CRASH! Why I'm BUYING Altcoins When THIS HAPPENS (2025 Buying Guide)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 255

  • @abennett
    @abennett  6 часов назад +1

    ➡ Patreon:
    ➡ Sign up with BTCC for 10% Deposit Bonus, 40% Lower Trading Fees AND Up To $10,000 In Bonuses:
    ➡ Charts I Use (10% off): & Coupon Code: aaron.bennett

  • @Mine-jc3ct
    @Mine-jc3ct 31 минуту назад +3

    It's not over yet...

  • @cricket24x7-u2u
    @cricket24x7-u2u Час назад +7

    I've been holding a bag of 32 items for the past 4 years, and have been through many roller coaster rides. I'm just waiting until mid-April to sell everything.

  • @DigitalAssetNews
    @DigitalAssetNews Час назад

    Great video Aaron. You gotta let these Normie’s know what’s up.

  • @ahsigh1163
    @ahsigh1163 Час назад +1

    Bought a ton of Celestia at 8.5 with 2x leverage. It is now really close to liquidation.

  • @ibvocean
    @ibvocean 19 минут назад

    Bad taco from taco stand 😂😂

  • @alejandrovidal2273
    @alejandrovidal2273 51 минуту назад

    Celestia is a great oportunity to hold

  • @activedogzz100
    @activedogzz100 35 минут назад

    Threw up and sold waiting for the crush😂

  • @DebeaumontCadiz
    @DebeaumontCadiz 3 часа назад +157

    *You work for 40yrs to have $1M in your retirement, meanwhile some people are putting just $10K into trading from just few months ago and now they are multimillionaires*

    • @BailesPosey
      @BailesPosey 3 часа назад +2

      wow this awesome 👏 I'm 47 and have been looking for ways to be successful, please how??

    • @DebeaumontCadiz
      @DebeaumontCadiz 3 часа назад +4

      It's Guenevere Ann Toste doing, she's changed my life.

    • @Mikemyhaver-zzjj
      @Mikemyhaver-zzjj 3 часа назад

      I do know Ms Guenevere Ann ., I also have even become successful....

    • @Futralhundson
      @Futralhundson 3 часа назад +3

      After I raised up to 325k trading with her I bought a new House and a car here in the states 🇺🇸🇺🇸 also paid for my son's surgery (Oscar). Glory to God.shalom.

    • @LysterCushard
      @LysterCushard 3 часа назад

      Absolutely! I've heard stories of people who started with little to no knowledge but made it out victoriously thanks to Ms. Guenevere Ann.

    @ROCKETM4N Час назад

    Hands down one of the best voices in crypto thanks for the sound advice and the great information 🫡🫡

  • @bigpump9483
    @bigpump9483 17 минут назад

    Delysium 😊
    Arcblock 😊
    Lingo 😊
    Sensay 😊

  • @ryanrulz4992
    @ryanrulz4992 11 минут назад

    Don’t dis tacos bro !

  • @Carnivore86
    @Carnivore86 6 минут назад


  • @davidbanner1020
    @davidbanner1020 38 минут назад

    It still doesnt make sense.

  • @marlowkaplan3584
    @marlowkaplan3584 Час назад

    you might be right on about CRO

  • @1979chyeo
    @1979chyeo Час назад

    Alts nuking again at this pt

  • @strongtower20
    @strongtower20 Час назад +1

    DOG (bitcoin) 🚀 🌖

  • @Deron-Wilkes
    @Deron-Wilkes 7 минут назад

    Solid content across the board Aaron. Appreciate all your efforts.

  • @ibvocean
    @ibvocean 14 минут назад

    If you are only in crypto to make 10x gains but don't have the stomach for -30% -50% crashes then you are not meant to be in this game

  • @christianjoseph7367
    @christianjoseph7367 Час назад +1

    Bull run over. See you in 2028

    • @Meh-hr7gq
      @Meh-hr7gq Час назад

      No, BTC will 8 x. Next run it will 4 x.

    • @albert_zweistein7196
      @albert_zweistein7196 41 минуту назад +2

      Bull Run Starts in 2025 have fun missing huge gains

  • @FuatArzu-q6v
    @FuatArzu-q6v 2 часа назад

    The community is exploding, Grinchzmass is quickly becoming a favorite.

  • @nataliesharpe271
    @nataliesharpe271 Час назад +55

    From my observation and historical market pattern, there might be a bit of turbulence in the market coming up, but here's the deal: Trying to guess what's going to happen next is less important than spreading your bets when trading and thinking long term. It's not about guessing the market's next move; it's about playing it smart and steady...managed to grow a nest egg of around 100k to a decent 732k in the space of a few months... I'm especially grateful to Shlomi Gray , whose deep expertise and traditional trading acumen have been invaluable in this challenging, ever-evolving financial landscape.

