They are so ℃-ute especially Miyabi and Momochi. There uniform color is so vivid and suitable. I can't stop love emotion for Miyabi and Berryz Factory. The dance is so amazing!! 雅サイコーー!!
They are so ℃-ute especially Miyabi and Momochi. There uniform color is so vivid and suitable. I can't stop love emotion for Miyabi and Berryz Factory. The dance is so amazing!! 雅サイコーー!!ももちもかなり良き。
They are so ℃-ute especially Miyabi and Momochi. There uniform color is so vivid and suitable. I can't stop love emotion for Miyabi and Berryz Factory. The dance is so amazing!! 雅サイコーー!!ももちもかなり良き。
Still Love those girls. They are so ℃-ute especially Miyabi and Momochi. There uniform color is so vivid and suitable. I can't stop love emotion for Miyabi and Berryz Factory. The dance is so amazing!! 雅サイコーー!!ももちもかなり良き。
1:22 キャプのアイソレ
ももちの生き方は低姿勢では無かった??ももちの場合、低姿勢とか上から目線とか言う次元を超越してる唯一神。あんな事が出来る美少女は不世出。あんなに可愛いのに行動で損をしている。しかしBerryzやHello Projectの宣伝はしている。どっちが良かったのやら。
な!!ハロプロ色出まくり。48や坂には真似できない曲調に歌詞。「ビヨーン」なんて白石麻衣や西野七瀬や生駒里奈が言った事があるか??ちなみにつんく♂さんのイメージでは Berryz工房が公立高校、℃-uteが私立高校のイメージだった様です。雅は私立っぽく、岡井ちゃんが公立っぽいと個人的に思うのはご愛敬。デビュー時からこの頃までの雅とももちの可愛さは無双かつ出色ですな。
They're so cute they're like little dancing starbursts *v*
They are so ℃-ute especially Miyabi and Momochi. There uniform color is so vivid and suitable. I can't stop love emotion for Miyabi and Berryz Factory. The dance is so amazing!!
Saludos mis amigas les quiero 😋🤗💕😘
Riitan ❤️
They are so ℃-ute especially Miyabi and Momochi. There uniform color is so vivid and suitable. I can't stop love emotion for Miyabi and Berryz Factory. The dance is so amazing!!
Berryz工房 Lindas
They are so ℃-ute especially Miyabi and Momochi. There uniform color is so vivid and suitable. I can't stop love emotion for Miyabi and Berryz Factory. The dance is so amazing!!
Oops - WOW...
Still Love those girls. They are so ℃-ute especially Miyabi and Momochi. There uniform color is so vivid and suitable. I can't stop love emotion for Miyabi and Berryz Factory. The dance is so amazing!!