I was feeling very depressed one day and I just said "F... IT!", if i cant think or feel my way out out this depression Ill just fake a smile. Within minutes i started feeling better so i kept doing it and within an hour is started laughing for no reason other than i was smiling for no reason. I felt genuinely happy. I was blown away by what happened. I started reading about all the benefits of smiling and seeing Ron Gutmans videos only after i experienced it myself.
I honestly believe that smiling is an amazing thing, when I am having a bad day a nice smile from a stranger makes me feel a lot happier. You never know, just by smiling at someone you may make their day, a nice big genuine smile really shows a lot! :)
i agree. i like seeing real smiles and laughs and i like causing them. i do laughter yoga and my smile has improved alot. people react great. one thing is when someone has a shield up or RBF and you flash them a real smile and hold it with eye contact it's so cool to see them break down and smile.
On this subject, the happiest years of my life were the years I smiled round the clock and practised daily gratitude. I was on cloud nine all the time, resilient at the face of life's hurdles, had endless energy and vitality, and turned everything I touched into a blessing. I can vouch for what he's preaching, as I've been there done that and am speaking from practical experience/wisdow backing it up.
Smiling builds one aspect of health that is rarely acknowledged by the medical establishment - communities. Our health does not stop with the body, the mind, the spirit - it extends to our communities. When we smile we make our communities healthier, and if we smile often, our healthier communities make us healthier.
Yeah, I live by this, and it works powerfully! I have finally got to the point where I can smile at anyone, almost any time and change their mood with a real, genuinely powerful smile that nothing can overcome! Whenever I feel bad or stressed, etc. I make myself go for a walk for a long time and force myself to breath deep and I look up a lot to see the big picture and force myself to smile while I stare at the stars late at night! This has changed my life!
I have realised how powerful is a smile. Not just because what this video explains, but also instead of showing your true feelings, your pain, etc... You can just smile and people will like you without knowing what is really going inside your head. And I like thinking they will never know if behind that smile there are good or bad intentions, it makes it menancing too... but overall more charismatic
Everdeep Naga II amazing and nourished again like I have no problems in the world and my confidence sky rocketed I now find beauty in little things and interact with others easier and with more love and interesting conversations I’m high on life now no more pills and marijuana for me anymore
Smile! 😃 when I was a kid my New Year’s resolution was to smile more so that when others saw me smiling they’d smile too. Now my smile is my brand and I get to travel around the world smiling and connecting with people! Spreading happiness!
Key Points: - A smile in a photo can be very revealing of someone’s future, including their marriage and how inspiring they are. - Baseball players with beaming smiles in their photos lived seven years longer than players with no smile, and five years longer than players with a slight smile. -babies smile in the womb. When babies are born, they smile mostly in their sleep. -1/3 of people smile more than 20 times a day. Less than 14% smile less than five times per day. Children smile as much as 400 times per day. -A smile can be as emotionally rewarding as 2000 bars of chocolate, or receiving £16,000 in cash. -smiling has a beneficial impact on chemicals, like dopamine, adrenaline, serotonin, and others. -Smiling makes you appear both more likable, and more competent.
He leaves out that, while smiling in general is very good and everyone should smile more, studies have also shown that you are more likely to take risks and expose yourself for danger when smiling, as it stimulates a kind of "assumed optimism", where subjects felt that things were going more well than it actually was. That is not the kind of person I would want as my doctor, nevermind his wonderful and contagious smile. Frowning, on the other hand, has actually seemed to improve concentration. It's also hard not to notice when your colleagues try so hard to smile when you're in the same room, yet keep making the same mistakes when working the samples, but that's a different story. The lesson here is that there's a time and place for everything. Most people suffer from too little smiling gestures, often owing to lack of social interaction.
i love to give and recieve smiles. no better feeling then breaking down someones shield with a smile. when they open the door and smile back it's so satisfying for both of us. 🙂
Thank you, the ancestors are guiding me and they guided me to this today. I spent around 2hrs doing a smile meditation, in which I attempt to hold a smile right throughout the meditation. It is fascinating,,,if you have not tried, I would urge you to! A bit mad, but what you find out is amazing!! I found out that I cannot think negative whilst smiling....i find it contagious after a while and find it hard to stop smiling......funny! TRUTH IS ALWAYS SIMPLE!
This is because body and mind are connected. Similiarly if you keep your posture straight and take more space you will naturally feel more confident than you would doing opposite.
I was a smileless (if that is a real word) person, especially during my school years (high school and college). Now, I learn to smile more and that allows me to remember more.
