You never lied, there's no telling what Eazy E would've been doing rite now,just imagine how many albums he would've recorded on down to movies. Even Bone would've been putting out more artists under Ruthless records.
I used to have 2 x 12inch 800 watt subs in the boot, along with 4 x 6x9s(2 x 180watt and 2 340 watt) and the beat from song rocked hard on them. was awesome.
@@raghavkapoor3227 ok i see in the southern countries people tend to be smaller. Here people are easily over 6' which isnt fun to me since im smaller than most other men
Man, I can't contain my emotions watching this. This era of rap was the golden era to me. You had have grown up in this time period to really grasp the true glory and vibe of this time period. I thank God I witnessed it. It was a space and time I will never forget.
That’s dope man, I was born late and I could see why. Now a days Im bumping old school music and finding gems, I’m just finding out about Big L he was doooooope
a n Wrong there's an interview on here where Eazy said he wrote a little bit every now and then and Eazys delivery and vibe is what made it stand out though cause there's dudes who write rhymes but won't make it sound as good as the person they wrote for I don't know why people don't understand this.
I'm 44 now and back when this came out when I was around 16...."STUDIO GANGSTA" was the worst to be labeled as. Autotune was unheard of and u had to really be from the streets and have real talent to be respected. And let me tell u at that age, rap back then.....we idolized these dudes and emulated them. Everyone was hard. Or tried to be.
I am the exact same age and I certainly do remember those days and that "crowd" (with a huge emphasis on "tried to be"... aka.. more like "wanna-be's)... ...which was most of those people from that age-group (roughly mid-teens to mid-twenties) who were absolutely convinced they were "hardcore-gangstas"(🙄) after listening to The Chronic. You wanna talk about cringe.
@@VredesStall Yeah, I admit I was afraid of many guys like that when I was a kid. I was bullied a lot in school until I started taking MMA. Easy E, Dre, Tupac, Biggie, Snoop were all masters of the game. Consequently, so many of our black people being fed that music took on the lyrics as life and it hurt the black community in so many ways. It made white people fear us, not respect us. It’s amazing that we cry Black Lives Matter, yet in reality, many of us are part of the problem. Part of it is the music we live by.
So true. You used to need to have credibility and talent. Now it's all manufactured & contrived. At least we still have access to the true giants of the game to compare and contrast and educate the young ones what's real and what's not.
That performance was clean no lag just straight spitting. This song is still one of the best dis songs out there. From the beat to the lyrics just awesome doesn't get old.
Omar S not all rappers, yes the mainstream mumble rappers, but listen to mick Jenkins he talks some real shit and there are still a lot of good rappers nowadays just kinda have to look.
Omar S as someone who is not American it is difficult for me to understand when rappers of today speak, they speak in slang. With Eazy E i can understand him.
damn Eazy's live rap is almost 100% perfect as studio record songs, and the scary thing is, he rapped it with chill vibe but still emanating that gangsta aura.
I agree 100% I miss the 80s and 90s, the music was real, the people was real, fun times, nowadays things is all screwed up, im glad to have experienced those era's, it was amazing, I wish I had a time machine, I would so go back lol
I used to come home from school every day and listen to my Eazy-E tape while doing my chores. When I got a TV in my bedroom at 15 I would stay awake every single night to watch Arsenio, this was my favorite show.
@@edpatch2778 I don’t think he wrote his lyrics. He didn’t really come up with the concept of gangsta rap, Cube takes all credit. Not hating on E, but yk.
@@pyrim1589 don't eleive everything you hear ,cube was a sell out like the others ,tried to dismiss easy, guy was stitched up in the worse way ,snoop etc are media whores
Like Him or hate Him, Eazy won this beef by a long shot. It doesn't matter if He's dead or alive, because He's still the king of Compton and the Godfather of Gangsta rap.
Amazing how his voice sounds just like his music. Not filtered..not autotuned...not like today, where any turd can sound good with mixing. I loved this guy and his music. Defined my high school years in the early 1990's. RIP Eazy E
Do you have to use that word to gain our attention? I mean, of the 5 trillion words in the English language...that was the only one you could think of? And you wonder why people use that word. What if my kids decided to look up this video..and saw this. I did not teach it to them...YOU DID. Think about that for a while.
lu kane No offense, but I ain't no n$$$$a - and if I would be, would not ashamed of that, but just saying. Yeah, I'm not original, but it's worth reminding the bubble gum rappers out there, what we feel like, or?
+Brian McManus If your kids are on youtube without close supervision then you have failed as a parent in that instance and any exposure to questionable language would be 100 percent on you. Before you decide to talk down to someone why not use that NC State education of yours and do some critical analysis on your own thought process, mores and biases. Some of us use that word as a term of endearment for good reason. You don't have to understand it or appreciate it. Personally I really couldn't care less what middle America thinks about us. Keep it moving, nigga.
