hmmm let's see... 1) armor is more reliable than the armor on super heavies ? check 2) speed and mobility and the ability to reposition like medium tanks ? check 3) a good and reliable gun with high penetration and damage and somewhat decent handling like tank destroyers ? check 4) has decent top speed and reverse speed as well as good power to weight ratio to fallback when spotted ? check nah I think it needs a buff honestly. How about give it a turret ?
Atleast the T95 has those 2 cupola's that are relatively easy to hit at close range while being to slow to throw off the opposing tanks' aim by moving forwards and backwards.
The armor hasn't bothered me (even with the lack of weakpoints), but it's really just the speed. 76 tonne TD going around with +20 hp/t and top speed of 55 km/h is dumb for game balance. I'd knock the reverse speed down a good bit, maybe as low as 10 km/h - make it good for the offensive, not for retreat. This in my mind would make it good for calculated offenses, but bite you in the arse fast if you made a terrible decision and end up getting overrun, as there'd be no reversing out of the situation.
Eddlicious I like this idea however they need to Nerf the power to weight as well. Idc about the speed it's just wayyyyy too zippy. It shouldn't be in front of mid speed mediums such as 121/140
Eddlicious the armor is completely balanced at tier X. But if you're playing at tier VIII and you have almost 0% chance of flanking or penning the weakspots without getting lucky it's definetly very bullshit. Also yesterday, me and 2 other clan member were playing tier IX heavies. We are all very competent players. Went in to kill 1 268 4. All he had to do was reverse and we could literally do nothing. Our accuracy was so bad we coulsn't hit any of the weakspots and tracking it was just as hard. Imagine that. If he was in a t110e3, a jagdpanzer E100. FV4005, strv 103B. WZ 113 G. Infact any other Tier X TD we could have easily handled that because those vehicles have to either trade off mobility for armor or vice versa. This thing has both and it's currently breaking random MM for people grinding.
Simon Andersson The thing is; The jg pz e100 is the superheavy across heavily armoured td's. Yet, the superstructure is penetrateable thanks to the 5 percent players that fire gold. Its mobile as an bunker (easily flankable) and yet it has bad armour. I dont say buff the jg pz e100, but the obj 268 v4 is making the jg pz e100 look like crap.
yeah when I first commented on this tank, I didn't realize that even meds like t-62a aren't able to run away from this thing. It's funny to see a td chasing medium tanks around the map, but not so good for the game.
Your theory is nice and it works on the paper, but it seems you are the one who doesn't understand the game. The obj is usually not alone. The typical scenario for the obj these days is pushing the line, tanking all the damage for the team while being covered by other tanks to prevent the enemy from flanking. Not to mention even on 1v1, some tank just can't go around this thing, because it's too fast.
@@autonotely Theyve all got stalins spirit guiding the shots to the target., ive snap shotted tanks at 400m w the kv 2, which has as bad accuracy as a t92 artillery or close enough to it ffs
Cardinal compare it to wz113 1g, that chinesse tank destroyer have worst armor frontaly, and its more slower then this, sorry for english its not my born language. :)
And in 2 months Wargaming will decide that the tank is not performing to their standards of a russian tank, move it unchanged to tier 9 and replace the tier 10 with a 268 v5 with better rate of fire and 20mm more all around armor.
They didn't do that with the Strv, or the TVP, or the Pz 7, or the Type 5 heavy, or the AMX 30b, or the AMX m4 54, or the Kranvagn, or all the T10 lights. Need I say more?
HardcoreMatze No, this time WarGaming actually thought about what players want when developed this tank. Here is the WG’s answer for a less camping game: Just play this tank, and press W, and WIN.
Dennis Fang Heh, do you even know why is this tank OP? No? Well, here is the answer: When the first common test came out, the tank was horrible compared to the 263. So the feedback for changing the 263 for 268 4 was 99% negative. Wargaming didn't know how to make the players satisfied, so they made the most OP tank ever! So, where are those 263 players now? Well, they're enjoying their time in the new tank! If 268 4 was nerfed, those 263 players would come back and continue complaining, and if nothing would happen, they might quit the game (the number of those players is quite big).
293mm of penetration on the Obj 268 v4 is stupid as well. And if you load prem you might as well close your eyes and fire. It is is a heavy tank with medium tank mobility and a TD gun.
I still feel the best way to solve gold rounds to nerf the damage all together for all premium rounds, and then make them cost the same as standard rounds. Make an IS-3s premium rounds do only 320 instead of 390 or something like that.
Hmmm maybe its true but we have banning waves where we see that RU server gets several THOUSANDS bans more then on all rest of servers.. enough said for win rate..
Nothing is as toxic or OP as the WT E-100, I see people saying long reload times made it less fun. Im sorry, but no matter of word play will make less fun mean less OP. Its the thing with most autoloaders, they have a long reload. Other things most autoloaders have too are poor aim, long aim time and rather MEH gun handling. Maybe you remember? The WT E-100 had none of those other issues, it was a monster and you can use your team when you need to reload. It was fairly good at acceleration too, since it had E-100 engine without the E-100 turret. Also concidering the high amount of WT E-100 in the average games would say alot of people actually found the concept with the WT E-100 fun. Which kind of ruins the only "point" Mauro Wolf had.
This tank is a PERFECT representation of how the state of the game is. It is so armoured that you NEED prem to fight it fairly. It's got low DPM and kinda bad accuracy meaning if you wanna be successful in most medium/long engagements HEAT will most likely be your best bet (Not all the time admittedly, tracks and spacing obviously.) Instead of making tanks BETTER and BETTER, they need to work on bringing them DOWN. They should work out a good baseline for ALL the tiers they have and work to that, which will allow them to UNDO changes like the Type-5/Maus buff, The British TD's can return to historical values. WG are so focused on making money from Premium accounts, they aren't even aware of the potential of cosmetics, They can make money without ruining their own game. -If they limit the amount of gold ammo you can carry, potentially return it to gold only (and maybe rewards from getting medals or supporting in CW) that fights one of the issues. -Nerfing vehicles that over perform, Obj 430U, Obj 268V4, 705A, 215B183, FV4005,STRV103/103B and Grille 15 for starters, They could fix a lot of the issues. -5:10 MM 5 top : 10 lower, Example; 5 tier 8's, 10 tier 7's. Meaning tier 8's aren't shit on by tier 10 TDs and meds. -Nerf penetration values across the board. Imagine tier 10's with 275 max with normal and 300 with prem. - I would accept lowered exp rates for the need for premium time to help fund development, not needing it to make a profit because if I use gold, I lose money, if I don't I get rekt.
Grille 15, 705A, FV4005 need nerfs? First, the Grille 15 was nerfed a LONG time ago. It's trash and has the lowest wr% of ALL the tier 10 TDs; Second: 705A is fine. Nothing OP about it, people are just complaining because it got introduced with the other OP tanks. Third: FV4005 got buffed because it was trash. And the Swedish TDs get lots of complaints because they have good camo values. Nothing OP about them.
Honestly, add some (actual) weak points with lower armor values in those points. Lower the speed and power to weight ratio. 40 forward/18 back. It's heavy in weight, it needs to drive like one. Lastly, slightly lower the penetration, slight increase reload time. [EDIT: decrease reload time/improve rate of fire.] (meant to say that originally). This way it's still a fun tank to shoot with, has decent mobility for its weight, and good armor values without being invincible from the front. Idk, that's my best judgement for this tank.
JDTechGear you would kill the tank at that point it would be the worst tier 10 TD and be hanging around with the worst tier 10s in general. If you decrease it’s DPM more then it’s sitting with the 121b with the joint lowest. I agree with lowering the speed but p/w is fine. Reduce its ground resistance because it has the resistance of a light medium not a 80 ton tank. Reduce its reverse speed but slight hair buff its traverse speed Penetration is fine (it’s quite low for a TD already) Gun handling is fine maybe add .5 to the aim. The armor is fine and has plenty of weak spots if you know what your looking for, like QB said make the top weak spot like 20mm less.. -coming from a 268v4 owner
Detective Weeb Agree with you on everything except for it being the worst Tier 10 after the suggested nerf and the armor being "fine". Even after the suggested nerf, it WILL NOT be the worst TD. Why ? Its simple, when a tank has the ability to just roll out infront of your face and still survive, its called OP. The armor is not just "fine". It is outrageous, like I previously mentioned. Ever met a platoon of 268 V4 that just steamrolls the entire enemy team ? Now with that in mind, ever met a platoon of E100 that steamrolls the enemy team ? There is your answer. This is a TD that can literally sit in your face and still carry the team even when outnumbered 15 to 1. You're saying it has weakpoints, by 20mm ? You think we're at tier 3, with your tiny pocky stick and a quick dab of 2 key it will make the difference between pen and no pen ? Mind you, we are at Tier X now and when you have an effective armor which is 340 and less by 20 thats 320 ... It doesnt really matter at all now does it ? And THAT is provided if the available tanks and shells even have that much pen ! Only other TDs have that insane pen but look at how small it is, you expect those tofu TDs to brawl with this monster
Detective Weeb I have to disagree with p/w ratio to be fine. It currently has a 20 hp/t power to weight ratio. They should lower the hp of the engine, or bring that p/w ratio down. It's the second heaviest TD with one of the best p/w ratios. Only the Grille 15, wich weighs 40t and has a 850hp engine, has a better p/w ratio of 21.25. It's just too much. This TD has medium tank mobility, it's even faster than some meds. Let's take the Centurion Action X for example: It weighs 55t and has a 1,040hp engine, wich gives it a p/w ratio of 18,91 with a top speed of 53km/h. Not to mention that the 268 v4, wich weighs significantly more, has a better reverse speed than a tier X medium tank. They *have* to nerf that engine.
You must be crazy it has 290 pen or something Badger has 272 and lower alpha not to mention its slow but this obj is way too fast for 80 ton td p/w at least from 20 to 16 or so and more aim time as well as make an actual weak spot some T10 mends with 248 pen can't do anything to its weak spot now
It's all set up... With every powercreep in the game WG gets people to spend money and grind up for it before they nerf it to hell and pave road for the next powercreep. Nothing more than "working as intended."
Highest DPM for 750 alpha. Also has as much standard pen as the IS-7 has on gold. Is rly accurate at 0.33 base. Is rly fast and it can bounce a shot. I rly like it. I would use it even in the nowdays broken meta full of 430 NO Us and Bobject v4s
Well Quicky. Better to change your title from “Is the Obj 268-4 too good?” to “The Obj 268-4 IS too OP.” Because there is no debate, no question to it being OP. When IT IS without a shadow of a doubt.
