i hit a squirrel with a 308 once..... it sounded like rain falling back threw the trees.....blew the poor guy off his branch about 20 feet into the air it actually was really funny....(preps for hate)
***** Ever tried "barking" a squirrel with a larger caliber weapon? It's where you hit the branch they're standing on instead of hitting the animal itself. They use to do it back in the days of .50 flintlocks and stuff so that there was actually something left to eat afterwards.
@@williambodin5359 It's not the safest thing in the world, but neither is shooting guns in the first place. If I was standing at the range and had a chance to shoot that thing, I know I would. I'd just be sure to fall with the recoil instead of planting my feet and "taking it like a man." That way I won't break my shoulder.
Did U ALL hear that someone has stolen one of the 16” big Guns off the Battleship MISSOURI ? Security videos described the thief as a young woman of about mid 30’s , short brown hair & glasses , wearing dark colored plaid flannel shirt w/ blue jeans 😳...
For someone who probably learns how to do the weapon handling skills properly for every weapon system not long before every video... Mae is a beast at it. Thank you for your time and effort put into these videos.
"... as we've mentioned earlier the French were extremely desperate for guns at this stage in the war, so when Pvt. Pierre LaCroix showed up to the armory an hour late he was issued a wall gun. Upon firing it he promptly lost both his hearing and the ability to rotate his shoulder."
And his baguette which landed across the english channel where it was promptly tossed back into the sea by a random British gentleman insulted by such a poor culinary taste landing on his front door step.
That's the girl for me. In England they call them punt guns. Fill with loads of shot. And fasten to a flat boat called a punt. I think the record is about 150 ducks with one shot.
@@slimsterslim6531 a punt gun is a large shotgun usually mounted on a punt for duck hunting. Punt guns generally have a much bigger bore than this wall gun does. Unlike a punt gun that fires an awful lot of bird shot a wall gun usually fired a single solid shot and was used as a defensive fortification weapon, think of it as the anti-materiel rifle of its day. While both are big guns they are really nothing alike at all.
@@slimsterslim6531 you're welcome. If you find this muzzle loading wall gun fascinating you might be interested in seeing this much later model of breech loading wall gun ruclips.net/video/LkW1Fsaxj-Y/видео.html.
Thats ok the now but when she's sitting in her rocking chair 50yr from now, trying to knit a scarf for the greatgrand kid and her shoulder is giving her a bit of a problem. She'll say, "hell with that kids. Lets go and see if this here Ol'wall gun still shoots".
There is nothing that inspires more pride in me than my Belgian heritage, specifically because at some point in the largest war in human history my great grandfather pointed a .75 cal wall gun at an enemy formation and wound up in a field hospital with a dislocated shoulder.
Reminds me of the old "Goose Guns" they used to hunt the geese in the Chesapeake Bay back in the 17 &1800's. Kills of scores of ducks, sometimes over one hundred with one shot were recorded.
That would be the old punt guns, they made these things look like toys they were that big. Two inch bore minimum and a pound (or more) of shot. That's a bad day for anything those sights are laid on.
@@loumorningstar7709 Yup, and those punt guns were mounted artillery, not an oversized shotgun, as we can see from your figures. Firmly mounted in the boat at both ends and aimed by aiming the boat, IIRC. An attempt to fire one from the shoulder with one mount under the barrel would result in several broken bones, spinal cord injury, severe concussion, and very possibly death. Afaik the stock present on some of them was there for the hunter to align himself to aim it.
The Fort Ticonderoga museum has a Prussian Wall gun very much like this. To say it's impressive to look at is an understatement. The gun is an absolute beast.
While not taking anything away from Mae, war used to be very brutal. To resist an attacker and lose the ensueing siege meant VERY bad news for the citizens of a city. So everyone does their best to help, like, everyone. Wall guns are usually found, funnily enough, on walls. I'm willing to bet during the last few centuries at least one stallwart defender firing down from the walls was a woman, guns are the great equaliser and any willing help is accepted in a desperate fight.
"You see that there?" "Yeah." "And the thing behind it?" "Mhm." "And the thing behind that?" "Yep." "Well see this?" "Okay? What are you going to do?" "We are going to put a hole in all those things, out there and more.... Ears on?" "Ye..." *FUCKING CANNON FIRE*
Mae Guns Whenever someone is next to one of these big guns, like a wall gun or Tankgewehr, I like to imagine that the gun is normal-sized, but the person is tiny.
