What a beautiful game it was. Team spirit, comeback, skill, communication, map reading, etc. Buff was justified, BC has been forgotten since nearly the start fo the game, left behind waves of new metas. I don't feel he's overpowered now. That's perfectly on point.
They have just undone the nerf from ~8 years ago and added more ammo. The problem with that nerf was that it was follow by global accuracy nerf and the combination of the 2 plus the low ammo count held it back immensely. IMHO when WG started adding other vehicle classes to Tier X, they should've added bigger maps as well. They later realized that 1x1 km maps are too big for low tier tanks, but not that they're too small for Tier X (& IX) once they started adding anything other than slow heavies to top tier. For example, disregarding obstacles, 445 m (max.) view range covers up to ~62% of 1x1 km map... Also, the dumbest update in WoT's history must be the one where WG "added" Tier X arty. Which sick mind thought that adding T92 and Conqueror GC instead of moving the existing SPGs up to how the MM was treating them (e.g. T8 arty had MM as standard T10 tank). There really must be something wrong with you if you have a desire to shoot S-51's 203 mm at T5 tanks etc.. Also the flat out lie that the accuracy will be nerfed by up to 10% and then nerfing, for example, the Object 261 from 0.44 to 0.55 (25%!) was absolutely disgusting.
They should give it it's 115mm gun and make it a sniper I'd say. Maybe even make a tier 8 and 9 that lead up to it with the same playstyle. Low dpm but very accurate and high pen.
Wargaming needs to continue buffing underpowered tech tree tanks in every new update, and they don't even have to always focus entirely on one branch, just make adjustments that can give a boost to a tank so that it can stand in the meta, not just the meta of tier 10s, but different ranges of tiers that create different metas, like some tier 7 tanks would do well against lower tier tanks but not ones above them
I think that's the right way to go, especially if they leave premium vehicles as is. Buff all tech tree tanks up to a realtive level of equity/balance.
I would offer mix of buffs and nerfs. Only buffs updates would (and are currently) slowly making games faster and faster. That even has a name. Its powercreep. We need good buffs and good nerfs to not make this game unplayable one day.
@@Daktangle Only thing they really need to do is upgrade their armor to compete with premium ammo. The top tier tanks with premium can pretty much drive across the map these days. I still believe there needs to be an ammo adjustment. The use of premium ammo has increased and those old dogs take the beating these days. Adjusting tank to tank wouldn't be as big a deal if you adjust the ammo and it's damage to the armor on the tanks. Everyone knows the weak spots, adjust the damage a shell can do. Would clear up a lot of 'balance' issues. Could even lock out premium ammo in like tier 1-5. Force players to learn the proper way to take out a tank, not just hit it and it dies. Get back to old school, when ammo sucked even worse.
and then the level of overpowered that they can make premiums tanks goes up. and they have to buff standard tanks all over again to compensate. This is why games end so fast, not only are the premiums op but normal tech tree tanks are becoming op compared to what they were 10 years ago. More engine power, more dpm, more gun handling, more, more, more, more. What needs to happen is premiums need to be nerfed and probably standard tanks, too, back to the levels they were 10 years ago. But of course that will never happen either. Truly a shame.
Funfact: Since a lot of stock engines of those recently changed lines got buffed/removed as well, a lot of tanks actually lost quite substantial amounts of effective traverse speed. (Due to how effective traverse get influenced by enginepower increase and the listed track-traverse is that of the stock engine) For example while the M46 Patton got its aim time buffed by 0.1s and accuracy buffed by 0.02, it actually lost a whooping 20% traverse speed, making it debatable whether its actually a buff for the tank overall...
@@juanzulu1318 The listed traverse speed on the tracks is always in respect to the stock engine. The M46 Patton used to have its listed 38°/s with its 560HP stock engine, upgrade to the 820HP top engine with 45% more engine power and the effective traverse increases by 45% as well, to about 55°/s. Now however the stock engine was removed and the new stock engine already has 704HP, meaning the Patton now has 38°/s with that engine instead. Upgrade to 820HP again and the engine power only increases by 16%, meaning the effective traverse speed also increases only by 16% to about 44°/s. And thats ~20% less than it previously had, paradoxically only because the worse stock engine was removed. The B-C 25t AP suffers even more (losing more than 25% of its effective traverse with the update), but here the engine wasn't removed, they just "shadow buffed" the stock engine, aka increased its engine power without changing the listed engine power value... a lot of tanks actually have different engine power values compared to whats written in the module description, and i have no idea why WG does that. For example the Skorpion actually has 850HP, despite the module saying "650HP". A certain tank site QB mentions quite often does display the actual engine power values a tank has mined from the game data. This effect is btw also the reason why the Cromwell has better effective traverse speed than the Cromwell B, *despite* the latter having better ground resistances and listed traverse speed. Because (as a premium tank) it is lacking the stock engine and thus doesn't benefit from the effective traverse increase of an engine upgrade. Thats also the reason why tanks like the Luchs or Hetzer - despite medioker listed traverse speeds of only 33°/s and 30°/s repsectivly - have amazing effective traverse and turn like crazy with 76°/s and 62°/s respectivly. Because their benchmark for their listed traverse is an absolutly abysmal engine. Their upgrades go from 140HP-->360HP and 100HP-->220HP. And its the reason as well why a lot of T10 tanks need realy high base traverse speeds in order to turn properly (and why a lot of T10 heavies turn realy slowly) compared to their lower tiered counterparts. Beeing T10 means having no engine upgrade and thus not benefiting from effective traverse increases that way.
