Yup. Meta is not only shadowbanning now, they are slowly but surely closing down Palestinian and pro-Palestinian accounts which are trying to spread awareness and tell the truth. They are so fricking disgusting.
@@JacobC479can watch video of a trans man but i still know they arent men. Most people will not believe until it is visual for them in person. There is too much fake, too easy to fake, so why bother with it especially when you have 0 control over it. You will die, that is reason enough for people to give themselves a hint of "its not real". They fear nukes, why noones used one since ww2 and yet countries still fall. Nukes pose no threat in an aggresive sense. just give cowards a last option before they fall.
@@SagittarianArrows If one would venture into the past of humankind, one would come to the conclusion that it is in fact our own human nature that is insidious and destructive, not any man made social construct per say. As a species we are doomed by our own hand.
The Bible said it long before Shakespeare did. Read Revelation chapter 12 Satan and his angels were kicked out of heaven and are here on earth, and seek to kill and destroy because they are full of wrath because they know their time is short.
@@Chromosomenineteen Do you search for something that you don’t believe exist? the guide book of wisdom given to you by your creator the Bible, it is the true inspired word of GOD every lie you believe can be answered with the Truth of Jesus Christ. I challenge you to ask Jesus to reveal himself to you since you don’t believe you have nothing to loose for it is written “ask and you shall receive knock and it shall be opened unto you” do it and prove yourself right.
@@Chromosomenineteen Seems pretty accurate to me… “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”
That only comes through Jesus Christ. This world is about to see the wrath of God. And if your not a born again believer your gonna be apart of it. Saved by grace through faith in Christ alone. Repent ❤✝️👑
Matthew 10:34-36 New King James Version 34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to ‘set[a] a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.😊’@@SaintNick94
34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to ‘set[a] a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household. Matthew 10:34-36 New King James Version @@SaintNick94
But boy oh boy he sure used war to get his way. He relished every eviscrerated body that hit the ground. Then he said pretty things for the history books.
Abraham, sure loved war actually. He loved “exterminating” native Americans and didn’t actually give a shit about slaves. It was just good optics and served his and his ruling class interests at the time
@@kircherkircher9244 And the funny thing is not everybody sees it this way? Probably because they're still brainwashed by what the one-sided Corporate media is putting out. Using propaganda as a tool, in order to rule over the masses. 🤐
America is not the place they advertise themselves as. It’s run by Hollywood and has been a test in mind control since WWII (and before). It isn’t a country, it’s a corporation and our taxes go back to The Crown. Smoke and mirrors, because humans are easily controlled. All of our highest government officials are actors - chosen for their part in The Greatest Show on Earth. It’s a good one this time around. Many of us came here to watch this event specifically play itself out. 😉🍿
The problem with imagining world peace, is that everybody will need to want it. History teaches us that that will never be the case. There's always gonna be one person who doesn't wanna play.
It’s crazy how 0.00001% of the world’s population is destined to end the world as we know it and meanwhile the rest of us are just trying to get to sleep because we’ve got a long day of work tomorrow.
Kennedy said it best "The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life."
You know it’s funny, 99% of humans on earth want peace. It’s the less than 1% that rule over the peasants who create and initiate wars and benefit/profit from all of them making back room deals with each others countries. Why do the ppl have to suffer for the globals 1% who are the felons and demons. The ppl have no say, but must suffer. Makes no sense. The same groups started all world wars, throughout history. How are they walking Scott free
Oh hey what is up 👋◉‿◉ All Scripture is inspired of God+ and beneficial for teaching,+ for reproving, for setting things straight,+ for disciplining in righteousness,+ 17
A great quote but that doesn't apply here. The American government will know if any missiles are heading in our direction. We will have time to respond. We are actually blessed to have the East and West Coast covered by oceans. And have the North Canada as a great ally and in the South, Mexico a...whatever they are to us.
VERY GOOD POINT!✔ 🆘️👉A.I. maybe? Because robots will have human consciousness but that's a lie. The small Greys👽, are cybernetic. ☆If humans can be possessed so can robots or bio-bots BY DEMONS! ♡Glory to GOD, I do think too!✝️
Nuclear is especially scary because the weapons exist and are all right there in silos with target coordinates pre-entered just waiting for authorisation to launch.
We got hit with just CS gas on military drill and most everybody threw down they weapons and started running. That stuff will have you leaking eyes nose and mouth.. I canT imagine bio! OMG
That's not love tho- it's born of fear... Desiring something doesn't make it love! Love is kind, gentle, understanding, forgiving...I could go on... So better to say the desire for power over others...
The general public have the power to put an end to this scenario. Wars don’t happen because one country hates another. Wars happen when two or more governments can’t come to an agreement. Ask yourself, what does that have to do with me? The answer: nothing at all. You should not let your government declare war without every member of the populations explicit consent. As an American, I do NOT hate Russians, North Koreans, Chinese, or anyone else for that matter. You are all my brothers and sisters and I would protect you all if I could. Government is the problem, not the general public, but the general public are the ones most affected by war. Make your government get on the frontlines if they want to fight, because it has nothing to do with us. I love you all and I wish you all peace and success.
Even worse, it is not just "the government", it is the sociopathic leaders we tend to choose, that start wars for the sake of their egos...think Alexander "the great", Napoleon, Genghis Khan, GW Bush and Cheney, Saddam Hussein, Frederick V, Ferdinand II, Edward III, etc.
@@PvtEd And you GOTTDAMNED SKIPPY on that one. Now see, here's the thing. Ima gonna needya ta test them thar battle skills when it comes down to the SHTF. FUCK the adults, just look out for the kids and of course the dogs, they's gonna be useful at some point in time. The SAD fucking part is that I won't be able to come out and play cuz I got me some heart failure shit goin on. Lemme tellya, two weeks after I quit drinkin and smokin this happened to me. FUCK!!!! Lesson learned, ifn ya drink all yer life - KEEP drinkin all yer life. All I gotta say 'bout that. Oh yeah, keep fightin th' good fight brother, it's worth it.
@@spazzymacgee5648 Ha ha ha. All I see is 11k comments that are miserable depressing doom gloomers who can’t wait for the world to end. I’ve no idea how this came on my feed and I shan’t be back.
The only thing to fear is fear itself folks. I was a lonely latch key kid that felt invisable. I lived through a dysfunctional family, Vietnam war, the Cold War MLK, JFK assassinations, race rioting, sexual revelution , my father’s death, divorce, poverty, suicidal experience, Loss of home, my moms death ( 😢 my best friend) , had left my own family in order to help save the family home- to go to another state, the pandemic hit, and almost died of Covid. Im still here and what I learned is to resist anxiety and fear! And…that Oh boy that fear is diminishing - the less I hold onto the things of the world. Integrity of the heart and people are what is most important. ❤ Fear not! There are worse things than death. Have faith and love one another. Period.❤
We can't evaluate reality through the experience of one man. Many of us lived through the 1950s, 60s, 70s, to the present. We can prevent wars if we are not stuck on stupid electing incompetent bastards to office.
Maybe so,,,, But…. GOD knows EXACTLY where those bunkers are and what to do to get their attention!!!! 😂😮😂 No one can hide from the Creator of the Universe!!!!!!
I was wondering if anyone would mention the thousands of D.U.M.B.s that the fortunate ones will be allowed to live in for decades or even centuries. It's astounding what they've accomplished in that area and they probably can't wait for a chance to use them.
This is why the Arabs say: „women are the girlfriends of the devil“ Many wars are started in order to win it and finally get access to the most attractive women on the planet.
@@islandknight6105 Altho Gaza still has many living people and standing buildings, despite the IDF's onslaught. Depending on the bomb's size, NYC would look much worse, with at least 100k dead instantly. Supply chain and financial chaos would cripple the entire country for months, even if only NYC hit. It's literally impossible to grasp how terrible things would be. I just found a fascinating site called "nuclearsecrecy" which allows you to "drop" a bomb anywhere and gage effects. It's fun, in a horrifying way. YT doesn't like outside links so you can google it. Cheers.
Just think what human and animals will look like from a global nuclear fog. This is what a teen will look like, the rest of us are Fk-ed....My Prreciousss 👺
Too bad he sold out & recommended people vote for biden. I'm no trump fan & idc how bad he was, there is never any excuse to vote for "lesser evil" or for voting against one's own values. It's sad because I used to respect his opinions. He has now lost any credibility & all my respect. So long as the people don't have a say in who wins primaries, we don't have a choice. Choosing between 2 establishment hacks isn't getting a choice. Decades of Voting lesser of 2 evils has resulted in decades of being governed by evil. Pure evil. If you don't believe in evil , replace the word with "characters lacking moral fiber who work against the peoples interests" if that suits you. Either way, Noam knows better. They got to him & he rolled over Hes no Gandalf. That's for sure
Please tell her that as much as you can, whenever you see her. My Mum and I haven't always gotten along, but most of the time we do, and in the end we both know how much we love each other.
I’m Filipino. The reality that this wise old man is saying haunts me every night as I go to bed. And sends shivers down my spine. I can only hope the west Philippine sea conflict will just end peacefully. I’m no chicken and I’ve proven myself in various ways in the past. But in this case it’s different. I’m serious. I’d rather just swallow my pride. I got too affected I had to stop watching the video about halfway through. I heard enough. I’m young, I do not come from a rich family, I’m still building dreams and not ready to die. Please. Not me. 😞
@@heaty007 No. I do not think it will be necessary bro. I have faith that Our government will be able to figure out some resolutions to solve problems professionally in the most peaceful and diplomatic manner whilst still firmly preserving our sovereignty. Besides we already have a cemented bond with several allied countries against the enemy. We are a Christian nation and firmly believe that god in the end will always look more on the side of righteousness and the more on the interest of the weak, powerless and oppressed. And make the villains duly pay the price in the end. As a natural rule, no wrong can win over righteousness in the end.
@@hyperboytkl1077 My sister in law is from Manilla and moved here to the UK as a nurse, i think she might have moved from the Philippines just in time. Unfortunately her side of the family is still there.
I m a Muslim and our prophet told us what would be happened. Allah said in Quran, and what a beautiful and golden words. You can see what is happening in Ghaza and then you see the faith of ghaza's people on Allah. We know it 1400 years before and we know how to deal. You should read quran and become fearless
It's not in human nature to work together, humans are tribal. It's never gonna happen stop wishing for world peace and face reality...i know its hard but i for one wont be caught with MY pants down....
