Congratulations on the first clear for Spelunker, Korone! 8:29:30 Korone's energy and positive energy really makes it a fun watch despite being 8 hr 30min. Her superchat readings are also nice, and she really puts effort to get her message crossing to EN viewers. WIth the agreement between Cover and Capcom settled earlier this week, looking forward to Korone playing BIo Hazard 1 (resident evil), rockman (megaman), and other capcom games~
End text is: The viewer is having a date with Korone. Her hat got squished, so she wants a new one! They searched in all sorts of places but they couldn't find a good one... "What about your finger? Perfect! Thanks for the wonderful hat!" They spent time happily together. HAPPY END Congrats on the clear!
I saw her playing Atlantis no Nazo and thought "She's gonna try Spelunker someday". And there she is. Playing one of the most infamous kusoge in gaming's history. Having a courage for even attempting to play this game is a heroic feat by itself, but no, she beats it to the end. What a champ.
I do like this Korone watson combo she has in her thumbnail. Looking smug there 6:14- cute hat. 32:34- clicking her tongue. 2:03:08- break time? 2:54:20- playing blindfolded I guess. 3:02:55- yay a hat. 3:14:36- yep my ears 💥 3:34:10- yay we're playing now. 5:32:05- hello, let's every one Spelunker 5:54:40- yes lol 6:08:46- never sleep with Korone. 8:01:24- 🚆 8:03:43- happy morning sunshine 9:28:35- now that's a pizza 🍕
that rope section gave korone alot of trouble but once she got it, it was pretty much in the bag! xD, congrats on the clear korone and congrats again on 1.4m subs! Update: she just cleared the 2nd and 3rd loop off-stream xD ssg korosan!
Never played this one, let alone heard of it. Just over 8 hours of playing the same loop boarders on absolute insanity, but I wouldn't expect anything less from Korone the resident retro gamer. Really thought that last run was going to be the one, but serious props getting as far as she did.
140万サブスクライバー!!!おめでとう!!! Thank you for the wonderful stream Koro-san! Your determination with gaming is like nothing I've ever seen before! Congratulations on beating Spelunker! (Also, how come she's dressed as Amelia Watson in the thumbnail? Super かえあいい!)
Aw Korone, you always put a smile on our faces. Definitely one of the Funniest streams ever 😂😂 See you next Time Koronsan ♥🐾 Nice English at the end too :)
Another crazy one-sitting clear! 8:29:30 Congrats!!!
8:57:18 most importantly, Koro-san enjoyed it!
2:28:29 snack time
3:15:06 "I'm crazy"
6:08:46 "don't sleep!"
8:03:42 "happy morning sunshine! "
8:54:54 merry christmas guys! Enjoy your present
9:05:06 🍙🥐
9:28:36 pizza with x-potatoes
lol that was funny pizza with x-potatoes and salami~~
01:41 開始/start
06:10 スペランカー帽子
06:54 ゲーム開始/Game start
15:31 かわいい
30:20 叫び
31:53 ガチ舌打ち
34:57 コウモリ
39:56 地声の「は?」
46:03 投げキッス
47:40 実況プレイ風
54:43 初見のつもりで
58:06 お口悪いっぬ
1:46:00 はうん
1:46:55 はうーん
1:59:59 身体がスペランカーになってきた
2:16:45 失敗のない人は挑戦のない人
2:17:25 宇宙のことを学んでる
2:27:02 あぅーん
2:28:25 もぐもぐ
2:37:25 ぎゅ!
2:38:58 あぅーん
2:47:23 ぎゅ!
2:47:33 にゃー
2:51:53 お前のせいだからな~可愛い
2:54:19 帽子を深くする
3:10:22 ぎゅ!
3:11:04 カギ忘れちゃった
4:14:46 頭ぶつけちゃった
4:19:50 かわいい
4:38:43 kusoが
4:46:14 悲鳴
4:46:35 休憩タイム
4:48:11 食べる時のクセ
4:52:42 伸び助かる
4:55:48 泣いちゃう
5:08:18 みんなにしてることが自分に返ってきてる
5:13:29 ばかあ
5:14:24 ぎゅ!