+Brian McManus why should it be my fault of what your kids look at on RUclips you are the parent you're supposed to control what they look at at such a young age I'm 19 and yes my parents use the word nigga sometimes but does it make them bad parents for me picking up the word? No does it make me a bad person?no I'm about to start my freshman year at a university so next time think before you type sir/ma'am
This is around the time I met Eazy in front of my label on Wilshire Blvd, he gave me his number and said if there's anything I need hit him up (he knew my manager so he had my music already), we talked for about half an hour, the night before he played my single on his radio show, he told me he was about to go on Arsenio Hall Show, and that he was going to diss Dre and Death Row on there. I was conflicted because I had artist from Death Row on my single, but he knew and still played my single on his show. He was the most down to earth,kind, generous, and smartest brother I have met, I miss him... the creator of west coast gangsta rap , R.I.P. Eazy-E!
Man one of my favorite artist of ALL time! R.I.P Eazy E... Man I wish they could have squashed it and got back together.... Much love to LA... From Scottdale GA.
U are obviously a kid, who was raised in a predominately white neighborhood and not the hood lol. Do u even know what eazy thought of people like u? hahaha and u are such a bandwagon for watching the movie, then going online to research the story. The story been out and talked about in all the years before 2015, back til when it 1st happened u trend following bandwagon.
First off, im 41 so I'm not a kid. Secondly, I've been hearing Easy-E since I was a young kid when he was first coming up. Loved him then and love him now. 3rdly, I grew up in a somewhat ghetto part of town so I wasn't privileged by any means and yes, there were plenty of blacks, most my friends too so fuck off with your nonsense assumptions you ignorant wannabe thug.
Look who became successful. Karma came back to bite easy. Easy kids grew up in the ghetto and Dr. Dre multimillionaire. Look at Ice Cube. Karma don't mess with
what are you talkin about? Eazy E's kids are doing well, they still live off the royalties of Eazy's hits. From what I heard Dre don't even take care of his own kids.
Orion Yea definitely an idiot that owned and started a record label with no prior corporate business experience and drug dealing as his only prior work experience lol u sound like the idiot.
I miss em man i was young when this interview came out but every lil bro wanna be like big bro and he was a NWA fan at the time then he became a cop smh and I became a gangstas in and out of jail and everything lol how times change man now am the ugly 🦆 in the fam like they say the rotten 🍎
@@t.m.g3357 The Arsenio Hall show was a production of Paramount TV and was syndicated, appearing on different channels at different times around the country. I believe in Los Angeles, where I was watching it back in the day, it was on KTLA.
Still miss Eazy...this beef made so much hype and so much money, and it worked out well for both of them in the end. When Eazy was diagnosed, all of his real boys came back to him and even Dre was at his bedside to show love for his boy. They came up together, they blew up together, and no matter what bullshit existed between them in the music business, they were all still friends in the end. They were planning a comeback before Eazy passed. Who knows how big they could've become if Eazy hadn't had passed. Dude was talented, as shown here. Rest in peace Eazy-E, Eric Wright. Maybe some day I'll get to see you up in Heaven brother.
Man, this interview brings back so many memories. It’s unfortunate what happened between Easy, Dre, Cube, Wren and Yella. But N.W.A. was a phenomenon to say the least. Ppl who didn’t take the time to actually hear them speak in interviews (no social media back then) usually made unfair assumptions about them. Of course Easy passed on later from AIDS but the rest of N.W.A. are successful entrepreneurs to this very day. I have no doubt that had Easy still been alive he would’ve been just as successful. Unfortunately back then they weren’t experienced enough to realize, that some of the individuals who represented the record labels couldn’t be trusted. Jerry Heller to be specific. While this interview is an example of raw uncut honesty, it’s also another reminder of how money can destroy friendships if you allow it to. R.I.P. Easy.
He was a gangster because of his environment , not because he wanted to be.. and that's why people don't respect these "studio gangsters" because people like eazy e wanted bring forth positive change .. that being said he was very charitable with a good heart
I am white metalhead, know very very little about the rape game but I know these facts: These were the REAL DEAL classic dudes, EAZ lived what he said and he was a very charitable. Out of NWA I liked him, I was never into rap but THIS his video for this I could watch ALL day. ABout Snoop, Iive 24/7 Hockey (NJ DEVILS) and Dallas Cowboys football. I LOVE LOVE Snoop's a big hockey fan but OMFG is he a bandwagonjumper LOLIt is a shame Eaz went out llike he did. Did he get aids from a blood transfusion or was he with a "He-she Thang?" BTW I AM A HE-SHE THANG SEXY A LEATHER TRANNY and I don't have ut….RIP EA
@@24102 or let the shit die and talk about something else instead of abusing the genre, theres multiple genres, but if you want to do "gangster rap" you gotta be about it.
I usually hate censored versions but this one is slick, he managed to spit the whole track live without cursing once and the track is still hard, think about that.
I was alive during this time but I honestly didnt see this when it originally aired. I had school the next day I couldnt be staying up past midnight to see who was going to be on Arsenio.
Lol that was a smoooth recovery. He did that so nice I didn’t even notice it the first time. If that was me my hand would have remained suspended in air waiting for my dap like a dumbass only to be left looking foolish to Triangle Heads blind spot that would have never spotted it. It was a really fantastic recovery. Keep rewinding it to that spot to appreciate at how gracefully he slipped out of that awkwardness in real time and under the bright lights. I could never pull this off so effortlessly but I’m gonna give it a try next time my hand reaches for a dap in someone’s blind spot. Have this like boy. You earned it.