In Poole Harbour Dorset United Kingdom. They used to use "Punt Guns" to shoot wildfowl. These guns were loaded with grape shot and mounted in a small boat. A person would careful row the boat out in range of a flock of Wildfowl. Then pull the trigger. The bore of the Punt gun is 3 to 4 inches.
To add my 2 pennies Folks, a Punt Gun is Bigger. Yes, they used a yoke, but they were loaded with shot, then mounted on a boat (called a punt, get it?), then you snuck up on a flock of waterfowl, got as many as possible in your sights and pulled the trigger. Also, every Punt Gun I have seen had no butt on the stock.The yoke transfered the recoil to the Punt.
Yeah, this kind of reminded me of a Punt Gun. I recently read an interesting book about Punt Guns and how they decimated the waterfowl populations in the mid-to-late 1800's. It had pictures of different guns/boat rigs. Interesting bit of history.
My grandfather used to use one with his dad on the river when he was a boy he said the most they ever got in one shot was 27ducks and they used to use Thier old bits of horseshoe and horseshoe nails when they were out of shot
"And there they had a swamping gun as big as a log of maple, on a mighty little cart, a load for father's kettle. And everytime they fired it up it took a horn of powder, it made a noise like father's gun only a nation louder"
my great-granpa had one of those, in Italy those were called "spingarda" They were mounted on riverine/lake punt boats, and used when the migratory flocks of acquatic birds (geese, ducks, mallards etc.) would return to their ponds in the fall, you basically filled these with birdshots, pointed in the general direction of the flock, fired, and then had a pleasant boat trip to grab the fruits of your toil that would justify almost capsizing your cousin's raft and shattering your shoulder and eardrums
This is not for hunting fowl. It's for defending fortified structures. They used single large projectiles, not shot. Google is your friend, do a little research.
2:57 my tv screensaver came on at the exact time the shot went off.. the screensaver is a black screen with a single white circle that expands into dots of colors lol just wildly coincidental but a cool effect nonetheless
Your new call-sign is "Hamfist". I mean, yhea, I get it, she's quite attractive, but I'm pretty sure she's with the pirate with the plaid shirt. I mean, uh, Othias.
Check that out I like the way she does not let any gun intimidate her and she has the knowledge of just about any gun she picks up your father taught yo well Mae. You are so different that's for sure. And thats beauty of this world
Drill sergeant: "So today we will see this small girl shooting basically a cannon. From this point on, i don't want to hear the world "recoil" from any one of you."
Alexander Sears if it was a chinese taiqiang then yes but a flintlock amusette, no; because that would not make a lot of sense because the only gun of the type in the late 1800's to early 1900's would either have to be a taiqiang or a t gewehr as well as any (37mm weapon that could be carried by one or two men.
@George Robartes hunting for market, yep. also used by early logging crews here as well to feed axmen/sawyers. there's one on display at fort michillimacinac, northern michigan that was used to feed brit/american soldiers, traders, natives. it is a monster.
think about this for a second. Flintlock rifle, you have to take your aim knowing you are going to have to hold that point of aim while a powder charge goes off in your face. That took some doing
Zombie Apocalypse happens , Young Zebadiah ,whilst still wearing His football uniform ( Zombies sure like to interrupt a nice football practice session ) ,runs home grabs this comically oversized flintlock along with powder ,shot , and wadding from His Great ,Great Grand Papa's Attic ,and mows down Zombies like bowling pins , Zebadiah is now most popular Senior at His High School EVER in that High School's 110 year history .
@@maewinchester2030 Brava! fort michillimacinac here has one on display. i shoot the brown bess,.75cal, at our gigs and know that...pleasure. lol! You got it, Mae! i tip my hat n bow at the waist to Ye! k.c mich. brigade American Mtn Men
You know youre in some real shit when the powder cartridge is basically the size of a candy bar. Also I love that Mae is the perfect size for a wall gun stand
In an alternate universe where other variants of humanity evolved alongside homo sapiens that suspiciously resemble fantasy races, that wall gun would be a standard sized musket to a giant.
everybody gangsta until mae pulls out the comically oversized musket.
She has a big iron on her hip
@@paulaltegoer9257 Big iron on her hiiiiiip!
It may be old( REALLY OLD) a little dusty ,and take a bit O' time to load ,but I would NOT want be on the receiving end of THAT Thing !
oh shit
@@michaeltheoret8913 Heck I wouldnt wanna be on the receiving end of a 4mm flobert, much less this thing!
