Run. Hide. Fight.® at Florida State University

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 989

  • @Mostfaded_pc711
    @Mostfaded_pc711 6 лет назад +2093

    Person:grab anything you can to protect yourself
    Girl: *grabs Gatorade*

    • @maggielee2598
      @maggielee2598 6 лет назад +10

      Mysterious fox Boi I was just about to say that

    • @Tomodachi91ve
      @Tomodachi91ve 6 лет назад +77

      Well, I punched an assaultand with a water bottle on his face and that gave me enough time to keep punching him and run from him. Anything that takes an attacker by surprise may be what gives ou few precious seconds to attack him/her or run.

    • @Tomodachi91ve
      @Tomodachi91ve 6 лет назад +6

      PS: sorry for my bad english.

    • @kcmarie3657
      @kcmarie3657 6 лет назад +56

      Mysterious fox Boi she gon take a sip and then use that energy to throw it at him.

    • @elideangeli5098
      @elideangeli5098 6 лет назад +8

      I mean it works

  • @pikachuj05
    @pikachuj05 5 лет назад +876

    "ohmygod it's the fire alarm"
    *hears gunshots*
    "ohmygod it's not the fire alarm"

  • @jacksontruitt6477
    @jacksontruitt6477 6 лет назад +1830

    “The goal is not to kill the shooter” nah fam they try killing me I’m killing back

    • @Tomodachi91ve
      @Tomodachi91ve 6 лет назад +101

      In some states and countries killing an attacker put you in jail.

    • @Ocean_Melody3982
      @Ocean_Melody3982 6 лет назад +106

      Most likely, the authorities would think YOURE the attacker/shooter, and the blame would be thrown onto you; better off to keep his arm behind his back and his gun out of grasp!

    • @sloane6688
      @sloane6688 6 лет назад +36

      Nah ima stab them with my pencil

    • @adeebahussain9048
      @adeebahussain9048 6 лет назад +15

      Just spray the fire extinguisher thing in them so they can’t see then take their gun.

    • @thatgirlpeyy05
      @thatgirlpeyy05 6 лет назад +20

      imma stab the shooter with my huge scissors I carry to school

  • @lpspurpz7293
    @lpspurpz7293 6 лет назад +818

    Now I get paranoid every time someone pulls the fire alarms.

    • @aidanjlorenzana4848
      @aidanjlorenzana4848 6 лет назад +21

      They should teach these at every school and university.

    • @blacktemplar5970
      @blacktemplar5970 6 лет назад +14

      I think one thing we can take from this video is that if campus shooting were so RARE then you wouldn't need videos like didn't have them 20 years ago when campus shooting were actually rare.....but now there RARE we have videos..............🤔

    • @immanuelj8952
      @immanuelj8952 6 лет назад +8

      Sam Fisher they’re still pretty rare they just happen more often now but the chances of it happening aren’t high but if it does they give you the training/knowledge to stay alive.

    • @blacktemplar5970
      @blacktemplar5970 6 лет назад +3

      @@immanuelj8952 they're not high? you know a western first world country where school shootings happen more than America?....and that is a genuine question name me one single country in the western world which is a global power house like America where school shootings are more regular than America.....I bet you can't find one....that speaks in the UK dont need to shoot the place up or France or Germany or Canada so what's the problem in America are all their kids just different?....or is it something else perhaps easy access to firearms?......maybe a social obsession with guns?......the sad thing is that America actually tries to police the world like they have some morale upper ground well if they do have then i don't see what it is?.....

    • @sugaswifeu9362
      @sugaswifeu9362 5 лет назад

      LPSPURPZ me too

  • @Galaxy-fe3op
    @Galaxy-fe3op 6 лет назад +706

    I've been binge watching these videos and I have no idea why. I even searched up how to treat a gunshot wound. (I had some decent knowledge but I just wanted to make sure I was right. I was!)

    • @twentytwoarts
      @twentytwoarts 6 лет назад +44

      I honestly don't see anything wrong with that, and I think it's good you're doing that. Not only will you be stocked up on information but you'll also be able to save lives and/or keep them stable!!

    • @Galaxy-fe3op
      @Galaxy-fe3op 6 лет назад +18

      @@twentytwoarts Not excited for any day I'd actually have to use my knowledge but oh well.