@@Xelianow what do u mean by "listed"? You do realize that the listed values in the garage are often wrong, aggregated or else misleading, right? The correct values can be seen on external sites. And while I havent checked it on that side I am pretty sure that there you can see that everything is fine: they just removed old modules and they did not nerfed anything in this context.
@@juanzulu1318 The values listed in the module description are not "wrong" (except for engine power in some cases, but said external site does take that into account already). They are... well, base values. Which then get modifiers applied to them. For example increased crew skill... or equipment. Or terrain resistance. And one modifier that influences effective traverse speed in an increase in power/weight-ratio. Put the fuel consumable in and you get 10% more engine power, resulting in an increase in effective traverse of 10%. The same happens when you upgrade an engine. Equip an engine with 10% more engine power and your effective traverse increases by 10% as well. The point that you seem to miss is that the baseline of traverse isn't the top engine, it is the stock engine. Lets say for example a tank has 100% crew efficency, 1.0 terrain resistance, no other equipment/consumables and so on... basically a tank as "plain" as you can get with no other modifiers. Said hypothetical tank has "20°/s" as a base value listed on its tracks, and has 3 engines. 100HP, 250HP and 500HP. What you think is the following: 500HP --> 20°/s (reference for track traverse) 250HP --> 10°/s 100HP --> 4°/s Reality is this however: 100HP --> 20°/s (refernce for track traverse) 250HP --> 50°/s 500HP --> 100°/s If we now remove the 100HP stock egine we get the following: 250HP --> 20°/s (reference for track traverse) 500HP --> 40°/s We removed the stock engine, and the traverse with the top engine changed because the entire reference frame changed, which is always anchored to the stock engine. If you don't believe me just look up on said external site what happened to those tanks mentioned befor... they got their stock engine changed (either buffed or removed) and their effective traverse with the top engine went down.
Just noticed that "our hero" is often firing the last shell in his mag to trigger the reload, so technically he could have gotten an even higher DMG if he had just hit the "reload" key to preserve those unused rounds.
I used to have a lot of games with Bat Chat, where I was proxy-spotting the last enemy with the last shell loaded, waiting for my teammates to reduce them to a one-shot, since there's a medal for that. I got a couple of those medals, but with just 390 alpha damage it's not easy to catch the right moment, which sometimes doesn't come at all... I'm glad to see Bat Chat finally get some love from WG after it was massively nerfed ~8 years ago (I'd need to look up the exact values, but what they've done now is basically returning it to its former values and added more ammo).
I remember when every sweat would use batchat in a platoon and carry the entire match. Just a cavalry charge to remove 1 or 2 tanks from the game to win a flank instantly. The trauma still runs deep in my bones even after years not playing the game.
I've not played WoT in a few years now but i've been keeping up with QB's videos on it and with the recent changes to the game maybe might be a time to come back
At least come get on to get the 30 days of unlimited crews resets and redo all the crew skills. Depending how many tanks you have that give you something to do for awhile.
Well played, My previous record in the Bat Chat is a bit above 10k on the 2012 version of Serene coast, I might have to dig up that old print screen xD
Must have been a great feeling after that game. The equipment that works for me is bond rotation mechanism, bond vents and tier 3 experimental turbo. With a good crew and all field mods it makes it feel way more nimble.
@@user-ne9sd4ow1o I think it’s fun, and I can make it work, but definitely needs a buff. Or give it something interesting like one of the guns from steelhunter
Batchat always be my favorite tank but nothing compares to my beloved Progetto 65 I still won't forgive wargaming for they massacre my beloved tank ...
GG but the communication actually got so annoying at times with the constant beeping lol especially with how he kept requesting fire. The frequency of it all just killed me.😂
i just got the bat chat yesterday thanks to all the universal fragments i got from events and missions, i already love the tank got around 72% wins in 30 matches (will likely go down the more i play) i like playing it as a hybrid between a scout and assassin taking those important flank positions to finish low hp enemies that are causing problems to my teammates
Most of us don't buy prem consumables for discount because we don't play daily, don't realize there is a sale going on, or don't have millions of credits to burn on bulk purchases. Honestly, they should do away with the prem consumables and make them free to use now that the standard ones work just as well. Ammo should be free too, change the prem rounds to higher pen but less damage and finally fix the second worst pay-to-win aspect of the game behind the un-nerfable OP premium tanks.
Wow, this Bat Chat is like a whole new beast now! 🐉 I remember when it just felt so underwhelming. Can't believe how far it's come! And that team play at the end was just epic! 🎉 Keep pushing those limits, guys! 💪
I love the new Love they are giving some of the older tanks. The new buffs to the M48 Patton were much needed, one of my favorite meds that was getting hammered by the new releases. Seeing the old time assassin get a few kisses from WG is nice but will be painful as well lol. Waiting for Quicky Babs to do his new Patton video now.
