When she stopped talking to me, this would have sent up a red flag for me. Very helpful video. Thanks for sharing your experience of checking the bag for authenticity. It’s so sad that the replicas match the real bags so well. You have to examine the handbag very closely to see the differences.
It did send up a red flag - but it was already on the way to Vestiaire for authentication at that point:(. I didn't think to ask her where she got it from ahead of time because she was selling used items, shoes in particular that all seem to be the same size and hadn't sold that many Marc Jacobs bags. She had sold one used Salvatore Ferragamo bag, I sort of convinced myself that she was selling her own personal collection or that she had just bought a few that she found on sale and she was selling them… Then my intuition started niggling me And I started asking a few questions… Her answers are why I was nervous when I opened the box, Despite the fact that it had been technically authenticated.
I still love the LV reverse monogram *preluxscom* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! (such as LV speedy) proves that it is already a classic.
Thank you so much! Knowing this is so important because I got scammed for a LV that I bought on EBay and it needed to be fixed. The LV store couldn’t do it so they sent it out to headquarters and they said that was the best replica that they had ever seen. They asked me how much did I pay for it and I told them $550 which was only $170 less than getting a new one from the LV store. So needless to say when I contacted the seller and told her what they told me she indicated that she didn’t know and was sorry. She asked if I wanted it for 1/2 price and I told her no thanks I wanted a full refund! Thank God for PayPal because I returned the bag to her and got my credit back! 😮😮😮😢
Thank you for this helpful video. So I got a tote in the color argan oil. I got this from a reseller who gets them from US outlet. And when I compare my bag from what you have on your video, I noticed that: - the D-rings are not that big(same as the pink) - the round hardware on the clasp are also not that big(similar to pink) - the leather inside is smooth but still with grains. Smooth to touch but with small grains. I have a friend of mine bought a fake one and the thing I noticed is that: - the leather of the fakes are soft as the original, but doesn't have that small sag and the grains are smoother, compared to the authentic ones that have that small sag on some parts and has prominent grains. The leather on my argain oil smells like new leather shoes lol while the fake bag's leather has that plasticky smell. - stitchings on the fake are also bigger on the body and the glazing on the handles of the fakes are thicker. - I also noticed that the interior of the fake bag is really smooth with super small grains, unlike the argan oil that I have with only small grains yet still smooth to touch. This is just my opinion, and I still respect what you did. I think that the pink one is from the outlet? I could be wrong tho. But it is still better to be sure and I think what you did was just right. Especially when you're not sure about it. :)
Vestiaire Collective deemed this bag a fake upon re inspection. It sounds like yours may be one too, unfortunately. There are good fakes and there are bad ones. Marc Jacobs does not sell these bags at the outlet at a discount, so I doubt that is where your reseller got it from:(. Thanks so much for watching the video 🥰.
The “leather” did not look the same to me. The pink bag looks loose/not as structured. I couldn’t overlook the differences in the packaging either. This is the best replica I’ve seen…it’s scary. I love a discount, but this is why I will keep ordering direct and if I miss out, oh well! Love your videos!
I know it was the color for you; I should have clarified that so I apologize if you were offended. I’m the one that looks for a discount on everything 🤣. I know the colorful ones sold quickly; luckily, I am a neutral girl!
Wow! That’s a bummer especially when you’re trying to get your hands on a particular bag and then have it end up being a fake! OMG, I’m sorry this happened to you. You really went over that bag with a fine tooth comb and I’m glad that you did. I was about to buy a bag of Tradesy last night that I was unsure about. I think I’m going to leave it alone! Thanks for sharing.
Vestiaire have a collaboration with Mulberry and Selfridges in the UK. I’ve never had an issue BUT with such high profile collaborations you should contact these major companies. All I would say, I’ve seen fakes advertised on VC but any issues I’ve ever had have been settled immediately in my favour. With regards dustbags, I don’t always sell with the original Dustbag or packaging. It’s not from the company you are buying but from a third party. It’s not and never going to be the exact same experience. You are spot on about asking for specifics. I am a Mulberry addict so I will always need both sides of the serial disc. The black made in label. One recent purchase, which was fine, the seller listed it as used once. But it had handle damage. Again fine but as I pointed out to them, it must be used because it has signs of usage ?? It’s not ‘only been used once’. She was ok and when the bag arrived via VC authentication (I also paid for a second authentication) it was GORGEOUS. You could hardly see the damage. It’s such a shame as VC get bad press but my experience overall over the last 5+ years has been very good. Any doubts they capitulate immediately. Just get your issue in within that 72hr window.
Wow that is so scary how identical these replicas are to the real bags! I am so glad I watched your video, convinces me a whole lot more to stick to dept stores or the MJ site. I had been tempted to buy other colors from past releases but don’t want to risk ending up with a fake one.
Omg that scary. I saw another YT video where this girl unboxed a fake mini tote bag in cement and it was dead on for authentic. Down to the dustbag and tag. I was shook, especially since she paid like half the price of the authentic bag for the replica. That is so dumb to me. I never thought these would be repped because the retail price isn't that expensive.
That's the video I was referencing - I know, it's ridiculous! The replica is $168, I paid $362. I really didn't think I was buying a fake bag until after the purchase when I asked where she got it from. I expected her to say "my local department store"!
Same thing happened to me when I purchased a MJ mini leather tote off of Mercari and it was a super fake. I took pictures next to my authentic as well as my friend's MJ mini leather tote because she had the same color and sent them in and received my money back very quickly. It had the exact packaging right down to the plastic bag and the tags. The interior leather quality was different and the exterior color was a little off as well. The sizing on the magnetic sides were a bit off too. Otherwise, it was an exact replica. Super scary how they are so well made in comparison to the original.
thx so much for this info!!!🥰🥰. Since I don't have an orchid Haze to compare it to, I don't know about the exterior color, but the leather inside is different, especially by the zipper. The side magnetic piece is different by a slight amount, like 1/16 of an inch… The D rings and the clips of course are different… I'm not sure about the fonts I just don't have that good of an eye… I think that the bag should have a little bit of a sheen because my other leather ones do, but I can't tell if that's just what this color looks like or not…
@@myluxurycloset529 your bag had all of the same questionable details mine had. I'm so glad that you had a authentic one to compare it to, otherwise you might have been stuck. I'm glad that I was able to compare it to an authentic that was the same color as well as one of a different color. That way we were able to match the details of our bags and better spot the differences. Good luck finding an authentic one 😊.
Love your videos! I’m really glad you made this because I had just bought the medium leather tote, and I also thought it was genuine but it was not. Thanks to your headsup about the D-rings!💕
Hi, so sorry this happened and it is frustrating. I did notice something else and I believe the letter T’s on the wording TOTE is cut off. Not sure if it is like that on the original. Get your money back for sure. They need to do better in the authentication process.
I may have to review the video to see that because it's already on the way back! I looked at several of the ones that were listed on Vestiaire Collective and many of them have this feature that I noticed so I believe that they are fake as well :-(.
Oh man, what a bummer!!!! Good eye. I never understood why ppl buy fake contemporary brand bags, just 100 to 200$ more you get the real thing. I can't stand ppl who scam like this. They make buying preloved really difficult.
I know, I hate fakes with a passion and it makes absolutely no sense with contemporary brands especially! I am just so relieved that I didn't take the tags off before I clipped the strap on! I am also relieved that despite Vestiaire collective authenticating the bag that they accepted the return.
@@myluxurycloset529 I went on to the comments to see if I could find out if the bag could be returned. And I was happy to see that you could send it back ! Selling fake bags, what a lousy, despicable way to earn some extra money ! I hope this lady learned her lesson, and that the selling site gave her some sort of "consequences" for her actions !
@@britl.1822 I did send it back but Vestiaire Collective is re-checking it… They could technically say that it is authentic and return it to me… I'm hoping that doesn't happen.
@@myluxurycloset529 It would really be very bad for their reputation if they should send it back ! 😮😬 Honestly, they should learn from this ! But please, when this "case" is over, tell us in one of your videos how this ended !
