Agree He is genius not only he understood it without the visualisations he gave us, he is genius because he managed to entangle the mess of formulas and give us the simple and intuitive way of thinking (the way it was actually invented) which, I presume, is really hard to find on any paper book (because it is just paper book, not a video). I clearly see now that the classic book from my university has really no intention to teach linear algebra, but merely serve as cryptic notes for the lectures (pretty crap lectures, I gotta say, as they just wasted tons on peoples time without a decent explanation what actually we were doing). 3b1b, Grant is a genius, I love him.
@@snowy0110 tbh. That's how it should be. It's about mass first. You'll get the intuition once you start to really work with the concepts in later semesters. But the beginning is just a excersice in keeping your head down and accepting it as it is.
I would say he is more of a genius for executing these animated masterpieces. A lot of mathematicians are exposed to these ideas and the visualizations are given on paper, but I don’t think anyone really knew there was such a thirst for mathematical animations on youtube that Numberphile scratched the surface of.
if he is a genius then think about the mathematicians who invented these concepts, and about the mathematicians, who understood these flawlessly and built upon these concepts to invent new concepts
I think I speak for many people when I say you have had the single largest impact on my academic life and how I go about learning (whether it be math or anything else really). This is true education, from the bottom of my and many others hearts, Thank you for all that you do Grant.
@@LittleLionRawr I think you mean objective rather than pessimistic/nihilistic. Pessimism and nihilisim stem from objectivity (e.g. the existence and continuation of life has no meaning because it was basically a happy set of coincidences that have no intrinsic/objective value) but they aren't fully representative of being objective. For example there might be an optimistic person who looks at the pointlessness of life as a reason to live, since if life is pointless then the opposite of life (or the complete absence of the mere notion of life) is equally pointless, which allows them to be objective even though they are technically being subjective (by continuing to choose to live). This person would also say that there are no such things as better or worse, but would also say that life has objective meaning based on the axiom that sentience is good, since to be able to comprehend the pointlessness of sentience you'd have to have sentience in the first place (it's kinda obvious that last point).
@@notnilc2107 Well, no, I meant what I meant. Rather, according to your point there are other points of view that regard better/worse as non-existent. In any case, indeed given certain initial assumptions/axioms on the value of something, better or worse exist. The overall point being, there are such things as better or worse. But not from a perspective that rejects intrinsic meaning to or value of anything. (for example indeed in an attempt to be as objective as possible.) From other perspectives where meaning and value exist, better and worse do exist. Another interesting perspective is that sometimes concepts exist because we say they exist. In a broader sense, because we can think of it, the abstract concepts of good and bad/better and worse definitely exist, even from an objective perspective, since subjective concepts do exist as subjective concepts within an objective point of view.
@@SuperVapourizer That is the point : a vectorspace is not defined as "a space of vectors", it's defined as a space that has certain properties. In the end, a vector in a mathematician mind is not defined by what it is, but what it can do and how it does it. This is a general rule in advanced mathematics : you cease to wonder *what* things are, you start to ponder *how* things behave, to the point that, more and more, you don't distinguish between different sets, if they are isomorphic (their elements behave the same, for a certain value of "the same").
Ultra-quality visuals and ingenious interpretations of Math from someone who really understands it and the difficulties it presents to most of us. One marvellous educator he is!
dear sir , i phd student but your lectures clear my views ,please upload vedioes on SVD and predictive sparse decomposition i love your way of teaching
I made note of this video series when it appeared on my YT feed 8 years ago when you released it. I'm learning ML now and came back to this after so long hoping it would help me. Your way of teaching made me and many others intuitively understand things we would probably have never understood in our lives. Thank you for making this all for free :)
Mukesh Khatri - The derivative is a linear transformation, not a set of vectors, so it doesn't make sense to call it "linearly dependent" or "linearly independent". But while using the wrong terminology, I think you have still noticed something. The derivative linear transformation has a nonzero kernel. In fact, it sends the basis element {1} to 0, so the kernel is one-dimensional. It collapses a "line" (all scalar multiples of 1, i.e., all constants) in the set of polynomials to the origin. This means that the derivative is not reversible (you can't undifferentiate) since it collapses part of space. Luckily, it only has a one-dimensional collapse, which is why any two antiderivatives of a function different by a constant.
I've always loved math, but had a linear algebra professor that would print the pages of the textbook and read them word for word as the lecture. It almost killed the love I had for all the fancy and elegant proofs there are, but you just saved and revived that. I'm so happy to be alive in a time where amazing people like you can reach out to millions inspiring entire generations.
The word "interface" brought me total enlightenment. A vector can be thought of just like an interface in computer programming. The "IVector" interface definition contains all methods (axioms) that the classes (vector spaces) must implement. When dealing with instances of these classes (actual vectors), we can be sure that the eight rules apply to them and we don't need to know anything else.
Yeah, I think the Bourbaki group did some damage to the concept of "axiom" when they insisted that all mathematics *start* from axioms rather than decide on axioms after working through various examples.
Not true. An interface is really just a type of class, any language with objects and multiple inheritance can technically use interfaces. In Java, there's some stuff handled so you don't make mistakes you would if you were using classes and multiple inheritance
These are not really fundamental axioms of math. I would rather regard them as properties some system of objects(call them vectors) must have in order to apply the general results in linneair algebra. Just as group theory provides a framework for all classes of objects that have certain properties and relations towards one another.
Thank you for this video series. Very few people on the Internet can teach the way you just did. This video series is a piece of art. Just like applying math is.
I don't think so. because integration doesn't give you one function. it gives you a infinity of functions: a entire family of functions that once derived they go back to the original integrand.
The derivative matrix is not invertible. So there´s no inverse matrix. The reason the derivative is not invertible is that it maps different things to the same element. For example the derivative of 1 is the same as the derivative of 0 (namely 0) even though 1 != 0. This is also the reason why intregration doesn´t give you a single function but infinitely many different functions.
I am 52 year old and I considered myself until now as not so bad in math especially in linear algebra. But watching your series (that I could not stop by the way until the end) is the best education in linear algebra bar none. Kudos to you, outstanding everything! You got my 200/100.
I might have shed a few tears at the wondrousness of this video. This series inspiring like no other. You may not realize it but you are acting as the building block for an entire generation of mathematicians. People who will go on to discover and innovate are only here because of you. And even though you may never see this. Know from the bottom of my heart that I and this whole world wide community thank you for it. All the love, DS
I was going to drop my Linear Algebra course, but I decided against doing so after stumbling upon this series. I definitely feel prepared for my exam tomorrow and my final in May. Thank you so much!
I'm a first year Computer Science student. I was doing the annoying calculations related to matrices, determinants , eigen vectors etc. for last few weeks and suddenly I found these great series of videos, now truly speaking I have fall in love with this chapter. THANK YOU for making these.
First-year math undergraduate: "yeah, vectors are just lists of numbers" Second-year math undergraduate: "okay, maybe polynomials can be considered vectors, but I'm not sure why that matters" Third-year math undergraduate: "Before we can talk about vectors I'm going to need you to define the vector space, scalar field and tell me if we're using an inner product or norm." Fourth-year math undergradute: "All is vector. Images? Vectors. Functions? Vectors. Tensors? Vectors."
Now this quote makes a lot more sense to me. "Mathematics requires a small dose, not of genius, but of an imaginative freedom which, in a larger dose, would be insanity. And if mathematicians tend to burn out early in their careers, it is probably because life has forced them to acquire too much common sense, thereby rendering them too sane to work. But by then they are sane enough to teach, so a use can still be found for them." - Angus K. Rodgers
Furthermore, why does the exponential function appear everywhere in math? One reason is that it (and all scalar multiples) is an eigenfunction of the differential operator. Same deal for sines and cosines with the second-derivative operator (eigenvalue=-1).