You can feel happy without smiling. If you are in a happy mood it's not necessary you smile. But Smile is a part of happiness, and it's portrays your happiness. It then generates positivity, for instance if someone sees you smile, they will think that a) You're friendly or b) They will attribute you in a positive manner. :)
@chillmeester Agreed. When my dad died when I was young my family always told me to smile because it would make me feel better and forcing it it did nothing but make me angry. Positive thinking is the message that should be focused on. If one wants to be happy they should set goals, get shit done. Nothing makes one happier than being useful to their species in some capacity - it is a built in, biological thing.
I think it's because real smiles has become so rare these days, that when people actually see someone smiling for real, they confuse it with flirting, so their reaction is to "frown" at these people. It's sad :/ People should smile more often, it's good for them and for who sees it.
Ron Gutman is a speaker, writer, advisor, serial entrepreneur and angel investor. In May 2018, Gutman was reportedly fired from HealthTap by the board of directors. The reason, the board said in a letter to employees, was that it had finally heard too many complaints about Gutman's inappropriate behavior inside the company. The letter stated that Gutman engaged in repeated "acts of intimidation, abuse, and mistrust, and that [he] repeatedly mistreated, threatened, harassed and verbally abused employees," according to sources on Wikipedia page. How sarcastic. The power of smiling everybody.
@dookiecheez You forgot one point. Emotions are connected with facial expressions. So, if you smile (a real smile, which include your whole face, and not your mouth alone), you will also be more happy. Thereby, by smiling, you should also live longer.
Prophet muhammed over 1400 years ago said " your smile in the face of your brother is a charity". One of his companions even mentiones " I have not seen anyone smile more than the messenger of Allah" (Allah is arabic for God) Blessings to all who spread a smile and enlighten broken people.
Since one or two months I try this sometimes, in the street, in a shop, looking at someone and smiling, and it works most of time, the smile comes back..
Laughing is more powerful than smiling. So when you're in bad mood for some reason, and you feel smiling just doesn't feel right, try to giggle then laugh.. You'll still feel awkward at first but the laughing would be too powerful that your feeling can't help it but to get along and feel better gradually..
wibie4Life yea but being in constant laughter will make u look crazy especially if it’s not authentic when smiling is more natural and plus laughter can represent multiple things such as positive humor or making fun of someone or in an offensive way while smiling will always represent happiness and or security and cleverness
I always knew smiling was great but now I know it's insane. $25,000. 2,000 chocolate bars. Wow! I thought to myself, "What can I do to feel when things don't go right." Know I know I just need to smile. How priceless is this gift God has given us and cost a dime. Just smile, love it!😊😂
I have anger issues, and when I started smoking weed, I actually enjoyed my day for the first time in a long time.. and what i noticed is that everyones either afraid of me, or hates me.. which makes me sad to see what I become.. or even to see the faces and the reactions of people. I feel my mind is more opened, and I even apologized, to have been treating people a certain way. I see it in there eyes they see someone new.. i have empathy now.. we just enjoy our day, smile and have a good time.
My partner has anger issues. He's now going through therapy. Look into it because it's a very destructive force to yourself and everyone else around you.
Yes, Indeed, my mother owned a gas station, and her motto was: " Service with a Smile", she was always happy. I forgot about it, but i see it was a true gift.
Bringing a smile to your face will indtantly raise your spirits. Also people treat you differently. We are literally trained in a subconscious way to respond differently to someone who is smiling.
"It's difficult to frown when looking at someone who is smiling" Ah jeez, guess I shouldn't frown when the school bully humiliates me in front of everyone then 😅
Interesting. Those of you with theories and statistics; do they make you happy? Does it make you smile to consider them? Or does it just make you feel superior? Let's focus on what this video is about, shall we. Smile. Plain and simple. Find ways and reasons to smile and you'll have a possibly longer, more fulfilling, happier life. I like that. It makes me smile.
@Ko252 I didn't forget a point. If you're going to reply to someone who was making a reply, make an effort to read more than one message of the discourse, ok? So here's a small recap. The assertion that smiling can cause happiness is baseless. Or give citations. The assertion that smiling as a form of social mimicry can cause chemical changes associated with a positive mood is not baseless, citations were given.
yes it will...laughter is the best medicine.. and smiles are a part of laughter. i bet if the person with HIV went out and lived life to the fullest and focused on the postive great things in life they would live longer and happier.
Mr. Gutman, you are a great public speaker! Bravo on the well-versed and convincing presentation! It brought a number of my smiles onto my face - thanks. I wonder, if we carry the same last name for a reason that is beyond the coincident?
Everybody feels like that sometimes. I'd recommend trying it (smiling) anyway; if you need a reason, do something smart/useful/that will pay off for you, then smile. (I write not just for you, but for anybody who feels like that: smile first, and you may find a reason, if only to realize that God appears to love us so much, that He allows us to make ourselves feel better with such a simple act as this.)