5:20:47 おばけのしょうたい
5:38:26 ばかたれ
5:41:15 頭いたいいたい
6:00:23 背伸び
6:01:40 覗かれちゃった
6:37:25 苦手なゾーン
6:54:55 ころね覚醒
6:58:06 まかしときー
7:02:33 アハァ
7:03:48 ウキウキころね
7:12:14 ご機嫌ころね
7:21:32 0機の方がそそられる
7:24:45 叫び声
7:25:18 帽子でかくね?
7:31:38 らんらんらん
7:33:02 妖怪ウォッチを始めた理由
7:38:28 スペランカーの塾
7:41:54 愛してるぞ
7:42:55 ころさんは噛まない?
7:44:41 新参者に向けて
7:45:39 頭についてるさつま揚げ
7:51:44 耐久の時は無礼講
8:11:50 3面クリア
8:14:08 もぐもぐ
8:19:15 クロワッサンがさくさくな理由
8:20:40 マツケンとコラボしたら
8:29:20 4面クリア
8:32:00 ロープの解説
9:58:16 ころねとデートするリスナーEND
8:42:33 自分用です
@@towbbb9160 ありがとうございます!
やったね!( ◜ᴗ◝)
@@Y9PeTFmPlvFGCfo リデコロさんありがとぅぅう!😭
Congratulations on the first clear for Spelunker, Korone! 8:29:30 Korone's energy and positive energy really makes it a fun watch despite being 8 hr 30min.
Her superchat readings are also nice, and she really puts effort to get her message crossing to EN viewers.
WIth the agreement between Cover and Capcom settled earlier this week, looking forward to Korone playing BIo Hazard 1 (resident evil), rockman (megaman), and other capcom games~
Wowowow the first RE? Hell yeah!!
Didn't know that megaman was called rockman. Still looking forward for that one for sure
End text is:
The viewer is having a date with Korone. Her hat got squished, so she wants a new one! They searched in all sorts of places but they couldn't find a good one... "What about your finger? Perfect! Thanks for the wonderful hat!" They spent time happily together. HAPPY END
Congrats on the clear!
congrats on clearing "oh no its two feet high im gonna die" Spelunker
i loved the bgm
Aaand, 1 hour after going offstream, Korone tweeted about finishing the 2 loop. 30 mins later: the 3rd
She's quickly becoming a pro spelunker
I saw her playing Atlantis no Nazo and thought "She's gonna try Spelunker someday". And there she is.
Playing one of the most infamous kusoge in gaming's history. Having a courage for even attempting to play this game is a heroic feat by itself, but no, she beats it to the end. What a champ.
8 hours stuck at same spot, then 1 hour sudden burst to finish the game, sasuga doggo-san!
According to her twitter,after finished stream she added play this game.
1 hour later,she cleared 2nd round.What's more,cleared 3rd round only 20 min.
2:02 開始
2:54 〇にやすいだけで簡単
5:02 やるよ
6:08 ゲーム開始、始めから信号は赤色
7:13 ゲームオーバー
8:08 想定外
10:49 あさり?
11:56 小麦粉?
14:49 気付く
18:02 びゅびゅびゅ
19:28 どっちもてきに回す
22:18 証拠は?
23:40 うそだね
25:34 水を差される
26:14 ぴきりだすころねさん
31:47 つい
33:13 しらたき?
34:43 あるある
39:16 出ちゃう
1:01:33 厳しくも優しい
1:04:04 解釈不一致
1:05:50 スランプ
1:09:07 行きはよいよい
1:11:14 一瞬浅井企画
1:14:38 一瞬真心
1:24:28 分かりづらっ(1面クリア)
1:26:02 ころね式
1:30:29 ん?
