Thank you so much for the history and entertainment, as this is an absolutely brilliant podcast! I cannot wait to get back to London (post-COVID) to re-explore every nook and cranny! And if you ever find yourself in Saint Louis - I'll be happy to show you around our more macabre history!
Thank you so much for your lovely comment!! I’m so glad you enjoy the show and thanks so much for watching / listening! Of course, if I’m ever in that neck of the woods, I’ll let you know 👻
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for the nice feedback :) He was such an interesting character. I may do something else on him in the future. Thanks for watching.
Glad you enjoyed it! Yeah, absolutely fascinating period in history, so much more to discover too if you wanna take a look at the sources in the description
I’m afraid not, I don’t tend to do just straight history as it were, I like a bit of dark and weird to it but if Francis Bacon has that, I’d definitely make one on him
@@MacabreLondon Little has come down to us in terms of records of Francis Bacon and John Dee knowing each other but on the afternoon of August 11, 1582 there was an entry in Dee's journal that they met at Mortlake. Bacon was 21 years old at the time and was accompanied by a Mr. Phillipes, a top cryptographer in the employ of Sir Francis Walsingham who headed up the early days of England's secret service. They were there according to Ewen MacDuff, in an article, "After Some Time Be Past" in 'Baconiana', (Dec.1983)" to find out the truth about the ancient Hebrew art of the Gematria- one of the oldest cipher systems known, dating from 700 B.C. They were seeking to discuss this with Dee because he was not only one of the leading adepts of this field, but a regular practitioner in certain levels of Gematria." Also, David Kahn in The Codebreakers suggests that because of Dee's great interest in the 13th century alchemist Roger Bacon, that he may have introduced Bacon to the works of Roger Bacon,"which may help explain the similarities in their thought."
Bravo - absolutely excellent !. I am totally fascinated by Dee 🙂, I am currently putting together a presentation in which I believe that Dee had a very heavy influence in a building in which he encoded- by proxy- some very interesting messages - and a potential conduit for scrying or even a portal to another heavenly dimension !
The time you get to the wife swap , its the time you really wonder what sort of 'angels' were those. I'm sorry for science, but I wouldn't do it! Fascinating episode. Hope to see another video soon ;)
Morals seem to be something not of concern to the angels.this is human social construct,religious rule and individual ego bound. Does this seem to justify things for me personally? ain’t something i would do.but i myself have been on the other side many many times,seen ,interacted ,spoken with spirits and deities. Somehow i believe that what’s going on is something greater than what the human mind can fathom.and in this case i shall reserve any judgment against all those who are working on higher ground.
I thought your talk I seen on RUclips about Dr John Dee was quite interesting. I have been interested in the occult for about thirty years since I served in the Legion. I consider myself a Mystic Christian.
Very interesting, I too have a thirst for knowledge but unfortunately I left it too late as I enjoyed myself being young drunk and stupid and now my brain is addled with pain killing drugs for back problems!
@@MacabreLondon lol if mansplaining was a thing. Every talking point these mental feminists can spit out their mouth can be debunked with facts and statistics. Furthermore, how dare you assume my gender and misgender me .
@@MacabreLondon but In all honesty you did a fantastic job on the video. Was very entertaining and educational. I have no idea why you have such a low subscriber count because Your work is very good overall.
Oh no! That’s crappy! I’ve heard if you unsub and resub and then click the bell back on, that can help. Mind you, RUclips just likes to not send out notifications ever now and then as that happens for me on other peoples vids too 😫
Yes I've heard that theory...I'm not so sure as I think Elizabeth thought of him as just a bit of an entertainingly strange fellow, but I guess everything has to start somewhere!
I'm sorry you didn't find it clear, hopefully this helps: He used his mathematician and cartography skills to create maps for global voyages which hadn't existed before. He was pretty much solely responsible for the British empire being created as without him, sailors wouldn't have been able to navigate the globe. He is very much responsible for shaping the world we live in today as without him, there would've been no emigration. Hope that helps to clarify. There's some great books out there about him which go into much more detail than I can fit in one 30 min video.