Wow great public speaking skills! Love the integration of media along with the presentation. I wonder if the speaker created the visuals or got help. I have a lot to learn about public speaking from you! Thanks, Ron.
He means 'genuine smiles', not fake ones. We lack knowledge to a point where people who are influential could tell us anything and we just run with it blindly because it's something that we want to hear. This is only taught in American culture. Throughout history, people weren't taught to fake smile, this is relatively new. If forcing yourself to deliver a fake smile and if it happens to help you, more power to you, but I don't want to live hiding behind a fake smile because it doesn't help me. It doesn't help everyone because everybody is different and each individual has their own things that would make them happy and their own experiences. Some people just try to keep smiling for immature reasons..........such as trying to prove to people that they can't break them but in reality they are miserable inside, so doing mechanical smiles would be irrational.
@dookiecheez Smiling can cause happiness: you have to smile with your whole face, including your eyes. Always having to be right may cause happiness: if you rather be right than be happy, you will would argue against many possibilities. Careful of the walls that I build: those are usually the ones that crush me. Happiness begins inside...a REAL smile seems to get me closer to happiness than 'being right' does...
@Manveet "The funny thing is there have been studies done that show just by making a particular face (for instance smiling) can actually induce that particular emotion (happiness) in people" [citation needed] The funny thing is people keep telling me this, and then they can't actually back up there claims. And when they decide to do a quick google search I follow their link and quote it showing that they've greatly overstated the claims of the study, if there is a study to be found at all.
[2] It also send a message to your self-confidence that you'd rather pretend around others than express yourself. In our culture, girls are often conditioned to "smile more" and I don't think I need to tell you about the adverse effects that has on their inner world and ability to stand up for themselves. I prefer "I smile when I feel like it" to "I smile when it is expected of me" as is prevalent in Japan and parts of China. It does not make for a healthier individual or society.
@YouLoveBeef I think it is better to say, people who feel better live longer. And that is probably due to being healthy(that's why they feel better.) And when you feel good, you tend to smile more often(naturally.) The smiling is the effect not the cause of feeling good. And feeling good is the cause of smiling and also what determines your longevity.
[1] It's anecdotal, from my own experience and maybe others whose opinions I have heard. But I'll take that over a feel-good study that, similar to Skinner's black box, doesn't take into account the complex inner world of humans. 6:28 nicely illustrates the problem. A forced smile (which it is, unless driven by your feelings) is neither attractive nor does it make others comfortable. It advertizes that you want/need something from your opposite, just like in the animal kingdom. (Contd.)
so smiling and laughing can actually help you live longer. laughter is very contagious and it can help brighten a day. can there possibly be laugh therapy? things like a joke a day keeping the doctors away. its not just a theory its been proven obviously. is there a way to capture the same effects of smiling or laughter to possibly treat people with depression or anxiety disorders? i guess the saying "fake it till you make it" can actually work.
@meekhra "yes." both can cause the other to occur and thus reinforce that same held positive action whether it were initiated as a smile or as a positive thought. Much like a yawn is contagious, so is a smile. Test it out and see how you feel and what response you get.
@ajayy "What I and some others are saying, is that even fake smiling does cause you to feel better" Well that would be a different assertion then. Although the studies involved are more about mimicking than just plain fake smiling. They used mirrors or images of other people smiling, so in order to not extend the reach of their conclusions it would be fake smiling with the qualifier of mimicry can cause chemical changes associated with a positive mood.
@welniany LOL! That's a nice non sequitor you have. 1.Smiling alters Dopamine levels. 2. ??? 3. cessation of dopamine signaling in the absence of food activates octopamine signaling. 4.??? 5.Longevity. 1. Getting shot in the skull alters dopamine levels. 2. Dopamine may have an impact on longevity. Getting shot in the skull > Dopamine > Longer life Seems like bad reasoning to me, not causation.
@dookiecheez Maybe we need some clarification. I'm not saying that if you're sad, and you smile, ta-da, you'll be happy! What I and some others are saying, is that even fake smiling does cause you to feel better. My experience is that most people think that emotions can't be forced...but according to studies, even a forced smile makes you feel better. I don't think most people realize that. That doesn't mean, smile, and you'll be happy. But you will feel better, even if it's forced.
While i don't want to talk down on his efforts, fake-positivity, and that includes a fake-friendly (smiling) persona is not what leads to emotional health. Now if you're a naturally happy person, maybe a subtle increase in smiling might(!) help, but that's not a state that average population can work with as a starting point. Emotional integration, feeling one's feelings, not being caught up in muscular tensions & thoughts toward outward appearance are a more realistic approach.
you are right, smiling is result, not the cause. after all it is reflex. When you really glad or deeply happy you can smile naturally. But smiling out of nothing might be more harmful for your behavior. all the exemplary icon showed here did not smile without cause. everybody had many pre-reason behind their smiling.
