  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 107

  • @Waleska-Herrera
    @Waleska-Herrera  4 года назад +21

    Sup people! Go check out our Twitter page! Send us your request there! 😎✌🏽♥️

    • @saskiaramadani4481
      @saskiaramadani4481 4 года назад +1

      Itzy plagiarisme blackpink

    • @desiherlinda9827
      @desiherlinda9827 4 года назад

      When reaction super Junior mr Simpleвидео.html

    • @ladygrey7322
      @ladygrey7322 4 года назад

      Pls react to 'Im deferent' by Hi Shyun ft Bobby of Ikon... Plssss🙏🙏🙏

    • @jay-me5kd
      @jay-me5kd 4 года назад

      Please react GOT7 #PresentYou Solo Song MV
      They have a solo song, every member. And then watch their MV Lullaby, see what you gonna got after that

    • @marcoma2879
      @marcoma2879 4 года назад

      Momoland is not JYP Ent.

  • @JumpingMuffinGirl
    @JumpingMuffinGirl 4 года назад +288

    JYP Ent. actually IS one of the biggest labels lol They are literally one of the so-called 'BIG 3'

    • @tayyipboy58
      @tayyipboy58 4 года назад +2

      They are number 1 atm.

    • @gfriendforever495
      @gfriendforever495 4 года назад

      Hahaha what about YG BIGHIT and SM😕?

    • @Muze_3568
      @Muze_3568 4 года назад +15

      @@gfriendforever495 BIGHIT has only BTS carry the company

    • @ranvbb
      @ranvbb 4 года назад +16

      Gfriend Forever i saw an article that ranked them and it was
      1. SM
      2. Bighit
      3. JYP
      4. YG
      But SM, YG and JYP is still big 3

    • @ambernyx3433
      @ambernyx3433 4 года назад +19

      @@ranvbb Just because the company earns lots of money that doesn't make them part of the big 3. The reason why it's called the big three is because JYP, SM, and YG had a history of creating outstanding groups who paved the way. The only reason why people don't consider BIGHIT a part of the big three is because they only have BTS, while the others in the big three has had so many big groups

  • @user-oz1bm4js5t
    @user-oz1bm4js5t 4 года назад +65

    “She’s hot” you’re gonna catch a case 😭

  • @jlopez7339
    @jlopez7339 4 года назад +208

    Ryujin is A GOT7 FAN. JYP staff scouted her during one of got7 fan meeting

    • @kenasiafrieson
      @kenasiafrieson 4 года назад +12

      Really i didnt know that

    • @rami9622
      @rami9622 4 года назад +24

      thats so fucking cool wtf i didnt know that lmfao ryujin queen

    • @qwwerekxksix
      @qwwerekxksix 4 года назад +1

      Yo really?

    • @taibatahir9704
      @taibatahir9704 4 года назад +3

      Wow I didn't know that my one fav is fan of another fav 😂 no doubt she is so good at dancing

  • @kaydenguyen7290
    @kaydenguyen7290 4 года назад +112

    jyp is part of the "big 3" which includes SM ent (exo, red velvet, super junior etc) and YG ent (Blackpink, winner, ikon, big bang etc). the "Big 3" are the biggest entertainment companies.

    • @kayde3071
      @kayde3071 4 года назад

      Omg we have the same name but It’s being rumoured that BigHit has took YGs’ place in the Big 3 after last years scandals

    • @kaydenguyen7290
      @kaydenguyen7290 4 года назад +4

      @@kayde3071 This is my personal opinion but i wont consider bighit as part of the big 3 untill they debut female artists. But i hear its coming soon

    • @kayde3071
      @kayde3071 4 года назад +2

      Kayde Nguyen yeah they are debuting a girl group next year and they technically have GFriend but they’re under Source Music

    • @sanfotg
      @sanfotg 4 года назад +3

      @@kaydenguyen7290 well that obviously isnt how the "biggest" are calculated. although they will be debuting a girl group soon with a joint company. theyve already surpassed the big three in terms of net profit by a massive gap.

    • @kaydenguyen7290
      @kaydenguyen7290 4 года назад +1

      seokiejay they well and surely pass every entertainment company but I’m just waiting for them to debut their first gg after glam (my personal feeling as in my gut feeling, even if they are part of the big 3 it won’t sit right with me until they debut female artists)

  • @alma4194
    @alma4194 3 года назад +30

    This is gonna go trending (ryujin shoulder dance)
    Actually the whole world is dancing this😂😍

  • @jackie.540
    @jackie.540 4 года назад +55

    The girl with the short blue hair is Ryujin my bias 💙

  • @jiniret0000
    @jiniret0000 4 года назад +143

    Their the baby sisters of twice like their eldest is 18 or 19 😁

    • @coyficarra8412
      @coyficarra8412 4 года назад +4

      Positive Soul_2019 and their youngest is 15

    • @echodvc4543
      @echodvc4543 4 года назад +14

      @@coyficarra8412 Oldest Yeji, yes 19. Youngest Yuna, actually 16.