I feel the tank stats in the game is becoming totally irrelevant unless your a top tier Russian tank. The game is so Russian bias and with every other person shooting Premium ammo it’s getting towards a totally broken game. Wargaming needs to sort this soon or people are going to leave in big numbers.
Or not come at all. As a prospective new player i really am not seeing the fun of either being a clay pigon or spending a cra'load of money and be superman driving around clubbing baby seals. Nope not seeing the fun in that.
i have 12k battles, came back after a several month break and played about 50 matches, coming across this tank in several occasions and getting owned by them every single time... uninstalled again
lamboUK Already gave up on console, man. Bad decisions, overlooked issues, corridor maps and too many reskins/not needed map variations. Happy with a complete french TT, don't need more. Moved to WT, having a better experience at least.. everybody has a fair chance and something to do regardless of nation or BR.
All they really need to do is put a 5 round cap on premium ammo per game, it is enough if you want to use it to take down a stubborn heavy but not so much that you get a massive game long advantage. That is all I ever carry and yes it has cost me many games and my rating but using all premium ammo takes the fun and skill out of the game for me.
I've seen so many 46%ers who ended the match with 5k damage and 2k+ bounced in this op pos... So many people who just sat in front of half the team and got away with it... Havent played higher tiers lately cause of it
Marthijn van Oorschot the gun weight on the jag and its over all size compared to its engine is why it’s slow. 268 is a much smaller tank with a larger engine. And it’s gun doesn’t weigh as much as a semi truck
Half the armor, yet 50 tons heavier...power to weight on jpE100 is under 9, this op piece of shit has 20....with BETTER armor and double all top speeds... You can claim the gun on the jageruu being heavy but it probably does not weigh 80 tons more than the one on the 268 4...this has nothing to do with historical accuracy this is just the combination of powercreep and russian bias.
ainumahtar I’m just pointing out that the gun weighs a lot. But compare the size of the 268v4 vs the size of the Jpz, you can see that why the JPZ weights so much more
I don't understand why in gods name WG lets this TD rampage the battlefield for months on end, and NOT nerf it immediately. We all could see its OP and the statistics (thanks for the enlightenment) dam well confirm this tank is just heavily abused by people that want to play this game in "God Mode" and rob decent skillful players from their victory. There is just not much you can do facing this tank then miss the weak spot, bounce and finally just get wrecked.
Thirstypioneer you really wanna know why they keep op shits like this in the game so long untill they nerf em? Its because of money, they can get retarded amounts of money from so said "FREE" tanks because everyone will just try to free xp to the tier 10 before its nerfed with gold which means alot of green paper and green text on their bank account
Sad thing you guys haven't realized that WG releases new tanks OP so people will grind it, then nerf it later to "balance" it. If new tanks were balanced or UP, no one would grind it. So sad you guys fall for it each and every time.
So .. Unpenable frontal armor , if player is skilled and moves so u cant hit "weakpoint" with your premium ammo (cuz thats only option to pen that "weakspot" on top) ..... "Well .. lower plate should be weakspot like on every single tank right ?" NOPE it cant be penned even with highest pen shell in the game from jg pz e100 that has 420 penetration .. "Well if armor is apsolutly op at front what if i flank it?" NOPE , u will bounce side armor sometimes if ur unlucky .. "Ok , fine i cant do shit to that tank , well it whould make sense for him to have worst gun at tier 10.." NOPE it has good gun .. "Fine , than it must go like 10km/h or smth" NOPE it can go like 50km/h ....... GJ WG , NAILED IT
Its definately not un-pennable, JgE100, E100, the other VK all pen the super structure if you're not careful. The thing is that its a meta-changer. Until people realise that you can take the Obj.268v4 where MTs usually go & then counter it with a TD/HT that can fight it, it will be OP. But as soon as the meta changes, it will be much more balanced. In a way, I see that as a good thing as it breaks the game up a bit & changes the current lanes.
I dont know how unlucky you got or maybe you hit the tracks, but Jageroo HEAT still makes short work out of the 340mm armor zone. And reliably so as far as I have experienced it.
Having that armor with that mobility is the OP combination, lower its side armor a decent amount, speed slightly, and increase aim time slightly, the armor contributes to it being OP more than the mobility
Guys, if you watched the conference on 23rd of February, Pankov said that there will be no nerfs to 268 4. They will actually buff other TDs like E4, 268 and E3. Also, the new mode that comes with Italian tanks, the half autoloader, will be on some other tanks, such as IS-7
Nice to see that you have noticed the problem as well. Yes, the 268v4 is not a sniper - and playing it like one is a total waste. It has a T9.5 TD gun (which is still more powerful than any other non-TD gun), it has medium-like mobility and gun handling and it has armor most heavy tanks can only dream of. The problem with this is the following: you have the mobility to be wherever you want in time. You have the gun to damage anything you want. And you have the armor to bounce almost everything the enemy is throwing at you. All other tanks usually have to chose between at most 2 of those 3 characteristics, which makes them quite limited in their positioning. But the 268v4 as all 3. That combined makes it a tank that can go ANYwhere on the battlefield and dominate that part. You can crush a medium tank flank as much as charge against TD defensive locations and hold/crush a heavy tank front. At first i though "well, yea... its strong, but how strong can it be?" So i did test it out yesterday for about 15 battles... It was just ridiculous to play. I wanted to make my own opinion on this tank - not as an enemy but when playing it by myself. I did not want to rely on opions others have and on stats only. And i was not disappointed. Driving this tank even in full TX battles feels like driving an E50 in a T5 battle. In the end i was driving like a mad man laughing my ass off and still ending in 4.5k damage on average - which is a little short of like 1.5 times my average value in TX tanks (excluding arty). How to nerf it.... well, first make the lower lower plate weaker, so that its actually a target you can aim for. It does not have to be larger, just a point where T8 tanks with 200mm penetration *can* go through. Like the cheeks of the E3's lower plate. You are good at aiming? Well, here is your target. Its not large, but you actually have a chance. Second nerf the cupola to about 220mm so that heavy tanks actually have a chance of going through. Its still a small target, and thats ok. Third this tank needs a gun handling nerf. Not the 2s aim time, thats actually ok. But dispersion values should NOT be on medium tank level. 4th i would not nerf the speed, but the engine power. 15hp/t or so should be enough, 20hp/t is NOT necessary...
Well, there is the holy trininty of the tank caracteristics: speed, armor and gun. Thats a thing with all tanks, IRL or in a game. Irl no tank has that. Or if does is not reliable or just to expensive. In games, to make it balanced, you can only chose 2 ways. Like, lets say, a T95. Has a good gun and verh good armor but the speed lets it down. A WZ-111-5A! Has the best 130mm gun in the game, 7° of gun depression, very high DPM tho not the best pen. Is very fast, but the armor is not impressive. Yes, it CAN bounce, but dont count on that. A 140! Good gun and good speed! The armor is mediocre, only the turret is good vs standard, gold gets through every time. An E50M! Ok speed, ok armor and quite good gun, even tho it lacks a bit on the DPM side. But, you can also get 1 verh good caracteristic and just buff it to the max! Like the Dicker Max or a St Emil. No armor. No speed. But the guns on those tanks and just devastating! 490 alpha at tier 7 is just amazing! Even with that very low ammo count of only 15. Anyway, back on the subject, a tank can only have 2 caracteristics, or a balance betwen them, like most soviet meds. But this stupidity that is the Obj 268 v4 said: "you know what? Fuck it! If I am going to have a bit of everything, I might also have everything!" And thats wtf this thing is. 95% speed, 100% armor and 70-90% gun. You know what? Is stupid, should be removed, not every single noob possible shoud get 6k reliable dmg in it. Actually, I made one of my friends play this shit (he never played this game) and he got 2k dmg and over 6k blocked. Wtf
all they had to do to this line WAS NOTHING the yes, the 100m1 and the 101 both needed buffs, but the 122 54 was BEAUTIFUL and was my 2nd favorite t9 td second only to the t30, and the obj263 was COMPLETELY BALANCED AND OK where it was, now the 54 is GONE for no reason, they could have made it bridge the isu 152 and the 263 or 268 but now the 263 SUCKS, yeah the armor is the same, but you play the t95 for armor, not the 263. now that whole line lost everything that was special about it 1. good armor at the front 2. great top speeds 3. really good turning speeds 4. 1-3 combine to make it a great brawling line 5. AAA dpm but mediocre accuracy now its just cancer+ruined hopes and dreams
You are perfectly right. I am playing this game for a looooong time, and from watching WG's handling of it through all the years, my impression is that (Bjelo) Russians cannot think from start to a logical and satisfying end in a strait line. They will eventually inevitably leave the right track and get side tracked into some irrational, questionable, unconstructive direction.
Yeah, I've never understood the reason why to replace good old Obj. 263 at Tier 10. It was completely balanced and a very reasonable ending for this line of mobile TD'S with good DPM, good accuracy and ok armor. These days you got a break at Tier 9 and 10 with unaccurate guns and bad DPM. I don't get it...
Just keep grinding, the 263 is still woth it :) The 268v4 is worth it of course as well, but its entirely understandable that you do not want to play it as long as it is as stupid as it is now. But the 263 is still fine - propably even better now considering its a tier lower. A tank line does not necessarily have to end at TX, which is something most people do not understand. Its not the goal of the game to reach TX. The goal is to have fun playing tanks you like - and if you find the 263 enjoyable (which you are most likely going to be when you started grinding that line befor the changes) than it is totally worth grinding it and just stay at T9. : )
I was playing and pushing right flank in my IS7 on Malinovka when this thing rushed me like ALONE against me and a jagtiger covering me from behind, he just 100% -> 0% me. Apcr couldn't penetrate a single shot as we were hugging each others. I decided to go back as i was 500 hp left after a minute, but HEY i couldnt even get away from him, his engine is so powerfull he almost drowned me. So i died, so did the JagTag, the only dmgs he took were 2 penetrating golds shells from Jg. 7k blocked damages.
Right into the point! I believe that in the last 2-3 years WG clearly has chosen the way of earning "much more profit" by creating situations that, most of the times u need to fire premium rounds. It's much more difficult nowadays to be pure AP player. As you said, pro players also need to think about choosing "gold" in specific situations whereas, let say mediocre player will use it almost exclusively, especially being a tier 8 meeting tier 10's. Maybe it would be better to go backwards in time with having premium rounds only with gold. That on the other hand, would require a lot of downgrading changes to 9/ 10 tier armor thickness and would decrease WG's profit significantly. Personally I find E4 & E5 much underrated nowadays as they used to be, especially when they introduced so many high tier tanks recently.