@chillmeester It seems the point here is that it is better to be optimistic than pessimistic if you are referring to individual health. People who are excessively negative or the like are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular and stress related illness. The problem is the focus on the smile - it is like saying that pooping more is a way to fight starvation because people who poop a lot generally aren't starving. Smiling is the result of positive, optimistic thinking, not a cause of it.
Well you guys may think it's smugness and unfortunately it may have come across that way via text so I apologize if you guys were offended....HOWEVER, I don't think me saying SMILE WITH ME I LOVE TO SMILE" calls for someone to tell me to go die. So I told him to lighten up because being negative isn't healthy. It's no big deal all I said originally was I love smiling and I think we all need some more smiles. I was trying to make a point and help someone see that they are cutting off their nose.
After watching this video I can personally say that I agree with Ron on this subject. Now days with all the technology and new things with medicine coming out, everyone is always focused on the next drug to take or the next treatment that need to go to in order to better their health. I like people like Ron who sit back and simplify life, simplifying it to as little as a smile. I liked all the facts on how much a smile can actually stimulate your brain in a huge way, and equivalent to a lot of things that take so much more effort than just being happy. So I would like to say that videos like this and people like Ron are the ones that are truly important in the health world because I truly believe that things like smiling affect more people in a positive way and especially yourself more than any medicine can. I also liked when he went to the baseball cards and could predict how long those players lasted in the league. I thought that was amazing because baseball is such a mental game, that the ones that kept their composure and actually were happy played better. I might think about that the next time I play, or before a game, smiling can affect a lot more than people think.
@dookiecheez True. This is roughshod speech. Some of the science does hold up though. Smiling and happiness is very much causal. Smiling triggers certain neurotransmitters to be released, just as griping and frowning causes others. To a small degree we can control the chemical cocktails being mixed in our brain by the way we respond to life. Saying that it'll make you "live longer" might be a stretch, but smiling may improve health. Malcolm Gladwell's book "Blink" covers this topic some.
@Cajaquarius I can't cite it, but I have seen research that says that simply faking a smile can improve your mood. So it's not a Chicken OR egg situation it is a chicken AND egg situation. Either can help.
If "A smile is the whisper of a laugh." Would it follow that... "the 'right' laughter is medicine for weary bones." Carl Sandburg...Important to note: the 'right' laughter.
I was feeling very depressed one day and I just said "F... IT!", if i cant think or feel my way out out this depression Ill just fake a smile. Within minutes i started feeling better so i kept doing it and within an hour is started laughing for no reason other than i was smiling for no reason. I felt genuinely happy. I was blown away by what happened. I started reading about all the benefits of smiling and seeing Ron Gutmans videos only after i experienced it myself.
I did the same. I started laughing out of nowhere and It felt pretty good :)
Man the exact same thing happened to me as well. Just need to reinforce it as a habit.
Same happened to me. I guess we don't need a reason to smile.
I tried it, and it worked until trutv posted a video about Adam ruins everything debunking smiling makes you happy. Adam connoted ruined my life ;-;
77brick77 Same here, I did the same thing you described. Feels great!
I honestly believe that smiling is an amazing thing, when I am having a bad day a nice smile from a stranger makes me feel a lot happier. You never know, just by smiling at someone you may make their day, a nice big genuine smile really shows a lot! :)
i agree. i like seeing real smiles and laughs and i like causing them. i do laughter yoga and my smile has improved alot. people react great. one thing is when someone has a shield up or RBF and you flash them a real smile and hold it with eye contact it's so cool to see them break down and smile.
On this subject, the happiest years of my life were the years I smiled round the clock and practised daily gratitude. I was on cloud nine all the time, resilient at the face of life's hurdles, had endless energy and vitality, and turned everything I touched into a blessing.
I can vouch for what he's preaching, as I've been there done that and am speaking from practical experience/wisdow backing it up.
When I see someone without a smile, I give them one of mine.
Free smiles, I like that
I just smiled reading that comment! 😊
OMG exactly!
Smiling builds one aspect of health that is rarely acknowledged by the medical establishment - communities. Our health does not stop with the body, the mind, the spirit - it extends to our communities. When we smile we make our communities healthier, and if we smile often, our healthier communities make us healthier.
Well spoken :)
Good point👍🏼
i love the whole idea. i have actually copied this to a piece of paper keep as a constant reminder.
POV: you're here because of an online class.
goodness, how did you know? hahaha.
And that is true
it's the person development for me :)
It’s the accuracy for me 😂
Yeah, I live by this, and it works powerfully! I have finally got to the point where I can smile at anyone, almost any time and change their mood with a real, genuinely powerful smile that nothing can overcome!
