My dad passed 30 years ago he told me he hated oatmeal so much because they were so poor when he got older he made sure we didn't have to eat oatmeal. Before he died he told me if a man doesn't love me like he does ( did ) don't settle.. when this reading came on I started crying my dog is very concerned and won't stop picking me... I'm in a new relationship, and it's almost a year now for some reason I don't feel that the guy is genuinely interested in me he told me he loved me and it just doesn't feel right.. I've been feeling like I just want this life to be done with.. I'm 52 and all I do is feel used and not loved 💔 by everyone..
I have no one to talk or vent to and the complexity and incomprehensible measures of this circumstance is massive and though I just want to move forward I am so stuck and paralyzed with dealing as. If I need more information that I haven't received in order to move forward I feal like I'm in perrgatory and can't find the answers I need maintaining common sense and sanity is extremely difficult
Oatmeal: My mom passed away 1/4/24. I'm having a very hard time accepting it. I was clipping a few digital coupons & her favorite oatmeal (steel cut maple brown sugar) came up for FREE as a "Best Customer Bonus" cuz i bought so much. I just burst into tears and sob cried because i miss her so much & will never buy that shit ever again because she's gone. I just felt her then & heard, "you're not alone" then my brother was there too. I know it. I said, "that is not making this easier being together because dammit I miss you both." I just wanted to let you know that happened today - along with other things. You are absolutely perhaps the best intuitive reader I've ever seen. Thank you for this message. Sorry it was so long but had to give details to make it make sense lol. Peace, love & light to you. ❤️💯😘♌️🦁👑 Leo sun/moon/asc
Thank you Mariah yes we have been feeling like something is going to happen. I been seeing the last couple of weeks numbers 222, 333, 444, 555. Restless, sleeping a lot. My mom passed in 2015 my mom always love eating oatmeal. Appreciate your message. You are so gifted
My God 🥺❤️🩹 You’re So Gifted I’m Crying , I Jus Woke Up From A Dream Seeing My Deceased Baby Father.. He Keep Telling Me He’s Not Gone And He’s Here.. Moving To Houston With My Babies Outta Chicago Has Been On My Mind HEAVY . Wow 😭🕊️🙏🏽
Hi my dear! All this happened to me last two weeks.. It was really bad! I avoided all this!! Telecommunications Saber!! All true 😢. I'm ♌️ ,every time you got! Thank you
omg mariah im literally sitting here crying and shaking bc mentions of att & disaster etc. I was supposed to be attending a event this weekend at the att stadium in dallas , i was affected by the att outage as well for 6 hrs, also up until yesterday something shifted in me and i argued with my fiancé about us not attending this event bc i didnt know the others that would be joining wow.. just wow! def not going after this.. you’re good girl! def gonna trust my gut and listen more because i just know it’s my grandmas, they passed weeks apart. And to add i was mid argument when you posted and was like ill watch later tonight after errands ,& to think im watching now just wowwww
Orange is my favorite color; my grandpa is communicating with me every day. Love Love your energy and I'm Grandpa ate Oatmeal every day. 555 keep popping up. Namaste
I am huge on numbers,, took a nap today & woke up @ 5:55 also had a Walmart delivery today & got the text & email delivery time at my mothers birthday…. Totally resonating wit this readin 💜💯💜 My Mother 🕊️🕊️
Wow! My grandfather was so spiritual and always in church, I saw two crosses while driving home the other day and knew he was with me. I’ve been planning on moving out with my bf soon but am also having cold feet… this is what I needed. Thank you 🩷
Left a relationship and I feel I was being protected. I’m moving to New York and really wanted to stay connected with him at least as friends. I realized it’s best to do this adventure on my own
My late mom’s bday is 5/5, I’ve been questioning some people lately. I recently bought some grits b/c I’ve been craving some cheesy grits and smoked sausage When you said “pray”, I hit the like and it went up to 316. Thank you 💜✨☺️
Thanks Mariah sometimes I feel that I'm alone but my family is around me but i don't feel they are with me. And my mother just died one year ago. Your right I think I should be alone. Your readings always is for me.