1:32:18 はずれアイテム
1:38:10 テンションダウン
1:40:16 凝縮された感情
1:42:23 学んだころねさん
1:49:25 一瞬ヘビーレイン
1:49:53 泣
1:51:21 矛盾の塊
1:59:26 身体がスペランカーになってきた
2:02:10 矢先
2:03:08 「…」やめてよ
2:07:10 空気漏れ
2:07:50 - 2:11:18 休憩(ポテチ)
2:09:20 デモプレイのオチ
2:11:40 手拭いた?
2:15:42 デモプレイ?
2:16:17 一瞬とんぼ
2:16:40 アインシュタイン「!?」
2:18:37 集中してもろて
2:22:56 的確なツッコミ
2:25:00 一瞬プレイバック
2:28:24 小休憩
2:31:32 テンポの良さ
2:32:10 調子が上がってきたころねさん
2:35:04 一瞬AKIBA2025
2:38:24 一瞬スー
2:41:03 一瞬さかなクン
2:51:07 ギリギリ過ぎた
2:53:52 被り方変えてみる
2:57:13 一瞬フランフラン
2:58:20 一瞬監督
2:58:42 まさしって誰よ!
3:00:00 ヘルメットじゃなかったんだ…
3:03:08 またまた記憶が飛ぶころねさん
3:04:50 一瞬キャシャーン
3:08:00 一瞬PUFFY
3:11:04 あっ
3:13:30 モロヘイヤ「!?」
3:15:05 一瞬TRF
3:26:20 間が物語っとるんよ
3:30:34 帽子を捨てる
3:32:20 プレイヤーチェンジ
3:33:55 プレイヤーチェンジ
3:39:50 調子に乗ったリスナー
3:51:41 てきへの圧
3:54:35 出たがりお化け君
3:57:00 2面クリア
3:59:20 一瞬うっせぇわ
4:03:09 はっ!?
4:05:52 強風
4:13:34 そうなりますよねのうた
4:15:25 掴んだと思いきや
4:21:08 深かったかな?
4:23:02 一瞬ニトリ
4:26:15 一瞬心魅かれてく
4:29:24 一瞬リー
4:32:06 一瞬輝虎
4:32:40 - 4:34:22 離席
4:37:35 ダメなの?
4:38:30 一瞬配管工
4:38:42 一瞬親父
4:46:26 - 4:48:08 休憩(ピザポテト)
- 4:48:08 - 4:51:09 雑談
4:55:13 一瞬パンケーキ
4:56:02 大丈夫だそうです
4:59:34 ライバル判明
5:01:42 突然のロシア語
5:02:26 一瞬マダガスカル
5:03:20 再ぼうし
5:06:34 位置とダジャレ失敗
5:14:09 深?
5:15:37 惜しい
5:24:24 設定を盛りだす
5:32:40 グッドタイミング
5:42:43 平あやまり
5:45:39 そそそそうだよ
5:46:06 一瞬ユリ・サカザキ
5:51:26 情緒ふ安定に
6:11:08 紛れて登場
6:21:02 一瞬トトロ
6:33:23 コツを掴んだ…らしい
6:35:31 一瞬優しい君は
6:48:49 徐々にドラえもん
6:55:05 理解!
7:00:06 一瞬羽賀
7:03:48 ジャジーなころねさん
7:04:40 一瞬北島
7:05:55 一瞬ダン
7:13:27 まさし「!?」
7:15:25 その高さで?
7:16:09 一瞬ブルーハーツ
7:25:16 ぼうし
7:31:26 漏れ出る
7:54:38 一瞬ひぐらし
8:02:28 でしょうね
8:11:45 ラストへ
8:14:14 - 8:16:13 もぐもぐタイム
8:20:31 マツケンサンバ
8:26:04 何面?
8:29:14 まさか!?
8:42:04 スパチャ読み
I do like this Korone watson combo she has in her thumbnail. Looking smug there
6:14- cute hat.
32:34- clicking her tongue.
2:03:08- break time?
2:54:20- playing blindfolded I guess.
3:02:55- yay a hat.
3:14:36- yep my ears 💥
3:34:10- yay we're playing now.
5:32:05- hello, let's every one Spelunker
5:54:40- yes lol
6:08:46- never sleep with Korone.