Bat chat before was so overpowerd that they nerf it as i remember a platoon of them can wipe-out the entire 15 enemy team, it was also the time before where tier 6 or 7 can meet-up with tier X....they nerf it and it stay until now where it become a underpowered because of bee tech-tree and premium tanks
Did they actually "Nerf" the Batchat....? Or was it nerfed by Default with the Physics and Round Placement Nerfs, which slowed down all tanks and made them more Inaccurate? And then also nerfed due to the addition of many lights, big guns, etc.? BTW, you all remember how the AMX 50 100 was a goto good and competitors tank pick? Nobody played it again either after those nerfs. Though, the Batchat actually was still "good".... in Wargamings version of "crap" being "good", just less crap than most.
@@leeuniverse az i remember they nerf the batchat because it was obviously destroying the game 3 of this in a game more if they are in platoon your winning the odds will become 0%, also the view range on that time was still square not todays round in mini map, as for amx is like thw WT-E100 which would 1 clip you and still have enough to damage another tank, they nerf a lot of original tech tree tanks as for today were now underperforming because of how newer tanks have higher pen than before, 200mm was absolute beast before, now it is questionable.... Until now i still remember that time when batchat bully more than a month before they nerf it, everytime i play random i pray that there would no batchat in the enemy side, and the map was so hard to play against it because of the surrounding area, as i can remember it is like pilsen map with bridge in the middle, they already remove that map sad to say...
@@shadwnyt ... hmmm... Ya, I got it after, and it's been years now so I can't remember. I thought it just stopped being as good because of all the other nerfs I mentioned above? Because it used to be the "only" High Tier "Light", but then actual lights came along, and more better guns etc. and so it just got "out classed". But, you might know more....
@@leeuniverse they nerf the tank if as i can remember (1) too popular where players see the OP side of the tanks,it make them unplayable after nerf. (2) too good either gun/armor or mobility (3) too powerful tier for tier As i can remember when they introduce a new tech-tree they buff a lot of tanks to match the new line, but when they saw they gave it too much buff they nerf it pretty hard Before there are a very few premium tank so having one is like playing it +1 or +2 tiers above your tank and you can use only regular round or HE as gold round will cost you 10gold per shot
Glad I held on to my mine. Nothing impresses me anymore in this game. I don't play regular enough since my son was born :D But improved hardening on a med?? I would have gone with Vents instead for even better skills. Hope your doing well QB & Tanya & Thor!
I think it's a shame they removed the 100mm from the Batchat instead of making it a viable alternative... Like on the E100 for example. By giving it the 263pen APCR as standard and giving it new HEAT as premium round. Then that 100mm could for example be a high DPM gun but having a smaller 1500(5x300) damage clip instead of 1950(5x390) damage of the 105mm. Maybe it's just me, but having different options that are both good in different ways, like E100, Borsig or WT Pz4 is very nice, not many tanks actually have two viable guns and I kinda wish more did.
Triggers you seeing people paying full price for the premium consumables? Maybe some of us don't have millions and millions of credits to buy them in bulk when they're on sale. When they are on sale I spend what I can on large repair and large first aid as they're more important.
the other day i just had 5200+ damage with the german tier 5 destroyer Pz.Sfl. IV on "Great Wall"....... tier 6 match and didn't use any gold rnds. my highest rnd at that tier.
For such a good player I am surprised he broke the golden rule when hunting arty - NEVER STOP, especially directly in front of it lol. Just drive closer beside/behind and fire on the move! Especially when you have 5 shots to connect - sheesh lolo.
the bloom after firing dropped from 4 to 3 just puts it in line with the Lion and the TVP.... why does this make it so OP and needing to be debuffed - or are you calling for the afore mentioned tanks to get a nerf from 3 to 4 after bloom?
Of course when they made it even more devastating in a largely heavy tank game. Played a game on Malinovka 4 heavy's, 3 tds T10 v 2 Bat Chat 25 ts & 1 STB-1 & we couldn't move & constantly spotted & constantly kept being shot at by tanks we couldn't see. Stupid game mechanics giving a powerful tank such camo rating even when firing as bushes made no difference, we were constantly being lit up like xmas tree's. So for me, that's not a game about tactics, it's shooting fish in a barrel.
Not only based on this game, I still strongly feel WG went too far in buffing the BC and the K91. Why so much on these 2 tanks, while they only fine tuned the Patton, which was just as much out of meta ?? A fully rotatable turret was all the K91 needed, since it was alrady the highest dpm med, and a fairly effective sniper - depending of your field mods choice. Tuning up the BC dispersion stats was necessary, but this is too much. I know most people disagree with the ammo count as a balancing factor, but it always made sense to me. Now that thing can blind fire 1 or 2 clips per round, and it can snipe 5 rounds in 10 secs fairly accurately from 300 to 400m, pretty much like a Char futur 4, but in quick succession - which is stupid imo. It can even bring an HE mag and fully clip Grilles and FV4005s with a success rate of 100 % nowadays. The point and playstyle of an assassin tank was to force you to get in close range to deliver your clip accurately, taking the risk to get shot in return, tracked and lit on fire by your prey. There was balance in that playstyle, which is now stripped from the new BC that can fully clip you while double bushing at 200m, fully hitting its 5 shots clip 80 % to 90 % of the time, and you won't be able to do anything about it. WG made the same kind of mistake they made with the M4 54. I have no doubt this tank is going to become pretty toxic at tier X, and will be nerfed back within the next few months.