Jesus, Mae. Your shoulder.
I know...I thought...but...her spine??!!
But the grin says it all.
Hell she took that like a champ!!
Must have been training with the pillar men
@Josh Neal besides the full body impact feeling like you were on the wrong end it looked like the first shot caught her finger in the trigger guard.
Seems perfect for a little bit of light squirrel hunting.
i hit a squirrel with a 308 once.....
it sounded like rain falling back threw the trees.....blew the poor guy off his branch about 20 feet into the air
it actually was really funny....(preps for hate)
***** Ever tried "barking" a squirrel with a larger caliber weapon? It's where you hit the branch they're standing on instead of hitting the animal itself. They use to do it back in the days of .50 flintlocks and stuff so that there was actually something left to eat afterwards.
i've done that multiple times with my 444 marlin, good times.
put some birdshot in it and you can hunt all the squirrels in a forest at once.
Punt guns were made for that
Producer : Can we do a Minute of Mae with this gun?
Mae : * reloading the gun for 2 minutes *
Producer : ...nnnnnnnevermind.
so did I load 5 or 6 bags of powder? you feeling lucky?
2:50 Mae, don't freak out, but there are a bunch of floating faces and hands right behind you.
Underrated comment
All dressed in grandmas sofa camo
That'd be funny if they weren't wearing the litteral worst camo ever issued to an actual military force.
No the ACU's are by far the worst.
Maybe, just maybe this is a gun that Hickock would fire without a stock extension.
Frederik Claeyssens lol
Hickock would do a drive by with this thing while riding a bike.
It’d still look small in his big ass hands
Dr. Maurice Swollin
No, he's 6'8, he'd make this oversized Brown Bess look regular size.
See if he'll fire it single-handed.
There is a reason why it is called "wall" gun, not "flimsy plastic stand" gun.
That was...UNSAFE.
@@blueeyeswhitedragon9839 Except nothing happened. Not everyone is old women commentators - some just do it.
@@williambodin5359 They weighed the stand down if you look carefully. That's why the whole thing didn't fall over.
@@williambodin5359 It's not the safest thing in the world, but neither is shooting guns in the first place. If I was standing at the range and had a chance to shoot that thing, I know I would. I'd just be sure to fall with the recoil instead of planting my feet and "taking it like a man." That way I won't break my shoulder.
LOLOLOLOL, yeah, exactly!!
"How many grains of black p..." ALL THE GRAINS!
It's over 9,000!
Yeah not some but all of it!
pretty sure with that thing its more like how much of the stockpile of powder lmao
Wouldn't it have been faster just to dump a whole one pound can of black powder in?
how many grains ? YES!
Did U ALL hear that someone has stolen one of the 16” big Guns off the Battleship MISSOURI ?
Security videos described the thief as a young woman of about mid 30’s , short brown hair & glasses , wearing dark colored plaid flannel shirt w/ blue jeans 😳...
And a big smile!
She's only guilty for stealing our hearts.
Just borrowed
Mid 30s are you serious? No. Not being a simp here I am quite happy with my own gf but just saying the girl in this video looks more like mid 20s
And really cute!
For someone who probably learns how to do the weapon handling skills properly for every weapon system not long before every video... Mae is a beast at it. Thank you for your time and effort put into these videos.
Mae and the Wall Gun sounds like a fairytale story.
"Once upon a time in a distant land, A young woman named Mae found a magical wall gun"
"With it she cured the nation of a pitiful bickering political party. Oh and uhh a Dragon too which is more important in comparison I guess? The end."
like Mulan, with less China.
The hero of skill with theresa the seer as narrator.
I think of anime, with their big weapons.. Mae and the wall gun would fit right in..
"... as we've mentioned earlier the French were extremely desperate for guns at this stage in the war, so when Pvt. Pierre LaCroix showed up to the armory an hour late he was issued a wall gun. Upon firing it he promptly lost both his hearing and the ability to rotate his shoulder."
And most likely the crenellation he was firing the gun from.
And his baguette which landed across the english channel where it was promptly tossed back into the sea by a random British gentleman insulted by such a poor culinary taste landing on his front door step.
AussieFanXCIV we would also comment that it knocked his teeth loose, however, like most Europeans of the day he was in short supply of these.
really? the french eat snails/ which are disgusting
My shoulder is dislocated just from watching the slow motion
😂😂😂me too...