@@MacabreLondon his mathematician and cartography skills he learnt from the moors berber? :) that didn't exist ? Or to those who didn't understand ? :) the problem here is your speaking on a time frame where you think these Information came about. mathematics was mastered even long before the berbers - moor merchants navigators
@@MacabreLondon do you really think he's responsible for voyages? Do you understand that the moors - indigenous people of England was traveling to and fro :) as you said he wasn't able to connect until he met up with etc etc? Who do you think those people where 🤔
This title is pretty well absurd. Dee's magic was NOT dark, but an effort to systematically elicit the wisdom of angels. Is also insane to suggest that Dee or anyone else "made the world the way it is today". This goes beyond just self-advertising clickbait.
Excellent episode. John Dee is one of my favorite historical figures. So fascinating.
Thanks for watching ☺️
Dee and Kelly are my favorites. I doubt they would be pleased about much of the current state.
Great video as always.
Thank you :)
As someone interested in mysticism and the occult arts... I found this video fascinating and really well made. Thank you!
Thanks Scott. Glad you enjoyed it 🥰😊
You have a news reader's voice, in the best way possible.
thats a HUGE compliment, thanks so much :) Thanks for watching. 😊
Thank you so much for the history and entertainment, as this is an absolutely brilliant podcast! I cannot wait to get back to London (post-COVID) to re-explore every nook and cranny! And if you ever find yourself in Saint Louis - I'll be happy to show you around our more macabre history!
Thank you so much for your lovely comment!! I’m so glad you enjoy the show and thanks so much for watching / listening! Of course, if I’m ever in that neck of the woods, I’ll let you know 👻
A really informative video. Thank you!
You're very welcome!
This was extremely informative and very well produced. Thanks so much for the excellent presentation!
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for the nice feedback :) He was such an interesting character. I may do something else on him in the future. Thanks for watching.
Loved the history! Thank you!
Glad you enjoyed it! Yeah, absolutely fascinating period in history, so much more to discover too if you wanna take a look at the sources in the description
Thank you!! This was so informative and well done.
You are so welcome! Thanks for watching :)
Very well made. Thank you
Thank you for watching 🖤
Thorough and entertaining, great video.
Thank you so much for watching ♥️
Super informative! Thank you very kindly
Glad you enjoyed it!
I'm verry curious about alchemist, thx about the Info, u earned my subscribed.
Thank you 😊
enjoyed your voice, very good reading
Thank you! Loads more on my channel to keep you entertained 😊
Your intro music sounds alot like the intro for the first puppet master movie.
I’ve not seen it myself but that’s cool! I’ll check it out 🖤
You have an absolutely lovely voice. I love it
Thank you ☺️
That was great thank you!
Awesome video! Do you have one on Sir Francis Bacon?
I’m afraid not, I don’t tend to do just straight history as it were, I like a bit of dark and weird to it but if Francis Bacon has that, I’d definitely make one on him
@@MacabreLondon Little has come down to us in terms of records of Francis Bacon and John Dee knowing each other but on the afternoon of August 11, 1582 there was an entry in Dee's journal that they met at Mortlake. Bacon was 21 years old at the time and was accompanied by a Mr. Phillipes, a top cryptographer in the employ of Sir Francis Walsingham who headed up the early days of England's secret service. They were there according to Ewen MacDuff, in an article, "After Some Time Be Past" in 'Baconiana', (Dec.1983)" to find out the truth about the ancient Hebrew art of the Gematria- one of the oldest cipher systems known, dating from 700 B.C. They were seeking to discuss this with Dee because he was not only one of the leading adepts of this field, but a regular practitioner in certain levels of Gematria." Also, David Kahn in The Codebreakers suggests that because of Dee's great interest in the 13th century alchemist Roger Bacon, that he may have introduced Bacon to the works of Roger Bacon,"which may help explain the similarities in their thought."
Bravo - absolutely excellent !. I am totally fascinated by Dee 🙂, I am currently putting together a presentation in which I believe that Dee had a very heavy influence in a building in which he encoded- by proxy- some very interesting messages - and a potential conduit for scrying or even a portal to another heavenly dimension !
Thanks very much. That sounds absolutely fascinating!!!
The time you get to the wife swap , its the time you really wonder what sort of 'angels' were those. I'm sorry for science, but I wouldn't do it! Fascinating episode. Hope to see another video soon ;)
I know, not something I think they wanted to do!! you're in luck, a new one has just come out :)
I want to also emphasis the angel’s endorsement of Kelly during the initial sessions...p sus. Great content though.
Morals seem to be something not of concern to the angels.this is human social construct,religious rule and individual ego bound.
Does this seem to justify things for me personally? ain’t something i would do.but i myself have been on the other side many many times,seen ,interacted ,spoken with spirits and deities.
