedom certain self-employment jobs gives so that I can stop feeling like a waste
Hearing about work culture in America as a European was a...big yikes
The legal maximum number of working hours in the EU is 48h per week. In France we have an additional limit: 11h of conpulsory rest between 2 working days, 35h on weekend. The legal working time is 35h per week, meaning over that limit, it's supposed to be overtime. Depending on the firms/working conventions, it's either extra paid or you have extra vacations (often 10 paid days, sometimes more). Of course it often depends on how the working conditions have been negotiated (especially with the most recent laws) at country/branch/firm level.
Even as an European, basically living on the internet that seems to be very populated with Americans, I seem to have adopted this mindset and often wonder if it's even worth it to go on. (I'm ok though, no worries). Everything I hear about the US is frankly scary.
Same tbh, we forget how lucky we are
Work culture in America vs Europe is a scary drastic. I’m now working in Europe and I love it. I’ve never had vacation and now I’ve got 5 weeks to figure out how to use 😂
People here in Brazil tend to think of America as the best country. They have no idea what they're envying. Even here we have a better work life balance
the american dream is basically just a carrot dangling on a stick lol.
Not really. It's people's spending habits that keeps that carrot dangling in front of them. Small investments at a young age can get anyone a comfortable life.
The American dream can mean different things for anyone. It could mean having a family, a decent wage, a decent home and car. Which is possible for anyone in this country.
Lol except that America has lifted more people out of poverty than any other country in history. That's why so many people, as much as they criticize, want to move to America.
@@rymon8460 shut up, nerd! LMFAOOOO! Ya DWEEB!
There are many other European countries that do better than America in that area. Just saying
My dad is a millennial in a boomer's body. They were telling to get the app for his job and he was like "so I can be tethered to my work when I'm not even on the clock. Hell no"
That's a boomer being a boomer. It's millennials who'll download the dumb app!
Ary Chai leaving your work at work has nothing to do with being a millennial.... stop using these terms cause we’re all in the same boat
Good for your dad. Sounds more like a Gen X-er, though.
That's a baby boomer. My dad never worked off the clock.
I feel the hustle culture is even worse if you're in the arts and you do a "real" 9-5 job and then come home to do your passion. Sometimes you don't have enough energy to do your art or if your art is collaborative, like theater or filmmaking, you feel incredibly drained during those social interactions or guilty for not responding to everyone's texts and emails. And God forbid you take time for yourself to like watch a movie or
completely agree! i remember in graduate school (writing program) my teachers were like you must come home and squeeze time to write, if it's important, make time for it---but damn, what if im legit tired?????
i was just thinking about how toxic America's culture of overworking and shaming dependency and how obsessive it is over success
It comes from our Protestant Christain roots as a country. Western religions in general.
@@naufrage0 I wouldn't have though to connect the two, would you mind elaborating a little? I'm genuinely curious. Thanks!
One of my bosses at my job is always bragging about how she’s never unavailable for work. In a meeting recently, she literally said her job and her customers are more important to her than her wife. I thought that was so incredibly sad. I can’t imagine how her wife would feel to hear something like that. She is very much one of those “the hustle never stops” people, and tries to impose it on us, her underpaid and fed up employees.
The other wife needs to find a better wife
That is sad
"I'm always working 24/7 and so I am expecting the same from all of you" says the manager who makes 3x more than her employees and whose salary is literally adjusted to include the extra commitment expected from her.
My mental health is more important than a big bank account.
S. Tarantino tell em👏🏽
S. Tarantino not just mental health but physical health too. My mother is a nurse and had heart failure from working too much. My aunt is a doctor and faced something similar too that as well.
If you find the balance between "hustle" and leisure time its actually not that bad, I have an online business while having a good state of ind at the same time
I live in Australia, full time work is 38 hours and if it exceeds that I get paid double time. My pay is $27 an hour on weekdays, $35 on saturdays and $40 on sundays, I get 4 weeks paid leave a year.
I work in retail lmao
This video makes me feel real good about my job lol
damn your government is so generous for minimum wage job, consider yourself lucky and enjoy your life. i admit i envy that and just wanna lived a chill quiet life instead of hustling to be rich
Which retail? Coz I’m in Australia and my retail job is so abusive I’ve decided it’s not worth it.