Whenever I feel bad or stressed, etc. I make myself go for a walk for a long time and force myself to breath deep and I look up a lot to see the big picture and force myself to smile while I stare at the stars late at night! This has changed my life!
Thanks for sharing this. I love night walks too, I will try it with smiling
I have realised how powerful is a smile. Not just because what this video explains, but also instead of showing your true feelings, your pain, etc... You can just smile and people will like you without knowing what is really going inside your head. And I like thinking they will never know if behind that smile there are good or bad intentions, it makes it menancing too... but overall more charismatic
I tried to force smiles during this whole video.
How ya feel now?
Everdeep Naga II amazing and nourished again like I have no problems in the world and my confidence sky rocketed I now find beauty in little things and interact with others easier and with more love and interesting conversations I’m high on life now no more pills and marijuana for me anymore
Nigel Patterson but this comment make me smile thank you for that
When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.....
Ron Gutman is an excellent speaker. Approachable, digestible material, and a quick view to boot. Thanks Ron.
When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry,, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile.....
Smile! 😃 when I was a kid my New Year’s resolution was to smile more so that when others saw me smiling they’d smile too. Now my smile is my brand and I get to travel around the world smiling and connecting with people! Spreading happiness!
Key Points:
- A smile in a photo can be very revealing of someone’s future, including their marriage and how inspiring they are.
- Baseball players with beaming smiles in their photos lived seven years longer than players with no smile, and five years longer than players with a slight smile.
-babies smile in the womb. When babies are born, they smile mostly in their sleep.
-1/3 of people smile more than 20 times a day. Less than 14% smile less than five times per day. Children smile as much as 400 times per day.
-A smile can be as emotionally rewarding as 2000 bars of chocolate, or receiving £16,000 in cash.
-smiling has a beneficial impact on chemicals, like dopamine, adrenaline, serotonin, and others.
-Smiling makes you appear both more likable, and more competent.
He leaves out that, while smiling in general is very good and everyone should smile more, studies have also shown that you are more likely to take risks and expose yourself for danger when smiling, as it stimulates a kind of "assumed optimism", where subjects felt that things were going more well than it actually was. That is not the kind of person I would want as my doctor, nevermind his wonderful and contagious smile. Frowning, on the other hand, has actually seemed to improve concentration. It's also hard not to notice when your colleagues try so hard to smile when you're in the same room, yet keep making the same mistakes when working the samples, but that's a different story. The lesson here is that there's a time and place for everything. Most people suffer from too little smiling gestures, often owing to lack of social interaction.
Unknown Entity that’s what one tells themselves when they realize they never smile. Trust me buddy I don’t ooze confidence. Hey Machiavelli, relax.
i love to give and recieve smiles. no better feeling then breaking down someones shield with a smile. when they open the door and smile back it's so satisfying for both of us. 🙂
Yes, I love too smile😃🥰...Song goes" when you're smiling, the whole world smiles back at you." Awesome video 😁👍🏾
Thank you, the ancestors are guiding me and they guided me to this today. I spent around 2hrs doing a smile meditation, in which I attempt to hold a smile right throughout the meditation. It is fascinating,,,if you have not tried, I would urge you to! A bit mad, but what you find out is amazing!! I found out that I cannot think negative whilst smiling....i find it contagious after a while and find it hard to stop smiling......funny! TRUTH IS ALWAYS SIMPLE!
This is because body and mind are connected. Similiarly if you keep your posture straight and take more space you will naturally feel more confident than you would doing opposite.
I was a smileless (if that is a real word) person, especially during my school years (high school and college). Now, I learn to smile more and that allows me to remember more.
You can feel happy without smiling. If you are in a happy mood it's not necessary you smile. But Smile is a part of happiness, and it's portrays your happiness. It then generates positivity, for instance if someone sees you smile, they will think that a) You're friendly or b) They will attribute you in a positive manner. :)
And managed to get millions of people to agree with him with that smile...smile = power. Help take over the world, one smile at a time.
@chillmeester Agreed. When my dad died when I was young my family always told me to smile because it would make me feel better and forcing it it did nothing but make me angry. Positive thinking is the message that should be focused on. If one wants to be happy they should set goals, get shit done. Nothing makes one happier than being useful to their species in some capacity - it is a built in, biological thing.
Smile could help us confidence and relieved stress ...very well said.
I think it's because real smiles has become so rare these days, that when people actually see someone smiling for real, they confuse it with flirting, so their reaction is to "frown" at these people. It's sad :/ People should smile more often, it's good for them and for who sees it.