I will definitely ex that put me in a 3rd party with all his lies. He's trying to come back with his love, although I love him...I'm not sure just how truthful he will be
I want out of where I am. God knows because I pray on it. The lack of communication where I am and the hostility is too much to bear anymore. I’m surrounded by dysfunction and frankly it’s draining my energy and making me feel uneasy and unhappy. I see 555 a lot and I know what I’m being told. ❤
Wow as you say this and I’m watching you mention orange, I’m staring at an orange chair while on the train, earlier today my friend shows me a orange sweater, I had a dream of hearing my dads voice who passed last year for the first time. I asked a question and heard him but I started crying in my sleep and woke up with real tears on my face.
As soon as I heard you say “grits and mentioned the number 5” I immediately knew that message came straight from my grams🥺! She loved to cook grits especially for me and she died in May (5th month) of 2022! I’m so thankful for all these confirmations🖤🤞🏾😢
This is a confirmation to go with my gut instinct and don’t attend this event. Once you mentioned warnings, telecommunications, & AT&T Fibers those are clear signs from my ancestors as I used to work for AT&T as well as other aspects in telecommunications dealing with fiber. Gratitude 🙏🏾.
Leo here and my mum is leo as well and this resonates for both of us especially for myself and yesterday while i was in my shower i was listening to RUclips and my phone was going spactic it was literally fast forwarding then rewinding each second and then it was literally skipping parts of the song from the start to finish it was very odd and kindy freaky but my gut told me that it was my son's father who passed away our son is now 3 and my mum's dad who passed away when she was 12 years old she is now 63 years old. And when you say 5's and animals that i often see a lot which are birds more so crows and the weird thing is i also have 5 dogs as of recently. Mum and myself we both have bad feelings around certain people and places.
Great reading!! Thank you! I recently bought a scratch off for $5 and I picked the one with the name five something on it bc the worker said the fifth will get you there faster but she was talking to someone else. On that card I won $5 on 5 different spots plus I won a $25 spot also for $50 total ❤. I've been seeing 5 very often lately. Im not sure what my ancestors are telling me. Maybe just that I am a royal leo ❤
i was watching 3 readers yesterday on YT and they all pulled 5 of [insert card here] in each reading .. and then this morning, i decided to get something that i normally never get or do or go and got this granola cup.. i waited to eat this and started eating this as soon as i clicked this video and when you said oatmeal I was like.. huh!? :O My dad passed away in 2020 and I want to believe that hes looking out for me even if I dont talk much about him. I know he knows I think about him, because if I do think or talk about him, I get emotional.
My mom passed away last year she was my everything she was a psychic and guided me thru life I miss her everyday and I keep seeing 555 and repeating numbers everywhere I feel she is trying to tell me something but haven’t figured it out yet it’s been very hard not having her to turn to
Friday is the 5th day of the week, my brother used to make fun of me for always guessing 5 as the answer to elementary math problems, and finally I work for AT&T's competitor!
Reading on point as always! I work in Telecommunications and we dealt with the outage all day at work 😫 my sister’s bday was February 5th and I heard her favorite song earlier.