I Work 50 hours a week, 13 days of per year, making $4.4 an hour, no extra hours, senior audit analyst with a masters degree 🙃
As a Swede I encourage everyone to have coffee breaks! It's usually limited to 15-30 minutes and you get to know your coworkers better which reduces conflicts. While the subjects mostly cover things like news and silly things like "which is the best ice cream flavour" we also often discuss work related problems and get solutions to things that we are struggling with or find common issues to forward to other people to sort for us. Also we have one of the highest consumption rates of coffee in the world and we need our fix.
Strawberri Red the US doesn’t care about workers like that 😂 this isn’t the office. example A: if you work for amazon and you are a union worker (unions is a workers organization that demand worker rights) they don’t hire you because they know you will go against their business
Strawberri Red I mean your ~encouragement~ doesn’t do much when we have bosses threatening to fire us if we don’t work ourselves to the ground. Coffee breaks and casual chit chat are luxuries that aren’t afforded to most working class Americans.
Teddy Winfield yes. most jobs don’t even let you talk to your co workers unless it’s a job where you HAVE to. my job always gives us shit when it’s a slow day and my co workers mingle because we are bored 😐
@@PaolaTheTimeLord First of all, I'm sorry if your workplaces are harsh, I know this is true for a lot of people (also in socialist utopia Sweden, believe it or not). I understand that reading my comment being in that situation could feel a bit like a bad joke. However, there are more people in the world than working class America and my comment wasn't directed at any social group in particular. I found that some people in my workplace pass on breaks because they think it's not productive, these are the same people who work unpaid overtime even though no one expects it from them because they want to look good. So there are people out there who do have access to these kind of priviledges but opt out of using them and I think that's a shame and simply wanted to add to the sentiment that not all breaks are evil. Also, maybe if all the stars and planets align someone who has the power to change things in their workplace reads this and can take some inspiration from it and make their workplace a little bit better, you never know.
@@strawberrired I am from France and live in Spain. I couldn't agree more about not taking your breaks. This is a right that we have and if some people do not take them that could jeopardize this right. I mean if this guy doesn't need his break why would you? At work there's this one girl in her late 30's. She works extra hours without writing them down (so she won't get paid). All of us do write them down to be paid but she doesn't (probably hoping for a promotion). It makes me mad because in Spain, from what I've heard, it is common for companies to make you work extra hours without getting paid! We are lucky enough to have our right respected and there's people like her who don't realize what they are doing is dangerous for everyone... 🙄 this is plain stupid.
Why am I crying to this video? Like I've just gained new perspective, or got set free in a way.. this even got me thinking about the way I perceive my parents... I'm deeply consumed by maximizing my potential and value as a person that it has ironically led me to the abyss of lost motivation and confidence.
I guess I'm just tired and projecting my feelings on this video.
Rahma Khaleel it’s ok, let the tears roll
Just plant corn and potatoes and live in the woods like me. Screw the system. Get a goat.
Theres a lot of us out there. Just quietly doing our own thing.
That’s an awesome quote, and should be a shirt. 😅 “Screw the system. Get a goat.” Kudos to you.
The life I want 🙌🏼
what do you mean because unless you own property and are paying property taxes, it's illegal to just live in the woods. Another way America screws you, or believe me I would do it
@@stephaniejones6076 I didn't say it had to be legal lol. I said screw the system.
I just don't get loving the idea of "I am hustling, my relationships are deteriorating, and my mental health is lacking, BUT I SPENT EXTRA TIME AT THE OFFICE SO IM THRIVING" . like. sis. no. sip yo latte, do yo work, but also take naps. lol. ALSO . love the channel, just subscribed. this series is SO interesting !
I'm just a freshman in high school
I'm at school for 10 hours a day
2 hours of homework when I get home
That's 60 hours a week
Ik this videos about work but I just thought I should mention how they are raising us saying this is the normalized way of things
I've always been told that if I want to get anywhere in life coming from a poor family that I have to work as hard as I can.