Man, the 90s were so dope. I miss this kind of rap. It was dissing at its finest. It was crazy rap like today. It was just letting another rapper what it is and got some life lessons in the song as well
Eazy-E was too ahead of his time. America's nightmare. It all went too fast. The real rap happened too quick and too many got caught up. Real rap was been and gone from mid 80's to late 90's. What do we have left??? It's a lost art.
E-Z didn't want to rap. He was a dime bag dealer and was thrown into the rap game when NWA was being put together and he was the only one that had enough cash to make a record.
@@talibjackson4237 hey bro a hit is a hit, diss track or not... But when he bust out the print-out photos of Dre wearing lady clothes I start cracking up 🤣🤣
@@chrisgotthat2435 He died of pneumonia from having aids. No one offed him cuz they were to afraid of Easy. He was a true G and a savy businessman. RIP Easy
The most ridiculous comment in history😂 you know he couldn't rap to save his life? Cube literally wrote his raps for him, and dre walked him through how to make the rap come off while Easy read it off a piece of paper? The man was no King and he couldn't have been more fake, it was ALL an act, he is literally the original Colby Colvington😂 But having said that, NWA with Easy fronting it, cube cutting it and Dre producing it brought gangsta rap to the people and the 90s to mid 00s were on fire because of them so credit due there
Part 2!видео.htmlsi=4zymvYoe2B6XlaW2
One of the most classic voices in hip hop history
Certainly Facts💯
I dont like it that much haha but i have huge respect
You never lied, there's no telling what Eazy E would've been doing rite now,just imagine how many albums he would've recorded on down to movies. Even Bone would've been putting out more artists under Ruthless records.
Classic looks too RAIDERS DARK SHADES
Dear god give us back Eazy E, Tupac and Biggie Smalls and well give you 6ix 9 ine , Lil pump and Lil Xan
Add mgk too
Camesha Bahe and Bitch ass see and poop he can take those fake ass bitches too
I meant bitch ass dre
Fuck youuu. 69 is actually different and good
And take Lil yahty too
Dude literally came in with his bathrobe on. Total badass.
Mega Rayquaza Gaming fr😂😂😂😂😂
With the trademark shades and Compton hat. Savage interview too
Barefoot, too!
I was lucky enough to meet Eazy and he’s one of my nicest people I’ve met
tell me more details please
Happy birthday eazy e 55 year old
fake story
One of the dopest songs and beats of all time! RIP Eazy-E
I used to have 2 x 12inch 800 watt subs in the boot, along with 4 x 6x9s(2 x 180watt and 2 340 watt) and the beat from song rocked hard on them. was awesome.
Boyz in the Hood knocked my car window out : )
Damn Eazy was literally 5’4 but walked and had the confidence of a 7 footer. That’s gangster. Fear’d no man 😤
5'2 * but yes ur right
Damn he was that small? Im 5'7 and feel small but damn eazy even smaller than me
@@99yearsago37 am 5'5". It's all in the head
@@raghavkapoor3227 ok i see in the southern countries people tend to be smaller. Here people are easily over 6' which isnt fun to me since im smaller than most other men
BS! Easy to act like a badass on TV. Proves nothing.
Eazy E was a Legend
He still is!
He is still a legend
Still is.
I'm just going to say easy e is a legend. But when they were all hanging out, they were genuine then. I think Eazy-E was just a salty boss.
@@shingaming1611 exactly
Man, I can't contain my emotions watching this. This era of rap was the golden era to me. You had have grown up in this time period to really grasp the true glory and vibe of this time period. I thank God I witnessed it. It was a space and time I will never forget.
That’s dope man, I was born late and I could see why. Now a days Im bumping old school music and finding gems, I’m just finding out about Big L he was doooooope
The golde ageof rap was 1977 to 1985.
After 1985, rap music became that trashy black mobster shit.
@@neonfrootthose corny trash? lmao u have trash taste
Eazy had a distinct VOICE.....
@Austin Sullivan aint nobody got time for that
One of the best voices in rap
Dynamic Voltage he did though, he had a lung disease and Thad why his voice sounded that way.
It was a long condition he had
Tou Nou Thao no it would not
Man rapping without auto tune, pure talent RiP Eazy
Like all rappers should. Fecking smurfs
dude he only rap, never wrote his own shit :>
a n Wrong there's an interview on here where Eazy said he wrote a little bit every now and then and Eazys delivery and vibe is what made it stand out though cause there's dudes who write rhymes but won't make it sound as good as the person they wrote for I don't know why people don't understand this.
RIP???? Nice try, Dudes probably NOT in the presence of God, less he repented seconds before he died
Everybody wants to say 'Oh, rest in peace. when gangsters live horrible lives of sin.' Gets a little bit old. They ain't resting in peace Buddy.
I see a lot of studio gangstas now a days.!
SUPERMAN ALVAREZ say that again for the marks in the back!
DRAKE DRAKE cough cough!
Abel Alvarez it ain’t what it used to be bruv
More like internet gangstas 😂😂
Eazy-E sounded amazing live. One of the greatest.
for real i thought i listened to the real song its crazy how good he sounds live
Wish he was still alive
Don John count odb and the late great sean price.
+Don John Lisa Lopes aswell
SPAM Wish he had a world he could live in peacefully.
