Android 16 LEVELED up: Developer Preview 2 (Everything NEW)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 157

  • @toungeenaamoo
    @toungeenaamoo 12 часов назад +184

    Damn, samsung hasn't released it's android 15 (one ui 7) and google is already at preview 2 of the android 16

    • @rythmater
      @rythmater 12 часов назад +19

      This is mainly a consequence of Google moving the release cycle back a quarter. If they continued to target Q3 for yearly/major SDK releases, then Samsung would have released One UI 7 much more "on time".
      Either way when One UI 7 launches in January, it will be outdated just like all OEM AOSP derivatives. The current supported stable Android release is Android 15 QPR1.
      One UI 7 uses September's release of Android 15. The initial release of Android 15 and its corresponding release branch in the AOSP repository was terminated in November. There are no more monthly releases of Initial Android 15.
      They've (Samsung and non Pixel OEMs) took an old Android release and applied backports to make it appear new.
      If they used semantic versioning for each new monthly and quarterly release of a given version (e.g 15.1 for Android 15 QPR1, 15.1.1 for the January monthly release of Android 15 QPR1) that would expose how bad the update situation is.

    • @H_._.._.--
      @H_._.._.-- 12 часов назад +7

      I was about to come here but you took it outta my mouff

    • @rythmater
      @rythmater 12 часов назад

      GrapheneOS, a well known and regarded research open source project has a great in depth explanation about this on their X/Mastodon/Bluesky socials.

    • @rythmater
      @rythmater 12 часов назад +4

      Looking ahead, it wouldn't be shocking if the Android 15 QPR2 Beta 2 and Android 16 Developer Preview 2 underlying source is identical right now if we stripped away the feature launch flag release configuration that enables which changes and functionality is enabled by default.

      @TVCHLORD 11 часов назад +7

      That’s the problem with android and google, pixels get the updates first but they have weak SOC’s meanwhile phones like the redmagic 10 pro have the best specs available for only $650 but will only get 1 os update

  • @Mark-uk8wz
    @Mark-uk8wz 7 часов назад +66

    Android 15.1 coming along nicely

    • @filend_it
      @filend_it 4 часа назад +21

      More like Android 12.4

    • @Nyxcore
      @Nyxcore 2 часа назад +2

      @@filend_it fr lmao

  • @nordlyssrlys6945
    @nordlyssrlys6945 8 часов назад +74

    Someone said that Samsung hasn't yet released A15 and Google already at beta 2 of A16...
    But the irony is that most of the features that newer versions of Android are releasing are already present on Samsung for a long time now😂

    • @passivevii4052
      @passivevii4052 8 часов назад +6

      Cry more? Pixel is better

    • @yeyecannotdrift
      @yeyecannotdrift 8 часов назад +15

      Android 16? Feels more like Android 12.5, while OneUI 7 is like a whole bloody new phone

    • @uhAlphaFox
      @uhAlphaFox 8 часов назад +2

      ​@@yeyecannotdriftYeah, because all the OneUI versions prior felt the same 😂

    • @blueciffer1653
      @blueciffer1653 6 часов назад +4

      @@passivevii4052 at this point...better at what exactly? One UI 7 has closed the gap with Pixel in terms of fluidity. Which it added on top of the better customization, better and more device features, and greater utility.

    • @ImARealHumanPerson
      @ImARealHumanPerson 6 часов назад +3

      The ignorance here is impressive. But not surprising after checking the histories of you all 😅

  • @Riyozsu
    @Riyozsu 5 часов назад +10

    Its not even been 2 months since public release of android 15 and we are already close to public beta of Android 16. Why couldn't they combine both of their features into Android 15?

  • @XeRo333
    @XeRo333 12 часов назад +46

    I'm 100% sold on Pixel now that you can turn on a setting to unlock your phone with your fingerprint while the screen is off, without needing the always-on display enabled. I already liked the latest Android update for Pixel, and now I'm sold with the Modes tab and the screen-off fingerprint sensor.😁

    • @feedbacker
      @feedbacker 11 часов назад +1

      yeah screen off fingerprint sensor is awesome!

    • @Pix-team
      @Pix-team 10 часов назад

      how do you turn this on

    • @InfoBytes-2
      @InfoBytes-2 10 часов назад

      How to enable this feature

    • @Dareyoutoyry
      @Dareyoutoyry 9 часов назад +8

      Isn't this already a thing? I think my grandmother's Samsung has this.

