David C. Pack - Jesus Christ Returns on July 7, 2024 (Part 2)

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
  • This edited series of clips from "The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 520)" on June 22, 2024, focuses on David C. Pack's teaching that the Kingdom of God will arrive on Tammuz 1 (July 7, 2024).
    For a full picture, watch Part 1 and Part 2.
    The Pastor General of The Restored Church of God intentionally avoided saying it plainly. He admitted he had to "tiptoe" because of "ferocious opposition" from his "enemies."
    This is the third year in a row he said Jesus Christ would return on Tammuz 1. 2022, 2023, and 2024.
    #restoredchurchofgod #davidcpack #exrcg #restoredcog

Комментарии • 74

  • @linkellum2308
    @linkellum2308 2 месяца назад +20

    Why do people continue to do this? Jesus said not even He knew - only the Father. As a Pastor, this man should be ashamed of himself.

    • @andrewmarshall7569
      @andrewmarshall7569 2 месяца назад

      I came here to say the exact same thing. "No man knows the day or the hour" is an idiom for the Feast of Trumpets, and the history behind the Feast of Trumpets is very interesting. With this being said, we are commanded in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 to watch for the signs of the end. Setting dates is not a healthy activity because it gives believers false hope. There is a reason we don't know the day or the hour, and that is so we will cleave to and trust in God with everything. The early Christian Churches anxiously awaited Christ's return, while sharing the Gospel (1 Cor. 15:1-4) and feeding, clothing, and caring for the less fortunate. I love discussing the end times, but modern churches do not preach the Gospel in my experience.

    • @muchomacho2504
      @muchomacho2504 2 месяца назад +1

      This character has already proven himself shameless; horse left the barn on that one long ago. The more relevant discussion is whether the term "Pastor" can be applied to this individual. "Pastor" means "shepherd" and that implies one who cares for the flock not one that devours it; the word for that is "Wolf."

    • @andrewmarshall7569
      @andrewmarshall7569 2 месяца назад

      @@muchomacho2504 100%

    • @davidkarr5119
      @davidkarr5119 2 месяца назад

      So true, but, they never learn!

  • @CandaceChira1
    @CandaceChira1 2 месяца назад +19

    Is this turkey still predicting dates? Give it up Barney Fife.

  • @thomasgann8754
    @thomasgann8754 2 месяца назад +10

    I can say this with certainty Jesus will not come back July 7 2024 because no man knows the day nor the hour of His return but the Father.

    • @patrickmcmorris6935
      @patrickmcmorris6935 2 месяца назад

      Jesus returns at the end of the 7 year Tribulation. Besides.. Antichrist hasn't appeared on the world scene for his 7 year rule. Everything to do with God's timeclock, has do do with Israel. The Tribulation is God dealing with Israel. It is the time of Jacob's Trouble. They will have to flee mid- way during the Trib when the Man of Sin sits in the rebuilt Temple of God, and declares that he is God. Look at the Israeli news. There is great excitement with many Orthodox Jews expecting the new 3rd Temple to be rebuilt any time soon. They even have the Red heifer ready to sacrifice. God's wrath will be poured out upon the whole unbelieving, ungodly world during the 7 year Tribulation.
      Believers in Yeshua ''Jesus will be caught up Raptured', before this happens.
      God's wrath is not for the Church..the Bride of Christ. The Blessed Hope is the rapture of the believers BEFORE the Tribulation. The 2nd Coming happens when the Lord descends from heaven on the Mount of Olives. Two different events.
      If Jesus were to come on July 7th then it wouldn't be the Second Coming where he will be witnessed by all coming at the Battle of Armageddon descending with fierce anger to take vengeance of them who know not God. The Blessed Hope ''Titus 2.13'' is the appearing of the Lord in the air for the Church 7 years before the Tribulation. . The Church/believers will be returning with the Lord at the end of the Battle of Armageddon.. Seven years after the rapture.

  • @Golfiseasy
    @Golfiseasy 2 месяца назад +4

    This man does not know when Jesus is coming back. Jesus is coming back soon, but we don't know the day or hour

  • @Don-zo9ud
    @Don-zo9ud 2 месяца назад

    I’m confident now that Jesus is at the right hand of God, He knows when the rapture is happening.

  • @K4DL-AL
    @K4DL-AL 2 месяца назад +7

    Fraud. He is wrong. I bet my income for the rest of my life on it.