You have to work hard but also work smart. Working hard is good if you know you are doing it for a reason. Good luck for your future :)
Me too. I’d wake up at 6am and be at school by 7am. I wouldn’t get home until 10pm and I’d have two hours of homework. I took on a lot more than other people but that’s because I refused to quit my passion for school. I couldn’t miss school, so I doubled my workload to fit in all the music that I wanted. If I could have taken less academics and more music classes I would have had any semblance of a social life or mental health. “Be yourself... but also only do the things we tell you to or else you’re garbage”
man you're doing something wrong. i get by with about 4 hours of study each day at uni. i'm 1 year away from becoming a doctor so i'm almost done.
@@MsTwte ... what uni do you go to? im a junior in hs and i just last week my ap lang teacher gave us 48 hours to write a draft for an essay, and another 24 hrs to turn in the final draft... this week alone ive had at least 1 test or quiz every day. there really isnt a way to "work smarter" when your just writing and studying for a test.
My dad missed Christmas two years in a row because he couldn't get off work. Yea. American work culture sucks.
I thought it was weird that Mickey Mouse didn't get time off on Christmass.
@@raapyna8544 Questions. I have several.
That's not just American culture, that's a problem in most cultures. Many people in 3rd world countries never get a day off!
The Simpsons:
Bart after breaking his leg
"Aww man, im gona miss the whole summer"
"Dont worry boy, when u get a job like me you'll miss EVERY summer"
This line...
I get it, but at least he had a job. I don't care if I see my kids on holidays, I just care that they have everything they need and that when I'm with them I'm able to do things with them. The day on the calendar is irrelevant, I make my own holidays.
Him: here's my Lamborghini BTW
Him: but also knowledge is more important than material goods lol XD
Right?? *eye roll*
if he actually valued knowledge more than material goods he'd buy a book about Lamborghinis...
If he didn't care about material goods, he would invest his time and money to the things he cares about instead.
Maybe traveling - ikd visiting libraries maybe, family, hobbies, organisations and charities, politics or something. But he's not a minimalist.
That commercial is the exact demonstration of the kind of performative intellectualism these types are obsessed with. I often here them say "read more read more read more" because somehow it will give you wealth and all the successful people do it, but they fail to realize that the successful people they idolize possess the kinds of personalities and intellects that would drive them to read even without the profit motive.
Snake oil salesman
The structure of our working society is not conducive to the human spirit. And people get surprised how much stress, anxiety, and depression exists out there.
Australian workers: can I go to the beach today the weather's nice
Boss, looking out the window: yea ok
American worker glances out the window:
Boss: YoUrE fIrEd
Asian workers: *closes eyes*
Asian bosses: *you're dead!*
actually Australians work some of the most overtime of all OECD countries... the relaxed life that Australia is known for doesn't exist in the same way, particularly given the huge increases in cost of housing and education over the past few decades.
@@malindarusse6527 Asia, lmao. This is so true.
@@brithanna7552 lmaoooo
I had three jobs last year, I got so sick from it that I can barely work one job now! I really didn't make that much money, I didn't see my friends or family(this was during the holidays), my anxiety was at an all time high, I wasn't a very good worker because I was so tired, and any free time I had consisted of mental breakdowns from the lack of sleep and high anxiety. 0 out of 10 wouldn't recommend! NO JOB IS WORTH YOUR HEALTH!!!!!
i’m only 15 but i can’t wait to be an overworked, burnt out adult 🙃🙃
My Nontraditional Life it’s the standard view of life of most adults. it’s practically inevitable.
don't get into student debt and you're at a good start lol
yay i'm a 14 year old already overworked student!
girl you got plenty of time to start researching how to obtain a work visa for country that respect the working class (at least more than the US) lmaoooooo
I told my bosses during my interview that I wanted to work 20-25 hours a week. They said that was fine and hired me. In my first week, both of them hinted that I should do work at home. The first said "if you're bored at home, feel free to do some work" and the second said that "if I saw 32 hours on your timesheet, I wouldn't even question it." Nope, I'm in a position where I don't need the extra cash, so I'm not going to touch work when I'm home.
as u should
There’s a difference between being busy and being productive
Thank god someone talked about this. This mindset has always confused the hell out of me.