+3Blue1Brown Indeed. That's a good chunk of differential equations right there. Once you've trained the eye, one can see that oftentimes we're just solving eigen-problems. For example, what's the motion of a spring with a mass attached? It's going to be an eigenfunction (with some initial conditions, of course) of the second-derivative operator (from Newton's 2nd law and Hooke's Law) with eigenvalue -k/m, where k is the spring constant and m is the mass. There's your sines and cosines.
There is a theorem that says that the solution tu the differential equation X(n)=AX (where X(n) is the order n derivative of X, X is a vector of m functions and A is a matrix whith m rows and m columns) is a vector space of dimention n*m and its basis functions are X=p(t)*e**(kt) where p(t) are polinomials, k is a complex number and e**(a) is exp(a). Considering that the sine and cosine are sums of complex exponential functions, if A is a real matrix you get that the solution of the equation is a sum of p(t)*f(t) where p(t) are polinomials and f(t) is exp(kx), cos(kx) or sin(kx), whith k some real number. So, every time you take a linear expression for something that will end up in a differential equation (which happens a lot in physics), you will get something of this sort PS: sory for my english, it's not my mother language
I watched the series 2 years ago when i was at high school. now that am in college and its been 2 years, i totaly was struggling and had to re watch it. LMAO😂
Only problem is, that this is just the tip of the iceberg in my Linear Algebra class 1 and 2... But for the things the video talks about, it's mind blowing
As an undergrad, it took a lot of effort and time for me to gain these intuitions. Now you're making it all so accessible! I'm a little angry and jealous of those who can learn it all so easily from your videos. Your videos are so good, that I still watched every single video in this series just to make sure I didn't miss some useful intuition, and indeed the cross-product video (2nd-part) revealed and closed a hole in my understanding that I had given up on as an undergrad. I wish you would do a similar series on some advanced topics, such as, for example: Projective Geometry Differential Forms Calculus of Variations Stochastic Calculus I know these topics would cater to a smaller audience, but you seem to have the perfect skills, tools and interests to cover at least the first two. Or perhaps you have already. I'd better go look at what else you've done. You're doing humanity an enormous service. Keep up the good work.
I get your feeling of anger and jealousy, it's always like that when you put effort into things and then others just get up to your level pretty quickly because they learn it through a better platform...
I think that these videos are a good way to have the initial intuition of "what are we doing with these vector spaces". But, they don't give to the watcher all the expertness you acquired by experiencing situation like "in what concrete example of mathematics these concepts help me to have a complex result with a simple method".
Damn man ive also felt so jealous but couldnt express it or admit it aloud. My knowledge has always been my precious jewel that i took pride in and was protective of when it got to understanding challenging stuff, as if saying, "fuck off ive spent years to understand it: im not gonna tell you the secret of it so you can grasp it in 10 minutes without putting in the work". Thank you for this honesty it made me feel more likely to share it.
Officially covered more in a day than Math HL AA could ever hope to cover in a month. The lessons you uploaded in this series helped me immensely with understanding this considerably hard concept so easily. I can now confidently say that I have developed a solid intuition around linear algebra
Me and almost everyone in my class at Lunds University in Sweden are infinitely grateful to you for making this series. Your series make linear algebra not only much easier to understand, but also much more enjoyable. So thank you, Grant.
9:07 For those who are wondering why operator p ∝ d/dx in Quantum Mechanics (QM) is also called "Matrix". The wave function (or state vector) is basically a linear combination of basis functions (or eigenvectors). This video solves the puzzle in the textbook of QM perfectly.
I've come to the point where I actually need to understand these things (I just started uni) and I can't believe how lucky I've been for finding this channel five years ago. The best way I can express myself now is... you've definitely accomplished your goal of animating math for me (and surely for lots of other people). As you said, this really feels like reading a good novel: seeing how these squiggly lines and pointy arrows are actually the same thing makes for a perfect plot twist. Thank you :>
Well said. I don't care if he invented this idea of visualizing EVERY verbally spoken concept within the videos or not. The more important thing is that besides a superb visual implementation he also comes up with an increadibly polished narrative itself.
I've watched many online educators before. It is clear to me that none but Grant have the passion for truly ensuring absolute and intuitive understanding, and that is why is teaching is so efficient, effective, and important.
Thank you so much for this entire series, this has seriously boosted my math grades, which went from a 5/10 for calculus to a 9.3/10 for linear algebra. Without this series that would've been impossible.
It's amazing how this makes everything add up. You can easily see how e^x is an eigenvector of the derivative transformation. While I was considering how you would go about calculating the determinant of an infinite matrix, I realized that it is just 0 because the first column is 0. Which makes sense since the derivative reduces a "dimension" from the polynomial.
Pretty much every exponenrial function e^kx is an eigenfunction of the derivative operator. Although I’m not sure for sinusoidal functions (the second derivative of sin(x) is also an eigenfunction but not for the first derivative). So it seems like exponentials and sinusoids are closely related to one another, in fact the ultimate relationship between these two classes of functions is already given by Euler’s formula. It feels so good to see a connection between two things in math!
I want to point out that there's actually a lot of depth to defining the invariants, i.e. geometric properties like the trace, determinant, set of eigenvalues, etc. of a linear transformation when you have infinitely many dimensions. For instance, with the determinant you have to multiply an infinite collection of numbers and you have to ask questions like: "When will this infinite product converge?"In finite dimensions you have a discrete set of eigenvalues, but for infinite dimensional transformations you can have a full continuum of eigenvalues as well. This deep interplay between linear algebra and real analysis is the subject of functional analysis.
I am a physics Ph.D. student, and this series has helped a lot! I have been getting as many of my friends to watch this since it should help them too. Thanks for making these videos. What's next?
Well, 3B1B, I don't know if you'll see this comment in some time of your busy life, but I just wanted to say thank you for this series. I have recently discovered your channel because of my needs to better understand Calculus, Algebra, and other college subjects, and I ended up finding the greatest math youtuber ever. I have just ended finishing and studying this series of Algebra videos for my Linear Algebra journey, and now not only you have clarified my mind with all these sorts of topics (I was very frustrated with Algebra because of my lack of abstract thinking) and now is like being flashed by God's light. And most importantly, you have revived my interest in mathematics and my joy for science. I was thinking to drop out of university because of the education system that makes you memorize without understanding, but thanks to these videos now I see how beautiful maths can be, and how all these numbers and symbols describe the Universe in such a precise way is kind of terrifying... but astounding. Thank you for everything. Keep up the fantastic work.
an 8 years old video, which is created on an 8 years old program that YOU developed, has no short of a beatiful and understandable educating math video that could be created today. This is called quality.
I'm about to move to university and want to go into mathematics as an academic. This series not only changed my perspective on algebra, what I've been learning for most of my life, but on mathematics in it's entirety. If you ever read this thank you.
I mean I agree that this is a really good video series that gives good intuitions about things but ... you cannot seriously argue that one could watch this series and then be able to nail a real test in linear algebra. it's too high level. and it does nothing to replace the tedious hours of just grinding problems until you get a feel for them. or even give the basic tools needed to actually calculate some of the things. videos like these are a support to help give understanding, but they can never replace hard work and doing problems. give your classes more credit.
what you said is so true. I don't get comments of people when they say that a video made them understand EVERYTHING and now they're getting high scores just because of them. I mean, sure these videos are immensely fascinating but at the end of the day, it depends how many practice problems one has gone through in order to "ace" a test.