Somehow i believe that what’s going on is something greater than what the human mind can fathom.and in this case i shall reserve any judgment against all those who are working on higher ground.
not even for queen and country.
I thought your talk I seen on RUclips about Dr John Dee was quite interesting. I have been interested in the occult for about thirty years since I served in the Legion. I consider myself a Mystic Christian.
Thanks Renato! I'm glad you enjoyed :) oh, I like the term 'mystic christian' , sounds like a cool 70's prog rock band, haha!
Very interesting, I too have a thirst for knowledge but unfortunately I left it too late as I enjoyed myself being young drunk and stupid and now my brain is addled with pain killing drugs for back problems!
Actually I could listen to you talk all day
Well, the good news is you can! I gave hours of shows on my podcast, Macabre London 🖤
This was a fantastic video. Other than using the ridiculous word “mansplaining” which is just some feminist garbage, it was a great video.
Oh dear, you sound like a mansplainer 😂
@@MacabreLondon lol if mansplaining was a thing. Every talking point these mental feminists can spit out their mouth can be debunked with facts and statistics. Furthermore, how dare you assume my gender and misgender me .
@@MacabreLondon but In all honesty you did a fantastic job on the video. Was very entertaining and educational. I have no idea why you have such a low subscriber count because Your work is very good overall.
Fascinating romp
Thanks for watching 💗
John Dee was reincarnated as Christopher Lee.
Haha, you might be right!
@@MacabreLondon if you look closely at the two it becomes one of the best arguments for reincarnation.
RUclips let me down.
*I didn't get the notification*
Oh no! That’s crappy! I’ve heard if you unsub and resub and then click the bell back on, that can help.
Mind you, RUclips just likes to not send out notifications ever now and then as that happens for me on other peoples vids too 😫
Id recommend reading the enochian evocation of dr john dee. Intersting book.
Thank you! I'll add it to my list.
you should talk about Newton's dabblings in alchemy
I've never really considered him for an episode but he might be worth a look, thanks for the recommendation and thanks for watching :)
mr. 007 himself doesn't get enough attention imo
Yes I've heard that theory...I'm not so sure as I think Elizabeth thought of him as just a bit of an entertainingly strange fellow, but I guess everything has to start somewhere!
@@MacabreLondon didn't he used to sign letters "007"?
I don't see how by your teaching how he shaped anything 🤔
I'm sorry you didn't find it clear, hopefully this helps: He used his mathematician and cartography skills to create maps for global voyages which hadn't existed before. He was pretty much solely responsible for the British empire being created as without him, sailors wouldn't have been able to navigate the globe. He is very much responsible for shaping the world we live in today as without him, there would've been no emigration. Hope that helps to clarify.
There's some great books out there about him which go into much more detail than I can fit in one 30 min video.
@@MacabreLondon his mathematician and cartography skills he learnt from the moors berber? :) that didn't exist ? Or to those who didn't understand ? :) the problem here is your speaking on a time frame where you think these Information came about. mathematics was mastered even long before the berbers - moor merchants navigators
@@MacabreLondon do you really think he's responsible for voyages? Do you understand that the moors - indigenous people of England was traveling to and fro :) as you said he wasn't able to connect until he met up with etc etc? Who do you think those people where 🤔
@@almministrys1659 ok, thanks for stopping by!
Not even close guys 😂
Excellent presentation. 5 points off, however, for the unironic use of the word "mansplaining"
Thanks for explaining that to me 🙃
July 15? Everywhere else it's July13, 1527.
Jog my memory…it’s been 3 years since I made this video, what date are you referring to?
man's face... woman's face...💅🤗🤣
Ok, don't really know what you mean.
This title is pretty well absurd. Dee's magic was NOT dark, but an effort to systematically elicit the wisdom of angels. Is also insane to suggest that Dee or anyone else "made the world the way it is today". This goes beyond just self-advertising clickbait.
Well he did so…🙃 thanks for watching
My name is Michael John Dee. If anyone seeing this cares for him in some way I need help
Ok :)
@@MacabreLondon gay...🤣💅🤗
@@Mana_Sama_NaTaeJoO I think you’re maybe a bot but we support the LGBTQ community here 😊🏳️🌈
Pretty woman...big respect DJ RUSH BACK 🔙 Birmingham ❤
The woke version 😊
Well…yeah 😊