*Спасибо за доходчивые уроки! Я с них начинал. Но нынче уже перешёл на англоязычные уроки! ) Елена, сделайте, пожалуйста урок на тему английских эквивалентов разных значений нашего слова "ОТСТАТЬ" в смысле "не успевать" и "перестать приставать". Спасибо)*
1) Yes, I have/ I think it helps me stay on focus and clears my mind from other not good wishes 2)Claire wants to have a good job and good relationships, also she wants to travel and get new experience 3) She got used hiding her feelings, her anger and sorrow 4) Claire needs to find herself in this cruel life, try to be better person than she was yesterday
This practice course is great! I got used to answering the questions after the text since the previous video in this playlist appeared. 1. I ask myself these questions every day; 2. Claire wants to have all the essential features of normal life including life goals, good job and good relationships which people of her generation have; 3. Claire gained a self-destructing habit. She got used to watching TV; 4. She definitely needs to find her life's work. I'd say it's the essential thing a person can't live without.
1 Claire you’re not alone I have same issues like you 2 She wants to have normal job, relationship, goals of life. 3 She got used to her “normal” life without Feng shui 4 I think she needs enlightenment. Speak seriously if I know, I will change my life)) (1 conditional I checked it) Thank you very much! I found there treasure in the form of useful lessons🥳
After writing about 40 chapters, I realized that it's not about grammar any more. People continue reading these stories, because they get interesting ideas and discover something new with the main hero of the story.
I am used your lessons are great as usual, thank you! 1) Do you ever ask yourself the same questions as Claire? Sure, we all live in the same world and we all have the same rules, questions and etc. 2) What does Claire want to have? Well, as far I understood it she wants a change in her life. 3) What did Claire get used to? So, I consider Claire get used to living by herself way, she thinks that she is hiding her feelings. 4) What changes does Claire need, in your opinion? I see it seems like she needs to stop comparing herself with other people, maybe she needs to change her job and point of view about relationships with other people.
1 Yes, of course. I often ask myself similar questions. 2 As a every person she wants good relationship, a good job etc. 3 Claire used to being unlucky every time. But I believe she used to being sad. 4 It is hard to say but in my opinion she is needs to find things or people who make she happier.
я лишь пару дней назад нашел ваш канал и уже начал смотреть ваши видео -- Продолжающим: Грамматика. Синий Murphy (уровень B1 - B2) . пока правда тока 2 юнита
1) Some time ago I have asked myself constantly the same questions like Claire. Now I do it seldom. I have undersood that I will never become other people and they won't become me. What is a point of comparing yourself with someone? We should just live and make our world better. 2) She wants to have a good job and travel. She wants to fall in love. 3) She got used to hiding her feelings, anger and sorrow. 4) Something that she can. This might be a new job, new hobbies, new place of living for example. Also she could find answers on the Internet. In my cause change a job and video on RUclips helped me Голова закипает, эти глупые ошибки. Пишу эти предложения и подглядываю в переводчик, признаюсь честно, но все же сам стараюсь. В тексте вместо does пишу do, ну что это такое? Меня это здорово выводит из себя. Эти бестолковые ошибки от невнимательности, я не могу от них избавится. Наверное, со временем все до автоматизма выработается и эта проблема уйдет. Елена Викторовна, вы видели фильм Михалкова "Без свидетелей" 1983г? Если нет, посмотрите, я думаю, вам понравится. Замечательный фильм! Я после этого фильма и "Пяти вечеров" просто другими глазами на него взглянул. Его фильмы после развала СССР мне не нравятся, но при СССР он снимал отличные вещи.
1.Yes,I do,I believe,every people have to think about their life,to analyze what you can change and how you can become the best version of yourself. 2.She wants to have good relationships,good job. 3.She get used to hiding her feelings like sorrow,she doesn't cry,because she doesn't want to show miserable. 4.I think,she needs to raise up her selfestimate first of all,then change different aspects of her life gradually.