I completely disagree unless the only type of test you could be taking is one that forces you to simply regurgitate what you have been told. After taking a formal linear algebra class (in which I received an A on every test only because I did many practice problems) I could not apply the concepts to anything other than a problem I had seen in the textbook or on a homework assignment. To me, this means I really learned next to nothing other than how to plug some numbers into a formula that I had memorized. Throughout the following years I have stumbled across many other good explanations of what these operations really mean that have completely changed my understanding of linear algebra. This video series has managed to collect all of those explanations and then some in one place, and I can guarantee that these videos in parallel with a linear algebra class would greatly increase ones understanding of the subject, and definitely could result in someone going from poor grades to Acing the tests. Or maybe I just had a really crappy teacher when I took the class and a good professor would have explained these concepts better in the first place. All I know is that it would have been immensely helpful when I was taking the class and I have heard similar stories from many others who have taken a number of different linear algebra classes so it would seem the issue is not limited to just one professor at one university.
@@sara-hc7wb yes and no. I'd say both are needed. With a deeper understanding (this channel) you can grasp the concepts and extrapolate much MUCH more easily than by just grinding through problem sets applying formulas you don't understand. If you know how the machine works, using it becomes easier. Not to say that you could ever get by without doing the calculations and practice problems but the goal of education isn't to be able to pass the tests, it's to then be able to apply the knowledge to a broader set of problems. The understanding that this channel adds, opens up a much wider field of application by adding the understanding to what it is you're doing. AND if you're stuck on an understanding of what you're doing or why you're doing it, but you grind through practice problems, you're not really learning, you're just putting in effort for little to no benefit. By understanding what I'm doing I"ve been able to bypass hours of practice problems by being able to visualize the problem. You don't need to memorize anything if you understand what you're doing.
I think it is this video what elevate this series from an outstanding introduction to a definitive masterpiece. The whole series has try to be friendly and intuitive with best effort meanwhile trying to be 'accurate' as well. But still, what we have focused on earlier are just special cases. It it so because special cases, namely, examples on the ground are easier to understand and that's why we use 'e.g.' everywhere. And this last chapter wraps up by giving bigger picture underlying making our knowledge 'complete'. It is Complete, not in sense of knowing every detail, but rather that we have a structural understanding of the whole stuff which describe their relations. We know where to dive in further when we need to and where to put the incoming information at appropriately to assimilate these new stuff to grow systematically.
Thank you very much for this series. It brought me a lot of intuitive understanding of a subject that appears a lot in my field (I'm graduating to become a telecommunications engineer) and a lot of things have "cleared up" in my head. I realize that it must have taken a lot of work, both in the animations and in trying to explain things in the most intuitive way possible, but know that the work you've put on did not go unnoticed. Thank you a lot for these videos, and know that, to me, your channel is the best maths channel in youtube
I have a final in linear algebra coming up and your videos helped me intuitively understand the concepts my professors were failing to explain. I would give you $1000 but unfortunately I am a broke college kid and there is no way to linearly transform $10 into $1000 (yet).
"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then my theorem about duck-looking, duck-swimming and duck-quacking things will apply to it too."
Thanks - enjoyed the whole series. As someone who was a math major and graduated from college many years ago, watching your series hasn't only refreshed but revived my interest in linear algebra. In particular, you have done a fantastic job in setting up the path and moments for anyone watching the series to grasp the intuition behind the math. If I were to make a suggestion, going into the topic of eigenbasis you could use a separate chapter to hone in and refresh on the differences in perspectives of viewing matrices as linear transformation vs. change of basis. You did cover both in detail in different parts of the series - just thought if you could share tricks and experiences in how to interchangeably use and combine them in solving a problem that'd be great. All in all, this is great. I used your series as a refresher to get into some deep learning tasks and i have achieved way more than just shaking off rust from my old knowledge of the subject!
This serie of videos is just amazing. Even with some basis in linear algebra, you give some amazing intuitions, and the video are clear even for a french speaker. By the way, if you want your videos to be subtitle in french or other languages for instance, I'm pretty sure some viewers (me for instance) will be happy to help you. And more importantly thank you and best of luck also ^^
your videos are genius ! i'd like to do a similar series for french youtube community, can you tell me which software you're using for animation and editing ?
Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you! I'm struck with disbelief at how informative and intuitive and clearly explained the entire series was. I I don't even know. You're amazing. I can't say thank you enough!!
I had a problem I really needed to solve for a game, I was banging my head against the wall, but I knew that vectors would have the solution. This series is 3 hours long and I saved time watching everything and then solving the really complicated problem in 5 minutes, than trying to get the absolute mess of a solution I was dealing with. This is bound to save me so much time in the future, but immediately has saved me the time I invested to watch this. Linear algebra needs to be one of the first things you learn when doing game development (just started and I come from frontend web design where if you were to use linear algebra [you can with CSS] you'd be burnt at the stake for being a witch) Thank you so much.
This has been an excellent series. If you plan on doing more series in the future and assuming you've been doing these in your own time, I'd love to help support you on Patreon or a similar platform.
This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen! Thank you for fundamentally altering my understanding of not just Linear algebra but math in general. It is beautiful!!!
Beautifully clear and satisfying explanations! If all math were this well taught from grade school on, we'd be a nation of math-lovers, rather than haters. And who knows? - maybe people would write theorems rather than novels, and movies would involve characters who were functions. Or vectors. Or whatever!
I am so glad this channel chose to do this series. Linear algebra is the most widely applied field of mathematics there is, particularly in computer science and in physics. In the classes I've taken, at least seven of them defined abstract vector spaces, and that is a lower estimate because I lost count a long time ago.
Sarah Yang And there's less math. Because even chemistry students who go into hands-on based fields like pharmaceutical sciences still have to learn Schrödinger's equation, and that is a recipe for undergraduate headaches lol. Also, nice profile pic.
I really loved all f this series, it made linear algebra take a different view for me. Before, I couldn't really associate it with the other areas of math and always found a strange subject, but this series changed this for me. Thnak you for doing that! One thing I did miss in the series is what exactly a transpose matrix is. Still find it odd to change colums by rows and rows by colums. I would love to know if there is a deeper meaning for doing this.
All my life I always thought I hated math. I took algebra twice in high school like "how tf is this applicable to anything?". Now at 26 Im watching MIT lectures on yt trying to teach myself derivatives n finance instruments like "slow down wtf is an eigenfunction?". Just finished this series to wrap my head around the basics and I wish I had to time machine to make my 16 year old self watch these videos. I thought I hated math but I never saw the beauty in it until I watched you bring it to life over these 15 vids. I just binged this math course like a netflix series. I don't normally drop comments ever but hats off to you bruh you just changed the way I see the world. May God Bless you
I just discovered your channel yesterday and today I sat all afternoon watching all your linear algebra videos. I never liked linear algebra or understood it until I found your stuff. Now I am inspired to continue digging deeper into this subject. Thank you for your awesome content!
I just want to say thank you, there was a time when i thought i could never pass this exam about Linear Algebra, your videos gave me the understanding and i began to see the inner logic in this topic. Yesterday at 12 pm i received the message from my prof that i passed and its really incredible for me, when i think where i started. Ps.: Even i am not especially good in the english language, the visuals are absolutely brilliant.
I just *love* this RUclips channel! And this Essence of linear algebra series is one of the many gems!! It would be great if one more video could be added to this series that covered tensors.
1:48 this answers why the determinant is the product of eigenvalues; since it's invariant to change in basis, when viewed from the perspective of eigenbasis those vectors just get scaled on the axis they spanned. The resulting shape is a rectangle and not a parallelogram whose area is just the product of eigenvalues.
