The Jesus Fallacy: The Greatest Lie Ever Told | Dr. Nicholas Peter Legh Allen

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024
    A comprehensive and fully illustrated history of the evolution of Christianity. This volume was written for individuals who have realised that basing one’s worldview on consensus of opinion, popular myth and fable is quite unproductive. In this context, this book would be of immense value for anyone who seeks genuine, factual and scientific answers concerning their unexamined beliefs. This book promises to assist anyone who desires to become a well-informed and self-actualised individual empowered to continue on with their life as both a rational and critical thinker. Consequently, this volume is aimed primarily at perceptive and motivated individuals who may lack the necessary background knowledge but who would sincerely and genuinely, desire to become more knowledgeable regarding the evolution and manifestation of Christianity and its contrary dogmas. Accordingly, this encyclopaedic book has been carefully designed and set out in order to offer the reader a step-by-step edification. Researched and written by an historiographer who specialises in the religious expression of the Hellenistic world, this book promises to be of great benefit for the more serious student of religious beliefs. Here they will find the most up-to-date information on, inter alia, ancient polytheism, early Israelite and Judahite monolatrism, Zoroastrianism, Zurvanism, various branches of Judaism, Apocalypticism, Greek and Roman mysteria, Gnosticism, and nascent Christianity.
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Комментарии • 664

  • @History-Valley
    @History-Valley  26 дней назад +15

    Get his book!

    • @gkeith64
      @gkeith64 26 дней назад

      This is proven and provable even by you.... 🤗
      Get the keys the Pharisee hide !!!!
      1. Fathers great NAME YaHU'aH🔯 2. his sigNATURE🔯 & 3. the door key ∆aleth = piYaHmi∆🔯, MEMORIZE THE 🟦🟦10 =. No sin
      Your vessel, {YaHs Temple} is technology ❤
      Hear grab the 7 fold doctrine PDF community page 📃
      They changed the Messenger true name & his TRUE MESSAGE ... What's in the true name 🤔
      From LIFE more ABUNDANT, BONDING with YaH'UaH 🟦🟦🔺🧬🔯 Yah'Uashua 🔺 MessiYah
      To: DEATH, BURIAL, RESURRECTION & CONQUERING CROSS 🤞 ❌ ⚔️ IeSus Christos and later after 1834 Jesus Christ 🪨
      For healing, for good health
      Yeah, for real ..... A practical application 👊 for life more abundant ❤
      Try this, the key stone 🔺, when spun over a pain will remove the pain. If your stomach is upset? Spinning it a few inches above the area, will calm the stomach and release whatever is irritating it. Mental fog? Swirl it above your head pointing 🔻 at your crown, or at your forehead, Near instant clarity! Wounds close and heal waaay quicker. The Daleth 🔺 {also key stone 🔻}, is a tool for healing, it's an awesome gift. I know, my niece got me one, in June. And ive been hooked ever since. Talk about removing pain. I use it to structure my drinks before ingesting, light literally forms in the fluid via sonic implosion 🔯.
      King Yah'Ushua 🔺 the Daleth-Door ; I have come that ye may have life more abundant, & be healed...... IMMORTALITY 🟦 🟦 🔺 🤗
      Is key to comprehension, as the meaning is as follows;
      Yah'Ushua 🔺 =
      1.) YHWH > tetYHWHgrammarten becomes Star tetYHWHhedron 🔯 = light via sonic implosion!
      2.) SHUA = Salvation
      3.) 🔺 ∆aleth > Door, piYahmids
      Yahezqel 22 chapter, MatithYahu 12:36 and Ayob 38:2.. Ode of Solomon 38.. both Nicaean and Constantine Creeds read 📖 THE GREAT FALLING AWAY FROM YAHUADIMOLOGY
      MEMORIZE THE YA*∆ibrot Asareth 🟦🟦 = 10 COMMANDMENTS
      is BIO-LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING to unlock your latent DNA 🧬 STRANDS ....
      Get a small hand held piYahmid, key🗝️ to ShockYaH🔯🧘activation & also HEALING ❤
      Acts 13:1, 1 Maccabees 13:28, & Yashayahu 19:19....
      YahUa∆im of YahUa∆ah Southern king∆om, are NOT🚫 Jews = Babylonian talmudists religion RELIGARE' TO BIND ⛓️ OF THE NORTHERN KINGDOM Y'SRAEL.....
      Yah'Ushua 🔺 {= the ∆aleth-Door}, therefore the meaning is;
      YaH'UaH's Salvation ∆oor of IMMORTALITY🟦🟦🔺🧬🔯💜
      ✋💜 the journey is about learning knew knowledge. Known before , but not by us. Yet, we get better, as we uncover and rediscover, that of, our immortal Covenant Elders
      MatithYahu 19:16-17
      16 And, behold, one came and said unto him {YAH'USHUA}, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have ETERNAL LIFE?
      17 And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, YaH*UaH🔯AllahAYnu: but IF THOU WILT ENTER INTO LIFE, KEEP THE COMMAN∆MENTS, { Ya'∆ibrot Asareth🟦🟦10}.
      Psalms 19:7
      “The LAW {Asareth Ya'dibrot🟦🟦10}, of YaH'UaH🔯 is PERFECT, CONVERTING the SowEL
      YAHUCANNON 10:
      9 I am the ∆aleth-7th Door: by me if any MAN ENTER IN, HE SHALL BE SAVED, AND SHALL GO IN AND OUT, AND FIND PASTURE.
      10 the thief cometh not, but for TO STEAL, AND TO KILL, AND TO DESTROY:
      11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
      25 Yah'Uashua answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the WORKS THAT I DO in my FATHER YAH'UAH'S NAME, THEY BEAR WITNESS OF ME.
      Yahucannon 10
      1 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that ENTERETH NOT BY THE ∆ALETH-7thDOOR into the sheepfold, but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber.
      Luke 4:18
      18 The RuAnkh of YaH'UaH is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, {Those CAUGHT IN 👿RELIGION-RELIGARE'-TO BIND⛓️ both SowEL & MIND}, and RECOVERING OF SIGHT TO THE BLIND, TO SET AT LIBERTY THEM THAT ARE BRUISED,
      Hallelu YHWH🔯
      Get one, 🔺, & ACTIVATE your DNA 🧬 on YaHs shABBAt. We shal'OM Qedem Yam 🌙 Moon till Dawn 🌅....
      🌈 ShockYaH system..same
      YaHs Shabbat is perpetual covenant
      On YaHs shABBAt at 9pm we begin charging our shockYahs, while singing and listening to hymns, HalleluYah 🔯💜🔺🟦🟦 🤗
      Hit me, WIN 👊 ❤
      Shema Yahua∆ah Southern king∆*om
      Shema Y'srael northern Kingdom
      YaH'UaH AllahAYnu Tsaboath Aleph TaU, Echo∆🔯♾️🔯 🔻
      YaH shal'OM beloved meshpaca 💜
      I'm Cherokee AmeriKhan Yahuadayen of Yahuadah Southern kingdom

    • @raya.p.l5919
      @raya.p.l5919 26 дней назад

      Sheep don't b led to slaughter 😢 Jesus power starting now enjoy ❤

    • @dasheahewitt6026
      @dasheahewitt6026 26 дней назад +2

      @@raya.p.l5919what’s that supposed to mean

    • @dasheahewitt6026
      @dasheahewitt6026 26 дней назад +6

      I just bought the book
      History destroys all gods

    • @raya.p.l5919
      @raya.p.l5919 26 дней назад

      @@History-Valley it means keep yr heart rate down it's annoying. Ohh enjoy

  • @trapar1374
    @trapar1374 25 дней назад +44

    Thank you Dr. Nicholas, my biggest problem with Christianity is the idea that all but suicide can be forgiven. This belief allows people to do anything without consequence, and with this many Christians repeat the same wrongs over and over again.