His voice is so unique Rest in Power King
I'm 44 now and back when this came out when I was around 16...."STUDIO GANGSTA" was the worst to be labeled as. Autotune was unheard of and u had to really be from the streets and have real talent to be respected. And let me tell u at that age, rap back then.....we idolized these dudes and emulated them. Everyone was hard. Or tried to be.
I am the exact same age and I certainly do
remember those days and that "crowd"
(with a huge emphasis on "tried to be"...
aka.. more like "wanna-be's)...
...which was most of those people from that
age-group (roughly mid-teens to mid-twenties)
who were absolutely convinced they were
"hardcore-gangstas"(🙄) after listening to The Chronic.
You wanna talk about cringe.
@@VredesStall Yeah, I admit I was afraid of many guys like that when I was a kid. I was bullied a lot in school until I started taking MMA. Easy E, Dre, Tupac, Biggie, Snoop were all masters of the game. Consequently, so many of our black people being fed that music took on the lyrics as life and it hurt the black community in so many ways.
It made white people fear us, not respect us. It’s amazing that we cry Black Lives Matter, yet in reality, many of us are part of the problem. Part of it is the music we live by.
So true. You used to need to have credibility and talent. Now it's all manufactured & contrived. At least we still have access to the true giants of the game to compare and contrast and educate the young ones what's real and what's not.
@@Thmusic7 truth.
@@MiKeSaInT3000 Thanks. How are you, my brother?
That performance was clean no lag just straight spitting. This song is still one of the best dis songs out there. From the beat to the lyrics just awesome doesn't get old.
eazy was funny as shit, wish he was still here today. always kept it 💯
aeriell moore he was a bitch. Straight thief fuck him glad he gone.
James Bright So whos better in your opinion
James Bright bitch you talk bout eazy like that? Man get the fuck out of here nigga.
James Bright Fuck off bitch boy nigga.
aeriell moore wish won’t bring him back will it
0:28 Eazy dodged that denied handshake like a boss.
hell yeah he did haha. like he just said fuck it and went for the strap haha.
This guy says strap and means an actual strap. Really confused here based on context.
@@zebatov lmao
I didn’t see a dodge. He thought Arsenio was going to shake his hand but didn’t and he hid his ready to shake Arsenios hand, like a boss.
back when all rappers didn't have a speech impediment
Omar S not all rappers, yes the mainstream mumble rappers, but listen to mick Jenkins he talks some real shit and there are still a lot of good rappers nowadays just kinda have to look.
Omar S as someone who is not American it is difficult for me to understand when rappers of today speak, they speak in slang. With Eazy E i can understand him.
lmfao pretty much
And no autotune
His flow was so smooth..R.I.P legend
Easy wasn't lying about DeathRow (Suge Knight) being a boot camp, Dre found out the hard way.
G MAC but Eazy lied about all his own bullshit!...
yeah thats sad he knew the internal conflicts at death row long before it went public
+IMxYOURxDADDY yea its all jerrys fault who didnt let him
Eazy-E Forever together
that nigga came out with a shower robe on straight g! lol
lol agree
you must be muslim
he had aids so what. people git blood press
and no socks
Feet are funny huh
damn Eazy's live rap is almost 100% perfect as studio record songs, and the scary thing is, he rapped it with chill vibe but still emanating that gangsta aura.
yeah how crazy is that
sounds even better live and that's hard to do
❤that is California for you
that was one of the things I loved with his music - never ever had to try to give that presence, it was just there.
My guy came out with boxers, no shoes and a robe... legend
Man, the late 80's and early 90's were just an amazing time growing up.
CCJJ160Channels amazing time? lol.. crime rate was much higher...
IamLEGENDkb24 Think he means Music wise :)
IamLEGENDkb24 And the unemployment rate was much lower. It was before 9/11, no ISIS, and great music.
Yes it was. Miss those times.
I agree 100% I miss the 80s and 90s, the music was real, the people was real, fun times, nowadays things is all screwed up, im glad to have experienced those era's, it was amazing, I wish I had a time machine, I would so go back lol
Studio gangstas= keyboard warriors.
Haha I thought the same thing how studio gangstas = keyboard warriors
Eazy changed real mothafucking g's to real compton city g's because he was on TV, gangster shit
"Studio Gangsta- somebody that's not real, they go in the studio and all of a sudden become hard when they used to do dance music" - Eazy E
jae sutt Soulja boy
jae sutt you dont quote eazy. xD. Hes too good for that
The Holder Of Demons don’t quote me boy cuz i ain’t said sh**
Israel Ortega lol.
The Holder Of Demons Cuz the boyz n the hood are always hard. come talkin the trash
I used to come home from school every day and listen to my Eazy-E tape while doing my chores. When I got a TV in my bedroom at 15 I would stay awake every single night to watch Arsenio, this was my favorite show.
Eazy E and Tupac were always my favourite. Hasnt changed all these years. NWA Eazy always stood out from the rest.
Me 2 bro
Eazy E.
Bruh eazy e is really really underrated Tupac is amazing but damn eazy is the maker of gangsta rap
@@edpatch2778 I don’t think he wrote his lyrics. He didn’t really come up with the concept of gangsta rap, Cube takes all credit. Not hating on E, but yk.
My man was always Cube...