1) Of course , you asked by address because I really often think about this kind of things , about philosophy things, and i think that it's important thinking about this kind of things because it's helping to our development by souls , so yes I am 2) I don't know and think she too 3) She get used to that things refuse going on her way 4) I don't have idea
Наверное Sitting.....and listening можно перевести как Сидящая и Слушающая ? Слово goal можно заменить на target, это будет синонимом ? А например слово sorrow на sad ?
1. I'm not used to asking myself the same question as Claire, so I'm used to just doing my best. 2. She wantss to change everything in her live, realy her live needs changing at all and at once. 3. She got use to things refusing to my way. 4. Im my own opinion she has to get use to everything going in her own way even it will be hard and difficult.
Спасибо большое за Ваши уроки, за замечательные объяснения!!! у меня такой вопрос, нельзя ли в предложении "Growing up means getting used to living in this world" вместо getting использовать to get, такая мысль возникла потому что , после mean как дополнение используют глагол в форме инфинитива to get. Заранее спасибо!!!🙏
1. Yes, I do. It happens from time to time. 2. She needs some change in her life. 3. Claire got used to having less than she really deserves and hiding her feelings. 4. I think she needs freshing up and after that she's got to set her life goals.
1) I don't ask myself the same questions as Claire. 2) Claire wants to have good jobs, good relationships. 3) Claire got used to hiding her feelings, her anger and sorrow. 4) In my opinion, Claire needs to find a good job.
Здравствуйте, Елена! Спасибо за ваши ценные уроки. Благодаря им я значительно подтянула свой английский. Подскажите, пожалуйста, почему в by the end of the week нужно использовать предлог by, а не to.
I used to do похоже на Past Simple - делал, но сейчас не делаю. I am used to + noun похоже на Present Simple - просто имею привычку к чему-либо. I am used to doing похоже на Present Simple Continuous или Present Perfect Continuous - заимел привычку и имею эту привычку сейчас. Не хочу никого запутать, сам только изучаю Английский. Я просто делюсь своими мыслями.
1 . Yes , sometimes , I ask myself the same questions as Claire . There are periods in life when day goes by day and nothing changes . And that's when these questions appear. 2 . Claire want to have a good job and good relationships . She also want to travel and get new experience . 3 . Claire got used to kiding her feelings her anger and sorrow . She is used to having less then she really deserves . 4 . I guess, Claire should start doing small steps . She should try a little bit everything .She wants to travel - let her organize a small trip by car with her friends and other familiar young people . Also I would advise her to change her hairstyle and clothing style . She has no stimulus going to the gym to lose weight ,let her go at list to show her new beautiful sports suit and then she maybe like exercising . About job . At first , she must do her studies more hurder . Then she should find more information about job search topic .
Что-то я совсем запутался.Как я понимаю be used to означает то что человек уже привык к чему-то,а get used to означает что кто-то еще в процессе привыкания.Но в данном ролике в частности в примерах предложение 1 и 2 (да и в самом рассказе), обе данные конструкции переводятся как уже привык к чему то. При этом автор указывает что be used to -это когда у человека есть какая-либо привычка, а а get used to - что человек приобрел эту привычку.Но по факту же все привычки были когда либо приобретены человеком т.е это фактически одно и тоже.Если можно поясните пожалуйста этот момент
Отличия тут те же,что между be и get в пассивном залоге. Если пока эти нюансы непонятно, просто отфиксируйте вниманием,что они есть. рано или поздно вы их научитесь ощущать. Это не самое простое дело.
1.Yes,I asked myself the same questions as Claire. 2.Claire wants to have a good job and a good relationship. 3.Claire got used to hiding her feelings, her anger and sorrow. She got used to having less than she really deserve. 4.Claire needs to find someone who will love her such as she is.
