Just from the thumbnail I knew who was gonna win 😂😂 Poor Daniel didn’t know what he was getting himself into what with Yeol’s fiercely competitive nature
chanyeol always gives his best, even when he didn't know bowling well, he practised and mastered it and became mr. strike.... i've never really seen him lose...
The competitive giant cute baby Loey with passionate Kang Daniel. I really do love 'Wannaone' very much. They're will always remember by me and will always live in hearty. ♡♡
imagine chanyeol in the military now 🤣 loey, pls don't be too passionate that you wouldn't want to go out of the military anymore lmao love youuuu~
Just from the thumbnail I knew who was gonna win 😂😂 Poor Daniel didn’t know what he was getting himself into what with Yeol’s fiercely competitive nature
So true
"Daniel-ah!" Key is so cute 😍😍
P.S. Chanyeol really look so hot and manly when he is competitive
Chanyeol "daddy long legged" 😂
Park Chan Yeol so multi talented : singing, rapping, making & compossing music, dancing, sports, gaming, design art 😍🤗❤🙌
Setuju :)
Stan chanyeol for better life lahhh
Power of EXO🤣😎😂✌✌
Also song writer
He is also good at jumping and walking🤗🤓
Henry: chanyeol ah show him what U Got
Chanyeol : We Got the power power
Chanyeol The Long Legged Daddy 🤣😂❤️
Chanyeol is charming cute handsome just the way he is without any accessories or make up
Chanyeol love you so much ❤ ❤
Dua orang ganteng
Chanyeol😘and Daniel😘
The most competitive member of EXO PARK CHANYEOL ❤️❤️❤️
Kang Daniel why are you so Cute!
Love them both Park Chanyeol and Kang Daniel
Omg I couldn't stop laughing my butt off 😂😂😂😂 poor Daniel
Chanyeoul you're perfect
I love chanyeol is rapper Exo
so proud chanyeol😘
why my husband Chanyeolie look soso handsome😥❤❤❤
Chanyeol always a competitive baby❤️
Love chanyeollie i can't stop laughing 🤣🤣😘
Chanyeol looks handsome😊😊
Oh,poor Daniel 😂😂😂😂
I can't stop laughing.
Chanyeol 😍😍😍
Kang Daniel makes me laugh and cry at the same time...
Multi talented chanyeol he is soo good in sports too
when i saw Chanyeol i click.. Chanyeol oppa is so multitalent
Chanyeol pride of Exo😍
Poor my baby daniell.....miss you so much our CEO kang daniel
Chanyeol Su sweet 😍 love you
chanyeol always gives his best, even when he didn't know bowling well, he practised and mastered it and became mr. strike....
i've never really seen him lose...
Chanyeol is the king and Daniel is a prince charming
bias and bias ❤😂
Chanyeol vs Daniel
Kesihan tapi malah ketawa sorry oppa Daniel😁😂
Chanyeol 加油
U never disappoint us chaenyol 😘😘
Park Chanyeol😍😍
"The Box" starring PARK CHANYEOL.
Movie premiere on March 18.
Movie release on March 24.
Apart from being good at many things Chanyeol is also good at jumping and walking🤗🤓
Awww key is cheering for Daniel
Chanyeol love u so much
You are just the best , baby Yeollie🥺🥺❤❤
Chanyeol is competitive person..he will do his best whatever happens ..our chanyeol love you
Mah Chanyeol be the best in everything!!!!!!!!!!1
Chanyeol selalu menang game apapun .💕
Dua org yg aku suka krn sifatnya
Kang Daniel so cute
The competitive giant cute baby Loey with passionate Kang Daniel.
I really do love 'Wannaone' very much. They're will always remember by me and will always live in hearty. ♡♡
Daniel :oh my give me a break 😂😂😂
This is really fun
Chanyeol my love❤😘
Hahahahaha this is so funny im watching it again 🤣 our competitive chanyeol ahh 😌
Hopeless to Daniel 😂😂😂 Why they both 😂😂 you're too wow Daniel ah… 😂😂
Ngakak banget daniel dan chanyeol 😂
Our fierce Competitive Long Legged 😂😍😂😂
Both of them are lovely❤❤❤
ngakak so hard😂😂😂😂
Orang gans semuaa❤
My Chanyeol
Cy 💚💚
I'm here for Chanyeol, the most passionate guy in the world..
dua" nya bias gua 💖💖💖
he talented, he cute, he famous, he wins bowling, he wins this game, he chanyeol
this not big match.. but big laugh.. omg.. 😂😂😂😂😂
Our chanyeol is very very competitive person😄😍
Running chabyeol,,,huuu,,, my suport for you jumpin hup,,,ups lee suh ra ,i miss you chanyeol
Channy Chan Chan 😍😍😍😍😍
Chanyeol and Daniel are so cute
우와 찬열이 ♥♥♥
Chanyeol is so handsome he is full of talents
PCY aduhhh😍😍😍😍
his gaze says it all
The way Daniel was walking on the track lmao. Poor him.And Key cutely calling him 'Hey Danielaa' 😂😂
Chanyeoul is so amazing. He is a hard working person.
Ceyeeeee 😍
😍😍😍Park Chanyeol 💓
daniel 😂😂
I miss him
Chanyeol oppa
Chanyeol so competitive
Bravooo 👏👏👏👏 chanyeol 😄😍😘😘😘
Love u chanyeol love daniel too he is so funny
Best player park Chanyeol 😍😍😍
Our pride of EXO chanyeolaaa ❤❤❤and kang daniel 😂❤
تشانيوري ❤
Chanyeol looks so handsome
Kang Daniel so cute 😍😭😂
EXO의 클라스🌟
Our park chanyeolieee
Chanyeolll 😍😍
nation’s pick and nation’s boygroup! exo and wannaone kings!!!
Chanyeol super cute
chanyeol si ambisius 😍😍😍😍
the competetive chanyeol