    • @camilleespinas2898
      @camilleespinas2898 25 дней назад +3

      You’re supposed to do it yourself .. without a spanking like a child .

    • @rylands4289
      @rylands4289 25 дней назад +3

      Blaspheming the holy ghost is also nonforgivable lol

    • @joecheffo5942
      @joecheffo5942 24 дня назад +8

      And ironically suicide is never mentioned or prohibited in the Bible, old or new testament. There is nothing concrete to indicate it is even a sin at all, and Bart Erhman says it was not in fact considered a sin or particularly bad act in the ancient cultures.

    • @dustinrichburg8638
      @dustinrichburg8638 24 дня назад +5

      Where did you get this lie from? Show an actual N.T. verse confirming this, please.

    • @JHeezy93
      @JHeezy93 24 дня назад +4

      Assuming you are using someone's wrongs along the lines as as someone's sins then I'd like you to know that Paul in the book of Hebrews condems any Christian wrecklessly continuing in sin and makes startling comments about this and how the sacrifice of Christ would now pertain to such individuals.

  • @geraldmeehan8942
    @geraldmeehan8942 26 дней назад +20

    Dr. Legh, Jacob, this is an awesome presentation. Love how you have laid out the history of Judaism and Christianity

  • @DrVictorVasconcelos
    @DrVictorVasconcelos 26 дней назад +33

    Seriously, that was brilliant. It's great to have an actual map rather than just hear people describing what happened. A great systematisation of many concepts with which I was already familiar.

    • @James-ll3jb
      @James-ll3jb 25 дней назад

      Atheism and mental illness
      The prestigious Mayo Clinic found that that religious involvement and spirituality are associated with better physical health, mental health, health-related quality of life and other health outcomes.[1]
      Atheism and mental illness is an increasingly important topic of study in light of the growing list of atheist shooters and serial killers.
      The abstract for the journal article 'Health and Well-Being Among the Non-religious: Atheists, Agnostics, and No Preference Compared with Religious Group Members' published in the 'Journal of Religion and Health' indicates: "On dimensions related to psychological well-being, atheists and agnostics tended to have worse outcomes than either those with religious affiliation or those with no religious preference."[2]
      Global News reported:
      “Children who are raised with religious or spiritual beliefs tend to have better mental health into their adulthood, a new study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found.
      "According to the study’s findings, people who attended weekly religious services or prayed or meditated daily in their childhood reported greater life satisfaction in their 20s. People who grew up in a religious household also reported fewer symptoms of depression and lower rates of post-traumatic stress disorder."[3]
      Atheism and depression
      See also: Atheism and depression and Atheism and loneliness
      Atheists have a higher suicide rate than theists.[4] Please see: Atheism and suicide
      Concerning atheism and depression, a University of Michigan study involving 19,775 individuals found that religious people are less likely than atheists to suffer depression when they are lonely.[5] See also: Atheism and suicide
      The Telegraph reported: "Patients with a strong “intrinsic faith” (a deep personal belief, not just a social inclination to go to a place of worship) recover 70 per cent faster from depression than those who are not deeply religious."[6]
      In addition, in many atheistic cultures in the developed world, there are considerable problems with loneliness (see: Atheism and loneliness). Furthermore, many atheists feel isolated within theistic cultures (see: Atheism and social outcasts).
      Atheism and suicide
      See also: Atheism and suicide
      The journal article A global perspective in the epidemiology of suicide, published in the academic journal Suicidologi, found that "At 25.6, the total suicide rate is markedly highest in Atheist countries (e.g. China) which included in this analysis countries where religious observances had been prohibited for a long period of time (e.g. Albania)."[7]
      Atheism and narcissism
      See: Atheism and narcissism
      Atheism and psychopathy
      See also: Atheism and psychopathy and Atheism and sociopathy
      See: Atheism and sadism
      Psychopathy is strongly correlated with crime, violence, and antisocial behavior.[8][9] See also: Irreligion, psychopathy, crime, violence and antisocial behavior
      A psychopath is someone with an anti-social personality disorder characterized by violent, perverted or immoral behavior often leading to criminality. Psychopaths have little or no concern for other people. Some psychopaths equate love with sexual arousal.[10] A few studies have found that there is a positive correlation of atheism and psychopathy (see: Atheism and psychopathy.)
      Atheism, autism, schizophrenia and genetic mutations
      See also: Atheists and genetic mutations
      Left-handedness is a good indicator of a high mutational load.[11] People who are left-handed higher incidences of autism and schizophrenia.[12] A study found that atheists are more likely to be left-handed (see: Atheists and genetic mutations).[13][14]
      For additional information, please see:
      *Atheists and genetic mutations
      *Atheism and autism
      Secular leftists and psychogenic illness
      See: Secular leftists and psychogenic illness
      Rob Whitney, PhD wrote in the Harvard Review of Psychiatry:
      “The exploration of the impact of religiosity on mental health is an enduring, if somewhat quiet, tradition. There has been virtually no exploration, however, of the influence of atheism on mental health. I argue that atheism, especially positive atheism, should be treated as a meaningful sociocultural variable in the study of mental health. I argue that atheism (just like theism) is an appropriate domain of study for social and cultural psychiatrists (and allied social scientists) interested in exploring socio-environmental stressors and buffers relating to mental health. Specifically, I argue that (1) atheism needs to be accurately measured as an individual-level exposure variable, with the aim of relating that variable to psychiatric outcomes, (2) there needs to be greater systematic investigation into the influence of atheism on psychiatry as an institution, and (3) the relation of atheism to mental health needs to be explored by examining atheistic theory and its practical application, especially as it relates to the human condition, suffering, and concepts of personhood.[15]”

  • @jupitermoongauge4055
    @jupitermoongauge4055 25 дней назад +17

    It occurs to me that religion is nothing more than a collective ego trip.

  • @jam1087
    @jam1087 24 дня назад +17

    If religious belief is the major problem, then maybe you should write about Mohamed

    • @UBERLADEN69
      @UBERLADEN69 24 дня назад

      Or…perhaps reflect upon Gaza today, or Ukraine during the Holodomor & the carnage which Khazarian imposters wreak

    • @michaelfletcher9844
      @michaelfletcher9844 23 дня назад

      Muhammad was a major success, if you take a look at most western nations history, you will see that before. Islam they were fall behind. As for science he needs to relook at Africa history before the Europeans came.

    • @obeidgolamrassoude3688
      @obeidgolamrassoude3688 12 дней назад +1

      The islamic religion is perfect and a unique religion for all mankind ,prophet Mohammad pbuh was the last prophet ,so revert to islam before its too late for you ,ok good free advise for you .

    • @TobiasC-mg4zk
      @TobiasC-mg4zk 11 дней назад +3

      Cult logic. Far from perfect.

    • @jam1087
      @jam1087 11 дней назад

      @@obeidgolamrassoude3688 far from perfect or they would be the chosen ones of the jewish god alongside the jews. They must worship the jew's god twice as hard and still cannot be the chosen.