The 1st world war, my great great grandmother had 2 sons, they both were called up, to fight, my great great grandmother and grandfather lost their 2 sons in that war. After my son died, that was the worst day of my life. Till this day I remember the day, he was born, after all these yrs, that have passed, I still miss him,. I think of my great great grandmother and grandfather the loss they suffered. I know that pain, I still feel that pain, it never goes away, it never will, it stays with you. My father fought in world war11, he was a gentle man, a great father. he never spoke about the war, until 2mths before he died. Now I have a daughter, a son in law, and 2 grandsons, that I adore. I want the world, to live in peace, for my Grandboys, and the next generation. When manmade wars, they send our children away to fight, therè wars, hasn't time taught these warmongers to live in peace. Our children, have a life to live, and a right to live, in a peaceful world. Stop these wars, unnecessary killings of our children. And learn to live in peace, the world, would be a better place. Thats what we all want, No more War.
Dear Shirley, I am so sorry for your loss. I thank you for your kind words and I hope you are doing well. I send you a lot of love, hugz and sun in your heart. Best wishes from Germany. ♥️✌️☀️🙏
The world is full of sin and sinful men, the world is cursed with death and decay and other horrible things pain ect. But here is truth the reason the world is like this, In the beginning God created a man named Adam and woman named eve I'm sure you've heard before and he commanded them not to eat of a certain tree and told them the day that they did they would surely die and so when the time came that the devil had temped eve and she ate of the fruit of the tree she was commanded not to eat of then the words of God came true and when Adam had eat of it and they both realizing they were naked when God approached and hid themselves away from God and God said to them where are you? What have you done? For they disobeyed him and the result was the knowledge of Good and evil as they ate of the fruit of the tree which is called the "tree of the knowledge of Good and evil" and God eventually said to them that curse is the earth and that eve would now give birth in pain(as all mothers now must give birth in pain) but he gave to them clothes that he fashioned for them and sent out of the garden for no longer were they allowed to be there and a angel was set to protect the garden so no may enter it. Then by there disobience sin entered the world and along with death and the curse that God cursed the earth with that pain and suffering and that people would work and be tired and sweat from their brows. By Adam sin entered the world and we know from another verse in the bible that "the penalty of sin is death" and it continues on and speaks of a great hope "but the free gift of God is eternal life through his son Jesus Christ" and who is Jesus? The one prophesied from times passes that he would come as a lamb(lambs are sacrificed for the covering of sin) When a man called John saw Jesus he said of him "the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world" and Jesus said of himself " I came into the world to condemn the world but that the world might be saved through me" he said "I do the father's will"(the father being God in heaven his father) for he was born not through normal means as In sexual but the one who birthed him had no such relations with anyone but was a virgin and so it was by the power of the spirit of God he was born. In another verse Jesus says to a man Nicodemus "how can a man enter heaven?" And Jesus said "truly, truly, unless you are born again you can enter the kingdom of heaven" what does it mean to be born again? In another verse it speaks of how Jesus was the first born among many and now think how was he born but by the power of the spirit of God and then read what is said in the Gospel of John of the followers of Jesus "who were born not of the will of flesh but by the will of the spirit" By who's spirit? In another verse it says something like We have not received the spirit of fear but the spirit of adoption by whom we call out Abba Abba which means father and this spirit is also the spirit by which you must be born again if you desire to enter heaven. Then taking all of this to heart now know the Gospel that Jesus was put to death as a sacrificial lamb(but this lamb would be the ultimate sacrifice for the lambs of old were sacrificed many times for the covering of sins but this lamb is sufficient for all sins) so that when we repent and trust him then are sins are forgiven on account of his sacrificial death, and not only that he was raised from death and into life for he was killed but raised himself and was given into eternal life, and this is the symbolism of baptism not that it saves you but when you're head is sunking beneath the waters this is representing death and when you are raised out of this water it represents being raised into newness of life, eternal life for remember "the penalty of sin is death but the free gift of God through his son Jesus is eternal life" receive this free gift then and be forgiven and transformed into a new birth.
It’s crazy the ones that push the nuke buttons will be in bunkers while everyone else dies because these idiots that hold power don’t care about anyone but themselves 🤦🏾♂️
Fortunately for us they need us to be their slaves so that way they can benefit financially. I’m not saying nuclear war won’t happen but I do believe they’re doing everything they can to prevent it. They have too much invested on the backs of society being hungry for a comfortable living situation. Now if AI actually becomes a real and reliable thing that is when I think we will be indeed doomed, because they most likely will not longer need us, and in the bunkers they go. However they will most likely always need people to fix said AI if it goes haywire so perhaps they will choose a small amount of humanity to spare from nuclear war. Who knows, either way it is terrifying just how evil people can be.
Remember this is the same guy who said the unpoked should be removed from society and getting groceries would be there problem. That comment sure did not stand the test of time. When people tell you who they are, you should listen.
This question hands down proves that there is something deeper at play. And it's what the Bible says in Ephesians 6:11 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"... These thoughts of WAR, senseless killings, and other evil things aren't normal thoughts of man, but they come directly from the devil. Why you think the ones that are running things behind the scene always end up worshipping Satan?
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. - Ephesians 6:12
Amen! I came to this conclusion when I was an Agnostic. Having renewed my faith in Jesus, one can see the dark forces of this world. It is terrifying and I pray daily for the strength to overcome the darkness everywhere. Godbless us all.
Let us pray for each other intimately tonight, tomorrow and the day after... we need each other's strength! May Christianity as a whole under Christ one day unite again as one. Peace be with us all.
On that note; do you think that if governments were abolished and people were left to fend for themselves, we'd be better off in a less chaotic world? A present day example would be Somalia and I don't think thats what we want to emulate for society. Thats where the issue of governments lie.
@@pc2555 No because even if there were no declared countries, you would still have barbarian groups of people that would band together and rape in pillage from other people. People are fallible, and sometimes mean people, and that’s why those that want to live in peace band together with an understanding of why there needs to be borders, language, and culture. My biggest issue is I wish governments would quit thinking. They are virtuous acting on the behalf of people within their own country, and quit sticking their nose into other peoples business.
@@bewiseopeneyes8720. Not really they may live but what sort of life? Not all billionaires are old but a hell of a lot are. If they went into bunkers I wonder how many would live long enough to come out?
@@tedwarden1608 This is not even the problem with their age. But if almost no people survive then they will have nothing. They will have no food, clothes, electricity, water at home, internet, cars, planes, nothing because there will not be enough people left who know how to produce it. And the world will come back to the stone age.
@tedwarden1608 Theres a big misconception when it comes to nukes really. Youd only have to be inside for a few years maybe 10 at the absolute most. One nuclear reactor meltdown puts more radiation into the air than nukes and its far more widespread, remember when japan had a nuclear reactor overload from a tsunami? Japan is still fine as is the world. If every nuke in existence was fired humanity would most likely still survive, the only question is how much of humanity and no one really knows that.
Nothing to worry about. The areas that aren’t populated will be just fine. I’d rather live in the wilderness than live buried in an underground prison (bunker) with several other people. What happens when the food and water runs out? Yeah…
Same here. Every time I load Fallout, I need to at least have 10 Radaways. Just in case. Every fuckin thing I drink and eat, I get at least 2+ of rads into my system.
My parents are both united States of America. Army. My mother an army nurse at Walter Reed hospital in Washington DC. They have talked about it. My father was in the Pacific Iran , Russia , China , and Pearl harbor he always used to tell me you live in the best country in the world 🌎 but there is a price for freedom. ( Today they are both in Arlington county cemetery with honor's ) along with others ❤.
Sa liberté et celle des autres ainsi que l'égalité sinon les guerres auront encore de beaux jours pour ne pas dire des cauchemars pour tous. Quand des pays se disent démocratiques alors qu'ils empêchent d'autres à l'obtenir par toutes les magouilles possibles, il ne faut pas s'en étonner.
You live in a terrorist state. NOT the best country in the world. Gun crime, hiked prices and the bully of and thief from most of the world. You - and your parents have been brainwashed. War is dumb. It is a disease of the mind and soul. Get well soon - all y’all
It's weird that there are some that want a war. No one benefits from it. Everyone will lose someone in war. People haven't learned from past wars. Why can't we just live together in this world without all the killing.
The answer to that is in our evolutionary psychology, I fear. We’re highly evolved apes who possess the intelligence to build highly complex machines, including some which could eventually destroy us all, but neither the wisdom to know better nor the restraint to stop ourselves from doing so in the first place.
Albert Einstein was asked how the 3rd ww would be fought. He basically said he wasn't sure. He continued to say the 4th ww would be fought with 'sticks and stones'
I think he was right coz after fighting ww3 with nuclear they'll be nothing left after it's all finished, so if there's a possibility of ww4 only sticks and stones will b available
Boy, he ain't joking. 😮😢 no matter HOW it goes down, it WILL go down. History repeats itself. We never learn. Governments never learn. Greed, pride, war instinct. Every great empire Falls.
It's humans that never learn. Humans. Our history is nothing but war because of religion, territory or betrayal. It's not a question of if...... but when. The certainty of engineering our own destruction is inevitable.
Unfortunately the people that rise to power, usually want more power. Religion and acquiring more territory is about power over others. The passive people vote for those that want power, so the cycle continues, it’s the fate of humanity. I don’t see a way to fix it.
It's those among us that actually SHOULD lead us that can't or won't. Mankind could have been so much better and gone so much further in positive directions if the right men and women were allowed to lead. Man has nearly always chosen brute strength, slyness and bullying traits over wisdom, tolerance, kindness and love. And here we are... 🙏🏾🌏
So let's pray for God to do a great thing and give us right leaders. Or are we ALL so pessimistic that we now believe it's impossible 😔. Have we ALL given up or should we ALL pass on the possibility that is in prayer and seeking God's face?
@@mightyriver5017 God is not going to work with Satanic governments and the shadow elites that run things behind the scenes. There is no working with what is completely and thoroughly evil. I have seen these agencies traffic children under government protection and you think that the shadow cabal will let a 'good' leader come in to change anything? No- these are end times and due to people's evil and lack of backbone in fighting against the evils of this world there are going to be major cataclysmic events coming.