    • @datgirlnameterianna8929
      @datgirlnameterianna8929 6 лет назад +6

      Honestly same and I’m scared for tomorrow now.... I have track practice

    • @jonathanvincent5348
      @jonathanvincent5348 6 лет назад

      oml, same.

    • @GloomyBeanie
      @GloomyBeanie 6 лет назад +4

      Same and honestly this is the 3rd time I have caught myself binge watching these videos.

  • @flowerman4987
    @flowerman4987 6 лет назад +259

    That bike cop is ready to throw down

  • @andrewdbeach
    @andrewdbeach 6 лет назад +600

    The officer on his bike cracks me up

  • @lavender2453
    @lavender2453 6 лет назад +458

    I in no way want to sound disrespectful to anyone who has ever been in a school shooting situation or act as school shootings are a joke, but I thought it was a little funny when the girl said "oh my god it's a fire alarm *gunshots* oh my god it's not a fire alarm." With no expression.

    • @scrubbywubby2694
      @scrubbywubby2694 5 лет назад +21

      Isn't That Pathetic same although it is a very serious situation I thought it was kinda funny to when she said “omg there’s a fire” “omg it wasn’t a fire”

    • @annjoseph3599
      @annjoseph3599 5 лет назад +4

      Nah that's not funny people be dying it's sad that they have to make videos like this

    • @thenonpoliticalpterodactyl7933
      @thenonpoliticalpterodactyl7933 4 года назад +3

      we all die one day, it's called leveling up...

    • @bsmusic2601
      @bsmusic2601 2 года назад

      Don't forget the bike cop🤣😂🤣😂

  • @Raja-bz4yw
    @Raja-bz4yw 6 лет назад +55

    "These situations are rare,"
    Yeahh they're not rare anymore. This is why these videos are being made. In every classroom n building I'm at my college I always locate my quickest escape routes and listen a lot to what goes on in the halls at my village. I may seem distracted but I know doing this will save my life and possibly others.

    • @afez2752
      @afez2752 3 года назад +2

      They are rare like a fire better to be prepared than not to be.

  • @dollarstorebarrontrump1141
    @dollarstorebarrontrump1141 5 лет назад +35

    “Oh my god it’s a fire alarm!”
    **hears gun shot**
    “Oh my god is not a fire alarm!”

  • @dracowolf3212
    @dracowolf3212 6 лет назад +269

    2:38 I'm remembering that idea

    • @alexrei42
      @alexrei42 6 лет назад +7

      Draco wolf same

    • @beatricemeti
      @beatricemeti 6 лет назад


    • @Bicholover5487
      @Bicholover5487 6 лет назад +5

      Good thing i have a belt everyday

    • @blacktemplar5970
      @blacktemplar5970 6 лет назад +4

      Oh my god it's the fire alarm....there's a fire quick...bang bang bang...oh my god some ones shooting....don't they know there's a fire

    • @scrubbywubby2694
      @scrubbywubby2694 5 лет назад +1

      Sam Fisher not funny if you want to make a joke don’t make a joke on a video that concerns real life endangering situation

  • @madoc5744
    @madoc5744 5 лет назад +77

    “Oh my god it’s a fire alarm get out”
    *hears gunshots*
    “Ok oh my god I think it’s not a fire alarm”

  • @Linnley
    @Linnley 6 лет назад +124

    Teacher: Grab anything needed
    Me: *Grabs pencil*

    • @mythic4338
      @mythic4338 5 лет назад +2

      Wes Cole John wick “ohhhhh yeahhh!”

    • @Kate-yz2fj
      @Kate-yz2fj 5 лет назад +2

      Wes Cole I once accidentally stabbed myself with a pencil and it hurt like hell

    • @kadoarichitohoung7166
      @kadoarichitohoung7166 5 лет назад +2

      the next john wick

    • @alexandriaj.1578
      @alexandriaj.1578 5 лет назад

      I have made someone bleed with a pencil

    • @Josh_u
      @Josh_u 4 года назад

      @@alexandriaj.1578 Lol my friend accidentally stabbed my hand with a pencil it's PAINFUL

  • @karmalily2128
    @karmalily2128 5 лет назад +93

    VSCO girl: *take hydro flask*

    • @sampepper2689
      @sampepper2689 4 года назад +4

      Kårmå Lily212 i no it’s a joke but hit hard enough can cause head trauma

    • @abat10
      @abat10 4 года назад

      Sam Pepper that’s true tho

    • @thenonpoliticalpterodactyl7933
      @thenonpoliticalpterodactyl7933 4 года назад +1

      I know this is an old comment and the meme is dead but "oh? you don't have a weapon??? and i oop. Here!! take mine, it's no problem, sksksksks and i oop and i oop!!" Kill me i'm so lame

    • @bluenotsus7548
      @bluenotsus7548 4 года назад +2

      Protecc the turtles and make the shooter sksksksskoot away.