    • @tetzet3254
      @tetzet3254 8 часов назад +1

      OxygenOS had this for ages

  • @DifferentThinker
    @DifferentThinker 9 часов назад +13

    Double tap to turn off the screen, lock the notification panel when in the lock screen should also be added

    • @notoriusbuntyvlogs
      @notoriusbuntyvlogs 8 часов назад +1

      They will never add these basics like dt2s internet speed meter app lock call record etc 😂😂😂 we will have to always beg for it😂

    • @DifferentThinker
      @DifferentThinker 7 часов назад

      @notoriusbuntyvlogs 🥲🥲

    • @Riyozsu
      @Riyozsu 5 часов назад +1

      Double tap to turn off the screen has already been a feature on Samsun for few years now

    • @DifferentThinker
      @DifferentThinker 5 часов назад +1

      @@Riyozsu other android brands as well

    • @notoriusbuntyvlogs
      @notoriusbuntyvlogs 5 часов назад

      @@DifferentThinker yeh even basic 10000 rs indian phone have this feature from years but this google flagships that cost almost 10 times the basic phone don't have this basic features 😭😭😭

  • @BallisticGaming2622
    @BallisticGaming2622 12 часов назад +14

    Already flashed it, it's brilliant

    • @edwinruiz9679
      @edwinruiz9679 10 часов назад

      U mean rooted? Sorry I'm new on the android world

    • @sirgreen2792
      @sirgreen2792 9 часов назад

      No flashed means to install an update via a​ another source like a pc instead of Ota (over the air) meaning in the settings menu on your phone. @@edwinruiz9679

    • @derpderp283
      @derpderp283 8 часов назад

      ​@@edwinruiz9679no flashed it, rooting is different

    • @sofiamn_05
      @sofiamn_05 7 часов назад

      ​@@edwinruiz9679 I don't think that's necessary if you already have a pixel, since google officially supports it

    • @FreshTonix-w2j
      @FreshTonix-w2j 3 часа назад

      no, root is a completely different process​@@edwinruiz9679

  • @AbhishekSharma-yw8vv
    @AbhishekSharma-yw8vv 3 часа назад +1

    With Pixel 7 now having 5 years of support instead of initial 3, google has really improved the whole pixel experience.

  • @1TechCritic420
    @1TechCritic420 12 часов назад +15

    Gotta love some DP action.

    • @jevonsims900
      @jevonsims900 8 часов назад +2


    • @UncleJemima
      @UncleJemima Час назад

      @@jevonsims900 speak for yourself 😏

    • @BigJohnson911
      @BigJohnson911 35 минут назад

      I tried doing DP with my wife's boyfriend. Not doing that again!

  • @aahlala
    @aahlala 4 часа назад +1

    You don't need large amounts of RAM to benefit from 16kb pages. It reduces the size of page tables, and has improved TLB hit rate.

  • @Andystarksky
    @Andystarksky 8 часов назад +3

    🎉 Great, Android 16 will have improvements in the performance and use of devices, what good news. ❤

  • @ShellymanStudios
    @ShellymanStudios 11 часов назад +18

    Android 15 just became a meaningless update. OEMs should skip Android 15 and go straight to Android 16 when it releases in Q3 2025. I also feels like this will cause more fragmentation in the Android world. Thanks, Google!

    • @OumarMohammed-ir9tr
      @OumarMohammed-ir9tr 10 часов назад +2

      I wish they would just finally fix these scrolling stutters I experience on social media apps on my pixel phone

    • @passivevii4052
      @passivevii4052 8 часов назад

      Cry more?

    • @ShellymanStudios
      @ShellymanStudios 8 часов назад +6

      @@passivevii4052 You sound like a 12 year old.

    • @Riyozsu
      @Riyozsu 5 часов назад +1

      ​@@ShellymanStudios12 year olds are more mature. He is acting like he is the only one who will get android 16 in the entire smartphone industry.

    • @faraday221micheal
      @faraday221micheal 5 часов назад +1

      @@OumarMohammed-ir9tr exactly, pixel phones are amazing but these little things are what hold me back, ill prolly buy a pixel again when they finally settle down

  • @eddiemunoz3677
    @eddiemunoz3677 11 часов назад +15

    I wish they would give us stackable widgets.

    • @chongu
      @chongu 9 часов назад +1

      And more home screen customization options

    • @nickthaskater
      @nickthaskater 8 часов назад +4

      Just buy a Samsung

    • @blueciffer1653
      @blueciffer1653 6 часов назад +2

      @@nickthaskater thats not a pixel though

    • @Riyozsu
      @Riyozsu 5 часов назад +1

      ​@@blueciffer1653it's more powerful though and available at all prices

    • @merelynominal
      @merelynominal 4 часа назад +2

      ​​@@nickthaskaterthat'd be crazy consumerism lol. Imagine buying a phone just to get a single feature without which you can actually do pretty nice anyway

  • @ZeerakImran
    @ZeerakImran 8 часов назад +1

    I was happy until i realised this is what we have to look forward to for summer’s next year. I was happy because i was thinking this would come out in a month or two and that the development of Android has been prioritised by Google. I don’t use android so I wasn’t aware of its release cycles and timing.