    • @marcryan71
      @marcryan71 2 месяца назад +1

      And you'd win the jackpot. The guy has already been wrong 82 times since March 2022. :)

  • @RussellWorkman
    @RussellWorkman 2 месяца назад +2


  • @wierdsmabob
    @wierdsmabob 2 месяца назад +3

    Another false teacher deceiving others. Jesus could return NOW if it is His time. We must be ready at any moment. I believe he was associated with the late Herbert W. Armstrong.

  • @sscalercourtney5486
    @sscalercourtney5486 2 месяца назад +4

    Paul said that Jesus said no man would know when he would return. Yet so many humans apparently know more that Jesus. Do they understand that is what they are doing? Even if they are sincere?

  • @marilynhallman8248
    @marilynhallman8248 2 месяца назад +3

    “Rightly dividing the Word of truth” is what you are not following, friend.
    God gives the simple Gospel.
    This is not simple.
    Colossians 2:6-8

  • @nottalackey3587
    @nottalackey3587 2 месяца назад +2

    Oh boy! This must be right! Nobody has ever made these predictions before! Or......uh.......have they? Oh yeah, Hal Lindsey, Mr. Rapture said the rapture was in 1981. I guess we all have missed it.

  • @tyronrampersad4433
    @tyronrampersad4433 2 месяца назад +1

    The American church is so interesting. If it’s not prosperity which ties in with the greed of the “American Dream”, they know everything even what the ANGELS don’t know. Open your eyes and start reading your bible.

  • @jodengarver1294
    @jodengarver1294 2 месяца назад +2

    No man knows the day and hour the son of man comes.. In fact the plagues haven't came.. So you will know them by their fruit. Sir you must have the wrong fruit.. He is coming soon but July 7 is a lie.... Thou shalt not lie..

  • @crustydownunder
    @crustydownunder 2 месяца назад +1

    In 4 days, I'll be back to laugh in your face!

  • @joelstewart7344
    @joelstewart7344 Месяц назад

    Always good for a laugh!

    • @marcryan71
      @marcryan71 Месяц назад

      Except for the about 1200 people who pretend to take him seriously...

  • @joelstewart7344
    @joelstewart7344 Месяц назад

    The guy's a math genius!

  • @davidadams8726
    @davidadams8726 2 месяца назад

    I inquired of the Lord for more information about this . . . . . He (the Lord) said He has already told me everything I need to know is in the Bible.

  • @jwbrakebill9267
    @jwbrakebill9267 2 месяца назад

    You want something so monumental as Everest? Okay, consider this.
    In Revelation, during the great tribulation there are 2 faithful witnesses clothed in sackcloth, Rev 11:3 -.... who have a 3 1/2 year ministry (1260 days) BEFORE Christ returns at the 7th trumpet blast in 11:15.: Now these 2 witnesses TORMENT the earth, 11:10, including, but not limited to, sealing up the heavens so it doesn't rain for these 3 1/2 years. Fire comes from their mouth that consumes their foes. They turn waters into blood, and plague the earth with various plagues as oft as they desire. Shortly after they are killed in Jerusalem, and their ministry ends, and they lie in the street for 3 1/2 days, then after being called up to heaven, there is a tremendous earthquake. Then in 11:15, the 7th angel blows his trumpet and Messiah begins to reign.
    Obviously, with today's technology of communication satellites, these two would be receiving all kinds of media attention for their prophesying and the suffering humans would realize they are here.. Since this HAS NOT HAPPENED, Messiah's return is at least 3 1/2 years away. THAT IS WHY I KNOW YOUR PREDICTIONS ARE FALSE.
    The 1260 days ÷ by 30 days per month is 42 months, or 3 1/2 years. Zech 4 also mentions them .
    Believing scriptures are ACCURATE, there is NO WAY Christ will return to take power until after these two witnesses have run their 3 1/2 year ministry course, and we may technically not even be in the tribulation yet. Just the beginning of the sufferings..
    I'm not predicting or prophesying, but if it were me, I would be watching for these two witnesses to arrive on the world scene probably sometime in early 2025. There are several scriptural events to count from and all seem to point to this world ending ~late 2028-2029, but I don't plan to reveal WHY now, as this is getting too long.

  • @ericsikma4764
    @ericsikma4764 2 месяца назад +2

    The $10,000 to ask here is, "What do we do on July 8 when nothing happens?"
    Now would be a GREAT time to buy stock in both the egg and the moist towelette industries. There’s going to be A LOT of egg to remove from A LOT of faces since Matthew 24:36 is Matthew 24:36. That means NOBODY...As in NOBODY...knows the day or the hour.
    Praying it all helps!