Same. This mindset is really toxic and a lot of people don't seem to understand that its toxic
It's the result of the rich conditioning the poor to work hard for them. "Being a good American means workin' hard" really means "you must expend all your life force generating profit for the executives, lowly peons". If you convince people that any down time is shameful, then you can hopefully get them to work past the point of exhaustion for your personal gain, all for the sake of "pride". To the top, the only way to earn money is to get all of it now, ethics or long term outcomes be damned. One of the best ways to do that is to squeeze as much labor from each employee as possible and swiftly discard them for a young, naive replacment once they've lost their value. Repeat ad nauseam until the entire company finally buckles from poor management. Ideally, you'll have a fat stack of cash you've embezzled from the company to keep your yacht and personal jet fueled while you slip out the back and find a position on the board of some other company that will pay you $10 million for just sitting there a few times a month.
Sometimes I actually feel like I have to hide from other teachers that I DON'T have anything going on after school. It is very important to me to have free time, and I hate "scheduling culture". Many of my coworkers seem to love to brag about how busy they are, how many activities they have forced their kids into, or how early/late they come into school when they aren't getting paid for those hours...but that's all self-inflicted, so if they want sympathy, it's not coming from me. I think I must do the opposite of people in the "hustle" culture. I try to very actively create free time. I need it for my sanity.
@Arra That is how I feel! I grew up in a house where we had dead time to just screw around and develop hobbies. I am a big hobbyist photographer, and I wouldn't have time for it if I decided to work myself into an early grave. I think I perform better at my job when I know that I have time after school to myself or with my husband. Obviously, if I have kids, that will change a little, but I am not going to jump on the bandwagon and start putting my kids in a million activities at age 4. Kids deserve free time, too.
You are Right about Denmark and Europe's work ethic. My brother moved to Denmark from Houston for work (oil), and while there his biggest complaint was "These people don't take their job seriously and don't rush for anything". Despite it being an amazing place to live & him making an additional 75%$$ he came home after not even two years. I would say " They work to live not live to work", and he would argue with me about how that was bad......
My attitude is that if you're not paying me, then you don't get my time. Period. Companies aren't loyal to anyone, so why should I be?
what about your mom?
Personally I think even 40 hours a week as the standard is too much... 6 hour work days would be heaven 🤤 Whenever my job asks me to stay overtime or come in on my days off I say NO and my manager will legitimately look at me with such disappointment lol. 🤷🏼♀️
Asshdhfh same but different. I don’t mind working 10 hours a day but my boss wants me to attend networking events constantly and I’m tired after work, I’m introverted, talking to new people is also work for me. So I say no and she’s like :((((((((((((
jamie yes I agree and 3 days off a week instead of 2!
this is actually what Bee Movie is about
That’s my favorite movie!
honestly this video shocked me, america!! is!! wild!! you don’t get paid leave? or paid maternity leave? i always assumed that was all the same across countries (particularly the first world ones)
I live in a third world country and we have it
@@moukhu ok wow this is intense
I legit know at least one childless female who is against paid maternity/family leave because we shouldn't all have to pay for it when not everyone will take it. I'm past the age where I would need it (well maybe paid family leave to take care of someone in an emergency case) but I still think we need this, and not just for women. My sister's husband is in the navy, he gets it and he took it when the kids are born (she had a c-section so it really helped for him to be home a couple of weeks), it's just not the norm.
Yes, I was shocked too. I live in a third world country and women get 80 paid maternity leave days which is not bad compared to nothing
Nah don't get anything and get to eat dirt for it
Let's talk about how "side hustle" is emphasized and promoted so that employers (like your sponsor, Amazon) can side-step the spotlight of paying livable wages and giving employees decent benefits. Sure, Uber is demanding on your finances, assets (car), schedule, and mental health-- but it's a "side hustle" so that "extra money" is really nice.
I really dislike the continued normalization of "side hustles". Like why are we encouraging people having to work side jobs because their often-fulltime jobs don't pay a livable wage? Even calling them side hustles makes them sound better than what they are.