I agree 100%. All the tank buffs have been about making you buy premium rounds to be able to get through the new armor. All you can do at level 8 in tier 10 match is load HE and try to do a little damage before getting destroyed. I have taken a single shot from this beast and been set on fire,lost 3 crewmen,lost 3/4 of my health,engine dead,tracks off,and 4 modules destroyed, what do you repair!!!
I agree with Quickybaby. The nerf bat should be coming for this vehicle if Wargaming wants to keep it's playerbase post 1.0 update. Nerf the speed and nerf the "weakpoint" so that tier IX vehicles don't have to fire premium rounds at it. Aim time maybe slightly nerf to 2.5 seconds, otherwise let it alone. The rationale of balance in 3-5-7 matchmaking should be this. Any tank that is one tier lower that is a medium, heavy or TD should be able to penetrate the front of any non-superheavy vehicle of one tier higher. If the vehicle is two tiers higher, they have to fire premium rounds. However, for superheavy tanks that have an emphasis on heavy armor, such as the Type 4/5 Heavy and Maus It should be expected that those tanks should not be penetrable from the front (exception TDs with high penetration) even when using premium (or at least have it be 50-50 in the weakpoints so that other tanks that have mobility are forced to flank and play smarter).
It's too good. Too much armor for it's speed. Not enough weak points Too mobile: forwards, reverse, and traverse The only thing that is not op is the gun
Grille 15 when first introduced was great, and OP by many peoples standards, and they nerfed it super hard. It's not a terrible tank as is, but is completely 100% worse this OP piece of Russian Bias.
Joobis Crust its not unpennable, but where is the fun of playing, for example, an is3, a t32 or a vk 45 02 a versus this monster, what are you going to do, what can a tortoise do if the premium rounds are a 50/50 each time the 268 v4 pokes and takes away 650 hp of its hp pool
A better idea, Nerf all the non russian vehicles and buff all the Russian Vehicles. Russian vehicles must remain STRONK BECAUSE RUSSIAN BIAS MUST BE PRESERVED!!!!
Wargaming Super Noob Its a joke bro Why you have to be mad yo Is it because you are trying to act you got game bro? Well, let me knock you off cloud nine You’re about to pay a damn fine When you get hit with a bitch slap Dis rap. Telling others to shut the fuck up, Well here is a close up. Why don’t you fuck off Ya big dumb show off. I don’t take shit from a keyboard troll guy Your shit is so old and dry Dude, learn to make some new insult lines. Complaining about this and that. No wonder your ass is clean and shines When your mouth loaded with crap. Everyone hates this Russian bias shit I wonder which dumbass in WG allowed it to permit. Anyway going back on track, I’ll let you write your next garbage insult and like the terminator I’ll be back.
In today's meta i consider this tank to be the anti-premium scrub vehicle Firstly, it has armor so good that lobbing gold at it is next to pointless, but it does have weakspots that can be penned with careful aim with standard rounds, encouraging actually being smart about fighting it Secondly, it has almost 300mm penetration, so the driver has almost never a reason to load gold himself, as the standard round is more than enough to get through weak spots Thirdly, this is a techtree vehicle, unlike the meta rulers (chieftain,concept 1B, obj 279 e) so anyone can grind it given enough time and patience All in all, i believe WG should add more tanks like this, so we'd get rid of the hulldown meta where tanks like the kranvagn and the chieftain stare at eachother being unable to do any damage while lobbing gold at anything else
The power/weight ratio is the problem - 20 hp/t is better than most mediums. Nerf the power to weight would cause the following: - it is slower when "charging" in and could be tracked - easier to hit weak spots because wiggling back and forth is less effective - longer time to get into position - turning speed would be reduced so it can be flanked
If you want to dab that 2 key and you have Heat you can just hit the upper plate if your on level or higher because heat has 85* degrees while you get 70 degrees on ap apcr. This is really nice when playing in an RU med or just trying to snap a shot in. Also there are a large number of weak spots that you can’t see. The drive wheel is paper. If a 268v4 is trying to angle at max gun arc then you can shoot the drive wheel pointed towards you and track it while doing damage. There are a few more pinpoint weak spots that are real weak links in its armor you can hit if they have any type of angle to you and it will go through majority of the time if your not shooting heat. If you look around tanks gg armor model long enough and spend more time than you want in a training room it’s makes wonders what you can find about a tank
Nerf the top speed to 35. Nerf the reverse speed to 15-18. Nerf the *cupolla's armor* to 230mm for the weak part and 250mm for the strongest part (the rest of armor remains untouched) That should do it.
Jérôme B It still has 350 armor anywhere else than on the cupolla. So yes it can browl. I understand understand your point though, however, you can't have both the OP armor and the OP speed at once. The 263 for example, sacrifices its lower plate armor to keep its speed. So that leave us with two choices: 1- Nerf the cupolla and the mobility=Armor remains untouched. 2- Nerf the armor of the tank= Cupolla and mobily remain untouched. What seems more sensible? (I'm open minded)
DaRealCarlos \ lower the lower plate armour, but because its too big, make a little part of the top of the lower plate count as upper hull armour, so its not such a disaster, make the cupolla the same as in standart 268 and nerf the side upperstucture to more or less the standart 268, only THE SIDE PART , THE PART WHERE THE CURVE IS, nerf the top speed to 44kph, nerf the reverse speed to -17kph and done
Change the following to make this thing balance. For tier 8-10 tanks: Aim time 2.5 Speed 40 Kph, Reverse 15 Kph Lower plate 220mm Cupola 200mm Side 80mm
Well...I do recall a specific battle of mine, that is a storyteller. I always play my Jg.Pz. E 100 extremely aggressively , which is why I usually end up with the top damage of my team. However, through the battle I take my fair share of damage received, which means in the end of the game I am pretty much a one shot for every remaining foe. In one battle I decimated the enemy team, and an enemy Obj. 268 4 did the same to my team. In the end I was with, say, 200 hp, while he was pretty much at full health. Later I checked his blocked damage - around 8 k. He received around 25 direct hits. None of them was a penetrating shot.
The speciality of the line is its mobility. nerfing that seems wrong to me. Instead, I would give it more weakspots or lower its armor overall a little bit so that it doesn't have similar armor competitiveness as the most heavily armored TD's. Also, it just has more alpha than the tier 10 object 263 which just seems necessary. Nerf the cupola armor, nerf the lower plate armor, and reduce its alpha by 100. that would do the tank justice because it keeps its mobility and most of its armor, but gives it weak points to prevent immunity
Prince of Hyrule nerf the reverse speed to -17, nerf the lower plate, the power to weight and the cupolla, then its ok, since they trashed the dpm of the line, it is ok to have that dpm and rof
You cannot have extreme armor and really good mobility in a tank, It's game breaking. I would say: top speed from 55 to 50, reverse speed from 22 to 16, reduce the P/W ratio by a bit and nerf the armor on the viewport on top, reduce the armor on the lower plate and that's it. I think those changes are pretty nice.
D4rkn3ss2000 first off, armor and mobility can be had and not be game breaking. Example being the obj 430u and e-50m. Secondly, it is a turret less td which also makes it less flexible. So reducing the lower plate and cupola armor would be balanced. The tank would still have good armor and mobility, but the armor would be inferior to the t110e3 and badger.
The E-50M has thick armor on the front hull only and the kinda small gun mantlet, but very obvious weak spots, like the turret cheeks and the gigantic lower plate. The 430U has bassicaly the same armor as the 140/ 62-a. A soviet med with super troll armor and hovercraft mobility is the 907, but that thing is CW reward, so it's ok that it is OP (?). Less armor on the lower plate and the cupola is what I said it was good to change on the 268v4. And many turretless TDs have either bad mobility and decent/good armor (the normal 268 line) or bad mobility and VERY good armor (the Badger and T110E3 line *starting at the T28*) or good mobility and camo and weak-ish armor (STRV 103B lines) but not both mobility AND armor (268v4).
Prince of Hyrule that’d be stupid, the whole point of this tank is it’s armor. Perhaps it should just be a new TD line. This tank’s problem is it’s mobility.
People wiggle it to make the cuppola harder to hit, but while wiggling it forward backward they alternatingly make the bottom lower and upper hull much easier to hit and easily penetratable... The 100mm on the upper hull gets temporarily very easy to penetrate then, and it won't ricochet and the bottom lower hull gets much easier to hit.
Maybe instead of dealing with WGs complete BS, just leave. If players finnally begin leaving and if the server populations start dropping. WG might actually start caring about the best success of there entire company known as world of tanks. I honestly don't care if WOT dies because its run by the worst development team I have ever seen. But I know that all of the current players care. So if your done with WGs bullshit. Leave temporarily and wait for them to fix it. And come back to the game you love. But TBH, there are far better games then WOT. That are run by developers that actually care about there game. And where game balance is of the up most importance. (Rainbow six siege, I salute you and your devs). This sadly probably won't work. But this is my best idea to help you guys with the game you love.
I don't like it when everybody blames the developers and the testers when something like Obj v4 comes out. Because their are not the ones making the decisions on the stats a vehicle will have. It's the games producers who take that decision and the devs only implement it. Also the the testers can't do much either. The main focus is what we call "positive testing", which means that it respects the given "acceptance criteria". "Negative testing" is not required in most cases and if testing team logs bug for balancing the vehicle they are mostly likely set to "Will not fix", "Not a bug", "Works as intended". Why? because the same fucking game producers. I'm not working for WG, but I used to work in game development for a very large game publisher and I have a fairly good idea how things are done in companies like this.
As a player who's been on this game for years I must say it's been very frustrating over the recent years seeing medium tanks get better and better to the point that they can do almost every tank role themselves, it's nice to finally see the meta change and to see a tank destroyer dominant once again like the old days when people were actually scared of tanks like the JPZ E100..... The reason this tank is so effective is that it fits the gameplay style and the way the game works these days with all the brawling that goes on, even light tanks just brawl these days and most don't bother spotting anymore, and the amount of medium tanks that town brawl with heavies is unreal, its good to see a tank that can actually compete with these tanks
Honestly what I would do to this, as an owner of one, is nerf the top speed, buff the traverse speed (a bit), nerf the frontal hull/lower plate, but buff the superstructure and give it 1-2 more degrees of gun depression. I would also change the armor model of the cupola, not the actual armor value, just to make it a slightly bigger target. Lastly, either give it 750 alpha or nerf it to 550 alpha and improve the DPM like the old 263. I think these changes would limit the ways that players could effectively use the tank, like the JPZ E-100, but also make it more unique like the 263 was.