"What's a wall gun?"
"It's like a musket... but bigger... much bigger."
Good antitank cannon!
nah, reloading is too slow
That's the girl for me. In England they call them punt guns. Fill with loads of shot. And fasten to a flat boat called a punt. I think the record is about 150 ducks with one shot.
@@slimsterslim6531 a punt gun is a large shotgun usually mounted on a punt for duck hunting. Punt guns generally have a much bigger bore than this wall gun does. Unlike a punt gun that fires an awful lot of bird shot a wall gun usually fired a single solid shot and was used as a defensive fortification weapon, think of it as the anti-materiel rifle of its day. While both are big guns they are really nothing alike at all.
@@snarkymatt585 wow thanks for the information. Fascinating gun.
@@slimsterslim6531 you're welcome. If you find this muzzle loading wall gun fascinating you might be interested in seeing this much later model of breech loading wall gun ruclips.net/video/LkW1Fsaxj-Y/видео.html.
That is possibly one of the most expensive option for curing constipation.......
most effective though
Nah, the best way to cure constipation is to ingest some burnt black powder residue.....Trust me, everything comes out at high speed...
Rik Raptor nah fam when that thing fires that's the sound my ass makes when I finally shit recoil and all too
+cptreech lmfao right now
@@cptreech Nah, that would probably be heartburn.
The grin on your face when it went off; priceless.
She has one of those infectious smiles
Yo whats up kevin
that's how you know she's wife material
She always has that grin when firing either huge guns or high rate of fire guns or maybe just guns in general.
@@markoap91 I have never seen a happier shooter EVER! 👍😊👍
Top concealed carry list!
ankle carry, no doubt.
Most suited for concealed carry indeed ..... When your obesity is exceeding 200 kg yet still manages to stroll around the block
You probably could conceal it that way. The muzzle in your shoe and the stock under your armpit. Stairs and sitting down would be impossible though.
Player Review lol open carry one of these xD
The catch being that the concealment here is of the carrier, who can hide behind the gun.
Thats ok the now but when she's sitting in her rocking chair 50yr from now, trying to knit a scarf for the greatgrand kid and her shoulder is giving her a bit of a problem. She'll say, "hell with that kids. Lets go and see if this here Ol'wall gun still shoots".
the smile after shooting is just wonderful, this little bit pure joy
Mae is awesome and I don't just throw that word around. . A smile after being kicked in the shoulder by a mule,very impressive.
She's one in a million.
Mae is bae
yea and those military guys backed off
Mae, I think your awesome! What!? I said! I think your awesome! Huh? Your gonna have to speak louder!
Mae is indeed awesome but I bet she wasn't feeling so awesome a few hours later when the hurt kicked in :D
Will it accept a glock mag?
Probably big enough to fire one.
This think shoots glocks ... the whole gun.
I'd say a whole glock carbine kit would fit down the bore.
Of course it will shoot a Glock mag.
Glad that everyone in this comment thread understands the joke
There is nothing that inspires more pride in me than my Belgian heritage, specifically because at some point in the largest war in human history my great grandfather pointed a .75 cal wall gun at an enemy formation and wound up in a field hospital with a dislocated shoulder.
caliber of the brown bess....he shoot buck and ball or straight buckshot, or the round ball alone?
Those wall guns are larger than .75 caliber. Most are 1- 1.25", and usually throw 1/2# of buckshot.
.75 that is pretty little for a wall gun is the same bore as a 10 gauge shotgun
@Duane Bettger 12 gauge is around .730-740
When your ancestors were in the Congo, how many hands did they cut off of their slaves?
Reminds me of the old "Goose Guns" they used to hunt the geese in the Chesapeake Bay back in the 17 &1800's. Kills of scores of ducks, sometimes over one hundred with one shot were recorded.
That would be the old punt guns, they made these things look like toys they were that big.
Two inch bore minimum and a pound (or more) of shot.
That's a bad day for anything those sights are laid on.
@@loumorningstar7709 Yup, and those punt guns were mounted artillery, not an oversized shotgun, as we can see from your figures. Firmly mounted in the boat at both ends and aimed by aiming the boat, IIRC. An attempt to fire one from the shoulder with one mount under the barrel would result in several broken bones, spinal cord injury, severe concussion, and very possibly death. Afaik the stock present on some of them was there for the hunter to align himself to aim it.
The smile on Mae's face is just incredible. I loved how the soldiers were just standing there, like "ahh, dang, that girl's tough".