  • @Wine4YouandMe
    @Wine4YouandMe 25 дней назад +13

    An excellent, efficient and accurate overview. I wish I had encountered this discussion early in my deconversion journey.

  • @personofinterest8731
    @personofinterest8731 26 дней назад +20

    Nice to hear a South African accent in this space. Would love to buy the book, too old, too poor. Looking forward to this! 🇿🇦💜

    • @BrghtScorpio
      @BrghtScorpio 26 дней назад +4

      It's literally rare to find South Africans in these spaces🗿Ekse.

    • @modaud358
      @modaud358 24 дня назад +2

      Jirre... this is a surprise. Hulle weet nie wat ons weet nie 😁

  • @edgarsnake2857
    @edgarsnake2857 26 дней назад +24

    Thanks Jacob for another conversation with an excellent guest.

    • @James-ll3jb
      @James-ll3jb 25 дней назад

      Atheism and mental illness
      The prestigious Mayo Clinic found that that religious involvement and spirituality are associated with better physical health, mental health, health-related quality of life and other health outcomes.[1]
      Atheism and mental illness is an increasingly important topic of study in light of the growing list of atheist shooters and serial killers.
      The abstract for the journal article 'Health and Well-Being Among the Non-religious: Atheists, Agnostics, and No Preference Compared with Religious Group Members' published in the 'Journal of Religion and Health' indicates: "On dimensions related to psychological well-being, atheists and agnostics tended to have worse outcomes than either those with religious affiliation or those with no religious preference."[2]
      Global News reported:
      “Children who are raised with religious or spiritual beliefs tend to have better mental health into their adulthood, a new study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found.
      "According to the study’s findings, people who attended weekly religious services or prayed or meditated daily in their childhood reported greater life satisfaction in their 20s. People who grew up in a religious household also reported fewer symptoms of depression and lower rates of post-traumatic stress disorder."[3]
      Atheism and depression
      See also: Atheism and depression and Atheism and loneliness
      Atheists have a higher suicide rate than theists.[4] Please see: Atheism and suicide
      Concerning atheism and depression, a University of Michigan study involving 19,775 individuals found that religious people are less likely than atheists to suffer depression when they are lonely.[5] See also: Atheism and suicide
      The Telegraph reported: "Patients with a strong “intrinsic faith” (a deep personal belief, not just a social inclination to go to a place of worship) recover 70 per cent faster from depression than those who are not deeply religious."[6]
      In addition, in many atheistic cultures in the developed world, there are considerable problems with loneliness (see: Atheism and loneliness). Furthermore, many atheists feel isolated within theistic cultures (see: Atheism and social outcasts).
      Atheism and suicide
      See also: Atheism and suicide
      The journal article A global perspective in the epidemiology of suicide, published in the academic journal Suicidologi, found that "At 25.6, the total suicide rate is markedly highest in Atheist countries (e.g. China) which included in this analysis countries where religious observances had been prohibited for a long period of time (e.g. Albania)."[7]
      Atheism and narcissism
      See: Atheism and narcissism
      Atheism and psychopathy
      See also: Atheism and psychopathy and Atheism and sociopathy
      See: Atheism and sadism
      Psychopathy is strongly correlated with crime, violence, and antisocial behavior.[8][9] See also: Irreligion, psychopathy, crime, violence and antisocial behavior
      A psychopath is someone with an anti-social personality disorder characterized by violent, perverted or immoral behavior often leading to criminality. Psychopaths have little or no concern for other people. Some psychopaths equate love with sexual arousal.[10] A few studies have found that there is a positive correlation of atheism and psychopathy (see: Atheism and psychopathy.)
      Atheism, autism, schizophrenia and genetic mutations
      See also: Atheists and genetic mutations
      Left-handedness is a good indicator of a high mutational load.[11] People who are left-handed higher incidences of autism and schizophrenia.[12] A study found that atheists are more likely to be left-handed (see: Atheists and genetic mutations).[13][14]
      For additional information, please see:
      *Atheists and genetic mutations
      *Atheism and autism
      Secular leftists and psychogenic illness
      See: Secular leftists and psychogenic illness
      Rob Whitney, PhD wrote in the Harvard Review of Psychiatry:
      “The exploration of the impact of religiosity on mental health is an enduring, if somewhat quiet, tradition. There has been virtually no exploration, however, of the influence of atheism on mental health. I argue that atheism, especially positive atheism, should be treated as a meaningful sociocultural variable in the study of mental health. I argue that atheism (just like theism) is an appropriate domain of study for social and cultural psychiatrists (and allied social scientists) interested in exploring socio-environmental stressors and buffers relating to mental health. Specifically, I argue that (1) atheism needs to be accurately measured as an individual-level exposure variable, with the aim of relating that variable to psychiatric outcomes, (2) there needs to be greater systematic investigation into the influence of atheism on psychiatry as an institution, and (3) the relation of atheism to mental health needs to be explored by examining atheistic theory and its practical application, especially as it relates to the human condition, suffering, and concepts of personhood.[15]”

  • @randyallen2966
    @randyallen2966 25 дней назад +29

    Please have this guy on more often!!

  • @swedenmustang
    @swedenmustang 20 дней назад +5

    Great guest, I would love to hear more from him. Thanks.

  • @ionlyemergeafterdark
    @ionlyemergeafterdark 15 дней назад +18

    The more material that exposes the falsity of Christianity the better. Humanity needs to be free from the burdensome lie.

    • @toms3664
      @toms3664 11 дней назад

      islam needs to be dissolved, another violent cult And especially judaism needs to go into the dustbin

    • @rosethorns1893
      @rosethorns1893 8 дней назад

      Careful what you wish for. Seems many of your atheistic cult leaders are regretting that desire as getting rid of Christianity left a vacuum that’s being filled with a lot of other nasty, undesirable things. People with no morals have nothing to stop them from doing…well, just about any sick, perverse thing to you that they’d like. Don’t count on cops, they’ve been defunded because immoral atheists felt that was a good idea.
      Good luck, genius. Way to play yourself.

    • @jerseygrit5402
      @jerseygrit5402 9 часов назад

      Edgy and stunning coming from a queer for Palestine

  • @FelixFortunaRex
    @FelixFortunaRex 26 дней назад +10

    Thank you. More great information. As two great philosophers said “we’re not worthy, we’re not worthy”

  • @BuceriasRodHardy
    @BuceriasRodHardy 15 дней назад +9

    If Jesus is God then God sacrificed God to God to save God's creation from God.

    • @TerryJLaRue
      @TerryJLaRue 14 дней назад +2

      Precisely. Makes a lot of sense to someone.

    • @allenhonaker4107
      @allenhonaker4107 8 дней назад

      And even with all that not all will be saved. Seems like a failed Rube Goldberg invention.

  • @zainiabdullah621
    @zainiabdullah621 14 дней назад +3

    PHILO OF ALEXANDERIA's triggering of Judaism into Hellenism which later developed into Christianity.
    Philo of Alexandria (20 BCE - 50 CE) was a Jewish philosopher who reconciled Jewish scripture with Greek philosophy, particularly Plato's ideas. His writings show a syncriticism blend of Jewish and Hellenistic (Greek) thought.
    While Philo's work influenced early Christian thinkers, such as Origen and Clement of Alexandria, it's not to say wholly that he "formed the religion called Christianity."
    However, Philo's synthesis of Judaism and Hellenism did contribute to the development of early Christian Theology, particularly in the following ways:
    1. Allegorical Interpretation:
    Philo's use of allegory to interpret scripture influenced Christian exegetes like Origen.
    2. Logos Theology:
    Philo's concept of the Logos (the divine reason or word) is similar to the Gospel of John's identification of Jesus as the Logos.
    3. Middle Platonism:
    Philo's incorporation of Platonic ideas, such as the distinction between the material and spiritual realms, influenced early Christian thinkers.
    So, while Philo's work didn't directly "form" Christianity, it did shape the intellectual and theological landscape in which Christianity emerged and developed as it is today.