    • @MorganD.Rhoden
      @MorganD.Rhoden Час назад

      I heard his strategies are really good, How do I reach your Coach/mentor...

    • @nataliesharpe271
      @nataliesharpe271 Час назад

      He mostly interacts on Telegrams, using the user-name.

    • @nataliesharpe271
      @nataliesharpe271 Час назад


    • @RichardHenderson-y5g
      @RichardHenderson-y5g Час назад

      It's refreshing to see a comment about Shlomi Gray. I have also worked with him, and his approach consistently keeps you ahead of the trend, He's a guru i'll say

    • @MariaDelia-pu2nj
      @MariaDelia-pu2nj Час назад

      I prefer to invest my money in crypto. Bitcoin trading is great. Unlike the stock market and other financial markets, Bitcoin has no centralized location since it operates 24/7 in different parts of the world.

  • @cougarlove8542
    @cougarlove8542 3 часа назад +11

    How I looked at this kind of dip in 2017-2020; owe my God this is bad. 2024; This is not enough of a dip to buy more. Hopefully we will get a better one soon. Pretty sure we will.

    • @bananaman2002
      @bananaman2002 Час назад

      What the fuck are you talking about alts are at their lows

  • @electrickflame353
    @electrickflame353 4 часа назад +3

    Man, just have diamond hands and don’t believe the hype!

    • @jakem112
      @jakem112 4 часа назад +4

      Hype, I think you mean don't believe the Fud

  • @EdwardRodriguez-r5t
    @EdwardRodriguez-r5t 37 секунд назад

    Thanks for sharing such valuable information! I have a quick question: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?

  • @Revanthfreaktorhorst
    @Revanthfreaktorhorst 4 часа назад +2

    Tell about Vechain, Storj, Elgrond, cardano,

    • @jakem112
      @jakem112 4 часа назад

      All shit coins 😊

  • @innaminute523
    @innaminute523 4 часа назад +3

    Bro, leave my beloved taco out of this

  • @nixer8605
    @nixer8605 2 часа назад +2


  • @barbaraschwimmer1338
    @barbaraschwimmer1338 2 часа назад

    Where are the good projrcts

  • @KwakaRallye88
    @KwakaRallye88 3 часа назад +8

    Nothing happened yesterday that wasn't expected. We are going back up, greed is real

  • @Camp_Dogs
    @Camp_Dogs 4 часа назад +5

    Love your videos, but I feel like people love just grabbing at reasons as to why crypto goes up or down when in fact really no one knows -not a bot

  • @BenhurFiliz
    @BenhurFiliz 2 часа назад

    Will ETH 2x? 3x? Maybe. But add two more 00 to that for XAI110E© having 200x or better

  • @michaelknox9234
    @michaelknox9234 3 часа назад +13

    I’m grateful for the financial benefits resulting from the approval of Bitcoin ETFs. Thanks to your support, I am earning a consistent weekly profit of $3500, irrespective of economic conditions.

    • @sarahwindson2264
      @sarahwindson2264 3 часа назад

      Same here, I believe the Bitcoin ETFs approval will be life changing opportunity for us, with my current portfolio made from my investments with my personal financial advisor 1 totally agree with you

    • @sarahann8796
      @sarahann8796 3 часа назад

      YES!!! That’s exactly her name (Audrey Lauren ) so many people have recommended highly about her from Brisbane Australia…🇦🇺

    • @jamesadams9328
      @jamesadams9328 3 часа назад

      I’m a long term investor, I withdrew my profits of over $61,000 during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    • @jamesadams9328
      @jamesadams9328 3 часа назад

      She is my family’ personal Broker and also a personal Broker to many families in the United States, she is a licensed broker and a FINRA AGENT in the United States.

    • @jeffmatt
      @jeffmatt 3 часа назад

      A lot of people still make massive profit from the crypto market, all you really need is a relevant information and some < professional advice. ‹ it's totally inappropriate for investors to hang on while suffering from dip during significant

  • @KepejsuuavHd
    @KepejsuuavHd Час назад +2

    Hahahah you change your opinion every video and delete the old ones where you were wrong. I lost my life saving because of your scam videos. Starting legal actions!

    • @jejeu06
      @jejeu06 9 минут назад

      hahahahahahahahah how stupid of you to spend your life savings on mere videos like this 😂😂😂

  • @jayem4366
    @jayem4366 3 часа назад +2

    Why do we have to attack the tacos!?!?

  • @riaamaan
    @riaamaan 2 часа назад +1

    Be right and sit tight.