If it's genuine you. Can tell
Doesn't mean it's flirting
Ron Gutman is a speaker, writer, advisor, serial entrepreneur and angel investor. In May 2018, Gutman was reportedly fired from HealthTap by the board of directors. The reason, the board said in a letter to employees, was that it had finally heard too many complaints about Gutman's inappropriate behavior inside the company. The letter stated that Gutman engaged in repeated "acts of intimidation, abuse, and mistrust, and that [he] repeatedly mistreated, threatened, harassed and verbally abused employees," according to sources on Wikipedia page. How sarcastic. The power of smiling everybody.
How ironic.
Made me smile throughout the presentation...I feel better already! Thanks Ron
@dookiecheez You forgot one point. Emotions are connected with facial expressions. So, if you smile (a real smile, which include your whole face, and not your mouth alone), you will also be more happy. Thereby, by smiling, you should also live longer.
Prophet muhammed over 1400 years ago said " your smile in the face of your brother is a charity".
One of his companions even mentiones " I have not seen anyone smile more than the messenger of Allah"
(Allah is arabic for God)
Blessings to all who spread a smile and enlighten broken people.
Since one or two months I try this sometimes, in the street, in a shop, looking at someone and smiling, and it works most of time, the smile comes back..
Laughing is more powerful than smiling. So when you're in bad mood for some reason, and you feel smiling just doesn't feel right, try to giggle then laugh..
You'll still feel awkward at first but the laughing would be too powerful that your feeling can't help it but to get along and feel better gradually..
Good one, cause sometimes I feel too down to fake a smile. But a deliberate giggle leading to laughter seems doable on those occasions.
wibie4Life yea but being in constant laughter will make u look crazy especially if it’s not authentic when smiling is more natural and plus laughter can represent multiple things such as positive humor or making fun of someone or in an offensive way while smiling will always represent happiness and or security and cleverness
"quite a few kids feel like Mark Zuckerberg everyday" priceless! :)
This is nice!!! Also loved the slides!
I always knew smiling was great but now I know it's insane. $25,000. 2,000 chocolate bars. Wow! I thought to myself, "What can I do to feel when things don't go right." Know I know I just need to smile. How priceless is this gift God has given us and cost a dime. Just smile, love it!😊😂
It's very difficult to frown when looking at someone who smiles, but some shop assistants in Australia manage this feat again and again.
I realized that people who smile often and find joys from anything get what they want in life
I have anger issues, and when I started smoking weed, I actually enjoyed my day for the first time in a long time.. and what i noticed is that everyones either afraid of me, or hates me.. which makes me sad to see what I become.. or even to see the faces and the reactions of people. I feel my mind is more opened, and I even apologized, to have been treating people a certain way. I see it in there eyes they see someone new.. i have empathy now.. we just enjoy our day, smile and have a good time.
My partner has anger issues. He's now going through therapy. Look into it because it's a very destructive force to yourself and everyone else around you.
POV:your writing a reflection paper right now
it's official, I should NEVER need chocolate! #TED talk on The hidden power of smiling. Worth the 7-minutes.
Now give yourself a Smile.
What is the worth of a Diamond, if it doesn't Smile.
Yes, Indeed, my mother owned a gas station, and her motto was: " Service with a Smile", she was always happy. I forgot about it, but i see it was a true gift.
Bringing a smile to your face will indtantly raise your spirits.
Also people treat you differently. We are literally trained in a subconscious way to respond differently to someone who is smiling.
I literally said, "That was a good talk." He was fit for this presentation, and made it all factual but still a story.
i figured this out for myself
when i was little and my dad was mad at me,
i would just smile and he couldn't help smiling.
"It's difficult to frown when looking at someone who is smiling"
Ah jeez, guess I shouldn't frown when the school bully humiliates me in front of everyone then 😅
This has been my research and designing for the past year. Very awesome
Interesting. Those of you with theories and statistics; do they make you happy? Does it make you smile to consider them? Or does it just make you feel superior?
Let's focus on what this video is about, shall we. Smile. Plain and simple. Find ways and reasons to smile and you'll have a possibly longer, more fulfilling, happier life. I like that. It makes me smile.
He put a smile in my heart
I'm here to write a reflection paper 😃
Smile=confident, got it
I didn't forget a point. If you're going to reply to someone who was making a reply, make an effort to read more than one message of the discourse, ok?
So here's a small recap.
The assertion that smiling can cause happiness is baseless. Or give citations.
The assertion that smiling as a form of social mimicry can cause chemical changes associated with a positive mood is not baseless, citations were given.
*Smiles* - I love smiling!
yes it will...laughter is the best medicine.. and smiles are a part of laughter. i bet if the person with HIV went out and lived life to the fullest and focused on the postive great things in life they would live longer and happier.