  • @jasonuren3479
    @jasonuren3479 26 дней назад +21

    'Sympathetic magic' is an term I've never heard before, interesting concept.

  • @robbielee2148
    @robbielee2148 17 дней назад +4

    best relevant history lesson/video on the subject EVAR!

  • @joeyking3908
    @joeyking3908 26 дней назад +36

    I agree that the inability to properly use logic is a huge problem

    • @KingoftheJuice18
      @KingoftheJuice18 26 дней назад +2

      On all sides of theological questions.

    • @lewiscarey1593
      @lewiscarey1593 26 дней назад +1

      Like we evolved from APES?????.😮

    • @pineapplepenumbra
      @pineapplepenumbra 26 дней назад

      @@lewiscarey1593 "Like we evolved from APES?"
      No scientist says that, because we _are_ apes, and, what's more, you've been told that before, so that makes you willifully ignorant.

    • @jeffmacdonald9863
      @jeffmacdonald9863 24 дня назад

      @@lewiscarey1593 Actually, we are apes. Just like we're mammals. And animals. Pretty cool, right?

    • @dayofthejackyl
      @dayofthejackyl 22 дня назад

      @@lewiscarey1593 lol you worship a zombie

  • @eximusic
    @eximusic 26 дней назад +11

    soooo . . . . a Canaanite back then had to - walk like an E-gyp-tian. Apparently Asherah got around. Great presentation! This one's a keeper.

  • @SPDATA1
    @SPDATA1 17 дней назад +4

    Very good! Thank you both.🎉

  • @szwarcia
    @szwarcia 26 дней назад +9

    Excellent! Thank you Dr. Nicholas Peter ❤

  • @shaunigothictv1003
    @shaunigothictv1003 26 дней назад +27

    Ive never seen anyone give such an articulate intro to a book as Nicholas.

    • @adrianjanssens7116
      @adrianjanssens7116 26 дней назад +2

      They both look in pain and under duress.

    • @shaunigothictv1003
      @shaunigothictv1003 26 дней назад +4

      @@adrianjanssens7116 Jacob always looks constipated but Nicholas actually looks fine, although perhaps he looks a bit eccentric.
      Kind of like a mad professor.
      As for Jacob, he need to take some laxatives and try to empty his bowels.
      He is deliberately trying to hold all the waste in his body which is causing him to be severely constipated.

    • @James-ll3jb
      @James-ll3jb 25 дней назад

      Are you kidding?😅😅😅
      Atheism and mental illness
      The prestigious Mayo Clinic found that that religious involvement and spirituality are associated with better physical health, mental health, health-related quality of life and other health outcomes.[1]
      Atheism and mental illness is an increasingly important topic of study in light of the growing list of atheist shooters and serial killers.
      The abstract for the journal article 'Health and Well-Being Among the Non-religious: Atheists, Agnostics, and No Preference Compared with Religious Group Members' published in the 'Journal of Religion and Health' indicates: "On dimensions related to psychological well-being, atheists and agnostics tended to have worse outcomes than either those with religious affiliation or those with no religious preference."[2]
      Global News reported:
      “Children who are raised with religious or spiritual beliefs tend to have better mental health into their adulthood, a new study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found.
      "According to the study’s findings, people who attended weekly religious services or prayed or meditated daily in their childhood reported greater life satisfaction in their 20s. People who grew up in a religious household also reported fewer symptoms of depression and lower rates of post-traumatic stress disorder."[3]
      Atheism and depression
      See also: Atheism and depression and Atheism and loneliness
      Atheists have a higher suicide rate than theists.[4] Please see: Atheism and suicide
      Concerning atheism and depression, a University of Michigan study involving 19,775 individuals found that religious people are less likely than atheists to suffer depression when they are lonely.[5] See also: Atheism and suicide
      The Telegraph reported: "Patients with a strong “intrinsic faith” (a deep personal belief, not just a social inclination to go to a place of worship) recover 70 per cent faster from depression than those who are not deeply religious."[6]
      In addition, in many atheistic cultures in the developed world, there are considerable problems with loneliness (see: Atheism and loneliness). Furthermore, many atheists feel isolated within theistic cultures (see: Atheism and social outcasts).
      Atheism and suicide
      See also: Atheism and suicide
      The journal article A global perspective in the epidemiology of suicide, published in the academic journal Suicidologi, found that "At 25.6, the total suicide rate is markedly highest in Atheist countries (e.g. China) which included in this analysis countries where religious observances had been prohibited for a long period of time (e.g. Albania)."[7]
      Atheism and narcissism
      See: Atheism and narcissism
      Atheism and psychopathy
      See also: Atheism and psychopathy and Atheism and sociopathy
      See: Atheism and sadism
      Psychopathy is strongly correlated with crime, violence, and antisocial behavior.[8][9] See also: Irreligion, psychopathy, crime, violence and antisocial behavior
      A psychopath is someone with an anti-social personality disorder characterized by violent, perverted or immoral behavior often leading to criminality. Psychopaths have little or no concern for other people. Some psychopaths equate love with sexual arousal.[10] A few studies have found that there is a positive correlation of atheism and psychopathy (see: Atheism and psychopathy.)
      Atheism, autism, schizophrenia and genetic mutations
      See also: Atheists and genetic mutations
      Left-handedness is a good indicator of a high mutational load.[11] People who are left-handed higher incidences of autism and schizophrenia.[12] A study found that atheists are more likely to be left-handed (see: Atheists and genetic mutations).[13][14]
      For additional information, please see:
      *Atheists and genetic mutations
      *Atheism and autism
      Secular leftists and psychogenic illness
      See: Secular leftists and psychogenic illness
      Rob Whitney, PhD wrote in the Harvard Review of Psychiatry:
      “The exploration of the impact of religiosity on mental health is an enduring, if somewhat quiet, tradition. There has been virtually no exploration, however, of the influence of atheism on mental health. I argue that atheism, especially positive atheism, should be treated as a meaningful sociocultural variable in the study of mental health. I argue that atheism (just like theism) is an appropriate domain of study for social and cultural psychiatrists (and allied social scientists) interested in exploring socio-environmental stressors and buffers relating to mental health. Specifically, I argue that (1) atheism needs to be accurately measured as an individual-level exposure variable, with the aim of relating that variable to psychiatric outcomes, (2) there needs to be greater systematic investigation into the influence of atheism on psychiatry as an institution, and (3) the relation of atheism to mental health needs to be explored by examining atheistic theory and its practical application, especially as it relates to the human condition, suffering, and concepts of personhood.[15]”

    • @adrianjanssens7116
      @adrianjanssens7116 23 дня назад

      @@shaunigothictv1003 Thanks but mot helpful,

    • @randje1999
      @randje1999 23 дня назад

      Articulate? Um is not a word and this man uses it several times as a fill in . Use a real word i.e. so,well,then,and,or. How did you graduate college when you can't use speech correctly?