8:01:24- 🚆
8:03:43- happy morning sunshine
9:28:35- now that's a pizza 🍕
8:29:31 Korone has made history yet again.
8:39:31 "Cleared (1 time) Thank you!!"
No, Korone! Thank you!
I played this game when I was a kid(around 2009?). It's so nostalgic whenever I see this game
Koro-san is such a power streamer. She gives me the energy to keep on with my tasks lol
that rope section gave korone alot of trouble but once she got it, it was pretty much in the bag! xD, congrats on the clear korone and congrats again on 1.4m subs!
Update: she just cleared the 2nd and 3rd loop off-stream xD ssg korosan!
Why is this doogo so cute?
We may never know.
Cause she is cute 🥰
always has been
To know about that,you most be crazier for her and spread.
Whoever solves that mystery will have the answer to all questions.
Never played this one, let alone heard of it. Just over 8 hours of playing the same loop boarders on absolute insanity, but I wouldn't expect anything less from Korone the resident retro gamer. Really thought that last run was going to be the one, but serious props getting as far as she did.
This game is just brutal, and the next loops progressively get more unfair (invisible keys, etc.)
Even clearing just the first loop is an achievement!
Another kusoge game in the bag for Korone. Congrats on the clear!
Kusoge game? Is that like an ATM machine?
And she done did it again.
Endurance doggo master no. 1
This was an INSANE GAME! I'm happy for Korone that she CLEARED IT! lmao
Thank you for the wonderful stream Koro-san! Your determination with gaming is like nothing I've ever seen before! Congratulations on beating Spelunker!
(Also, how come she's dressed as Amelia Watson in the thumbnail? Super かえあいい!)
I love this game so much... Thanks for playing
She looks good in Ame’s clothes😏
舌打ち 31:55
16:39 5:34:18 8:15:16 9:10:00
31:52 舌打ち助かる
I hope she plays the spelunky series one day. I think she'd like the indie retro scene. Spelunky 2 with smok would be pretty pog.
スペランカーはゲームが上手いじゃなく「スペランカーが上手い」にならないといけないのだw 慣れすぎても雑プレイで終わるねぇ
31:54 貴重なころねの舌打ちシーン
Very impressive. Maybe I should try to beat it one sitting too.
Aw Korone, you always put a smile on our faces. Definitely one of the Funniest streams ever 😂😂 See you next Time Koronsan ♥🐾 Nice English at the end too :)
Your patience has made me start subscribing to the channel now
相変わらずの不屈の精神。 凄い女の子ですね。 尊敬しちゃうわ^^
Crazy dog! nice!
I don't even think ever heard of this game until just now.
Are you OK? Don't Sleepは草
ころさんがプレイするとスペランカーがネタゲーに見えてくるw それにしても初見でクリア出来るのは本当に凄い
5:14:23~5:14:43~~ 可愛い
I think we played pretty well for a little bit
Not great though, it was kind of embarrassing to be on the spot like that
Alternate title: Korone tries to get all the treasure and start another adventure for 8 1/2 hours
Therapist: Korone Watson doesn't exist, she can't hurt you.
Korone Watson:
Feels bad. Had to travel but missed it by two minutes. Whyyyy!!!!
Inugami _Marathon_ Korone.
Hey, I have this game! And it's pretty bad. Blessed doggo
My Childhood game!! haha Im looking for this title!!
it took 8 hours to finish first stage, and I don't understand why it was launched on GB which it's battery can't even sustain for few hours
It's already too cute in a few minutes.数日かけて観まーす。
This game is one of the hardest game I played ib my childhood. Played it too many times but never got as far as our Doggo...
Please tell me Korone made that little minors hat herself, it'll melt my heart.
Thank you korosan!
Hope you had a good stream korone, sorry I missed it. Overseas time difference
31:47 → 8:26:07 人は…進化するものなんだなぁ!
Personas promedio: Espero que el video llegue a los 10 minutos.
Best Korone: 10 hours horayoooo!!
2:54 Good flag