"Biblical vs. Pagan Creation Accounts! What is the difference? Professor shares amazing thoughts!

  • Опубликовано: 11 сен 2024

Комментарии • 17

  • @ShaneZettelmier
    @ShaneZettelmier Месяц назад +1

    Yeah a lot of varied religions are kind of stories of things that are almost supernatural or unreal and don’t really fit the world but others with archaeological evidence and history and documentation you find that there are similarities. Like if you take the Samarian stuff, a lot of it is kind of mythological but The basic story kind of fits in with the creation story in Judaism in the Bible but as you start reading it you see similarities which makes sense because these people all would’ve come from Noah and his family and they had knowledge of God. I mean God walked Adam and people had knowledge from God. They just didn’t have a formal Bible with a formal covenant yet but people like Adam and Enoch and Noah God and knew who he was and they knew right and wrong and what sin was so it wasn’t a completely foreign concept and there were people who knew what this was kind of tell the story differently and some of them obviously sort of make stuff up and embellish on it kind of bad their own flare and twist it. Bible it’s just not fanciful in the sense of storytelling come in fact a lot of people don’t even read their old testament if you read it and anyways it’s quite repetitive and boring because it is very real. It’s not some sort of fantasy story where people turn into dragons and balls and fight with lightning bolts, it’s very real and of course there are parts of it like when they talk about angels and things like God being hidden in the column of fire or smoke but even that is God hiding himself because what his presence does to people because of sin and even that where they’ve found the red Sea where all the chariots and stuff are sitting under the water by the thousands, they’re even places where you can see where the water has receded and the sand has been melted And is like a rocky glass sort of thing so one time something that was about 3000° hit that and burned the footprints in the rocks and stuff laying in the sand into it, you go to Sodom and Gamora and the Bible talks about how it was left to be an example the dead sea. When you read about it in the Bible before this Ottoman event it was this beautiful garden place like the guy of God and it was this wonderful beautiful lake and even now Three or 4000 years later it’s still dead see they’re still nothing there still empty still bearing and nobody lives there they’re little sulfur balls everywhere. You find Egyptian carvings that talk about the believers of Yahweh and that’s not even Christians or Jews. These are Egyptians and cities in Egypt that would’ve encountered juice probably during the exodus but they’re not people who believed in Judaism these things are around 4000 years old. Compare them to other religions that have mythical creatures and things that never really existed on the earth or nothing to prove they ever did it’s kind of rough on those other religions based on mythology and storytelling because they don’t have science and documentation in archaeology and a system of recording events. All the ones that do you find are very similar and in a lot of ways are kind of retelling the creation story and what God is and then you just find all the mythological things that people like to do like make up other gods and stories that don’t really make a lot of sense, around it which is pretty consistent with man-made irons. Did you Christian literature in the story of creation through God is kind of unique and though there are things that are supernatural like resurrection and God in his nature and certain things he did it’s not like a giant fantasy sort of thing where people are just trying to make up really cool stories it’s very realistic very historically and scientifically sound and I think that people who question it are usually people who don’t have a devout belief or trying to somehow discredit the Bible. I don’t think a lot of them are seriously looking at it from standpoint of viewing the data and the evidence that exists. I think they’re coming at it trying to prove their viewpoint from a biased position. I was kind of late to the game as a Christian and that was part of what brought me to looking to Christianity, I was looking to other things and let’s be honest. Most of them are kind of ridiculous and so far away from reality they’re not really within the realm of reality or possibility, I even looked two things like witchcraft and Satanism what I did see was almost every major religion or religious group or society around the world kind of recognised Jesus and the God of the Bible even if they didn’t believe it they still recognised it as a major influence on the world and all well and historical religions that were organised many of those elements in then they tell the story differently or evidence drop off but still kind of based in the truth of creation. And those that claim or follow Satanic nature or involve demonology have a strong reverence for specifically Christianity and Judaism, you don’t see a lot of Satanist and witches running around attacking Hindus or Muslims or Buddhists or Hari Krishna see them attacking Christians and Jews and the kind of says a lot, because they feel no reason to fight all these other religions because they don’t see it as a threat that’s what kind of led me to look to Christianity because there was a time of my life when I was being convicted and I wasn’t raised Christian I didn’t know anything about it really I got Church couple times when I was a kid with friends or family I really knew nothing about it and then I saw that Satanist in those who practice witchcraft kind of hated Christians specifically and I would say they’re a little spells and whatever against them but didn’t care about any other religions which is a good indicator that if these are things coming from demonic influence And demons are real and they only fear Christianity and the God of Abraham that kind of says a lot I’m very scientific minded and mental history and science and I’m also very sceptical and only believe what I can find legitimate evidence of and Christianity and its Bible including the old Testament Judaism which are basically the same thing just pre-imposed Messiah a different covenant specifically for the Jewish people on a new covenant For everyone, it’s the only thing that really stood up and had some validity to it historically and scientifically. as a person who trusted in and grew up learning and studying science the Bible has way more credibility than even things like evolution in the Big Bang theory and other forms of pop science that are kind of from that age where the universities took over science and turned it into sort of pop culture and a profit industry telling really cool stories to get university donations and doing scientific study to sell products for corporations which kind of ruined it. But legitimate science before that was commercial is very consistent with the Bible and version of creation but this pop science University era liked the stories of Darwin theory of evolution and the Big Bang theory because they’re very flashy and marketable although there’s little or no real science to back them up. If you look at it from a simply scientific and practical and even psychological standpoint, the Bible just makes sense to where other religions really don’t other religions kind of appeal to storytelling to appeasing emotion and human characteristics in the way they think and feel. The Bible is kind of the opposite so a lot of things in the Bible that humans don’t really like And disagree with the way God does things but that’s indicative of it being accurate because if man was gonna make up a religion he would make it up to be fancy and shiny and likable and the Bible and the things got taught us were how to live correctly and is a very responsible And usable set of ideals and things to learn and follow. Other religions are just kind of cool and fancy and fun to listen to but aren’t really practical. It’s a lot of cool storytelling but it doesn’t really tell you how to live your life the ones that do share the same principles because, they’re all created by people that came from Noah’s family and started with the corn knowledge that they would’ve had because everything before that was wiped out so historical knowledge of creation and who God was would’ve basically all come from Noah and his family and what they taught people up until the point where God Interacted with people and started creating covenant with the Jews and started interacting with people again more directly and how it was recorded in history at that point. So a lot of other religions are based in the Abraham religion basics and many of the others like the Sumerians and you can even see it in some of the canine stuff are reminiscent of the real God and creation. They’re just kind of inaccurate telling Man sort of put his own opinions in there and twisted things to appease our human nature, they’re more selfish and self glorifying. A lot of them sound like a bunch of drunk guys sitting around a campfire talking smack about how cool they are talking about how they made the coolest weapon and beat up some giant serpent monster and how tough they are and how you better not mess with them because they’re so hard-core, from a psychological standpoint, kind of bragging and rhetorical banter.