@@nikhilnagaria2672 I don't think my reasoning is generally correct(I was naive), because this requires a full set of eigenvectors and it also requires the eigenvectors to be perpendicular to eachother, otherwise the shape won't be a rectangle. These properties are satisfied by the symmetric matrices, so yeah the reasoning only holds for them.
thank you so much for explaining those abstract concepts in such a clear and neat way. I like this series so much and I would say these are the most enlightening videos I've seen this year. kudos to you!! Looking forward to your new works!!!😸👍👍👍!!!
@@birdboat5647 when he started talking about abstractness of vectors it also reminded me of abstract classes and how you dont have to worry about how the class is implemented when coding it
Remember lambda functions? There's a whole branch of math that studied them, before programming was even a thing. I'd bet there's a connection between eigenvalues and those functions.
As a Math major student, I cherish the fact that there are people like you in the world that gives life to math and help those demotivated and motivated math majors to appreciate it more and get comfortable with it. Thank you!
I rewatch this series every couple months just to refresh my intuition on the subject this whole thing was so fantastic. I hope you realize how influential you've been to mathematics education and that there's no way that you aren't helping absolutely brilliant mathematicians, physicists, and engineers overcome very difficult hurdles in their math education. I know it sounds like I'm exaggerating but the work you're doing is going to have multiplicative effects through the future and I really appreciate all you've done Grant
I have had problem with my linear algebra courses, and this series helped me understand every concept! (The theorems and properties still have to be learnt obviously). Throughout these videos, I consantly was like: "oh this is why this is in my lessons!" or "Wow I understand everything now!". This is awesomew I'll 200% recommend this to my friends. P.S: I already watched these series a few years ago before I got to college and I didn't really take notes or really try to "pause and ponder". I forgot everything the time I got to the present day, where it'll stick with me for a long time, because I also have had college courses. If you are watching this on your own without courses, I highly recommend to watch actively meaning taking notes, try everything he says, and when you're finished practice with exercises you can find on linear algebra.
4:10 - my proffessor taught me that linear operators are linear transformations that are F: V->V, which means the "input" and "output" are subsets of the same vector space, whereas transformations are F: V->W where V,W can be different vector spaces. But great video anyway
tensors are extreeeeeeemely difficult and confusing, took me 4 EVER to at least somewhat wrap my head around it. The shortest way to describe it I can think of is a higher-order higher-dimensional object "built" from vectors.
Absolutely amazing! As a software engineer currently studying computer graphics programming in my free time, this video series has been immensely helpful. This episode was especially impactful for me. The concept of the "Axioms" of linear algebra being an "interface" for how to use all this theory was unexpectedly familiar! In C#, for example, there are "Interface" classes that define what functionality a given class that implements said interface must have. It was striking to see this same concept from a mathematical perspective!
Whenever I watch your video, these words from Ratatouille come to my mind Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.
Grant, the only available words I can use to describe the level of unimaginable appreciation and gratitude as well as the level of insight that I have gained from your videos is, "There are no words to describe it." Your videos are invaluable and I'm quite certain I can speak for literally thousands of people when I say that you, sir, have changed our understanding of mathematics and the reality within which it exists. Thank you.
I think we should all stand up and applaud
I just did! Alone in my room. A special moment!
me too!
1 liek = 1 clap
I think many of us did, in front of our computer screens. This guy has linearly transformed us into better selves.
I can't explain how much more confidence I have to not just tackle linear algebra, but use it as an actual tool.
And he understood perfectly all of those geometric interpretations without watching his own videos first. He is a genius
He is genius not only he understood it without the visualisations he gave us, he is genius because he managed to entangle the mess of formulas and give us the simple and intuitive way of thinking (the way it was actually invented) which, I presume, is really hard to find on any paper book (because it is just paper book, not a video). I clearly see now that the classic book from my university has really no intention to teach linear algebra, but merely serve as cryptic notes for the lectures (pretty crap lectures, I gotta say, as they just wasted tons on peoples time without a decent explanation what actually we were doing).
3b1b, Grant is a genius, I love him.
@@snowy0110 tbh. That's how it should be. It's about mass first. You'll get the intuition once you start to really work with the concepts in later semesters. But the beginning is just a excersice in keeping your head down and accepting it as it is.
I would say he is more of a genius for executing these animated masterpieces. A lot of mathematicians are exposed to these ideas and the visualizations are given on paper, but I don’t think anyone really knew there was such a thirst for mathematical animations on youtube that Numberphile scratched the surface of.
if he is a genius then think about the mathematicians who invented these concepts, and about the mathematicians, who understood these flawlessly and built upon these concepts to invent new concepts
@@l.1244 I think that a terrible opinion. I would more then happy to share why if you steal believe what you wrote.
I think I speak for many people when I say you have had the single largest impact on my academic life and how I go about learning (whether it be math or anything else really). This is true education, from the bottom of my and many others hearts, Thank you for all that you do Grant.
Is that $700?! Right on dude
My eyes are bleeding as I try to read this
ZAR is the abbreviation of South Africa Rand. Right now 1 USD is 18.70 ZAR
700/18.7 = 37.42 USD
You are making the world a better place.
no such thing as better or worse
you know that he meant that he likes better the world that 3Blue1Brown is helping shape. No need to always be a smartass.
@@zes7215 There is. Unless you're looking from a pessimistic nihilistic point of view.
@@LittleLionRawr I think you mean objective rather than pessimistic/nihilistic. Pessimism and nihilisim stem from objectivity (e.g. the existence and continuation of life has no meaning because it was basically a happy set of coincidences that have no intrinsic/objective value) but they aren't fully representative of being objective.
For example there might be an optimistic person who looks at the pointlessness of life as a reason to live, since if life is pointless then the opposite of life (or the complete absence of the mere notion of life) is equally pointless, which allows them to be objective even though they are technically being subjective (by continuing to choose to live). This person would also say that there are no such things as better or worse, but would also say that life has objective meaning based on the axiom that sentience is good, since to be able to comprehend the pointlessness of sentience you'd have to have sentience in the first place (it's kinda obvious that last point).
@@notnilc2107 Well, no, I meant what I meant. Rather, according to your point there are other points of view that regard better/worse as non-existent. In any case, indeed given certain initial assumptions/axioms on the value of something, better or worse exist.
The overall point being, there are such things as better or worse. But not from a perspective that rejects intrinsic meaning to or value of anything. (for example indeed in an attempt to be as objective as possible.)
From other perspectives where meaning and value exist, better and worse do exist.
Another interesting perspective is that sometimes concepts exist because we say they exist.
In a broader sense, because we can think of it, the abstract concepts of good and bad/better and worse definitely exist, even from an objective perspective, since subjective concepts do exist as subjective concepts within an objective point of view.
"The mathematician's answer is to just ignore the question". This is so beautiful.
also the most mathematician thing I've ever heard, lol
It's also the politician's answer, but I believe it's a mere coincidence.
(Though it would explain Cedric Villani's change of career)
Wouldn't a mathematician rather answer as "A vector is an element of a vectorspace"?
@@SuperVapourizer That is the point : a vectorspace is not defined as "a space of vectors", it's defined as a space that has certain properties. In the end, a vector in a mathematician mind is not defined by what it is, but what it can do and how it does it. This is a general rule in advanced mathematics : you cease to wonder *what* things are, you start to ponder *how* things behave, to the point that, more and more, you don't distinguish between different sets, if they are isomorphic (their elements behave the same, for a certain value of "the same").
Ultra-quality visuals and ingenious interpretations of Math from someone who really understands it and the difficulties it presents to most of us. One marvellous educator he is!