Baseline: it is either armored to well for the speed, or way to fast for the armor. Right now, it does so much damage because you really struggle to kill it off while it can rush into you like a medium...
I have switched to firing nothing but HE when I see this thing. AP and APCR/HEAT usually bounces unless you have its rear (good luck with that) or you have significantly more than 300 penetration. Out of the three key components of a tank (mobility, firepower, armor) it has "good" or "excellent" for all three. That's just too much. Nerf suggestions: - Top speed down to 35, reverse down to 12 - Aiming time up to 2.5 to 3 secs - Create an armor weakspot at the top cupola (down to 200 mm)
QB just wanted to mention that on that statistics site it says that the OBJ 268 4 has 51k games played, being 2ND behind the Jagru. This leads me to think that they combined the 268 4 and the 263 games...
QB, that shot didn’t go in because that E4 was using APCR rounds, he did penetrate you because you angled your armour up to him when you were going down the slope.No hate, just saying, hope I’m not wrong, good job, keep up the good work
I dont have the direct hatred of this TD as I did for the Waffentrager E-100. What I dont like is its agility for such a heavily armed and armoured TD, usually our team have to gang up on one to defeat it.
Obj 268 4 is just far ti over powered... For me i barely meet them on the battle field but i just yo lo it,i truck,try trucking again and if i do truck again the Obj 268 4 can not do anything,thats how i kill most td e.e
16k views so far. Thanks to this rep from u, now all 2684 i have met are more aggressive than they used to be and my game can be finished in 5 minutes regardless the result. Great job.
Hi QB i recently watched your Stream in witch you also talked about premium-rounds and had the idea: why not simply make it like you do less dmg IF you shot lower tiers? By the way nice vid.
The commanders cupola is only 40 mm weak from the rear but apparently its 250 mm thick from the front. Should be 40 mm all around to give it a proper weak spot.
Lower it's traverse speed and acceleration, make the top weak-point penetrable by tier 9's and a few tier 8's and it'll be fine. The lower traverse and acceleration would mean it would have trouble getting out of situations it's driver put it in and the weakpoint would make drivers aware of tanks that aren't tier 10 from the front.
Lower the lower plate-armor so gold can have a chance in penetrating the tank at a 50/50 rate. Increase Dpm and traverse Speed. Should result in a more vulnerable but also deadlier assasination tank. PPL wont play stupid anymore but rather try to play it safe and hope for a good opportunity to use that dpm.
Lower the engine power and terrain resistances so that it drives more like maybe an IS-7, then lower the top speed to 50kmh, then lower the reverse speed to 15kmh. Nerf the top bar weakpoint to 200mm
Finally the CC’s are learning: Specific to the 268-4, the tank is a TD, meaning in the new matchmaker it will always be against another TD. This means that in a 357 match on any map maybe 2 of the tier 10s are TD’s in each team. The 268-4s will win whatever side they go, meanwhile the enemy grille/strv/fv4005/Foch/T110E4 are trying to push a flank. Yeah that work well in a fv4005 (known for its ability to push flanks solo). As soon as you lose one flank you have to win the other FAST or you get surrounded and killed. That is just how this game works, the 268 is basically like having 2 more HTs in ur team. As I will explain later in this post, accuracy and dpm don’t matter Accuracy isn’t a balancing factor, only when the gun gets 0.5 dispersion does it really become an issue, if you snipe in a 268-4 or a defender or a 430u often enough to get frustrated at the accuracy then u don’t know how to play the tank. DPM doesn’t matter if you stay alive long enough, if the armour is too good then it doesn’t matter that the enemy dies slowly if you don’t die at all does it?
In my opinion possible changes could be : -Reduce speed to 45 forward and 18 backward -reduce the engine to 1200hp or even lower. That makes 16hp/ton, more than enough considering the armor of that beast. Or give the type 5 and maus bigger engine and make them go at 50kph, but i guess in this case it would be op cause not russian lol. -make the center of the cupola 240-230 or so mm thick, this way tier 8 tanks will have at least a chance from the front against it when firing gold. I wouldnt touch the accuracy or the dispersion when moving and such, but the aiming time, at least 2.5 s. Glad to hear you finaly say that its op QB! Apologies for possible language mistakes, english is not my mother tongue.
I faced the 268 4 more than once now. Most redicolous moment was that I tried to facehug it with my 705A. It reversed faster than I could move forward. This vehicle is OP af.
Make the entirety of the cupola part of the armour model so it’s so big you can snipe it while on the move (like the Foch B cupola) and then nerf the cupola armour thickness to 220. That means some high pen tier 8’s, all tier 9’s and all tier 10’s can pen the damn thing. Then it can keep it’s insane mobility. OR Nerf the cupola to 240mm and reduce power/weight ratio to 15, and limit reverse speed to 12 km/h
hmmm let's see...
1) armor is more reliable than the armor on super heavies ? check
2) speed and mobility and the ability to reposition like medium tanks ? check
3) a good and reliable gun with high penetration and damage and somewhat decent handling like tank destroyers ? check
4) has decent top speed and reverse speed as well as good power to weight ratio to fallback when spotted ? check
nah I think it needs a buff honestly. How about give it a turret ?
It is 100% balanced comrade, but let's give it a 360° turret buff blyat!
NKVD Comrade Orion DA! Let’s also give it a double barrel, like a double barrel shotgun, double the damage DA!
WarGameing : holy sh*t ...... you're hired
Alex Basha *cringing at comment*
Mai_Natsume Make it a triple barrel.... Da.
Too good? Imagine a T-95 that can do 55km/h
at least the t95 would be balanced
Penning T95 is easier than 268-4...
Atleast the T95 has those 2 cupola's that are relatively easy to hit at close range while being to slow to throw off the opposing tanks' aim by moving forwards and backwards.
doesnt matter if the T-95 has 55km/h. it would probably never reach it as its HP/t is 8.95. top speed isnt everything theres also grounds resistances
@@andyrew9794 add a 3000 hp engine and ground resistances are nothing
The armor hasn't bothered me (even with the lack of weakpoints), but it's really just the speed. 76 tonne TD going around with +20 hp/t and top speed of 55 km/h is dumb for game balance.
I'd knock the reverse speed down a good bit, maybe as low as 10 km/h - make it good for the offensive, not for retreat. This in my mind would make it good for calculated offenses, but bite you in the arse fast if you made a terrible decision and end up getting overrun, as there'd be no reversing out of the situation.
Eddlicious I like this idea however they need to Nerf the power to weight as well. Idc about the speed it's just wayyyyy too zippy. It shouldn't be in front of mid speed mediums such as 121/140
Eddlicious the armor is completely balanced at tier X. But if you're playing at tier VIII and you have almost 0% chance of flanking or penning the weakspots without getting lucky it's definetly very bullshit.
Also yesterday, me and 2 other clan member were playing tier IX heavies. We are all very competent players. Went in to kill 1 268 4. All he had to do was reverse and we could literally do nothing. Our accuracy was so bad we coulsn't hit any of the weakspots and tracking it was just as hard. Imagine that. If he was in a t110e3, a jagdpanzer E100. FV4005, strv 103B. WZ 113 G. Infact any other Tier X TD we could have easily handled that because those vehicles have to either trade off mobility for armor or vice versa. This thing has both and it's currently breaking random MM for people grinding.
Simon Andersson The thing is; The jg pz e100 is the superheavy across heavily armoured td's. Yet, the superstructure is penetrateable thanks to the 5 percent players that fire gold. Its mobile as an bunker (easily flankable) and yet it has bad armour. I dont say buff the jg pz e100, but the obj 268 v4 is making the jg pz e100 look like crap.
Give JG pz e100 speed buff xD!! I'd love to see it zipping around at 40kmh with a ptw of 15 :D
Per Arne Ljostveit or a T95 drifting around at 90kph
"You can't really miss at point blank range"
*gets T49 flashbacks and starts shivering*
Or arty
yeah when I first commented on this tank, I didn't realize that even meds like t-62a aren't able to run away from this thing. It's funny to see a td chasing medium tanks around the map, but not so good for the game.
Jérôme B Because Obj obviously doesn't have a ton of players pushing up with him and covering his ass lol
Your theory is nice and it works on the paper, but it seems you are the one who doesn't understand the game. The obj is usually not alone. The typical scenario for the obj these days is pushing the line, tanking all the damage for the team while being covered by other tanks to prevent the enemy from flanking.
Not to mention even on 1v1, some tank just can't go around this thing, because it's too fast.
soviet accuracy is inverted, the larger the number, the more hits it does (Jingles)
ewok40k loool yes !!!
@@autonotely Theyve all got stalins spirit guiding the shots to the target., ive snap shotted tanks at 400m w the kv 2, which has as bad accuracy as a t92 artillery or close enough to it ffs
Short answer? yes
anotherrandomtexan25 lol
This horse shit vehicle is what you get when you combine T110E3 levels of armor, medium tank mobility and a tank destroyer gun. Well played WG....
Hell, it has better armour than the T110E3 _and_ is faster than many medium tanks... Well played WG indeed...
This tank is not Op. Is just a tier higher than the rest tier 10 tanks.
fergoka is a joke moron??
andres diaz you're an idiot
+jimmy- look at who i called an idiot you dumbass
jimmy eat shit n STFU
Looks like I'm late to the party eh comrades?
This thing goes too fast for the armor it has.
Cardinal compare it to wz113 1g, that chinesse tank destroyer have worst armor frontaly, and its more slower then this, sorry for english its not my born language. :)
This thing weight more than an m1 Abram, leopard 2, and challengers and it doesn't have a 1500 or 1200 hp engine
you mean english is not your mother tongue :) Never mind, man, for me neither.
It has to be that Russian gearbox with gears going 1,2,3,Stalin. :-D
Yeah why can't my 103b have this armor lol
And in 2 months Wargaming will decide that the tank is not performing to their standards of a russian tank, move it unchanged to tier 9 and replace the tier 10 with a 268 v5 with better rate of fire and 20mm more all around armor.
wolfhead21 There is actually already a 268 V5 on the chinese server. QB made a video on it.
There’s an actual v5 but it has pretty bad armor
wolfhead21 and its little brother on tier 9 will be moved to tier 8 or better yet tier 7 lmao
Wargaming already said it wasn’t getting changed anytime soon
Wait for everyone to get it... THEN nerf it. This is the WG way. Then make a new OP tank, get everyone to buy that... rinse, repeat, business model.