@@pyrim1589 don't eleive everything you hear ,cube was a sell out like the others ,tried to dismiss easy, guy was stitched up in the worse way ,snoop etc are media whores
Like Him or hate Him, Eazy won this beef by a long shot. It doesn't matter if He's dead or alive, because He's still the king of Compton and the Godfather of Gangsta rap.
No one hated him but Suge lol
he got smoked in no vaseline their was nothing he could say to recover from that
+Michael Hallahan you right but every person in nwa got ruined on that track. EAZY def won the feud with Dre.
He probably figured that Ice Cube made some points
so right shani he was a good raper love u eazy
KRS-ONE and Eazy-E in the same room at the same time? DOPE 💯
They didn’t have any beef.
@@pungisotu I know they didn't have any beef. I'm just saying...two legends and pioneers in the same room is dope.
Human_Guinea_ Pig_ true indeed. Would have been more interesting to see Kris and Cube since they did have beef at the time. Both legends no doubt.
@@pungisotu for sure
Krs one was in
One of the iconic rappers of all time RIP my brother ❤️🕊
Amazing how his voice sounds just like his music. Not filtered..not autotuned...not like today, where any turd can sound good with mixing. I loved this guy and his music. Defined my high school years in the early 1990's. RIP Eazy E
He had bad bronchitis.It was on a interview
@@totophandhamaly9944 he sound like that for along time his voice was smooth like that
Talk about Kodak !
@ Brian McManus, you have the whitest name, ever.
I love his voice SEXY SEXY.
Drakes the definition of a studio gangsta
Drake the "Godfather" of studio gangster
Mia Bryant Right
***** Nah, bro
OrangeJuiceIsDenk I don't think Drake ever claimed to be gangsta so yo comment is dumb as hell
OrangeJuiceIsDenk Forget gangsta Drake isn't even a rapper
Eazy-E in bathrobe looks more gangsta than all this carrot-jeans-bubble-gum-lyrics-rappers nowadayz...
Nigga shut up come up with something original
Do you have to use that word to gain our attention? I mean, of the 5 trillion words in the English language...that was the only one you could think of? And you wonder why people use that word. What if my kids decided to look up this video..and saw this. I did not teach it to them...YOU DID. Think about that for a while.
lu kane
No offense, but I ain't no n$$$$a - and if I would be, would not ashamed of that, but just saying.
Yeah, I'm not original, but it's worth reminding the bubble gum rappers out there, what we feel like, or?
+Brian McManus If your kids are on youtube without close supervision then you have failed as a parent in that instance and any exposure to questionable language would be 100 percent on you. Before you decide to talk down to someone why not use that NC State education of yours and do some critical analysis on your own thought process, mores and biases. Some of us use that word as a term of endearment for good reason. You don't have to understand it or appreciate it. Personally I really couldn't care less what middle America thinks about us. Keep it moving, nigga.
+Brian McManus why should it be my fault of what your kids look at on RUclips you are the parent you're supposed to control what they look at at such a young age I'm 19 and yes my parents use the word nigga sometimes but does it make them bad parents for me picking up the word? No does it make me a bad person?no I'm about to start my freshman year at a university so next time think before you type sir/ma'am
This is around the time I met Eazy in front of my label on Wilshire Blvd, he gave me his number and said if there's anything I need hit him up (he knew my manager so he had my music already), we talked for about half an hour, the night before he played my single on his radio show, he told me he was about to go on Arsenio Hall Show, and that he was going to diss Dre and Death Row on there. I was conflicted because I had artist from Death Row on my single, but he knew and still played my single on his show. He was the most down to earth,kind, generous, and smartest brother I have met, I miss him... the creator of west coast gangsta rap , R.I.P. Eazy-E!
kingkrvne bullshit
Ice T is.
Even KRS one is not impressed. He raises his eyebrows when arsenio says itвидео.html
Jon Clarkson hahahahahaha
Studio Gangsters; pretty much all the so-called “rappers” nowadays.
nah some of them actually bout it tho.
Most of em bout it now frfr lol
Swa M nah they definitely not all ab it
young boy
Is that a bad thing? Is being a gangster cool or something?
Tupac, biggie, eazy e.....true rap legends
Ice cube,nas,snoop,jay z etc
Fuck jay z
Fat pun bigL and biggie
***** no i heard of it bt why ?
Eduardo Hernandez Bone Thugs legendary too.
Man one of my favorite artist of ALL time! R.I.P Eazy E... Man I wish they could have squashed it and got back together.... Much love to LA... From Scottdale GA.
Easy-E was soooooo fucking badass. Love this guy!!!
U are obviously a kid, who was raised in a predominately white neighborhood and not the hood lol. Do u even know what eazy thought of people like u? hahaha and u are such a bandwagon for watching the movie, then going online to research the story. The story been out and talked about in all the years before 2015, back til when it 1st happened u trend following bandwagon.
First off, im 41 so I'm not a kid. Secondly, I've been hearing Easy-E since I was a young kid when he was first coming up. Loved him then and love him now. 3rdly, I grew up in a somewhat ghetto part of town so I wasn't privileged by any means and yes, there were plenty of blacks, most my friends too so fuck off with your nonsense assumptions you ignorant wannabe thug.
+Johnnyboy JT calm the fuc down cuz, chill
@@johnnyboyjt8909 u a goofy
They killed this man...