    • @coyficarra8412
      @coyficarra8412 4 года назад +3

      EchoDVC omg this is so embarrassing idek and I consider myself a midzy ty 😓

    • @echodvc4543
      @echodvc4543 4 года назад +3

      @@coyficarra8412 you're all good, no sweat

    • @angelinojadeisaia3293
      @angelinojadeisaia3293 4 года назад +6

      Coy Ficarra it’s alright she debuted at 15 you probably just forgot she had a birthday lol

  • @sanaaa234
    @sanaaa234 4 года назад +41

    ryujin with blue hair. gaaaaaash

  • @naveenchowdary7579
    @naveenchowdary7579 4 года назад +8

    JYP YG and SM are the Big 3 Labels of Kpop which is not just size but what shaped the present day kpop....especially SM(EXO,Girls Generation) and YG (Bigbang,PSY,2NE1)

  • @kaitlynhampton5580
    @kaitlynhampton5580 4 года назад +86

    The members are:
    Yeji- Leader, Main Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Rapper, 19 (oldest?)
    Lia- Main Vocalist, Rapper, 19
    Ryujin- Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Center, 18
    Chaeryoung- Main Dancer, Vocalist, Rapper, 18
    Yuna- Lead Rapper, Lead Dancer, Vocalist, Visual, Maknae(youngest), 16!
    (7:01 I'm not trying to be rude or anything but you called Yuna hot and she's still a minor- but tbh you probably didn't know lol sorry!!)
    But there's the members for you! Lia speaks English btw and all of them have English names 💜💜💜

    • @chuugummy975
      @chuugummy975 4 года назад +10

      They usually don't know anything about the group's members when they first react, so Efra probably didn't know akfbkabdka

    • @samanthabowen3644
      @samanthabowen3644 4 года назад +2

      Yes Yeji is the oldest

    • @marianh.a3030
      @marianh.a3030 4 года назад


  • @eyamaddouri
    @eyamaddouri 4 года назад +12

    "she's hot" SHE'S 17 FJGJGKG HAHAHHAHA

  • @joo222e5
    @joo222e5 4 года назад +12

    Jyp’s most famous group is WONDER GIRLS! NEVER FORGET

    • @alma4194
      @alma4194 3 года назад

      He also missed MissA

    • @whyareyousubscribedlmao52
      @whyareyousubscribedlmao52 2 года назад +1

      Isn’t there most famous group Twice

    • @joo222e5
      @joo222e5 2 года назад

      @@whyareyousubscribedlmao52 *their

    • @joo222e5
      @joo222e5 2 года назад

      @@whyareyousubscribedlmao52 *wonder girls

  • @bttwcetzy
    @bttwcetzy 4 года назад +7

    girl w blue and short hair is ryujin my fave💘💘😍

  • @GagaTurquoiseCurls
    @GagaTurquoiseCurls 4 года назад +30

    OMG Detroit Become Human is one of my fave games, the quality of the graphics and story was a madness!!🙌🏼 can’t believe you guys referenced that😂👌🏼

    • @Waleska-Herrera
      @Waleska-Herrera  4 года назад +5

      HAHAHA! we loved it! itis a great game indeed! 😂✌

  • @MBella123
    @MBella123 4 года назад +2

    They are super cute and also super young

  • @geovanagama1
    @geovanagama1 4 года назад +20

    JYPent is divided in 4 division(i believe is 4?) and each division is responsible of a group, Got7 is under division 2 but they don't do a good job with Got7 activities (the promotions of the Group in Korea is not good and other stuffs), and who really do their jobs is Ahgases(got7 fans).
    ITZY is in the same division as Got7, i don't know if they do the same with ITZY and i don't know what division the other group are abd how they are treated.
    Pls correct me if I'm wrong.

  • @mwohaeyo
    @mwohaeyo 4 года назад +7

    She’s also 16 🤧

  • @shyningful
    @shyningful 4 года назад +6

    @3:10 When Yezi showed up with her jacket similar to yours ;D hehe couple look :D

  • @LovesickMoaGirl
    @LovesickMoaGirl 4 года назад +2

    YUNA!! my beautiful bias!! She is the girl with Yellow dress😍😍💗

  • @dean4712
    @dean4712 4 года назад +2

    SM, YG and JYP are biggest entertainment company in Korea

  • @maryamaegal8214
    @maryamaegal8214 4 года назад +10

    I wanna see u guys react to the kpop group called seventeen
    Song recommendations:
    Seventeen's getting closer
    Seventeen's HIT
    Seventeen's Fear
    I lovee your reactions!!!!

  • @grandierdelacour194
    @grandierdelacour194 4 года назад +5

    I strongly recommend you guys to try react to day6, you won't regret it 😊😊

  • @pemia5182
    @pemia5182 4 года назад +7

    Yeeah it’s true JYP forgot about got7 all the time and aghases are only here for them because we promoted them ! And yeah ryujin is so cool and she is spotted at got7 fan meeting by JYP staff she’s a fans 💚💪🏽btw I love itzy and your channel

  • @inactivated3793
    @inactivated3793 4 года назад +5

    Please check out itzy’s dance practices for dalla dalla or icy they really are amazing dancers rookie of the year 2019 for a reason

  • @pemia5182
    @pemia5182 4 года назад +10

    And these girls talk on all their song about not being like other kids like in Korea image is really importante and in all their song they say to be yourself don’t change for people and be yourself be different 💪🏽

  • @carolinarosas6546
    @carolinarosas6546 4 года назад

    Fun fact: Ryujin (short blue hair) Before ITZY she went to got7s fansign and actually got scouted by a jype staff there. So amazing!!