When you’re so bad ass even the military salutes you
Watching Mae load that thing thinking HOW MUCH BLACK POWDER!?!?!
*gun explodes*
OH... that much....
those look like 100 grain bags.. so id asume 300 grains.
About enough for a pot of coffe. Nice little plinker
450 gr 1F black, 600 gr sinker as projectile
Mark Novak that's gonna leave a scar
In the slow-mo I didn't see Mae flinch, between flintlock pan flash and the expectations of being kicked like a mule, that's awesome.
People should be allowed to give multiple "likes" for not flinching.
Mae's been around. She's shot some STUFF. Nothing in this world daunts her.
We call em flinchlocks
The tomboyest of them all!
The most amazing part of this video isn't the gun, it is how Mae still has a shoulder after firing it.
This was my first exposure to Mae the magnificent!! I subscribed shortly afterwards. Love watching the pure joy on her face when she shoots!
The Fort Ticonderoga museum has a Prussian Wall gun very much like this. To say it's impressive to look at is an understatement. The gun is an absolute beast.
2:50 I love how every soldier just stands normally and that one in the very left is just standing fabulously
Mae could be the first woman to ever fire a wall gun. She should be on our money.
Hear, hear!
While not taking anything away from Mae, war used to be very brutal. To resist an attacker and lose the ensueing siege meant VERY bad news for the citizens of a city. So everyone does their best to help, like, everyone. Wall guns are usually found, funnily enough, on walls. I'm willing to bet during the last few centuries at least one stallwart defender firing down from the walls was a woman, guns are the great equaliser and any willing help is accepted in a desperate fight.
@@guypierson5754 didnt realize these were actually in military use! I thought wall guns were exclusively commercial bird hunting industry tools.
@@rowdyzack5914 I think that's a Punt Gun, Wall Guns are so you can snipe ppl who are trying to besiege your home.
@@guypierson5754 true, war, war even 100 years ago, wasn't as brutal as it once was
"is that a ramrod or a bayonet?"
The U.S actually tried that, with a cleaning rod, mostly because they didn't use bayonets very often.
I mean.......put enough powder in there and the ramrod becomes a flechette.
A nasty one too.
Its a fuckin rapier
"You see that there?"
"And the thing behind it?"
"And the thing behind that?"
"Well see this?"
"Okay? What are you going to do?"
"We are going to put a hole in all those things, out there and more.... Ears on?"
They are called punt guns. They were used for commercial bird hunting. Mostly duck and goose. They were mounted in boats mostly.
The kick that this gun has must be brutal hahaha Hope that shoulder is ok!
Oh yeah, worse one yet! Shoulder was a little sore the next day but I'm just fine now :)
miso kovac. hr
That looks like it's one step away from being a cannon.
uncletigger Soccer and tennis when I was in HS. Now I play the sport of pc gaming.
Mae Guns
Whenever someone is next to one of these big guns, like a wall gun or Tankgewehr, I like to imagine that the gun is normal-sized, but the person is tiny.
You know, stuff like this is going to drive those saw horses to unionize.
Melthornal LOL
Harbor Freight tat. Those things are disposable.
Funny shit. Love it
And here we watch as Mae's shoulder suffers irreparable damage.
In Poole Harbour Dorset United Kingdom. They used to use "Punt Guns" to shoot wildfowl. These guns were loaded with grape shot and mounted in a small boat. A person would careful row the boat out in range of a flock of Wildfowl. Then pull the trigger. The bore of the Punt gun is 3 to 4 inches.
You know the best part of this video?
The smile immediately after!
"oooh surely they'll do a light load.. idk why i'm even watc- JESUS CHRIST O_O"
By the time she was finished loading the thing, I thought she was going hunting for space shuttles!
Martians.... definitely martians.. Prevented the War of the Worlds with the shot heard round the universe! lol
Unfortunatly those are extinct. Maybe due to excessive hunting.
@Josh Franklin For Paul Bunyan, yep.
To add my 2 pennies
Folks, a Punt Gun is Bigger. Yes, they used a yoke, but they were loaded with shot, then mounted on a boat (called a punt, get it?), then you snuck up on a flock of waterfowl, got as many as possible in your sights and pulled the trigger. Also, every Punt Gun I have seen had no butt on the stock.The yoke transfered the recoil to the Punt.