Mr. Gutman, you are a great public speaker! Bravo on the well-versed and convincing presentation! It brought a number of my smiles onto my face - thanks. I wonder, if we carry the same last name for a reason that is beyond the coincident?
Everybody feels like that sometimes. I'd recommend trying it (smiling) anyway; if you need a reason, do something smart/useful/that will pay off for you, then smile. (I write not just for you, but for anybody who feels like that: smile first, and you may find a reason, if only to realize that God appears to love us so much, that He allows us to make ourselves feel better with such a simple act as this.)
Always smile. Everybody will love us❤👍
I am here because of the Chris Andreson’ book
We don't have to be happy to smile, we have to smile to be happy. Thank you :)
Wow great public speaking skills! Love the integration of media along with the presentation. I wonder if the speaker created the visuals or got help. I have a lot to learn about public speaking from you! Thanks, Ron.
This man is awesome...
just keep smiling...
He means 'genuine smiles', not fake ones. We lack knowledge to a point where people who are influential could tell us anything and we just run with it blindly because it's something that we want to hear. This is only taught in American culture. Throughout history, people weren't taught to fake smile, this is relatively new. If forcing yourself to deliver a fake smile and if it happens to help you, more power to you, but I don't want to live hiding behind a fake smile because it doesn't help me. It doesn't help everyone because everybody is different and each individual has their own things that would make them happy and their own experiences. Some people just try to keep smiling for immature reasons..........such as trying to prove to people that they can't break them but in reality they are miserable inside, so doing mechanical smiles would be irrational.
@dookiecheez Smiling can cause happiness: you have to smile with your whole face, including your eyes.
Always having to be right may cause happiness: if you rather be right than be happy, you will would argue against many possibilities. Careful of the walls that I build: those are usually the ones that crush me. Happiness begins inside...a REAL smile seems to get me closer to happiness than 'being right' does...
"The funny thing is there have been studies done that show just by making a particular face (for instance smiling) can actually induce that particular emotion (happiness) in people"
[citation needed]
The funny thing is people keep telling me this, and then they can't actually back up there claims. And when they decide to do a quick google search I follow their link and quote it showing that they've greatly overstated the claims of the study, if there is a study to be found at all.
I smiled all through this talk. Great exercise.
Same brodie
[2] It also send a message to your self-confidence that you'd rather pretend around others than express yourself. In our culture, girls are often conditioned to "smile more" and I don't think I need to tell you about the adverse effects that has on their inner world and ability to stand up for themselves.
I prefer "I smile when I feel like it" to "I smile when it is expected of me" as is prevalent in Japan and parts of China. It does not make for a healthier individual or society.
What a great presentation
this is homework for me ;)
same man
same for me
speech hw for me
PESL class hw for me
The talk was very engaging and well presented. What program/video/ppt template did Ron use?
I think it is better to say, people who feel better live longer. And that is probably due to being healthy(that's why they feel better.) And when you feel good, you tend to smile more often(naturally.) The smiling is the effect not the cause of feeling good. And feeling good is the cause of smiling and also what determines your longevity.
hey bud. so if your life sucks, leave what's not making you happy. move on and find something that gives you joy. never too late
[1] It's anecdotal, from my own experience and maybe others whose opinions I have heard. But I'll take that over a feel-good study that, similar to Skinner's black box, doesn't take into account the complex inner world of humans.
6:28 nicely illustrates the problem. A forced smile (which it is, unless driven by your feelings) is neither attractive nor does it make others comfortable. It advertizes that you want/need something from your opposite, just like in the animal kingdom.
so smiling and laughing can actually help you live longer. laughter is very contagious and it can help brighten a day. can there possibly be laugh therapy? things like a joke a day keeping the doctors away. its not just a theory its been proven obviously. is there a way to capture the same effects of smiling or laughter to possibly treat people with depression or anxiety disorders? i guess the saying "fake it till you make it" can actually work.
That's already out there. It's called laughter yoga.
I can smile, but it hurts now
I smile a lot, but as soon as someone is pointing a camera at my face, I get nervous and stop smiling.
+Mouldy CPU chandler is that you?
If you want something SERIOUS in your LIFE. Smile. It is for your HEALTH.
@meekhra "yes." both can cause the other to occur and thus reinforce that same held positive action whether it were initiated as a smile or as a positive thought. Much like a yawn is contagious, so is a smile. Test it out and see how you feel and what response you get.
"What I and some others are saying, is that even fake smiling does cause you to feel better"
Well that would be a different assertion then. Although the studies involved are more about mimicking than just plain fake smiling. They used mirrors or images of other people smiling, so in order to not extend the reach of their conclusions it would be fake smiling with the qualifier of mimicry can cause chemical changes associated with a positive mood.
That's a nice non sequitor you have.
1.Smiling alters Dopamine levels.
2. ???