Omg. That's crazy. So similar. Ugh I would be mad! On another note I need to get that strap for my orchid haze. Hopefully you can find the real deal soon.
Great video, Erin. Very instructive. I have some MJ totes that came from reputable retailers but not MJ directly, and I would not have known how to check authenticity. I'm confident of each one but I'm going to check them anyway using your method.
Okay so let me tell you I’m glad you returned it as it’s fake. One thing I saw immediately is the full grain leather tag, there’s not supposed to be that much room between “leather” word and the lower part of the tag. And great catch, those hoops are definitely fake. So it’s definitely fake. And also, may I ask about the letters on the front on your authentic. Are they smooth or do they have edges? Like on the imprint. I’m sorry my English is bad but I just need to double check. I bought my bag from an authorized supplier and it has no signs of inauthenticity but the letters on the front kind of have edges to them. It’s the newest model though
@@myluxurycloset529 can you please help me with the edges of the embossing in the front? The whole “the tote bag Marc jacobs”, like can you feel the edges around the letters or is it completely smooth? Sorry to bother you but I just thought I might need some help as your videos have been helpful 🙏 hope I’m not bothering you
if it's the newest model I wouldn't compare it to mine, as things change over time...maybe ask someone who has recently unboxed a new one? I would hate to steer you wrong...❤
Thanks! It's actually correct both ways - I have discovered that over the course of my collecting:). I appreciate you watching so much and for commenting too!
Not sure old versus new, but my cement one is the same and I got it from Shopbop, an authorized retailer, and my Rose dust one is also that way...I did end up finding one, but sold it as it didn't get used much💜
That's what I thought . Because my bag is just Marc Jacobs on the back of the bag. Is this a sign of not an authentic one? As I've seen, some of them also only Marc Jacobs and others with The Marc Jacobs. Both are fine, I just checked from TK MAXX, Selfridges, Flannels, and other legit websites.
I just purchased a coach badge field 22 quilted last night and now I’m suspecting it might be fake. It’s supposed to arrive on Saturday but I’m comparing the pics and I’m getting suspicious 😩
I’m comparing pictures to the ones on the macys site and the “coach” engraving” seems a little off to me. I’ll check out your other video and try to compare it to the pictures of the one I purchased.
Omg a year ago I bought the pink snoopy tote bag. It still has the tags I just felt it was not right. It’s at the top of my closet still with tags. I knew it didn’t look right. I payed like 2 something 😢😔😡
Wow! Didn’t know replicas were out there. I’ve seen dupes. I have an authentic black canvas & one dupe (that doesn’t say Marc Jacobs) in blue canvas from Amazon. But I didn’t know I had to be on the lookout for actual fakes. I really want a leather one. Guess I’ll buy in-store. Thanks for sharing ✅
OMG that’s very crazy and scary especially since we rely on these companies to make sure that the bags are authentic that they are selling on their site! It makes me want to just purchase from the boutiques which is scary as well because I heard that in China a woman at the Louis Vuitton store was taking real LV bags and replacing them with replicas. I’m sorry that happened and I hope you get a happy ending and get your money back.
What bothered me first is that the woman had stopped responding to you and the dust bag. But I would have never though to look at the D-Rings. Great job 👏🏾
I would've never suspected if she hadn't stop responding to me… But that was after I had made the purchase and it had been shipped… I was inquiring about where she got her bags so that I could share that information with my subscribers… Her lack of response put me on high alert… I might've figured it out when I went to clip on the strap, but I wouldn't have done the point by point authentication prior to that and I might have already cut off the tags if she had replied in a different way or at all… Thank you so much :-)
hey ,I actually knowingly bought a fake one in black ,and to my surprise it is 100 percent like this real one rather then te pink fake one ,even the d rings are similar to the real one ..now I am suspecting it to be real 😅 ,which is odd.actually a seller told me a few months ago that the bags are made in the same unit, it is just that if the company gives an order of like 500 bags ,the factory manufactures 1000 pieces using the same material etc ,and sell those extras on its own directly
@@alwayshopeful7587 That is something that replica makers seem to say no matter what the brand… There are super fakes out there, but if you love the bag and you can't tell, just enjoy it :-).
The person did not answer when u ask her where she gets it. Thats the first sign ..... I saw this bag recently in yt. The lady bought it from hk on a physical store .love the color. Really not good scamming others.
It did send up a red flag - but it was already on the way to Vestiaire for authentication at that point: (. didn't think to ask her where she got it from ahead of time because she was selling used items, shoes in particular that all seem to be the same size and hadn't sold that many Marc Jacobs bags. She had sold one used Salvatore Ferragamo bag, sort of convinced myself that she was selling her own personal collection or that she had just bought a few that she found on sale and she was selling them... Then my intuition started niggling me And I started asking a few questions... Her answers are why I was nervous when I opened the box, Despite the fact that it had been technically authenticated. The bag is a gorgeous color - I truly wish it was real... I HATE SCAMMERS AND FAKES - thx so much for watching♥️♥️♥️.
Hi Erin, thanks for sharing, you just saved me from ordering a fake in a different color from Vestiaire! The bag I wanted to get looks so real and I checked the rings in the photos and they’re small! May I ask how you went with returning the bag? I heard really bad things about Vestiaire, I’m actually waiting on an order of a different bag from them and have a sinking feeling that it’s a fake :(
First time finding your channel! I’m so shocked, I did not know there’s fake of this tote out there. But now I’m not so surprised since this bag is doing so well!!! I have the pink one and love it so much I want the purple one too but they are all sold out now like you mentioned. New subbie now! 💕
This helps a lot! I am looking for proofs that the one I bought online is a fake. I also noticed minor differences from my marc jacob bags I bought directly from mj store in US but wasn’t certain til I saw your videoo…. Thank you so much!
I never do business with any of those sites. They just give me bad vibes. I have been waiting on a certain color to be restock on the MJ site instead. And if they don’t restock it’s all good. I rather be bummed out than out of cash with a fake on my hands. So sorry this happen to you. Love your video. Bloomingdales is taking pre-orders on this color right now, and I know those are legit.
It's definitely taking a risk. this color is orchid haze - the color that is available at some of the stores is regal orchid. I ended up finding a legit one (thank goodness:). This all ended well - I got my money back! Thanks so much for watching and commenting!!🥰🥰🥰
The first thing I noticed was the embossing on the front of the bag it looks off. Funny while watching this video my rose dust mini was right next to my iPad and I was comparing. It’s so disappointing to get a fake especially when you buy accessories for the bag. Sorry but you will find a real one!
awe thanks - I compared the embossing very closely with my cement bag and I could not discern a noticeable difference… Other than that there was a tiny white spot on the T that kind of drove me crazy ha ha. The most concrete difference was the rings and the dog leash clips… Other than that, the zipper overlay on the underneath side as well as the lining was very much like vinyl… It didn't wrinkle like my other bags have done on the inside… Also, I thought the bag was dry when I got it because my other bags have a sheen to them… I didn't think to mention that during the video… Finally, The handles were actually uncomfortable but they looked the same… The Marc Jacobs handles are so squishy for lack of a better term! I don't know if I'm going to try to find a real orchid haze unless it pops up on Marc Jacobs website :-).
I don't think it will pop up on the website. The new color is Regal Orchid...I actually just found an Orchid Haze one on posh and the seller has great reviews plus the pics all look legit. Posh always sides with the buyer if there is an issue and does so quickly in my experience if anything is wrong. The seller disclosed that the bag strap was bent and showed it in her pics. I always find it comforting when sellers point out minor flaws. So, one more try at getting my special color - fingers crossed!!!♥️
Great detective work on the bag! I don’t buy from these sites. I have sold my bags there but I am not that adventurous to risk getting a fake I would buy directly from MJ and pay full price for peace of mind. That would also prevent me from getting a lot of bags 🤣🤣
Thanks for sharing this. I am going to use this to authenticate the bag I ordered when I receive it. I saw one other youtuber show other than the serial code a date code similar to the older LV bags inside the slip pocket. I haven't seen other reviews show that date code. Is it really found on all Marc Jacobs totes?