Your on time I want to cry listen to this message I was reading something this morning and it was spiritual and it was telling me to be caution 💯 💯 ON TIME THANK YOU
Me right now with work!! I took a leave of absence due to a toxic work environment and I’m supposed to go back Monday and I’m not sure if should. I’ve been avoiding responding about going back but agreed to go back this morning right before watching this and I’m still contemplating returning but now I feel this is confirmation I shouldn’t! Just got into a new relationship and I’m hesitant because of health issues and my narcissistic ex emailed me yesterday 😪 I always feel like I’m better on my own with family, friends, relationships and even work
Why is my diet literally Oatmeal & Yogurt for breakfast/grits and protein, Ive been eating rice chicken and potatoes lately? And I had grits and lobster the other night. Spirit is transforming me into the very thing everyone wants but won’t be able to have bc they played. So yes. Thank you Mariah💗💗
I just found out I am a Leo based on new scientifically discovered and established zodiacs !!! Than I found you and you my absolute favorite face, zodiac messenger , connector to my inner child best friend ! Than I found out u r fr Texas and I dream and pray to move there and live in joy , love and light !!! You are my inner child best friend inner calling !!! You are just perfect 🤩 💝🥰🌸😎🫶
hey girl hey, good to see coming on!! your readings are always worth the wait. i appreciate everything you bring to your channel and sharing so much so your energy. ❤
it all centers towards my mom coming through, the oatmeal and grits means it's something that's going to matter. it's not a quick or fleeting issue or outcome, her birthday is the 25th, the number 5 was always present in her life, from her phone number, social security number ect. i don't know what she's indicating but I'll stay mindful. also I'm an at and t customer that's been affected by the recent outages however I live in the midwest
I'm not sure who this might be for me. I did lose my grandma a while back but we weren't close, I think I met her once. Only other person would be my unborn child. My ex and I lost her during the pregnancy. I do constantly see her in dreams. Each time would be the age she would be today, as if she is growing up in heaven 🥹. Thanks for this reading.
My ex broke up with me last week but still desired to keep in touch. Yesterday I told him I need time to heal & cut off all communication. Today I still could use my phone bc I’m an essential worker so my phone is connected to certain towers. My ex called me on wifi to check on me due to the phone outage & of course to test the waters to communicate
What a minute, let’s just wait… I’m from Houston, TX but I live in Mississippi. My dad just passed away the beginning of this year. I consider my luck or favorite number to be 5 and I also married my ex on April 5, 2008. My sister would buy my dad T-shirts of the Astros 😮
I need to hear this. I'm having a hard time. About to go through divorce with husband 😢 selling house and two kids involved it's very hard to let go but it's been unhealthy to stay in. I've never been on my own but I'm praying I'm making the right decision. We've tried reconciling many times and always end up back here.
I just finished watching a full moon message and I was the 555th like, and I just so happened to have my email open and the address was 555... that lone star has 5 points.. as does the astros logos with 5 points.. I like the principle behind the "lone star" meaning... Considering... I'm an only adopted child (1), and only grandchild (1), and only bio child (1) to one bio parent, and the only keystone grandchild (1) that was 1st to grad college... Mariah, a lot of those things I did completely on my own; however, I did have the spiritual support entering my 30's... I just felt that it would be much easier for me to fight for my independence and then become interdependent than it would be to just follow all the programs being handed to me... And I was correct to fight forward... there's a funny story there with the oatmeal (my mother) and the grits (my grandparents)... lol. I'll save that for later... **at&t is just getting into the fiber optic business... so they will have some tech issues... I am still being cautious though... I'm not rushing anything.. Thanks for sharing this..
I believe in Spirits. I believe in Angels. I believe in our Heavenly Creator. I believe my Spirit will go on for time unending. I don't believe in organized religions, to many tranbiqueiro's. I am a Deist practicing Deism. A life of love.
Thank you for the update this is 2 to Day were The # 5 Has Come up and Both Times Triple 5 I have to know why But I Will be okay And Thanks for sharing that God bless you Always AMEN
I was about to profess my love to my ex but all of a sudden we had network issues. I was able to text “Good morning” & he texted “Gm”. The “Gm” text didn’t sit well with me & all of a sudden communication failed nationwide… the same day you posted this particular video.🚩🚩🚩🚩 To say the least, I am glad I did not profess my love bc I was about to open the same door that I walked out of.
My grandmother who transitioned 15 years ago this 24th, came to me in a dream about a week ago and she was very upset with me. I'm not sure why, she just wasn't happy and she actually retired from AT&T. I have no clue what the message could be 😢
I lost my son mid last year had two dreams but didn't say anything, I pray to Jesus Mary and Joseph for protection and St.micheal.i have been seeing repeated 222 of late.thank you.