    • @jksbottommole8463
      @jksbottommole8463 4 года назад

      @@bluenotsus7548 okay that make me snicker XD

  • @chipdiller2754
    @chipdiller2754 6 лет назад +70

    Speaking as a former LE trainer in active shooter response, I can say this is an excellently produced video. Thank you, FSU.

  • @Soapduck_
    @Soapduck_ 5 лет назад +47

    "Grab anything you can to protect yourself"
    Me: Hey Assailant! *TASTE MY LEGO BLOCK!*

    • @Bacon-ys2xi
      @Bacon-ys2xi 4 года назад

      Slide it on the ground under their foot

    • @guestify280
      @guestify280 4 года назад


    • @taylorxwx2367
      @taylorxwx2367 4 года назад

      @@Bacon-ys2xi that always works 😆

    • @playtime-dj7zg
      @playtime-dj7zg 2 года назад +1

      Not just one lego block but a whole box of them that way they can't get in the school

  • @anabel5842
    @anabel5842 5 лет назад +162

    *grabs something to defend self* *Grabs shoe*

    • @AuroraIchimaru
      @AuroraIchimaru 5 лет назад +11

      Girl I was thinking the same thing! I have never been on the other end of The Chancla, but I have heard of the all mighty power of The Chancla. The shooter is done when he gets hit with that Chancla!

    • @errolluck8347
      @errolluck8347 4 года назад +5

      Welcome to Mexico :v

    • @tomttom107
      @tomttom107 4 года назад +4

      @@errolluck8347 **La Chona plays**

    • @thenonpoliticalpterodactyl7933
      @thenonpoliticalpterodactyl7933 4 года назад +1

      Aim for the throat

    • @anabel5842
      @anabel5842 4 года назад +1

      Nova Love why of course

  • @yuh2982
    @yuh2982 6 лет назад +156

    He said not to kill the shooter if that’s your last option I will I always carry scissors with me I’m so over protective so I will kill them because he trying to kill me

    • @anizoolgownoverlord4355
      @anizoolgownoverlord4355 6 лет назад

      me to but I can use any thing to kill

    • @mpi4892
      @mpi4892 6 лет назад +18

      Diana and Marc I don’t think you will win with scissors against a gun

    • @xthestormkitsunex6597
      @xthestormkitsunex6597 6 лет назад +2

      my parents took away my sharps. no scissors for me ;w;

    • @beatricemeti
      @beatricemeti 6 лет назад +2

      If u kill him or her u mite get arrested because in some country and states its ban

    • @johnedwards5072
      @johnedwards5072 6 лет назад +1

      You have the right to. If you believe that you or your peers are in danger of being seriously injured or killed, you can kill the threat and not have charges pressed against you.

  • @park37588
    @park37588 6 лет назад +68

    What about a 21yo student with a licensed firearm and concealed carry permit. That works really well

    • @iondu655
      @iondu655 6 лет назад +1

      That could backfire if said person became the shooter.

    • @park37588
      @park37588 6 лет назад +12

      Field Marshal it would take a lot of student debt, stress, and bullshit to make a background checked 20yo kill his classmates. Also, then, another student with the same license and discretion could kill the other one.

    • @park37588
      @park37588 6 лет назад +5

      Field Marshal there’s always gonna be a nut job in the group, but it’s all the other sane people’s job to stop that one.

    • @park37588
      @park37588 6 лет назад +4

      J C lmao bro, that’s exactly my point, meaning CCPs should be allowed

    • @badbutton5869
      @badbutton5869 6 лет назад +5

      Go to school in UT, TX, ID, or anywhere else Campus carry is legal. There are a lot of kids going to school that are getting out of the military. You would be surprised how many that would be. So them being armed is a good thing. (Unless it was an Airforce kid, then just wait for the cops lol)

  • @chickenstrips4404
    @chickenstrips4404 6 лет назад +46

    Girl: Oh my god it’s a fire alarm **runs out of room**
    Girl: **sees shooter** oh my god it’s not a fire alarm