I have a code inside the slip pocket of both of the totes that I still have in my collection - it's stamped onto a dark brown tag that looks like leather. Hope that helps!
@@myluxurycloset529 Thanks for the response. I'm going to go over your videos again and use them as a guide once I get my bag. The tag I saw from the review I mentioned was also a dark brown tag and her bag was the black canvas version and also had ykk zips.
@@myluxurycloset529 Noted. I am planning to check the points you mentioned then if not everything checks out I'm going to send pics to a professional authenticating site. I really hope it will pass authenticity check but I am seeing more posts of super fakes and they could pass off as real unless you bother to check. I am starting to get anxious while waiting for delivery. Thanks again.
Early May I bought a Marc Jacobs Cushion bag on Vestiaire Collective which turned out to be a fake. Just like you I could compare it to a real one I have. I sent comparison photos of the differences to VC - it was a bit of a hassle but they did refund me and didn't relist the bag after I had returned it. First and last time buying from VC though...
Hi Erin! For what it is worth I just took a look at my Marc Jacobs The Tote Bag in Orchid which I bought from Neiman Marcus and it has the small d-rings and the inside of my bag looks the same as yours. The wild world of bags!
Hi! I bought the sabe tote bag in argal oil color, but the zipper is color black… Do you know whay the zipper came like that or what does it mean? It is normal?
@@myluxurycloset529 Yes! It is the same as yours, only the zipper its color black 🤷🏻♀️ like if it was the red or cement one. Also the zipper is YKK 🤷🏻♀️
Do you know is 24S is authentic? I bought the mini leather in twine but I haven’t compared it to my other two I have the mini dragon fire in leather and the mini jacquard in sand I bought in store from the boutique I’m now gonna compare!
Thanks for posting this video. I received a fake Marc Jacobs the tote bag from Amazon. It’s surprising because I have 2 others that I got from Amazon that are authentic. The terrible packaging and the awful smell tipped me off immediately but the extra things in your review helped me confirm my suspicion.
Excellent video! It's really interesting to see a super fake up close, even though it's also infuriating. It's really nice knowing what to look out for especially since the authentication process can't be fully trusted, which is also frustrating. Hopefully you have no issues getting a refund 🤞 and thanks for another great video!
thank you!!! Luckily they granted a return and I have already shipped it back :-). Hopefully there will be no issues with the refund! Thank you for watching :-).
I'm really confused about these bags . I'm new to MJ but I have purchased two totes in the past few weeks both from reputable sites and sellers and the rings are thicker on one and the dog leash is a bit different too. :/
I had a similar incident with that site with the color morning glory and the person wouldn’t send me more pics they had the MJ stock pics. I will not buy from that site definitely now.
It’s good to hear you managed to get your return approved. My local buy-sell site often has Coach and Marc Jacobs usually at half the price, and they claim to be ‘from the outlet’. Well, there can’t be that many The Tote Bags or pillow tabbys available for preorder from the outlet. So aside from these very dodgy sellers, now I won’t even buy contemporary brands secondhand off other individuals because you never know. The person might be carrying what they thought was a genuine piece. 🤷🏻♀️ Thanks for making this video and raising awareness.
thank you for your comment...I took a chance because I really wanted the color, but now that this happened, for Tory Burch & Marc Jacobs at least, I think I'll stick to retail. I know a LOT more about Coach...🥰
@@myluxurycloset529 I was going to say I don’t trust myself to know enough about these brands to be able to tell the difference. Good that you highlighted all those finer details. Hope you can get your hands on a real one soon!
me too! I'm contemplating the Regal Orchid but I didn't like that it had darker lettering or more contrast between the bag and the letters - I just don't know what to do?!? ♥️
@@myluxurycloset529 I am so glad to see this video. itis so identical, it is scary. I returned the bag after watching this. good thing I got my refund. thank you
I order one from marc jacob website and got 1 month ago.. my bag d ring is exactly like replica one .. I am worried.. can the website send replica bag??I am confused..
@@myluxurycloset529 they would’ve accepted it back for reevaluation. They’ve done it for me before. If it’s counterfeit that’s a problem. If you are saying misdescribed iecdamage then maybe yes should’ve been reported during your own inspection timeframe. But no, even if you’ve removed the tags, click on raise an issue and they will send you a label to post back to be authenticated again. Only happened to me last month. But I paid privately and it was legit so didn’t bother.
I love your unboxing videos! How many bags would you say you have? Hope that’s not a rude question, I’m just obsessed with handbags/purses and have amassed quite a collection myself!
Wow wow this so crazy! You have such a good eye! Thank you for doing this video! It will definitely be helpful to us all that look at your video for guidance.
I just bought this bag from farfetch. From your video the only thing off is d ring and handle. Are those 2 things absolute is being a fake? Ugh I hate returning
I don't think farfetch will send you a fake, if that helps! There were several more things - the leather inside and the handles were also different as well as the sheen on the leather...
@@myluxurycloset529 I have watched your video 3x today, lol, (bag arrived today). I just rewatched now so the only thing I see is the smaller d rings. I felt the handles again and they are soft (hyper paranoid as it’s my first purchase from FF). I think she is a keeper. New subscriber and enjoy your channel!
thanks so much and enjoy your new bag! Farfetch is a pain when it comes to returns - in my experience, but I believe they are selling authentic merchandise🥰
Thanks for sharing. This is scary. I just got the color Lilas from eBay and the deal was so good for a hard to find color I hope it wasn’t too good to be true. I’m about to look it over just like you did. I got a bad fake Coach bag from Amazon. After paying $300 for it, I was livid! The nerve 😡 I got a refund thankfully.
Unbelievable, that is just terrible Eryn!!!! 😢😢 one would think you would of got an authentic piece if VC authenticated this!!!!! 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨 So sorry this happened to you and thank you so much for sharing with us.
Always double or triple authenticate! I do! I was able to figure this one out on my own, I didn't really want to pay to authenticate a $362 bag if I didn't have to...♥️
Oh boy. I just made my 1st purchase ever from Vestiaire Collective, a LV diane, it had passed authentication and should be here soon…I guess i better scrutinize it when I get it. I will say- I don’t own a MJ The Tote Bag but when you pulled it out of the box the sheen of the leather instantly made me think it looked off and the overall structure and “look” of it just does not look right. These thing happen though. No authenticator is ever 100% perfect.
Make sure you get your LV authenticated another time....I don't know if there is such a thing for Marc Jacobs - I think there is, but luckily I could tell them apart! I agree with you about the sheen - I thought it was just dry initially - that was something I meant to say but didn't...
Maybe it was your title, but I thought that one looked fake right away at first glance. Good luck with the return. I personally don’t like buying from those sites myself.
I knew off the bat when I got mines same day the leather was so pu leather did not feel right , the stitching was off , send it right back , order from the site itself ,
Wow, I would have never ever noticed, that is scary, I was given a fake lv speedy and was told it was real, I was suspicious because while my mother is awesome that was a bit more than expected, it was a fake, it started my entire handbag journey of buying authentic LV. The fakes are so so so close it is just unreal, I don't mind inspired by buy when they brand it and say it is a thing and it's not that honestly is just criminal. MJ is not the 1st boxy tote made but that entire design with labe is his.
I didn't notice until I went to clip the strap on - it's lucky I did that before I cut the tags off. Thx for watching! Yes, an experience like you had with your speedy changes the way you shop, for sure. I feel that way about buying resale Tory Burch and now maybe Marc Jacobs too:(.
Send me an email thehandbaghousewife@gmail.com or dm me on instagram...send photos please. Watch my second Orchid Haze video to see what pictures I need🥰
Wow! It’s one thing to purposefully buy a replica bag, but to have someone sell you it saying it’s real (and paying a real bag price!) is just totally unacceptable. Downright dishonest 😠
@@myluxurycloset529of course she knew. By the time VC would have taken their own percentage off of the sale, she’d have gotten around the price for the fake one. She knew what she was doing.