My dad passed 30 years ago he told me he hated oatmeal so much because they were so poor when he got older he made sure we didn't have to eat oatmeal. Before he died he told me if a man doesn't love me like he does ( did ) don't settle.. when this reading came on I started crying my dog is very concerned and won't stop picking me... I'm in a new relationship, and it's almost a year now for some reason I don't feel that the guy is genuinely interested in me he told me he loved me and it just doesn't feel right.. I've been feeling like I just want this life to be done with.. I'm 52 and all I do is feel used and not loved 💔 by everyone..
I’m with ya….
Yes I can relate
Me too an I will be 52 in 6mths never had that true Love 😢
You are indeed worthy
Get out the relationship if it doesn’t feel genuine you will continue to feel you have to please or overextend yourself
you have no idea how accurate your reading is , im so grateful you exist
I have no one to talk or vent to and the complexity and incomprehensible measures of this circumstance is massive and though I just want to move forward I am so stuck and paralyzed with dealing as. If I need more information that I haven't received in order to move forward I feal like I'm in perrgatory and can't find the answers I need maintaining common sense and sanity is extremely difficult
Oatmeal: My mom passed away 1/4/24. I'm having a very hard time accepting it. I was clipping a few digital coupons & her favorite oatmeal (steel cut maple brown sugar) came up for FREE as a "Best Customer Bonus" cuz i bought so much. I just burst into tears and sob cried because i miss her so much & will never buy that shit ever again because she's gone. I just felt her then & heard, "you're not alone" then my brother was there too. I know it. I said, "that is not making this easier being together because dammit I miss you both." I just wanted to let you know that happened today - along with other things. You are absolutely perhaps the best intuitive reader I've ever seen. Thank you for this message. Sorry it was so long but had to give details to make it make sense lol. Peace, love & light to you. ❤️💯😘♌️🦁👑
Leo sun/moon/asc
Thank you Mariah yes we have been feeling like something is going to happen. I been seeing the last couple of weeks numbers 222, 333, 444, 555. Restless, sleeping a lot. My mom passed in 2015 my mom always love eating oatmeal. Appreciate your message. You are so gifted
My God 🥺❤️🩹 You’re So Gifted I’m Crying , I Jus Woke Up From A Dream Seeing My Deceased Baby Father.. He Keep Telling Me He’s Not Gone And He’s Here.. Moving To Houston With My Babies Outta Chicago Has Been On My Mind HEAVY . Wow 😭🕊️🙏🏽
Hi my dear! All this happened to me last two weeks.. It was really bad! I avoided all this!! Telecommunications Saber!! All true 😢. I'm ♌️ ,every time you got! Thank you
omg mariah im literally sitting here crying and shaking bc mentions of att & disaster etc. I was supposed to be attending a event this weekend at the att stadium in dallas , i was affected by the att outage as well for 6 hrs, also up until yesterday something shifted in me and i argued with my fiancé about us not attending this event bc i didnt know the others that would be joining wow.. just wow! def not going after this.. you’re good girl! def gonna trust my gut and listen more because i just know it’s my grandmas, they passed weeks apart.
And to add i was mid argument when you posted and was like ill watch later tonight after errands ,& to think im watching now
just wowwww
Orange is my favorite color; my grandpa is communicating with me every day. Love Love your energy and I'm Grandpa ate Oatmeal every day. 555 keep popping up. Namaste
I am huge on numbers,, took a nap today & woke up @ 5:55 also had a Walmart delivery today & got the text & email delivery time at my mothers birthday…. Totally resonating wit this readin 💜💯💜 My Mother 🕊️🕊️
Wow! My grandfather was so spiritual and always in church, I saw two crosses while driving home the other day and knew he was with me. I’ve been planning on moving out with my bf soon but am also having cold feet… this is what I needed. Thank you 🩷
Left a relationship and I feel I was being protected. I’m moving to New York and really wanted to stay connected with him at least as friends. I realized it’s best to do this adventure on my own
My late mom’s bday is 5/5, I’ve been questioning some people lately. I recently bought some grits b/c I’ve been craving some cheesy grits and smoked sausage
When you said “pray”, I hit the like and it went up to 316. Thank you 💜✨☺️
This makes so much sense because I had a dream about my grandfather that passed away when I was a teenager. I was sad and surprised at the same time.