  • @TofuTeo
    @TofuTeo 6 лет назад +36

    In a school (or office) shooting:
    If everyone in the class tackles him at the same time, and the teacher snatches his gun, while several other students hit him with metal bats, stomp on him, chances of survival are pretty high. Strength in numbers. Might get messy, and some could get hurt, but it’s definitely better than other alternatives. Of course this means everyone has to be in-position before he gunman enters the door. For extra safety, have a large padlocked storage at the back of class, so the teacher can immediately throw the gun in and lock the box, while the students continue to attack. It’s good to have a few students pinning down all his limbs so he can’t draw other weapons. Having a fire extinguisher could be useful too. New Life Baptist Academy in New Mexico uses their PE lessons to have all their students trained for this! This defence strategy/counter-attack is so random and unpredictable that the gunman won’t be able to prepare for it in advance. There’s a video on RUclips.

    • @williamhenley8593
      @williamhenley8593 6 лет назад +4

      Dude it’s not that simple. You’ve clearly never been in a high adrenaline situation

    • @TofuTeo
      @TofuTeo 6 лет назад +5

      @@williamhenley8593 Hmm yeah ur right. Wouldn't high adrenaline be of help though?

    • @beatricemeti
      @beatricemeti 6 лет назад

      TLDR ( it means to long didn't read )

    • @sniper0625
      @sniper0625 5 лет назад

      Wish they would have taught us that up at Aztec

    • @ftcupid4466
      @ftcupid4466 5 лет назад +1

      @J C if police see you with a gun you'll get shot on sight, even if you're not the shooter

  • @JoeSwansonsLegs
    @JoeSwansonsLegs 6 лет назад +151

    Why does the shooter look like the streamer shroud from twitch lmao

  • @ramenn00dlzz38
    @ramenn00dlzz38 6 лет назад +108


  • @jimhutchison7511
    @jimhutchison7511 6 лет назад +8

    As an FSU crim grad and a retired Chief of Police, I think FSU has made a sound and needed film on Ride Hide Fight. I hope its mandatory viewing for all FSU students...including my daughter who just graduated from FSU.

  • @82019751
    @82019751 5 лет назад +7

    “Omg fire alarm!”
    *opens door”
    *closes door slowly”
    “Omg it’s not a fire alarm”

  • @itziann521
    @itziann521 6 лет назад +8

    2:18 i like how she barely reacts
    “omg it’s not a fire alarm

  • @mycommentsmayoffendyou6194
    @mycommentsmayoffendyou6194 5 лет назад +11

    Me, lining the floors with lego blocks:
    Friends: Wtf
    Me: *_Defense mechanisms_*

    • @TJ-kj9ki
      @TJ-kj9ki 5 лет назад +1

      First you need to cover the floor with syrup so that the shooter’s shoes are stuck and slip off.

    • @allagenda
      @allagenda 5 лет назад

      i mean if you have enough they literally can stop the door long enough for you to attack first so i mean
      still though I'd recommend having enough to fully blockade the door like putting a chair under the handle might. As long as they can't open the door they usually don't care to keep going and fighting to get in if there are no noises

  • @cmcer1995
    @cmcer1995 6 лет назад +6

    Good video with some good information and tips. The best prep is to allow CCW to prevent excessive response time and discourage active shooters.

    • @nukey18mon
      @nukey18mon Год назад

      Absolutely. Florida laws make colleges a soft target. It is a right to be able to defend yourself with a gun, no matter where you go.

  • @AlCatSplat
    @AlCatSplat 6 лет назад +18

    The title and thumbnail makes it look like a movie trailer or videogame DLC

  • @mariuszratynski3764
    @mariuszratynski3764 6 лет назад +72

    4:03 officer peebles

    • @victorviereck4117
      @victorviereck4117 5 лет назад

      Yup, that just happened.

    • @josemoralesjimenez4730
      @josemoralesjimenez4730 5 лет назад

      @@victorviereck4117-ddadproadaD377t7tutti844t3o7t7tutti8D7t7tutti8D7t7tutti8DDD -9t89t8D7t7tutti877t7tutti844t3o7t7tutti8D7t7tutti844t3oD7t7tutti844t3o7t7tutti8D7t7tutti87t7tutti8D7t7tutti844t3oD44t3o7t7tutti8D7t7tutti844t3o7t7tutti8D44t3o7t7tutti8D7t7tutti844t3o7t7tutti8D7t7tutti844t3o884or884or7t7tutti8D7t7tutti8D7t7tutti844t3o777t7tutti877t7tutti844t3o7t7tutti8884or84or87t7tutti844t3o7t7tutti844t3o

  • @Doctom
    @Doctom 6 лет назад +43

    Guys I’m in this video I’m a star

  • @jjm5588
    @jjm5588 5 лет назад +1

    In Texas we teach Avoid, Deny, Defend (ADD). Developed by the first in ASE Training...Texas State University.