  • @feedbacker
    @feedbacker 11 часов назад +2

    Odd that I got the default music player option separately, noticed it about a week or so ago and set it to spotify.

  • @notraeon
    @notraeon 12 часов назад +6

    wait wtf android 16 is already being worked on ???? im not even on 15 yet !!

    • @ddaannu_u
      @ddaannu_u 5 часов назад

      Me with android 13 🗿

  • @syndek64
    @syndek64 7 часов назад

    You have incredible music taste

  • @oimateusaqui
    @oimateusaqui 6 часов назад +1

    5:29 that's what I am most hyped for, I'm really really hoping that Samsung will bring it at least for the S24 🙏🏻

  • @roiborromeo7921
    @roiborromeo7921 7 часов назад +1

    The amount of power those phones have, they're still underutilized especially in desktop mode.

  • @EliasSchnetzer
    @EliasSchnetzer 12 часов назад +2

    Since when are the clock and icons at the top vertically aligned to the hole punch on the Pixel 9 Pro?? In Android 15 they are a lot higher placed?! Or is this the 9 Pro XL?

    • @kevinwatson5190
      @kevinwatson5190 11 часов назад +1

      This was updated in Android 15 QPR1.

  • @chocodesuu3241
    @chocodesuu3241 2 часа назад

    do you think the 16kb page size will enable by default soon? like maybe on A17?

  • @SaiKishoreChapa
    @SaiKishoreChapa 8 часов назад

    Can't wait to use these features on my pixel xl 😅

  • @Neonvarun
    @Neonvarun 7 часов назад

    03:30 That's something I just came to know on my Samsung S20 FE😂,
    Thanks guy's 🔥

  • @youtubekarib7311
    @youtubekarib7311 4 часа назад +1

    google please stop we need efficiency and stability not new android versions

  • @thedoctadro
    @thedoctadro 11 часов назад

    Running and driving, more stable (so far) than other DP2 versions.

  • @MdeMattos
    @MdeMattos 6 часов назад

    Im still waiting for Android 15 om my OnePlus 11 Pro, Z Flip 5, Moto Razr plus, Z Fold 4?? Ive only received 15 on my Nothing Phone (1).

  • @MohamedRuzaik
    @MohamedRuzaik 9 часов назад

    I love this!

  • @carlosduran5460
    @carlosduran5460 11 часов назад

    Thank you! Is there any new about Desktop Mode?

  • @JJFreeze-f4h
    @JJFreeze-f4h 7 часов назад

    I hope they add the ability to quickly uninstall apps just by tapping and holding on an app icon and pressing a delete button. I don't want to have to use another launcher to do that.

  • @rockettpc2
    @rockettpc2 6 часов назад

    Have you tested Alt mode with this version?

  • @nhaccolyrics
    @nhaccolyrics 3 часа назад

    How to get android 16 wallpaper like in video? Please guide me

  • @ChrisAzure
    @ChrisAzure 3 часа назад

    10:00 I'm I crazy or something? I have seen that since I had the S21 Ultra 🤔

  • @anshumaanmishra3748
    @anshumaanmishra3748 4 часа назад

    Can we run Linux apps on the terminal? If yes, People may run VSCode on an 8 Elite Samsung flagship tablet lol

  • @a_aronhdtech
    @a_aronhdtech 4 часа назад

    Why does your flashlight toggle say"torch instead of flashlight?

  • @kushal5168
    @kushal5168 8 часов назад

    Google definitely need to work on the qs panel, it looks outdated, other oems are doing way better job

  • @gamepet3566
    @gamepet3566 12 часов назад +2

    I want to be and ambassador for Google pixel phones here in Ghana 🇬🇭

  • @vin.k.k
    @vin.k.k 7 часов назад

    New features will come in Beta.

  • @abanoubshahid9829
    @abanoubshahid9829 2 часа назад

    Will there finally be a proper desktop mode over DisplayPort..... Please just do it. Make our powerful devices useful

  • @Smzxe
    @Smzxe 6 часов назад

    After android 10 it all went to drown
    Android 11 not bad it had ram management and performance issues
    After android 12 it's just copy paste now all 13,14,14 have overheating issues performance issues ram management issues in every phone i tried
    Tried running same phone on Android 10 it runs so much better smoother battery life is million times better performance is far better than any Android versions

  • @MaxMiller94
    @MaxMiller94 2 часа назад

    Send me that DnB playlist because I don't see a single song on there that isn't top tier

  • @MKRNaqeebi
    @MKRNaqeebi Час назад +1

    I came here only for a terminal app update, the rest I already have on my Samsung phone.