I’m tired staying at home and watching TV. So I switched on to the radio. Staying alone in my flat and listening the radio I keep a question for myself what a normal life is supposed to be. How I want to spend my days? What kind of my goals? Why am I live? People kind of my ages or even younger have a good job and well attitude. They are traveling and getting some impresses. It seems I’m only one doesn’t having that all. Maybe I got used to things not moving in my way what I want. I used to having less than I deserve. I got used to be hiding feeling, angry and sorrow. I don’t cry because I don’t going to be miserable. Things are not going to well for me now. I got used to that. I need some changes or I have to changes all. My doc ensured me on the phone that my face in safe and I can be turned back in my life by the end of the week. I feeling that new beginning by myself after two weeks imprisoned.
доброго времени суток Вам Елена!!! подскажите пожалуйста с какого вашего плейлиста мне начать изучать английский если я уже несколько месяцев изучаю его и есть небольшая база...
1. I've never asked myself questions like those because it could lead to depression and a feel of anxiety. 2. In general, she wants to be more satisfied with her life. 3. She got used to living without happiness but hiding her feelings. 4. Claire needs to live relaxed and be in peace with herself.
1. Yes, I do. Everyone has to ask himself(or herself?) these questions. 2. Claire is jealous of people of her age and even younger because they have good jobs, good relationships, they travel,get new experience. And sge wants to have all that too. It seems to her that she is the only one who doesn't have all thatt. 3. Claire is used to things refusing to go her way. She is used to having less than she really deserves. She is used to hiding her feelings, her anger and sorrow. She is feling that she got used to things not going great for her. She's not used to crying because she doesn't want to look miserable. 4. I guess, she reay needs a boyfriend, because it's the theme she focuses on. She needs a person who will pesruade her that she doesn't need an anti-age masks,she is young and beautiful, she must be loved like she is and she doesn't have to hurry with the family and all things she worried of because one step at a time/all in good time.
1. Yes, i ask myself these questions every day. 2. She want to return to a normal way of her life. 3. She got used to hiding her feelings. 4. in my opinion, she needs a good shrink.
У мерфи в задании 2 идентичных примера но непонятно использование времен в части с get. 1. When jack started working in this job, he wasn't used to driving two hours to work every morning, but after some time he got used to it. в конце got - типа научился тогда, приобрел привычку. 2. She wasn't used to working nights and it took her a few months to get used to it. тут уже get - почему то она привыкает к этому, хотя речь о прошлом. если обе привычки были и есть, почему одна got а вторая get?
get показывает .что вы "входите" в привычку, показывает изменения. be - это состояние - вы уже такой, вы уже имеете эту привычку. Здесь нет ощущения изменений.
В обоих предложениях первые их части говорят о том, что В ПРОШЛОМ у героев НЕ БЫЛО нужной привычки - wasn't used to. А во второй части предложений уже идет расхождение по временам. В 1м герой приобрел привычку тоже в прошлом (got used to it), а во 2м героиня достигла ее на данный момент (get used to it). Но не "привыкает" - здесь нет getting.
I have never asked myself such questions as Claire but I would like. 2. She would like to travel and get new experience and to have a good job. 3. Claire is used to things refusing to her way. 4. In my opinion, Claire needs to change her personal life or maybe it's better to find a good boyfriend and got married.
1. Yes, it happens to my from time to time. I think I’m not the only one who asks himself these questions. 2. She envies other people’s lives. She want to have more that she has now, for example a good job and the opportunity to travel getting new experience. 3. She got used to getting less than she deserves and also she is used to things refused to go her way. 4. Honestly, I don’t know. Maybe she should stop sitting at home and tormenting herself with thoughts.
I’ve been asking myself what the meaning of life is for about five years after got rid of TV at all but haven’t got reply yet tho read hundreds smart books I guess should did it much earlier
1. My answer for people like Claire. Not everyone was born in the same family like Elon Mask. You can be really smart like Nikola Tesla. He lived and died in poverty. 2. She wants to be success for society. 3. She got used to being comfortable for other people 4. She think that she need to change everything in her life.
1.Yes, I do. 2.Claire want to have good job and good relationship. 3.Claire got to used to things refusing to go her way.She got used to hiding her feelings, her anger and sorrow. 4.In my opinion, Claire needs in happy mind.