Thanks Mariah sometimes I feel that I'm alone but my family is around me but i don't feel they are with me. And my mother just died one year ago.
Your right I think I should be alone. Your readings always is for me.
I will definitely ex that put me in a 3rd party with all his lies. He's trying to come back with his love, although I love him...I'm not sure just how truthful he will be
My Mama is warning me🤍
She is a native Texas
I grew up there.
Thank you Sister🙏🏽
Leo’s love you Sister!! ♥️ 🦁 Thank you Beautiful… 🌟
Yes, my mom passed away on Oct 5th at 5:55
Thank you. You are always my first go to for messages. Some people may just do it for extra income , but you are truly gifted ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
I want out of where I am.
God knows because I pray on it.
The lack of communication where I am and the hostility is too much to bear anymore.
I’m surrounded by dysfunction and frankly it’s draining my energy and making me feel uneasy and unhappy.
I see 555 a lot and I know what I’m being told. ❤
Wow as you say this and I’m watching you mention orange, I’m staring at an orange chair while on the train, earlier today my friend shows me a orange sweater, I had a dream of hearing my dads voice who passed last year for the first time. I asked a question and heard him but I started crying in my sleep and woke up with real tears on my face.
As soon as I heard you say “grits and mentioned the number 5” I immediately knew that message came straight from my grams🥺! She loved to cook grits especially for me and she died in May (5th month) of 2022! I’m so thankful for all these confirmations🖤🤞🏾😢
This is a confirmation to go with my gut instinct and don’t attend this event. Once you mentioned warnings, telecommunications, & AT&T Fibers those are clear signs from my ancestors as I used to work for AT&T as well as other aspects in telecommunications dealing with fiber. Gratitude 🙏🏾.
Hi thank you for your knowledge and sharing your knowledge
I’ve been craving oatmeal for weeks now. And eating potatoes a whole lot often. Resonate with me, and very specific.
Leo here and my mum is leo as well and this resonates for both of us especially for myself and yesterday while i was in my shower i was listening to RUclips and my phone was going spactic it was literally fast forwarding then rewinding each second and then it was literally skipping parts of the song from the start to finish it was very odd and kindy freaky but my gut told me that it was my son's father who passed away our son is now 3 and my mum's dad who passed away when she was 12 years old she is now 63 years old. And when you say 5's and animals that i often see a lot which are birds more so crows and the weird thing is i also have 5 dogs as of recently.
Mum and myself we both have bad feelings around certain people and places.
fiber optic cable that is orange is "multi-mode" versus yellow which is used to distinguish "single mode cable"...we will see how this fits
Great reading!! Thank you! I recently bought a scratch off for $5 and I picked the one with the name five something on it bc the worker said the fifth will get you there faster but she was talking to someone else. On that card I won $5 on 5 different spots plus I won a $25 spot also for $50 total ❤. I've been seeing 5 very often lately. Im not sure what my ancestors are telling me. Maybe just that I am a royal leo ❤
i was watching 3 readers yesterday on YT and they all pulled 5 of [insert card here] in each reading .. and then this morning, i decided to get something that i normally never get or do or go and got this granola cup.. i waited to eat this and started eating this as soon as i clicked this video and when you said oatmeal I was like.. huh!? :O
My dad passed away in 2020 and I want to believe that hes looking out for me even if I dont talk much about him. I know he knows I think about him, because if I do think or talk about him, I get emotional.
This reading is amazing, my father passed away 30 years ago. I feel him talking to me
I started watching at 10:10 *CHILLS* 🌠🌠🌠
Eye receive this wholeheartedly
Wow, my grandfather dob is August 5th, and every morning, my grandmother would serve him oatmeal for breakfast. ✨️✨️
My grandmother passed 4 years ago. She came to see me , a spider appeared while i was doing my moon water soak 😮 i know it was her 😊✨
Thank you. I hear you and feel you loud and crystal, Queen.