  • @williammoersen
    @williammoersen 22 дня назад +13

    What about belief in political parties? They cause hatred and anger. Lots of things cause trouble, not only religion. Look. Believe what you want. Don't dictate your belief to others.

    • @ccfrats5639
      @ccfrats5639 5 дней назад +2

      Don't watch. Allow freedom of thought and speech.

  • @musazangina3079
    @musazangina3079 День назад +1

    There are lot of fabrications, lies, fallacies, fictions, illusions and contradictions in (almost) all religions on earth. Worst of it, is, deliberate denial of this fact

  • @andrewphoenix3609
    @andrewphoenix3609 21 день назад +3

    Plus all the gospels were inspired by the works of Homer and Virgil, literary works of fiction written by writers that used literary constructs to tell their tale.

  • @kikoissa
    @kikoissa 23 дня назад +5

    Buying his book today!

  • @krumplethemal8831
    @krumplethemal8831 26 дней назад +34

    I wish i could find the video where William Lane Craig the apologist was asked if he had a time machine and went back to see if the resurrection actually happened abut it turned out that it never did. His response to the question was he eould still believe regardless.
    A believer doesnt believe because of reasoning, they believe out of HOPE that their belief is true because they want ut to be true.

  • @mendozabensouzan744
    @mendozabensouzan744 12 дней назад +2

    It's a pity so many 'believers' conflate religious belief with knowledge

  • @epiphanydrums5427
    @epiphanydrums5427 26 дней назад +6

    The quality and content of history valley is ever growing and refining the presentation of information. Very nicely done, I appreciate your work 👍

  • @mendozabensouzan744
    @mendozabensouzan744 12 дней назад +1

    A compelling and credible account of the influences that gave rise to modern Judaism and Christianity

  • @user-qu3em4iq3v
    @user-qu3em4iq3v 9 дней назад +3

    Religion is the worst think that took place in the development of mankind. Religions arise and dissappear in the history of humanity. It is really sad nowadays people remain faithful to the abrahamic creeds.They are lost in darkness superstition and ignorance

    • @jeffreyerwin3665
      @jeffreyerwin3665 8 дней назад

      Religion did not fund the development of the nuclear weapons that are going to wipe us all out.

  • @garymensurati1631
    @garymensurati1631 15 дней назад +2

    This is my 3rd time listening. I found the Dr. fascinating and obvious well spoken. Thank you 🙏 Blessings to all

  • @mylord9340
    @mylord9340 25 дней назад +6

    Thanks Jacob. Fascinating. I bought a copy of the book.

  • @thimychan202
    @thimychan202 25 дней назад +5

    This was totally fascinating!

  • @marktwain5232
    @marktwain5232 26 дней назад +5

    I just ordered your book! Thank you very much for your presentation! From my own extensive research for many years, I see everything in terms of encoded esoteric systems of the 25,920 Year Great Platonic Year in the knowledge of "Cyclic World Age Passage Archetypal Eternal Return". I see all of the Ancient Texts as essentially Catalogues of Cyclic Archetypal Knowledge in the rise and fall of Civilizations. Not so much "Individual Character as Fate" but "Individual Consciousness as Fate". I look very much forward to very careful study of your book, Dr. Allen.

  • @williamcody3415
    @williamcody3415 26 дней назад +9


  • @munbruk
    @munbruk 23 дня назад +3

    Great summary of the past related to Judaism and Christianity. Not every thing is certain but a good analysis.

  • @Ryansarcade9
    @Ryansarcade9 26 дней назад +5

    Guests I’d like to see: the authors of the new book “Christ before Jesus.”

  • @oldbiker9739
    @oldbiker9739 26 дней назад +19

    man lives about 25,000 days then dies , that's the end of your religion and your god, do not fear death, its just a journey to peace at last .

    • @Tom-and-Jerry-again
      @Tom-and-Jerry-again 26 дней назад

      Obtaining The RELATIONSHIP now with your CREATOR, The Creator, will allow you to participate in the planning and preparations for your future, both here and beyond. Otherwise, it's just throwing your soul to the wind. It's allowed to do it that way, but will you be able to control the landing?

    • @dustinrichburg8638
      @dustinrichburg8638 23 дня назад

      @@oldbiker9739 To what kind of peace?

    • @oldbiker9739
      @oldbiker9739 23 дня назад

      @@dustinrichburg8638 quiet peace

    • @Adrian-hm7gx
      @Adrian-hm7gx 23 дня назадвидео.htmlsi=2EwKgDdMWN5hRrNC

    • @duckbrew
      @duckbrew 21 день назад

      ​@@dustinrichburg8638The kind you practice when you sleep every night.

  • @oldbiker9739
    @oldbiker9739 26 дней назад +7

    we all love the SUN , it gives life

  • @amandaparta2422
    @amandaparta2422 24 дня назад +4

    This video was amazing ! Can’t wait to read the book 😁

  • @joea363
    @joea363 24 дня назад +5

    I plan to buy this book based on this interview. Thank you.

  • @josevaz5147
    @josevaz5147 14 дней назад +2

    I've been raised a (portuguese) Catholic, and I'm now still an atheist for many years. However, let me say that Nicholas Peter Legh Allen only says things that every Catholic (at least every minimally educated european Catholic) very well knows. And none of them, by themselves, demonstrate a supposed fallacy of Christianity, or Jesus. These could be good for polemics with Evangelicals (wich are ignorant), not to polemize with Catholic faith (wich is as much wrong, by the way, but is much more complex).

  • @trueworld78
    @trueworld78 26 дней назад +5

    Awesome info,learn something new every time!

  • @RightOnBro72
    @RightOnBro72 21 день назад +1

    Great video. Awesome to hear more from Dr. Nicholas Peter Legh Allen.

  • @henryschmit3340
    @henryschmit3340 23 дня назад +1

    The problem there is that Christianity is grounded in Genesis. Any vaguely similar pagan myths are coincidental. But mere coincidence does not prove causal connection.

  • @2nil-i
    @2nil-i 5 дней назад

    I am not interested in how Christians behaved centuries ago. I am interested in the peaceful and loving Christianity of today.

    •  5 дней назад +4

      There nothing is loving about a religion that persecutes people for not believing in their doctrine or savior

  • @thimychan202
    @thimychan202 26 дней назад +4


  • @elainebraindrain3174
    @elainebraindrain3174 25 дней назад +4

    Bart wrote book called how jesus became god.

  • @terryriley8963
    @terryriley8963 25 дней назад +9

    Christianity circular reasoning gotcha scam starts with the Christian creed ‘We are born into sin’ and how do we deal with and save ourselves from this sin? Well first of all you have to become a Christian.

    • @jeffreyerwin3665
      @jeffreyerwin3665 25 дней назад +2

      Naturalist circular reasoning starts with "miracles don't happen" and then proceeds to discount the scientific evidence of a miracle on that basis.

    • @dayofthejackyl
      @dayofthejackyl 22 дня назад

      @@jeffreyerwin3665 what miracle

    • @Trumpulator
      @Trumpulator 22 дня назад +2

      ​@@jeffreyerwin3665 Which specific version of a presuppositional so-called god are you claiming is the 100% perfectly correct version, that you want everyone to follow?

    • @TerryJLaRue
      @TerryJLaRue 14 дней назад +1

      @terryriley8963 and don't forget the 10% tithe. For Jesus, of course.

  • @jeffreyerwin3665
    @jeffreyerwin3665 8 дней назад

    Those images of a crucified corpse on that long linen sheet just won't go away. . . . . . . . . . . .