  • @ohhi2492
    @ohhi2492 4 года назад +1

    please react to more of itzy haha :) you wont be disappointed

  • @lilula-y6z
    @lilula-y6z 4 года назад

    Itzy es un grupo genial que va comenzando y son diferentes creo que les irá cada vez mejor.

  • @meriemhamich7559
    @meriemhamich7559 4 года назад +1

    She's the best. . I like her she's cool yeaaaah her name is ryujin i like her too

  • @siyeonswife
    @siyeonswife 4 года назад

    ryujin is the girl with the blue hair, i love her

  • @haniyaumer5830
    @haniyaumer5830 4 года назад +2

    You guys should check out Triple H- 365 FRESH. Its a really bruno mars sounding song and has two members of pentagon and Hyuna!!

  • @Doyoungismyfave
    @Doyoungismyfave 4 года назад +11

    Please react to Victon - Howling ❤️ it came out yesterday

  • @ummsalmin5541
    @ummsalmin5541 4 года назад +2

    Plzz react to golden child wannabe you will love it

  • @내병원비
    @내병원비 4 года назад +1


  • @RoseAllDayyy
    @RoseAllDayyy 4 года назад +5

    Can you please react to Dreamcatcher’s Scream MV? It is absolutely EPIC and unique Kpop 🙏🏻

  • @kamranj6665
    @kamranj6665 4 года назад +4

    React to Itzy Dalla Dalla and Itzy Icy

  • @silverclosetfilm7627
    @silverclosetfilm7627 4 года назад +10

    Yeahahah react to ITZY DALLA DALLA

  • @nisaqistina8650
    @nisaqistina8650 4 года назад +2

    You need to react twice (momo,mina,chaeyoung,dahyun) cover MOVE

  • @SC-hi6tp
    @SC-hi6tp 4 года назад

    7:02 he said "shes hot" to a 16 year old LOOOL

  • @RTNguyen21
    @RTNguyen21 4 года назад

    you should check out there other music video and please do a reaction to Twice BDZ music video

  • @echodvc4543
    @echodvc4543 4 года назад +1

    Please react to the Unhelpful guide to Itzy!

  • @บุสรอห์วาแม
    @บุสรอห์วาแม 3 года назад

    Please react the kingdom Ikon X Lisa action full ver.

  • @tenerife_sea
    @tenerife_sea 4 года назад +1

    is the camera out of focus(?)

  • @hezkis2502
    @hezkis2502 4 года назад +1

    React to g idlexitzy mbc live its soo fireeee pleasee noww

  • @algetaveliqi3281
    @algetaveliqi3281 4 года назад

    Please react to (un) helpful guide to itzy
    And itzy 24hrs live plss🙏❤️

  • @kakamhamtran1408
    @kakamhamtran1408 4 года назад

    Wait JYP doesnt have MOMOLAND !!!!

  • @jon-el
    @jon-el 4 года назад +1

    you guys looks so blurry xD

  • @selenapantaleon7197
    @selenapantaleon7197 4 года назад +1

    Plz react to victon howling

  • @noorfatima-sv1yq
    @noorfatima-sv1yq 4 года назад +3

    Idk maybe don't call them hot cuz they're like barely 18 and Yuna is like...16?

  • @Danmetalcore
    @Danmetalcore 4 года назад

    Pls react to JYP FEVER

  • @kemuelpernia4312
    @kemuelpernia4312 4 года назад +1

    Momoland is not under JYP.

  • @amikyut727
    @amikyut727 4 года назад

    Wait momoland isn't part of my entertainment I think you're talking about twice's member Momo

  • @nandinithakur9706
    @nandinithakur9706 4 года назад +2


  • @afnii3860
    @afnii3860 2 года назад

    Please react to SECRET NUMBER-TAP MV

  • @Ms0304.
    @Ms0304. 4 года назад +1

    Latinos and speak english,,,

  • @radiomukbang9446
    @radiomukbang9446 4 года назад

    wow Chinese people are super talented!

    • @occidereparabellum68
      @occidereparabellum68 4 года назад +8

      They're Korean.....

    • @radiomukbang9446
      @radiomukbang9446 4 года назад

      @@occidereparabellum68 really? Asians look similar to me. and Chinese also produce good music too.

    • @occidereparabellum68
      @occidereparabellum68 4 года назад +5

      @@radiomukbang9446 the only similar Asians are Korean Japanese and Chinese but most of Asians are culturally diverse, like Iranians have more darker skin tone while Indians can be easily identified by their eyes, etc etc

    @FVTCHANNEL98 4 года назад

    Their new music reminds me of 2nd gen kpop music and i really dont like it. I like the girls tho. The song isn’t doing them justice.