My mom passed away last year she was my everything she was a psychic and guided me thru life I miss her everyday and I keep seeing 555 and repeating numbers everywhere I feel she is trying to tell me something but haven’t figured it out yet it’s been very hard not having her to turn to
Thank you! I needed to hear this message. Confirmation.
Ooh lawd please let this be good
My daughter who has passed last year was born on the 5th October
I never had time to grieve we were so close
I miss her so much
My sister's number was number 5 and I feel her presence with me❤
Friday is the 5th day of the week, my brother used to make fun of me for always guessing 5 as the answer to elementary math problems, and finally I work for AT&T's competitor!
Ma Mariah❤❤❤❤❤❤ wowwwwwww yes yes yes
My best tarot reader 😊❤❤❤❤ you did it again
Reading on point as always! I work in Telecommunications and we dealt with the outage all day at work 😫 my sister’s bday was February 5th and I heard her favorite song earlier.
As you were talking about white and orange, I was looking at a white and orange vase I hv. THANK YOU, this message came just in time for me. ❤
Thank you so much
If it is a warning
Thank you for being the embodiment of what it means to love❤
Holy Spirit always lets me know when to swerve & when to serve….😊😅
Thank you so so much for everything angel
I said on 2/22 that the cellular outage was spiritual. Today at work, the lights were flickering on and off. 🙏🏽
2:22pm right now as I’m watching
Your on time I want to cry listen to this message I was reading something this morning and it was spiritual and it was telling me to be caution
Hi Elf! That orange sign was great'
Me right now with work!! I took a leave of absence due to a toxic work environment and I’m supposed to go back Monday and I’m not sure if should. I’ve been avoiding responding about going back but agreed to go back this morning right before watching this and I’m still contemplating returning but now I feel this is confirmation I shouldn’t! Just got into a new relationship and I’m hesitant because of health issues and my narcissistic ex emailed me yesterday 😪 I always feel like I’m better on my own with family, friends, relationships and even work
February 5th has many major events and 5 is a reassuring/lucky number for me and family
Thanks 😊
Thank you for this message I sure will be watching for the signs bless you ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Orange is my favorite color
Thank you sis! I will be on guard ❤
Wow girl. You have a gift.
Thank you so so much for this message. It was exactly the message I have been asking for. 🙏🏻
Thank you. I have been feeling off for a while.
Wow, thanks! 😊❤
Why is my diet literally Oatmeal & Yogurt for breakfast/grits and protein, Ive been eating rice chicken and potatoes lately? And I had grits and lobster the other night. Spirit is transforming me into the very thing everyone wants but won’t be able to have bc they played. So yes. Thank you Mariah💗💗
I just found out I am a Leo based on new scientifically discovered and established zodiacs !!!
Than I found you and you my absolute favorite face, zodiac messenger , connector to my inner child best friend ! Than I found out u r fr Texas and I dream and pray to move there and live in joy , love and light !!! You are my inner child best friend inner calling !!!
You are just perfect 🤩 💝🥰🌸😎🫶
Saw 5555 on a license plate yesterday. Lots of 5s lately
I just started a job to do with seismic research & have been talking about fibre optic cables…..
Thank you!
Appreciate your warning message. Yes I will look at the signs ❤❤❤❤❤
I agree you are very gifted and my goodness girl you are beautiful on top of intelligence and empathy some man is very lucky very lucky
Or woman 😂😂
Your reading was perfect timing. I intend to listen to your words. 🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for the heads up. I love you 😚
Thank you 🙏
Spot on your on fire today ❤
Thank you again with this message a here you loud and clear 😘❤❤❤❤
Well I got the notification loud n clear. Its been one more day soooo. Can't wait.