Спасибо за ваш труд и за то, что делаете обучение таким увлекательным!
Если бы была такая возможность, я бы тысячу лайков поставила. Очень полезные и понятные видео для всех, кто изучает английский. 👍
Большое спасибо за содержательный качественный урок
Е. В. Здоровья , удачи , чтоб дети не болели
Спасибо большое за ваш труд, за возможность учить английский с вами, легко, понятно
Солнышко, благодарю.
Спасибо, очень хороший текст!
grateful, I'm get used to learning English with you
*Спасибо за доходчивые уроки! Я с них начинал. Но нынче уже перешёл на англоязычные уроки! ) Елена, сделайте, пожалуйста урок на тему английских эквивалентов разных значений нашего слова "ОТСТАТЬ" в смысле "не успевать" и "перестать приставать". Спасибо)*
Если вы нашли хорошую подборку значений с примерами, то могу сделать такой урок
Merci beaucoup! Vous etes la meilleur!
Thank you so much for what you do! You are the best English tutor!
Благодарю 🎄🎄🎄🎄
Большое спасибо!
Each day l'm used to learning English. Thank you.
Спасибо большое за урок!!!!
1) Yes, I have/ I think it helps me stay on focus and clears my mind from other not good wishes
2)Claire wants to have a good job and good relationships, also she wants to travel and get new experience
3) She got used hiding her feelings, her anger and sorrow
4) Claire needs to find herself in this cruel life, try to be better person than she was yesterday
This practice course is great! I got used to answering the questions after the text since the previous video in this playlist appeared.
1. I ask myself these questions every day;
2. Claire wants to have all the essential features of normal life including life goals, good job and good relationships which people of her generation have;
3. Claire gained a self-destructing habit. She got used to watching TV;
4. She definitely needs to find her life's work. I'd say it's the essential thing a person can't live without.
Great, I like your answers and I share your point of view.
Прекрасная практика 👍
1 Claire you’re not alone I have same issues like you
2 She wants to have normal job, relationship, goals of life.
3 She got used to her “normal” life without Feng shui
4 I think she needs enlightenment. Speak seriously if I know, I will change my life)) (1 conditional I checked it)
Thank you very much! I found there treasure in the form of useful lessons🥳
After writing about 40 chapters, I realized that it's not about grammar any more. People continue reading these stories, because they get interesting ideas and discover something new with the main hero of the story.
OK English ПРАКТИКА I agree. I have written the answer first time there because story touched my heart ❤️
I am used to learning English every day ❤️ Thanks for your amazing lessons 🙏🙏🙏
Спасибо!Отлично ,как всегда!
Отличное обьяснение , спасибо большое
Спасибо 🙂❣️
Спасибо за труд!
excellent as always
Отлично ,как всегда
Спасибо Вам.
Спасибо, полезно
Thanks your
We appreciate it
Thanks a lot !
Спасибо за материал
Thank you!
I am used your lessons are great as usual, thank you!
1) Do you ever ask yourself the same questions as Claire?
Sure, we all live in the same world and we all have the same rules, questions and etc.
2) What does Claire want to have?
Well, as far I understood it she wants a change in her life.
3) What did Claire get used to?
So, I consider Claire get used to living by herself way, she thinks that she is hiding her feelings.
4) What changes does Claire need, in your opinion?
I see it seems like she needs to stop comparing herself with other people, maybe she needs to change her job and point of view about relationships with other people.
1 Yes, of course. I often ask myself similar questions.
2 As a every person she wants good relationship, a good job etc.
3 Claire used to being unlucky every time. But I believe she used to being sad.
4 It is hard to say but in my opinion she is needs to find things or people who make she happier.
я лишь пару дней назад нашел ваш канал и уже начал смотреть ваши видео -- Продолжающим: Грамматика. Синий Murphy (уровень B1 - B2) . пока правда тока 2 юнита
Отлично, продолжайте работать с уроками, узнаете много полезного
1) Some time ago I have asked myself constantly the same questions like Claire. Now I do it seldom. I have undersood that I will never become other people and they won't become me. What is a point of comparing yourself with someone? We should just live and make our world better.