Sorry but it's not 2013 anymore. So many new tanks were added into the game that pushed the definition of what good gun handling is. Batchat's HORRENDOUS gun handling made sense, more than a decade ago, where guns had poorer gun handling in the game and the Batchat was balanced around having disgusting gun handling for the huge clip and assassination potential. But things have changed in a DECADE of world of tanks. It came to a point that literally the majority of tanks (including heavy tanks) would have WAY BETTER gun handling than Batchat and the tank felt left behind, by an insane rate and amount, by all the tanks around it. It was high time that this old assassin got an update after being left untouched for a decade. Btw, 30 shells only were simply disgusting to work with. No tank should be balanced around the amount of ammo it can take. For the first time in so many years, it feels like Batchat is back in the game and you can actually enjoy playing it, not getting pissed of constantly by that trollish gun.
Umm technically... Max potential damage in old Batchat was about 14 600 assuming max rolls so theoretically it was possible to deal that much damage in old version. But i guess history showed us how possible it actually was 😀
I just repicked skills for a 9 skill crew (over a decade grinding) down to a 5 skill crew.. and I'm so done with this game. Apparently it's an unfair advantage to play what you worked to earn.
On wot console I got my batchat going 78kph and a 263 still concealment, unfortunately only 417 meters view range . Hit and run tactics is hella fun .😂😂😂
Going to sell my amx30b and buy this one. Have good crew (2 premium French mediums) this is much more op then the amx30b that is crying in the corner for ages.
30B at the end offering to take the hit, absolute HERO
That's my clanmate lmao
not only, when Bat Chat asked him "12k" amx did only like 1 shot with dmg on patton, he stopped doing dmg so bat could do as most as he could do
Strange how the nicest people always play the worst tanks
There's a starman~ ♪
waiting in the sky ♫
He'd like to come and meet us ♪
but he thinks he'd blow our minds~ ♫
@@derrickstorm6976 maybe cause they actually play for fun^^
"One of the oldest tanks in the game..." *Crumbles to dust in remembers the release of the French tree*
I was there Gandalf....driving the stock FCM 36 for the first time....*shudder.
@@tsk9277 I was there too. I remember when WG announced batchat 25t and I was like oh my god I must get it, and I did ^^
Back when nothing could damage the duck. The Lorraine was great back then.
amx 30 proto was my favorite tank back before it was changed :'(
I remember when the T30 was the tier 10 along with the is7 and Maus being the only tier 10s in the game
mom get the camera! (my name is pronounced citizen hehe) Thanks QB < 3
BIG FAN🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
your permanent pinging is annoying af. i wouldve blocked you halfway trough the game. still gg.
I hate playing against the BC 25T but man that was an awesome round to watch !
Good round bro, nice to see one of my old favourites getting some love
What a beautiful game it was. Team spirit, comeback, skill, communication, map reading, etc.
Buff was justified, BC has been forgotten since nearly the start fo the game, left behind waves of new metas. I don't feel he's overpowered now. That's perfectly on point.
They have just undone the nerf from ~8 years ago and added more ammo. The problem with that nerf was that it was follow by global accuracy nerf and the combination of the 2 plus the low ammo count held it back immensely.
IMHO when WG started adding other vehicle classes to Tier X, they should've added bigger maps as well. They later realized that 1x1 km maps are too big for low tier tanks, but not that they're too small for Tier X (& IX) once they started adding anything other than slow heavies to top tier. For example, disregarding obstacles, 445 m (max.) view range covers up to ~62% of 1x1 km map...
Also, the dumbest update in WoT's history must be the one where WG "added" Tier X arty. Which sick mind thought that adding T92 and Conqueror GC instead of moving the existing SPGs up to how the MM was treating them (e.g. T8 arty had MM as standard T10 tank). There really must be something wrong with you if you have a desire to shoot S-51's 203 mm at T5 tanks etc.. Also the flat out lie that the accuracy will be nerfed by up to 10% and then nerfing, for example, the Object 261 from 0.44 to 0.55 (25%!) was absolutely disgusting.
@@Daddo22 theyve made the tank very competitive, about fookin time.
yeah, 50 pings at a time for team to notice anything or just to annoy them one extra bit the RNG is short by default...
I hope one day they buff the T62A. Its so forgotten by everyone.
And 30B
Amx 30B its fine IMO. Can use a bit accuracy buff, but the crew skill 2.0 solve it.
But if they buffed it, its great thing tooi@@mattovna
fuck yeah!!! but i dont think they will...
Only buff I want is for 115mm to be available.
They should give it it's 115mm gun and make it a sniper I'd say. Maybe even make a tier 8 and 9 that lead up to it with the same playstyle. Low dpm but very accurate and high pen.
Wargaming needs to continue buffing underpowered tech tree tanks in every new update, and they don't even have to always focus entirely on one branch, just make adjustments that can give a boost to a tank so that it can stand in the meta, not just the meta of tier 10s, but different ranges of tiers that create different metas, like some tier 7 tanks would do well against lower tier tanks but not ones above them
I think that's the right way to go, especially if they leave premium vehicles as is. Buff all tech tree tanks up to a realtive level of equity/balance.
And collectors/reward tanks like Foch 155 and amx 30b
I would offer mix of buffs and nerfs. Only buffs updates would (and are currently) slowly making games faster and faster. That even has a name. Its powercreep. We need good buffs and good nerfs to not make this game unplayable one day.