E 404
Never felt at the end of a educational series like "When will be the next season airing, damn!"
welcome to no blue no browns
Next season after essence of calc would or should be functional analysis. Its already foreshadowed in this video.
I wouldn't have believed you if you told me 3 months ago, I would be watching math videos for fun. I love this channel.
+DekuStickGamer This is what I love to hear, glad I could play a part in converting you!
Could you do a follow up on the series but with tensors? I haven't found any intuitive explanation online.
dear sir , i phd student but your lectures clear my views ,please upload vedioes on SVD and predictive
sparse decomposition i love your way of teaching
I made note of this video series when it appeared on my YT feed 8 years ago when you released it. I'm learning ML now and came back to this after so long hoping it would help me. Your way of teaching made me and many others intuitively understand things we would probably have never understood in our lives. Thank you for making this all for free :)
Derivatives are freaking linear transformations.
My whole math just changed
Now think about what transformations integrals and partial derivatives are.
I just realised FT is linear and looked it up to find DFT is "a change of basis"
I might be wrong, but does this make derivative linearly dependent?
I'm in the process of getting a degree in math. I like to say I have a degree in linear operators
Mukesh Khatri - The derivative is a linear transformation, not a set of vectors, so it doesn't make sense to call it "linearly dependent" or "linearly independent". But while using the wrong terminology, I think you have still noticed something. The derivative linear transformation has a nonzero kernel. In fact, it sends the basis element {1} to 0, so the kernel is one-dimensional. It collapses a "line" (all scalar multiples of 1, i.e., all constants) in the set of polynomials to the origin.
This means that the derivative is not reversible (you can't undifferentiate) since it collapses part of space. Luckily, it only has a one-dimensional collapse, which is why any two antiderivatives of a function different by a constant.
I've always loved math, but had a linear algebra professor that would print the pages of the textbook and read them word for word as the lecture. It almost killed the love I had for all the fancy and elegant proofs there are, but you just saved and revived that. I'm so happy to be alive in a time where amazing people like you can reach out to millions inspiring entire generations.
Is it just me or does anybody else here get all teary-eyed watching the final flashback? Boy, what a journey!
Yes, especially after (got stuck and) watched Cahper 9- 11 a few times
张弛 what final flashback?
honestly my eyes are about to burst tear rn. why did it finish :(
I felt so emotional at the end as if a really great movie/documentary just ended and changed my life!
The word "interface" brought me total enlightenment. A vector can be thought of just like an interface in computer programming. The "IVector" interface definition contains all methods (axioms) that the classes (vector spaces) must implement. When dealing with instances of these classes (actual vectors), we can be sure that the eight rules apply to them and we don't need to know anything else.
Yeah, I think the Bourbaki group did some damage to the concept of "axiom" when they insisted that all mathematics *start* from axioms rather than decide on axioms after working through various examples.
I take it you mean interfaces in Java. Other languages don't have them.
+Stephen Peterson But after you decided on axioms, you start with them, test and evaluate
Not true. An interface is really just a type of class, any language with objects and multiple inheritance can technically use interfaces. In Java, there's some stuff handled so you don't make mistakes you would if you were using classes and multiple inheritance
These are not really fundamental axioms of math. I would rather regard them as properties some system of objects(call them vectors) must have in order to apply the general results in linneair algebra. Just as group theory provides a framework for all classes of objects that have certain properties and relations towards one another.
Thank you for this video series. Very few people on the Internet can teach the way you just did. This video series is a piece of art. Just like applying math is.
Very few people on the planet* ❤❤❤
the derivative thing blew my mind
e^x is an eigenfunction of the derivative matrix with 1 as the eigenvalue. just thought about it. mind blown :D
all n^x, with ln(n) as eigenvalues.
Wouldn't the inverse matrix of it then be the matrix representing integration?
I don't think so. because integration doesn't give you one function. it gives you a infinity of functions: a entire family of functions that once derived they go back to the original integrand.
The derivative matrix is not invertible. So there´s no inverse matrix.
The reason the derivative is not invertible is that it maps different things to the same element. For example the derivative of 1 is the same as the derivative of 0 (namely 0) even though 1 != 0.
This is also the reason why intregration doesn´t give you a single function but infinitely many different functions.
I am 52 year old and I considered myself until now as not so bad in math especially in linear algebra. But watching your series (that I could not stop by the way until the end) is the best education in linear algebra bar none. Kudos to you, outstanding everything! You got my 200/100.
I might have shed a few tears at the wondrousness of this video. This series inspiring like no other. You may not realize it but you are acting as the building block for an entire generation of mathematicians. People who will go on to discover and innovate are only here because of you. And even though you may never see this. Know from the bottom of my heart that I and this whole world wide community thank you for it. All the love,
calm down
@@propoop6991 You need to calm UP
@@fastlearner292 no lol
I was going to drop my Linear Algebra course, but I decided against doing so after stumbling upon this series. I definitely feel prepared for my exam tomorrow and my final in May. Thank you so much!
Good for you! Best of luck :)
so, how'd you do?
@@yerr234 passed the class! Graduated from uni a year ago and now a software engineer. It worked out for me!
@@xxxhomiexxx5 glad to hear my friend
@@yerr234 Thanks for checking in!
I'm a first year Computer Science student. I was doing the annoying calculations related to matrices, determinants , eigen vectors etc. for last few weeks and suddenly I found these great series of videos, now truly speaking I have fall in love with this chapter.
THANK YOU for making these.
you should be reaching third year now. hope you still like math (:
Are you studying in India?
First-year math undergraduate: "yeah, vectors are just lists of numbers"
Second-year math undergraduate: "okay, maybe polynomials can be considered vectors, but I'm not sure why that matters"
Third-year math undergraduate: "Before we can talk about vectors I'm going to need you to define the vector space, scalar field and tell me if we're using an inner product or norm."
Fourth-year math undergradute: "All is vector. Images? Vectors. Functions? Vectors. Tensors? Vectors."
Graduate math student: anything that's not infinite-dimensional is boring and useless.
@@odysseus231 Math post-doc: anything that's not impossible to prove is trivial
@@odysseus231 "Be not afraid"
1 year maths student and we are somewhere between your 3rd and 4th year 😅
Now this quote makes a lot more sense to me.
"Mathematics requires a small dose, not of genius, but of an imaginative freedom which, in a larger dose, would be insanity. And if mathematicians tend to burn out early in their careers, it is probably because life has forced them to acquire too much common sense, thereby rendering them too sane to work. But by then they are sane enough to teach, so a use can still be found for them."
- Angus K. Rodgers
It also requires obsessive rigor to attain that freedom. More angst for Angus.
Furthermore, why does the exponential function appear everywhere in math? One reason is that it (and all scalar multiples) is an eigenfunction of the differential operator. Same deal for sines and cosines with the second-derivative operator (eigenvalue=-1).
+mdphdguy1 Boy, that question is worthy of a full series in its own right.
Indeed. That's a good chunk of differential equations right there. Once you've trained the eye, one can see that oftentimes we're just solving eigen-problems. For example, what's the motion of a spring with a mass attached? It's going to be an eigenfunction (with some initial conditions, of course) of the second-derivative operator (from Newton's 2nd law and Hooke's Law) with eigenvalue -k/m, where k is the spring constant and m is the mass. There's your sines and cosines.
+3Blue1Brown Yes please, I have no disagreement to that idea.
I don't think anyone would be dissatisfied with 3Blue1Brown producing anykind of video.