They didn't do that with the Strv, or the TVP, or the Pz 7, or the Type 5 heavy, or the AMX 30b, or the AMX m4 54, or the Kranvagn, or all the T10 lights. Need I say more?
xWilderness | But they nerfed all tier X lights right at some point, every single one.
Yeah, before they were released to the live server. As in, they were nerfed before anybody could really get any of them.
They rly dont get anything out of it. Is only our frustration
WG had too much Vodka again, while making this tank
HardcoreMatze 😂😂😂😂😂
Or maybe they didn’t have enough. Maybe if they had more the tank would be underpowered.......... Nah, what am I saying.
HardcoreMatze No, this time WarGaming actually thought about what players want when developed this tank. Here is the WG’s answer for a less camping game: Just play this tank, and press W, and WIN.
Dennis Fang Heh, do you even know why is this tank OP? No? Well, here is the answer:
When the first common test came out, the tank was horrible compared to the 263. So the feedback for changing the 263 for 268 4 was 99% negative. Wargaming didn't know how to make the players satisfied, so they made the most OP tank ever! So, where are those 263 players now? Well, they're enjoying their time in the new tank! If 268 4 was nerfed, those 263 players would come back and continue complaining, and if nothing would happen, they might quit the game (the number of those players is quite big).
Did we actually hear qb saying something is overpowered? finally? LUL
Kinda but not really
He used to do it alot more.
Yes it is too good
I.E it's completely balanced Cyka.
Chris Cy I thought the Foch B would be the new WT Alf E-100...
Tankcrafter RingRing No OBJ. 268 4 is the new wt e100 with armour
Yeah but no amount of tank can help a tomato improve.
Chris Cy no it isn't the gun is poo
Imagine a Type 5 heavy with 50km/h speed and you will understand why it is overpowered russian bias
Type 5 Heavy with even better armor*
Well at the very least it cant donk shots into impenetrable armor and still do 500 damage. I'm trying to find the silver linings ok.
293mm of penetration on the Obj 268 v4 is stupid as well. And if you load prem you might as well close your eyes and fire.
It is is a heavy tank with medium tank mobility and a TD gun.
Type 5 heavies might as well be made of paper when you fire gold.
I still feel the best way to solve gold rounds to nerf the damage all together for all premium rounds, and then make them cost the same as standard rounds. Make an IS-3s premium rounds do only 320 instead of 390 or something like that.
4:41 Perfect example of worrld of tanks balance.
Also love how the 705 bounces off the weak point right after.
T10 TD destroying a T8 medium, ofc. Lol.
I think on our Russian servers win % is 60.24% on this tank...yeah, and average damage is 3100
DeathCoreGuitar lmao it's cuz we are the best players. Our average wr is around 60% as well. So glad we don't see soo many noobs
Hmmm maybe its true but we have banning waves where we see that RU server gets several THOUSANDS bans more then on all rest of servers.. enough said for win rate..
You do realize, that the average wr physically can't go above 50%
and its usually even 49% because of the occasional draw
Yeah, just had to say "50%" because were on the internet and there's always that "actually it's possible to be 50%" guy.
Waffenträger E100 is underpowered shit compared to this bullshit.
the WT E-100 still remains a toxic concept of a vehicle or the game.
Mauro Wolf a 183mm gun can kill a lot of tanks with one shot, by your logic then those should be removed as it isnt fun?
The 183 CAN, but rarely ever does
That tank should never have made it into WoT as it originally was. Those Belarussian idiots in Minsk put it in the game to laugh at us.
Nothing is as toxic or OP as the WT E-100, I see people saying long reload times made it less fun. Im sorry, but no matter of word play will make less fun mean less OP. Its the thing with most autoloaders, they have a long reload.
Other things most autoloaders have too are poor aim, long aim time and rather MEH gun handling. Maybe you remember? The WT E-100 had none of those other issues, it was a monster and you can use your team when you need to reload. It was fairly good at acceleration too, since it had E-100 engine without the E-100 turret.
Also concidering the high amount of WT E-100 in the average games would say alot of people actually found the concept with the WT E-100 fun. Which kind of ruins the only "point" Mauro Wolf had.
BREAKING NEWS: Russian bias in World of Tanks
Räuder 38 in other news: water wet.
no way!
It's not news if it's old
That's been "breaking news" for YEARS 😂
I'd balance it by removing it
This tank is a PERFECT representation of how the state of the game is.
It is so armoured that you NEED prem to fight it fairly.
It's got low DPM and kinda bad accuracy meaning if you wanna be successful in most medium/long engagements HEAT will most likely be your best bet (Not all the time admittedly, tracks and spacing obviously.)
Instead of making tanks BETTER and BETTER, they need to work on bringing them DOWN. They should work out a good baseline for ALL the tiers they have and work to that, which will allow them to UNDO changes like the Type-5/Maus buff, The British TD's can return to historical values.
WG are so focused on making money from Premium accounts, they aren't even aware of the potential of cosmetics, They can make money without ruining their own game.
-If they limit the amount of gold ammo you can carry, potentially return it to gold only (and maybe rewards from getting medals or supporting in CW) that fights one of the issues.
-Nerfing vehicles that over perform, Obj 430U, Obj 268V4, 705A, 215B183, FV4005,STRV103/103B and Grille 15 for starters, They could fix a lot of the issues.
-5:10 MM 5 top : 10 lower, Example; 5 tier 8's, 10 tier 7's. Meaning tier 8's aren't shit on by tier 10 TDs and meds.
-Nerf penetration values across the board. Imagine tier 10's with 275 max with normal and 300 with prem.
- I would accept lowered exp rates for the need for premium time to help fund development, not needing it to make a profit because if I use gold, I lose money, if I don't I get rekt.
Wargaming could've gone around that by nerfing penetration across the board, instead they went overboard with trying to armour things.
Grille 15, 705A, FV4005 need nerfs? First, the Grille 15 was nerfed a LONG time ago. It's trash and has the lowest wr% of ALL the tier 10 TDs;
Second: 705A is fine. Nothing OP about it, people are just complaining because it got introduced with the other OP tanks. Third: FV4005 got buffed because it was trash.
And the Swedish TDs get lots of complaints because they have good camo values. Nothing OP about them.
David Boyle I've moved on from WoT to WT but how is the FV4005 buffed now? I tried to grind for it but gave up after I heard it was shit.
strv line is not op. they are very difficult vehicles to drive, with tons of disadvantages.
David Boyle pls send this to wg
Yes, it is stupidly overpowered game decider.
Honestly, add some (actual) weak points with lower armor values in those points.
Lower the speed and power to weight ratio. 40 forward/18 back. It's heavy in weight, it needs to drive like one.
Lastly, slightly lower the penetration, slight increase reload time. [EDIT: decrease reload time/improve rate of fire.] (meant to say that originally).
This way it's still a fun tank to shoot with, has decent mobility for its weight, and good armor values without being invincible from the front. Idk, that's my best judgement for this tank.
you would kill the tank at that point it would be the worst tier 10 TD and be hanging around with the worst tier 10s in general.
If you decrease it’s DPM more then it’s sitting with the 121b with the joint lowest. I agree with lowering the speed but p/w is fine.
Reduce its ground resistance because it has the resistance of a light medium not a 80 ton tank.
Reduce its reverse speed but slight hair buff its traverse speed
Penetration is fine (it’s quite low for a TD already)
Gun handling is fine maybe add .5 to the aim.
The armor is fine and has plenty of weak spots if you know what your looking for, like QB said make the top weak spot like 20mm less.. -coming from a 268v4 owner
Detective Weeb Agree with you on everything except for it being the worst Tier 10 after the suggested nerf and the armor being "fine".
Even after the suggested nerf, it WILL NOT be the worst TD. Why ? Its simple, when a tank has the ability to just roll out infront of your face and still survive, its called OP.
The armor is not just "fine". It is outrageous, like I previously mentioned. Ever met a platoon of 268 V4 that just steamrolls the entire enemy team ? Now with that in mind, ever met a platoon of E100 that steamrolls the enemy team ? There is your answer. This is a TD that can literally sit in your face and still carry the team even when outnumbered 15 to 1. You're saying it has weakpoints, by 20mm ? You think we're at tier 3, with your tiny pocky stick and a quick dab of 2 key it will make the difference between pen and no pen ? Mind you, we are at Tier X now and when you have an effective armor which is 340 and less by 20 thats 320 ... It doesnt really matter at all now does it ? And THAT is provided if the available tanks and shells even have that much pen ! Only other TDs have that insane pen but look at how small it is, you expect those tofu TDs to brawl with this monster
Also increase its aim time and on the move dispersion..will make the gun less..fluent and you will have to expose urself more to take shots
Detective Weeb I have to disagree with p/w ratio to be fine. It currently has a 20 hp/t power to weight ratio. They should lower the hp of the engine, or bring that p/w ratio down. It's the second heaviest TD with one of the best p/w ratios. Only the Grille 15, wich weighs 40t and has a 850hp engine, has a better p/w ratio of 21.25. It's just too much.
This TD has medium tank mobility, it's even faster than some meds. Let's take the Centurion Action X for example: It weighs 55t and has a 1,040hp engine, wich gives it a p/w ratio of 18,91 with a top speed of 53km/h. Not to mention that the 268 v4, wich weighs significantly more, has a better reverse speed than a tier X medium tank. They *have* to nerf that engine.
You must be crazy it has 290 pen or something Badger has 272 and lower alpha not to mention its slow but this obj is way too fast for 80 ton td p/w at least from 20 to 16 or so and more aim time as well as make an actual weak spot some T10 mends with 248 pen can't do anything to its weak spot now
It's all set up... With every powercreep in the game WG gets people to spend money and grind up for it before they nerf it to hell and pave road for the next powercreep. Nothing more than "working as intended."
My regular Obj 268 is just collecting dust now.....
You can always load the gold and go through the front plate, assuming that you can even shoot it unspotted.
I have it too. And I have the same problem. 2.6 aiming time with shit gun and... and... and... and shit armor ( the defence can be pened by everyone)
Salty Stee
Highest DPM for 750 alpha. Also has as much standard pen as the IS-7 has on gold. Is rly accurate at 0.33 base. Is rly fast and it can bounce a shot. I rly like it. I would use it even in the nowdays broken meta full of 430 NO Us and Bobject v4s
it can't compete, its three versions older
Well Quicky. Better to change your title from “Is the Obj 268-4 too good?” to “The Obj 268-4 IS too OP.” Because there is no debate, no question to it being OP. When IT IS without a shadow of a doubt.