  • @russibyun4599
    @russibyun4599 6 лет назад +4

    "oh my god come on its a fire alarm"
    "Oh my god its not a fire alarm"

  • @twintwail
    @twintwail 6 лет назад +35

    I've been binge-watching these despite having a fairly safe school that isn't known for being dangerous or a threat,, though, i used to go to a horrible school with the worst reputation ever but never had any shootings, only student fights.
    Better safe than sorry lol??

    • @rhianna278
      @rhianna278 5 лет назад

      ゆりlily parkland was the best school in the state of Florida but it still got shot up lol

    • @rhianna278
      @rhianna278 5 лет назад

      ゆりlily I meant stoneman Douglas

  • @rachelgranados1246
    @rachelgranados1246 5 лет назад +7

    I live in the “ghetto” which means our school doesn’t really have money to fix our fire alarm when it messes up and it’s always going off so if a shooter tries that no one would come it we would just sit there and wait till they turned it off

  • @caprlol
    @caprlol Год назад +1

    I like how during the drill the students are just looking at us and telling us what to do
    plus, at 2:15 the student was just sitting there tleling us what to do without even barricading the door first

  • @Condottier
    @Condottier 6 лет назад +69

    Thanks, but the shooter guy made me think of me walking around campus with my fencing gear.

    • @thesoapoutside200
      @thesoapoutside200 6 лет назад +6

      Top 10 fighters even God was afraid to attack.

    • @dawnqwerty
      @dawnqwerty 6 лет назад

      On multiple occasions I had to do double takes. I was always afraid there was a weapon in their bags, technically I was right

  • @tyneishahoe3420
    @tyneishahoe3420 5 лет назад +1

    Every other school when they see a person with a black duffel bag: *starts to run*
    My school when they see a person with a black duffel bag: “You selling snacks today?”

  • @kimmy-xj3xd
    @kimmy-xj3xd 5 лет назад +18

    Teacher: the shooter is coming!
    Teacher: wha-

  • @okokokokokokokokokokokokokok
    @okokokokokokokokokokokokokok 6 лет назад +2

    These are Important. Take anything you could get RUN HIDE FIGHT run is your firs choice go to a safe place if you can’t fight is your last option

  • @WeeklyTubeShow2
    @WeeklyTubeShow2 6 лет назад +34

    Jesus, ya'll really went for it with the shooter sequence, huh?

  • @saltybakedpotato2536
    @saltybakedpotato2536 3 года назад +1

    1:21 "leave you belongings" *shows phone*
    *5 seconds later* "make sure to call 911"

  • @affantahmaz6846
    @affantahmaz6846 4 года назад +5

    Police officer: "Grab anything you can!"
    Girls: *Attack shooter with blowing on pouder*

  • @Jaydon05
    @Jaydon05 6 лет назад +2

    Excellently produced video! Good instructions!

  • @DavidYoum
    @DavidYoum 6 лет назад +5

    6:06 idk why but I died lol

  • @orthodoxymatters
    @orthodoxymatters 6 лет назад +2

    And this is why Campus Carry should be allowed. When seconds matter the police are minutes away. Well trained citizens who can carry and protect themselves and others is essential.

  • @operatorseasail6519
    @operatorseasail6519 6 лет назад +7

    3:48 Ma’am Your Gun Is Jammed

  • @NoobMaster-qx3oq
    @NoobMaster-qx3oq 5 лет назад

    This is by FSU. The shooter was wearing a Boston Bruins shirt. This video put hockey in my head.

  • @atronixz
    @atronixz 5 лет назад +1

    "OMG let's go it's the fire alarm" *BOOM BOOM BOOM* "... OMG that's not the fire alarm"

  • @hihi-nz5jw
    @hihi-nz5jw 5 лет назад +1

    do you have locks on your doors? because in every door in my school there is a lock.