This was a different perspective I had not considered! Thanks for sharing !
omg that's so true!!!! And also I feel like it ties into this idea that people don't deserve to gain fulfillment from their jobs? It's maybe not directly related to Uber/Lyft but as someone involved in creative industries, side hustles often are the only way that creatives are able to do any sort of creative professional work, because there's this really weird idea in society that things that are fulfilling are not 'real work' and therefore not deserving of proper compensation. It's so messed up how our society categorizes value and how people are paid!
IntentionallyMadi girl yes!
Um, no. Employers have something called a "budget" lmfao. it's not as if they can pay you whatever they want. That's why wages are NEGOTIATED, unless you're working for some crappy entry level job.
My mom works from home and is working from 9-8 With one break a day, usually for lunch. She works 80 hours a week, and wonders why she’s always tired and has migraines. Love you mom ❤️
Fun fact: in my country ( a small island in the Caribbean) the people are notorious for having a very laid back behavior when it comes to work. People take random days off without warning, take the day off before and after a holiday, take time off to party surrounding Carnival time, skip work if it’s raining etc. Because no government cared enough to fix the issue, it’s become a part of our culture. People rarely get fired or disciplined for this type of behavior because every one does it- from the boss the the worker.
When I saw the Tai Lopez clip I wanted to press ‘Skip ad’ so bad and I couldn’t ahhh
It's funny how The Rock was used as a background for one of those memes since his dad was a famous wrestler, and his mom is Samoan royalty. Not exactly "starting from the bottom"...far from it lol
To be fair, literally every Samoan is related to some sort of royality or 'matai'
The privileged always omit the head starts they've had.
Hasn’t he always talked about his humble beginnings of barely having food to eat or his family not having money to pay rent??
This was literally my first thought when he came up, he comes from a frickin pro wrestling legacy family.
@@ei3554 i don't knew if he did, but if his father was at some point famous it's likely that he was encouraged more by his parents than he would have been in a family that has been lower class and poor for generations. It's the same with kids and education. Kids from economically and educationally better situated families attend better schools because the parents instill in them a stronger sense of "worthiness" and belief in themselves... this system perpetuates itself
"Capitalism is very exploitative"
easy there, Lenin lol
socialism is much more exploitative.
What annoys me is that these expectations never take into consideration disabled persons. You don't need to work to deserve to be. especially since sometimes you can't. You are inherently deserving. =) But contrinuting respecting your capacities as an individual is important (in my opinion) =)
My mom is so terrible at this! She’s always working from home when “off the clock.” I hate it for her. Luckily I got my dads “union” mentality lmao work on the clock and only when you’re getting paid 😂
I heard that the Scandinavian countries that provided these amazing benefits like paid family and sick leave, universal childcare, universal healthcare, and paid vacation time BY law, are not only among the happiest countries in the world (particularly Denmark), but also examples of what others calls a "social democracy," which is a mix of the upsides of both capitalism and socialism. Also, the United States is one of the most richest countries in the world, yet we don't have enough money to provide these things the majority of the world already has, particularly in the Scandinavian countries.
Ruben Espinoza I agree with a lot mentioned in this video but one important perspective missing is the fact that the USA is a huge melting pot of many different ethnicities/cultures. The Scandinavian countries don’t have mass immigration issues and are not considered places for religious, political, and economic refugees. I know it would be asking too much from someone who sounds like she thinks socialism or communism should be enacted in the USA, but I would appreciate a follow-up video to examine why the USA has developed in this manner, since the USA has unique issues like considering reparations for slavery, percentages of children born to unwed mothers, and homelessness. Perhaps this “hustle” mentality really originates from immigrants or children of immigrants who truly believe the American dream is real, and the American corporations allow them to keep “dreaming” so they can keep profiting.
Yet another american who thinks scandanavia is heaven.... read political and economic literature/stats from those countries and stop regurgitating the daily talking points from your young democrats club
I’m Swedish and the way US work policies and healthcare works literally blows my mind and makes me appreciate the way things work here.. Love how informative and in-depth your videos are!!
Fellow nordic friend here (Finnish), it's really crazy how big the differences between us and the US are. Really makes you appreciate your home country!
Sweden to me seems like a magical place and i am canadian so it tells a lot.. You guys understand what life is about
As the child of a workoholic I've always felt resentment towards my mother for choosing work over me