14:23 In COD games, when you hold a grenade, equipment, or in this case, a throwing knife, they are released when you die. Smii7y acted like he was not playing by standing still with the knife out, so when his enemy walked up directly behind him to perform a takedown animation, in the brief moment between Smii7y "dying" and the end of the animation, the knife is released and hits the guy who thought Smii7y was a free kill. If these animations are cancelled at ANY point by the attacking player being killed, the one being "taken down" will survive the attempt. It's a way so that teammates can save you if someone gets the drop on you.
you can do the same thing in battlefield with the defibrillator. It's happened a couple of times where I'm trying to revive someone and I kill an enemy I never even saw because they get zapped, like, one frame into the knife animation. Also been on the other side of that where I go to stab an assault or medic and just fall over dead
The clip that you wanted explained, this is just my guess tho... But he played afk, the other person ran up to him to kill him, and he did a quick step back to get behind him to do the execution.... probably atleast, definatly not a prediction, just something he wanted to try
No, he pulled out a throwing knife and when the guy went for the assassination the animation put him in front of smii7y and he released the knife to kill him before he died. The assassination does not actually kill you until the end of the animation
I’m hoping you like his Teardown series once you’re done with the predictions. I know you already said you’d give it a look but I hope you like it when/if you try it
in cs when you noscoop with an AWP while moving you can literally shoot your toe so to be able to do 3 noscoop in a week is kinda insane but in a row okay dude
14:30 Smii7y pulled out his knife, and when the opponent went for the takedown, the knife fell on him, and Smii7y won
oooh, lol
In COD games, when you hold a grenade, equipment, or in this case, a throwing knife, they are released when you die. Smii7y acted like he was not playing by standing still with the knife out, so when his enemy walked up directly behind him to perform a takedown animation, in the brief moment between Smii7y "dying" and the end of the animation, the knife is released and hits the guy who thought Smii7y was a free kill. If these animations are cancelled at ANY point by the attacking player being killed, the one being "taken down" will survive the attempt. It's a way so that teammates can save you if someone gets the drop on you.
you can do the same thing in battlefield with the defibrillator. It's happened a couple of times where I'm trying to revive someone and I kill an enemy I never even saw because they get zapped, like, one frame into the knife animation. Also been on the other side of that where I go to stab an assault or medic and just fall over dead
oh, thats excellent
4:31 Warzone has a lot of different Execution animations you csn choose from. Including that one.
The clip that you wanted explained, this is just my guess tho... But he played afk, the other person ran up to him to kill him, and he did a quick step back to get behind him to do the execution.... probably atleast, definatly not a prediction, just something he wanted to try
No, he pulled out a throwing knife and when the guy went for the assassination the animation put him in front of smii7y and he released the knife to kill him before he died. The assassination does not actually kill you until the end of the animation
@@Pwnager29597 huh, i was wondering why that happed like that
@@Pwnager29597 Brig brain ideas
The one at 9:25 ish reminds me of How to Train Your Dragon. “I’m ok!” Flop “less ok!”
Congratulations on 100k
Btw, a noscope is like so hard to get that most of the time players who get them are just lucky so 3 in a row is impressive af
Oh boy I really want you to check out their Mario party videos some are long cause they are unedited others are like 30 minutes love them all
Oh god if she is watching SMii7Y I hope she is prepared to watch more of The Goon squad play like Grizzy and The Dooo
Pinnacle whippee cream vodka I do as a drop shot into a pumpkin beer for the pumpkin pie taste. Cant really taste the vodka
Okay, see, I knew that it could be used in some kind of mixer. It just....can't be drunk by itself is all
I’m hoping you like his Teardown series once you’re done with the predictions. I know you already said you’d give it a look but I hope you like it when/if you try it
Nah I do think you have his predicton powers, you just should've believed in your first opinion and not changed it 😂
in cs when you noscoop with an AWP while moving you can literally shoot your toe so to be able to do 3 noscoop in a week is kinda insane but in a row okay dude
Smii7y rules
Reaction compilation? haha
Say the funny thing funny man
Stop being so knit picky about differences between prediction and saying something then doing it
right. its so damn annoying