  • @Demonetizedh8re
    @Demonetizedh8re 5 лет назад +3

    Nicest fire alarm I've ever heard

  • @aenioriginal
    @aenioriginal 6 лет назад +1

    „omg cmon it’s the fire alarm“
    *shot shot shot“
    „omg it’s not the fire alarm“

  • @chronicles6411
    @chronicles6411 5 лет назад +2

    How to survive any disaster:
    Be the camera man.

  • @irishjedi66
    @irishjedi66 6 лет назад +1

    Only thing I can also recommend is that you provide life saving training like how to use a CAT tourniquet

  • @giu7693
    @giu7693 6 лет назад +5

    I saw so many of these videos that I dream about it.

  • @christiandinero8083
    @christiandinero8083 6 лет назад +1

    3:32 2018 and still not using weapon mounted pistol lights. Smh.

  • @ohcainers9239
    @ohcainers9239 6 лет назад +4

    What’s the real crime?
    Him shooting in a campus
    Or him shooting on his left hand

  • @lifeismorethanjustsurvivin3942
    @lifeismorethanjustsurvivin3942 5 лет назад

    Im so happy that Videos like this exist. Because this is reality. I live in Germany and here is it a Little Bit safer but its so important. Show this all People and children in this dangerous world

  • @shreeyastache
    @shreeyastache 6 лет назад +3

    this was posted on my birthday!

    • @shreeyastache
      @shreeyastache 6 лет назад

      I wasn’t proud about it :) I was simply pointing it out. sorry if you didn’t like how I said that or that I said it. I’ll take down the comment of you want. It was insensitive of me to post that whilst being oblivious of the whole video.

  • @brandonyee8376
    @brandonyee8376 5 лет назад +2

    “ he has a gun” wait hold up lemme go grab my Gatorade bottle

  • @danielabarjel4609
    @danielabarjel4609 5 лет назад +2

    Shooter: Sees me
    Me: Grab's fire extinguisher and runs around a corner
    Shooter: Comes around the corner
    Me: Sprays shooter then bashes head into a pulp

  • @mattiaferrari4727
    @mattiaferrari4727 4 года назад +1

    Guy: "is carrying a fucking gun in a school".
    Receptionist: hey sir, hey.

  • @ajlagasi1064
    @ajlagasi1064 6 лет назад +5

    why is this on my reomended list ?? and I am from europ

    • @justinasspurga7258
      @justinasspurga7258 6 лет назад +1

      jus becuz u in europ doesn't meen dat shooterman wont shot u.

    • @leanderglarsen9282
      @leanderglarsen9282 6 лет назад

      Same shit happend for me. I live in europe.

    • @nothingforyouhere5388
      @nothingforyouhere5388 5 лет назад

      Yeah like 2 days ago there was a shooting in South America l, Brazil I think. The majority of it is in the United States, but it could definetly happen elsewhere. Be safe!

    • @FBIAGENT725
      @FBIAGENT725 5 лет назад

      Recommended is based on what you watch

  • @boeing747-8
    @boeing747-8 4 года назад +1

    This was actually really well done.

  • @rakeemmcdaniel227
    @rakeemmcdaniel227 6 лет назад +4

    Omg so sad and scary that people have to be tought about things like this

    • @albi6436
      @albi6436 6 лет назад

      yes my friend died in a shcool 😔

    • @rakeemmcdaniel227
      @rakeemmcdaniel227 6 лет назад +1

      FaZe Snip I'm sorry to hear that

    • @leanderglarsen9282
      @leanderglarsen9282 6 лет назад

      Welcome to U.S.A.

    • @astronautindisguise
      @astronautindisguise 6 лет назад

      Fear has always been at the forefront of public worries. Whether is British troops storming your house for your firearms in the 1700s, fearing about your life because your could be sold into slavery in the 1800s, or worrying about the Nazis kicking down your door, or Communist Russia ending the world in nuclear fire; people have and always will find something to fear. It’s the way you can control and manipulate people into doing what you want, whether it be obvious or subtle. Fear isn’t going away, and preparing for it is a necessary part of growing up and becoming an adult.