Certainly true from now on, if not before. ✨🌟Humanity now has the opportunity to organize itself at the global level, which it never did before the electronic revolution. The United Nations has been a good start, but needs to be upgraded. What would we think of a software program that never updated? It would be obsolete within a few years at most, right? And it’s been 80 years since the UN charter has been reviewed, even though that process was supposed to be on the agenda automatically after 10 years. The U.N. was started after the second world war and gave unbalanced power to the victors with the lopsided, one nation Security Council ✨ ✨VETO, which Putin loves, btw. It is dysfunctional, and has always created paralysis when ✨🌟ACTION was needed the most. Article 109 of the UN charter allows for a general charter review conference, Aka: global constitutional convention! Let’s build public support for that and get it going before it’s too late! In fact, the present crisis is an opportunity to suspend Russia’s membership while they are engaged in their war of aggression on Ukraine. Writing this to you has given me an idea: that the general assembly could perhaps pass a law within current UN legal structure, allowing for such a suspension. Brilliant, if it proves to be possible, we may have saved the world. This is “Why You Matter.“ Thanks for your concern, STAR🌟CITIZEN!
@@indrekas It hasnt happened and most likely won’t. Wars are all fought by proxy now, no one wants mutually assured destruction. The whole idea is to win a war not destroy everything
This is a white problem, and whites have the power to either make this a terrible world or a beautiful place. I feel it cokes with compassion and love not fear and nuclear weapons.
Ever since i was a very young boy. I believed that this world would get itself going in the right direction. That was in the 60s. I was wrong. I dont think humankind has it in them to do the right thing.
Wait isn't the 60s when birth control and promiscuity became normalized? Most these other monkeys need to eat a lot of shit before they realize it's bad for em. They'll crash a ship they stole in spite before giving up to justice. Too bad we're all aboard and they go so fast now.
His degree is in linguistics. Persuasion? It looks like he got all the shots, and his approach to the unvaccinated, was one which had no faith in the vaccination's effectiveness. Nor the ability to develop effective treatments. Am I wrong?
My parents said the same thing to my sisters and me. They also said there would never be a 3rd WW in my lifetime… I’m 51 now. Both of my parents are deceased, I don’t think they’d make the same statement today. My dad passed in 2016, my mom in 2019. They exited before everything went bananas.
We will have destroyed practically all life on this planet. I’m so torn with disgust and sorrow, the anger left somewhere in the past. We are not the apex of evolution, we are it’s destruction.
He is right .Does gonna to happens if lhe universal concience don't becomes together more than ever to ending with the bad willing of some play games powers .
I also was born in 52 . Same for me, under our desks at school. Duck and cover on the playground. We would go to the big box stores and there would be bomb shelter out from for you to check out what they would be like. I was so scared all of the time. I was a dressed out child anyway. Now that people use the words nuclear war so easily, they don’t have a clue.
We must pray. All of us. GOD hears us. "If my ppl who are called by my name would Humble themselves, and turn from their wicked ways, then i will heal their land."
@@jameshammond3853those super power are control by the fallen angel,biden,putin all those leaders are the fallen angels.those fallen angel hates humankind.
And if God were to come back, would we believe that it would truly be him. Or should we remain stuck in the mindset that the antichrist is to come to us first? 🤔 I kind of figure that both the devil and God will appear at the same time. lt's kind of like Yin and Yang...you can't have one without the other one present in some form or another. Good vs Evil Following our own true self (our hearts) or that of our ego? Our egos will always lead us astray, while our "own true self" will bring us home. 😀
Mind Begs the Question: - Albert Pike wrote 3 World Wars - World Events unfolding as he scripted - Govts governing Nations,or - World Govts shadow lead by Occultists?
Humanity needs to take the road less traveled....it’s either the love of power or the power of love. Forgiveness and compassion is the only way out of the confusion.
Unfortunately, we’re dealing with evil, the inability to feel compassion towards others. Maybe the defenders will be able to forgive the murder of innocent lives, but right now they’re too busy trying to save innocent lives.
I agree. If these idiots in power traded weed instead of weapons, then themselves and everyone else would make more money than before, as well as being peace to the Middle East.
@@PunkSlapper123 that's true, but if the majority of the people would actually be invested in our collective future, then we could have control. For example; if people stop buying stuff at shops that only accept digital payment, then what is the shop eventually gonna do? Adapt (accept cash again) or go bankrupt. We, the middleclass have the real power, we have the numbers. But we're not interested in that stuff anymore, we've become too selfish so now it's basically "every man for himself". And i'm ok with that as well, because i don't have children that will bear the consequences of our actions and inactions, nor will i ever. Just sucks for the upcoming adolescents/generations 🤷♂️
Doesn’t matter what culture, religion, ideology or government system you put in place. The cold hard truth about life is that *sociopaths* will always make it to the top. That’s why we say things like “nice guys finish last” and “the good die young”.
Government system matters alot. Much better to have a democratic system that will protect the people from the worst sociopaths. It's not perfect but better than dictatorship.
@@FayeKuI wish more people talked about this concept bc it seems like a very good idea IMO. Give everyone what they need to survive, the absolute basics, and if thats all they want, ok. Others can choose to apply themselves to their actual interests and skill sets, and work harder, and be rewarded for that. I feel like the sheer stress of trying to survive atm is costing us so much more money in the long run(mostly due to the health implications of stress). If people always knew they'd have a roof over their head and a meal on the table, they would be free to explore their interests, learn, reach their potential, help humanity progress and find peace, happiness and fulfillment but instead we have people ignoring their interests and natural talents in pursuit of doing whatever it takes to survive, just for their health to fail as a result. It doesn't take a ton of money for a human to just feel safe/secure and by doing so, they'd be capable of so much more than they are currently. I'm an ayurvedic practitioner and live blood analyst, which almost nobody can afford rn, and if I didn't have to worry about food and shelter myself, I could help so many people heal from chronic illness and thrive but instead I'm spending my time and energy doing things I hate(and am not even that good at) just so my kids can eat while I just have to stand by and watch people suffer unnecessarily but cant afford to take the time to help them. It's not money I'm after, just the ability to survive while helping people but now we're all starving our souls just to feed our starving bodies💔 I truly believe that the biggest problem we face today is people living out of alignment w their/our nature, which inevitably leads to tragic outcomes(suicide, poverty, depression, health issues, lack of fulfillment, anger, selfishness, addiction, abuse, crime, relationship issues etc). We have the means to have utopia on earth already, but because so many of us are just stuck living in survival mode, we're behaving like primitive animals and it's so unnecessary and sad. This reminds me of spiral dynamics and if youre not already familiar, I highly recommend looking into it!
For all of his World War 3 remarks, never forget that Noam advocated putting people who refused the jab into camps and isolating them from society. Because that’s what “reasonable” people do.
In the early days of Wikipedia, Noam Chomsky's entry said "Noam Chomsky is an American professor, public intellectual, and Juggalo". and it stuck for about a week or so. It was the funniest shit ever, and I still think about it every time I see Noam Chomsky.
There's this old movie, Threads (1984). Is by far the most horrific movie I've ever seen. Is a very realistic representation of what a nuclear war would look like in Britain. You see, the war itself would be bad enough. But when Chomsky speaks of nuclear winter, he spokes of famine, decay, and ruin
Lol yeah prayer is going to just stop it god is going to just shoot a message inside the highest powers with they’re fingers on the nuke button and they are gonna say “you know what let’s not do this”
The paramount existential problem of our time is that there does not seem to be any realistic hope of solving the nuclear weapons threat, which we sometimes reference as “World War Three.” We can hope that artificial intelligence will somehow avail, but it is a laughably scant hope that the technology even more dangerous than nuclear weapons will be our savior.
AI won’t mean anything if everything gets nuked. The coming generations would have to start from ground zero. No technology, barely any food. Nuclear winter is no joke.
They want you to be concerned. Don't worry about things like that. Focus on the things that truly matter - your loved ones. Focus on the love of God that is in Jesus Christ. Think of what Jesus said before He died on a cross for us, my brother - "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27
What you think of us, the USA 🇺🇸 ? I don't care about democrats or republicans. But when Trump was in charge every crazy sob in charge of terrorists,communism and even the clown of North Korea ALL OF THEM WERE SILENT AND BEHAVING. How about now? What you think of why he lost? Just a sane thinking and no politics. In my opinion this was more spiritual...
Sadly it seems to be inevitable that we destroy ourselves. I say sadly, because the untold suffering of the world will be unimaginable and all because we couldn't just accept ourselves and others for what we are. As a species, given what we've done to this beautiful place, I think we deserve it. Nature will fight back and there will be another beautiful place one day assuming the planks that started all this don't survive .
The planet will be the same again actually. We won't be there for it but the planet will be just fine. After a nuclear winter kills us all the planet will start a regeneration process. It will once again become clean.
😂I don't understand why the people still let the 'higher powers' tell them what to do & who to kill like a game of action man for grown ups & it's REAL. Why don't the people say "go to hell boss" I would! 😳😳😳
Sometimes the camera is found...next to the decomposing corpse that held said camera. Also, remember Cloverfield (although fiction, that poor fool didn't survive)
It doesn't have to be the end. People need to engage and unite against the ignorance and inertia that threatens our future. There needs to start a dialogue and back down those who promote conflict that promote their personal interests and wealth.
“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”
Yup. Meta is not only shadowbanning now, they are slowly but surely closing down Palestinian and pro-Palestinian accounts which are trying to spread awareness and tell the truth. They are so fricking disgusting.
Noam chomsky never tells the truth hes a old hack that wanted the unvaccinated to be cast out of society
For example, nukes don't exist.
@@ReapingTheHarvestyou’re joking right? Of course they exist, you can watch a video of one right now.
@@JacobC479can watch video of a trans man but i still know they arent men.
Most people will not believe until it is visual for them in person. There is too much fake, too easy to fake, so why bother with it especially when you have 0 control over it. You will die, that is reason enough for people to give themselves a hint of "its not real".
They fear nukes, why noones used one since ww2 and yet countries still fall. Nukes pose no threat in an aggresive sense. just give cowards a last option before they fall.