  • @doppavee4309
    @doppavee4309 9 часов назад +4

    *So still no native app lock? How PATHETIC!*

    • @keirlbatoy3625
      @keirlbatoy3625 Час назад

      True, we are opted to use third parth app lock TF

  • @ronlebron4876
    @ronlebron4876 9 часов назад

    Would like the ability to use 3rd party icons

  • @malaydubey4613
    @malaydubey4613 39 минут назад

    Wow android 12.4 is on the way 🎉

  • @sreeramp96
    @sreeramp96 Час назад

    Could you please share the wallpapers 😍

  • @DilshanKarunaratne
    @DilshanKarunaratne 56 минут назад

    android 15 stable has issues wifi connect and rcs setting up🤔😔

  • @PawanSharma-bj8pi
    @PawanSharma-bj8pi 8 часов назад +2

    More like android 15.5

  • @jackFatal
    @jackFatal 5 часов назад +1

    this shouldn't be android 16, it's at best 15.1

  • @arman.zibrooz
    @arman.zibrooz 6 часов назад

    Enjoy pure Android with the Pixel 9 💯🔥💯

  • @Tony-u9x1f
    @Tony-u9x1f 8 часов назад

    So desktop mode.... Year 2040?

  • @MrHhhhhh57
    @MrHhhhhh57 2 часа назад

    Fingerprint feature work even on android 14 for example Samsung 23/24

  • @Romeoforbes
    @Romeoforbes 10 часов назад

    I wish they change the interface in pixel

  • @a.g.8871
    @a.g.8871 2 часа назад

    Nice to see what Samsung will bring us in 2028😂😂😂

  • @brownboii305
    @brownboii305 12 часов назад +1

    Can you make a video on why people are receiving an Android 15 update when it's already installed on the device?

    • @slidesear
      @slidesear 12 часов назад +1

      If you previously sideloaded the image from Google, now you may be getting the carrier approved version. Whether they changed anything or not is not clear to me.

  • @manfreofc
    @manfreofc 11 часов назад +15

    7 years of major update will become 3 years with this pace

    • @LinusVaz
      @LinusVaz 11 часов назад +19

      Think about this sentence again haha

    • @SomeUnremarkableGuy
      @SomeUnremarkableGuy 11 часов назад +3

      ​@@LinusVazlet's see how much is going to take him to figure it out

    • @manfreofc
      @manfreofc 11 часов назад +1

      @@LinusVaz what do I have to think about? Google will start to release 2 new android version a year and the so called 7 years will of support won't be fullfilled. Probably you didn't understand what I meant

    • @thedoctadro
      @thedoctadro 11 часов назад

      The A16 timeline push, is for hardware/software releases to align more with flagship drops in late summer; as the Pixel 9 Pro did, but had to wait for A15 OS.

    • @Cadiaan.
      @Cadiaan. 11 часов назад

      ​@@manfreofc The only thing they are doing is making planned obsolescence reach devices faster and therefore buying their garbage every year.

  • @Athiraarjun21
    @Athiraarjun21 8 часов назад +3

    Nothing new

  • @adamkeith11
    @adamkeith11 7 часов назад +2


  • @kizanko
    @kizanko 9 часов назад +5

    Ugh.. Material UI needs to go

    • @ZeerakImran
      @ZeerakImran 8 часов назад +3

      I might be the only one but android jellybean was so good looking. It still is to me.

    • @eren5411
      @eren5411 8 часов назад +2

      True it looks ugly

    • @comrade_rahul_1
      @comrade_rahul_1 7 часов назад +1

      Very true.. It looked better back in the day. No OEM's implementation was good. Even if some parts were good, it's way too inconsistent.

    • @strix3055
      @strix3055 5 часов назад +3

      It started out really good, but kind of went to shit after they tweaked it again and again. Also most developers don't give a sh*t about the material guidelines.... Including Google on a lot of their apps...

    • @comrade_rahul_1
      @comrade_rahul_1 3 часа назад

      @@strix3055 True.. Not even Google Apps follow the Material Guidelines. Now 2 Android releases per year makes it even harder for devs to follow them and they eventually will back out on most of them.

  • @MrFlauxhol
    @MrFlauxhol 3 часа назад

    Can you please stop using auto-translated video titles and descriptions? There is no way for me as a user to disable this stupid feature, and it is quite annoying to see titles in badly translated German, even though I can speak English.

  • @aryansingh7209
    @aryansingh7209 Час назад

    Lol. Your video is targeting kids. Talk about the terminal emulator and full fledged Linux desktop on Android.