I think the most important reason to have paper copies of your research is because of how fast technology becomes obsolete. As long as you are alive and can update the way it is stored as technology progesses digital is fine. But if there isn't someone to update how it is stored all of your work could be lost. If you received research that someone had put on a floppy disk in the 90s it would take a lot of work to find someone with the capability to get that information.
Great work! I love your streamlined work
I think the most important reason to have paper copies of your research is because of how fast technology becomes obsolete. As long as you are alive and can update the way it is stored as technology progesses digital is fine. But if there isn't someone to update how it is stored all of your work could be lost. If you received research that someone had put on a floppy disk in the 90s it would take a lot of work to find someone with the capability to get that information.
How do I access Canva? Am I supposed to have a Canva account? I'm lost
I'm not seeing the links you said you were putting up??