The only thing we learn from history is that we never learn from history
Chomsky supported the climate scam. He’s a douchebag
Ain't that the damn truth! FJB and FDUMBOCRAPS!
We learn how insidious is neoliberalism & American imperialism is & it's not "CCP" of McCarthyism
@@SagittarianArrows If one would venture into the past of humankind, one would come to the conclusion that it is in fact our own human nature that is insidious and destructive, not any man made social construct per say.
As a species we are doomed by our own hand.
as long we are guided by the 1%
"Hell is empty, for all the demons are on earth!"
The Bible said it long before Shakespeare did.
Read Revelation chapter 12 Satan and his angels were kicked out of heaven and are here on earth, and seek to kill and destroy because they are full of wrath because they know their time is short.
@@ibelieveitcauseiseentit9630Synagogue of Satan. Chomsky his fellow demons
@@ibelieveitcauseiseentit9630don’t bring fiction into reality.
@@Chromosomenineteen Do you search for something that you don’t believe exist? the guide book of wisdom given to you by your creator the Bible, it is the true inspired word of GOD every lie you believe can be answered with the Truth of Jesus Christ. I challenge you to ask Jesus to reveal himself to you since you don’t believe you have nothing to loose for it is written “ask and you shall receive knock and it shall be opened unto you” do it and prove yourself right.
@@Chromosomenineteen Seems pretty accurate to me…
“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.”
No to War We want PEACE
That only comes through Jesus Christ. This world is about to see the wrath of God. And if your not a born again believer your gonna be apart of it.
Saved by grace through faith in Christ alone.
Repent ❤✝️👑
But the politicians want war on both sides, no talk of diplomacy ever anymore, this is all planned out
Too late for that bud
Matthew 10:34-36
New King James Version
34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For I have come to ‘set[a] a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.😊’@@SaintNick94
34 “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.
35 For I have come to ‘set[a] a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’;
36 and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household.
Matthew 10:34-36
New King James Version
"There is no honorable way to kill. No gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending."- Abraham Lincoln.
But boy oh boy he sure used war to get his way. He relished every eviscrerated body that hit the ground. Then he said pretty things for the history books.
"His way"? You mean destroying the confederacy? @mjt1517
@mjt1517 Sure are lucky 'his way' was ending slavery, I guess.
Abraham, sure loved war actually. He loved “exterminating” native Americans and didn’t actually give a shit about slaves. It was just good optics and served his and his ruling class interests at the time
@@mjt1517Nearly every successful leader in history was the same.
But your point is spot on.
It is unimaginable. There have been things seen in the last few years I thought would never happen in America
Yup, nobody really opened their eyes until covid came out and then after that, the workings of the underworld became clear as day.
Truth. So disheartening.
@@kircherkircher9244 And the funny thing is not everybody sees it this way? Probably because they're still brainwashed by what the one-sided
Corporate media is putting out. Using propaganda as a tool, in order to rule over the masses. 🤐
Yup. impeachments, attempted coups and indictments of a corrupt and treacherous fascist president. Unimaginable but it happened.
America is not the place they advertise themselves as. It’s run by Hollywood and has been a test in mind control since WWII (and before). It isn’t a country, it’s a corporation and our taxes go back to The Crown. Smoke and mirrors, because humans are easily controlled. All of our highest government officials are actors - chosen for their part in The Greatest Show on Earth. It’s a good one this time around. Many of us came here to watch this event specifically play itself out. 😉🍿
" I don't know what World War 3 will be fought with but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones" Albert Einstein
I donno how many times I’ve seen this comment regurgitate
Bro if you are alive
@@MiliMo101ikr jeez
Guns will still exist for WW4 and bombs will still be crafted.
You mean radioactive sticks and stones, right?
The problem with imagining world peace, is that everybody will need to want it. History teaches us that that will never be the case. There's always gonna be one person who doesn't wanna play.
Some prefer to play alone, others prefer to play in orgies. There will always be one who plays different.
If Russia should not exist why should the world exist
That's why that "one person" will have to submit to the rest by any means necessary in order to bring about peace.
The definition of “Peace” is that short period of time between wars
we need to build a system where rogue actors can't get power. we need to stop with the liberal individualism. its destroying us
It’s crazy how 0.00001% of the world’s population is destined to end the world as we know it and meanwhile the rest of us are just trying to get to sleep because we’ve got a long day of work tomorrow.
Well said
Soo why aren’t we doing something about it???
@@marry9894 like what? Lol
@@RichieWilliams97 Very difficult to do, impossible to say.
@@marry9894 wut
Kennedy said it best "The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life."
All Scripture is inspired of God+ and beneficial for teaching,+ for reproving, for setting things straight,+ for disciplining in righteousness,+ 17
So far we've done neither.
You know it’s funny, 99% of humans on earth want peace. It’s the less than 1% that rule over the peasants who create and initiate wars and benefit/profit from all of them making back room deals with each others countries. Why do the ppl have to suffer for the globals 1% who are the felons and demons. The ppl have no say, but must suffer. Makes no sense. The same groups started all world wars, throughout history. How are they walking Scott free
It is true....
The world isn't different. It only looks different. It's up to us to change, not the world
Ted Kennedy once said , if there’s two men standing in a pool of gas and one has one match and the other has ten , does it matter who strikes first ?
Oh hey what is up 👋◉‿◉ All Scripture is inspired of God+ and beneficial for teaching,+ for reproving, for setting things straight,+ for disciplining in righteousness,+ 17
And that is a stupid
@@mattmo8611 ( ╹▽╹ )The Song of Solomon
1 The song of songs,* which is Solʹo·mon’s:+
A great quote but that doesn't apply here. The American government will know if any missiles are heading in our direction. We will have time to respond. We are actually blessed to have the East and West Coast covered by oceans. And have the North Canada as a great ally and in the South, Mexico a...whatever they are to us.
@@anthonywatson7676I think he means it doesn’t matter how many you have who ever strikes first takes themselves and their target down
Most people tend to think it will be nuclear but maybe it’s gonna be Biochemical or even Cybernetic
🆘️👉A.I. maybe? Because robots will have human consciousness but that's a lie. The small Greys👽, are cybernetic.
☆If humans can be possessed so can robots or bio-bots BY DEMONS!
♡Glory to GOD, I do think too!✝️
Or in Fortnite
Nuclear is especially scary because the weapons exist and are all right there in silos with target coordinates pre-entered just waiting for authorisation to launch.
We got hit with just CS gas on military drill and most everybody threw down they weapons and started running. That stuff will have you leaking eyes nose and mouth.. I canT imagine bio! OMG
The love of power over others is the most dangerous love that ever existed
NOT …. love . ☝️
….. satanic power lust . 👈 💩
Some …. will choose poorly . 🔥
Judgment is coming . 🇺🇸
Semper Fi
That's some good shit right there. It's possibly the only love, the people who seek it out, know or feel in their time existing. That'd be shitty.
That's not love tho- it's born of fear... Desiring something doesn't make it love! Love is kind, gentle, understanding, forgiving...I could go on... So better to say the desire for power over others...
@@C-Here You're right there's a lot of fear with that desire for power.
Yes definitely...
They can't stand to be powerless- so must have lots of power and $$$$$.. 😢😢
The general public have the power to put an end to this scenario. Wars don’t happen because one country hates another. Wars happen when two or more governments can’t come to an agreement. Ask yourself, what does that have to do with me? The answer: nothing at all. You should not let your government declare war without every member of the populations explicit consent. As an American, I do NOT hate Russians, North Koreans, Chinese, or anyone else for that matter. You are all my brothers and sisters and I would protect you all if I could. Government is the problem, not the general public, but the general public are the ones most affected by war. Make your government get on the frontlines if they want to fight, because it has nothing to do with us. I love you all and I wish you all peace and success.
The government is corupt ,the justice is corrupt,the general population is the victim 😢
Even worse, it is not just "the government", it is the sociopathic leaders we tend to choose, that start wars for the sake of their egos...think Alexander "the great", Napoleon, Genghis Khan, GW Bush and Cheney, Saddam Hussein, Frederick V, Ferdinand II, Edward III, etc.
Facts they won't heed our requests or voice but they'll send US to die!we are ran by hidden kings!
@@PvtEd And you GOTTDAMNED SKIPPY on that one. Now see, here's the thing. Ima gonna needya ta test them thar battle skills when it comes down to the SHTF. FUCK the adults, just look out for the kids and of course the dogs, they's gonna be useful at some point in time. The SAD fucking part is that I won't be able to come out and play cuz I got me some heart failure shit goin on. Lemme tellya, two weeks after I quit drinkin and smokin this happened to me. FUCK!!!! Lesson learned, ifn ya drink all yer life - KEEP drinkin all yer life. All I gotta say 'bout that. Oh yeah, keep fightin th' good fight brother, it's worth it.
@@PvtEd Backatcha brother. Remember, the time is NOW.
"People speak of peace, but will harbor war in their hearts."
You mean like this miserable wreck?
@@Moist._Robot Biden, Trudeau, Soros... Yes. Those miserable traitors.
@Moist._Robot you haven't a clue you pathetic troll.
Because it's inevitable
Ha ha ha. All I see is 11k comments that are miserable depressing doom gloomers who can’t wait for the world to end.
I’ve no idea how this came on my feed and I shan’t be back.
Thank you for bringing this to everyone's attention...🙏
God bless you! 🙏💓💞🌍😇
The only thing to fear is fear itself folks. I was a lonely latch key kid that felt invisable. I lived through a dysfunctional family, Vietnam war, the Cold War MLK, JFK assassinations, race rioting, sexual revelution , my father’s death, divorce, poverty, suicidal experience,
Loss of home, my moms death ( 😢 my best friend) , had left my own family in order to help save the family home- to go to another state, the pandemic hit, and almost died of Covid.
Im still here and what I learned is to resist anxiety and fear! And…that Oh boy that fear is diminishing - the less I hold onto the things of the world. Integrity of the heart and people are what is most important. ❤ Fear not! There are worse things than death. Have faith and love one another. Period.❤
We can't evaluate reality through the experience of one man. Many of us lived through the 1950s, 60s, 70s, to the present. We can prevent wars if we are not stuck on stupid electing incompetent bastards to office.