Eazy was killed why no one talk about this!
Eazy E was a cake boy
AIDS killed Easy E.
Who killed em?
Matthew F
He died in 1995 of HIV/AIDS.
RIP Eazy
You were a special soul!
Truely a one of a kind artist that will always be remembered as Raps GodFather!!
Dr Dre made him
@@TheJDM626 nah he made Dr Dre
@@TheJDM626eazy made half the ppl in nwa
@@TheJDM626Eazy was made West Coast and N.W.A.
@@hicismykingno. Cube and Dre did.
Celebrate the ones that still live like KRS
"Why don't you all make up"
"He already made up, you ain't never seen him with the lipstick and lace....."
E was really making a mockery of Dre. If this shit happened today Dre would be looking very Meekish
Look who became successful. Karma came back to bite easy. Easy kids grew up in the ghetto and Dr. Dre multimillionaire. Look at Ice Cube. Karma don't mess with
what are you talkin about? Eazy E's kids are doing well, they still live off the royalties of Eazy's hits. From what I heard Dre don't even take care of his own kids.
2Pac: Lyric King
Eazy: Gangsta King
Biggie: Flow King
Dre: Beat King
Eminem: Rhyme King
Lil Wayne & Jay - Z: Burger King
+anwer adel wtf do you mean wit dat bruh.
in morocco :
mr crazy
spoo pow
sabaa toun
+anwer adel eazy Gangsta lol
+anwer adel Add Cube to Lyric king
+Robert Joseph MacCready hard bro
6:01 BG KnoccOut's opening line is still one of the greatest intro/bar in Hip Hop.
Agreed, super clean and amazing!
Eazy was a smart, smart dude. Such a tragedy that his life was cut so short.
He was an idiot
Tragedy? He had a ton of unprotected sex
@@fenwayandwrigley and lol? Still a tragedy dummy
Orion Yea definitely an idiot that owned and started a record label with no prior corporate business experience and drug dealing as his only prior work experience lol u sound like the idiot.
@@orion000 That “idiot” was more successful than you’ll ever be. RIP Eazy-E.
I watched this live and had no idea how iconic and legendary this would be.
What year was it ? And what channel?
So sick
I miss em man i was young when this interview came out but every lil bro wanna be like big bro and he was a NWA fan at the time then he became a cop smh and I became a gangstas in and out of jail and everything lol how times change man now am the ugly 🦆 in the fam like they say the rotten 🍎
@@t.m.g3357 The Arsenio Hall show was a production of Paramount TV and was syndicated, appearing on different channels at different times around the country. I believe in Los Angeles, where I was watching it back in the day, it was on KTLA.
Still miss Eazy...this beef made so much hype and so much money, and it worked out well for both of them in the end. When Eazy was diagnosed, all of his real boys came back to him and even Dre was at his bedside to show love for his boy. They came up together, they blew up together, and no matter what bullshit existed between them in the music business, they were all still friends in the end. They were planning a comeback before Eazy passed. Who knows how big they could've become if Eazy hadn't had passed. Dude was talented, as shown here. Rest in peace Eazy-E, Eric Wright. Maybe some day I'll get to see you up in Heaven brother.
Unfortunately that didn't happen in real life.
Spirit Animal which part. What he said is mostly true if not all of it.
GT3582R LSVTEC EJ8 he’s not in heaven sorry to say so nice try buddy
Honestly I wonder how it would have been with him and pac rapping at the same era
Aye yo daz, eazy come eazy
Man, this interview brings back so many memories. It’s unfortunate what happened between Easy, Dre, Cube, Wren and Yella. But N.W.A. was a phenomenon to say the least. Ppl who didn’t take the time to actually hear them speak in interviews (no social media back then) usually made unfair assumptions about them. Of course Easy passed on later from AIDS but the rest of N.W.A. are successful entrepreneurs to this very day. I have no doubt that had Easy still been alive he would’ve been just as successful. Unfortunately back then they weren’t experienced enough to realize, that some of the individuals who represented the record labels couldn’t be trusted. Jerry Heller to be specific. While this interview is an example of raw uncut honesty, it’s also another reminder of how money can destroy friendships if you allow it to. R.I.P. Easy.
The 1.5k dislikes is Suge Knight! 😂😂
Randy Wissler he made all them accounts😂😂😂
One of them maybe.
And mumble rappers lol
Yessssss, What else can he do in jail😂❓
He was a gangster because of his environment , not because he wanted to be.. and that's why people don't respect these "studio gangsters" because people like eazy e wanted bring forth positive change .. that being said he was very charitable with a good heart
I am white metalhead, know very very little about the rape game but I know these facts: These were the REAL DEAL classic dudes, EAZ lived what he said and he was a very charitable. Out of NWA I liked him, I was never into rap but THIS his video for this I could watch ALL day. ABout Snoop, Iive 24/7 Hockey (NJ DEVILS) and Dallas Cowboys football. I LOVE LOVE Snoop's a big hockey fan but OMFG is he a bandwagonjumper LOLIt is a shame Eaz went out llike he did. Did he get aids from a blood transfusion or was he with a "He-she Thang?" BTW I AM A HE-SHE THANG SEXY A LEATHER TRANNY and I don't have ut….RIP EA
Chief LSAH
Felony Strutter I think u know more than enough😂😭 about the rape game u metal head 😂😭 fuck hahahahG
"Cuz Dre Day only makes Eazy's payday" 😭😭
Eazy part when he said
Wearing lipstick to smoking chronic at picnics makes me laugh all the time
Swear lol my fav part
smoothest way of recovering a handshake 0:28
Chazgug 😂😂😂💯
Yeah, i saw tha same shjit
Lol hall straight played eazy lol areseno wasn't trying shake his hand in a robe
Nigga smooth 😂😂
I barely notice
Even the censoring is too good!