  • @pxng_th7670
    @pxng_th7670 6 лет назад +1

    When I see a guy with a black hoodie
    My mind: F*ck F*ck I have to tell my friends
    What I was doing: grab a pencil ✏️
    My friends: what the are you doing
    Me: I think he’s a active shooter
    My friends:.........
    Me:.......... am I over reacting
    My friends: *grab a pencil*
    Me: I think we should get something else like our book or something
    My friends: grab a plain bag
    Me: Not a plain bag can you at least put a book inside
    My friends: ok
    My best friend: I will pretend to ask the teacher questions then you go and lock the door
    Me: ok let’s do this
    and the result is that the person that wear black hoodie is our new classmate

  • @brandoneiler4221
    @brandoneiler4221 6 лет назад +21

    Fight... just not with a legally owned concealed carry weapon because the Florida legislature has infringed on our right to self defense.

    • @lilsomething8905
      @lilsomething8905 6 лет назад +2

      Nikolas' gun was legal. What are you trying to say?

    • @jacobe7094
      @jacobe7094 6 лет назад +1

      lil something He was trying to make the point that it'd be easier to fight off school shooters if regular students were allowed to conceal carry.

  • @blushy3001
    @blushy3001 4 года назад

    What does someone pull the fire alarm? Mark Venzon

  • @Heretic00
    @Heretic00 6 лет назад +3

    Hunt, locate, engage.
    You want to live, therefore you have to fight in order to keep your life.
    The goal should be getting out of that situation alive or at least do something that helps others get out alive.
    The problem is simple, you don't want to die, so they are going to.

  • @jamesbondmartinez3013
    @jamesbondmartinez3013 5 лет назад

    I have a question is that correct used Dog training for attack in this kind situation?

  • @arditaibishi3725
    @arditaibishi3725 6 лет назад +20

    4:00 man said active shooters are rare

    • @Ash_W04
      @Ash_W04 6 лет назад

      I don't get the joke

    • @arditaibishi3725
      @arditaibishi3725 6 лет назад +2

      @@Ash_W04 the guy was like active shooters are rare when there's one, once a week

    • @Ash_W04
      @Ash_W04 6 лет назад +1

      @@arditaibishi3725 Oh, I get it now

    • @Ocean_Melody3982
      @Ocean_Melody3982 6 лет назад +5

      He means it's likely it will not happen to you; keep in mind there are MILLIONS of schools in the USA, and a TON more left in the world.

    • @arditaibishi3725
      @arditaibishi3725 6 лет назад

      @@Ocean_Melody3982 But since this year started there is an estimate of a school shooting every week untill now how is that unlikely

  • @michaelninams726
    @michaelninams726 5 лет назад +1

    Ol mate: If you hear gunshots run, don’t bring your belongings, there not as important as your life
    Me: mate my phone is my life

  • @colnomad04
    @colnomad04 6 лет назад +3

    Nothing a great defense against an AR15 like a fire extinguisher (excellent for fighting fires, useless in a gun fight).

    • @madsma_
      @madsma_ 6 лет назад +3

      james mears the fire extinguisher releases thick white particles that put out fires, but also block the vision of a shooter. Getting banged In the head by a fire extinguisher will surely knock someone out.

  • @keithkeith9867
    @keithkeith9867 Год назад +1

    ▶️ 2:05 - 2:08 Fire 🔥 Alarm ‼️ ⏰ 🚨 Has been Activated…. and STI-1100 Stopper II Sound Effect

  • @mocn
    @mocn 6 лет назад +7

    I'm glad no school shootings happen in my country

  • @iwaited90daystochangemynam87
    @iwaited90daystochangemynam87 5 лет назад +1

    When the teacher removes your name from kahoot

  • @jump-the-turnstile-420
    @jump-the-turnstile-420 6 лет назад +6

    you know that youre american when videos like this have to be made

    • @pettifoggingpharisee
      @pettifoggingpharisee 5 лет назад

      There's a video like this from Warsaw. It's a little known fact that the country of Poland is in fact the long lost 57th State within the American Union.

  • @Igeorr
    @Igeorr 4 года назад +1

    Wow, this is a good video. One of the students must've put this together.

  • @BB-pv9qs
    @BB-pv9qs 6 лет назад +3

    That’s unfair it was a 1v4

    • @carolinakichiro4512
      @carolinakichiro4512 6 лет назад +5

      In these situations, don’t fight fair. Use all of your strength and stop the attacker.

    • @BB-pv9qs
      @BB-pv9qs 6 лет назад

      TheBuildingFreak meh 50/50

    • @quanage4296
      @quanage4296 6 лет назад

      Carolina Kichiro it was a joke

    • @albi6436
      @albi6436 6 лет назад +1

      i would have clutched that R6 siege learned me

    • @LilNeenerMcWomanRaypist
      @LilNeenerMcWomanRaypist 6 лет назад

      “Last friendly operator standing.”