2) She wants to have a good job and travel. She wants to fall in love.
3) She got used to hiding her feelings, anger and sorrow.
4) Something that she can. This might be a new job, new hobbies, new place of living for example. Also she could find answers on the Internet. In my cause change a job and video on RUclips helped me
Голова закипает, эти глупые ошибки. Пишу эти предложения и подглядываю в переводчик, признаюсь честно, но все же сам стараюсь. В тексте вместо does пишу do, ну что это такое? Меня это здорово выводит из себя. Эти бестолковые ошибки от невнимательности, я не могу от них избавится. Наверное, со временем все до автоматизма выработается и эта проблема уйдет. Елена Викторовна, вы видели фильм Михалкова "Без свидетелей" 1983г? Если нет, посмотрите, я думаю, вам понравится. Замечательный фильм! Я после этого фильма и "Пяти вечеров" просто другими глазами на него взглянул. Его фильмы после развала СССР мне не нравятся, но при СССР он снимал отличные вещи.
Спасибо за рекомендацию. Я из советского периода только "А я иду шагаю по Москве" и "Жестокий романс" видела.
@@okenglish-practice он там снимается, но это не его фильмы, а в этом фильме он режиссёр, в самом фильме не снимается, как и в "Пяти вечерах".
1.Yes,I do,I believe,every people have to think about their life,to analyze what you can change and how you can become the best version of yourself.
2.She wants to have good relationships,good job.
3.She get used to hiding her feelings like sorrow,she doesn't cry,because she doesn't want to show miserable.
4.I think,she needs to raise up her selfestimate first of all,then change different aspects of her life gradually.
Спасибо Вам
1) Of course , you asked by address because I really often think about this kind of things , about philosophy things, and i think that it's important thinking about this kind of things because it's helping to our development by souls , so yes I am
2) I don't know and think she too
3) She get used to that things refuse going on her way
4) I don't have idea
Татьяна, подскажите пожалуйста, почему во фразе “People of my age have good jobs“, а не “has”?Спасибо!
people have - что вас смущает?
Наверное Sitting.....and listening можно перевести как Сидящая и Слушающая ? Слово goal можно заменить на target, это будет синонимом ? А например слово sorrow на sad ?
думаю, да
1. I'm not used to asking myself the same question as Claire, so I'm used to just doing my best.
2. She wantss to change everything in her live, realy her live needs changing at all and at once.
3. She got use to things refusing to my way.
4. Im my own opinion she has to get use to everything going in her own way even it will be hard and difficult.
... to get used ... - used always in past paticiple
Спасибо большое за Ваши уроки, за замечательные объяснения!!! у меня такой вопрос, нельзя ли в предложении "Growing up means getting used to living in this world" вместо getting использовать to get, такая мысль возникла потому что , после mean как дополнение используют глагол в форме инфинитива to get. Заранее спасибо!!!🙏
Да, конечно можно. Это спорный случай, когда оба варианта могу использоваться наравне.
1. Yes, I do. It happens from time to time.
2. She needs some change in her life.
3. Claire got used to having less than she really deserves and hiding her feelings.
4. I think she needs freshing up and after that she's got to set her life goals.
1) I don't ask myself the same questions as Claire.
2) Claire wants to have good jobs, good relationships.
3) Claire got used to hiding her feelings, her anger and sorrow.
4) In my opinion, Claire needs to find a good job.
Здравствуйте, Елена! Спасибо за ваши ценные уроки. Благодаря им я значительно подтянула свой английский. Подскажите, пожалуйста, почему в by the end of the week нужно использовать предлог by, а не to.
by может относиться к будущему, и указывать, к какому периоду будущего действие случится
I used to do похоже на Past Simple - делал, но сейчас не делаю. I am used to + noun похоже на Present Simple - просто имею привычку к чему-либо. I am used to doing похоже на Present Simple Continuous или Present Perfect Continuous - заимел привычку и имею эту привычку сейчас. Не хочу никого запутать, сам только изучаю Английский. Я просто делюсь своими мыслями.