  • @Digger62
    @Digger62 Месяц назад

    That's an awesome explanation

  • @twistedtitan5485
    @twistedtitan5485 Месяц назад +1

    The principle of embarrassment

  • @EricBaker-ko2dz
    @EricBaker-ko2dz Месяц назад +1

    These gods were were fallen angels😮

    • @dansmith9724
      @dansmith9724 8 дней назад

      That what I was thinking as well as their offspring the Nephilim.

  • @EricBaker-ko2dz
    @EricBaker-ko2dz Месяц назад

    The the myth shows that the Bible is truthful😮

  • @Truthseek72563
    @Truthseek72563 21 день назад

    So snakes talk, donkeys talk, people walking on water, making food appear out of nowhere. Yes, we have evidence for that 😅

    • @anilkanda611
      @anilkanda611  17 дней назад

      At least we can admit the supernatural. Materialists still need the supernatural to explain origins.

    • @Truthseek72563
      @Truthseek72563 17 дней назад

      @@anilkanda611 look around the world, Anil. Look at other ancient texts… you’ll see similar stuff. Donkeys talking and snakes talking… give me a break man.

    • @anilkanda611
      @anilkanda611  17 дней назад

      @@Truthseek72563 Yes, the Bible has archaeological confirmation for real people, real places, real experiences. It's not mythos.

    • @Truthseek72563
      @Truthseek72563 17 дней назад

      @@anilkanda611 and? So does the Quran and so does the Gita. Using real people and place doesn’t automatically mean staff turned into snakes, water turned red, the sun stopped. Bro, I’m an ex Christian and I don’t believe In Hinduism, but have you read the reg vedas and other Hindu texts? Or are you just blown away but “they’re idol worshippers?”

    • @dansmith9724
      @dansmith9724 8 дней назад

      But if God is the uncaused first cause and creator of the universe, it would be easy for him to make a donkey talk. Things like walking on water aren't everyday occurrences, that's why they are called miracles. Why would it be impossible for the creator/God/Jesus to walk on water? It's a miracle because it's God.

  • @charliejackson5492
    @charliejackson5492 Месяц назад

    Ok the guy here is lying through his teeth.
    Hindu has The Many Trues Who are Perfect and Absolute over lapping annd separate Holys Who Create all and fight is perfect municipality.
    Compared to yoour fake one false idol Yahweh who fights himself and his toys who beat him again and again. That alone kills your false idol and godless beliefs every time.
    Multiple Divines beat your one Everytime.
    -1 now that is.