I feel the tank stats in the game is becoming totally irrelevant unless your a top tier Russian tank. The game is so Russian bias and with every other person shooting Premium ammo it’s getting towards a totally broken game. Wargaming needs to sort this soon or people are going to leave in big numbers.
Or not come at all. As a prospective new player i really am not seeing the fun of either being a clay pigon or spending a cra'load of money and be superman driving around clubbing baby seals. Nope not seeing the fun in that.
i have 12k battles, came back after a several month break and played about 50 matches, coming across this tank in several occasions and getting owned by them every single time... uninstalled again
lamboUK Already gave up on console, man. Bad decisions, overlooked issues, corridor maps and too many reskins/not needed map variations. Happy with a complete french TT, don't need more. Moved to WT, having a better experience at least.. everybody has a fair chance and something to do regardless of nation or BR.
MLCAgaming Same here. Graphics are awesome now, but power creep and premium ammo... nope.
All they really need to do is put a 5 round cap on premium ammo per game, it is enough if you want to use it to take down a stubborn heavy but not so much that you get a massive game long advantage. That is all I ever carry and yes it has cost me many games and my rating but using all premium ammo takes the fun and skill out of the game for me.
The obj. 268 v4 is even more op than WT auf e100. I'd rather have the WT back than this thing. It's just my opinion.
Saruman Teh White
Need to agree but WT was not OP
Just broken for his ability to take out a whole tier ten tank from the front
lol no it's not, pre-nerf waffle was just as bad.
it could snipe your team to death while remaining hidden.
Saruman Teh White At least you could pen wt E100 with every thing
Fine, the tanks are not OP they are broken. The world now a days.....
the wtf e100 should be the natural enemy of this mother fucking thing!
I've seen so many 46%ers who ended the match with 5k damage and 2k+ bounced in this op pos... So many people who just sat in front of half the team and got away with it... Havent played higher tiers lately cause of it
Wait.... the jageru has less armour but is half as fast ? Hhmmmm RASHAAAA BLYAT
Marthijn van Oorschot the gun weight on the jag and its over all size compared to its engine is why it’s slow. 268 is a much smaller tank with a larger engine. And it’s gun doesn’t weigh as much as a semi truck
Detective Weeb not bother. Old school tds are inderpowered compared to new ones.
Half the armor, yet 50 tons heavier...power to weight on jpE100 is under 9, this op piece of shit has 20....with BETTER armor and double all top speeds... You can claim the gun on the jageruu being heavy but it probably does not weigh 80 tons more than the one on the 268 4...this has nothing to do with historical accuracy this is just the combination of powercreep and russian bias.
ainumahtar yep
ainumahtar I’m just pointing out that the gun weighs a lot. But compare the size of the 268v4 vs the size of the Jpz, you can see that why the JPZ weights so much more
I don't understand why in gods name WG lets this TD rampage the battlefield for months on end, and NOT nerf it immediately. We all could see its OP and the statistics (thanks for the enlightenment) dam well confirm this tank is just heavily abused by people that want to play this game in "God Mode" and rob decent skillful players from their victory. There is just not much you can do facing this tank then miss the weak spot, bounce and finally just get wrecked.
Thirstypioneer you really wanna know why they keep op shits like this in the game so long untill they nerf em? Its because of money, they can get retarded amounts of money from so said "FREE" tanks because everyone will just try to free xp to the tier 10 before its nerfed with gold which means alot of green paper and green text on their bank account
Sad thing you guys haven't realized that WG releases new tanks OP so people will grind it, then nerf it later to "balance" it. If new tanks were balanced or UP, no one would grind it.
So sad you guys fall for it each and every time.
Delta Neutral Of course I understand (I'm not a total idiot) l, but this tank is off the charts compared to other newly released tanks.
Because its RUSSIAN!!!!!it seems WG gets money from Putin!
Thirstypioneer Jagdpanther II had 4.5k dpm on initial release I think. It wss shooting like a machine gun
So .. Unpenable frontal armor , if player is skilled and moves so u cant hit "weakpoint" with your premium ammo (cuz thats only option to pen that "weakspot" on top) ..... "Well .. lower plate should be weakspot like on every single tank right ?" NOPE it cant be penned even with highest pen shell in the game from jg pz e100 that has 420 penetration .. "Well if armor is apsolutly op at front what if i flank it?" NOPE , u will bounce side armor sometimes if ur unlucky .. "Ok , fine i cant do shit to that tank , well it whould make sense for him to have worst gun at tier 10.." NOPE it has good gun .. "Fine , than it must go like 10km/h or smth" NOPE it can go like 50km/h ....... GJ WG , NAILED IT
Also flanking in the current meta is redundant due to the amount of corridor maps and how he'll have teammates cover most flanks.
Its definately not un-pennable, JgE100, E100, the other VK all pen the super structure if you're not careful. The thing is that its a meta-changer. Until people realise that you can take the Obj.268v4 where MTs usually go & then counter it with a TD/HT that can fight it, it will be OP. But as soon as the meta changes, it will be much more balanced. In a way, I see that as a good thing as it breaks the game up a bit & changes the current lanes.
I dont know how unlucky you got or maybe you hit the tracks, but Jageroo HEAT still makes short work out of the 340mm armor zone. And reliably so as far as I have experienced it.
Im known for having rng at 100% .. So thats what happend most likely .. I had to shoot at it at flat as possible angle and just cant pen ..
Macak Jageroo HEAT penetrates nearly everything, including the angled lower hull of the obj. 268 4 pretty easily
Having that armor with that mobility is the OP combination, lower its side armor a decent amount, speed slightly, and increase aim time slightly, the armor contributes to it being OP more than the mobility
I find it funny that Blitz do exactly what you said before they release the v4
when this tank came out in the common test, all rants against the Obj. 257 and nobody saw the capabilities of this tank.
Connor Reaccon And Obj 257 is pretty Average now.
Or the 705A for that matter
Because this tank was buffed before released , before everyone could pen it's upper plate without much trouble , now it's not the case anymore.
yeah, still prefer the T-10 by far. Luckily unlock the IS7 before the Obj 257 comes out couse I dont like it
The Obj 257 has a worse armor than a defender
Guys, if you watched the conference on 23rd of February, Pankov said that there will be no nerfs to 268 4. They will actually buff other TDs like E4, 268 and E3. Also, the new mode that comes with Italian tanks, the half autoloader, will be on some other tanks, such as IS-7
Broken af. No other definition.
0:57 tf was that sound lmao
What to expect from greedy belarussian jerks? "Works as intended" after all it is a russian TD.
Soviet TD.
off to the salt mines you go!
so... is t110e3 obsolete compared to this ?!
It's just this Object is set for tier 11, or 12... E3 is fine, not broken AF though.
Yes, yes it is. Is russian, what do you expect?!
Nice to see that you have noticed the problem as well. Yes, the 268v4 is not a sniper - and playing it like one is a total waste.
It has a T9.5 TD gun (which is still more powerful than any other non-TD gun), it has medium-like mobility and gun handling and it has armor most heavy tanks can only dream of.
The problem with this is the following: you have the mobility to be wherever you want in time. You have the gun to damage anything you want. And you have the armor to bounce almost everything the enemy is throwing at you. All other tanks usually have to chose between at most 2 of those 3 characteristics, which makes them quite limited in their positioning. But the 268v4 as all 3. That combined makes it a tank that can go ANYwhere on the battlefield and dominate that part. You can crush a medium tank flank as much as charge against TD defensive locations and hold/crush a heavy tank front.
At first i though "well, yea... its strong, but how strong can it be?" So i did test it out yesterday for about 15 battles... It was just ridiculous to play. I wanted to make my own opinion on this tank - not as an enemy but when playing it by myself. I did not want to rely on opions others have and on stats only. And i was not disappointed. Driving this tank even in full TX battles feels like driving an E50 in a T5 battle. In the end i was driving like a mad man laughing my ass off and still ending in 4.5k damage on average - which is a little short of like 1.5 times my average value in TX tanks (excluding arty).
How to nerf it.... well, first make the lower lower plate weaker, so that its actually a target you can aim for. It does not have to be larger, just a point where T8 tanks with 200mm penetration *can* go through. Like the cheeks of the E3's lower plate. You are good at aiming? Well, here is your target. Its not large, but you actually have a chance. Second nerf the cupola to about 220mm so that heavy tanks actually have a chance of going through. Its still a small target, and thats ok. Third this tank needs a gun handling nerf. Not the 2s aim time, thats actually ok. But dispersion values should NOT be on medium tank level. 4th i would not nerf the speed, but the engine power. 15hp/t or so should be enough, 20hp/t is NOT necessary...
Well, there is the holy trininty of the tank caracteristics: speed, armor and gun. Thats a thing with all tanks, IRL or in a game. Irl no tank has that. Or if does is not reliable or just to expensive. In games, to make it balanced, you can only chose 2 ways. Like, lets say, a T95. Has a good gun and verh good armor but the speed lets it down. A WZ-111-5A! Has the best 130mm gun in the game, 7° of gun depression, very high DPM tho not the best pen. Is very fast, but the armor is not impressive. Yes, it CAN bounce, but dont count on that. A 140! Good gun and good speed! The armor is mediocre, only the turret is good vs standard, gold gets through every time. An E50M! Ok speed, ok armor and quite good gun, even tho it lacks a bit on the DPM side. But, you can also get 1 verh good caracteristic and just buff it to the max! Like the Dicker Max or a St Emil. No armor. No speed. But the guns on those tanks and just devastating! 490 alpha at tier 7 is just amazing! Even with that very low ammo count of only 15. Anyway, back on the subject, a tank can only have 2 caracteristics, or a balance betwen them, like most soviet meds. But this stupidity that is the Obj 268 v4 said: "you know what? Fuck it! If I am going to have a bit of everything, I might also have everything!" And thats wtf this thing is. 95% speed, 100% armor and 70-90% gun. You know what? Is stupid, should be removed, not every single noob possible shoud get 6k reliable dmg in it. Actually, I made one of my friends play this shit (he never played this game) and he got 2k dmg and over 6k blocked. Wtf
I was trolling t95 by going reverse faster than he could...
wtf e-100 was op they said...
