Hey Kev, love your work & i'm glad you had a crack at it, welcome to my world LOL! The voronoi is my "go to starting point" texture/displacement for this kind of work as well, although, iv'e found you can spend more time "tweaking settings" than you did at high school so I adopt the attitude of "don't worry, be happy" & "she'll be right mate" ! Stay safe, keep smilin & if ever you get to Aus look me up. Cheers.
Nigel, that’s awesome! You are very correct, and you do this cake stuff for an actual living 😀, so you are the one who knows haha! This was a fun video hat O did and almost didn’t release, but said screw it haha. I hope to get to Australia at some point. It looks gorgeous and the the people are always pretty chill when I meet anyone from there 😀. You stay safe as well! Thanks!
@@KevBinge I'm glad you did release it, it's always good to know i'm approaching things the same way as the "professionals". Aus is a pretty chill out place, most of the people iv'e met from the states think it's "Gods little green acre" they can't seem to get enough of it. Maybe when this virus thing is over you'll come "down under" & visit us . All the best, stay safe.
I’m professional but not with the cake or food stuff haha! I’m mostly industrial stuff, so this is a good stretch for me. Some of the comments make me hit my head for things I didn’t check before release, but that’s the way the free RUclips stuff goes. It’s literally throw stuff at the wall, see what sticks, and move on haha. We do see AU as an oasis, at least I do. I’ve met many people from there, and we have quite a few living here in LA. People are people, and without painting with a broad brush, I do feel that the overwhelming majority of Australians I’ve met have always been really chill and cool people 😀. It’s that that makes me imagine it’s probably a pretty chill country overall.
@@KevBinge You're too modest Kev, you've got a good style for tutorials so stick with it. Anyway, take care, stay at home & see you in the next tutorial.
That would work to compact it, certainly. I intentionally went crumbly like the old school ones were lol. The crumbs got everywhere. In hindsight, it would have staved off the “it looks like turd” comments lol. You can’t win...
I like how the frosting turned out but I'm pretty sure that the bump on the cake itself made it look a little strange. Then again when I made my muffin I decided to make a photo because I couldn't get the cake texture right. I lowkey want to try it again. Nice vid. Thx.
@@KevBinge peach is a fruit.... healthy. Can't swear off natural fruit. I can see, cupcakes, but not fruit. Most nutritionists prescribe fruits as the only carb source in your diet.
My first thought was.. where are the corrugations from the paper cup? The cake was "okay" viewed from a distance but the close-up bothered my brain's sense of cake. Cake "cells" are caused by yeast farting CO2 bubbles... this reminded me of a form of voronoi: search the blender docs for "beveled voronoi": Make a bump or displacement map by from subtracting two voronoi textures - one set to F1, the other to Smooth F1; add a math node subtracting the distance output of each texture. Add a blur, and invert the mask so the bubbles are inset. Anyhow, great tutorial - gave me lots of ideas
Yeah, I’m taking some “useless troll” heat for that lol. I went for the crumbly look, not so much the technically accurate C02 yeast bubble look. I should do a video on technically accurate leavening, but damnit, I need to move on from the food stuff haha. This was more a joke based on the last video I did before this one. Still though, that beveled voronoi thing sounds interesting. I was attempting to do something similar with stacking the displacements, but it’s not spongy, more “crumbly.” Oh well lol... These used to just come in plastic containers, no paper corrugations, at least when I was a kid... just injection mold crap.
Thanks! I did this as sort of a joke but it’s getting viewed. I should have taken it more seriously and gone more technically accurate if I knew it would go places haha!
Mhh yummy, looks really tasty! You have give me some cool tricks here and there, so here is one from me for you. You ever wanted to get rid off this shadow flickering in EEVEE? Just go to the Render Properties and set the Sampling in Viewport to 1! Cya on your next video
It's called skip the dishes they pretty much deliver anything, also just downloaded virtual tweakers 😆😆😮😮 I pretty much didn't know any of the things mentioned on first 10 pages.
im sry but the way you made your video it looks like i should already know all this and you are just giving me an idea. Soo new people will have no about about somethings
Great video Kev! Nailing these deserts these days
Thanks Daniel!! It’s the last one lol, I swear haha!
@@KevBinge :(
This could be a new RUclips genre... Delicious 3D modeling.