Да, все верно. Пока так и ориентируйтесь.
Проблема или путаница может возникнуть лишь тога, когда вам встретится I was used to (doing).
Подскажите, в чем заключается ДЗ? Только подключилась?
Обратный перевод - глядя на русский текст проговорить все на английском. Это альтернатива заучиванию.
1 . Yes , sometimes , I ask myself the same questions as Claire . There are periods in life when day goes by day and nothing changes . And that's when these questions appear.
2 . Claire want to have a good job and good relationships .
She also want to travel and get new experience .
3 . Claire got used to kiding her feelings her anger and sorrow . She is used to having less then she really deserves .
4 . I guess, Claire should start doing small steps . She should try a little bit everything .She wants to travel - let her organize a small trip by car with her friends and other familiar young people . Also I would advise her to change her hairstyle and clothing style .
She has no stimulus going to the gym to lose weight ,let her go at list to show her new beautiful sports suit and then she maybe like exercising .
About job . At first , she must do her studies more hurder . Then she should find more information about job search topic .
It's great that you try to analyze our hero's problems and give her advice
Что-то я совсем запутался.Как я понимаю be used to означает то что человек уже привык к чему-то,а get used to означает что кто-то еще в процессе привыкания.Но в данном ролике в частности в примерах предложение 1 и 2 (да и в самом рассказе), обе данные конструкции переводятся как уже привык к чему то. При этом автор указывает что be used to -это когда у человека есть какая-либо привычка, а а get used to - что человек приобрел эту привычку.Но по факту же все привычки были когда либо приобретены человеком т.е это фактически одно и тоже.Если можно поясните пожалуйста этот момент
Отличия тут те же,что между be и get в пассивном залоге. Если пока эти нюансы непонятно, просто отфиксируйте вниманием,что они есть. рано или поздно вы их научитесь ощущать. Это не самое простое дело.
Is it correct to say:
2. After I had got used to doing morning exercises and eating fruits instead of cakes, I lost extra weight.
Yes, you can say like that. But it's also possible to say here
2. After I got used to ...
1.Yes,I asked myself the same questions as Claire.
2.Claire wants to have a good job and a good relationship.
3.Claire got used to hiding her feelings, her anger and sorrow. She got used to having less than she really deserve.
4.Claire needs to find someone who will love her such as she is.
...than she really deserveS.
I’m tired staying at home and watching TV. So I switched on to the radio. Staying alone in my flat and listening the radio I keep a question for myself what a normal life is supposed to be. How I want to spend my days? What kind of my goals? Why am I live? People kind of my ages or even younger have a good job and well attitude. They are traveling and getting some impresses. It seems I’m only one doesn’t having that all. Maybe I got used to things not moving in my way what I want. I used to having less than I deserve. I got used to be hiding feeling, angry and sorrow. I don’t cry because I don’t going to be miserable. Things are not going to well for me now. I got used to that. I need some changes or I have to changes all. My doc ensured me on the phone that my face in safe and I can be turned back in my life by the end of the week. I feeling that new beginning by myself after two weeks imprisoned.
Почему в конце текста imprisonment без артикля? Звучит очень органично, но хотелось бы понять почему. Есть какое-то правило?
Можно и так, и так
Смотрите на строчку noun [ C or U ] - и countable, и uncountable
доброго времени суток Вам Елена!!! подскажите пожалуйста с какого вашего плейлиста мне начать изучать английский если я уже несколько месяцев изучаю его и есть небольшая база...
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1. I've never asked myself questions like those because it could lead to depression and a feel of anxiety.