Wow. I love you as one human to another. You're words are from wisdom. You are a great leader. ❤
Beautiful message
Amen, words of wisdom. Well done and thank you.
People don’t realise, it’s already started. You’re just too busy watching Netflix and using your phone.
Exactly. A wise man that i know a little once told WWIII will be done with no guns, canons, bombs, etc.
Not me
Says the man commenting on social media.
There is a border invasion in America.
The federal government is on their side against Americans.
What, if you stop watching Netflix you can prevent global nuclear war?
The elites dont care, they will be in their bunkers.
Maybe so,,,, But…. GOD knows EXACTLY where those bunkers are and what to do to get their attention!!!! 😂😮😂 No one can hide from the Creator of the Universe!!!!!!
I was wondering if anyone would mention the thousands of D.U.M.B.s that the fortunate ones will be allowed to live in for decades or even centuries.
It's astounding what they've accomplished in that area and they probably can't wait for a chance to use them.
Yep, and they will have families down there ready to flourish on the surface after the radiation has decipated.@@TacoSlobberknocker
Seems like they do a pretty good job already. And god is nowhere to be seen.
They will be lucky if they make 6 months don't care where you go like said nuclear winter storm
How is it possible that such a SMALL NUMBER of people has the POWER to DESTROY the world we are living in...... a world that is so dear to us......
Because 77million people recently made it so.
WE are dealing with DEMONS not human beings
Amen to that.
Same drum beat different century
And nearly all of it comes from America
This is why the Arabs say: „women are the girlfriends of the devil“
Many wars are started in order to win it and finally get access to the most attractive women on the planet.
Cathedral to War in Moscow, inaugurated in 2019, sure looks demonic 😵💫 They incorporated ashes and bones from WW II nazis. Sick and obsessive 🤢
"It's beyond discussion." In other words: No words to describe what things would be like. I don't think enough people truly get that nowadays.
99 percent of all life on the planet would cease to exist within a few years.
New York City would resemble Gaza right now.
@@islandknight6105 Altho Gaza still has many living people and standing buildings, despite the IDF's onslaught. Depending on the bomb's size, NYC would look much worse, with at least 100k dead instantly. Supply chain and financial chaos would cripple the entire country for months, even if only NYC hit. It's literally impossible to grasp how terrible things would be. I just found a fascinating site called "nuclearsecrecy" which allows you to "drop" a bomb anywhere and gage effects. It's fun, in a horrifying way. YT doesn't like outside links so you can google it. Cheers.
They're about to...
“The only winning move is not to play”
War Games
Lol who?
@@rickenfatania Watch the movie War Games
- the Buddha
But “play” cannot logically be avoided on a permanent basis! Eventually, the game is played. (And no one likes to hear this said aloud.)
People are already suffering. Thousands of traumatized children. Right now😢❤
The thought breaks my heart for humanity. So senseless. There's so much beauty and resources for everyone.
Naive bullshit...
North korean ‘kid care about anything?
@@arturtwardowski8065yes your comment is. the constant threat of doom since the 1900s is a manufactured worldview.
This world must perish!
@@arturtwardowski8065feel free to save oxygen for the rest of us…😂😂😂
Chomsky's transformation to Gandalf the Grey is almost complete....
Gandolph was slightly less Communist tho
It's gandofl the white 😂. That's basic lotr knowledge
Just think what human and animals will look like from a global nuclear fog. This is what a teen will look like, the rest of us are Fk-ed....My Prreciousss 👺
@quietus13 in some people's perspective hes communist. For others anarchist. For him hes saying the truth and exposing the lies of the West.
Too bad he sold out & recommended people vote for biden.
I'm no trump fan & idc how bad he was, there is never any excuse to vote for "lesser evil" or for voting against one's own values.
It's sad because I used to respect his opinions. He has now lost any credibility & all my respect.
So long as the people don't have a say in who wins primaries, we don't have a choice.
Choosing between 2 establishment hacks isn't getting a choice.
Decades of Voting lesser of 2 evils has resulted in decades of being governed by evil. Pure evil.
If you don't believe in evil , replace the word with "characters lacking moral fiber who work against the peoples interests" if that suits you.
Either way, Noam knows better.
They got to him & he rolled over
Hes no Gandalf. That's for sure
Yep…calling mum now so she knows I always loved her…
She should already have known that 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Tell her I love her too.
Please tell her that as much as you can, whenever you see her. My Mum and I haven't always gotten along, but most of the time we do, and in the end we both know how much we love each other.
I’m Filipino. The reality that this wise old man is saying haunts me every night as I go to bed. And sends shivers down my spine. I can only hope the west Philippine sea conflict will just end peacefully. I’m no chicken and I’ve proven myself in various ways in the past. But in this case it’s different. I’m serious. I’d rather just swallow my pride. I got too affected I had to stop watching the video about halfway through. I heard enough.
I’m young, I do not come from a rich family, I’m still building dreams and not ready to die. Please. Not me. 😞
Sorry bro you might wanna move
No. I do not think it will be necessary bro. I have faith that Our government will be able to figure out some resolutions to solve problems professionally in the most peaceful and diplomatic manner whilst still firmly preserving our sovereignty. Besides we already have a cemented bond with several allied countries against the enemy. We are a Christian nation and firmly believe that god in the end will always look more on the side of righteousness and the more on the interest of the weak, powerless and oppressed. And make the villains duly pay the price in the end. As a natural rule, no wrong can win over righteousness in the end.
@@hyperboytkl1077 My sister in law is from Manilla and moved here to the UK as a nurse, i think she might have moved from the Philippines just in time. Unfortunately her side of the family is still there.
If a little old man, a stranger from a random video on the internet is having those affects in your life… you need medical help and medication 🤦🏻♂️🙄
I m a Muslim and our prophet told us what would be happened. Allah said in Quran, and what a beautiful and golden words. You can see what is happening in Ghaza and then you see the faith of ghaza's people on Allah. We know it 1400 years before and we know how to deal. You should read quran and become fearless
With you on that brother
It's not in human nature to work together, humans are tribal. It's never gonna happen stop wishing for world peace and face reality...i know its hard but i for one wont be caught with MY pants down....
Wanna hold my hand?
@@Dying2survivegaming I already have it but thanks for asking
The 1st world war, my great great grandmother had 2 sons, they both were called up, to fight, my great great grandmother and grandfather lost their 2 sons in that war.
After my son died, that was the worst day of my life. Till this day I remember the day, he was born, after all these yrs, that have passed, I still miss him,. I think of my great great grandmother and grandfather the loss they suffered. I know that pain, I still feel that pain, it never goes away, it never will, it stays with you.
My father fought in world war11, he was a gentle man, a great father. he never spoke about the war, until 2mths before he died.
Now I have a daughter, a son in law, and 2 grandsons, that I adore.
I want the world, to live in peace, for my Grandboys, and the next generation.
When manmade wars, they send our children away to fight, therè wars, hasn't time taught these warmongers to live in peace. Our children, have a life to live, and a right to live, in a peaceful world.
Stop these wars, unnecessary killings of our children. And learn to live in peace, the world, would be a better place.
Thats what we all want, No more War.
Dear Shirley, I am so sorry for your loss. I thank you for your kind words and I hope you are doing well. I send you a lot of love, hugz and sun in your heart. Best wishes from Germany. ♥️✌️☀️🙏
The world is full of sin and sinful men, the world is cursed with death and decay and other horrible things pain ect. But here is truth the reason the world is like this, In the beginning God created a man named Adam and woman named eve I'm sure you've heard before and he commanded them not to eat of a certain tree and told them the day that they did they would surely die and so when the time came that the devil had temped eve and she ate of the fruit of the tree she was commanded not to eat of then the words of God came true and when Adam had eat of it and they both realizing they were naked when God approached and hid themselves away from God and God said to them where are you? What have you done? For they disobeyed him and the result was the knowledge of Good and evil as they ate of the fruit of the tree which is called the "tree of the knowledge of Good and evil" and God eventually said to them that curse is the earth and that eve would now give birth in pain(as all mothers now must give birth in pain) but he gave to them clothes that he fashioned for them and sent out of the garden for no longer were they allowed to be there and a angel was set to protect the garden so no may enter it. Then by there disobience sin entered the world and along with death and the curse that God cursed the earth with that pain and suffering and that people would work and be tired and sweat from their brows. By Adam sin entered the world and we know from another verse in the bible that "the penalty of sin is death" and it continues on and speaks of a great hope "but the free gift of God is eternal life through his son Jesus Christ" and who is Jesus? The one prophesied from times passes that he would come as a lamb(lambs are sacrificed for the covering of sin) When a man called John saw Jesus he said of him "the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world" and Jesus said of himself " I came into the world to condemn the world but that the world might be saved through me" he said "I do the father's will"(the father being God in heaven his father) for he was born not through normal means as In sexual but the one who birthed him had no such relations with anyone but was a virgin and so it was by the power of the spirit of God he was born. In another verse Jesus says to a man Nicodemus "how can a man enter heaven?" And Jesus said "truly, truly, unless you are born again you can enter the kingdom of heaven" what does it mean to be born again? In another verse it speaks of how Jesus was the first born among many and now think how was he born but by the power of the spirit of God and then read what is said in the Gospel of John of the followers of Jesus "who were born not of the will of flesh but by the will of the spirit" By who's spirit? In another verse it says something like We have not received the spirit of fear but the spirit of adoption by whom we call out Abba Abba which means father and this spirit is also the spirit by which you must be born again if you desire to enter heaven. Then taking all of this to heart now know the Gospel that Jesus was put to death as a sacrificial lamb(but this lamb would be the ultimate sacrifice for the lambs of old were sacrificed many times for the covering of sins but this lamb is sufficient for all sins) so that when we repent and trust him then are sins are forgiven on account of his sacrificial death, and not only that he was raised from death and into life for he was killed but raised himself and was given into eternal life, and this is the symbolism of baptism not that it saves you but when you're head is sunking beneath the waters this is representing death and when you are raised out of this water it represents being raised into newness of life, eternal life for remember "the penalty of sin is death but the free gift of God through his son Jesus is eternal life" receive this free gift then and be forgiven and transformed into a new birth.
They profit from war.
