A few have already said it. Your honorary rank is archduke. You won't go any lower regardless of what your "real" rank is. You won't lose the sub slot. Go get the better sub
Dropping the sub when you have dropped a level will cause you to lose the ability to pick-up a better sub // however based on your VIP / Rank you might be able to retain the 11 by dropping the blue russian for a better one!!!
You aren’t losing a sub because you’re VIP18. You should be fine.
you can also reset that 1 minute timer by entering ideal land then back to city.
It also works when you change your culture.
At VIP 18 you get the 11th sub slot, my rank is Baron now and still have all 11 sub slots because you are honorary Archduke at VIP18.
VIP 18 your fine Man U can do swap whatever u need u don’t need a rank after vip 18
A few have already said it. Your honorary rank is archduke. You won't go any lower regardless of what your "real" rank is. You won't lose the sub slot. Go get the better sub
Champion thing works same way with ideal land ...in/out...timer refreshed
You can change sub anytime, you are holding 11 out of 11, because of vip 18, permanent archduke
Go to ideal land and back out wait time gone as well
Dropping the sub when you have dropped a level will cause you to lose the ability to pick-up a better sub // however based on your VIP / Rank you might be able to retain the 11 by dropping the blue russian for a better one!!!
Vip 18 gives you sub slot along with ranking I am regent but only vip 17 so I only have 10 subs not 11 till I reach vip 18
Damn Jedi you are too late for champion trick 😂😂we already knew about it from a year😂😂😂
Dont worry. You're vip 18. You have 11 sub slots. Even if your rank drops to civilian you will still have access to 11 subs slots
Once you drop the sub you won't be able to get another. If you get your vip to 18 you'll be a honorary Archdale and you can keep it.
You wont lose a slot. You lose a slot if it was saying 12/11.
Ideal land does same thing the champion.
Being 11/11 you are okay, if you were 11/10 you wouldn’t be able to