Oh wow. Didn't think they'd bother to fake contemporary bags. You're right about the dog leash clip size, checked on the MJ site. Then again, maybe they changed the size recently, smaller to cut down on the costs? Maybe worth asking them directly? Such "well done" replicas out there these days, though :/
It's crazy, I checked a LOT of bags to confirm that the dog leash clip was a difference, and on the "fake" ones it wasn't the only difference. Thanks so much for watching!🥰
This is great info! I feel like it's a double edged sword though, the better info that gets put out there, the better the fakers will improve what they make too.
Great video showing how dupes get passed on for an authentic MJ tote. Sorry you didn’t get what you paid for. It definitely has the looks of the real MJ tote. I have an authentic MJ tote bag and can see the difference like you said. Hoped you can purchase the same bag but authentic. Beautiful color though. TFS 😎🦋
WOW! I’m so sorry this happened to you! I’ve been noticing a lot of these on Mercari at low prices and the seller has 0 feedback or reviews! Buyer beware! Shame on VC! That really makes me lose confidence in their authentication! I’m sure they will refund you!
Thx, I appreciate that. I figured VC would protect me during the authentication process, but that failed:(. I think they will refund me, they were quick to offer a label. If we have the correct photos, I think we can authenticate these bags ourselves… At least until the counterfeiters perfect them even more:(.
Hi Aaryn 😘 oh wow! happily your intuition was good and you did not take out the tag!!! Hope you can return it and get your money back 😘 by the way Orchid haze is a nice color😍 keep fingers crossed this situation will get better and you can find an other one authentic 😘
they have the regal orchid, but regardless I will NEVER order from FARFETCH EVER EVER AGAIN. Thanks though for looking out for me - u are too sweet 🥰🥰🥰
I had a real one and it was like a raspberry color inside - almost like this one was...but I know they make multiple colors that are almost the same shade - I am sure there are variations on the interior too:). TY for watching and sharing!!!🩷
Bummer! Well glad you spotted it and are returning it. Why spend hard earned money on something that was misrepresented. Boo. Oh and don't worry about the knife. I've got a collection 🤣😅🤣 grew up in the country haha
If you can't in good conscience use it and are unable to return it you can always donate it to a woman's shelter or someone in need you trust not to resell
I bought a Louis Vuitton from VC and it was fake! They refused to let me return it, and said my only option was to resell, luckily I bought through paypal and was able to get my money back. I will never buy from VC, they have such a good reputation but they have lost my trust!
@@myluxurycloset529 I provided pictures and comparisons they still said it has been authenticated by them and therefore my only option was to resell. I was so disappointed!
I hope this helps someone!!!
Yay glad you found one. I ordered the strap thanks!
Sure gorgeous
Would love having a conversation with you if you don't mind
@@bry_anedd3189 You can reach me on Instagram or by email
@@myluxurycloset529 ok what's your IG handle beautiful
When she stopped talking to me, this would have sent up a red flag for me. Very helpful video. Thanks for sharing your experience of checking the bag for authenticity. It’s so sad that the replicas match the real bags so well. You have to examine the handbag very closely to see the differences.
It did send up a red flag - but it was already on the way to Vestiaire for authentication at that point:(. I didn't think to ask her where she got it from ahead of time because she was selling used items, shoes in particular that all seem to be the same size and hadn't sold that many Marc Jacobs bags. She had sold one used Salvatore Ferragamo bag, I sort of convinced myself that she was selling her own personal collection or that she had just bought a few that she found on sale and she was selling them… Then my intuition started niggling me And I started asking a few questions… Her answers are why I was nervous when I opened the box, Despite the fact that it had been technically authenticated.
I still love the LV reverse monogram *preluxscom* clutch! It's versatile, fits a variety of items, and is definitely a workhorse! (such as LV speedy) proves that it is already a classic.
Thank you so much! Knowing this is so important because I got scammed for a LV that I bought on EBay and it needed to be fixed. The LV store couldn’t do it so they sent it out to headquarters and they said that was the best replica that they had ever seen. They asked me how much did I pay for it and I told them $550 which was only $170 less than getting a new one from the LV store. So needless to say when I contacted the seller and told her what they told me she indicated that she didn’t know and was sorry. She asked if I wanted it for 1/2 price and I told her no thanks I wanted a full refund! Thank God for PayPal because I returned the bag to her and got my credit back! 😮😮😮😢
No problem - I am so excited it worked out for you!🥰
Thank you for this helpful video. So I got a tote in the color argan oil. I got this from a reseller who gets them from US outlet. And when I compare my bag from what you have on your video, I noticed that:
- the D-rings are not that big(same as the pink)
- the round hardware on the clasp are also not that big(similar to pink)
- the leather inside is smooth but still with grains. Smooth to touch but with small grains.
I have a friend of mine bought a fake one and the thing I noticed is that:
- the leather of the fakes are soft as the original, but doesn't have that small sag and the grains are smoother, compared to the authentic ones that have that small sag on some parts and has prominent grains. The leather on my argain oil smells like new leather shoes lol while the fake bag's leather has that plasticky smell.
- stitchings on the fake are also bigger on the body and the glazing on the handles of the fakes are thicker.
- I also noticed that the interior of the fake bag is really smooth with super small grains, unlike the argan oil that I have with only small grains yet still smooth to touch.
This is just my opinion, and I still respect what you did. I think that the pink one is from the outlet? I could be wrong tho. But it is still better to be sure and I think what you did was just right. Especially when you're not sure about it. :)
Vestiaire Collective deemed this bag a fake upon re inspection. It sounds like yours may be one too, unfortunately. There are good fakes and there are bad ones. Marc Jacobs does not sell these bags at the outlet at a discount, so I doubt that is where your reseller got it from:(. Thanks so much for watching the video 🥰.
@@myluxurycloset529 Thank you so much for that info. I have now contacted the seller about it to confirm.
This is why I only buy directly from the designer! I immediately noticed it, but I’m glad that you figured it out before cutting the tags.
What gave it away for you? Thanks for watching🥰
The “leather” did not look the same to me. The pink bag looks loose/not as structured. I couldn’t overlook the differences in the packaging either. This is the best replica I’ve seen…it’s scary. I love a discount, but this is why I will keep ordering direct and if I miss out, oh well! Love your videos!
good to know! I wasn't looking for a discount, I was just in LOVE with the color:). From now on, though, I'll stick with retail!
I know it was the color for you; I should have clarified that so I apologize if you were offended. I’m the one that looks for a discount on everything 🤣. I know the colorful ones sold quickly; luckily, I am a neutral girl!
I absolutely love the color of this bag!! It has so many pockets and is bigger than I thought.
It is a beauty - thx so much!💜
Wow! That’s a bummer especially when you’re trying to get your hands on a particular bag and then have it end up being a fake! OMG, I’m sorry this happened to you. You really went over that bag with a fine tooth comb and I’m glad that you did. I was about to buy a bag of Tradesy last night that I was unsure about. I think I’m going to leave it alone! Thanks for sharing.
It's so risky!! I really wanted the color so I took the risk - I'm going to ask for more pictures if I try again:). thank you 🥰🥰
Vestiaire have a collaboration with Mulberry and Selfridges in the UK. I’ve never had an issue BUT with such high profile collaborations you should contact these major companies. All I would say, I’ve seen fakes advertised on VC but any issues I’ve ever had have been settled immediately in my favour. With regards dustbags, I don’t always sell with the original Dustbag or packaging. It’s not from the company you are buying but from a third party. It’s not and never going to be the exact same experience. You are spot on about asking for specifics. I am a Mulberry addict so I will always need both sides of the serial disc. The black made in label. One recent purchase, which was fine, the seller listed it as used once. But it had handle damage. Again fine but as I pointed out to them, it must be used because it has signs of usage ?? It’s not ‘only been used once’. She was ok and when the bag arrived via VC authentication (I also paid for a second authentication) it was GORGEOUS. You could hardly see the damage. It’s such a shame as VC get bad press but my experience overall over the last 5+ years has been very good. Any doubts they capitulate immediately. Just get your issue in within that 72hr window.