Jesus will take you pain away by simply giving him your pain and he will deal with it for you.
It’s crazy the ones that push the nuke buttons will be in bunkers while everyone else dies because these idiots that hold power don’t care about anyone but themselves 🤦🏾♂️
Fortunately for us they need us to be their slaves so that way they can benefit financially. I’m not saying nuclear war won’t happen but I do believe they’re doing everything they can to prevent it. They have too much invested on the backs of society being hungry for a comfortable living situation.
Now if AI actually becomes a real and reliable thing that is when I think we will be indeed doomed, because they most likely will not longer need us, and in the bunkers they go. However they will most likely always need people to fix said AI if it goes haywire so perhaps they will choose a small amount of humanity to spare from nuclear war.
Who knows, either way it is terrifying just how evil people can be.
It's time to replace the ones that are in charge.
Some countries have bunkers built for much of their population.
They'll be in subs and in space.
Those bunkers won’t protect them long
Love this man, admire his wisdom and wish more leaders would listen to him.
Remember this is the same guy who said the unpoked should be removed from society and getting groceries would be there problem. That comment sure did not stand the test of time. When people tell you who they are, you should listen.
If he said that he's an evil creep. Us unvaxed are the healthiest right now!!
So, what is your point?
You took it out of context. Plus learn grammar.
Yo, quien no habla inglés, pienso lo mismo que ud
@@markdaniels4178point is that chomsky is a scumbag and nothing he says should be listened to
Really don’t understand why all nations can’t just chill and unite, like bruh why are people killing each other just enjoy your life.
@@jimmiejordan1Unite as in band together & consolidate & strengthen.
The reason boils down to lust for money and power.
The whole thing is more us as human beings , the major war is in spiritual realms , the two sides are locking horns for power and control
This question hands down proves that there is something deeper at play. And it's what the Bible says in Ephesians 6:11 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"... These thoughts of WAR, senseless killings, and other evil things aren't normal thoughts of man, but they come directly from the devil. Why you think the ones that are running things behind the scene always end up worshipping Satan?
❤❤❤❤❤peace ❤❤❤❤
Terminator 2 Judgment Day: “Anybody not wearing two-million sunblock is gonna have a bad day.” Sarah Connor
Read that comment with Linda Hamiltons voice 😂
Interesting how they dealt with nuclear war and AI in that movie. How prophetic.
@@Carlotta_Lee_Ray it's called programming but it's nowhere close to that, just another programmed technical manipulation.
By breathing you will ingest radiation. There is no cream available that will protect you from nuclear radiation.
I can´t see millions marching in the streets for peace,have we given up already...?!
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
- Ephesians 6:12
Amen! I came to this conclusion when I was an Agnostic. Having renewed my faith in Jesus, one can see the dark forces of this world. It is terrifying and I pray daily for the strength to overcome the darkness everywhere. Godbless us all.
Can't agree more with you
Let us pray for each other intimately tonight, tomorrow and the day after... we need each other's strength! May Christianity as a whole under Christ one day unite again as one. Peace be with us all.
I don’t know who said it, but over the last 10 years, I firmly believe that people can get along, but governments can’t.
But they need our votes, so they will make us fight each other to pick a side.
A Jewish Man at The Church in Jerusalem !!!in 1945 😔
On that note; do you think that if governments were abolished and people were left to fend for themselves, we'd be better off in a less chaotic world? A present day example would be Somalia and I don't think thats what we want to emulate for society. Thats where the issue of governments lie.
@@pc2555 No because even if there were no declared countries, you would still have barbarian groups of people that would band together and rape in pillage from other people. People are fallible, and sometimes mean people, and that’s why those that want to live in peace band together with an understanding of why there needs to be borders, language, and culture.
My biggest issue is I wish governments would quit thinking. They are virtuous acting on the behalf of people within their own country, and quit sticking their nose into other peoples business.
Yeah right.. humans can't even get along with other humans who look different from themselves.
For those of you not paying attention, WW3 has already started and it is not using conventional weapons.
As long as your mom keeps taking my calls, I'm all good
Weapons have not been conventional for a century
@silkroad1201 Lol!
You are currently living through the largest, most malicious psychological operation in history
Jesus is coming back again 🎺😇
I think after that it's about to start
May god bless Noam peace. He will be missed. I sincerely wish that the sands of time could be turned around
we either all live together or die together. no one wins in a nuclear war.
Other than the billionaires with nuclear bunkers
@@bewiseopeneyes8720. Not really they may live but what sort of life?
Not all billionaires are old but a hell of a lot are. If they went into bunkers I wonder how many would live long enough to come out?
@@tedwarden1608 This is not even the problem with their age. But if almost no people survive then they will have nothing. They will have no food, clothes, electricity, water at home, internet, cars, planes, nothing because there will not be enough people left who know how to produce it. And the world will come back to the stone age.
@tedwarden1608 Theres a big misconception when it comes to nukes really. Youd only have to be inside for a few years maybe 10 at the absolute most. One nuclear reactor meltdown puts more radiation into the air than nukes and its far more widespread, remember when japan had a nuclear reactor overload from a tsunami? Japan is still fine as is the world. If every nuke in existence was fired humanity would most likely still survive, the only question is how much of humanity and no one really knows that.
And our leaders keep on marching forward, with no regard to the damage that is going to happen.
Their loved ones in bunkers
They will start the wars and they're the ones who have the safety bunkers
Because it's on purpose!_
@@Killer-vi4ih That is not a life.
I’m not worried about nuclear war as they are all friends behind the curtain. I’m worried about the lack of fresh clean water and food.
Spot on
Nothing to worry about. The areas that aren’t populated will be just fine. I’d rather live in the wilderness than live buried in an underground prison (bunker) with several other people. What happens when the food and water runs out?
Yes I hear you, so am I. But that is the plan from the greedy elites.
Same here. Every time I load Fallout, I need to at least have 10 Radaways. Just in case. Every fuckin thing I drink and eat, I get at least 2+ of rads into my system.
On point!
Everyone's crying and still some evil people won't stop the destruction
My parents are both united States of America. Army. My mother an army nurse at Walter Reed hospital in Washington DC. They have talked about it. My father was in the Pacific Iran , Russia , China , and Pearl harbor he always used to tell me you live in the best country in the world 🌎 but there is a price for freedom. ( Today they are both in Arlington county cemetery with honor's ) along with others ❤.
Sa liberté et celle des autres ainsi que l'égalité sinon les guerres auront encore de beaux jours pour ne pas dire des cauchemars pour tous. Quand des pays se disent démocratiques alors qu'ils empêchent d'autres à l'obtenir par toutes les magouilles possibles, il ne faut pas s'en étonner.
My condolences! 💙🙏🏼🕊 Their courage and bravery for us, will not be forgotten! 🇺🇸
God bless them!
A lot of countries are the best for their citizens - ask the Chinese, the Russians, the Germans, the Japanese, you're no exceptional, gringos
You live in a terrorist state. NOT the best country in the world. Gun crime, hiked prices and the bully of and thief from most of the world. You - and your parents have been brainwashed. War is dumb. It is a disease of the mind and soul. Get well soon - all y’all
Yep. There are certain people who want a nuclear war and they are actively trying to start and/or instigate one.
They have the underground hideouts so they won't give a sh*,t.
Shut up, you don't actually know that, you should be more optimistic
We're doomed.
God help us ❤
The NWO and the far left supporting the WEF
It's weird that there are some that want a war. No one benefits from it. Everyone will lose someone in war. People haven't learned from past wars. Why can't we just live together in this world without all the killing.
The reason that war continues is because lots of people profit from war. Billions are made by War and the War Machine
The answer to that is in our evolutionary psychology, I fear. We’re highly evolved apes who possess the intelligence to build highly complex machines, including some which could eventually destroy us all, but neither the wisdom to know better nor the restraint to stop ourselves from doing so in the first place.
The illuminate bendfit greatly, they profit from arms sales.
@@janetlynham2989So do prosthetics producers.
Just the brainwashed leftists and rhinos. The only good people are marginalized.
Albert Einstein was asked how the 3rd ww would be fought. He basically said he wasn't sure. He continued to say the 4th ww would be fought with 'sticks and stones'
he was a fraud
You mean, they still couldn't have enough of it that they have to have a 4th WW.
It was actually the 3rd not 4th
still that cunning ass...e talks about WW4.. he was curse on Earth
I think he was right coz after fighting ww3 with nuclear they'll be nothing left after it's all finished, so if there's a possibility of ww4 only sticks and stones will b available
Boy, he ain't joking. 😮😢 no matter HOW it goes down, it WILL go down. History repeats itself. We never learn. Governments never learn. Greed, pride, war instinct. Every great empire Falls.
It's humans that never learn. Humans. Our history is nothing but war because of religion, territory or betrayal. It's not a question of if...... but when. The certainty of engineering our own destruction is inevitable.
Unfortunately the people that rise to power, usually want more power. Religion and acquiring more territory is about power over others. The passive people vote for those that want power, so the cycle continues, it’s the fate of humanity. I don’t see a way to fix it.
America is failing before our eyes
Regierungen sind ja das Problem der Menschheit! Ich hoffe irgendwann wird das verstanden. Es gibt kein Recht auf Herrschaft in diesem Universum!
Except this time around, history will not repeat and will cease to exist.
It's those among us that actually SHOULD lead us that can't or won't. Mankind could have been so much better and gone so much further in positive directions if the right men and women were allowed to lead. Man has nearly always chosen brute strength, slyness and bullying traits over wisdom, tolerance, kindness and love. And here we are... 🙏🏾🌏
Exactly the problem. People need to peacefully refuse to comply with these kinds of powers.
So let's pray for God to do a great thing and give us right leaders. Or are we ALL so pessimistic that we now believe it's impossible 😔. Have we ALL given up or should we ALL pass on the possibility that is in prayer and seeking God's face?
@@mightyriver5017 God is not going to work with Satanic governments and the shadow elites that run things behind the scenes. There is no working with what is completely and thoroughly evil. I have seen these agencies traffic children under government protection and you think that the shadow cabal will let a 'good' leader come in to change anything? No- these are end times and due to people's evil and lack of backbone in fighting against the evils of this world there are going to be major cataclysmic events coming.
Absolutely true, well said!
