Lyrics : The Infidels thought that Eger belongs to them, They look like they have smoked opium. Ask those Austrians and Poles, How quickly did they forget Mohács? When his gallant horse reared up, The breath of jihad blew over us, Ask now, where is the Austrian slave? Can his head resist to the blade of Zulfiqar? Send news to the Emperor in Vienna, Tell him to don his sword. Tell him to come to the battlefied if he's man enough, How quickly did they forget Mohács? Context : In reference to when the ottomans failed to capture to capture the city of Eger(In Hungary) from the Austrians in 1552.
Lyrics :
The Infidels thought that
Eger belongs to them,
They look like they have
smoked opium.
Ask those Austrians and
How quickly did they
forget Mohács?
When his gallant horse
reared up,
The breath of jihad blew
over us,
Ask now, where is the
Austrian slave?
Can his head resist to the
blade of Zulfiqar?
Send news to the
Emperor in Vienna,
Tell him to don his sword.
Tell him to come to the
battlefied if he's man
How quickly did they
forget Mohács?
Context :
In reference to when the ottomans failed to capture to capture the city of Eger(In Hungary) from the Austrians in 1552.