Wow that is so scary how identical these replicas are to the real bags! I am so glad I watched your video, convinces me a whole lot more to stick to dept stores or the MJ site. I had been tempted to buy other colors from past releases but don’t want to risk ending up with a fake one.
I know it's crazy!!! Thx for watching ♥️
Omg that scary. I saw another YT video where this girl unboxed a fake mini tote bag in cement and it was dead on for authentic. Down to the dustbag and tag. I was shook, especially since she paid like half the price of the authentic bag for the replica. That is so dumb to me. I never thought these would be repped because the retail price isn't that expensive.
That's the video I was referencing - I know, it's ridiculous! The replica is $168, I paid $362. I really didn't think I was buying a fake bag until after the purchase when I asked where she got it from. I expected her to say "my local department store"!
Same thing happened to me when I purchased a MJ mini leather tote off of Mercari and it was a super fake. I took pictures next to my authentic as well as my friend's MJ mini leather tote because she had the same color and sent them in and received my money back very quickly. It had the exact packaging right down to the plastic bag and the tags. The interior leather quality was different and the exterior color was a little off as well. The sizing on the magnetic sides were a bit off too. Otherwise, it was an exact replica. Super scary how they are so well made in comparison to the original.
thx so much for this info!!!🥰🥰. Since I don't have an orchid Haze to compare it to, I don't know about the exterior color, but the leather inside is different, especially by the zipper. The side magnetic piece is different by a slight amount, like 1/16 of an inch… The D rings and the clips of course are different… I'm not sure about the fonts I just don't have that good of an eye… I think that the bag should have a little bit of a sheen because my other leather ones do, but I can't tell if that's just what this color looks like or not…
@@myluxurycloset529 your bag had all of the same questionable details mine had. I'm so glad that you had a authentic one to compare it to, otherwise you might have been stuck. I'm glad that I was able to compare it to an authentic that was the same color as well as one of a different color. That way we were able to match the details of our bags and better spot the differences. Good luck finding an authentic one 😊.
awe thank you - I really appreciate you And hoped that this video with raise awareness… You are, it helps with that a lot :-).
Love your videos! I’m really glad you made this because I had just bought the medium leather tote, and I also thought it was genuine but it was not. Thanks to your headsup about the D-rings!💕
Thanks so much and you are so welcome - so glad it was helpful🥰🥰🥰
The teeth on the zipper seem to be a tad bit bigger and wider spaced on the orchid haze too.
interesting!!! thx for watching:)🥰
Hi, so sorry this happened and it is frustrating. I did notice something else and I believe the letter T’s on the wording TOTE is cut off. Not sure if it is like that on the original.
Get your money back for sure. They need to do better in the authentication process.
I may have to review the video to see that because it's already on the way back! I looked at several of the ones that were listed on Vestiaire Collective and many of them have this feature that I noticed so I believe that they are fake as well :-(.
Oh man, what a bummer!!!! Good eye. I never understood why ppl buy fake contemporary brand bags, just 100 to 200$ more you get the real thing. I can't stand ppl who scam like this. They make buying preloved really difficult.
I know, I hate fakes with a passion and it makes absolutely no sense with contemporary brands especially! I am just so relieved that I didn't take the tags off before I clipped the strap on! I am also relieved that despite Vestiaire collective authenticating the bag that they accepted the return.
@@myluxurycloset529 I went on to the comments to see if I could find out if the bag could be returned. And I was happy to see that you could send it back ! Selling fake bags, what a lousy, despicable way to earn some extra money ! I hope this lady learned her lesson, and that the selling site gave her some sort of "consequences" for her actions !
@@britl.1822 I did send it back but Vestiaire Collective is re-checking it… They could technically say that it is authentic and return it to me… I'm hoping that doesn't happen.
@@myluxurycloset529 It would really be very bad for their reputation if they should send it back ! 😮😬 Honestly, they should learn from this ! But please, when this "case" is over, tell us in one of your videos how this ended !
I will!! Thx for watching 🥰🥰🥰
Omg. That's crazy. So similar. Ugh I would be mad! On another note I need to get that strap for my orchid haze. Hopefully you can find the real deal soon.
I link the strap in the box :-). The description box, that is :-). I did find a real one :-). I am so happy!
Great video, Erin. Very instructive. I have some MJ totes that came from reputable retailers but not MJ directly, and I would not have known how to check authenticity. I'm confident of each one but I'm going to check them anyway using your method.
glad I could help🥰🥰🥰. thx so much ♥️
Okay so let me tell you I’m glad you returned it as it’s fake. One thing I saw immediately is the full grain leather tag, there’s not supposed to be that much room between “leather” word and the lower part of the tag. And great catch, those hoops are definitely fake. So it’s definitely fake. And also, may I ask about the letters on the front on your authentic. Are they smooth or do they have edges? Like on the imprint. I’m sorry my English is bad but I just need to double check. I bought my bag from an authorized supplier and it has no signs of inauthenticity but the letters on the front kind of have edges to them. It’s the newest model though
ty!!! 🩷
@@myluxurycloset529 can you please help me with the edges of the embossing in the front? The whole “the tote bag Marc jacobs”, like can you feel the edges around the letters or is it completely smooth? Sorry to bother you but I just thought I might need some help as your videos have been helpful 🙏 hope I’m not bothering you
if it's the newest model I wouldn't compare it to mine, as things change over time...maybe ask someone who has recently unboxed a new one? I would hate to steer you wrong...❤
@@myluxurycloset529 Thank you 🙏
On the back it’s The marc Jacobs when the og is just Marc Jacobs . I’m glad you caught it and sent it back.
Thanks! It's actually correct both ways - I have discovered that over the course of my collecting:). I appreciate you watching so much and for commenting too!
@@myluxurycloset529 really?!? In the older bags ? Btw that color was beautiful did you ever get an authentic one ?
Not sure old versus new, but my cement one is the same and I got it from Shopbop, an authorized retailer, and my Rose dust one is also that way...I did end up finding one, but sold it as it didn't get used much💜
That's what I thought . Because my bag is just Marc Jacobs on the back of the bag. Is this a sign of not an authentic one? As I've seen, some of them also only Marc Jacobs and others with The Marc Jacobs. Both are fine, I just checked from TK MAXX, Selfridges, Flannels, and other legit websites.
Thank you for exposing the fake and replica bags. These people are making a lot of money selling fake products.
Of course! Thx for watching!🥰
I just purchased a coach badge field 22 quilted last night and now I’m suspecting it might be fake. It’s supposed to arrive on Saturday but I’m comparing the pics and I’m getting suspicious 😩
oh no!!! what color???
The black one that’s like a puffy material
@@Dainty213 I've got the ivory one - I was going to see if I could help...
I’m comparing pictures to the ones on the macys site and the “coach” engraving” seems a little off to me. I’ll check out your other video and try to compare it to the pictures of the one I purchased.
Omg a year ago I bought the pink snoopy tote bag. It still has the tags I just felt it was not right. It’s at the top of my closet still with tags. I knew it didn’t look right. I payed like 2 something 😢😔😡
oh no!!!😢
Wow! Didn’t know replicas were out there. I’ve seen dupes. I have an authentic black canvas & one dupe (that doesn’t say Marc Jacobs) in blue canvas from Amazon. But I didn’t know I had to be on the lookout for actual fakes. I really want a leather one. Guess I’ll buy in-store. Thanks for sharing ✅
I would recommend buying from an authorized retailer for sure...my pleasure - thx for watching!🥰
Saw several replicas on Mercari.
