Thanks for posting. Good teamwork, communication, hose management, water conservation, nozzle use, diligence picking up flare-ups, and going slow but smooooooooth. I’m going to use this as an example to train my crew as how to do it RIGHT. Just curious, did you know you were gonna catch it before running out of water or did you guys have another truck coming in to pick it up when you ran out?
I'm studying Environmental Sciences w/ applied ecology and I work as a wildland fire fighter. I think working for the USFWS would be bring together all my skills and interests. How does someone seek employment as a firefighter or a biologist that can help in prescribed fire or fire suppression?
I’d try all 4 agencies- FWS, BLM, FS, and NPS. They all use foresters, biologists (ologists in fire fighting lingo-guys who are professionals outside forestry), Equipment operators, forestry techs, interpretive rangers (NPS), LE rangers (depends on the site/park) to do wild fire fighting in season. All 4 agencies have different mandates, but all are required to protect natural (plants, animals, terrain) and cultural resources. DOD is in a similar situation- I don’t know if the biologists are close enough to the firefighting to participate (think of large installations the size of a county and where Rx fire is an important tool to minimize risk from training and or facilitate range maintainance.
That engine is sick
Thanks for posting. Good teamwork, communication, hose management, water conservation, nozzle use, diligence picking up flare-ups, and going slow but smooooooooth. I’m going to use this as an example to train my crew as how to do it RIGHT.
Just curious, did you know you were gonna catch it before running out of water or did you guys have another truck coming in to pick it up when you ran out?
I'm studying Environmental Sciences w/ applied ecology and I work as a wildland fire fighter. I think working for the USFWS would be bring together all my skills and interests. How does someone seek employment as a firefighter or a biologist that can help in prescribed fire or fire suppression?
Just have 6 months of any work experience and apply for a gs3 spot.
Taylor USAJobs to only show forestry technician positions with USFWS. I don’t know if they follow the same hiring calendar as the other DOI agencies.
I’d try all 4 agencies- FWS, BLM, FS, and NPS. They all use foresters, biologists (ologists in fire fighting lingo-guys who are professionals outside forestry), Equipment operators, forestry techs, interpretive rangers (NPS), LE rangers (depends on the site/park) to do wild fire fighting in season. All 4 agencies have different mandates, but all are required to protect natural (plants, animals, terrain) and cultural resources.
DOD is in a similar situation- I don’t know if the biologists are close enough to the firefighting to participate (think of large installations the size of a county and where Rx fire is an important tool to minimize risk from training and or facilitate range maintainance.
is this the engine crew? or what the name of this position to apply have this engine
Is this BLM? I don't see many type 6 pickups like this around Vale I think they might have a couple but not like this.
It's Fish and Wildlife.