Alcaraz loves playing at the net...

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 80

  • @RigMaster_
    @RigMaster_ Год назад +16

    The fact that such a young player can have such a well rounded game is so amazing to see. Great serve and groundstrokes, unbelievable touch with the drop shots, and can come to the net and finish. So awesome!

  • @paint_the_lines
    @paint_the_lines  Год назад +36

    Alcaraz has the BEST % of NET POINTS WON in the top 20 for the 2022 season, this is what that looks like.

    • @raghumanda2tanush496
      @raghumanda2tanush496 Год назад +6

      its actually insane stat, most of other top 20 players approach net only when they are sure about winning the point, but carlos approaches to net in a risky position and still achieved that number.

    • @pawshands9706
      @pawshands9706 Год назад

      The kid is dangerous from anywhere. He plays comfortably from every part of the court. He is delightfully frightening from all over.😊

  • @robertlee7332
    @robertlee7332 Год назад +6

    Alcaraz's volleys have the reach of Sampras and the touch of McEnroe. He is incredible.

  • @surovimensur2656
    @surovimensur2656 Год назад +63

    It's unbelievable that Carlitos is already this good at the net. You don't expect all court players to master this until a bit later.

    • @TheKakarot_itachi
      @TheKakarot_itachi Год назад +2

      That's costing him matches actually. No need to rush to the net unnecessarily.

    • @vinaydevsani
      @vinaydevsani Год назад +10

      @@TheKakarot_itachi it might cost him few matches now……but if he brings improvement then he’llbe even more fantastic player than he already is……most next gens don’t have variations

    • @raghumanda2tanush496
      @raghumanda2tanush496 Год назад +4

      @@TheKakarot_itachi yeah true but if he comes more often to the net, his net game will be improved which will be better in future

    • @andreten4780
      @andreten4780 Год назад

      Yeah all good and nice. the test will be how he will respond when opponents start to execute plans to the net rushing

    • @joelvedamony
      @joelvedamony Год назад +2

      @@andreten4780 The problem will be opponents will have to learn to come up with counters against his power game, drop shots, and net game (if he continues to work on it)... That leaves them almost no room to execute their own 'A' game, keeping them constantly double guessing and out of their own element... This is why Roger was so successful (among other things). You won't see him on top of any list of best, like best forehand, or backhand or serve, but the variety he brought to his game, and his ability to evolve kept him on top for long...

  • @thomas_delaney
    @thomas_delaney Год назад +7

    The crowd was so electric for the Sinner match

  • @pawshands9706
    @pawshands9706 Год назад +7

    Roger is the last great to have played the net so expertly. Now Carlos is showing signs that he too will be great at net added to a growing list of abilities possessed by young Carlos. An extraordinary talent.

    • @petepierre6458
      @petepierre6458 Год назад

      I got to agree & especially as he was grew up on predominately clay courts which are historically slower & not really suited for net play.
      His coverage and touch is outstanding.
      It's actually great tennis to watch.

  • @tamirleibovich
    @tamirleibovich 10 месяцев назад

    What a satisfying compilation 🌟

  • @cks2020693
    @cks2020693 Год назад +24

    there is no better combo for hitting big from the baseline + finishing at the net, so many next gen big hitters fail to take advantage of that, but I do think since Carlos's big year in 2022, many more next gen players have been doing more drops and net points

    • @kingnole4237
      @kingnole4237 Год назад

      That's why this looser gonna be injury prone in upcoming days....This looser enjoying his young energy same like Rafa but time will fade

    • @bonzwah1
      @bonzwah1 Год назад

      There are a few big hitters who also have good volleys. the x-factor that alcaraz brings is that he ALSO incredibly fast in both mind and body. I mean, look at this 0:39 he's 2 meters behind the baseline with his momentum going backwards as he makes contact with the ball. but he instantly recognizes that his opponent will be overextended by the shot and instantly charges forward. This guy hasn't even cleared the baseline when his opponent makes contact with the ball, but manages to make his volley contact in front of the freaking service line. and then the touch to turn that into a drop volley winner? no one else on tour can play like this. the next gen isn't failing to take advantage, they simply cannot mentally and physically execute at this level.
      to be clear, I used an extreme example, but no one else on tour has the same combination of explosive power, blinding speed, and solid volley technique. there are plenty of players on tour with two of those three. but you need all three to unlock the way alcaraz plays.

    • @johnnyblackrants7625
      @johnnyblackrants7625 Год назад

      Yeah thank god he's setting a template. The lost generation(s) was so damn boring to watch. We need more players like Roger and Carlos who attack, close, and finish with some style!

  • @felipefelipe407
    @felipefelipe407 12 дней назад

    The best player in the net in the world right now, by far.

  • @jaimegarcia9408
    @jaimegarcia9408 Год назад +2

    Noooooo, the first Carlos alcaraz.

  • @Phat-rj3jo
    @Phat-rj3jo Год назад

    Yeah I was surprised how often he was at the net, I had him as a baseliner.