Tristan Boileau At least, we can easily penetrate it.
all they had to do to this line WAS NOTHING
the yes, the 100m1 and the 101 both needed buffs, but the 122 54 was BEAUTIFUL and was my 2nd favorite t9 td second only to the t30, and the obj263 was COMPLETELY BALANCED AND OK where it was, now the 54 is GONE for no reason, they could have made it bridge the isu 152 and the 263 or 268 but now the 263 SUCKS, yeah the armor is the same, but you play the t95 for armor, not the 263. now that whole line lost everything that was special about it
1. good armor at the front
2. great top speeds
3. really good turning speeds
4. 1-3 combine to make it a great brawling line
5. AAA dpm but mediocre accuracy
now its just cancer+ruined hopes and dreams
You are perfectly right. I am playing this game for a looooong time, and from watching WG's handling of it through all the years, my impression is that (Bjelo) Russians cannot think from start to a logical and satisfying end in a strait line. They will eventually inevitably leave the right track and get side tracked into some irrational, questionable, unconstructive direction.
Yeah, I've never understood the reason why to replace good old Obj. 263 at Tier 10. It was completely balanced and a very reasonable ending for this line of mobile TD'S with good DPM, good accuracy and ok armor.
These days you got a break at Tier 9 and 10 with unaccurate guns and bad DPM.
I don't get it...
At least they could have made it an optional T9 tank like the Ferdinand/Jagdpanther II in the german TD line is...
I'm grinding that line for the tier X Object 263. But now I've lost a lot of interest.
Just keep grinding, the 263 is still woth it :) The 268v4 is worth it of course as well, but its entirely understandable that you do not want to play it as long as it is as stupid as it is now. But the 263 is still fine - propably even better now considering its a tier lower.
A tank line does not necessarily have to end at TX, which is something most people do not understand. Its not the goal of the game to reach TX. The goal is to have fun playing tanks you like - and if you find the 263 enjoyable (which you are most likely going to be when you started grinding that line befor the changes) than it is totally worth grinding it and just stay at T9. : )
I was playing and pushing right flank in my IS7 on Malinovka when this thing rushed me like ALONE against me and a jagtiger covering me from behind, he just 100% -> 0% me. Apcr couldn't penetrate a single shot as we were hugging each others. I decided to go back as i was 500 hp left after a minute, but HEY i couldnt even get away from him, his engine is so powerfull he almost drowned me. So i died, so did the JagTag, the only dmgs he took were 2 penetrating golds shells from Jg. 7k blocked damages.
Right into the point! I believe that in the last 2-3 years WG clearly has chosen the way of earning "much more profit" by creating situations that, most of the times u need to fire premium rounds. It's much more difficult nowadays to be pure AP player. As you said, pro players also need to think about choosing "gold" in specific situations whereas, let say mediocre player will use it almost exclusively, especially being a tier 8 meeting tier 10's. Maybe it would be better to go backwards in time with having premium rounds only with gold. That on the other hand, would require a lot of downgrading changes to 9/ 10 tier armor thickness and would decrease WG's profit significantly. Personally I find E4 & E5 much underrated nowadays as they used to be, especially when they introduced so many high tier tanks recently.
I agree 100%. All the tank buffs have been about making you buy premium rounds to be able to get through the new armor. All you can do at level 8 in tier 10 match is load HE and try to do a little damage before getting destroyed. I have taken a single shot from this beast and been set on fire,lost 3 crewmen,lost 3/4 of my health,engine dead,tracks off,and 4 modules destroyed, what do you repair!!!
I agree with Quickybaby. The nerf bat should be coming for this vehicle if Wargaming wants to keep it's playerbase post 1.0 update. Nerf the speed and nerf the "weakpoint" so that tier IX vehicles don't have to fire premium rounds at it. Aim time maybe slightly nerf to 2.5 seconds, otherwise let it alone.
The rationale of balance in 3-5-7 matchmaking should be this. Any tank that is one tier lower that is a medium, heavy or TD should be able to penetrate the front of any non-superheavy vehicle of one tier higher. If the vehicle is two tiers higher, they have to fire premium rounds. However, for superheavy tanks that have an emphasis on heavy armor, such as the Type 4/5 Heavy and Maus It should be expected that those tanks should not be penetrable from the front (exception TDs with high penetration) even when using premium (or at least have it be 50-50 in the weakpoints so that other tanks that have mobility are forced to flank and play smarter).
AjSliter Productions the good old “you should flank” on a corridor map myth. A classic
I want this implemented. Also, has anyone compared the 268 4's dispersion values to, say, the obj 907?
Are you referring to the lower, lower plate? Because if you aren't then what you are shooting at is the strongest part of its armor.
I think you're very late making this video, v4 broke every tier 10 battle since 1.0 released
It's too good.
Too much armor for it's speed.
Not enough weak points
Too mobile: forwards, reverse, and traverse
The only thing that is not op is the gun
Jérôme B Compared to other tds it has good traverse... Always surprises me when I flank it.
Ahhhh the good old days of being sad about fighting this tank
Grille 15 when first introduced was great, and OP by many peoples standards, and they nerfed it super hard. It's not a terrible tank as is, but is completely 100% worse this OP piece of Russian Bias.
Jérôme B wtf dude, it just takes away the fun for the whole enemy team
PABLO CAMACHO nah i agree. It really isnt that hard to kill. They keep nerfing tanks with character into mediocrity.
Joobis Crust its not unpennable, but where is the fun of playing, for example, an is3, a t32 or a vk 45 02 a versus this monster, what are you going to do, what can a tortoise do if the premium rounds are a 50/50 each time the 268 v4 pokes and takes away 650 hp of its hp pool
Joobis Crust it
It just needs A WEAK POINT, thats all
Good energi W, very professional, I hope you continue this content many years to come :)
A better idea, Nerf all the non russian vehicles and buff all the Russian Vehicles. Russian vehicles must remain STRONK BECAUSE RUSSIAN BIAS MUST BE PRESERVED!!!!
shut the hell up! that is whats breaking the game as it is!
Wargaming Super Noob Its a joke bro
Why you have to be mad yo
Is it because you are trying to act you got game bro?
Well, let me knock you off cloud nine
You’re about to pay a damn fine
When you get hit with a bitch slap
Dis rap.
Telling others to shut the fuck up,
Well here is a close up.
Why don’t you fuck off
Ya big dumb show off.
I don’t take shit from a keyboard troll guy
Your shit is so old and dry
Dude, learn to make some new insult lines.
Complaining about this and that.
No wonder your ass is clean and shines
When your mouth loaded with crap.
Everyone hates this Russian bias shit
I wonder which dumbass in WG allowed it to permit.
Anyway going back on track,
I’ll let you write your next garbage insult
and like the terminator I’ll be back.
In today's meta i consider this tank to be the anti-premium scrub vehicle
Firstly, it has armor so good that lobbing gold at it is next to pointless, but it does have weakspots that can be penned with careful aim with standard rounds, encouraging actually being smart about fighting it
Secondly, it has almost 300mm penetration, so the driver has almost never a reason to load gold himself, as the standard round is more than enough to get through weak spots
Thirdly, this is a techtree vehicle, unlike the meta rulers (chieftain,concept 1B, obj 279 e) so anyone can grind it given enough time and patience
All in all, i believe WG should add more tanks like this, so we'd get rid of the hulldown meta where tanks like the kranvagn and the chieftain stare at eachother being unable to do any damage while lobbing gold at anything else
Tiger 2 with 185mm front turret is very underpowered, all game needs a change.
Fuck Tiger II.
NKVD Comrade Orion wont you get a life outside youtube. Your brainless comments are everywhere
denislav kerchev Won't you stop gettin salty kid XD your weak Tiger is bad get over it ROFL btw that's sad that u like ur own comments
NKVD Comrade Orion you probably some smooth brain unsocial idiot . I recommend going seeing a psychiatrist
denislav kerchev Woah comrade, no need to be projecting yourself onto me about your problems. Take your own advice now Cyka
The power/weight ratio is the problem - 20 hp/t is better than most mediums.
Nerf the power to weight would cause the following:
- it is slower when "charging" in and could be tracked
- easier to hit weak spots because wiggling back and forth is less effective
- longer time to get into position
- turning speed would be reduced so it can be flanked
It's completely balanced blyat!
Don't believe the Capitalist propaganda.
If you want to dab that 2 key and you have Heat you can just hit the upper plate if your on level or higher because heat has 85* degrees while you get 70 degrees on ap apcr. This is really nice when playing in an RU med or just trying to snap a shot in. Also there are a large number of weak spots that you can’t see. The drive wheel is paper. If a 268v4 is trying to angle at max gun arc then you can shoot the drive wheel pointed towards you and track it while doing damage. There are a few more pinpoint weak spots that are real weak links in its armor you can hit if they have any type of angle to you and it will go through majority of the time if your not shooting heat. If you look around tanks gg armor model long enough and spend more time than you want in a training room it’s makes wonders what you can find about a tank
Nerf the top speed to 35. Nerf the reverse speed to 15-18. Nerf the *cupolla's armor* to 230mm for the weak part and 250mm for the strongest part (the rest of armor remains untouched)
That should do it.
Jérôme B It still has 350 armor anywhere else than on the cupolla. So yes it can browl. I understand understand your point though, however, you can't have both the OP armor and the OP speed at once. The 263 for example, sacrifices its lower plate armor to keep its speed. So that leave us with two choices:
1- Nerf the cupolla and the mobility=Armor remains untouched.
2- Nerf the armor of the tank= Cupolla and mobily remain untouched.
What seems more sensible? (I'm open minded)
DaRealCarlos \ nope, still unpennable, you gonna fLaNk iT? in world of corridors, sure, go watch anfield's video
PABLO CAMACHO what nerf do you propose?
DaRealCarlos \ lower the lower plate armour, but because its too big, make a little part of the top of the lower plate count as upper hull armour, so its not such a disaster, make the cupolla the same as in standart 268 and nerf the side upperstucture to more or less the standart 268, only THE SIDE PART , THE PART WHERE THE CURVE IS, nerf the top speed to 44kph, nerf the reverse speed to -17kph and done
PABLO CAMACHO that sounds good to me 👍
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: yes it is broken OP.
only one thing to do with this tank delete it from the game
Change the following to make this thing balance. For tier 8-10 tanks:
Aim time 2.5
Speed 40 Kph, Reverse 15 Kph
Lower plate 220mm
Cupola 200mm
Side 80mm
No, as you said dont get baited into shooting the tank lol
Well...I do recall a specific battle of mine, that is a storyteller. I always play my Jg.Pz. E 100 extremely aggressively , which is why I usually end up with the top damage of my team. However, through the battle I take my fair share of damage received, which means in the end of the game I am pretty much a one shot for every remaining foe. In one battle I decimated the enemy team, and an enemy Obj. 268 4 did the same to my team. In the end I was with, say, 200 hp, while he was pretty much at full health. Later I checked his blocked damage - around 8 k. He received around 25 direct hits. None of them was a penetrating shot.
