Neilalie Yashü - Merünuomia Chü (An Orphan Song) Lyric Video

  • Опубликовано: 3 янв 2025
  • Title - Merünuomia Chü (Being an Orphan)
    English Translation.
    Teicie kekra voketa teiki va puo
    (This is a story of my old days)
    A tsie a sie le ketsei tsolie mote
    (Though I cannot recall all that has passed)
    A puo a zuo jü phreta di merünuomia chü di lhou vor
    (In losing my mother and father, I became an orphan)
    A nie a diko kira ba shi si mo
    (Not knowing where my loved ones were)
    Mia puorei rürei vor a meho mo zomu
    (No one loved and cared for me)
    Ha leshü a mhidzü pie a tsükhe chü a nou kemezhie phi vor.
    (Those sorrowful thoughts and tears always wetted my pillows)
    Merünuo chü di a we a rübei (Being deserted and abandoned, all alone)
    Teicie rei teicie nyie puo kemhiei (A year seemed like a thousand years)
    Khou puo rei khou thekrie mhie (A plate of food was like a hundred )
    A la… thekhruothenyi si krei mo….(Ignorant and left unrevealed of what festivities were)
    Ze nyü rei niepumia pfhe si ro (Was weary, but the owner's voice always kept me awaked and disturbed)
    Pu nyü rei a khakewa prei di (Fearing that a single complaint could cast me away)
    Mecü rei molie kenjü (Compelled by circumstances)
    Cü nyü rei a vie mo kemezhie phi vor.(Starved and always empty, life was tough)
    A puo a zuo nie kimhie di rükri (Dear Mom and Dad, why did you both left in hurry)
    A kha kemerüwatuo üro kiüdi (Forsaking and leaving me all alone)
    A siezedzürieko dze pu mo di rükri a khotaluo shi!(Why did you departed from me without giving me any reason or word of my relatives!)
    A nie a diko jü phrete ha (Whereabouts of all my near and dear ones)
    Nousuo pfü a nie a di rei pejotaya (Engulfed in sorrow, I blamed them for my pain)
    Chülie re, pfülie re rei rürei par a khrü kengu rübei zolie
    (When faced with untold hardships, I only found my shadow beside me)
    A nhicu nu vo a phichü ketso,(Throughout my childhood till my youth)
    Mia puorei a rülei le a petha momu (None empathized and cared about my struggles or pain)
    Terhuoü no ha rübei zomu ngumezhie a rüliko leyi (Oh God! You are the only one, have mercy on me)
    A bu voketa dzeko le la hieü (Help me not to dwell in my past sorrows ever)
    Vorkezhüko a noumvü di chülie üthenyü (But give me hope and anticipate me a better future)
    Kemezhie kemenga mu miapuorei a mhie kijü lhou lar hieluo.
    (It's of immense pain so i offer my prayers that none will ever meet a woeful fate like mine).

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