Thanks haha! Maybe I’ll do that after swearing off these for a bit lol!!
love this voice over video. great pace.. not so fast... love it.. you explanation is spot on. clean to the point!!
Finally my dream comes true, Now I can post some delicious cooking on social media .
Awesome! Fake food influencers of the world unite! 🤣
@@KevBinge 😂🤣
1:10 You can also slide two fingers up and Down the touch pad or use pg up and down if you don't have a mouse
Thanks!! That’s very helpful for those who need it! 😀
Hey Kev, love your work & i'm glad you had a crack at it, welcome to my world LOL! The voronoi is my "go to starting point" texture/displacement for this kind of work as well, although, iv'e found you can spend more time "tweaking settings" than you did at high school so I adopt the attitude of "don't worry, be happy" & "she'll be right mate" !
Stay safe, keep smilin & if ever you get to Aus look me up. Cheers.
Nigel, that’s awesome! You are very correct, and you do this cake stuff for an actual living 😀, so you are the one who knows haha! This was a fun video hat O did and almost didn’t release, but said screw it haha.
I hope to get to Australia at some point. It looks gorgeous and the the people are always pretty chill when I meet anyone from there 😀.
You stay safe as well! Thanks!
@@KevBinge I'm glad you did release it, it's always good to know i'm approaching things the same way as the "professionals".
Aus is a pretty chill out place, most of the people iv'e met from the states think it's "Gods little green acre" they can't seem to get enough of it.
Maybe when this virus thing is over you'll come "down under" & visit us .
All the best, stay safe.
I’m professional but not with the cake or food stuff haha! I’m mostly industrial stuff, so this is a good stretch for me. Some of the comments make me hit my head for things I didn’t check before release, but that’s the way the free RUclips stuff goes. It’s literally throw stuff at the wall, see what sticks, and move on haha.
We do see AU as an oasis, at least I do. I’ve met many people from there, and we have quite a few living here in LA. People are people, and without painting with a broad brush, I do feel that the overwhelming majority of Australians I’ve met have always been really chill and cool people 😀. It’s that that makes me imagine it’s probably a pretty chill country overall.
@@KevBinge You're too modest Kev, you've got a good style for tutorials so stick with it.
Anyway, take care, stay at home & see you in the next tutorial.
Thanks man! I have one coming... might be a bit though. Stay healthy too!
Nice Kev! Love it. Thank you for doing this! Looking forward to whatever project is coming next.
Thanks Jimmy! I’m working it and it will be pretty cool 😀. You’re welcome 😀
Outstanding. Looking forward to your tutorial! Love it!!!
Super cool and fun. Thanks for providing so much information and breaking it down into bite-sized pieces.
“bite-sized pieces” Lol!! You’re welcome, and I love it! Thanks!!
Looks really cool!
Thanks Joshua!
Awesome stuff. Once again. Thank you!
Thank you! 😀
Thank you this will go great with my wine and champagne render
Awesome! I’d love to see it when you finish it.
Thanks for the taper trick. Didn't know that yet. Overall you make great tutorials,so thank you for that as well ;)
You’re welcome. I love that one. The real ones swirl more but I had to alter it just to be “copyright” safe haha.
So we have cupcakes, donuts and twinkies
Soon we'll have the complete bakery set!!
Hahahaha!! I swore I’d stop at this one lol!
@@KevBinge Awr, I was going to ask for bread tho! Maybe some toast... :D
Imma beget :D
Just amazing technique that you shawn us 😄 Thanks. Wish you the best
Very different tutorial from all the usual donut based ones! My complements for the idea!
Really cool!!
Thanks for the video!
You’re welcome Josh!
Looks like dirt. Maybe u can put a black and white gradient on the bump so it looks flat at the end ( not so crumbly).
That would work to compact it, certainly. I intentionally went crumbly like the old school ones were lol. The crumbs got everywhere. In hindsight, it would have staved off the “it looks like turd” comments lol. You can’t win...
I like how the frosting turned out but I'm pretty sure that the bump on the cake itself made it look a little strange. Then again when I made my muffin I decided to make a photo because I couldn't get the cake texture right. I lowkey want to try it again. Nice vid. Thx.
Thanks! It’s tough but this is crumbly, not spongy like I originally labeled it.