hey girl hey, good to see coming on!! your readings are always worth the wait. i appreciate everything you bring to your channel and sharing so much so your energy. ❤
it all centers towards my mom coming through, the oatmeal and grits means it's something that's going to matter. it's not a quick or fleeting issue or outcome, her birthday is the 25th, the number 5 was always present in her life, from her phone number, social security number ect. i don't know what she's indicating but I'll stay mindful. also I'm an at and t customer that's been affected by the recent outages however I live in the midwest
Thank you
❤ Hi Murray i love you too my father his Dad 10 year go thank you 💕 for this Reading & My woman shi past way to 3 yers go
I'm not sure who this might be for me. I did lose my grandma a while back but we weren't close, I think I met her once. Only other person would be my unborn child. My ex and I lost her during the pregnancy. I do constantly see her in dreams. Each time would be the age she would be today, as if she is growing up in heaven 🥹. Thanks for this reading.
5s by the 5s🙌🏽
My radio at work right now watching live is number 5
Thanks dear..
My ex broke up with me last week but still desired to keep in touch. Yesterday I told him I need time to heal & cut off all communication. Today I still could use my phone bc I’m an essential worker so my phone is connected to certain towers. My ex called me on wifi to check on me due to the phone outage & of course to test the waters to communicate
Girl yup I already had that instinctual feeling mhmmm lone wolf vibes forreal
What a minute, let’s just wait… I’m from Houston, TX but I live in Mississippi. My dad just passed away the beginning of this year. I consider my luck or favorite number to be 5 and I also married my ex on April 5, 2008. My sister would buy my dad T-shirts of the Astros 😮
I need to hear this. I'm having a hard time. About to go through divorce with husband 😢 selling house and two kids involved it's very hard to let go but it's been unhealthy to stay in. I've never been on my own but I'm praying I'm making the right decision. We've tried reconciling many times and always end up back here.
8/6/1986 at 7:46am from Danville Illinois
lol! No word of a lie, yesterday this burnt orange 🍊 new modern Mini Cooper passed me and the number plate said “ClapTrap!”
Omg I have a orange Corvette ❤
Hey girl heyy
I just finished watching a full moon message and I was the 555th like, and I just so happened to have my email open and the address was 555... that lone star has 5 points.. as does the astros logos with 5 points.. I like the principle behind the "lone star" meaning... Considering... I'm an only adopted child (1), and only grandchild (1), and only bio child (1) to one bio parent, and the only keystone grandchild (1) that was 1st to grad college... Mariah, a lot of those things I did completely on my own; however, I did have the spiritual support entering my 30's... I just felt that it would be much easier for me to fight for my independence and then become interdependent than it would be to just follow all the programs being handed to me... And I was correct to fight forward... there's a funny story there with the oatmeal (my mother) and the grits (my grandparents)... lol. I'll save that for later... **at&t is just getting into the fiber optic business... so they will have some tech issues... I am still being cautious though... I'm not rushing anything.. Thanks for sharing this..
I believe in Spirits. I believe in Angels. I believe in our Heavenly Creator. I believe my Spirit will go on for time unending. I don't believe in organized religions, to many tranbiqueiro's. I am a Deist practicing Deism. A life of love.
Thank you for the update this is 2 to Day were The # 5 Has Come up and Both Times Triple 5 I have to know why But I Will be okay And Thanks for sharing that God bless you Always AMEN
I was about to profess my love to my ex but all of a sudden we had network issues. I was able to text “Good morning” & he texted “Gm”. The “Gm” text didn’t sit well with me & all of a sudden communication failed nationwide… the same day you posted this particular video.🚩🚩🚩🚩 To say the least, I am glad I did not profess my love bc I was about to open the same door that I walked out of.
My grandmother who transitioned 15 years ago this 24th, came to me in a dream about a week ago and she was very upset with me. I'm not sure why, she just wasn't happy and she actually retired from AT&T. I have no clue what the message could be 😢
I’ve been seeing 5s also
Thank you dear 🦋
Using an orange exacto knife and highlighter right now.
wow my grandmother was a Leo and we buried her on the 5th!
thank you,
I lost my son mid last year had two dreams but didn't say anything, I pray to Jesus Mary and Joseph for protection and St.micheal.i have been seeing repeated 222 of late.thank you.