@@Daktangle Only thing they really need to do is upgrade their armor to compete with premium ammo. The top tier tanks with premium can pretty much drive across the map these days. I still believe there needs to be an ammo adjustment. The use of premium ammo has increased and those old dogs take the beating these days. Adjusting tank to tank wouldn't be as big a deal if you adjust the ammo and it's damage to the armor on the tanks. Everyone knows the weak spots, adjust the damage a shell can do. Would clear up a lot of 'balance' issues. Could even lock out premium ammo in like tier 1-5. Force players to learn the proper way to take out a tank, not just hit it and it dies. Get back to old school, when ammo sucked even worse.
and then the level of overpowered that they can make premiums tanks goes up. and they have to buff standard tanks all over again to compensate. This is why games end so fast, not only are the premiums op but normal tech tree tanks are becoming op compared to what they were 10 years ago. More engine power, more dpm, more gun handling, more, more, more, more. What needs to happen is premiums need to be nerfed and probably standard tanks, too, back to the levels they were 10 years ago. But of course that will never happen either. Truly a shame.
Since a lot of stock engines of those recently changed lines got buffed/removed as well, a lot of tanks actually lost quite substantial amounts of effective traverse speed. (Due to how effective traverse get influenced by enginepower increase and the listed track-traverse is that of the stock engine)
For example while the M46 Patton got its aim time buffed by 0.1s and accuracy buffed by 0.02, it actually lost a whooping 20% traverse speed, making it debatable whether its actually a buff for the tank overall...
Dont get what u mean. As far as I see they just remove non-useful modules - no nerf of engines etc
The listed traverse speed on the tracks is always in respect to the stock engine.
The M46 Patton used to have its listed 38°/s with its 560HP stock engine, upgrade to the 820HP top engine with 45% more engine power and the effective traverse increases by 45% as well, to about 55°/s.
Now however the stock engine was removed and the new stock engine already has 704HP, meaning the Patton now has 38°/s with that engine instead. Upgrade to 820HP again and the engine power only increases by 16%, meaning the effective traverse speed also increases only by 16% to about 44°/s. And thats ~20% less than it previously had, paradoxically only because the worse stock engine was removed.
The B-C 25t AP suffers even more (losing more than 25% of its effective traverse with the update), but here the engine wasn't removed, they just "shadow buffed" the stock engine, aka increased its engine power without changing the listed engine power value... a lot of tanks actually have different engine power values compared to whats written in the module description, and i have no idea why WG does that. For example the Skorpion actually has 850HP, despite the module saying "650HP". A certain tank site QB mentions quite often does display the actual engine power values a tank has mined from the game data.
This effect is btw also the reason why the Cromwell has better effective traverse speed than the Cromwell B, *despite* the latter having better ground resistances and listed traverse speed. Because (as a premium tank) it is lacking the stock engine and thus doesn't benefit from the effective traverse increase of an engine upgrade.
Thats also the reason why tanks like the Luchs or Hetzer - despite medioker listed traverse speeds of only 33°/s and 30°/s repsectivly - have amazing effective traverse and turn like crazy with 76°/s and 62°/s respectivly. Because their benchmark for their listed traverse is an absolutly abysmal engine. Their upgrades go from 140HP-->360HP and 100HP-->220HP.
And its the reason as well why a lot of T10 tanks need realy high base traverse speeds in order to turn properly (and why a lot of T10 heavies turn realy slowly) compared to their lower tiered counterparts. Beeing T10 means having no engine upgrade and thus not benefiting from effective traverse increases that way.
Yes ! This.
Same thing happened to some French light tank.
@@Xelianow what do u mean by "listed"? You do realize that the listed values in the garage are often wrong, aggregated or else misleading, right?
The correct values can be seen on external sites. And while I havent checked it on that side I am pretty sure that there you can see that everything is fine: they just removed old modules and they did not nerfed anything in this context.
The values listed in the module description are not "wrong" (except for engine power in some cases, but said external site does take that into account already). They are... well, base values. Which then get modifiers applied to them. For example increased crew skill... or equipment. Or terrain resistance.
And one modifier that influences effective traverse speed in an increase in power/weight-ratio. Put the fuel consumable in and you get 10% more engine power, resulting in an increase in effective traverse of 10%. The same happens when you upgrade an engine. Equip an engine with 10% more engine power and your effective traverse increases by 10% as well.
The point that you seem to miss is that the baseline of traverse isn't the top engine, it is the stock engine.
Lets say for example a tank has 100% crew efficency, 1.0 terrain resistance, no other equipment/consumables and so on... basically a tank as "plain" as you can get with no other modifiers.
Said hypothetical tank has "20°/s" as a base value listed on its tracks, and has 3 engines. 100HP, 250HP and 500HP.
What you think is the following:
500HP --> 20°/s (reference for track traverse)
250HP --> 10°/s
100HP --> 4°/s
Reality is this however:
100HP --> 20°/s (refernce for track traverse)
250HP --> 50°/s
500HP --> 100°/s
If we now remove the 100HP stock egine we get the following:
250HP --> 20°/s (reference for track traverse)
500HP --> 40°/s
We removed the stock engine, and the traverse with the top engine changed because the entire reference frame changed, which is always anchored to the stock engine.