    • @exrcg_org
      @exrcg_org  2 месяца назад

      RCG folks will do what they always do after a failure. Nothing. They just keep at it hoping he will be right next time.

    • @ericsikma4764
      @ericsikma4764 2 месяца назад

      @@exrcg_org Actually, that's not even REMOTELY close to Scripture. Meanwhile, however, ready? Forever's a long time. How is one "ready" again? (Naturally, it needs to be a living faith and not a dead one. Demons can pass a theology exam but it's not doing them any good.) Saying something like that would be no different than saying, "Let's keep at it: We'll keep trying for salvation". Not a chance with junk like that. Pass. If this "Restored Church of God" teaches people junk like what's seen in the post, you may wish to SERIOUSLY do something about that (RUN comes to mind.) But, then again, it's your "forever" and your prerogative. Gamble as you please. (VERY foolish gamble but that's beside the point.)

  • @TheWitness-fx4xq
    @TheWitness-fx4xq 2 месяца назад

    I don't blame the excitement that this guy or pastor have. We all love to see Jesus coming down from Heaven the soonest time possible BUT... and ONLY BUT, some things needs to happen first as prophesied in the Book of Revelation... We still haven't seen the Two Witnesses doing their works and their demise AND the Third Temple in Jerusalem hasn't been built yet SO, it's highly unlikely that July 7, 2024 will be the day that Jesus returns... BUT, who knows?... God's ways are always higher than our ways, and His thoughts are always higher than our thoughts.
    Just keep the Faith and thank God every minute, every hour and everyday, for the next day might not come for you and me. Viva Cristo Rey!
    Peace and Blessings!

    • @exrcg_org
      @exrcg_org  2 месяца назад

      DCP has the timing and the sequence all figured out. :) People "in the world" are working off the wrong timeline...

  • @dougvb2096
    @dougvb2096 2 месяца назад +1

    Okay, I'm back... and it's 7/8/24. Seems like he went to the Harald Camping's school of prophecy. So David C. Pack has proven himself a false prophet.

    • @exrcg_org
      @exrcg_org  2 месяца назад

      He proved that back in 2013. This was failure #83 since March 2022. #84 will be this Wednesday around 1pm. Videos forthcoming.

  • @stuartmelvin5089
    @stuartmelvin5089 2 месяца назад

    If this were a dictionary, you would see the definition of a false prophet. Tune in July 8th!

  • @markjoslin9912
    @markjoslin9912 2 месяца назад

    Read the Bible…no one knows the time but the father. Not the sin, not the angels….,

  • @Pastor_Grant
    @Pastor_Grant 2 месяца назад +1

    Is this guy really predicting this or is it click bait?

    • @exrcg_org
      @exrcg_org  2 месяца назад

      Yes, he really is teaching the Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ will arrive on Tammuz 1 this year. This will be his 83rd failure since March 2022. His first failed attempt was in August 2013. See exrcg.org for more information.

  • @muchomacho2504
    @muchomacho2504 2 месяца назад +2

    I have a dental appointment that week. Should I move it forward, push it back, cancel it; what?
    Is it bad to max out my credit card first? Does he ever tell his subjects to do that? I mean, if you have faith...

  • @fouracrefamily9801
    @fouracrefamily9801 2 месяца назад

    Even if Jesus does return on that day, this man is a false prophet.

  • @miltonalexander6769
    @miltonalexander6769 2 месяца назад +2

    Its really very simple, in Matthew 24 his disciples asked Jesus two questions. What will be the signs of his coming and when will it happen. Jesus answered their two questions in the same chapter. The when part is in verse 29, "after the tribulation". I don't understand why many christians can't accept what Jesus has said "after the tribulation". Some say that there is nothing that has to happen before Jesus comes to rapture his church. Not according to what Paul has said in 2 Thessalonians 2,3. Let no man decieve you by any means: for that day ( the coming of the Lord day) shall not come except there come a falling away first, and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. I do keep my eye out for this fellow but so far he has not been revealed. I can understand why christians would not want to go through the tribulation but we can't contradict what Jesus himself has said just to push our own pre trib narative.
    Jesus will protect his own but that doesn't mean that he has to rapture us out of the earth to avoid the tribulation.
    Here's an encouraging word from Jesus himself when he was in the garden praying for his disciples in John17,15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. Why didn't he pray that God would just rapture them out.