2. In general, she wants to be more satisfied with her life.
3. She got used to living without happiness but hiding her feelings.
4. Claire needs to live relaxed and be in peace with herself.
thanks for your answers
1. Yes, I do. Everyone has to ask himself(or herself?) these questions.
2. Claire is jealous of people of her age and even younger because they have good jobs, good relationships, they travel,get new experience. And sge wants to have all that too. It seems to her that she is the only one who doesn't have all thatt.
3. Claire is used to things refusing to go her way. She is used to having less than she really deserves. She is used to hiding her feelings, her anger and sorrow. She is feling that she got used to things not going great for her. She's not used to crying because she doesn't want to look miserable.
4. I guess, she reay needs a boyfriend, because it's the theme she focuses on. She needs a person who will pesruade her that she doesn't need an anti-age masks,she is young and beautiful, she must be loved like she is and she doesn't have to hurry with the family and all things she worried of because one step at a time/all in good time.
I think everybody needs someone to love
@@okenglish-practice me too!))
1. Yes, i ask myself these questions every day.
2. She want to return to a normal way of her life.
3. She got used to hiding her feelings.
4. in my opinion, she needs a good shrink.
Скажите пожалуйста, как написать "мне нужно что-то сделать(что же это). мне нужно кое что сделать (то самое)
I need to do something
@@okenglish-practice это я знаю, но я же в скобках обозначил подтекст. На английском так значит не скажешь
@@petrvparke6915 в любом случае, вам нужно слово something
У мерфи в задании 2 идентичных примера но непонятно использование времен в части с get.
1. When jack started working in this
job, he wasn't used to driving two hours to work every morning, but after some time he got used to it.
в конце got - типа научился тогда, приобрел привычку.
2. She wasn't used to working nights and it took her a few months to get used to it.
тут уже get - почему то она привыкает к этому, хотя речь о прошлом.
если обе привычки были и есть, почему одна got а вторая get?
get показывает .что вы "входите" в привычку, показывает изменения.
be - это состояние - вы уже такой, вы уже имеете эту привычку. Здесь нет ощущения изменений.
@@okenglish-practice thank you
В обоих предложениях первые их части говорят о том, что В ПРОШЛОМ у героев НЕ БЫЛО нужной привычки - wasn't used to.
А во второй части предложений уже идет расхождение по временам.
В 1м герой приобрел привычку тоже в прошлом (got used to it), а во 2м героиня достигла ее на данный момент (get used to it). Но не "привыкает" - здесь нет getting.
I have never asked myself such questions as Claire but I would like.
2. She would like to travel and get new experience and to have a good job.
3. Claire is used to things refusing to her way.
4. In my opinion, Claire needs to change her personal life or maybe it's better to find a good boyfriend and got married.
...refusing to GO her way.
Thanks for your answers
1. Yes, it happens to my from time to time. I think I’m not the only one who asks himself these questions.
2. She envies other people’s lives. She want to have more that she has now, for example a good job and the opportunity to travel getting new experience.
3. She got used to getting less than she deserves and also she is used to things refused to go her way.
4. Honestly, I don’t know. Maybe she should stop sitting at home and tormenting herself with thoughts.
I’ve been asking myself what the meaning of life is for about five years after got rid of TV at all but haven’t got reply yet tho read hundreds smart books I guess should did it much earlier
I got rid of tv almost 20 years ago)) But before that TV was my whole life, I could watch it all day long.
@@okenglish-practice I did the same, used to watch a lot really much, I regret wasted time
1. My answer for people like Claire. Not everyone was born in the same family like Elon Mask. You can be really smart like Nikola Tesla. He lived and died in poverty.
2. She wants to be success for society.
3. She got used to being comfortable for other people
4. She think that she need to change everything in her life.
9.2 K views only at the moment...
Thanks a lot!
очень понятно все. Спасибо
1.Yes, I do.
2.Claire want to have good job and good relationship.
3.Claire got to used to things refusing to go her way.She got used to hiding her feelings, her anger and sorrow.
4.In my opinion, Claire needs in happy mind.