If you don't believe me just look up on said external site what happened to those tanks mentioned befor... they got their stock engine changed (either buffed or removed) and their effective traverse with the top engine went down.
that 30B was such a sigma player. Cudos to bro for tanking, tracking and letting our hero farm the last 2 tanks alive
0:04 that turret traverse speed is insane :D
bat chat is just crazy now , W buff tho
Just noticed that "our hero" is often firing the last shell in his mag to trigger the reload, so technically he could have gotten an even higher DMG if he had just hit the "reload" key to preserve those unused rounds.
I used to have a lot of games with Bat Chat, where I was proxy-spotting the last enemy with the last shell loaded, waiting for my teammates to reduce them to a one-shot, since there's a medal for that. I got a couple of those medals, but with just 390 alpha damage it's not easy to catch the right moment, which sometimes doesn't come at all...
I'm glad to see Bat Chat finally get some love from WG after it was massively nerfed ~8 years ago (I'd need to look up the exact values, but what they've done now is basically returning it to its former values and added more ammo).
CTZN is one of the best NA comp gamers you'll want on your team!
I remember when every sweat would use batchat in a platoon and carry the entire match. Just a cavalry charge to remove 1 or 2 tanks from the game to win a flank instantly. The trauma still runs deep in my bones even after years not playing the game.
funny when I last played WoT bat chat was one of the newest tanks, time flies
one of the best looking tier 10's in my opinion,which means nothing really,but I've always liked the look of it
I've not played WoT in a few years now but i've been keeping up with QB's videos on it and with the recent changes to the game maybe might be a time to come back
At least come get on to get the 30 days of unlimited crews resets and redo all the crew skills. Depending how many tanks you have that give you something to do for awhile.
I've actually been having a ton of fun! Ramming at tier 7 is my fav 😂 Lots of close games!
Well played, My previous record in the Bat Chat is a bit above 10k on the 2012 version of Serene coast, I might have to dig up that old print screen xD
Must have been a great feeling after that game.
The equipment that works for me is bond rotation mechanism, bond vents and tier 3 experimental turbo.
With a good crew and all field mods it makes it feel way more nimble.
Just need me a wz 132 1 buff now
I bought it to ram but I can't afford to play tier 10 😅 Mostly play tier 7
@@user-ne9sd4ow1o I think it’s fun, and I can make it work, but definitely needs a buff. Or give it something interesting like one of the guns from steelhunter
You are 100% correct, that thing is unplayable.
@@user-ne9sd4ow1o if u want ram try the e50 ☺
Batchat always be my favorite tank but nothing compares to my beloved Progetto 65 I still won't forgive wargaming for they massacre my beloved tank ...
progetto was so fun, it was like an italian ferrari
GG but the communication actually got so annoying at times with the constant beeping lol especially with how he kept requesting fire. The frequency of it all just killed me.😂
i just got the bat chat yesterday thanks to all the universal fragments i got from events and missions, i already love the tank got around 72% wins in 30 matches (will likely go down the more i play) i like playing it as a hybrid between a scout and assassin taking those important flank positions to finish low hp enemies that are causing problems to my teammates
Most of us don't buy prem consumables for discount because we don't play daily, don't realize there is a sale going on, or don't have millions of credits to burn on bulk purchases. Honestly, they should do away with the prem consumables and make them free to use now that the standard ones work just as well. Ammo should be free too, change the prem rounds to higher pen but less damage and finally fix the second worst pay-to-win aspect of the game behind the un-nerfable OP premium tanks.
you must be dreaming! they will never remove what makes them miney
That's definitely your fault.
they should make APCR ammo limited to 10.. so ppl dont spam those shells into arty..
@@rsrs1136 1. Arty deserves hell
2. APCR can be standard ammo too
The BatChat is so comfortable to play now. The gun feels like it just works!
Wow, this Bat Chat is like a whole new beast now! 🐉 I remember when it just felt so underwhelming. Can't believe how far it's come! And that team play at the end was just epic! 🎉 Keep pushing those limits, guys! 💪
Now it’s a meta tank in onslaught…
For me 60TP is meta.I win all in it and it is so easy cause you bounce a lot.BC doesnt have enought time to reload in onslought.
Love the Buff! The older tanks need love too!
❤❤that was the original Tier X Scout assassin lol😂😂 now its a propper assassin!!!
It was *technically* possible to do this much damage in the BatChat before it was buffed. It's just that you'd need to high roll every single shot.
I love the new Love they are giving some of the older tanks. The new buffs to the M48 Patton were much needed, one of my favorite meds that was getting hammered by the new releases. Seeing the old time assassin get a few kisses from WG is nice but will be painful as well lol. Waiting for Quicky Babs to do his new Patton video now.
8:33 qb trying to find all the excuses to put a iad in a bat chat
"Quicky baby really hates obj 705a and i dont know why its amazing tank and its also forgotten"
That SPG quick scope from over 50 meters away for about 400 damage is why I hate arty so bad.
I have seen you play this tank, with all your equipment on it, and and have thought it was OP at that time,
Starting at 5:50 this whole line of reasoning is just bizarre to me
"Heavies no longer have to take camo"
Dude the hell are you doing to your crews
he clearly says "heavies don't need camo so they have a slot extra"
It's still a medium with no armor, it's not overbuffed compared to heavies.
I have never had the battle with all shells gone to centre of the circle.