There is a theorem that says that the solution tu the differential equation X(n)=AX (where X(n) is the order n derivative of X, X is a vector of m functions and A is a matrix whith m rows and m columns) is a vector space of dimention n*m and its basis functions are X=p(t)*e**(kt) where p(t) are polinomials, k is a complex number and e**(a) is exp(a). Considering that the sine and cosine are sums of complex exponential functions, if A is a real matrix you get that the solution of the equation is a sum of p(t)*f(t) where p(t) are polinomials and f(t) is exp(kx), cos(kx) or sin(kx), whith k some real number.
So, every time you take a linear expression for something that will end up in a differential equation (which happens a lot in physics), you will get something of this sort
PS: sory for my english, it's not my mother language
Thank you so much! I cannot imagine how much effort was put into making this series, but I can attest to just how game-changing it's been for me.
I'm so grateful to have watched these before ever sitting in a linear algebra class
Me to I’m not in high school math and because of this pi creature I’m smarter then my family with mathematics
Sat in a linear algebra class yet?
I watched the series 2 years ago when i was at high school. now that am in college and its been 2 years, i totaly was struggling and had to re watch it. LMAO😂
Only problem is, that this is just the tip of the iceberg in my Linear Algebra class 1 and 2... But for the things the video talks about, it's mind blowing
As an undergrad, it took a lot of effort and time for me to gain these intuitions. Now you're making it all so accessible! I'm a little angry and jealous of those who can learn it all so easily from your videos.
Your videos are so good, that I still watched every single video in this series just to make sure I didn't miss some useful intuition, and indeed the cross-product video (2nd-part) revealed and closed a hole in my understanding that I had given up on as an undergrad.
I wish you would do a similar series on some advanced topics, such as, for example:
Projective Geometry
Differential Forms
Calculus of Variations
Stochastic Calculus
I know these topics would cater to a smaller audience, but you seem to have the perfect skills, tools and interests to cover at least the first two. Or perhaps you have already. I'd better go look at what else you've done.
You're doing humanity an enormous service. Keep up the good work.
I get your feeling of anger and jealousy, it's always like that when you put effort into things and then others just get up to your level pretty quickly because they learn it through a better platform...
I think that these videos are a good way to have the initial intuition of "what are we doing with these vector spaces". But, they don't give to the watcher all the expertness you acquired by experiencing situation like "in what concrete example of mathematics these concepts help me to have a complex result with a simple method".
@@E1phel Maths exams for me are generally computational, but watching these videos has made the concepts come to life if you will.
Damn man ive also felt so jealous but couldnt express it or admit it aloud. My knowledge has always been my precious jewel that i took pride in and was protective of when it got to understanding challenging stuff, as if saying, "fuck off ive spent years to understand it: im not gonna tell you the secret of it so you can grasp it in 10 minutes without putting in the work". Thank you for this honesty it made me feel more likely to share it.
now I'm jealous that you came up with these intuitions all by yourself
Officially covered more in a day than Math HL AA could ever hope to cover in a month. The lessons you uploaded in this series helped me immensely with understanding this considerably hard concept so easily. I can now confidently say that I have developed a solid intuition around linear algebra
"What's your favorite vector space?"
"Umm... I like the pi creatures."
Just be sure to define them so that they correspond to the checklist
This teaching videos are gorgeous. Learnt linear algebra 12 yrs ago, but these videos blow my mind. Awesome stuff.
I feel like when I listen to your videos I sigh with the relief of understanding something in a way I never did before! Thank you!
Me and almost everyone in my class at Lunds University in Sweden are infinitely grateful to you for making this series. Your series make linear algebra not only much easier to understand, but also much more enjoyable.
So thank you, Grant.
Best gift i received from an almost stranger in my first 17 years of life. Love your work sir.
9:07 For those who are wondering why operator p ∝ d/dx in Quantum Mechanics (QM) is also called "Matrix". The wave function (or state vector) is basically a linear combination of basis functions (or eigenvectors). This video solves the puzzle in the textbook of QM perfectly.
Holy shit i get it
That's the reason I'm here
I cried a little when it finished. Please can you do another series or just more videos your channel is absolutely amazing. Keep up the great work
me too man
great vector of videos. thanks so much for this. :3
I've come to the point where I actually need to understand these things (I just started uni) and I can't believe how lucky I've been for finding this channel five years ago. The best way I can express myself now is... you've definitely accomplished your goal of animating math for me (and surely for lots of other people). As you said, this really feels like reading a good novel: seeing how these squiggly lines and pointy arrows are actually the same thing makes for a perfect plot twist. Thank you :>
If there were a nobel price for didactic proficiency in academia, you sir would surely get it instantly.
- every student watching this series
Well said. I don't care if he invented this idea of visualizing EVERY verbally spoken concept within the videos or not. The more important thing is that besides a superb visual implementation he also comes up with an increadibly polished narrative itself.
Nobel Price? Lots of work!
I've watched many online educators before. It is clear to me that none but Grant have the passion for truly ensuring absolute and intuitive understanding, and that is why is teaching is so efficient, effective, and important.
Nobel did not fund a prize for math. The best he can hope for is the Field's prize.
Exactly. Not even students but industry professionals.
Thank you so much for this entire series, this has seriously boosted my math grades, which went from a 5/10 for calculus to a 9.3/10 for linear algebra. Without this series that would've been impossible.
It's amazing how this makes everything add up. You can easily see how e^x is an eigenvector of the derivative transformation.
While I was considering how you would go about calculating the determinant of an infinite matrix, I realized that it is just 0 because the first column is 0. Which makes sense since the derivative reduces a "dimension" from the polynomial.
Which alsoexplains why it is not invertible, also known as the reason why integrating is such a mess.
If you ever wondered why there is the +c after integration, that is the reason
You can start in the vector space of polynomials of limited degree, noted Rn[X] where X is the formal Indeterminate
Pretty much every exponenrial function e^kx is an eigenfunction of the derivative operator. Although I’m not sure for sinusoidal functions (the second derivative of sin(x) is also an eigenfunction but not for the first derivative). So it seems like exponentials and sinusoids are closely related to one another, in fact the ultimate relationship between these two classes of functions is already given by Euler’s formula. It feels so good to see a connection between two things in math!
I want to point out that there's actually a lot of depth to defining the invariants, i.e. geometric properties like the trace, determinant, set of eigenvalues, etc. of a linear transformation when you have infinitely many dimensions. For instance, with the determinant you have to multiply an infinite collection of numbers and you have to ask questions like: "When will this infinite product converge?"In finite dimensions you have a discrete set of eigenvalues, but for infinite dimensional transformations you can have a full continuum of eigenvalues as well. This deep interplay between linear algebra and real analysis is the subject of functional analysis.
This playlist is a masterpiece. Congratulations 👏
I am a physics Ph.D. student, and this series has helped a lot! I have been getting as many of my friends to watch this since it should help them too.
Thanks for making these videos. What's next?
I've seen this series 3 or 4 times through out the last 3 years.
Everytime grasping something new.
Terrific work!!!
Haha same, watch probably my 3rd time watching the series after 2 years, I feel like I finally understand it all !
This series is a tressure for all the maths stud3nts, thanks a lot😊
Well, 3B1B, I don't know if you'll see this comment in some time of your busy life, but I just wanted to say thank you for this series. I have recently discovered your channel because of my needs to better understand Calculus, Algebra, and other college subjects, and I ended up finding the greatest math youtuber ever. I have just ended finishing and studying this series of Algebra videos for my Linear Algebra journey, and now not only you have clarified my mind with all these sorts of topics (I was very frustrated with Algebra because of my lack of abstract thinking) and now is like being flashed by God's light.