Only for the pure of heart!
This is exactly why we need leaders who are more for peace than for war.
Sooo WEF or Davos?
@@lilacghoste8366 No, and no
@@lilacghoste8366GOT reference?
Yah, but the leader that will bring that so called peace will be the antichrist, the false messiah.
That's why we need Trump back!!! Trump 2024! Or sooner!
We never win in any war 😢😢
Certainly true from now on, if not before. ✨🌟Humanity now has the opportunity to organize itself at the global level, which it never did before the electronic revolution. The United Nations has been a good start, but needs to be upgraded. What would we think of a software program that never updated? It would be obsolete within a few years at most, right? And it’s been 80 years since the UN charter has been reviewed, even though that process was supposed to be on the agenda automatically after 10 years. The U.N. was started after the second world war and gave unbalanced power to the victors with the lopsided, one nation Security Council ✨ ✨VETO, which Putin loves, btw. It is dysfunctional, and has always created paralysis when ✨🌟ACTION was needed the most. Article 109 of the UN charter allows for a general charter review conference, Aka: global constitutional convention! Let’s build public support for that and get it going before it’s too late! In fact, the present crisis is an opportunity to suspend Russia’s membership while they are engaged in their war of aggression on Ukraine. Writing this to you has given me an idea: that the general assembly could perhaps pass a law within current UN legal structure, allowing for such a suspension. Brilliant, if it proves to be possible, we may have saved the world. This is “Why You Matter.“ Thanks for your concern, STAR🌟CITIZEN!
"Have no fear for atomic energy. For none of them can stop the time." Bob Marley
there's no such thing as time though
Thats whats Bob referring to !!@@HakanTunaMuzik
This sentence means nothing
@@HakanTunaMuzikTrue, time is a man made construct to measure apparent change relative to the observer.
Imagine surviving and having to cope with the aftermath.
Id rather try and survive, if it gets too unbearable I'll take myself out.
Hopefully some good brainiacs will survive and can help rebuild.
@@Big_Caesar1 The film Threads (1984) helps illustrate why the latter option might be preferable
@@TrueEnglishMan01 Ill give it a watch, "The Road" is another harrowing adventure in a post apocalyptic wasteland, worth a watch id say.
Survive? You just will die several days or months after in agony by radiation. All nature will be affected.
My late dad always said it will be a "push button war".
Welp your dead dad was wrong
@@jimreplicantwell, we don't know that yet. Or are you a time traveller, mister future man?
@@indrekas It hasnt happened and most likely won’t. Wars are all fought by proxy now, no one wants mutually assured destruction. The whole idea is to win a war not destroy everything
Why wrong? @@jimreplicant
@@r0conscious was that supposed to be an actual question?
Even in agreement, no one can bring about the "uncomfortable conversation" like Noam Chomsky.
Thats to our benefit.
We must love our neighbors, family, friends, coworkers, and those in our community. We are all we have.
WW3 gonna be crazy
"Or we must die "
This is a white problem, and whites have the power to either make this a terrible world or a beautiful place. I feel it cokes with compassion and love not fear and nuclear weapons.
And we all have Jesus as well! 🙏🏼
Well this has killed off any Christmas Spirit i had.🤣
Indeed! 😂 Have A Lovely Holiday While We Still Can! ✨️🎄✨️ 👍
xmas is x this year...
Back in the Day, we called it buzz-kill. 😊
well noam is a jew and that is what they do.
Ever since i was a very young boy. I believed that this world would get itself going in the right direction. That was in the 60s. I was wrong. I dont think humankind has it in them to do the right thing.
Jeremiah 10:23 agrees with you
It was prophesized in the Bible a long time ago and people just keep laughing at it and ignoring it.
@@thedrummer7673 No one is ignoring anything. Just wondering why.
Wait isn't the 60s when birth control and promiscuity became normalized? Most these other monkeys need to eat a lot of shit before they realize it's bad for em. They'll crash a ship they stole in spite before giving up to justice. Too bad we're all aboard and they go so fast now.
The heart of man is desperately wicked and madness is in their hearts while they live.
Respect🙏 for Sir Noam Chomsky from Pakistan🇵🇰. I support Peace 🕊 in our world. ☮︎
I think your comment would trigger world war 3 😂😂, bro Pakistan 🇵🇰 is literally a terrorist country and you are saying 😂😂😂support peace 😂😂😂
Buhat acha bhaijaan
I love this ❤
Ah chomsky. The man who said the unjabbed should be locked up. What a freedom fighter.
Yeah he went hard against people fighting to make their own choice as to what was put in their bodies.
What a fuker.
Why does it say 1 reply and I don't see it?
@@xsarchitect RUclips remove comments all the time.
Anyone who got vaccinated is a coward
His degree is in linguistics. Persuasion? It looks like he got all the shots, and his approach to the unvaccinated, was one which had no faith in the vaccination's effectiveness. Nor the ability to develop effective treatments. Am I wrong?
I asked my mum once, what would happen if there was another world war and she simply said, “Well we’d all be dead”
Most of us.
Survivors would envy the dead.
My parents said the same thing to my sisters and me. They also said there would never be a 3rd WW in my lifetime… I’m 51 now. Both of my parents are deceased, I don’t think they’d make the same statement today. My dad passed in 2016, my mom in 2019. They exited before everything went bananas.
@@Blindfaith77713 In a sad way, I’m glad my parents also made their “exit” before everything went insane
Google David Tindal scots guards WW1 paschendale, My grandads big brother. My hero
We are close. Closer than ever😮
We need it, this seriously need the last episode and day we’ve been existing for longer that we should
We will have destroyed practically all life on this planet. I’m so torn with disgust and sorrow, the anger left somewhere in the past.
We are not the apex of evolution, we are it’s destruction.
He is right .Does gonna to happens if lhe universal concience don't becomes together more than ever to ending with the bad willing of some play games powers .
You are definitely right...SOON.
Just wating
The "nuclear winter" got me cold❄️🥶
I was born in '52. all my life threatened by nuclear war. most of my life I've taken for granted that the worst wouldn't happen. wishful thinking.
@@O2B-IKB ?
but youre a bot..so how did any of this actually happen
@@kYA00hYou sound like the bot! 😂
AI will press the red button 😅
I also was born in 52 . Same for me, under our desks at school. Duck and cover on the playground. We would go to the big box stores and there would be bomb shelter out from for you to check out what they would be like. I was so scared all of the time. I was a dressed out child anyway. Now that people use the words nuclear war so easily, they don’t have a clue.
I don’t know how we just sit here and let a handful of people make this decision, this world belongs to all of us.
So do something about it and see what happens.
It'd probably be really funny!
It is only a matter of time before we destroy each other
Let's start here- I won't destroy you or the 8 other ppl who liked your comment.
Pass it on...
The adults can prevail
World has been destroyed anyway.
@@lasttry99 It can get worse
@@jcyork1767 Nah... I wanna see what happens if I push button. Nothing personal, just curious.
We must pray. All of us. GOD hears us. "If my ppl who are called by my name would Humble themselves, and turn from their wicked ways, then i will heal their land."
Yes, but the end times have been described::::
Destruction by fire 🔥
Make your peace with God while it is day, for soon it will be night.
@@jameshammond3853those super power are control by the fallen angel,biden,putin all those leaders are the fallen angels.those fallen angel hates humankind.
It won’t be a war, it will be an extinction level event for nearly every living thing on Earth 😮🇬🇧🌈♥️👍
Unless we all journey to the lost world at the center of the earth
You know
where all the 🦕 live
Fresh air beautiful mountains and oceans etc 😍 👌 ❤️ 😊
Covid mrna vaxx spread shed aeration?
i dont mind, as long as we all go together. it's somewhat poetic
All thanks to Zionism
Maybe that’s the great reset. Human extinction so that other species (mainly small) may take its place.
You call it World War 3 but what you don't understand is that World War I never actually ended. It just continued.
No it didnt
😊so true ... 👍
Dunno who said it but there was a quote from a historian or politician who said “ World War One and Two were merely extended ceasefires”
People wouldn’t put their phones down if God was coming back. They’d want to record it.
Well yeah, wouldn't you want a video of that too? I'm atleast gonna ask first for a selfie
@@alo4912 let me know how that works out for ya. Ha ha
And if God were to come back, would we believe that it would truly be him.
Or should we remain stuck in the mindset that the antichrist is to come to us first? 🤔
I kind of figure that both the devil and God will appear at the same time. lt's kind of like Yin and Yang...you can't have one without the other one present in some form or another.
Good vs Evil
Following our own true self (our hearts) or that of our ego?
Our egos will always lead us astray, while our "own true self" will bring us home. 😀
@@DONALDPIRAGIS he's coming too? Two gods in one day, what is this amateur hour?
And show the photos/ videos to whom afterwards? SMH. 😢
This guy is a national treasure!
Say no to war. I want to live in peace and need to find a wife and need to find a job. There is still a lot to do in my life.
sadly this is the reality
What are your World War 3 predictions? Will it start within the next two years or later? How soon could it be?
@@astronauticsspace9419 it's tomorrow😭😭😭
You unfortunately don't have much say in the matter.
Greed and entitlement over others is the root cause in all the indifference and hostility we have towards one another.
Right.who are the greediest and most powerful today?
Amen. Entitlement especially over issues you know nothing about
Mind Begs the Question:
- Albert Pike wrote 3 World Wars
- World Events unfolding as he scripted
- Govts governing Nations,or
- World Govts shadow lead by Occultists?
@@Jamluji Modern day Babylon America.
Those who don't understand history...
Humanity needs to take the road less traveled....it’s either the love of power or the power of love. Forgiveness and compassion is the only way out of the confusion.
Unfortunately, we’re dealing with evil, the inability to feel compassion towards others. Maybe the defenders will be able to forgive the murder of innocent lives, but right now they’re too busy trying to save innocent lives.
@@megwenger8756 We, as kind loving human beings, have to start taking responsibility for putting psychopaths into power!! It's our own faults!
I agree. If these idiots in power traded weed instead of weapons, then themselves and everyone else would make more money than before, as well as being peace to the Middle East.
yeah well we should still carry a big stick
“World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones”
Albert Eisenstein
How can society focus on sports or any type of entertainment with all these mini battles going on not to mention crime, drugs all time high .
