Auction winners from Suryanagar Phase 2 are encountering difficulties registering their properties due to an ongoing tussle between the KHB and the Gram Panchayat. It's surprising that the KHB proceeded with another auction without resolving this issue.
@@muralikrishnar3888 A friend who won in Phase 3 completed the registration procedures long ago, so I assume the issue is specific to Phase 2. This is the third auction after mine, and yet the issue still hasn't been resolved.
A friend who won in Phase 3 completed the registration procedures long ago, so I assume the issue is specific to Phase 2. This is the third auction after that, and yet the issue still hasn't been resolved.@@muralikrishnar3888
Authorised Signatory PAN enter madid mele select certificate ant option button ede click maadidre ade pagige bartaa ede yen madabeku sir please heli
Can you send me the excel of previous E auction prices
Please text me on whatsapp
Sir what is the what's app.number
Auction winners from Suryanagar Phase 2 are encountering difficulties registering their properties due to an ongoing tussle between the KHB and the Gram Panchayat. It's surprising that the KHB proceeded with another auction without resolving this issue.
Is this only for suryanagar phase2 or other phases of suryanagar auction winners as well?
@@muralikrishnar3888 A friend who won in Phase 3 completed the registration procedures long ago, so I assume the issue is specific to Phase 2.
@@muralikrishnar3888 A friend who won in Phase 3 completed the registration procedures long ago, so I assume the issue is specific to Phase 2. This is the third auction after mine, and yet the issue still hasn't been resolved.
A friend who won in Phase 3 completed the registration procedures long ago, so I assume the issue is specific to Phase 2. This is the third auction after that, and yet the issue still hasn't been resolved.@@muralikrishnar3888
Other states people eligible for the eauction?
Yes eligible for khb Auction
Yeah eligible