3. cessation of dopamine signaling in the absence of food activates octopamine signaling.
1. Getting shot in the skull alters dopamine levels.
2. Dopamine may have an impact on longevity.
Getting shot in the skull > Dopamine > Longer life
Seems like bad reasoning to me, not causation.
@dookiecheez Maybe we need some clarification. I'm not saying that if you're sad, and you smile, ta-da, you'll be happy! What I and some others are saying, is that even fake smiling does cause you to feel better. My experience is that most people think that emotions can't be forced...but according to studies, even a forced smile makes you feel better. I don't think most people realize that. That doesn't mean, smile, and you'll be happy. But you will feel better, even if it's forced.
I don't think you can tell all of that from just a smile.
My sceptic radar is going off big time at the smiling predicting success and longevity of life.
even fake smiles can be good for you ruclips.net/video/qjO1mgOx_oU/видео.html
well, well, well you must be very very talented to be able to give the world a genuine smile while oozing smugness....
While i don't want to talk down on his efforts, fake-positivity, and that includes a fake-friendly (smiling) persona is not what leads to emotional health. Now if you're a naturally happy person, maybe a subtle increase in smiling might(!) help, but that's not a state that average population can work with as a starting point.
Emotional integration, feeling one's feelings, not being caught up in muscular tensions & thoughts toward outward appearance are a more realistic approach.
you are right, smiling is result, not the cause. after all it is reflex. When you really glad or deeply happy you can smile naturally. But smiling out of nothing
might be more harmful for your behavior. all the exemplary icon showed here
did not smile without cause. everybody had many pre-reason behind their smiling.
@chillmeester It seems the point here is that it is better to be optimistic than pessimistic if you are referring to individual health. People who are excessively negative or the like are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular and stress related illness. The problem is the focus on the smile - it is like saying that pooping more is a way to fight starvation because people who poop a lot generally aren't starving. Smiling is the result of positive, optimistic thinking, not a cause of it.
When I smile it makes me happy ... When I lough it makes me healthy :)
I’m here because of online class hehe.☺️❤️
It’s so easy to smile just smile and makes yourself feel better as well as everybody else around you
Well you guys may think it's smugness and unfortunately it may have come across that way via text so I apologize if you guys were offended....HOWEVER, I don't think me saying SMILE WITH ME I LOVE TO SMILE" calls for someone to tell me to go die. So I told him to lighten up because being negative isn't healthy. It's no big deal all I said originally was I love smiling and I think we all need some more smiles. I was trying to make a point and help someone see that they are cutting off their nose.
From now on, I always smile even if is not funny! 😊
"When you're smiling,"
"When you're smiling,"
"And the whole world smiles at you!"
After watching this video I can personally say that I agree with Ron on this subject. Now days with all the technology and new things with medicine coming out, everyone is always focused on the next drug to take or the next treatment that need to go to in order to better their health. I like people like Ron who sit back and simplify life, simplifying it to as little as a smile. I liked all the facts on how much a smile can actually stimulate your brain in a huge way, and equivalent to a lot of things that take so much more effort than just being happy. So I would like to say that videos like this and people like Ron are the ones that are truly important in the health world because I truly believe that things like smiling affect more people in a positive way and especially yourself more than any medicine can. I also liked when he went to the baseball cards and could predict how long those players lasted in the league. I thought that was amazing because baseball is such a mental game, that the ones that kept their composure and actually were happy played better. I might think about that the next time I play, or before a game, smiling can affect a lot more than people think.
@dookiecheez True. This is roughshod speech. Some of the science does hold up though. Smiling and happiness is very much causal. Smiling triggers certain neurotransmitters to be released, just as griping and frowning causes others. To a small degree we can control the chemical cocktails being mixed in our brain by the way we respond to life. Saying that it'll make you "live longer" might be a stretch, but smiling may improve health. Malcolm Gladwell's book "Blink" covers this topic some.
Your here because of school
couldnt help but smile the whole time - this is awsome!
@Cajaquarius I can't cite it, but I have seen research that says that simply faking a smile can improve your mood. So it's not a Chicken OR egg situation it is a chicken AND egg situation. Either can help.
If "A smile is the whisper of a laugh." Would it follow that... "the 'right' laughter is medicine for weary bones." Carl Sandburg...Important to note: the 'right' laughter.
Anyone gonna mention the guy at 3:02 in front row just having the most relaxed posture what so ever
His slide show was amazing. Does anybody know what software he was using?? It is so much more dynamic than a linear Power Point presentation
Thank you for sharing!
Seen a t-shirt on someone once...said it takes fifteen muscles to frown and only four to smile - but only two to pull the trigger finger.
we all have reasons to smile in every moment ,, the problem is we dont take them as a reason to smile