This is satire right?
How can they not, is the question.
You cannot spend your whole life worrying about things you cannot control.
@@PunkSlapper123 that's true, but if the majority of the people would actually be invested in our collective future, then we could have control. For example; if people stop buying stuff at shops that only accept digital payment, then what is the shop eventually gonna do? Adapt (accept cash again) or go bankrupt. We, the middleclass have the real power, we have the numbers. But we're not interested in that stuff anymore, we've become too selfish so now it's basically "every man for himself". And i'm ok with that as well, because i don't have children that will bear the consequences of our actions and inactions, nor will i ever. Just sucks for the upcoming adolescents/generations 🤷♂️
Good comment
The power to destroy all forms of life on Earth should not rest in the hands of corrupt, warmongering politicians.
Or religious psychos who think they will be rewarded with virgins in eternity
Doesn’t matter what culture, religion, ideology or government system you put in place. The cold hard truth about life is that *sociopaths* will always make it to the top. That’s why we say things like “nice guys finish last” and “the good die young”.
Wow, what you said is so true. Is there some literature that has informed this truth, or is it your personal insight?
Psychopaths not sociopaths
That's not true. Institute a Universal Basic Income and you will see most of the perverse effects of money disappear.
Government system matters alot. Much better to have a democratic system that will protect the people from the worst sociopaths. It's not perfect but better than dictatorship.
@@FayeKuI wish more people talked about this concept bc it seems like a very good idea IMO. Give everyone what they need to survive, the absolute basics, and if thats all they want, ok. Others can choose to apply themselves to their actual interests and skill sets, and work harder, and be rewarded for that. I feel like the sheer stress of trying to survive atm is costing us so much more money in the long run(mostly due to the health implications of stress). If people always knew they'd have a roof over their head and a meal on the table, they would be free to explore their interests, learn, reach their potential, help humanity progress and find peace, happiness and fulfillment but instead we have people ignoring their interests and natural talents in pursuit of doing whatever it takes to survive, just for their health to fail as a result. It doesn't take a ton of money for a human to just feel safe/secure and by doing so, they'd be capable of so much more than they are currently. I'm an ayurvedic practitioner and live blood analyst, which almost nobody can afford rn, and if I didn't have to worry about food and shelter myself, I could help so many people heal from chronic illness and thrive but instead I'm spending my time and energy doing things I hate(and am not even that good at) just so my kids can eat while I just have to stand by and watch people suffer unnecessarily but cant afford to take the time to help them. It's not money I'm after, just the ability to survive while helping people but now we're all starving our souls just to feed our starving bodies💔
I truly believe that the biggest problem we face today is people living out of alignment w their/our nature, which inevitably leads to tragic outcomes(suicide, poverty, depression, health issues, lack of fulfillment, anger, selfishness, addiction, abuse, crime, relationship issues etc). We have the means to have utopia on earth already, but because so many of us are just stuck living in survival mode, we're behaving like primitive animals and it's so unnecessary and sad. This reminds me of spiral dynamics and if youre not already familiar, I highly recommend looking into it!
It may start out as a regular war but the country that’s losing will change it to nuclear rather than lose
For all of his World War 3 remarks, never forget that Noam advocated putting people who refused the jab into camps and isolating them from society. Because that’s what “reasonable” people do.
A bit hyperbolic...
Well if you got jabbed you're already dead, so not much to concern yourself there.
His blood clots are coming soon. Great point.
@@brianjury4508 You actually believe that!
@@jakes658 it was, but he said it nonetheless.
In the early days of Wikipedia, Noam Chomsky's entry said "Noam Chomsky is an American professor, public intellectual, and Juggalo". and it stuck for about a week or so. It was the funniest shit ever, and I still think about it every time I see Noam Chomsky.
Who is Noam chomsky?
all I see is a man that said all unvaxed should be lock in there homes and left to starve to death
A communist who dreams of the overthrow of western civilization.
@@richardmccann4815just another sellout intellectual
Communist that’s talking.
Never in my life have I heard the term nuclear war being tossed around so much. It’s every other day you hear something. Wild times to be alive
You must be quite young. This was common concern and language up until the end of the 80’s… like The Terminator, is simply back.
@@Torrque 46
Why bother listening to it? Unless you enjoy it.
@@TorrqueMore like the old dinosaur in the video is still living in the Cold War.
All my life I was hoping not to learn how nuclear extinction feels like.
There's this old movie, Threads (1984). Is by far the most horrific movie I've ever seen. Is a very realistic representation of what a nuclear war would look like in Britain. You see, the war itself would be bad enough. But when Chomsky speaks of nuclear winter, he spokes of famine, decay, and ruin
The Day After had fat cannibal mutants and gymnasiums full of ARS victims.
Truly a horrific movie.
Absolute classic. Saw it when I was 8 yrs old. Seemed like an inevitability at the time that the world would end that way. Maybe it still will.
@@dammitdan106that was an awesome movie. No one has it now that I know of… (streaming)
This, is why we must do all to avoid it - including prayer.
Unfortunately prayer isn't going to stop madmen.
Lol yeah prayer is going to just stop it god is going to just shoot a message inside the highest powers with they’re fingers on the nuke button and they are gonna say “you know what let’s not do this”
if god couldnt even awnser my small prayers what makes you think he awnsers such big prayers😂
That's why fanatic Muslims countries such as Iran shouldn't be allowed to have nuclear weapons.....because they are crazy, and fanatics.
Oh yeah thoughts n prayers have helped out plenty so far! Just tell that to all the victims families of senseless school shootings
The paramount existential problem of our time is that there does not seem to be any realistic hope of solving the nuclear weapons threat, which we sometimes reference as “World War Three.” We can hope that artificial intelligence will somehow avail, but it is a laughably scant hope that the technology even more dangerous than nuclear weapons will be our savior.
I’m more scared of AI and its role in future wars at this point.
Agreed, but not very many give it a thought. Very unfortunate!
AI won’t mean anything if everything gets nuked. The coming generations would have to start from ground zero. No technology, barely any food. Nuclear winter is no joke.
I'm more scared if the idiots running the show than AI.
Fully agree
They're ALREADY using scary AI things in current conflicts.
Simply because these weapons exist, it is only a matter of time before they're used.
Statements like this lead people to questions it nukes are even real.
@@morbloe4559you forgot about Hieroshima and Nagasaki?
Like Chekhov's gun huh
@@bsnf-5And the same people that used them likes to lecture other people or nuclear warheads😂
If they were not used in the 60s they will not be used now
I'm ten times more concerned about Civil War 2. And THAT might TRIGGER WW3.
Your right I never thought of it that way it will be a very ugly war if it comes to that
The Purge movies gave us the heads up on that.
They want you to be concerned. Don't worry about things like that. Focus on the things that truly matter - your loved ones. Focus on the love of God that is in Jesus Christ. Think of what Jesus said before He died on a cross for us, my brother - "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27
Jesus Christ is RISEN!
@@jordanmunk3041 And his name is Trump. And he's been a very naughty boy.
The only argument after a nuclear war is an argument between 2 cockroaches….
We've been living in WW3 for years now
@Azhairmaven77And who do you think has been funding those countries' controllers ? Wake up
@Azhairmaven77 also Israel 😢 you forget to mention 🙏🙏🥹
@@yves2694the church?
You have not me.😂🤩🥳🥳
oh look, a cute little stuffed animal with emojis! Should i call you LG or Samsung?
Thats a cheery thought . Leaders of nations should be psychologically examined to make sure that they do not make those type of mistakes !
What you think of us, the USA 🇺🇸 ? I don't care about democrats or republicans. But when Trump was in charge every crazy sob in charge of terrorists,communism and even the clown of North Korea ALL OF THEM WERE SILENT AND BEHAVING. How about now? What you think of why he lost? Just a sane thinking and no politics. In my opinion this was more spiritual...
But what about the mental ability and morality of the ones doing the examining?
Yeah go evaluate putin and kim jong un let us know how that goes for you 😂
@@plack_benis382 ya left out the Ayatollah
Along with the dOpEs that voted him in.....
Sadly it seems to be inevitable that we destroy ourselves. I say sadly, because the untold suffering of the world will be unimaginable and all because we couldn't just accept ourselves and others for what we are. As a species, given what we've done to this beautiful place, I think we deserve it. Nature will fight back and there will be another beautiful place one day assuming the planks that started all this don't survive
I fear you are correct.
Mother Earth hopefully won't have to suffer the human race.
@terencem8795 this planet will be destroyed like the rest of us
Its all about land and oil
Amen to that let's hope only the one's that want the war meet God ,and we know our father will take care of them 🙏
A man who has lived through the great depression of the 1930s and the second world war saying words THIS impactful then we should be scared 😰
Truthful. Saddens my heart.
The threat of war is an extreme money maker.
100% so true.
You've got it!! 👏👏
Money will have no value after ww3!
Just like COVID was.
Money has no value with no community
Left, Right, or Center, we can all agree on this: if the nukes go flying, the planet will never be the same again.
You say that like its a bad thing.
The planet will be the same again actually. We won't be there for it but the planet will be just fine. After a nuclear winter kills us all the planet will start a regeneration process. It will once again become clean.
The only thing we learn from history is that history repeats itself
I'll be filming it because the cameraman always survives.
Likely not this time there buck. This is the real deal
"There can be only one..."
😂I don't understand why the people still let the 'higher powers' tell them what to do & who to kill like a game of action man for grown ups & it's REAL. Why don't the people say "go to hell boss" I would! 😳😳😳
Sometimes the camera is found...next to the decomposing corpse that held said camera. Also, remember Cloverfield (although fiction, that poor fool didn't survive)
Itll be crazy bro
It doesn't have to be the end. People need to engage and unite against the ignorance and inertia that threatens our future. There needs to start a dialogue and back down those who promote conflict that promote their personal interests and wealth.
People rarely, truly love now. It is ALWAYS about personal interest, and wealth is just a sideshow.
We are suffering the consequences of turning our backs on God. The rest is all psychobabble.
Its prophesied no one can stop it
@@vamp8903 if we're right with God it's simply a new beginning.
@@dougkenny6548so why did your god set us up for failure? Does he just want to F with us? Seems like jerk.