That aas a pretty good story. I must admit, I was half expecting either some huge chase scene or maybe a fight with maybe a hired merc to help her. But this was unexpected and I liked it.
Overall, I say it is a dumb story. Why would anyone help her? Why would the bad guy be so brazen about giving revealing evidence that would bring himself down?
That aas a pretty good story. I must admit, I was half expecting either some huge chase scene or maybe a fight with maybe a hired merc to help her. But this was unexpected and I liked it.
She said three words... I quit.
Last time I checked, that was two words lol.
The story was probably written in a different language like German where it was something like: "Ich gebe auf"
The story must have been written in a different language like German where it was something like:
"Ich gebe auf"... Three words for, I quit...
Overall, I say it is a dumb story. Why would anyone help her? Why would the bad guy be so brazen about giving revealing evidence that would bring himself down?
Waaaaaaaay too many errors in this story in order to enjoy it.
better than a lot i have heard, at least it wasn't on repeat all the way through it.
And truth!