Real Compton city Gs
I mean white people can rap this one lol
@LMK SA called him a bundle of sticks, what?
R.i.p. eazy e
All studio gangsters in 2019. Auto tune bs.
49er Fan ahh yes , increase crime for music, smart 💀
Drake aint even a studio gangsters a hole
300 studio gangstas disrespect Eazy E by claiming they’re something they’re not.
@@24102 are you talking about studio gangsters or are you being sarcastic about this whole "gangster" thing.
@@24102 or let the shit die and talk about something else instead of abusing the genre, theres multiple genres, but if you want to do "gangster rap" you gotta be about it.
Rest In Peace, Eric. Real gangster, we miss you ese.
Wait! This dude came out in a robe
I usually hate censored versions but this one is slick, he managed to spit the whole track live without cursing once and the track is still hard, think about that.
Yes grew up to this real shit little sister.
quarantine right now one of the best interviews ever authentic
I don't care what anyone tells me. This is the greatest diss record in the the history of music, and no one will convince me otherwise.
Easy-E a savage-"But Dre Day only meant Eazy's payday"
Dat bar was hard🔥🔥🔥esp it was facts too
Yes🙌 🙌 🙌
Rappers won't even say the name of the person they're beefing with these days.
Cause they scared and they don't close to have the talent of this rappers. Well Eminem still say the names and he is the best rapper in my opinion.
Never forget the first time I heard ether and the very first thing you hear is fuck Jay-Z. Music to my ears.
I’ts dangerous look at how it ended for eazy e
People want to entertain and not get shot.
People be taking rap beef too serious. I wish I were a rapper, I'd LOVE to shout out some of these bitches
This best tv rap performance bleeps...they so smart change lyrics..its business
Krs one and Easy-e back to back. Pretty cool lineup
So we just gone skip the fact eazy went for a hand shake at 0:27 and played it off
Dawon Pridgen omg I didn't even pick up on that 😂
I was looking for this comment.
too smooth! lmao
Oh shit another prove that he was og
Eazy had charisma and charm like nobody else
Bitter git
Shout out if you were alive during this time!
I was alive during this time but I honestly didnt see this when it originally aired. I had school the next day I couldnt be staying up past midnight to see who was going to be on Arsenio.
@@DefSquadFan I had school to but I stayed up to watch arsenio
Alive!?... Sheeed Eazy E aint much older than I am.
@@Parnell50 If you and eazy are close to the same age then you were not in school. Eazy was almost thirty when this aired.
@@DefSquadFan Eazy E was born in '64 I was born in '72 I graduated in '91... Yeah I was in school and we are close to the same age
eazy e slayed dr dre and snoop with real muthafucken gs
dr dre made a comeback with the song dre day.
You should check out Eazy's song "It's On". It's another diss to Dre and Snoop and in my opinion it's better then Muthafuckken G's
+Solid Snake yep your right. no need for the hostility.
Snoop is gay af
john smith boi Look at Ice Cubes Song "No Vaseline" He roasted N.W.A
Anyone notice Arsenio left Easy hanging at the beginning… Easy styled that out nicely 😂🤣😄
Lol that was a smoooth recovery. He did that so nice I didn’t even notice it the first time. If that was me my hand would have remained suspended in air waiting for my dap like a dumbass only to be left looking foolish to Triangle Heads blind spot that would have never spotted it. It was a really fantastic recovery. Keep rewinding it to that spot to appreciate at how gracefully he slipped out of that awkwardness in real time and under the bright lights. I could never pull this off so effortlessly but I’m gonna give it a try next time my hand reaches for a dap in someone’s blind spot. Have this like boy. You earned it.
Didn't notice... even after all these years. 👀
Haha noticed instantly how arsenio showed no respect
@Jose Barron Easy showed no respect coming out in a robe and bare feet.
They don't make shit like this anymore.... RIP to the NWA legend. He's one of a kind!!!
Each time I look at today's rap music I always wonder damn why is today's rap so garbage compared to the past
Man, the 90s were so dope. I miss this kind of rap. It was dissing at its finest. It was crazy rap like today. It was just letting another rapper what it is and got some life lessons in the song as well
This beat still sick AF.... who here in 2020 from back in the day. where now everybody talking about being lit and ig and bullshit...🤦
This album was a classic
Sometimes you can feed off of this master, but you’re really not supposed too.
@@chickenfkeryay forever a classic REST IN PEACE TO THE GODFATHER OF GANGSTA RAP Eazy " ERIC Wright" Eвидео.html
Eazy-E was too ahead of his time. America's nightmare. It all went too fast. The real rap happened too quick and too many got caught up. Real rap was been and gone from mid 80's to late 90's. What do we have left??? It's a lost art.