OMG that’s very crazy and scary especially since we rely on these companies to make sure that the bags are authentic that they are selling on their site! It makes me want to just purchase from the boutiques which is scary as well because I heard that in China a woman at the Louis Vuitton store was taking real LV bags and replacing them with replicas. I’m sorry that happened and I hope you get a happy ending and get your money back.
thanks so much🥰. The bag is on the way back. Hopefully there will be now issues with the refund🙏
I heard that story too! Imagine saving up to purchase a real LV bag from the store and later finding out it’s fake 💔
What bothered me first is that the woman had stopped responding to you and the dust bag. But I would have never though to look at the D-Rings. Great job 👏🏾
I would've never suspected if she hadn't stop responding to me… But that was after I had made the purchase and it had been shipped… I was inquiring about where she got her bags so that I could share that information with my subscribers… Her lack of response put me on high alert… I might've figured it out when I went to clip on the strap, but I wouldn't have done the point by point authentication prior to that and I might have already cut off the tags if she had replied in a different way or at all… Thank you so much :-)
hey ,I actually knowingly bought a fake one in black ,and to my surprise it is 100 percent like this real one rather then te pink fake one ,even the d rings are similar to the real one ..now I am suspecting it to be real 😅 ,which is odd.actually a seller told me a few months ago that the bags are made in the same unit, it is just that if the company gives an order of like 500 bags ,the factory manufactures 1000 pieces using the same material etc ,and sell those extras on its own directly
@@alwayshopeful7587 That is something that replica makers seem to say no matter what the brand… There are super fakes out there, but if you love the bag and you can't tell, just enjoy it :-).
The person did not answer when u ask her where she gets it. Thats the first sign .....
I saw this bag recently in yt. The lady bought it from hk on a physical store .love the color. Really not good scamming others.
It did send up a red flag - but it was
already on the way to Vestiaire for
authentication at that point: (.
didn't think to ask her where she got
it from ahead of time because she
was selling used items, shoes in
particular that all seem to be the
same size and hadn't sold that many
Marc Jacobs bags. She had sold
one used Salvatore Ferragamo bag,
sort of convinced myself that she
was selling her own personal
collection or that she had just
bought a few that she found on sale
and she was selling them... Then my
intuition started niggling me And I
started asking a few questions...
Her answers are why I was nervous
when I opened the box, Despite the
fact that it had been technically
The bag is a gorgeous color - I truly wish it was real...
I HATE SCAMMERS AND FAKES - thx so much for watching♥️♥️♥️.
Hi Erin, thanks for sharing, you just saved me from ordering a fake in a different color from Vestiaire! The bag I wanted to get looks so real and I checked the rings in the photos and they’re small! May I ask how you went with returning the bag? I heard really bad things about Vestiaire, I’m actually waiting on an order of a different bag from them and have a sinking feeling that it’s a fake :(
It wasn't bad - I got my money back without a fight:)♥️
Incase you have a bucket MJ, can u pls do a review also? Tnx
I don't! I don't like the corded handle they have..:♥️
First time finding your channel! I’m so shocked, I did not know there’s fake of this tote out there. But now I’m not so surprised since this bag is doing so well!!! I have the pink one and love it so much I want the purple one too but they are all sold out now like you mentioned. New subbie now! 💕
Glad you found me!!! Yay!!! Are u looking for orchid haze or regal orchid??? I've watched your videos with your chains on your pink one :-).
This helps a lot! I am looking for proofs that the one I bought online is a fake. I also noticed minor differences from my marc jacob bags I bought directly from mj store in US but wasn’t certain til I saw your videoo…. Thank you so much!
So glad it helped!!!🥰
What color is the strap that you purchased for the bag? Thanks!
it is linked in the description box :-).
Ugh sorry to hear that happened. Hopefully the return goes smoothly.
so far so good - it's on its way back!🥰
The zippers are bigger as well on the fake. You can see it in the video at the moment when you showed us the d rings side by side. Great video 🫶🏽✨
good eye - thank u!
I never do business with any of those sites. They just give me bad vibes. I have been waiting on a certain color to be restock on the MJ site instead. And if they don’t restock it’s all good. I rather be bummed out than out of cash with a fake on my hands. So sorry this happen to you. Love your video. Bloomingdales is taking pre-orders on this color right now, and I know those are legit.
It's definitely taking a risk. this color is orchid haze - the color that is available at some of the stores is regal orchid. I ended up finding a legit one (thank goodness:). This all ended well - I got my money back! Thanks so much for watching and commenting!!🥰🥰🥰
The first thing I noticed was the embossing on the front of the bag it looks off. Funny while watching this video my rose dust mini was right next to my iPad and I was comparing. It’s so disappointing to get a fake especially when you buy accessories for the bag. Sorry but you will find a real one!
awe thanks - I compared the embossing very closely with my cement bag and I could not discern a noticeable difference… Other than that there was a tiny white spot on the T that kind of drove me crazy ha ha. The most concrete difference was the rings and the dog leash clips… Other than that, the zipper overlay on the underneath side as well as the lining was very much like vinyl… It didn't wrinkle like my other bags have done on the inside… Also, I thought the bag was dry when I got it because my other bags have a sheen to them… I didn't think to mention that during the video… Finally, The handles were actually uncomfortable but they looked the same… The Marc Jacobs handles are so squishy for lack of a better term! I don't know if I'm going to try to find a real orchid haze unless it pops up on Marc Jacobs website :-).
@@myluxurycloset529 I agree 100% just wait until the website restocks!
I don't think it will pop up on the website. The new color is Regal Orchid...I actually just found an Orchid Haze one on posh and the seller has great reviews plus the pics all look legit. Posh always sides with the buyer if there is an issue and does so quickly in my experience if anything is wrong. The seller disclosed that the bag strap was bent and showed it in her pics. I always find it comforting when sellers point out minor flaws. So, one more try at getting my special color - fingers crossed!!!♥️
Great detective work on the bag!
I don’t buy from these sites. I have sold my bags there but I am not that adventurous to risk getting a fake
I would buy directly from MJ and pay full price for peace of mind. That would also prevent me from getting a lot of bags 🤣🤣
Thank you!! I didn't want to buy from them. all my other Mj totes are from stores, not resale - I just REALLY wanted this color🥰.
Thanks for sharing this. I am going to use this to authenticate the bag I ordered when I receive it. I saw one other youtuber show other than the serial code a date code similar to the older LV bags inside the slip pocket. I haven't seen other reviews show that date code. Is it really found on all Marc Jacobs totes?
I have a code inside the slip pocket of both of the totes that I still have in my collection - it's stamped onto a dark brown tag that looks like leather. Hope that helps!
@@myluxurycloset529 Thanks for the response. I'm going to go over your videos again and use them as a guide once I get my bag. The tag I saw from the review I mentioned was also a dark brown tag and her bag was the black canvas version and also had ykk zips.
@@b.delacruz5345 good luck - please remember that I am not an authenticator or an expert!
@@myluxurycloset529 Noted. I am planning to check the points you mentioned then if not everything checks out I'm going to send pics to a professional authenticating site. I really hope it will pass authenticity check but I am seeing more posts of super fakes and they could pass off as real unless you bother to check. I am starting to get anxious while waiting for delivery. Thanks again.
Early May I bought a Marc Jacobs Cushion bag on Vestiaire Collective which turned out to be a fake. Just like you I could compare it to a real one I have. I sent comparison photos of the differences to VC - it was a bit of a hassle but they did refund me and didn't relist the bag after I had returned it. First and last time buying from VC though...
that really stinks - glad u got your money back!
Marc jacobs has been randomly restocking the colors. Keep an eye on them too.
ooh good to know!!!
Hi Erin! For what it is worth I just took a look at my Marc Jacobs The Tote Bag in Orchid which I bought from Neiman Marcus and it has the small d-rings and the inside of my bag looks the same as yours. The wild world of bags!
are the rings below the dog leash clips small too? I have not come across any like that that were genuine...
