Fixing Star Trails - iOptron Cube E mount bearing replacement

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 3

  • @neilwilliamyoung
    @neilwilliamyoung Год назад +2

    Nice. Mines been collecting dust for awhile now. Funny i ran accross this video as there isn't much info on the Cube and i've searched.

  • @MrTassadit
    @MrTassadit Год назад

    Thanks a lot for this video. Do you know if the femal saddle can be separete from the axe ? I was asking myself if i can change it.

    • @summetj
      @summetj  Год назад

      I did not see an obvious method for it to do so, but I strongly suspect it is screwed in with threads. They may have used a very strong thread locker so it may be impossible to remove.