RHINO 6 Basic Tutorial 2 - Curve Function

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
  • Polyline, fillet, chamfer, project, trim, split,
    Z '_Zoom
    ZE '_Zoom _Extents
    ZEA '_Zoom _All _Extents
    ZS '_Zoom _Selected
    ZSA '_Zoom _All _Selected
    S '_Snap
    O '_Ortho
    P '_Planar
    M _Move
    u unlock
    POn ! _PointsOn
    POff ! _PointsOff
    C circle
    w _line
    COn '_CurvatureGraph
    COff '_CurvatureGraphOff
    PlugInManager ! _OptionsPage _PlugIns
    AdvancedDisplay ! _OptionsPage _DisplayModes
    DisplayAttrsMgr ! _OptionsPage _AdvancedSettings
    SelPolysurface '_SelPolysrf
    SeW '_SelWindow
    rt _RotateView
    tt _top
    fr _front
    ft _left
    rr _right
    bb _back
    bt _bottom
    rec Rectangle
    et ExtrudeCrv
    tr _trim
    fs _FilletSrf
    r _rotate
    we Polyline
    dd Distance
    cc copy
    sh show
    e delete
    za _Extents
    WS _InterpCrv
    bd _BooleanDifference
    es ExtrudeSrf
    af OneLayerOff
    as OneLayerOn
    ff Offset
    ee Extend
    bu BooleanUnion
    zc '_ZoomLens
    ca Cap
    vv '_SetView Choose coordinate system _World Choose world view _Perspective
    bf _MergeFace
    bs _BooleanSplit
    ST Split
    DE DupEdge
    df DupFaceBorder
    ed Explode
    vs _vaSpace
    an plane
    ct patch
    rft loft
    fft loft
    lo loft
    FFS OffsetSrf
    sec Selcrv
    wh what
    mm Mirror
    seb SelBlockInstanceNamed
    stb _tsBridge
    bx box
    RY matchlayer
    sef SelPolysrf
    set selpt
    sc1 scale1d
    ses Selsrf
    mf MergeAllFaces
    cr ChangeLayer
    ser selcolor
    sw1 sweep1
    sw2 sweep2
    sc scale
    mn meshtonurb
    ne _Isometric View point _ ne
    red _Render
    sey SelLayer
    jt _project
    arc _Arc
    cs CloseCrv
    secc SelClosedCrv
    q lock
    crb CurveBoolean
    v move
    PPT _PointsOn
    f fillet
    sefc SelOpenCrv
    pl PlanarSrf
    mi _mirrior
    sete Seltext
    ctr contour
    qq unlock
    HA hatch
    ag _Align
    rr3 rotate3D
    sw _Isometric View point _ sw
    sed SelDup
    sen SelOpenCrv
    ax ! _Select _Pause _SetActiveViewport Top _Rotate 0 45 _SetActiveViewport Right _Shear w0 w0,0,1 -45 _SetActiveViewport Top _Zoom _All _Extents
    bi BooleanIntersection
    axx ! _Select _Pause _SetActiveViewport Top _Rotate 0 45 _SetActiveViewport Right _Shear w0 w0,0,1 45 _SetActiveViewport Top _Zoom _All _Extents
    me moveedge
    mff moveface
    V1 '_SetView Choose coordinate system _World Choose world view _Top _NamedView Choose named view option _Restore Named view to restore "1" Choose named view option _Enter
    vw _vaWall
    ve _vaWallExtend
    md ! _PointsOn
    vss _vaWallSubtractSolids
    vd _vaDoor
    vr _vaProperties
    seh selhatch
    3dr rotate3D
    vt invert
    WF '_SetDisplayMode _Wireframe
    II '_SetDisplayMode _Shaded
    ww ! _PointsOn
    y undo
    FA MergeAllFaces
    fe fillet
    dv _dim _Pause _Vertical
    dh _dim _Pause _Horizontal
    seff SelOpenPolysrf
    ur unrollSrf
    SEG SelGroup
    secf SelClosedPolysrf
    she showedges
    senc SelOpenCrv
    dst dimstyle
    th '_Ortho
    jj _Match
    gg ungroup
    ac _Arc
    nn ! _PointsOn
    ir import
    yy redo
    gr group
    aa layer
    er property
    sss SelShortCrv
    j join
    cv convert
    sewe SelPolyline
    tw _TweenCurves
    CE _FilletEdge
    sf _sphere
    ay layer
    di DisplayProperties
    na '_SetView Choose coordinate system _World Choose world view _Top _NamedView Choose named view option _Restore Named view to restore "1" Choose named view option _Enter
    pn PlanarSrf
    bn bend
    l _line
    scc -runscript Subroutine to run ( List ): ( Dim Object1,Object2,arrPoints Object1 = Rhino.GetObjects("Select object to copy in-place") If IsArray(Object1) Then Object2 = Rhino.CopyObjects(Object1) If IsArray(Object2) Then Rhino.SelectObjects Object2 arrPoints = Rhino.GetPoints (True, False , "Pick 3 Points",, 3 ) Rhino.EnableRedraw False arrVector1= Rhino.VectorCreate (arrPoints(0), arrPoints(1) ) arrVector2= Rhino.VectorCreate (arrPoints(0), arrPoints(2) ) strCut = Rhino.AddCutPlane (object1, arrPoints(0), arrPoints(1) , arrVector2) arrBD = Rhino.BooleanDifference (object1, Array(strCut) ) If IsArray(arrBD) Then Rhino.ShrinkTrimmedSurface arrBD(0) Rhino.SelectObjects arrBD Else Rhino.DeleteObject strCut Rhino.Print "Failed to Cut" End If Rhino.EnableRedraw True End If End If Rhino.EnableRedraw False arrVector1= Rhino.VectorCreate (arrPoints(1), arrPoints(0) ) arrVector2= Rhino.VectorCreate (arrPoints(2), arrPoints(0) ) strCut = Rhino.AddCutPlane (object2, arrPoints(0), arrPoints(1) , arrVector2) arrBD = Rhino.BooleanDifference (object2, Array(strCut) ) If IsArray(arrBD) Then Rhino.ShrinkTrimmedSurface arrBD(0) Rhino.SelectObjects arrBD Else Rhino.DeleteObject strCut Rhino.Print "Failed to Cut" End If Rhino.EnableRedraw True ) Select object to copy in-place: ) Unknown command: )
    sn _Isometric View point _ se
    q1 Properties
    q2 Layer
    q4 options
    q3 DisplayProperties
    gs "Ghosted"
    su _sunlight
    pr Properties
    vo visOptions
    vm visMatEd
    ly layer
    h hide
    tc project
    py EditPythonScript
    ds ! _Select _Pause _invert _hide
    qf ! _Select _Pause _extrudeSrf
    fc ChamferSrf
    SE _Isometric View point _se
    NewAlias1 _Isometric View point _nw

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