I love ur vids!!
Thank you!!
NEXT: peach... plus half eaten next to it
Hahaha!! I’ve sworn off these, but man, maybe..lol. Thanks!
@@KevBinge peach is a fruit.... healthy. Can't swear off natural fruit. I can see, cupcakes, but not fruit. Most nutritionists prescribe fruits as the only carb source in your diet.
Shakaama I see the logic 😀
My first thought was.. where are the corrugations from the paper cup? The cake was "okay" viewed from a distance but the close-up bothered my brain's sense of cake. Cake "cells" are caused by yeast farting CO2 bubbles... this reminded me of a form of voronoi: search the blender docs for "beveled voronoi": Make a bump or displacement map by from subtracting two voronoi textures - one set to F1, the other to Smooth F1; add a math node subtracting the distance output of each texture. Add a blur, and invert the mask so the bubbles are inset. Anyhow, great tutorial - gave me lots of ideas
Yeah, I’m taking some “useless troll” heat for that lol. I went for the crumbly look, not so much the technically accurate C02 yeast bubble look. I should do a video on technically accurate leavening, but damnit, I need to move on from the food stuff haha. This was more a joke based on the last video I did before this one. Still though, that beveled voronoi thing sounds interesting. I was attempting to do something similar with stacking the displacements, but it’s not spongy, more “crumbly.” Oh well lol...
These used to just come in plastic containers, no paper corrugations, at least when I was a kid... just injection mold crap.
Wait how do i get that noise texture?
The one for the cake? It’s mostly in the displacement modifier.
4:15 control +S or shift +S? 😅 Your screen shows shift s
Oh, yes, go with what the screen says. I may have said the wrong thing as I “sometimes” confuse the two. Thanks for the catch!
@@KevBinge no problem and thanks!
You’re welcome.
Hey, Kev. You would make more food tutorials indeed. It's a very cool stuff, man. Just think about it. 😉
Thanks! I did this as sort of a joke but it’s getting viewed. I should have taken it more seriously and gone more technically accurate if I knew it would go places haha!
@@KevBinge No jokes, man. You are really good at it.☺👏👏👍👌
Thanks man! If I do another one it will be untouchable. 😀
I want a cupcake XD
Next time you can model ... Cheesecake :D
Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in lol!!
Damn good idea I live cheesecake
Mhh yummy, looks really tasty! You have give me some cool tricks here and there, so here is one from me for you.
You ever wanted to get rid off this shadow flickering in EEVEE? Just go to the Render Properties and set the Sampling in Viewport to 1!
Cya on your next video
Thanks! I knew that one but just plowed through it. It is helpful though, and keeps they eyes healthy lol!
Thanks for the tutorial!💖 Now I dont have to buy a cupcake.
PS: looking forward for the next awesome tutorial
Lol! Thanks!
It's called skip the dishes they pretty much deliver anything, also just downloaded virtual tweakers 😆😆😮😮 I pretty much didn't know any of the things mentioned on first 10 pages.
Thanks Sumer! I was hoping it would help people 😀😀
You need subsurface on the cake
Probably. I rushed through this one and I’m taking heat for it. That’s RUclips.
How many of this, had You already eaten?
As a kid, enough to kill an elephant haha!
Great! Now i have a bite in my ipad :D >:(
Lol!! I’m glad someone likes it haha!
...If you don't have a mouse wheel... Wait, WUT?!
You’d be surprised.
im sry but the way you made your video it looks like i should already know all this and you are just giving me an idea. Soo new people will have no about about somethings
It’s more of a follow on to the last video I made. Like I said, I didn’t make this with every step in mind or it would have been an hour long.
BUMMMM MY PC XD meejor no lo intento xd pc estalla xdbuen video xd
Lo siento mi amigo!
@@KevBinge xd
To me filling inside the cake looks like the semen of some alien creature !
yeah lets make a billions of tris per one bloody muffin
Yes, because it works for what’s needed at the moment, give or take some look dev and optimization if it’s needed more... 🙄
Yes you are 😀😀. Thanks!
@@KevBinge I enjoy watching your vids Kev , theyr Fun 🧠👾😎and just right,thanks my man
Thanks Dmitry, that means a lot! Have a great day and stay healthy, man. 😀😀
@@KevBinge like wise man