This is beautiful and a bit sad. Listening sounds like someone reminiscing on their memories and telling the person that is looking at them to not be sad because they know that they're going to die the end sounds like them fighting for the life and losing and in the end you hear one last heart beat.💓
This is beautiful and a bit sad. Listening sounds like someone reminiscing on their memories and telling the person that is looking at them to not be sad because they know that they're going to die the end sounds like them fighting for the life and losing and in the end you hear one last heart beat.💓
The ending makes me cry. I'm guessing it's about saying goodbye to a friend who is dying?
Me too :' many times i cry because of this music
mmmmm.... hhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaahhh :'('''''''''''''''''''''
이 겜 한 지 오래되었지만 아직도 기억에 남는 명곡
I love this song.
안넝이 hello가 아니라 goodbye 라는게 참... 피쳐폰으로 할띤 마지막에 삐- 하는 소리가 없었던거 같은데 슬퍼 ㅠㅠ
'안녕'의 의미가 hello가 아니고 goodbye라는 뜻이였을 줄이야...;;
안녕 친구야2도 추가해 주세요~^^
추후에 업데이트될 예정입니다.
도시도 도레도시라솔