  • @pilotpawanc
    @pilotpawanc 2 часа назад

    Most beautifully articulated version of what happened to markets today and it's impact

  • @Minimalici0us
    @Minimalici0us 3 часа назад +2

    HBAR and SUI ftw !

  • @NguyễnThịTrọng-l7r
    @NguyễnThịTrọng-l7r 4 часа назад

    Very good video! I have TRC20 USDT in my OKX wallet and I have my recovery phrase: (pride pole obtain together second when future mask review nature potato bulb) How do I transfer them to Binance?

  • @drustan6890
    @drustan6890 2 часа назад +1

    bad taco from a taco stand served by illegal immigrants from the border

  • @RustuSimender
    @RustuSimender 2 часа назад

    XAI110E© is my green one 🚀 they rock 🚀

  • @alexyamane
    @alexyamane 4 часа назад +7

    You're awesome Aaron. Your calming voice and decade long experience really brings us assurance that we need! thank you...

    • @abennett
      @abennett  4 часа назад +3

      Appreciate the support!

  • @brunotelles8
    @brunotelles8 2 часа назад

    Thanks again 🙏📈

  • @DinorahLamar
    @DinorahLamar 2 часа назад

    Can anyone explain XAI110E©? Everwhere XAI110E©

    • @BandiMasha
      @BandiMasha 2 часа назад

      They are all SPAM Shitcoin comments

  • @TheSwordandPearl
    @TheSwordandPearl 4 часа назад


  • @horizontiroda
    @horizontiroda 3 часа назад +2

    Why do you always wear such a thick little coat? Don't you have a heater? :) Anyway, you have super content..

    • @arturkoszykowski9592
      @arturkoszykowski9592 3 часа назад

      He's leaving soon, so he's already dressed.

    • @tomrob123
      @tomrob123 3 часа назад +2

      Why would you need to heat up when you can simply wear a thick coater?

  • @CHASEReed-f3v
    @CHASEReed-f3v 2 часа назад

    This coin is taking over the meme coin scene, Grinchzmass is unstoppable.

  • @AydinEmel
    @AydinEmel 2 часа назад

    Don’t sleep on this one, Grinchzmass is gaining momentum fast.

  • @UnsalHatice
    @UnsalHatice 2 часа назад

    Grinchzmass - early alpha, huge whales, SUPER EARLY.

  • @MuratSibel-i9e
    @MuratSibel-i9e 2 часа назад

    Grinchzmass presale is almost sold out, last chance to grab it cheap!

  • @NES20164
    @NES20164 3 часа назад +1

    So you saying indirectly that mini bull is coming till Trumps 1st day in office and then cool off for 2-3 weeks, then finals starting.... to new ath overall...

  • @ihsanAhmet-q3e
    @ihsanAhmet-q3e 2 часа назад

    Loving the energy around Grinchzmass, the community is growing fast.

  • @SibelEmre-m3t
    @SibelEmre-m3t 2 часа назад

    Trump survived to bring XAI110E© to glory, never underrate that

  • @AboveAllBeOriginal
    @AboveAllBeOriginal 2 часа назад +1

    live and die by the risk metric

  • @hypnoticmonkee
    @hypnoticmonkee 3 часа назад +1

    I think he's been in crypto for 11 years!

  • @sankalpverma618
    @sankalpverma618 3 часа назад +2

    All markets are down worldwide, including precious metals.

  • @GamzeElif-t8y
    @GamzeElif-t8y 2 часа назад

    This one’s popping up everywhere-Grinchzmass is getting serious attention.

  • @AdemHazan
    @AdemHazan 2 часа назад

    Loaded up on Grinchzmass alongside Pepe and WIF, this is the moonshot.

  • @christianmyhre7154
    @christianmyhre7154 3 часа назад


  • @BurcuUmit-t4b
    @BurcuUmit-t4b 2 часа назад

    Grab a XAI110E© a day keep the doctor away

  • @OnatRasan
    @OnatRasan 2 часа назад

    Presale numbers are skyrocketing, Grinchzmass is heading for big gains.

  • @GaultLine
    @GaultLine 2 часа назад

    UFD is taking off, meme coin started by old guy on youtube

  • @OzgulTeslime
    @OzgulTeslime 2 часа назад

    100x potential? Grinchzmass is already showing signs of a breakout.

  • @markmccarron3769
    @markmccarron3769 3 часа назад

    Thanks Brother 🍻

  • @FatmaFuat-v9s
    @FatmaFuat-v9s 2 часа назад

    Pocketing XAI110E© with some swaps. XAI110E© will last guys

  • @SerafettinTayyar
    @SerafettinTayyar 2 часа назад

    first the dog, then the car, then the house, but eventually got my XAI110E©

  • @OzdenBasak-f1m
    @OzdenBasak-f1m 2 часа назад

    Holidays are here, and Grinchzmass is the next big meme coin to watch.