  • @vinnysilvestri3589
    @vinnysilvestri3589 5 лет назад +1

    Grab anything you can to protect yourself
    Me: grabs my own fists so he can catch this haymaker

  • @kpopisabeautifulmess6666
    @kpopisabeautifulmess6666 5 лет назад +1

    I feel like the people in cooking class would definitely survive

  • @tshimangakanyindamfiondu2352
    @tshimangakanyindamfiondu2352 2 года назад

    this is my favourite run hide fight video especially the music

  • @nathanrichards6940
    @nathanrichards6940 5 лет назад +1

    And then there’s just me chillin at school in England 😂.

    • @traumatizedcookiez3376
      @traumatizedcookiez3376 5 лет назад

      Nathan Richards I envy you students who aren’t here in America. I am always on high alert at school because I’m afraid one day I may not leave alive.

  • @dappermuis5002
    @dappermuis5002 6 лет назад

    The not letting strangers into buildings, I've seen happen way too often, that they are just let in. In places that are supposed to have security. I did pizza delivery and most times I had a plain jacket that covered my uniform and my bag (all black) had no markings. Only a handful of times in the 4 years I did it, did any one ask me for ID, before they would let me in. Many places the buzzers were broken, so people would just prop the gate open. Other places the buzzer to open the gate was so easy to get to, I could just stick my arm around the corner and buzz myself in. And I was never asked who I was and what I was doing there once I was in.

  • @JC-DH
    @JC-DH 6 лет назад

    This is the most American education video ever

  • @ashleygarcia6379
    @ashleygarcia6379 5 лет назад +1

    If you were at my school and they pulled the fire alarm during a lockdown there would be screaming and you know they finna be running while I’m in the corner with a book,scissors,and the power of anime

  • @mvp0
    @mvp0 6 лет назад

    God damn this is a good ass movie... FSU needs it’s own movie studio

  • @dollarstorebarrontrump1141
    @dollarstorebarrontrump1141 5 лет назад +1

    This is actually very well made.

  • @nathanaelguiao5351
    @nathanaelguiao5351 6 лет назад +2

    It's such a sad thing that the situation in the country has gotten so bad that a prestigious *University* such as FSU would make a video like this. Not that it's bad making a video about this, (very helpful as a matter of fact) it's just that this shouldn't be the new norm. Well, we can't do anything about that now, it's here and it's happening and it's best if everyone sticks together and knows what they're doing. My thoughts and prayers to everyone, peace out and have a nice day. :)

    • @nukey18mon
      @nukey18mon Год назад

      Except they can do stuff about it. Allow campus carry, make no one a soft target.

  • @CRAZY_B22-lv5nt
    @CRAZY_B22-lv5nt 6 лет назад +1

    Une tuerie scolaire en SHORT ?

  • @ostridgesaccount3204
    @ostridgesaccount3204 4 года назад +1

    The school version is Hide.Hide.Run.

  • @reksutrygg1761
    @reksutrygg1761 5 лет назад

    I’m sorry for laughing but the police on that bike 😂 I can’t

  • @sfxan
    @sfxan 5 лет назад

    What’s the background music?

  • @SheriffSerge_YT
    @SheriffSerge_YT 2 года назад

    What Siren were they using?

  • @giovanniherrera6037
    @giovanniherrera6037 5 лет назад

    Glad I watched this because I didn’t know they used that fire alarm tactic

  • @angeli_perl5024
    @angeli_perl5024 4 года назад +1

    How can u call 911 if ur phone is left behind? ;-;

  • @bananamonkeygaming14
    @bananamonkeygaming14 5 лет назад

    How do you call 911 if you're supposed to leave all belongings ?

  • @sirouanbjrklund3633
    @sirouanbjrklund3633 6 лет назад

    Was it real guns or softgun??? Please answer.

  • @hiyokosaionji5732
    @hiyokosaionji5732 5 лет назад

    Teacher : Grab Anything Now!!!!
    Me:-grabs a piece of Fuzz-

  • @syenergy_btm9278
    @syenergy_btm9278 5 лет назад

    Sees a guy with a black duffel bag sneaking throughout the school
    Teachers: what a glorious morning (pumped up kicks in the background)