And most importantly, you have revived my interest in mathematics and my joy for science. I was thinking to drop out of university because of the education system that makes you memorize without understanding, but thanks to these videos now I see how beautiful maths can be, and how all these numbers and symbols describe the Universe in such a precise way is kind of terrifying... but astounding.
Thank you for everything. Keep up the fantastic work.
That‘s a nice comment?
How are you doing now?
an 8 years old video, which is created on an 8 years old program that YOU developed, has no short of a beatiful and understandable educating math video that could be created today. This is called quality.
This series was amazing. Really inspiring.
I'm about to move to university and want to go into mathematics as an academic. This series not only changed my perspective on algebra, what I've been learning for most of my life, but on mathematics in it's entirety. If you ever read this thank you.
A whole semester of tedious classes condensed to a couple hours of fantastic videos and explanations. Thank you so much for this series!
I mean I agree that this is a really good video series that gives good intuitions about things but ... you cannot seriously argue that one could watch this series and then be able to nail a real test in linear algebra. it's too high level. and it does nothing to replace the tedious hours of just grinding problems until you get a feel for them. or even give the basic tools needed to actually calculate some of the things.
videos like these are a support to help give understanding, but they can never replace hard work and doing problems. give your classes more credit.
Totaly agree, time to get back to Gauss Jordan elimination !
what you said is so true. I don't get comments of people when they say that a video made them understand EVERYTHING and now they're getting high scores just because of them. I mean, sure these videos are immensely fascinating but at the end of the day, it depends how many practice problems one has gone through in order to "ace" a test.
I completely disagree unless the only type of test you could be taking is one that forces you to simply regurgitate what you have been told. After taking a formal linear algebra class (in which I received an A on every test only because I did many practice problems) I could not apply the concepts to anything other than a problem I had seen in the textbook or on a homework assignment. To me, this means I really learned next to nothing other than how to plug some numbers into a formula that I had memorized. Throughout the following years I have stumbled across many other good explanations of what these operations really mean that have completely changed my understanding of linear algebra. This video series has managed to collect all of those explanations and then some in one place, and I can guarantee that these videos in parallel with a linear algebra class would greatly increase ones understanding of the subject, and definitely could result in someone going from poor grades to Acing the tests. Or maybe I just had a really crappy teacher when I took the class and a good professor would have explained these concepts better in the first place. All I know is that it would have been immensely helpful when I was taking the class and I have heard similar stories from many others who have taken a number of different linear algebra classes so it would seem the issue is not limited to just one professor at one university.
@@sara-hc7wb yes and no. I'd say both are needed. With a deeper understanding (this channel) you can grasp the concepts and extrapolate much MUCH more easily than by just grinding through problem sets applying formulas you don't understand. If you know how the machine works, using it becomes easier. Not to say that you could ever get by without doing the calculations and practice problems but the goal of education isn't to be able to pass the tests, it's to then be able to apply the knowledge to a broader set of problems. The understanding that this channel adds, opens up a much wider field of application by adding the understanding to what it is you're doing. AND if you're stuck on an understanding of what you're doing or why you're doing it, but you grind through practice problems, you're not really learning, you're just putting in effort for little to no benefit. By understanding what I'm doing I"ve been able to bypass hours of practice problems by being able to visualize the problem. You don't need to memorize anything if you understand what you're doing.
I think it is this video what elevate this series from an outstanding introduction to a definitive masterpiece.
The whole series has try to be friendly and intuitive with best effort meanwhile trying to be 'accurate' as well. But still, what we have focused on earlier are just special cases. It it so because special cases, namely, examples on the ground are easier to understand and that's why we use 'e.g.' everywhere.
And this last chapter wraps up by giving bigger picture underlying making our knowledge 'complete'. It is Complete, not in sense of knowing every detail, but rather that we have a structural understanding of the whole stuff which describe their relations. We know where to dive in further when we need to and where to put the incoming information at appropriately to assimilate these new stuff to grow systematically.
Thank you very much for this series. It brought me a lot of intuitive understanding of a subject that appears a lot in my field (I'm graduating to become a telecommunications engineer) and a lot of things have "cleared up" in my head. I realize that it must have taken a lot of work, both in the animations and in trying to explain things in the most intuitive way possible, but know that the work you've put on did not go unnoticed. Thank you a lot for these videos, and know that, to me, your channel is the best maths channel in youtube
+Bruno Chaves Thanks so much, this means a lot to me.
You made me rediscover the beauty of math at the age of 30! I don’t know how to thank you enough!
I can't tell you how great this series was. You're doing a great service.
"pause & ponder for a moment"
That's what I've been doing!
Thank you!
I have a final in linear algebra coming up and your videos helped me intuitively understand the concepts my professors were failing to explain. I would give you $1000 but unfortunately I am a broke college kid and there is no way to linearly transform $10 into $1000 (yet).
My LinAlg Prof once said in a lecture: "What is a vector? An element of an Vector Space."
3b1b: "Axioms are an interface"
me: "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."
It _definitely_ is a duck. Because ducks are defined as things that look, swim and quack like this :)
"🦆: Peace was never an option. "
"If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then my theorem about duck-looking, duck-swimming and duck-quacking things will apply to it too."
same energy as featherless + bipedal = this is a man
Thanks - enjoyed the whole series. As someone who was a math major and graduated from college many years ago, watching your series hasn't only refreshed but revived my interest in linear algebra. In particular, you have done a fantastic job in setting up the path and moments for anyone watching the series to grasp the intuition behind the math. If I were to make a suggestion, going into the topic of eigenbasis you could use a separate chapter to hone in and refresh on the differences in perspectives of viewing matrices as linear transformation vs. change of basis. You did cover both in detail in different parts of the
series - just thought if you could share tricks and experiences in how to interchangeably use and combine them in solving a problem that'd be great. All in all, this is great. I used your series as a refresher to get into some deep learning tasks and i have achieved way more than just shaking off rust from
my old knowledge of the subject!
This serie of videos is just amazing. Even with some basis in linear algebra, you give some amazing intuitions, and the video are clear even for a french speaker. By the way, if you want your videos to be subtitle in french or other languages for instance, I'm pretty sure some viewers (me for instance) will be happy to help you.
And more importantly thank you and best of luck also ^^
+MisterYagibe If you want to add subtitles, I'd love that.
your videos are genius !
i'd like to do a similar series for french youtube community, can you tell me which software you're using for animation and editing ?
He programs the animations in Python, he doesn't use any animation program
@Play It On Linux je travaille dessus en ce mmoment meme
This is, "not one of", the best ever Linear Algebra tutorials I have seen. Appreciate, sir!
almost in 2025 and this series is still the greatest on youtube about this topic, thank you so much! keep the great work
"Abstractness is the price of generality."
I'll remember that at least😅
That's what a Smart Artificial intelligence will say lol
Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you!
I'm struck with disbelief at how informative and intuitive and clearly explained the entire series was.
I I don't even know. You're amazing. I can't say thank you enough!!
I had a problem I really needed to solve for a game, I was banging my head against the wall, but I knew that vectors would have the solution. This series is 3 hours long and I saved time watching everything and then solving the really complicated problem in 5 minutes, than trying to get the absolute mess of a solution I was dealing with. This is bound to save me so much time in the future, but immediately has saved me the time I invested to watch this.
Linear algebra needs to be one of the first things you learn when doing game development (just started and I come from frontend web design where if you were to use linear algebra [you can with CSS] you'd be burnt at the stake for being a witch)
Thank you so much.
better binge watch than netflix
This has been an excellent series. If you plan on doing more series in the future and assuming you've been doing these in your own time, I'd love to help support you on Patreon or a similar platform.
This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen! Thank you for fundamentally altering my understanding of not just Linear algebra but math in general. It is beautiful!!!