@@myluxurycloset529 Hi Erin! I just checked and the rings aren’t small - they are the same size as those on your cement strap. Sorry you got a fake ☹️
thank you for double checking - There isn't a big difference but it makes a big difference when you go to use the D ring
@@myluxurycloset529 I forgot to mention how much I love your videos 😊
awe thx so much!🥰
I bought the sabe tote bag in argal oil color, but the zipper is color black…
Do you know whay the zipper came like that or what does it mean? It is normal?
I'm sorry I don't know...did you buy it from a store???
Yes! It is the same as yours, only the zipper its color black 🤷🏻♀️ like if it was the red or cement one.
Also the zipper is YKK 🤷🏻♀️
my zipper is gold, but they may have come out with a new version if you bought it from a store:).
Yes it is gold with black, its not gold with brown.
Well thanks you so much! 🥰
I like your videos! 🥰😉
Do you know is 24S is authentic? I bought the mini leather in twine but I haven’t compared it to my other two I have the mini dragon fire in leather and the mini jacquard in sand I bought in store from the boutique I’m now gonna compare!
yes 1000% legit!!!
@@myluxurycloset529 thank you!!!
Thanks for posting this video. I received a fake Marc Jacobs the tote bag from Amazon. It’s surprising because I have 2 others that I got from Amazon that are authentic. The terrible packaging and the awful smell tipped me off immediately but the extra things in your review helped me confirm my suspicion.
I'm so glad I could help!!! ♥️♥️♥️
Yikes! Sorry this has happened to you…appreciate you sharing the things to look for! Hoping the return process is easy!
they just approved an hour ago..it's on the way back!♥️
Excellent video! It's really interesting to see a super fake up close, even though it's also infuriating. It's really nice knowing what to look out for especially since the authentication process can't be fully trusted, which is also frustrating. Hopefully you have no issues getting a refund 🤞 and thanks for another great video!
thank you!!! Luckily they granted a return and I have already shipped it back :-). Hopefully there will be no issues with the refund! Thank you for watching :-).
I'm really confused about these bags . I'm new to MJ but I have purchased two totes in the past few weeks both from reputable sites and sellers and the rings are thicker on one and the dog leash is a bit different too. :/
I'm afraid it's almost impossible to tell who is a reputable seller for Marc Jacobs. I will only buy from boutique or department store in future...
I had a similar incident with that site with the color morning glory and the person wouldn’t send me more pics they had the MJ stock pics. I will not buy from that site definitely now.
They have been great for me for many transactions, and at least they fixed their mistake in this case!!!🥰
Hi Pynkspirations
It’s good to hear you managed to get your return approved.
My local buy-sell site often has Coach and Marc Jacobs usually at half the price, and they claim to be ‘from the outlet’. Well, there can’t be that many The Tote Bags or pillow tabbys available for preorder from the outlet. So aside from these very dodgy sellers, now I won’t even buy contemporary brands secondhand off other individuals because you never know. The person might be carrying what they thought was a genuine piece. 🤷🏻♀️
Thanks for making this video and raising awareness.
thank you for your comment...I took a chance because I really wanted the color, but now that this happened, for Tory Burch & Marc Jacobs at least, I think I'll stick to retail. I know a LOT more about Coach...🥰
@@myluxurycloset529 I was going to say I don’t trust myself to know enough about these brands to be able to tell the difference. Good that you highlighted all those finer details. Hope you can get your hands on a real one soon!
me too! I'm contemplating the Regal Orchid but I didn't like that it had darker lettering or more contrast between the bag and the letters - I just don't know what to do?!? ♥️
Thanks for sharing ❤I hope it all worked out ❤
Of course and it totally did - ty🩷
hello, may I know if the authentic tote bag has "THE" MARC JACOBS on the strap handle hardware or just MARC JACOBS? thank you.
I don't have this bag anymore...🩷
@@myluxurycloset529 I am so glad to see this video. itis so identical, it is scary. I returned the bag after watching this. good thing I got my refund. thank you
@jol2848 so glad I could help!🥰
Your videos add value to the RUclips community!
awe you are the sweetest!!!🥰
Thanks for this -- I have a Cotton Mini on the way and I have a feeling it may be fake... I will be checking everything like you did!
I'm so glad I could help - I have a canvas splatter paint and a denim patchwork - lmk if you need any photos - you can email me:).
I order one from marc jacob website and got 1 month ago.. my bag d ring is exactly like replica one .. I am worried.. can the website send replica bag??I am confused..
I wouldn't worry about it if you got it from Marc Jacobs. These are just observations I made - I'm no expert! 🩷
😱 this is terrifying! Both: that VC let the fake slip through and how well it is made! So scary 😭
I know!!! I almost cut the tags - I am so glad I didn't!🥰
@@myluxurycloset529 they would’ve accepted it back for reevaluation. They’ve done it for me before. If it’s counterfeit that’s a problem. If you are saying misdescribed iecdamage then maybe yes should’ve been reported during your own inspection timeframe. But no, even if you’ve removed the tags, click on raise an issue and they will send you a label to post back to be authenticated again. Only happened to me last month. But I paid privately and it was legit so didn’t bother.
I love your unboxing videos! How many bags would you say you have? Hope that’s not a rude question, I’m just obsessed with handbags/purses and have amassed quite a collection myself!
thank you!! I have a little over 100 - it's crazy:)
Wow. It looks amazingly close to the real thing.
It really does!!!
Amazing how well replicas are done!!?😮 I only buy from MJ direct.
It's crazy!
So glad I found this video. I almost purchase for a cheaper one and it looks all the same to the bag on the video.
Thanks for sharing!
So glad I saved you the trouble!🥰
Wow wow this so crazy! You have such a good eye! Thank you for doing this video! It will definitely be helpful to us all that look at your video for guidance.
awe thanks! more to come in the "real vs replica" series!
WHT the website that u got it from
This was Vestiaire collective...
I just bought this bag from farfetch. From your video the only thing off is d ring and handle. Are those 2 things absolute is being a fake? Ugh I hate returning
I don't think farfetch will send you a fake, if that helps! There were several more things - the leather inside and the handles were also different as well as the sheen on the leather...
@@myluxurycloset529 I have watched your video 3x today, lol, (bag arrived today). I just rewatched now so the only thing I see is the smaller d rings. I felt the handles again and they are soft (hyper paranoid as it’s my first purchase from FF). I think she is a keeper. New subscriber and enjoy your channel!
thanks so much and enjoy your new bag! Farfetch is a pain when it comes to returns - in my experience, but I believe they are selling authentic merchandise🥰
send me a pic of your d rings on instagram or at thehandbaghousewife@gmail.com. I'll look at them for you:).
@@myluxurycloset529 oh gosh, I bought 2 of this bag and need to return one. Any tips?!
Thanks for sharing. This is scary. I just got the color Lilas from eBay and the deal was so good for a hard to find color I hope it wasn’t too good to be true. I’m about to look it over just like you did. I got a bad fake Coach bag from Amazon. After paying $300 for it, I was livid! The nerve 😡 I got a refund thankfully.
Glad it was helpful! Hope yours is ok🥰
Wow. Thank you for your video. Im on the search for one. Now i know what to look for as a genuine bag. Appreciated!
thx! glad to help🥰🥰🥰
That IS so sad...and scary too with people spending their hard earned money. We want a little joy in our lives and don't want to get ripped off.
Unbelievable, that is just terrible Eryn!!!! 😢😢 one would think you would of got an authentic piece if VC authenticated this!!!!! 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
So sorry this happened to you and thank you so much for sharing with us.
awe thx so much!!!🥰
Love this. Thank you. There are really a lot of good counterfeits out there. Thanks for ocmparing so we’ll know what to look for!
thank you!!! - glad to help🥰🥰🥰
I just ordered an MJ from Mercari I really hope it’s not fake, I received a fake peach one yesterday
awe that stinks - fingers crossed!
The font was a dead giveaway on the pink.
I know 😢😢😢
Aww shoot! I thought Vestiaire was one of the best in ferreting out the super fakes, I guess not really makes it tricky to buy preloved.