Yeah, this kind of reminded me of a Punt Gun. I recently read an interesting book about Punt Guns and how they decimated the waterfowl populations in the mid-to-late 1800's. It had pictures of different guns/boat rigs. Interesting bit of history.
a most interesting method of watercraft propulsion
Agree. It still quite close in size and ability.
Yes, many people are aware of punt guns.
My grandfather used to use one with his dad on the river when he was a boy he said the most they ever got in one shot was 27ducks and they used to use Thier old bits of horseshoe and horseshoe nails when they were out of shot
To see that smile on her face after the shot is heartwarming 😍
"And there they had a swamping gun as big as a log of maple, on a mighty little cart, a load for father's kettle. And everytime they fired it up it took a horn of powder, it made a noise like father's gun only a nation louder"
Finally a weapon that doesn't look like a toy when Othias holds it :)
I look tall because I arrange my fat vertically.
C&Rsenal lol ey my dads said that to before
Awesome. Love the slow-mo for this one.
That is my favorite part
what camera did you use?
I love how Mae smiles whenever she shoots
"You can fit four declarations of war into this bad boy." *slap BOOM* "... What have I done?"
Me encanta cómo esta chica disfruta con su afición. Sólo espero que haya recogido los papeles que tiró al suelo para que todo sea perfecto.
"I think you are going to need a bigger wall.'" (With apologies to Jaws)
"Hey out flintlock rifles could use some more firepower, what should we do?" - "I dunno, just make it 10x larger and shoot cannonballs".
would have been nice to see the impact on the target. great video.
It had been fired a LOT during the course so it was mostly just a messy hole from that and hundreds of other small arms. Nothing to really show.
C&Rsenal insert messy hole jokes here
"Hello there good sir. Say, how much powder would you like in your ri-"
3:11 is a test of durability ...she past with flying colors if black n blue are specific...
So... basically a gunpowder trebuchet?!
Respect to Mae and how she handled that recoil. Boss lady
my great-granpa had one of those, in Italy those were called "spingarda"
They were mounted on riverine/lake punt boats, and used when the migratory flocks of acquatic birds (geese, ducks, mallards etc.) would return to their ponds in the fall, you basically filled these with birdshots, pointed in the general direction of the flock, fired, and then had a pleasant boat trip to grab the fruits of your toil that would justify almost capsizing your cousin's raft and shattering your shoulder and eardrums
This is not for hunting fowl. It's for defending fortified structures. They used single large projectiles, not shot. Google is your friend, do a little research.
@@CountryRock2k1 he's correct tho they may have been used for defense back then but now even my uncle used one for hunting birds
@@lyeyeruyass5809 that's a punt gun. Different.
Thats a punt gun. Not the same.
@@lyeyeruyass5809 two completely different types of guns.
Not unlike an English punt gun for shooting water fowl, except they were fixed solidly to the boat not a DIY plastic stand!
2:57 my tv screensaver came on at the exact time the shot went off.. the screensaver is a black screen with a single white circle that expands into dots of colors lol just wildly coincidental but a cool effect nonetheless
Looks like Mae has some pretty big guns. And rifles.
Thanks! I have been working out lately.
pretty big'uns
Mae, your smile always gives me one too.
Your new call-sign is "Hamfist". I mean, yhea, I get it, she's quite attractive, but I'm pretty sure she's with the pirate with the plaid shirt. I mean, uh, Othias.
When you absolutely, positively need to separate your arm bone from your shoulder hole... accept no substitute.
When you think you have too much powder in your wall gun.....it needs two more.
Check that out I like the way she does not let any gun intimidate her and she has the knowledge of just about any gun she picks up your father taught yo well Mae. You are so different that's for sure. And thats beauty of this world
One gains new respect for an infantryman who could fire 5 rounds in one minute with a flintlock.
they weren't putting half a keg of powder in each shot though.
I know this is an already understood fact for many, but I'd like to just reiterate and say that Mae is freaking awesome.
What's with your uniformed observers?
Edward Bratton Yeah... What's the story here? Inquiring minds want to know
We were assisting with a cadet class in our area. They were an awesome bunch to teach.
Drill sergeant: "So today we will see this small girl shooting basically a cannon. From this point on, i don't want to hear the world "recoil" from any one of you."
Mae Winchester were they ROTC Cadets destined for Commissions or some High School's JROTC?
I am curious
Edward Bratton
You sir, win the Internet.
Large shoulder fired gun or small artillery piece?
Alexander Sears Why not both?