    • @divergentone777
      @divergentone777 2 месяца назад

      AMEN! He kept Noah safe from the flood, He kept the Israelites safe through the plagues in Egypt, and He will see us safely through the 7 last plagues if we are faithful

    • @andrewmarshall7569
      @andrewmarshall7569 2 месяца назад +1

      Great points Milton! Matthew 24 speaks directly to what you are talking about. My questions is in the book of Luke it states: "Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." Luke 21:36 KJV, and then we have "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." Revelation 3:10 KJV. I would quote the entire chapters, but I'm keeping it short.
      I'm wondering if this will be divine protection for the believers in the Gospel throughout the tribulation, but many of us may suffer and may be killed as well (Read Mark 13 for preparation for those events). I can see how some would view this as a pre-tribulation rapture, but the only rapture position I have is that it will occur in the Lord's perfect timing, and when The Father tells Jesus to go and get his Bride. I also love your comment because it is respectful and loving of others (1 John).
      It troubles me to see people filled with hatred and vitriol over something that will happen in God's perfect timing. I think having a strong position on this issue will cause many to fall away if a pre-tribulation rapture doesn't happen. Additionally, if it were to happen (and I'm just going through the positions here), then it would be logical to conclude that a falling away would occur after a pre-tribulation rapture.
      I've always found the different positions interesting, and I wanted to share a video of the late Dr. Michael Heiser. While I love studying eschatology, he really didn't seem to enjoy the speculation. I also like how he always focuses on the text, the history, etc. and it provides invaluable context to everything he says. Blessings to you Milton Alenxander and to all of your family today and every day after. Cannot wait to have similar discussions in Heaven.

  • @danielbrowniel
    @danielbrowniel Месяц назад

    This didn't age well.

    • @exrcg_org
      @exrcg_org  Месяц назад

      Nothing he says ages well. :)

  • @shawnpullen8406
    @shawnpullen8406 2 месяца назад

    This is just to get views. God will not be mocked

    • @marcryan71
      @marcryan71 2 месяца назад +1

      "Just to get views"- for whom? David C. Pack does not host this channel. It is curated by a former member and employee who exposes their teachings so that people considering joining them can be adequately informed.

  • @OneWayCCM
    @OneWayCCM 2 месяца назад

    Matthew 24:36

    • @Stupidityindex
      @Stupidityindex 2 месяца назад

      It is by Faith -
      Moses becomes the worst navigator in history.
      We have preaching to the choir, wolves in sheep's clothing, hypocrites, a wicked generation seeking signs, pretending Deity makes Mormons so Christians will know how Jews feel.
      Jesus Christ comes not with peace, but sword, & everyone curses the other.
      He is alarmed at the gathering crowd, the only sign given is Jonah, a believer murdered by a greater number of believers.
      Jesus Christ promotes faith as worthless, since you can't expect movement from mountains with it: Nothing fails like prayers in a children's hospital.

    • @yourworstfear
      @yourworstfear 2 месяца назад +1

      @@Stupidityindex idiot

  • @dougvb2096
    @dougvb2096 2 месяца назад

    Today is 7/1/24. I'll check back on 7/3/24.

  • @user-jf8fk1mg3c
    @user-jf8fk1mg3c 2 месяца назад

    I hope not, I'm in it to win first prize and I'm not quite there!

  • @rossironmonger5626
    @rossironmonger5626 2 месяца назад

    David C Pack - what a lot of rubbish!

  • @richardhooper7706
    @richardhooper7706 2 месяца назад

    Me thinks me smells a false prophet.

    • @danielbrowniel
      @danielbrowniel Месяц назад

      yup he claims to be Elijah and his church is a cult, they think they are the ONLY Christians in the world

  • @Golfiseasy
    @Golfiseasy 2 месяца назад

    This man is going to look pretty stupid on July 8 😂😂😂😂

    • @exrcg_org
      @exrcg_org  2 месяца назад +1

      Technically, he will look pretty stupid for the 83rd time since March 2022. That number grows if you go back to his first failure in August 2013. :)

  • @LouSasol777
    @LouSasol777 2 месяца назад +1

    Jesuit much?

  • @thegreatcontroversychannel1611
    @thegreatcontroversychannel1611 2 месяца назад

    Jesus was baptized in 27 AD. He announced the Jubilee shortly following, so the final Jubilee year begins in Fall of 2027.