  • @EmreOrhan-f3e
    @EmreOrhan-f3e 2 часа назад

    Been collecting the XAI110E© this cycle as that has the right place in this time

  • @Junioengenheiro7
    @Junioengenheiro7 3 часа назад

    USUAL and FARTCOIN pump hard best altcoins december

  • @Handle35667
    @Handle35667 3 часа назад

    Aaron, in traditional assets (e.g, stocks, real estate) when people “flee to safety” they will their money in the asset because trading like-for-like assets is. Ot a taxable event.
    Trading cryptos is always a taxable event, so can you explain this notion of people wanting to keep their money in crypto during a “flight to safety”?

  • @ThiruQPTyS
    @ThiruQPTyS 4 часа назад

    Appreciate the detailed breakdown!❤ I need some advice: I have a okx wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (check broom dinosaur stool harsh hurdle morning solve barely umbrella crumble naive). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?🤔

  • @EminMustafa-g9p
    @EminMustafa-g9p 2 часа назад

    Is XAI110E© still usable? I wanna have some of that

  • @dfizl11
    @dfizl11 3 часа назад

    what did BTC dominance look like during that Jan ‘21 up&down?

  • @SibelSevil-l6f
    @SibelSevil-l6f 2 часа назад

    How long can we bring XAI110E© up?

  • @MeltemGulen-u4m
    @MeltemGulen-u4m 2 часа назад

    Swapping ETH to XAI110E© clean decision, let's go

  • @SenayBerfin
    @SenayBerfin 2 часа назад

    Elon knew the XAI110E© idea and the key changes coming with it, better be prepared for a large run

  • @OmerYurdun
    @OmerYurdun 2 часа назад

    Thank you this is a great month for BTC and XAI110E©

  • @HaticeCeyhun-u2v
    @HaticeCeyhun-u2v 2 часа назад

    How is XAI110E© better than anything else right now?

  • @AyselBurhan-pn7ud
    @AyselBurhan-pn7ud 2 часа назад

    Do you think BTC will break back? Any thoughts for XAI110E©?

  • @JOELJonas-d8g
    @JOELJonas-d8g 2 часа назад

    I grabbed a bag of Grinchzmass just in case this blows up like Pepe.

  • @ASHLEYGraham-i8t
    @ASHLEYGraham-i8t 2 часа назад

    BRETT and XAI110E© are ATH kings. Thank you for making my day with your POV

  • @AntionetteBaltazar
    @AntionetteBaltazar 2 часа назад

    Can’t wait to see how high Grinchzmass climbs this month!

  • @MucellaSelim
    @MucellaSelim 2 часа назад

    XAI110E© gonna be so huge!

  • @TheaHales
    @TheaHales 2 часа назад

    Grinchzmass is dominating the conversation, presale is almost full.

  • @AntionetteBaltazar
    @AntionetteBaltazar 2 часа назад

    All guys stacking XAI110E© before next bull are smart apes for sure

  • @BulaMoncada
    @BulaMoncada 2 часа назад

    Grinchzmass is going higher than pnut and rizmas.

  • @BandiMasha
    @BandiMasha 2 часа назад

    Please do something about these muppets constantly promoting sh×tcoin XAI110E

  • @FREDHorowitz-u3p
    @FREDHorowitz-u3p 2 часа назад

    Grinchzmass presale is a gold mine, this coin is going to blow rizzmas out of the water.

  • @ThomasinePan
    @ThomasinePan 2 часа назад

    Saylors next love to BTC? XAI110E©

  • @EARLETiller
    @EARLETiller 2 часа назад

    Sleep on the Grinchzmass meme coin and miss some easy pump.

  • @SANDYFain
    @SANDYFain 2 часа назад

    ADA exploding, XAI110E© is adapting

  • @WARRENBeckwith-s7x
    @WARRENBeckwith-s7x 2 часа назад

    The XAI110E© uses different AI which has not been used by anyone, it makes sense and it should allow steady growth with no human interference needed

  • @TUANCastanon
    @TUANCastanon 2 часа назад

    Picked up my XAI110E© at $0.3 already running to $1. Life saver!

  • @ParticiaSoutherland
    @ParticiaSoutherland 2 часа назад

    PEPE, SHIB, DOGE all memes dead but XAI110E© thrives

  • @ClotildeMaxwell
    @ClotildeMaxwell 2 часа назад

    Binance rumors or not, Grinchzmass feels like it’s got major potential.

  • @1521joe
    @1521joe 3 часа назад

    No, the movement's in crypto are not due to news events.

  • @RoselleWhitmore
    @RoselleWhitmore 2 часа назад

    Think outside the box think XAI110E©