It's settled. This must become a DLC gun in Battlefield 1.
Alexander Sears if it was a chinese taiqiang then yes but a flintlock amusette, no; because that would not make a lot of sense because the only gun of the type in the late 1800's to early 1900's would either have to be a taiqiang or a t gewehr as well as any (37mm weapon that could be carried by one or two men.
@George Robartes hunting for market, yep. also used by early logging crews here as well to feed axmen/sawyers. there's one on display at fort michillimacinac, northern michigan that was used to feed brit/american soldiers, traders, natives. it is a monster.
“What caliber is that?”
No home should be without one. This will sure as hell get those kids off your lawn.
"Well. Theu're ignoring the Dog and the Keep out signs, let's see if this gets their attention."
"Broke into the wrong goddamn rec room, didn't you, you bastard!"
The look on her face is spectacular.
came from Ian and the great war top quality operation lol it's definitely original.
Thank you, we're happy to hear it!
So glad she was wearing a plaid shirt so you could really see what the recoil of a gun like that does to the body in slow-mo.
It neat to rewatch these older videos.
a MAE zing
Damn, I felt that recoil all the way over here, now my shoulder hurts.
That's gonna leave a mark! Mae is an incredible woman!!
Good thing they brought out the "compact" model.
think about this for a second. Flintlock rifle, you have to take your aim knowing you are going to have to hold that point of aim while a powder charge goes off in your face. That took some doing
_When you absolutely have to kill EVERY LAST WALL in a building, accept no substitutes._
Especially if that wall is in the next town over
does someone mind to comment the height and length, I'm looking for a gun that can fit in my pocket.
You forgot a crucial step: Building the wall first
Hell! I think my shoulder felt that!👍
The BFG 1700. Mae's go to demon destroyer.
*goes to the moon*
Moons haunted
*grabs this*
Moons haunted.
Zombie Apocalypse happens , Young Zebadiah ,whilst still wearing His football uniform ( Zombies sure like to interrupt a nice football practice session ) ,runs home grabs this comically oversized flintlock along with powder ,shot , and wadding from His Great ,Great Grand Papa's Attic ,and mows down Zombies like bowling pins , Zebadiah is now most popular Senior at His High School EVER in that High School's 110 year history .
Because you can! May is tougher and braver than I am to pull that trigger.
My apologies if I have misspelled your name. I see everyone else is using Mae.
Lol no worries and you say that but when the opportunity to shoot one presents itself to you there's really no way you can say no.
Mae Guns
I think I'll just watch. I'm 63 and I wouldn't want to take a chance of breaking anything that I'm fond of. ;-)
@@maewinchester2030 Brava! fort michillimacinac here has one on display. i shoot the brown bess,.75cal, at our gigs and know that...pleasure. lol! You got it, Mae! i tip my hat n bow at the waist to Ye! k.c mich. brigade American Mtn Men
In an emergency situation you just simply take out the ram rod, turn around and you have a nayonet
You know youre in some real shit when the powder cartridge is basically the size of a candy bar. Also I love that Mae is the perfect size for a wall gun stand
I'm sure that that particular piece was shot on a ship and it took more than one person to load it
That's gonna be my new concealed carry. I'm gonna need a bigger coat.
*bigger skirt
You put it in a base fiddle case.
Put it in a golf bag lol
"Hello, one spare shoulder please"
That thing kicks like a mule, wow!. The guy that say, hey I missed it, can you do it again, like what!
My go-to gun for home protection
In an alternate universe where other variants of humanity evolved alongside homo sapiens that suspiciously resemble fantasy races, that wall gun would be a standard sized musket to a giant.
why the military personnel?
Citadel class.
when your "starting load" is "3 lbs fffg, walmart shop rag, 13 lb bowling ball", you need a fairly sizeable bucket brigade for fire watch...
ludditeneaderthal touche sir
why are you using FFFg for a 3 lb charge, wouldn't Fg be much better and cannon powder be ideal?
Andrew Hoisington
come the revolution, the humorless will be the first to swing....
Now to find an SBR of this.
Because fuck having arms.
in SBR form it would be substantially more manageable due to loss of velocity
Xtorin O'hern
But also gigantic fireball.
Obrez'd wall gun. I'm glad I'm not the only one who who thought of it during the two minute loading procedure.
it's called a flamethrower.
0:15 onwards: _This is my serious face_
These were used as a kind of antimaterial muskets, I think. Just scale everything up, add more gunpowder.