  • @bircruz555
    @bircruz555 8 дней назад

    The Jesus story is Not a lie. But it is allegory, which cannot be taken literally.

  • @Dark-Sentences
    @Dark-Sentences 18 дней назад +2

    The one who designed your brain designed the scriptures. Only if you are purposely rejecting all proof can you reject the Bible.
    Luke 16:31
    And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets *(the scriptures),* neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead *(any proof).*

    • @judyhickman5831
      @judyhickman5831 13 дней назад

      @Dark-Sentences- please, there is so much research out there now. Bible was a compilation of many prior literary sources and when the Roman Church wanted to unite the Jews and others under one religion, they co-opted the bible, redacted and contorted it to make it a powerful instrument of control over the masses. There is no part of the One Supreme God in the KJV which was concocted by men for the public's consumption. In the bible you have 2 lesser Gods, Jehovah/Yahweh are 2 names for OT god, and another lessor god, in the NT, who tried to pass himself off as The Supreme God by adopting the higher nature virtues of The Supreme God, but was a phony via deception none-the-less.
      This is why "God" of the bible presents like 2 different personalities. It's 2 lesser gods being pawned off as the Supreme God. Christians are good people with the best of intentions. But they are among the most deceived in the world. They were duped into mistaking the crazy OT lesser god and the merciful lesser god in NT as the one Supreme God, having nothing to do with the bible versions the public got. On top of that the real, historical Jesus was replaced by a version of Jesus that was conjured by the scribes and Parisees under control of the all-powerful, Roman Church. The Roman Church did all that in order to concoct a "new Christianity", which is nothing like the original Christianity. It's all out there, research; or, wait for the public Disclosures to be broadcast on TV worldwide very soon.

    • @Letsvgetreal
      @Letsvgetreal 12 дней назад

      In my eyes riding from the Dead can only mean Ascension! The Dead are unconcious can have many meanings such as when Yeshua said, let the dead bury the dead?

  • @davidkeller6156
    @davidkeller6156 26 дней назад +7

    I’ve loved the allegory of the cave since I first read it.

  • @LanghamW1
    @LanghamW1 24 дня назад +2

    WOW ! ! !
    The host is REALLY inspiring ! 🙄

  • @dr.garyhatcher8364
    @dr.garyhatcher8364 10 дней назад

    I agree. I will leave it there. In the meantime I will maintain my belief and faith. There will be scoffes. Your choice.

  • @alphaomega1351
    @alphaomega1351 11 дней назад +3

    I believe in the Great Pumpkin 🎃. 😳

  • @rockyfitzp
    @rockyfitzp 25 дней назад +3

    Dr. Allen, you probably know that Monadism started with Pythagoras in a very early form, You decided not to trace Christianity back in to Egypt in this discussion for the sake of time. I was wondering if you also see Monadism going back there when Pythagoras studied in Egypt? I do!

    • @dustinrichburg8638
      @dustinrichburg8638 24 дня назад

      Romans 1 in the New Testament speaks on how many other beliefs originated as perverted versions of the Truth. This Truth is revealed by Christ Jesus.

  • @JesusSavedBubby
    @JesusSavedBubby 24 дня назад +7

    Jesus hugged me ... He completely changed me ....I hated religion and i still do ...I was engulfed with a love ... So divine , a love I had never felt in my life ...I have never been the same . I walk with Him every minute of every day. I have lost the fear and sadness I used to feel daily ... Im a happier person... I dont go to church ...I do not call myself a christian... I am a disciple and devout follower of Jesus... You can find Him anywhere... Anytime... Call out to Jesus .... And pray .

    • @rashidaquil5284
      @rashidaquil5284 24 дня назад +11

      Did he look like a white blonde man and spoke Shakespearean English or Looked like a Muslim

    • @kikoissa
      @kikoissa 23 дня назад +3

      Pure superstition…

    • @andrewphoenix3609
      @andrewphoenix3609 22 дня назад

      And you can find the same peace without invoking jesus. He's just a convenient object to hang your experience on. It denies the universality of what you experienced and limited the truth to a single historical person, when there have been many mystics who have found the truth.
      There will be many more from different forms of mysticism that will find the truth, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, Taoist, Shintoist, Seikh, Pagan.
      Those that seek the truth from within and have the humility will find the divine sound, the divine breath and the divine sight that dwells within us all. Not separate from us but ever present if you can see beyond the senses.

    • @Benjaminsmallwood
      @Benjaminsmallwood 22 дня назад

      AWESOME @!! You now know HIM!! God is LOVE...!! ECSTATIC, FREEING, DIVINE LOVE...I am so happy for you!!

    • @schnellster1
      @schnellster1 19 дней назад

      Jesus never condemned slavery, he never came for non Jews as he himself mentioned ( as narrated by his followers), Jesus Lied ( he said he would come back before 'this', generation passed away...he lied), Jesus has got his blood mixed up with a Lineage who were involved in prostitution. If you really wanted to know what love is, just start being a human and have humanistic values! You are a mental weakling who needs a fantasy story to help you be a better person. You are in such a sad state!

  •  26 дней назад +12

    Wasn't Paul secretly working for the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't all of the original Roman Catholic Saints' members of the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't all of the original symbols used by the earliest Christians identical to those of the Flavian Dynasty? And wasn't the earliest iconographic image of Jesus The Christ, in a catacomb, under the city of Rome, which was owned by a Flavian Princess?
    Weren't all of the original Jesus cult texts produced under the oversight of the Flavian Dynasty? Didn't the Flavian Dynasty posses the only remaining copy of the Hebrew Tanakh other than the Greek Septuagint translation? Isn't there Flavian typology in the Gospels? Weren't the canonical texts all back dated like the historical fiction of Gone With The Wind? Wasn't Emperor Vespasian known as the Jewish Messiah? Wasn’t Pope Clement of Rome a Flavian? Wasn't Josephus a temple whore for the Flavian Dynasty? Weren't the Flavian’s, as well as Paul, descended from King Herod?
    There was no separation of Church and State in the Roman Empire. And Christianity is clearly a Greco-Roman hybrid form of Judaism created by the Flavian Dynasty. As an attempt to adapt, pacify, and integrate the rebellious and defiant Jews into the rest of the Greco-Roman Empire. Then finally Neo-Flavian Constantine chose the Flavian family religion to be the official religion of the entire Roman Empire. In order to consolidate power in his fractured Empire. And then Eusebius edited and rewrote the history of the previous 3OO years. It isn't history it is all simply Greco-Roman mythopoetic literature. Today it is known as Historical Fiction.
    “What profit hath not this fable of Christ brought us.”
    Pope Leo X 💙

    • @PhilSophia-ox7ep
      @PhilSophia-ox7ep 26 дней назад +8

      No to virtually every single one of your tinfoil hat questions

    • @antonius3745
      @antonius3745 26 дней назад +2

      The Roman church was not the first church. The first churches were all in the East, Antioch, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Korinth etc. The oldest churches are the ones in Syria, Ethiopia and Egypt. But all that is after the year 70. That weird conspiracy idea of the Flavian dynasty is getting boring. You all look to Rome, but Rome as one of the central and important christian centers just came into being after the 8th century. Before that Christianity had its main and most important focus in the eastern part of the roman Empire. All the councils and all important dogma's and the canon of the Bible, were decided by the bishops of the near-eastern patriarchates. So what you are telling here is just historical totally incorrect and out of line.