Beautifully clear and satisfying explanations! If all math were this well taught from grade school on, we'd be a nation of math-lovers, rather than haters. And who knows? - maybe people would write theorems rather than novels, and movies would involve characters who were functions. Or vectors. Or whatever!
I am so glad this channel chose to do this series. Linear algebra is the most widely applied field of mathematics there is, particularly in computer science and in physics. In the classes I've taken, at least seven of them defined abstract vector spaces, and that is a lower estimate because I lost count a long time ago.
I have to use it in quantum chemistry class. This series really helped me undestand some of it.
There is such a thing as quantum chemistry?
One really never stops learning!
It is basically just quantum physics lol. But with more chemistry approach. Usuall for chemistry studnets.
Sarah Yang And there's less math. Because even chemistry students who go into hands-on based fields like pharmaceutical sciences still have to learn Schrödinger's equation, and that is a recipe for undergraduate headaches lol.
Also, nice profile pic.
You're an inspiration. A true teacher. I've a million things I wish I could've discussed with you.
Loved the series! Can you do topology next?
The most beautiful things my eyes have seen is matrix multiplication performing the function of a derivative. Great work sir. Love
I really loved all f this series, it made linear algebra take a different view for me. Before, I couldn't really associate it with the other areas of math and always found a strange subject, but this series changed this for me. Thnak you for doing that!
One thing I did miss in the series is what exactly a transpose matrix is. Still find it odd to change colums by rows and rows by colums. I would love to know if there is a deeper meaning for doing this.
I loved this whole series. Thank you for producing it. I'll tell all my friends about it.
This is beautiful. Just binge watched the whole thing, and im out of words...this series is pure art. Thank you for sharing it with us
All my life I always thought I hated math. I took algebra twice in high school like "how tf is this applicable to anything?". Now at 26 Im watching MIT lectures on yt trying to teach myself derivatives n finance instruments like "slow down wtf is an eigenfunction?". Just finished this series to wrap my head around the basics and I wish I had to time machine to make my 16 year old self watch these videos. I thought I hated math but I never saw the beauty in it until I watched you bring it to life over these 15 vids. I just binged this math course like a netflix series. I don't normally drop comments ever but hats off to you bruh you just changed the way I see the world. May God Bless you
I have been in love with math since I was a kid and this channel makes my free time worth it.
I just discovered your channel yesterday and today I sat all afternoon watching all your linear algebra videos. I never liked linear algebra or understood it until I found your stuff. Now I am inspired to continue digging deeper into this subject. Thank you for your awesome content!
Than you so much, I don't think you can really imagine how much you've helped people with your videos. Wish you nothing but the best🙏
I just want to say thank you, there was a time when i thought i could never pass this exam about Linear Algebra, your videos gave me the understanding and i began to see the inner logic in this topic.
Yesterday at 12 pm i received the message from my prof that i passed and its really incredible for me, when i think where i started.
Ps.: Even i am not especially good in the english language, the visuals are absolutely brilliant.
Thank you for the hard work you've put in these videos.
I just *love* this RUclips channel! And this Essence of linear algebra series is one of the many gems!! It would be great if one more video could be added to this series that covered tensors.
this answers why the determinant is the product of eigenvalues; since it's invariant to change in basis, when viewed from the perspective of eigenbasis those vectors just get scaled on the axis they spanned. The resulting shape is a rectangle and not a parallelogram whose area is just the product of eigenvalues.
Woah that helped me a ton, thank you :D
@@nikhilnagaria2672 I don't think my reasoning is generally correct(I was naive), because this requires a full set of eigenvectors and it also requires the eigenvectors to be perpendicular to eachother, otherwise the shape won't be a rectangle. These properties are satisfied by the symmetric matrices, so yeah the reasoning only holds for them.
thank you so much for explaining those abstract concepts in such a clear and neat way. I like this series so much and I would say these are the most enlightening videos I've seen this year. kudos to you!! Looking forward to your new works!!!😸👍👍👍!!!
What I thought when you said "interface"
public class Function implements AbstractVectorSpace {... }
this was honestly the lightbulb moment for me (with a programming background), all of the vector spaces must satisfy this contract...
@@birdboat5647 when he started talking about abstractness of vectors it also reminded me of abstract classes and how you dont have to worry about how the class is implemented when coding it
Remember lambda functions? There's a whole branch of math that studied them, before programming was even a thing. I'd bet there's a connection between eigenvalues and those functions.
As a Math major student, I cherish the fact that there are people like you in the world that gives life to math and help those demotivated and motivated math majors to appreciate it more and get comfortable with it.
Thank you!
I rewatch this series every couple months just to refresh my intuition on the subject this whole thing was so fantastic. I hope you realize how influential you've been to mathematics education and that there's no way that you aren't helping absolutely brilliant mathematicians, physicists, and engineers overcome very difficult hurdles in their math education. I know it sounds like I'm exaggerating but the work you're doing is going to have multiplicative effects through the future and I really appreciate all you've done Grant
had i had this resource when i was in undergrad, the entire trajectory of my life would have been much different
never too late.
I'm in tears, thank you so much. This episode, and the series of course, was beautiful.
This playlist changed my life bro
Felt like an ending to a thriller movie, with all dots connecting one by one! Thanks Grant:)
I have had problem with my linear algebra courses, and this series helped me understand every concept! (The theorems and properties still have to be learnt obviously). Throughout these videos, I consantly was like: "oh this is why this is in my lessons!" or "Wow I understand everything now!". This is awesomew I'll 200% recommend this to my friends.
P.S: I already watched these series a few years ago before I got to college and I didn't really take notes or really try to "pause and ponder". I forgot everything the time I got to the present day, where it'll stick with me for a long time, because I also have had college courses.
If you are watching this on your own without courses, I highly recommend to watch actively meaning taking notes, try everything he says, and when you're finished practice with exercises you can find on linear algebra.
For my Master's degree Computer Science I'm refreshing my linear algebra. A walk in the park after watching your videos. Thank you for that!
4:10 - my proffessor taught me that linear operators are linear transformations that are F: V->V, which means the "input" and "output" are subsets of the same vector space, whereas transformations are F: V->W where V,W can be different vector spaces. But great video anyway
Would love to see an extension of this series expanding on Tensors. Still something I don't really understand.
read Spivak's books and then you will understand
A tensor is something that transforms like a tensor!
the thing about tensors watch it
tensors are extreeeeeeemely difficult and confusing, took me 4 EVER to at least somewhat wrap my head around it. The shortest way to describe it I can think of is a higher-order higher-dimensional object "built" from vectors.
Grant could not make that series cuz he would need to learn that beast first himself 😂
Absolutely amazing! As a software engineer currently studying computer graphics programming in my free time, this video series has been immensely helpful. This episode was especially impactful for me. The concept of the "Axioms" of linear algebra being an "interface" for how to use all this theory was unexpectedly familiar! In C#, for example, there are "Interface" classes that define what functionality a given class that implements said interface must have. It was striking to see this same concept from a mathematical perspective!
Whenever I watch your video, these words from Ratatouille come to my mind
Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.
May I just say that I sincerely appreciate the leading quotes in the series? Wise words, it does feel like no one _wants_ you to learn math properly.
Grant, the only available words I can use to describe the level of unimaginable appreciation and gratitude as well as the level of insight that I have gained from your videos is, "There are no words to describe it." Your videos are invaluable and I'm quite certain I can speak for literally thousands of people when I say that you, sir, have changed our understanding of mathematics and the reality within which it exists. Thank you.
The best Math RUclipsr I ve ever met! Just got an A in class Thank you!!
Best video in this awesome series.