WICP005 | Prayer and Detachment | Fr Rudolf V. Dsouza OCD | Carmel Radiance

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
  • #whenicannotpray #frrudolf #carmelradience #prayer #popefrancis #cannotpray #prayermeaning #reflection #series #popular
    in this episode, I would like to concentrate on prayer and attachment. Detachment is a very important factor to anything in our life when we are detached we feel free and then through this freedom we are able to achieve a lot. When we speak of detachment we always think about something very bitter you know, or it is difficult to detach ourselves from so many addictions we have, but if we do not detach ourselves, it will be impossible for us to achieve for example, if you want to make your day a successful one you need to get up early in the morning you cannot be lazy and then get up early in the morning. You do some exercise concentrate focus, and do the things quickly so that you reach on time to the place of your work. You know that’s kind of detachment that you have already practised in order that you may begin the day well Paul in his letter clearly mentions about detachment when he says first chapter 9, verse 27 onwards he says that when we are disciplined on the field, the runners they run for achieving, obtaining a goal or a kind of price, but they discipline themselves and he gives his own example that I punch not in the air aimlessly, but I punch precisely when I box in I allow my body to be punched during my practice so that when I really come for the challenging moment, I am ready to receive punches and give punches so that it will be a real contest in the same way when we are attached to things we becomes slaves of those things and we are not able to do whatever we would like to do as John of the cross says if your bird is tied with the rope, big rope or bird is tied with the very tiny thread, the bird cannot fly. The bird cannot fly because of the attachment. It has to the rope in the same way if we are attached to the things of this world and especially in ordinate things of this world as Saint John of the Cross mentions Elaborately in his first book of the asset of Mount Carmel we will not be able to achieve anything and therefore detachment is a major factor to achieve our goal in prayer to spend the time in total silence and intimacy with God when we are attached, our minds will be distracted because our distractions are connected with our attachments and how to find out where we are attached, it is through personal examination of conscience and finding out how I spend my time where I spend my time how I am really attached to certain things and people andperhaps even in this world attachment to mass media and then I really become a slave to do these things and I am not able to pray and do other things in a Responsible Way,. God bless you.

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