    •  26 дней назад +1

      @@antonius3745 Were not all of the locations which you mention controlled by the Roman Empire? Including Egypt? 💙

    • @antonius3745
      @antonius3745 26 дней назад +1

      Yes and no. The Roman Empire was more open as most people think, It was not a controlled society as ours were to say it a bit cynical, American hegemony takes control also into peoples homes all over the world. You reduce Christianity to western traditions that originated in the middle ages. That is a typical western view. But christianity originated in the near east and not in Rome, Wittenberg or Canterbury or Genève. The idea that Christianity is a Roman invention is just ridiculous and totally bogus. That the Jesus movement changed from Judaism to Christianity is a process over 400 years and that was heavy influenced by, in my opinion, the malicious influence of Gnosticism.

    • @infiniti28160
      @infiniti28160 26 дней назад

      There be no profit in truth, so we follow theories like the one you prepose but its only a red herring. Debunking "Ancient Israel" you tube video.

  • @amysmardz4842
    @amysmardz4842 26 дней назад +9

    Great 👍

    • @chrisevans9688
      @chrisevans9688 16 дней назад

      Chris Evans good God and see you soon now my love best job now ok now if you are so I can do it tomorrow night my life is free and time we go back next week so it will talk now

  • @whalehunter3214
    @whalehunter3214 5 дней назад

    Science can only measure the measurable, so anything outside the realm of instrumentation, such as consciousness and existence itself, which can't be quantified by the scientific method, but yet still exists, is proof that not all phenomena and especially the metaphysical can't just be dismissed, based on materialistic beliefs!

  • @isaman8278
    @isaman8278 18 дней назад +1

    Assumptions, twisted scripture/history, and just plain rhetoric. As misleading as Christianity. Sad.

  • @sabrinanascimento5248
    @sabrinanascimento5248 11 дней назад

    It’s the Religion itself and their beliefs and Doctrine and Dogma.

  • @sabrinanascimento5248
    @sabrinanascimento5248 11 дней назад

    It’s your Faith that Saves you.

  • @douglasdeltondo7852
    @douglasdeltondo7852 26 дней назад +1

    He adds in catholic teachings, and does not use Ebionite earliest sect as Maccoby did. It is easy to make Catholicism absurd. But not the orthodox Ebionites, as Maccoby proved in his 1986 book Mythmaker.

  • @user-lt6vj4gq4l
    @user-lt6vj4gq4l 11 дней назад

    Very impressed it’s a complete
    maze but extremely interesting.
    Thank you for this information.

  • @mirza3709952
    @mirza3709952 10 дней назад

    Mary also accompanied Jesus towards East where other 11 tribes of Israel lived. She passed away in beautiful hilly area in Pakistan, then named after her “Marry”. Jesus traveled upto Kashmir where he passed away at the age of 120 years. Jesus tomb is in Kashmir, a heavenly land. Read on internet “Jesus in India “ by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

  • @neurobits
    @neurobits 11 дней назад

    Even this scientist didn’t got it. He said Teshiuva didn’t always “works” because HaShem punish Ysrael many times?
    Well “Dr”, obviously if people gone to idolatry, THEY DIDN’T REPENT before punishment.
    Really limited visions.

  • @sabrinanascimento5248
    @sabrinanascimento5248 11 дней назад

    Jesus doesn’t lie about Himself

  • @Kostaki312
    @Kostaki312 26 дней назад +3

    It's a joke that you're not in on, that's all I can say.

  • @RightOnBro72
    @RightOnBro72 17 дней назад

    Excellent episode. However, I still have to wonder by Jacbo Behrman didn't ask Nicholas Peter Legh Allen what he thinks about "Roman Provenance."

  • @TheAfricanDia-Stoic
    @TheAfricanDia-Stoic 16 часов назад

    Side note, he didn’t lay out “laws” with sin, he gave them the OPTION TO CHOOSE KNOWLEDGE WITH HIM OR KNOWLEDGE ON THEIR OWN. I.E. the Tree of Knowledge… smh, I’m sure he is a scholar but theirs alot of injections of his all knowing knowledge showing up here

  • @whalehunter3214
    @whalehunter3214 5 дней назад

    1 Kings 11:1-8
    4 As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been. 5 He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites.

  • @Sportliveonline
    @Sportliveonline 26 дней назад +9

    so known civilisation goes back 6000 years thats amazing in itself and yet the universe billions of years

    • @TheDanEdwards
      @TheDanEdwards 26 дней назад

      "so known civilisation goes back 6000 years"

    • @lewiscarey1593
      @lewiscarey1593 26 дней назад

      Prove it!@

    • @joecheffo5942
      @joecheffo5942 24 дня назад

      @@lewiscarey1593 There is proof, they use radioactive dating. Why does the moon have all those craters by the way? Has anyone seen the moon hit even one time while you were alive? What about your grandparents or great grandparents?
      It seems pretty ancient, unless God just made it all banged up like that?

    • @schnellster1
      @schnellster1 19 дней назад +1

      Welcome to India, here advanced civilization existed more than 8000 yesrs

  • @patriciadewitt8100
    @patriciadewitt8100 2 дня назад

    Such an unfortunate title for what seems to be such a helpful and informative book on the history of Judeo-Christian history. I can only assume it was the publisher’s idea. It doesn’t reflect the discussion on History Valley.

  • @sparkyy0007
    @sparkyy0007 24 дня назад +2

    Well...if naturalism is true as this brilliant historian seems to be saying, then everything is just bumping particles of chemistry.
    No right, no wrong, no objective mortality exists.
    So all his many complaints about the sequence of chemical reactions going on in the universe (including world events) today can be fully addressed with two little words...
    So what.

    • @Trumpulator
      @Trumpulator 22 дня назад

      Exactly. Nobody cares about your religious "feelings," only what you can credibly prove.

    • @sparkyy0007
      @sparkyy0007 21 день назад

      2 to zero so far...

    • @Trumpulator
      @Trumpulator 21 день назад

      @@sparkyy0007 Seethe and cope...

    • @sparkyy0007
      @sparkyy0007 21 день назад +1

      Over what.. Lol

  • @Robert-d5l
    @Robert-d5l 3 дня назад

    I think religion is a responsibility avoidance tactic.

  • @PraeytoGod
    @PraeytoGod 11 дней назад

    Is this the same Nicholas Allen that said the Image on the Shroud was an early photograph ?

  • @4OHz
    @4OHz 20 дней назад

    I’m going to fall asleep, please wake up
    And start asking the author some questions - where’s your enthusiasm man! Did you read the book?

  • @PauldeSwardt
    @PauldeSwardt 24 дня назад

    Quite a comprehensive look at early influences on a Babylonian,Hellenistic and Judian birth to Christianity. And going by his CV from a scholar of impeccable credentials!

  • @Sportliveonline
    @Sportliveonline 26 дней назад +6

    how do you know that anything written down at the time is true in the first place he is assuming his historical evidence is based on that therfore ~contradicting himself

    • @familyshare3724
      @familyshare3724 26 дней назад +6

      We cannot know anything with absolute total certainty. But we weigh the evidence.

    • @dasheahewitt6026
      @dasheahewitt6026 26 дней назад +2

      We can say the same things about the buybull
      So what’s the method in determining what’s written is true

    • @raf6007
      @raf6007 25 дней назад

      how can you belive what the bible says? you belive in a translation of some king? you know kings were always power hungry and most of them were mad. Every religion is based on Fear, they have to control you somehow.