Always double or triple authenticate! I do! I was able to figure this one out on my own, I didn't really want to pay to authenticate a $362 bag if I didn't have to...♥️
Oh boy. I just made my 1st purchase ever from Vestiaire Collective, a LV diane, it had passed authentication and should be here soon…I guess i better scrutinize it when I get it. I will say- I don’t own a MJ The Tote Bag but when you pulled it out of the box the sheen of the leather instantly made me think it looked off and the overall structure and “look” of it just does not look right. These thing happen though. No authenticator is ever 100% perfect.
Make sure you get your LV authenticated another time....I don't know if there is such a thing for Marc Jacobs - I think there is, but luckily I could tell them apart! I agree with you about the sheen - I thought it was just dry initially - that was something I meant to say but didn't...
@@myluxurycloset529 international returns are the worst too
luckily they have a New York hub!
Neiman Marcus has this color on their website that you can pre-order fyi....for normal price too
Thanks so much but that's "regal orchid" and this is "orchid haze". I ended up finding one just under retail luckily🥰🥰🥰
@@myluxurycloset529 ooohhhh. 😁😆. Ah well.
thanks so much though!!!
@@myluxurycloset529 no problem. Maybe someone will look into it and get one.
I knew it was fake when you pulled it out the shine and shape looked off.
definitely the shine...
Maybe it was your title, but I thought that one looked fake right away at first glance. Good luck with the return. I personally don’t like buying from those sites myself.
Yes, I would prefer to buy from a real store, for sure. I just loved the color so much - I really hoped it would work out!
Great video because I definitely cannot tell. I feel like these tote bags are so easy to duplicate.
Thanks! It is very frustrating😩♥️
I knew off the bat when I got mines same day the leather was so pu leather did not feel right , the stitching was off , send it right back , order from the site itself ,
sorry to hear that:(....
Wow, I would have never ever noticed, that is scary, I was given a fake lv speedy and was told it was real, I was suspicious because while my mother is awesome that was a bit more than expected, it was a fake, it started my entire handbag journey of buying authentic LV. The fakes are so so so close it is just unreal, I don't mind inspired by buy when they brand it and say it is a thing and it's not that honestly is just criminal. MJ is not the 1st boxy tote made but that entire design with labe is his.
I didn't notice until I went to clip the strap on - it's lucky I did that before I cut the tags off. Thx for watching! Yes, an experience like you had with your speedy changes the way you shop, for sure. I feel that way about buying resale Tory Burch and now maybe Marc Jacobs too:(.
Hello there i was sent here by another account I bought a mj tote in green i was wondering if you can help me spot a fake
Send me an email thehandbaghousewife@gmail.com or dm me on instagram...send photos please. Watch my second Orchid Haze video to see what pictures I need🥰
Thank you so much for this video!
Of course!!!
Wow good catch!!! I’m glad I found what I wanted on Marc Jacob’s online and neiman Marcus 😮
Pretty Crazy! Glad for u2:)😍
Wow! It’s one thing to purposefully buy a replica bag, but to have someone sell you it saying it’s real (and paying a real bag price!) is just totally unacceptable. Downright dishonest 😠
I agree!!! And she has to have known:(.
@@myluxurycloset529of course she knew. By the time VC would have taken their own percentage off of the sale, she’d have gotten around the price for the fake one. She knew what she was doing.
@@tracyfins 😢😢😢
Nice detective work!!
Oh wow. Didn't think they'd bother to fake contemporary bags.
You're right about the dog leash clip size, checked on the MJ site. Then again, maybe they changed the size recently, smaller to cut down on the costs? Maybe worth asking them directly?
Such "well done" replicas out there these days, though :/
It's crazy, I checked a LOT of bags to confirm that the dog leash clip was a difference, and on the "fake" ones it wasn't the only difference. Thanks so much for watching!🥰
This is great info! I feel like it's a double edged sword though, the better info that gets put out there, the better the fakers will improve what they make too.
true. I'm still a small channel - hopefully I can help some people without tipping them off🥰🥰🥰
Great video showing how dupes get passed on for an authentic MJ tote. Sorry you didn’t get what you paid for. It definitely has the looks of the real MJ tote. I have an authentic MJ tote bag and can see the difference like you said. Hoped you can purchase the same bag but authentic. Beautiful color though. TFS 😎🦋
I got the same bag authentic and got all my money back for this one:). Thank goodness! Thx for watching🥰
@@myluxurycloset529 oh wow I’m happy to hear you received your money back.😊
WOW! I’m so sorry this happened to you! I’ve been noticing a lot of these on Mercari at low prices and the seller has 0 feedback or reviews! Buyer beware! Shame on VC! That really makes me lose confidence in their authentication! I’m sure they will refund you!
Thx, I appreciate that. I figured VC would protect me during the authentication process, but that failed:(. I think they will refund me, they were quick to offer a label. If we have the correct photos, I think we can authenticate these bags ourselves… At least until the counterfeiters perfect them even more:(.
Hi Aaryn 😘 oh wow! happily your intuition was good and you did not take out the tag!!! Hope you can return it and get your money back 😘 by the way Orchid haze is a nice color😍 keep fingers crossed this situation will get better and you can find an other one authentic 😘
I love the color - they did accept the return thankfully🥰🥰♥️
@The Handbag Housewife good news!! 😘
I just got scammed 😢
oh no!
Farfetch has this color!!!
they have the regal orchid, but regardless I will NEVER order from FARFETCH EVER EVER AGAIN. Thanks though for looking out for me - u are too sweet 🥰🥰🥰
Yikes! Your eagle eye caught the small detail. Yes I’m sure this video will help someone else down the road.
fingers crossed!!!🥰
I always authenticate anything I can from Vestiaire or Poshmark.
That's super smart - me too!!!🥰
I am so sorry this happened to you!! I just wish people didn't do things like this. :-(
thanks and I know!!!🥰
the real ones are green inside for that color
I had a real one and it was like a raspberry color inside - almost like this one was...but I know they make multiple colors that are almost the same shade - I am sure there are variations on the interior too:). TY for watching and sharing!!!🩷
Bummer! Well glad you spotted it and are returning it. Why spend hard earned money on something that was misrepresented. Boo.
Oh and don't worry about the knife. I've got a collection 🤣😅🤣 grew up in the country haha
yes it stinks, but I found another one! Yay!!! we have those knives everywhere at our hunter filled home🥰🥰🥰
@@myluxurycloset529 good deal! Haha right? All the hidden spots 🤣😅🤣
or just laying on the counters;)
@@myluxurycloset529 🤣🤣
I was just on there a few minutes ago looking at that same color , now I’m scared to buy it .
It's very hard to tell - even for Vestiaire!
Can you give the bag away. Id love to buy it.
No, it was fake and I returned it...
If you can't in good conscience use it and are unable to return it you can always donate it to a woman's shelter or someone in need you trust not to resell
true, luckily they accepted the return though🥰
I bought a Louis Vuitton from VC and it was fake! They refused to let me return it, and said my only option was to resell, luckily I bought through paypal and was able to get my money back. I will never buy from VC, they have such a good reputation but they have lost my trust!
Wow, that's nuts - they worked with me but I put the legwork in to show them "why" it was fake and sent my ammunition flying at them!🤬
@@myluxurycloset529 I provided pictures and comparisons they still said it has been authenticated by them and therefore my only option was to resell. I was so disappointed!
@@chiaradominque8277 They had me send mine back and they re-authenticated it and they found out that it was fake…
I can tell by the color too :( way to pink
it was a very pretty color - Are you sure you are not thinking of the regal orchid?
Yeah they sent you a fake bag ...Farfetch had them coming from Japan seller I said NoNo.
Japan has very strict counterfeit laws, so it may have been ok, but I don't trust farfetch either...😓
Devilish! On camera the zips seem subtly different too (colour?)
Hmmmm, I didn't notice that but they may be!🥰