Going from 30 to 50 shells it is no surprise the previous record was broken fast. I guess it will be broken again the next weeks
Shoutout to DJgaming740.great guy to play with. KWH OP AF
QB where is a new video? how many times am I supposed to rewatch your stuff :P :D
Bat chat before was so overpowerd that they nerf it as i remember a platoon of them can wipe-out the entire 15 enemy team, it was also the time before where tier 6 or 7 can meet-up with tier X....they nerf it and it stay until now where it become a underpowered because of bee tech-tree and premium tanks
Did they actually "Nerf" the Batchat....? Or was it nerfed by Default with the Physics and Round Placement Nerfs, which slowed down all tanks and made them more Inaccurate?
And then also nerfed due to the addition of many lights, big guns, etc.? BTW, you all remember how the AMX 50 100 was a goto good and competitors tank pick? Nobody played it again either after those nerfs. Though, the Batchat actually was still "good".... in Wargamings version of "crap" being "good", just less crap than most.
@@leeuniverse az i remember they nerf the batchat because it was obviously destroying the game 3 of this in a game more if they are in platoon your winning the odds will become 0%, also the view range on that time was still square not todays round in mini map, as for amx is like thw WT-E100 which would 1 clip you and still have enough to damage another tank, they nerf a lot of original tech tree tanks as for today were now underperforming because of how newer tanks have higher pen than before, 200mm was absolute beast before, now it is questionable....
Until now i still remember that time when batchat bully more than a month before they nerf it, everytime i play random i pray that there would no batchat in the enemy side, and the map was so hard to play against it because of the surrounding area, as i can remember it is like pilsen map with bridge in the middle, they already remove that map sad to say...
@@shadwnyt ... hmmm... Ya, I got it after, and it's been years now so I can't remember. I thought it just stopped being as good because of all the other nerfs I mentioned above? Because it used to be the "only" High Tier "Light", but then actual lights came along, and more better guns etc. and so it just got "out classed".
But, you might know more....
@@leeuniverse they nerf the tank if as i can remember (1) too popular where players see the OP side of the tanks,it make them unplayable after nerf.
(2) too good either gun/armor or mobility
(3) too powerful tier for tier
As i can remember when they introduce a new tech-tree they buff a lot of tanks to match the new line, but when they saw they gave it too much buff they nerf it pretty hard
Before there are a very few premium tank so having one is like playing it +1 or +2 tiers above your tank and you can use only regular round or HE as gold round will cost you 10gold per shot
has anybody noticed that youtube's compression quality 1080p has deteriotated?
Want to hear DarkNinja's opinion on QB's complaints about the equipment and crew skills that CTZN took lol
I would still pick v stab on bat. I think HP is good and turbo is a decent choice, but I prefer vents over turbo. I
@@darkninja___ I vaguely recall you talking about this in a vid but anyway. If you had to pick one for general use, IRM or aim device?
@@johnmcpudding857 Aim device, although idk vents in general better now except for tds that can’t run vents.
Glad I held on to my mine. Nothing impresses me anymore in this game. I don't play regular enough since my son was born :D But improved hardening on a med?? I would have gone with Vents instead for even better skills. Hope your doing well QB & Tanya & Thor!
*Optics, Bounty aim device, Bounty stabilizer*
*you can spot and do damage*
if you look at the thumbnail from a distance it looks like: NEW RATCHAT WORLD RECORD
It's wonderful to watch one of these epic games where it's obvious the player isn't cheating! Well played CTZN!!
Will there be a bat-chat masterclass soon??
I think it's a shame they removed the 100mm from the Batchat instead of making it a viable alternative...
Like on the E100 for example.
By giving it the 263pen APCR as standard and giving it new HEAT as premium round. Then that 100mm could for example be a high DPM gun but having a smaller 1500(5x300) damage clip instead of 1950(5x390) damage of the 105mm.
Maybe it's just me, but having different options that are both good in different ways, like E100, Borsig or WT Pz4 is very nice, not many tanks actually have two viable guns and I kinda wish more did.
Speaking of Crew 2.0 recommendations for tank types...suggestions for British wheeled mediums might be in order.
If their wheels actually turned, they'd be fine
That 30b was a boss
Yes, Batchat needed it badly
Such a mondblowing game that was
Top KEK!
Peace be with you.
My favourite tank is the M5A1. I literally run rings around them.
The tank deserved this buff
Triggers you seeing people paying full price for the premium consumables? Maybe some of us don't have millions and millions of credits to buy them in bulk when they're on sale. When they are on sale I spend what I can on large repair and large first aid as they're more important.
it's been said many many times, limiting ammo is not the best way to balance a tank
luckly that FULL hp patton in the end was a bot AND was alone in the 2v2
So, within a day of the buff, the tank gets an all time record. Maybe the buff was a bit too much?
Probably not. It's finally updated to 2024 standards in this shitty ass game where everything snaps you from across the map.
the other day i just had 5200+ damage with the german tier 5 destroyer Pz.Sfl. IV on "Great Wall"....... tier 6 match and didn't use any gold rnds. my highest rnd at that tier.
I mean not having the ammo capacity to carry is absolutely stupid. Always hated WG for making tanks like that.
You can check the tomato MoE Requirements, K91 and BC are going to beat Leo in MoE Requirements. That is the sign. The buff is too much for now.
