80th anniversary of the Carpathian-Dukla operation | 80. VÝROČIE KARPATSKO-DUKLIANSKEJ OPERÁCIE

  • Опубликовано: 7 фев 2025
  • #history #motivation #slovakia #war #peace
    The Battle of the Dukla Pass, also known as the Dukla, Carpatho-Dukla, Rzeszów-Dukla, or Dukla-Prešov offensive, was the battle for control over the Dukla Pass on the border between Poland and Slovakia on the Eastern Front of World War II between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in September-October 1944. It was part of the Soviet East Carpathian strategic offensive that also included the Carpathian-Uzhgorod offensive. The operation's primary goal, to provide support for the Slovak rebellion, was not achieved, but it concluded the full liberation of the Ukrainian SSR.
    The German resistance in the eastern Carpathian region was much stronger than expected. The battle which began on 8 September would not see the Soviet forces on the other side of the pass until 6 October, and German forces would stop their heavy resistance in the region only around 10 October. Five days to Prešov turned into fifty days to Svidník alone with over 70,000 casualties on both sides. Prešov that was to be reached in six days remained beyond the Czechoslovaks' grasp for four months. The battle would be counted among the most bloody in the entire Eastern Front and the history of Slovakia; one of the valleys in the pass, near the villages of Kapišová, Chyrowa, Iwla and Głojsce, would become known as the "Valley of Death".
    Source: en.wikipedia.o...
    Karpatsko-duklianska operácia bola útočná operácia sovietskych a česko-slovenských vojsk na severovýchodnom Slovensku na jeseň 1944, ktorá mala spojiť povstalecké sily SNP so sovietskymi armádami. Bola jednou z najväčších horských bitiek druhej svetovej vojny. Po potlačení povstania do hôr stratila svoje opodstatnenie a bola ukončená. Operácia bola súčasťou širšie vedenej Východokarpatskej operácie. Od 8. septembra do 27. októbra 1944 tu zahynulo 21-tisíc sovietskych a 1 800 československých bojovníkov (Čechov, Slovákov, Rusínov a iných národností - išlo príslušníkov vojenských jednotiek obnovujúcej sa ČSR a medzi nimi okrem Čechov a Slovákov boli aj príslušníci ostatných národností, osobitne Rusínov z Podkarpatskej Rusi a severovýchodného Slovenska).
    Zdroj: sk.wikipedia.o...

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  • @Jozef-l2i
    @Jozef-l2i 4 месяца назад +3

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