  • @federicomorselli2648
    @federicomorselli2648 Год назад +1

    I think he is the fusion of Roger and Rafael, super fast with a perfect handling

  • @LockeLeon
    @LockeLeon Год назад

    As a teenager he already has a better entire career highlight compilation than any player besides the Big 3 and two or three more players.

  • @rodolfobiasotto4834
    @rodolfobiasotto4834 Год назад

    Vai ser o melhor da história

  • @TheSportsPROgram
    @TheSportsPROgram Год назад

    He's got all the weapons

  • @philippeabgrall9080
    @philippeabgrall9080 Год назад

    I think the guy is a perfect mix of Rafa and Rodger, which is no good news for future opponents ... Looking forward to see if Novak back or Rafa on clay can postpone a little bit him to be the new king

  • @coquillage8211
    @coquillage8211 Год назад

    VERIF football but for tennis ! I love this type of videos, you deserve much more subscribers, keep up the good work

  • @manohoo
    @manohoo Год назад


  • @raghumanda2tanush496
    @raghumanda2tanush496 Год назад

    his refexes are so fast

  • @russelmachan8147
    @russelmachan8147 Год назад +2

    His only weaknesses is he is prone to injury.

  • @batmanforawhile
    @batmanforawhile Год назад

    He’s just like me fr

  • @lucistheband6540
    @lucistheband6540 Год назад +1

    Ha!!! When I saw the latest highlights, I immediately thought he reminds me A LOT of my favorite player OAT: Roger Federer!!!
    Honestly, this teenager has a lot of arsenal like Roger did, including a LETHAL forehand!!
    Too bad we can't see him 🥊🥊🎾🎾 battle it out with Novak. !!!!

  • @wez6594
    @wez6594 Год назад

    Although Carlos is amazing at the net, Federer cannot be replaced

  • @fla2359
    @fla2359 Год назад +2


  • @ceosonicsolutions8693
    @ceosonicsolutions8693 Год назад

    Carlos is Carlos and Roger is Roger - no comparison whatsoever

    • @petepierre6458
      @petepierre6458 Год назад

      It's not a comparison, it's just stating facts that these 2 have been the outstanding net players in recent memory.
      They are totally different players in other aspects.

  • @miguelangeljimenezrosal5830
    @miguelangeljimenezrosal5830 Год назад

    Es el nuevo Nadal!

  • @クリームイカ
    @クリームイカ Год назад +1

    I love too, so what 😂

  • @stickyrice2141
    @stickyrice2141 Год назад

    He will become really good because he's faster than Roger physically.

  • @osvaldopinto8423
    @osvaldopinto8423 Год назад +2

    Por ningún motivo, Federer esta muchos puestos por sobre...

  • @randolphpinkle4482
    @randolphpinkle4482 Год назад +4

    Alcaraz has emulated a lot of good tennis skills from the master except for one that he should thank Nadal for. Alcaraz is louder than the audience! Uhhhhhhhh!

  • @Yngwie2024
    @Yngwie2024 Год назад +1

    Not even federer … he is federer and Nadal combined

  • @korpscomacho
    @korpscomacho Год назад

    New Federer? New Nadal! :)

  • @monkeymuncher2
    @monkeymuncher2 Год назад +5

    to all those djokovic fans: even if alcaraz is a worse player at least he’s not boring to watch

    • @raghumanda2tanush496
      @raghumanda2tanush496 Год назад

      Even if he is fake no 1,he reached top 2 at the age of 19

    • @kaneharryy7975
      @kaneharryy7975 Год назад +1

      @@raghumanda2tanush496 why fake?, he is not guilty Nole is not vaccined

    • @raghumanda2tanush496
      @raghumanda2tanush496 Год назад

      @@kaneharryy7975 I know that but many don't believe like that

  • @Heroickamikaze
    @Heroickamikaze Год назад

    Fresh air for tennis. I was getting tired of all the baseline players

  • @JohnnyCardinale
    @JohnnyCardinale Год назад

    Nadal meets Fed, less annoying than Djoke.

  • @TheGreatGuy_
    @TheGreatGuy_ Год назад

    no not new rodger more like new rafa, sinner is new rodger and holger is new novak

  • @lukeharris7870
    @lukeharris7870 Год назад

    New Roger? Nah, there’s no such thing.

    • @petepierre6458
      @petepierre6458 Год назад +1

      Not a new Roger, the original Carlos.
      World #1 at 19 says it all.

  • @pfdo1807
    @pfdo1807 Год назад +1

    Ridiculous grunting, is he giving birth?

    • @sophieoshaughnessy9469
      @sophieoshaughnessy9469 Год назад +16

      He is. Giving birth to a perfect game!

    • @monkeymuncher2
      @monkeymuncher2 Год назад

      his grunting isn’t even that bad. plus he only does it on some of his hits

    • @emiliolpp
      @emiliolpp Год назад +4

      It’s very simple, d’ont Watch it.

    • @tontacarracelas3164
      @tontacarracelas3164 Год назад +2

      You do not have to watch If that disturbs you.