The viewrange is bugged for everybody on this tank
For such a good player I am surprised he broke the golden rule when hunting arty - NEVER STOP, especially directly in front of it lol. Just drive closer beside/behind and fire on the move! Especially when you have 5 shots to connect - sheesh lolo.
I would've muted him 30 seconds into the battle lol
the bloom after firing dropped from 4 to 3 just puts it in line with the Lion and the TVP.... why does this make it so OP and needing to be debuffed - or are you calling for the afore mentioned tanks to get a nerf from 3 to 4 after bloom?
I haven't played wot in 4 years, I wonder if they slowed down ebr?
Of course when they made it even more devastating in a largely heavy tank game. Played a game on Malinovka 4 heavy's, 3 tds T10 v 2 Bat Chat 25 ts & 1 STB-1 & we couldn't move & constantly spotted & constantly kept being shot at by tanks we couldn't see.
Stupid game mechanics giving a powerful tank such camo rating even when firing as bushes made no difference, we were constantly being lit up like xmas tree's. So for me, that's not a game about tactics, it's shooting fish in a barrel.
what would be the record on 7-7 with batchat? i got 9.9
When did CTZN from M80 (Rainbow 6 team) started playing world of tanks? 🤔🤔🤔
They should give arty a buff
Not only based on this game, I still strongly feel WG went too far in buffing the BC and the K91. Why so much on these 2 tanks, while they only fine tuned the Patton, which was just as much out of meta ??
A fully rotatable turret was all the K91 needed, since it was alrady the highest dpm med, and a fairly effective sniper - depending of your field mods choice.
Tuning up the BC dispersion stats was necessary, but this is too much.
I know most people disagree with the ammo count as a balancing factor, but it always made sense to me. Now that thing can blind fire 1 or 2 clips per round, and it can snipe 5 rounds in 10 secs fairly accurately from 300 to 400m, pretty much like a Char futur 4, but in quick succession - which is stupid imo. It can even bring an HE mag and fully clip Grilles and FV4005s with a success rate of 100 % nowadays.
The point and playstyle of an assassin tank was to force you to get in close range to deliver your clip accurately, taking the risk to get shot in return, tracked and lit on fire by your prey. There was balance in that playstyle, which is now stripped from the new BC that can fully clip you while double bushing at 200m, fully hitting its 5 shots clip 80 % to 90 % of the time, and you won't be able to do anything about it.
WG made the same kind of mistake they made with the M4 54. I have no doubt this tank is going to become pretty toxic at tier X, and will be nerfed back within the next few months.
Sorry but it's not 2013 anymore. So many new tanks were added into the game that pushed the definition of what good gun handling is. Batchat's HORRENDOUS gun handling made sense, more than a decade ago, where guns had poorer gun handling in the game and the Batchat was balanced around having disgusting gun handling for the huge clip and assassination potential.
But things have changed in a DECADE of world of tanks. It came to a point that literally the majority of tanks (including heavy tanks) would have WAY BETTER gun handling than Batchat and the tank felt left behind, by an insane rate and amount, by all the tanks around it. It was high time that this old assassin got an update after being left untouched for a decade. Btw, 30 shells only were simply disgusting to work with. No tank should be balanced around the amount of ammo it can take. For the first time in so many years, it feels like Batchat is back in the game and you can actually enjoy playing it, not getting pissed of constantly by that trollish gun.
@@thunder7135 yes, a buff was necessary. But now it is over-buffed for sure.
Very good player, impressive!
Umm technically... Max potential damage in old Batchat was about 14 600 assuming max rolls so theoretically it was possible to deal that much damage in old version. But i guess history showed us how possible it actually was 😀
The ammo increase!
CTZN ... isn't that citizen?
I just repicked skills for a 9 skill crew (over a decade grinding) down to a 5 skill crew.. and I'm so done with this game. Apparently it's an unfair advantage to play what you worked to earn.
Wellplayed CTZN and what a hero Djgaming740.. GG
Can someone please tell me what this map is called
Awesome gane congrats
Was the buff necessary?
IMO yes, but this might be too much.
graphics look so smooth.. i run an i5 9600k 32gig rtx2060 super.. how do i get it looking so smooth?
Isn't it just underwhelming when you do 12k dmg and an awesome carry and you still end up with 3 casual medals?
I have seen yesterday this video.
French tanks came out in 2012 not in 2011.
so yeah, maybe WG effed up bigly on this one?
How do show the equipment, vents, etc on screen. Is it achieved with a mod?
Yes, aslain mod
On wot console I got my batchat going 78kph and a 263 still concealment, unfortunately only 417 meters view range . Hit and run tactics is hella fun .😂😂😂
Great game!
Going to sell my amx30b and buy this one. Have good crew (2 premium French mediums) this is much more op then the amx30b that is crying in the corner for ages.
Why is QB saying "they" if he speaks about the BC player who obviously is a singular person?
Because he doesn't know if they are male, female, or one of the fairy tale genders.
@@zGJungle is this approved "official" standard English? I have learned that the generic form is "he".
Is that the CTZN as in proffesional R6s player..? Probably not but it makes me laught to think so
Amazing game
too bad the T9 didn't get buffed at all.
It’s a hyperspace bypass…
I play blitz.. Light tanks are worse then having SPGs.. A SPG cant hide spot or rush or fire multipal shots..
Never seen as much un-painted tanks as in the last week or so
Are the noobs finally running out of credits??
respect amx30b