Paul Y Kendrick Lamar
Lil durk, Lil Bibby, NBA Youngboy, Lil Boosie, A boogie Wit Da Hoodie, Yo gotti
Man you don't gotta throw your homosexuality all over YT. I'm just naming good rappers.
Harnick Ghag lol the rappers you named are mumble rappers not even good the late 80s and 90s is real rap
Westside Gunn is real nice.
"Weeell it's the knocc out, "definition original baby gangsta" part
Shank ya wit my fucking shank if I have tah Dr Dre and Snoop Doggie dog are fucking actors
4:55 - "ain't broke a law in yo life!" why is that my favorite part 😂
R.I.P. to the Best of them the world is a Better place for having had you in it even if it was for only a short time.We love you Eazy.
Why 🐝 dow
I never noticed easy took a shot at dre for hitting women
Abu Sudanni because that don't make him hard.
Body slamming bitches makes dre a bigger man
Adam Strapz nah real punks are way above that, dre’s just trash
Easy rapped about being a woman beater since the 80s tho 💀
"He already made up! Didn't you see him with the lipstick?"
I respect Dre as a producer and rapper but I don't believe in that tough image that he showed off, that picture of him with lipstick says it all.
@@shahnawazsooba7904 world class wreckin crew was a gay hip hop group that's where the lipstick photo is from
@@theephantom_psyko3313 Yeah I know.
So funny when he said that😂😂😂
Few seem to realize the musicality and authenticity Eazy embodied....keep it real RIP E
fr people say he didnt write anything , but over time he learned to rap good , write music and produce , rest is history
@@dominicmackey9381 yea, takes more skill that many overlook
E-Z didn't want to rap. He was a dime bag dealer and was thrown into the rap game when NWA was being put together and he was the only one that had enough cash to make a record.
His attitude, his voice that's why I love hearing Eazy-E.
"Don't quote me boy, cause I ain't said shit" We should've listened.
Sabrina Haque whats the reference?
Why should we have listened
Boyz n the hood is a classic but it's funny cus ice cube was the one who wrote it lmao and he gets no cred
Thats why they have Dre and E have beef cuz Eazy took credit from Dre's songs.
Eazy's a sneaky little punk
Morning_Ride5 why are you speaking on it like we're in the present? I know that's when the video came out, but show some respect.
Idc what anyone says but that is the single greatest entrance of all time. RIP Eazy E ✌
Watered down, but it's still amazing this got primetime on TV, that's a raw ass song
0:26 Eazy E played off that missed handshake well.
Word lol
That was smooth AF! 😂
@@mr.e6033 like it never even happened
This man paved the way!! There would of been no halftime show without Eazy! He is and will always be The Godfather of Rap!! Rip my❤️
*Gangsta rap
There was a full half time show without eazy e
Hmmmmm that would be the rappers on the east coast👌🏿late 79-80's
Since Ice Cube wrote his lyrics it’s really Cube that birthed E. They had to force easy to rap.
Ah the days where u can rap a diss on a talk show televised in front of a mainstream audience
Im like damn they let him do a diss song on live tv
@@talibjackson4237 hey bro a hit is a hit, diss track or not... But when he bust out the print-out photos of Dre wearing lady clothes I start cracking up 🤣🤣
He will always be my favorite rapper still bumping in 2023 and gonna continue ❤❤❤❤
I miss 90’s gangsta rap 😞
Omwe comin back
Don't step to these real Compton city Gs!!! Music back in day was the bomb!
It was kinda dissapointing that it was the non-explicit version... 'Real mothafuckin Gs'
No the real lyrics are
Real motherfuckin Gs
"Dre Day is only Eazy's Pay Day, and that's real."😂 Spoken from a True Businessman. R I P Eazy E.
Contrived drama. Scripted controversy. $$. They all actors.
@@francisbaconstrip7224 hmm, not really, no
Easy ain't been payed for a long time though, they killed his ass off
@@chrisgotthat2435 He died of pneumonia from having aids. No one offed him cuz they were to afraid of Easy. He was a true G and a savy businessman. RIP Easy
@@ivyking4149 yes they are ! The world is a stage
He seriously came out in a robe and a cap with some sunglasses 😂😂 eazy was a mess R.I.P godfather of rap
The fact that he did this song clean as fuck says a lot. He was able to change lyrics on the spot for tv was dope
Eazy E was Real 👑
💯 no fake g
Miss him then ,now , and forever
Miss him then lol since the movie? You were a sperm cell when he was living
The most ridiculous comment in history😂 you know he couldn't rap to save his life? Cube literally wrote his raps for him, and dre walked him through how to make the rap come off while Easy read it off a piece of paper? The man was no King and he couldn't have been more fake, it was ALL an act, he is literally the original Colby Colvington😂
But having said that, NWA with Easy fronting it, cube cutting it and Dre producing it brought gangsta rap to the people and the 90s to mid 00s were on fire because of them so credit due there
@@paulgormley5010 u watched the movie congrats
Rest in peace Easey E we will all miss you. 😔
Cade Ranum yessir
Butchereded his name
No rest in hell
@@crystalandis2185What's your reason for being such an asshole? Did he do something to you personally? Seems like it. Lol