86.4% WIN RATE in 2 SHIELDS! *SHADOW* Alolan Graveler DESTROYS the Holiday Cup | GO BATTLE LEAGUE

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 22

  • @HjorturPwns
    @HjorturPwns 17 часов назад +9

    Thanks for the battle, Jonkus! I'm the first battle in this video. I watch your videos every day, so after the match, my fiancé asked me, "Why are you shaking so much?" It really made my day. Now I'm sharing this video with all my PoGo friends, showing them how I got clapped by the Jonkus spice 😂

  • @Per5i
    @Per5i 18 часов назад +3

    Hey was the guy at 12:16, love your battle content and GG.

  • @shamsjavaid
    @shamsjavaid 12 часов назад +1

    weird obsession with making decent GL cups like Halloween and holiday to little cup that not everyone likes to play

    @SYLVEXN 17 часов назад +1

    definitely the best little cup yet

  • @puddingmaster444
    @puddingmaster444 16 часов назад

    Begging people to check out water gun bubble beam Ducklett, it also suffers from an incorrect pvpoke move set and based off its average rating, it’s insanely good. From the looks of it, it’s better than rock throw graveler in terms of wins, but worse than rock throw graveller in terms of overall average rating

  • @nicksaleeba704
    @nicksaleeba704 11 часов назад +3

    How are you sick so often??

  • @EDEK99
    @EDEK99 18 часов назад +5

    What's happening with current state of the game WTF, every pokemon i kill just freeze...I cant even see when my opponent switch their mon WTF

    • @Zyorida
      @Zyorida 18 часов назад

      Wait till you realize the effectiveness of the move bug :D Had a alolan graveler getting hit by a ground move and it said resisted(blue shield), was so confused and let it through next time, dead x_x

    • @jlt276
      @jlt276 17 часов назад +3

      Because the game is a dumpster fire that is successful because of peoples blind addiction to the Pokemon company.

  • @TFerguson736
    @TFerguson736 12 часов назад

    Rock throw and incinerate are so much fun in this cup.

  • @WilliamN86
    @WilliamN86 17 часов назад +2

    Still kind of sucks that Smeargle gets no time. It pretty much has no play in any meta normally.

  • @salvucci91
    @salvucci91 9 часов назад

    Dude I am having so much fun in this cup, weird visual glitches aside.

  • @AVAx35
    @AVAx35 18 часов назад

    Any replacements for Hisuian Electrode?

  • @mlee8584
    @mlee8584 6 часов назад

    I can barely play this cup. When I knock out a Pokémon the game lags and I don’t even see the switch until they are a couple of fast moves in. Such a dumb issue

  • @osoalvarez7649
    @osoalvarez7649 8 часов назад

    I haven’t played since June. Can someone summarize what I missed these last few months, anything important?

  • @DtrJr
    @DtrJr 16 часов назад

    havent tried the cup bc i havent bothered to look at the mons for it yet bc i dont rly bother keeping ones for little cup. these are fun to watch tho and will be for a few

  • @chrismason3351
    @chrismason3351 18 часов назад +1

    I just wanna play the open great league :(

    • @maxdidathing1716
      @maxdidathing1716 18 часов назад

      Fr, all I've done these weeks is lose ELO constantly because of these terrible cup formats

    • @RolltheDice-bf6fm
      @RolltheDice-bf6fm 18 часов назад +2

      4x dust is a good reason to try this little cup