The speciality of the line is its mobility. nerfing that seems wrong to me. Instead, I would give it more weakspots or lower its armor overall a little bit so that it doesn't have similar armor competitiveness as the most heavily armored TD's. Also, it just has more alpha than the tier 10 object 263 which just seems necessary. Nerf the cupola armor, nerf the lower plate armor, and reduce its alpha by 100. that would do the tank justice because it keeps its mobility and most of its armor, but gives it weak points to prevent immunity
Prince of Hyrule nerf the reverse speed to -17, nerf the lower plate, the power to weight and the cupolla, then its ok, since they trashed the dpm of the line, it is ok to have that dpm and rof
You cannot have extreme armor and really good mobility in a tank, It's game breaking. I would say: top speed from 55 to 50, reverse speed from 22 to 16, reduce the P/W ratio by a bit and nerf the armor on the viewport on top, reduce the armor on the lower plate and that's it. I think those changes are pretty nice.
D4rkn3ss2000 first off, armor and mobility can be had and not be game breaking. Example being the obj 430u and e-50m. Secondly, it is a turret less td which also makes it less flexible. So reducing the lower plate and cupola armor would be balanced. The tank would still have good armor and mobility, but the armor would be inferior to the t110e3 and badger.
The E-50M has thick armor on the front hull only and the kinda small gun mantlet, but very obvious weak spots, like the turret cheeks and the gigantic lower plate. The 430U has bassicaly the same armor as the 140/ 62-a. A soviet med with super troll armor and hovercraft mobility is the 907, but that thing is CW reward, so it's ok that it is OP (?). Less armor on the lower plate and the cupola is what I said it was good to change on the 268v4.
And many turretless TDs have either bad mobility and decent/good armor (the normal 268 line) or bad mobility and VERY good armor (the Badger and T110E3 line *starting at the T28*) or good mobility and camo and weak-ish armor (STRV 103B lines) but not both mobility AND armor (268v4).
Prince of Hyrule that’d be stupid, the whole point of this tank is it’s armor. Perhaps it should just be a new TD line. This tank’s problem is it’s mobility.
People wiggle it to make the cuppola harder to hit, but while wiggling it forward backward they alternatingly make the bottom lower and upper hull much easier to hit and easily penetratable...
The 100mm on the upper hull gets temporarily very easy to penetrate then, and it won't ricochet and the bottom lower hull gets much easier to hit.
Comparing this to the IS-4 ;) gud and well balanced WG.. hihi
I love how even the Obj 907 shat himself and ran when he saw the 268V4
Maybe instead of dealing with WGs complete BS, just leave. If players finnally begin leaving and if the server populations start dropping. WG might actually start caring about the best success of there entire company known as world of tanks. I honestly don't care if WOT dies because its run by the worst development team I have ever seen. But I know that all of the current players care. So if your done with WGs bullshit. Leave temporarily and wait for them to fix it. And come back to the game you love. But TBH, there are far better games then WOT. That are run by developers that actually care about there game. And where game balance is of the up most importance. (Rainbow six siege, I salute you and your devs). This sadly probably won't work. But this is my best idea to help you guys with the game you love.
I don't like it when everybody blames the developers and the testers when something like Obj v4 comes out. Because their are not the ones making the decisions on the stats a vehicle will have. It's the games producers who take that decision and the devs only implement it. Also the the testers can't do much either. The main focus is what we call "positive testing", which means that it respects the given "acceptance criteria". "Negative testing" is not required in most cases and if testing team logs bug for balancing the vehicle they are mostly likely set to "Will not fix", "Not a bug", "Works as intended". Why? because the same fucking game producers.
I'm not working for WG, but I used to work in game development for a very large game publisher and I have a fairly good idea how things are done in companies like this.
Its weird how u bringed up an FPS game on a Tank Arcade game video
The blame is not for making the tank, but for not fixing it immediately
They wont ever care because the russian players are the biggest player base and if they dont quit wg will never truly change the game for the better.
Thanks 4 the years of service QB ,
make its armor values like leopard 1. :D
As a player who's been on this game for years I must say it's been very frustrating over the recent years seeing medium tanks get better and better to the point that they can do almost every tank role themselves, it's nice to finally see the meta change and to see a tank destroyer dominant once again like the old days when people were actually scared of tanks like the JPZ E100..... The reason this tank is so effective is that it fits the gameplay style and the way the game works these days with all the brawling that goes on, even light tanks just brawl these days and most don't bother spotting anymore, and the amount of medium tanks that town brawl with heavies is unreal, its good to see a tank that can actually compete with these tanks
this tank moves like an abrams, and has the armor of one too
TheRevention amen
Honestly what I would do to this, as an owner of one, is nerf the top speed, buff the traverse speed (a bit), nerf the frontal hull/lower plate, but buff the superstructure and give it 1-2 more degrees of gun depression. I would also change the armor model of the cupola, not the actual armor value, just to make it a slightly bigger target. Lastly, either give it 750 alpha or nerf it to 550 alpha and improve the DPM like the old 263. I think these changes would limit the ways that players could effectively use the tank, like the JPZ E-100, but also make it more unique like the 263 was.
this is one of the things i stop playing wot for"russian bias)
Baseline: it is either armored to well for the speed, or way to fast for the armor.
Right now, it does so much damage because you really struggle to kill it off while it can rush into you like a medium...
Russian Tank Russian game.
I have switched to firing nothing but HE when I see this thing. AP and APCR/HEAT usually bounces unless you have its rear (good luck with that) or you have significantly more than 300 penetration.
Out of the three key components of a tank (mobility, firepower, armor) it has "good" or "excellent" for all three. That's just too much.
Nerf suggestions:
- Top speed down to 35, reverse down to 12
- Aiming time up to 2.5 to 3 secs
- Create an armor weakspot at the top cupola (down to 200 mm)
Plz do a mouse videoвидео.html
Here is someone already done
QB just wanted to mention that on that statistics site it says that the OBJ 268 4 has 51k games played, being 2ND behind the Jagru. This leads me to think that they combined the 268 4 and the 263 games...
Oh look another Russian vehicle....yawn. STILL not reloading the game
QB, that shot didn’t go in because that E4 was using APCR rounds, he did penetrate you because you angled your armour up to him when you were going down the slope.No hate, just saying, hope I’m not wrong, good job, keep up the good work
Russian bias confirmed
I love how WG throws everything at TDs and prem tanks. But heavies are constantly being nerfed
Op tank
I dont have the direct hatred of this TD as I did for the Waffentrager E-100. What I dont like is its agility for such a heavily armed and armoured TD, usually our team have to gang up on one to defeat it.
Obj 268 4 is just far ti over powered...
For me i barely meet them on the battle field but i just yo lo it,i truck,try trucking again and if i do truck again the Obj 268 4 can not do anything,thats how i kill most td e.e
By that logic any TD can have the most ludicrous stats but be "ok" as long as it has a narrow gun arc.
TrAck :p
16k views so far. Thanks to this rep from u, now all 2684 i have met are more aggressive than they used to be and my game can be finished in 5 minutes regardless the result. Great job.
Hi QB i recently watched your Stream in witch you also talked about premium-rounds and had the idea: why not simply make it like you do less dmg IF you shot lower tiers? By the way nice vid.
The commanders cupola is only 40 mm weak from the rear but apparently its 250 mm thick from the front. Should be 40 mm all around to give it a proper weak spot.
Lower it's traverse speed and acceleration, make the top weak-point penetrable by tier 9's and a few tier 8's and it'll be fine.
The lower traverse and acceleration would mean it would have trouble getting out of situations it's driver put it in and the weakpoint would make drivers aware of tanks that aren't tier 10 from the front.
Lower the lower plate-armor so gold can have a chance in penetrating the tank at a 50/50 rate. Increase Dpm and traverse Speed. Should result in a more vulnerable but also deadlier assasination tank. PPL wont play stupid anymore but rather try to play it safe and hope for a good opportunity to use that dpm.
Lower the engine power and terrain resistances so that it drives more like maybe an IS-7, then lower the top speed to 50kmh, then lower the reverse speed to 15kmh. Nerf the top bar weakpoint to 200mm
Finally the CC’s are learning:
Specific to the 268-4, the tank is a TD, meaning in the new matchmaker it will always be against another TD. This means that in a 357 match on any map maybe 2 of the tier 10s are TD’s in each team. The 268-4s will win whatever side they go, meanwhile the enemy grille/strv/fv4005/Foch/T110E4 are trying to push a flank. Yeah that work well in a fv4005 (known for its ability to push flanks solo). As soon as you lose one flank you have to win the other FAST or you get surrounded and killed. That is just how this game works, the 268 is basically like having 2 more HTs in ur team. As I will explain later in this post, accuracy and dpm don’t matter
Accuracy isn’t a balancing factor, only when the gun gets 0.5 dispersion does it really become an issue, if you snipe in a 268-4 or a defender or a 430u often enough to get frustrated at the accuracy then u don’t know how to play the tank.
DPM doesn’t matter if you stay alive long enough, if the armour is too good then it doesn’t matter that the enemy dies slowly if you don’t die at all does it?
In my opinion possible changes could be :
-Reduce speed to 45 forward and 18 backward
-reduce the engine to 1200hp or even lower. That makes 16hp/ton, more than enough considering the armor of that beast. Or give the type 5 and maus bigger engine and make them go at 50kph, but i guess in this case it would be op cause not russian lol.
-make the center of the cupola 240-230 or so mm thick, this way tier 8 tanks will have at least a chance from the front against it when firing gold.
I wouldnt touch the accuracy or the dispersion when moving and such, but the aiming time, at least 2.5 s.
Glad to hear you finaly say that its op QB!
Apologies for possible language mistakes, english is not my mother tongue.
200 mm lower plate and the top bar with 230 (similar to E5)
Increase aim time to 2.9 sec
I faced the 268 4 more than once now. Most redicolous moment was that I tried to facehug it with my 705A. It reversed faster than I could move forward. This vehicle is OP af.
Make the entirety of the cupola part of the armour model so it’s so big you can snipe it while on the move (like the Foch B cupola) and then nerf the cupola armour thickness to 220. That means some high pen tier 8’s, all tier 9’s and all tier 10’s can pen the damn thing.
Then it can keep it’s insane mobility.
Nerf the cupola to 240mm and reduce power/weight ratio to 15, and limit reverse speed to 12 km/h
I'd still say go back to the Obj 263, and buff the line before hand, maybe replace the SU-122-54 instead, or up the armor on it