    • @familyshare3724
      @familyshare3724 25 дней назад +1

      @@Sportliveonline call it a healthy bullshit meter, the scientific method or 3000 years of epistemology

    • @schnellster1
      @schnellster1 19 дней назад

      Jesus never condemned slavery, he never came for non Jews as he himself mentioned ( as narrated by his followers), Jesus Lied ( he said he would come back before 'this', generation passed away...he lied), Jesus has got his blood mixed up with a Lineage who were involved in prostitution. If you really wanted to know what love is, just start being a human and have humanistic values! One is a mental weakling who needs a fantasy story to help you be a better person.

  • @hippopotamus6765
    @hippopotamus6765 11 дней назад

    The whole NT story is fiction, produced by the Hellenised Jewish Diaspora after the Bar Kophba failure in 136 CE.

  • @ophidiaparaclete
    @ophidiaparaclete 24 дня назад +2

    When I ask Christians what will they do when Jesus doesn't return their response is always he'll return.

    • @jeffreyerwin3665
      @jeffreyerwin3665 24 дня назад

      Jesus' return is marked by a global nuclear war, which means that we are all screwed. (LOL)

  • @les318
    @les318 13 дней назад

    Look at all those books these guys have behind them. They must know a lot.

  • @sergemoor9789
    @sergemoor9789 7 дней назад

    Yes smart guy if you say anything bad against Judaism and Islam they will squeeze the life out of you but its easy to say all kind of evil about Jesus its ok we Christians forgive

  • @mr.angelosonassis3069
    @mr.angelosonassis3069 15 дней назад

    Mathematics provide convincing evidence of a Creator.

  • @tedroybal5231
    @tedroybal5231 21 день назад

    At least Dr. Allen admits his naivete.

  • @archer-dancing
    @archer-dancing 9 дней назад

    Tip to the interviewer: You might want to dial back on the Fentanyl before starting the podcast.

  • @christinabernier4860
    @christinabernier4860 22 дня назад +1

    Have you ever thought that God in His Infinite Wisdom would know that humankind could not truly understand good if they didn’t experience evil? Maybe we are meant to see evil in this life so we will choose good in the next.

    • @mavrosyvannah
      @mavrosyvannah 20 дней назад

      Pass. Don't need to understand good at all. Just peace security and a bit of adventure with the odd reward of some comfort and pleasure.

  • @jasonnelson316
    @jasonnelson316 26 дней назад +2

    Thanks for the interview. Amazing content.. I'm excited about this book. I know we all have our own personality times, but Jacob, you will at least need to fake it, bro. We are energy beings. Viewers and guests can pick up on the low energy and it's making it harder for guests if the engagement is a lull. Thanks for all you do!

    • @joe19912
      @joe19912 25 дней назад +2

      Jacob has health/back issues. Just be thankful he can get all these great guests on. ✌️

    • @trilithon108
      @trilithon108 13 дней назад +1

      It's a style, and I like the deadpan questions. 🎉

  • @melantheoszimurri9981
    @melantheoszimurri9981 2 дня назад

    What religion were the Dutch that went to Africa?

  • @4OHz
    @4OHz 20 дней назад

    6:15 We are born “sock” and commanded to get “well?”

  • @lordemed1
    @lordemed1 23 дня назад

    Allen does not understand the essence of Judaism- one is ultimately responsible for one's actions. Faith or belief does not substitute for this. That is how the concept of 'god' becomes and is unknowable. ie in the end we are individually responsible.

  • @hawaii5050
    @hawaii5050 15 дней назад

    Good program but how can you discuss Hyksos and Moses without mentioning Akhenaten? Have you not read "Moses and Monotheism" by Sigmund Freud? Also, you're going to have a hard time pinning down your jesus to simply one person as it may have represented a type of movment rooted in Hellenism, at the time. One thing you can say for certain is that the Jesus of the NT did not exist.

  • @jamieltoefy9796
    @jamieltoefy9796 8 дней назад

    This person thinks he is better than God.NEVER mind whatt method u use,u cant wish away Jesus(P.B.U.H)As a muslim we simply loves him.

  • @SteveVick-xe8ko
    @SteveVick-xe8ko 3 дня назад

    The Word of God reveals much of mankind . How all of creation came about .
    A beginning of all living creatures & including mankind .
    The word sin is defined in the beginning of Genesis & how that came about . A villain angel who lied to Adam & Eve & mankind into sin . And the creator’s
    Justice & mercy .
    The earth belongs to him . Not the untied nations , not to physicist. But to God our creator & giver of life . Also the saviour of the righteous in JESUS CHRIST . By the Gospel message .
    Kjv- Psalms 2:1-5
    The devil & his angels cannot stop what is coming soon . The LORD JESUS comes back to rule the earth for a 1000 years & at the end cast satan & the fallen into the lake of fire prepared for the devil & his angels .
    KJV- John 3:14-20 & 34-36

  • @Trumpulator
    @Trumpulator 12 дней назад +2

    Question: Does the
    omnicient, omnipotent, omnipresent, immutable god, that you want everyone to believe in...
    ...a supposed god from the non-believers POV, who has a fully known and predetermined plan…
    *_does the god …know,_* who will go to a promised "heaven"...
    ...and who will go to the religion's threatened "hell"... their _'Final Destinations'...
    *_...before_* the proposed god creates each person?
    Remember, the god model you present, the god can never be wrong about what it thinks it knows about the future...

  • @MitzvosGolem1
    @MitzvosGolem1 26 дней назад +10

    Fact verify: no historian mentions Jesus Apostles miracles from any historical record from that era of the Christian bible.
    I agree with this Guest in part.
    Mankind must coexist or will perish ultimately.
    Rational thought will save us .

    • @JimmyTuxTv
      @JimmyTuxTv 26 дней назад

      The first historical reference is documented war propaganda 92-93ad. We know dozens of building up the troops stories. They blew their horns marched in to Roman slaughter all the while claiming the chariots of heaven lead by(enter savior here) Jesus will gain victory over the enemy. They were wrong but the pleasant thought of being saved remains.

    • @MrBadway_636
      @MrBadway_636 26 дней назад

      Except, rational thoughts aren't going to save us this time....The only way for us to coexist is to get rid of these religions, and ofcourse that will never happen, we don’t even need rational thinking to know that religion will never die.

    • @lewiscarey1593
      @lewiscarey1593 26 дней назад +1

      You would do WELL to read a History Book, called Acts Of The Apostle!! ALL HISTORIANS agree: IT IS ACCURAYE in its places, times, people's, Josephus mentions Christ, Peter mentions Christ, Matthew the tax collector mentions Christ!!😮😮😮

    • @LupinGaius-ls1or
      @LupinGaius-ls1or 26 дней назад +2

      Josephus, not a Christian, mentions Jesus. As does Tacitus.

    • @MitzvosGolem1
      @MitzvosGolem1 25 дней назад +3

      @@LupinGaius-ls1or Josephus and Tactius were born long After Jesus died and wrote decades later after.
      They are second hand third hand accounts.
      Pliny the elder the main Roman historian from that era makes no mention of Jesus or miracles apostles Paul etc etc.
      Plus the Josephus mentioning Jesus is an accepted known later insertion by church fathers.
      The original Josephus was in Aramaic.
      No one has that original copy.

  • @JM-hr4xp
    @JM-hr4xp 22 дня назад

    Thanks! 👍